Читать книгу Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary - Katherine Davidsen - Страница 11



fajar N dawn, daybreak

faks N fax, facsimile; difaks V to be faxed

fakultas N faculty

fals ADJ off-key, false (of music)

falsafah → filsafat

famili ADJ related, distant family

fanatik N fan; fanatic

fasih ADJ fluent, eloquent; ~ berbahasa Indonesia to speak Indonesian fluently

fatal ADJ very bad; fatal

fatwa N fatwa, religious ruling

favorit ADJ favorite; sekolah ~ top school

Fébruari bulan ~ February

fénoména N phenomenon

féodal, féodalis ADJ feudal, feudalistic; féodalisme N feudalism

féri N ferry

fésbuk N Facebook

fiksi N fiction

Filipina N the Philippines

film N film

filsafat, falsafah N philo­sophy

Finlandia N Finland

firasat N presentiment, foreboding, bad feeling

fisik ADJ physical

fisika N physics

fisiotérapi N physiotherapy

fitnah N slander, libel

flék N blemish, spot (on face)

flu N flu, influenza

fokus N focus; berfokus ADJ focused; memfokuskan V to focus something

formulir N (blank) form

foto N photo, photograph; berfoto V to take, pose for a photo; fotokopi N photocopy; difoto­kopi to be photo­copied

frustrasi ADJ frustrated

fungsi N function; berfungsi V to work, go; to act as

fuyung hai, puyung hai N sweet-and-sour omelet

Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary

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