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These fixed histiocytes or tissue macrophages of the CNS respond quickly to any insult that results in necrosis and tissue debris, which they phagocytose. They thus can hypertrophy into macrophages. During proliferation, these histiocytes may form nodules or stars at sites of damage to CNS parenchyma and may also accumulate in perivascular cuffs along with monocytic and polymorphonucleated inflammatory cells. They are involved with removal of dead neurons in the process of neuronophagia. Focal or diffuse microgliosis often remains for years as the last recognizable change following lesions in the CNS.

With prominent damage to CNS parenchyma, often phagocytic mononuclear cells filled with myelin lipid debris accumulate. These are gitter cells and for the most part are believed to arise from an influx of circulating monocytes, as opposed to proliferation of microglial cells.

Large Animal Neurology

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