Читать книгу Large Animal Neurology - Joe Mayhew - Страница 73



  Gross changes

  Histologic reactions

  Mechanisms of disease


This chapter reviews the gross and cellular reactions of nervous tissue in disease states and covers the general clinicopathologic characteristics of the mechanisms of neurologic disease. The aim is not to review veterinary neuropathology, but to provide a basic understanding of clinically important, neuropathologic principles. The reader is referred to pathology references for a more detailed coverage of most of these aspects of neuropathology.1–6

General reactions seen in tissues in response to pathologic insults and the associated terminology should be understood. We must be able to communicate with each other about neurologic diseases and understand the pathogenesis of these diseases. Importantly, such an understanding allows us to sensibly investigate a neurologic disorder of unknown cause and to understand, evaluate, and clinically interpret pathology reports on animals dying of neurologic diseases. This becomes economically significant when dealing with an outbreak of a neurologic disorder.

Large Animal Neurology

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