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KA ABBREV kereta api train

kabar N news; ~ baik good news; I’m well

kabupatén N regency

kabur ADJ blurry, hazy

kabur V to disappear, vanish

kabut N fog, mist

kaca N glass; ~ mata glasses, spectacles; ~ mata hitam sunglasses, dark glasses

kacang N bean, legume; ~ kedelai soybean, soya bean; ~ tanah peanut

kacau ADJ disordered, con­fused, chaotic

kadal N lizard

kadaluwarsa, kedaluwarsa ADJ expired; tanggal ~ expiry date, use-by date (food) → daluwarsa

kadang, kadang-kadang, terkadang ADV sometimes, occasionally

kadar N level, degree; sekadar ADJ just; ~nya as necessary

kafé N café, bar, pub, nightspot

kagét N startled, surprised; mengagétkan V to surprise, startle

kagum ADJ admiring; mengagumi V to admire

-kah (suffix to make a question) bisa~? Can you?

kail N fishing rod

kailan N Chinese broccoli, kailan

kain N cloth; ~ kebaya national dress for women

kaisar N, PRON emperor

kait hook; kaitan N relation­ship, link; mengaitkan V to link, connect, join → gaét, gait

kaji: kajian N studies

kaji: me­ngaji, ngaji V to recite or read the Koran; pengaji­an N Koranic recitation

kak PRON term for older sibling or slightly older person; kakak N, PRON elder brother or sister; ~ laki-laki elder brother

kakas: perkakas N tool, implement

kakatua N burung ~ cockatoo

kakék N, PRON grandfather; old man

kaki N foot, leg

kaku ADJ stiff, frozen

kala N time; CONJ when

kalah lose, be defeated; mengalahkan V to conquer, defeat

kalajengking N scorpion

kalang: kalangan N circle, group

kalau CONJ if; kalau-kalau CONJ in case; kalaupun CONJ even if

Kalbar N West Kalimantan → Kalimantan Barat

kaldu N broth

kalem ADJ calm, steady

kaléndar, kalénder N calendar

kaléng N tin, can

kali time, times; satu ~, se~ once; dua ~ twice; berkali-kali ADV repeatedly, again and again; sekali ADV once; very; besar ~ very large; sekali-sekali, sesekali ADV every now and then, occasionally; sekali-kali jangan ~ never (do this); sekalian ADV all together, all at once; ADV, COLL at the same time; sekaligus ADV all at once; sekalipun CONJ even though

kali N creek, stream, river

kali COLL maybe, perhaps → barangkali

kalian PRON, PL you; anda se~ all of you

Kalimantan N Kalimantan, Borneo; ~ Timur (Kaltim) East Kalimantan

kalimat N sentence

kalkun N turkey

Kalsél N South Kalimantan → Kalimantan Selatan

Kalteng N Central Kalimantan → Kalimantan Tengah

Kaltim N East Kalimantan → Kali­mantan Timur

kalung N necklace

kamar N room; SL bedroom; ~ kecil toilet, lavatory; ~ mandi bathroom; ~ pas fitting room

kambing N goat, sheep

kamboja bunga ~ frangipani

Kamboja N Cambodia

kami PRON, EXCL we, us, our; (very polite) I

Kamis hari ~ Thursday

kampanye N campaign

kampung, kampong N vil­lage, hometown; ~ pulang to go home to the village; kampungan ADJ uneducated, backward, provincial

kampus N university, campus

kamu PRON S you (to children and familiars)

kamus N dictionary; ~ saku pocket dictionary

kan, ’kan you know; isn’t it? → bukan

Kanada N Canada

kanan ADJ right; ke ~ to the right; tangan ~ right hand

kancil N mousedeer

kancing N button, stud

kandang N stable, pen

kandung N uterus; bladder; kandung­an N fetus, unborn child; contents; me­ngandung V to contain, carry; to be pregnant

kangen ADJ long for, miss

kangguru, kanguru N kangaroo

kangkung N water spinach

kanker N cancer; ~ payudara breast cancer

kano N canoe

kantin N canteen

kantong, kantung N pocket, pouch

kantor N office; ~ pos post office; ~ pusat head office; pergi ke ~ go to work; per­kantoran N office block

kantuk: mengantuk, ngan­tuk ADJ sleepy

kantung → kantong

kaos → kaus

kapak N ax

kapal N ship, vessel; ~ terbang aeroplane, airplane; awak ~ crew; per­kapalan N shipping

kapan INTERROG when; ~ saja whenever, any time; kapan-kapan ADV one day, some time in the future

kapas N cotton, cotton wool

kapasitas N capacity; berka­pasitas V with a capacity of

kapsul N capsule

kapuk, kapok N kapok

kapur N lime(stone), chalk

karamél N caramel pudding

karang N coral reef; batu ~ coral reef

karang: karangan N essay; mengarang V to write, compose; penga­rang N author, writer, composer

