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2.1.3 Greetings and introductions (E)


At the beginning of every acquaintance, we introduce ourselves. When do we use formal or less formal languages?

Less formal greetings:

Example: Peter Schmidt meets his business friend Mr Gordon in the morning.

Peter: Good morning, Dr Gordon.
Ron: Good morning Mr Schmidt. How are you?
Peter: Very well, thank you! And you?
Ron: I’m fine, thanks.

Figure 2.1.3a: Betty Miller

Example for business meetings:

•Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to today's meeting

•Welcome and thank you for coming today.

•Ladies and gentlemen, I 'm happy to welcome you to our annual business meeting.

Ron introduces his new secretary, Betty Miller, to his boss, Mr Hank Janson:

•Mr Janson, may I introduce my new secretary, Betty Miller?

After Betty Miller has been with him one week, he introduces her to the sales manager, Stephen:

•Stephen, have you met Betty Miller, my secretary?

Ron introduces his wife, Henriette, to Mr Hank Janson, his boss:

•Mr Janson, may I introduce my wife, Henriette?

He introduces his children, Steve and Marc, to his colleague Stephen:

•Stephen, this is Steve and this is Marc.

This afternoon, Ron holds a business meeting. He introduces Mr Schmidt from Germany, to his boss Mr Janson:

•Mr Janson, have you met Peter Schmidt?


Very formally (on the first meeting only; used by senior management):

–How do you do?

Less formally:

–(Hello) Pleased to meet you!

–(Hello) Nice to meet you!

–(Hello) Nice to see you!

Figure 2.1.3b: Dr. Ron Gordon and his wife Henriette

Modern Business English for Industrial Engineers

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