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Job definition


Outline3 your job definition. Make rough notes first, using the example of Stephen Simpson’s job definition below. Explain: What you are responsible for, how your performance is measured and where you have the authority to change things.

JOB TITLE: Sales Manager
COMPANY/BRANCH/DEPT: Selwood/Automotive Industry/ Sales & Services, Key Accounts
RESPONSIBLE TO: General Manager Selwood Ltd.
MAIN PURPOSE: To supervise and control the activities of the department, in order to achieve sales and profit targets
Staff Ability of staff to do job.
Train staff for the department. Organise and supervise the activities of the department staff Cost of staff. Staff turnover.
Key Account Management No deviation from target figures
Ensure that output of production meets the key account’s requirements.
Aftersales Services Keep shops stocked with a full range of goods. Ensure that packages are clearly marked with the correct mass and price. Meet aftersales targets. Maintain adequate stock levels without waste. Lines out of stock. Customer complaints. Pricing and packaging errors. Wastage %. Aftersales volume. Gross profit4 %
Regulations Ensure observation of all regulations relating to the sale of goods and safety of equipment Reported breaches5 of regulations
Authority To vary the mix of products produced.

1Filiale; Tochtergesellschaft

2lohnunabhängige Einkom- mensteile; Aufwandsentschä- digungen; Gewinnbeteiligungen; Pensionsleistungen; Lohnnebenleistungen; Sozialleistungen

3umreißen; in groben Zügen darstellen;

4Rohgewinn; Bruttogewinn

5Bruch; Verstoß (gegen Vorschriften);

Modern Business English for Industrial Engineers

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