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Soft tissue lesions that cause signs of neuromuscular disease and are accessible to ultrasound beams can be imaged and have included space‐occupying brain lesions,196,197 hydrocephalus,198 aortic–iliac–femoral thrombosis193,199–202 and musculotendinous lesions203,204 and muscle atrophy.205 This imaging modality can also be used to confirm the site of vertebral arthritis and discospondylitis177,187 and the presence of clinical or subclinical otitis media in calves.206 Recently, ultrasonographic examinations performed per rectum have been used to find abnormalities of lumbosacral and L5–6 intervertebral discs and foramina and associated lumbosacral nerves of horses.207,208 The technique also had favor in confirming the presence of enlarged vertebral articular processes seen radiographically and in guiding the administration of intra‐ and periarticular injections of medicaments at these sites,209–214 whether they are indicated or not.

Large Animal Neurology

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