Читать книгу Eat Like You Teach - Irene Pace RD - Страница 17

Expect it to be difficult, uncomfortable, and to downright suck at times


Bring to mind something you’ve done that was difficult that you knew would be difficult. Perhaps you ran a race or signed up for a super intense workout at the gym. Or you started a new job or project that you knew would test your limits. Or you delivered a baby (that’s an easy pick if you have that one on your resume). Are you with me here?

Now think about something you‘ve done that was difficult, and you thought it wouldn’t be. Maybe you even thought it would be easy, and it ended up totally not being easy. How did you show up differently for the first difficult thing compared to the second? Both are difficult, but the expectations around each were different. How do you show up differently when you expect something to suck? When you sign on for it knowing it will suck?

I can hear you saying, “Okay, Irene, but some difficulties are more difficult than other difficulties.” And I get that; you’re right. Right now, where you are and the struggles you’re having are difficult, no question. Yet, suppose for a minute you believed you are exactly where you are meant to be. What if life is supposed to go like this? Exactly like this. If you changed the thought in your head about this hard thing from “This sucks, and it shouldn’t” to “This sucks, and it should,” how would you show up differently?

You know this, but I’m going to say it anyhow. Change requires discomfort. You cannot grow from a place of comfort. If you want change – which I know you do because you’re here – you can fight the discomfort, or you can expect that it is part of the process, lean in, and get it over with. You get to narrow that gap between how it is and how you think it should be by shifting your expectations. If you want to.

Eat Like You Teach

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