karantina N quarantine

karapan ~ sapi Madurese bull races

karat N rust; karatan, berkarat ADJ rusty

karat N carat

karburétor, karburator N carburettor

karcis N ticket (of small value); ~ bis bus ticket; ~ masuk entrance ticket; loket ~ ticket office

kardus N cardboard (box)

karé → kari

karédok N Sundanese fresh salad with peanut sauce

karena CONJ because, since

karét N rubber; rubber band; ~ ge­­lang rubber band; kebun ~ rubber plantation; permen ~ chewing gum

kari, karé N curry

karton N cardboard

kartu N card; ~ nama name card; ~ pos postcard; main ~ play cards

kartun N cartoon, anime; kartunis N cartoonist

karung N sack

karya N works; karyawan N (salaried) employee; karyawati N, F (salaried) employee

kasar ADJ rough, rude, vulgar; kekasaran N coarseness, roughness

kasét N cassette

kasih, kasi V, COLL give; ~ lihat show; ~ pinjam lend; ~ tahu inform, tell

kasih N affection, love; ~ sayang love; kasihan pity, feel sorry for; ~ dia poor thing!; kekasih N darling, sweet­heart, beloved

kasir, kassa N cashier

kasuari burung ~ cassowary

kasur N mattress

kasus N case

kata N word; ~nya, ~ orang people say; ~ sandi password; berkata V to say, speak; mengatakan V to say

katak N frog, toad

katédral N cathedral

Katolik Catholic

katrol N pulley

katulistiwa, khatulistiwa N the Equator

katun N cotton

katup N valve

kau PRON, S you (to equals or inferiors) → engkau

kaum N people, community

kaus, kaos N stocking, sock; garment; ~ kaki sock; stock­ing; ~ tangan glove, mitten

kawah N crater

kawal guard; pengawal N (body)guard, sentry

kawan N friend; berkawan V to have or be friends with

kawas: kawasan N area, region

kawat N wire; ~ berduri barbed wire; ~ listrik elec­trical wire

kawin V to marry, mate; kawi­nan N, COLL wedding ceremony or reception; perkawinan N marriage, wedding

kaya ADJ rich; ~ raya very rich; kekayaan N wealth, riches

kayak, kaya CONJ, COLL like, as; kayaknya it seems, apparently

kayu N wood; ~ jati teak; ~ manis cinnamon

kayuh: mengayuh V to pad­dle or pedal something; ~ sepeda to ride a bicycle

KB ABBREV Keluarga Berencana Family Planning

KBRI ABBREV Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia

ke PREP to, towards; ~ atas up, upwards; ~ dalam into; ~ luar out; ~ muka to the front; ~ samping to the side; ~ tengah to the middle

keadaan N situation, condi­tion → ada

keadilan N justice → adil

keamanan N safety, security → aman

keanggotaan N membership; kartu ~ membership card → anggota

kebakaran N fire; ~ hutan forest fire, bushfire; ada ~! fire! → bakar

kebaktian N (Protestant) service → bakti

kebangsaan ADJ national → bangsa

kebanyakan N, ADJ too much; most → banyak

kebaya N, F women’s blouse worn as national costume

kebenaran N truth → benar

keberangkatan N departure; pintu ~ departure gate → ang­kat, berangkat

keberanian N bravery, courage → berani

keberatan N objection; V to object → berat

kebersihan N cleanliness, hygiene → bersih

kebetulan ADV by chance, accidentally; N coincidence → betul

kebiasaan N habit, custom → biasa

kebijakan N policy → bijak

kebisingan N noise, buzz → bising

kebocoran N leak → bocor

kebudayaan N culture, civi­lization → budaya

kebugaran N health; pusat ~ gym, fitness center → bugar

kebuli nasi ~ lamb and rice dish of Middle Eastern origin

kebun, kebon N garden, plantation; ~ binatang zoo; ~ raya botanical garden; tukang ~ gardener; ber­kebun V to garden, do gardening; per­kebunan N plantation, estate; ~ teh tea plant­ation

keburu ADJ, ADV, COLL in time; too early → buru

kebut: mengebut V to speed

kebutuhan N need, necessity → butuh

kecam; mengecam V to cri­ticize; kecaman N criticism

kecamatan N sub-district → camat

kecantikan N beauty → cantik

kécap N soy sauce; ~ asin soy sauce; ~ manis sweet soy sauce

kecapékan ADJ tired out; N exhaustion → capék

kecelakaan N accident, disaster → celaka

kecenderungan N tendency, trend → cenderung

kecepatan N speed → cepat

kecerdasan N intelligence → cerdas

kecéwa ADJ disappointed; kekecéwaan N disappoint­ment; me­ngecéwakan V to disappoint; ADJ disappointing

kecil ADJ small, little; young; ~ hati disappointed, offended; orang ~ the little people, the poor; dari ~, sejak ~ since youth; kekecilan ADJ too small; mengecilkan V to make smaller, decrease

kecipratan ADJ be splashed, sprayed accidentally → ciprat

kecolongan ADJ to be robbed; to lose unjustly → colong

kecopétan ADJ to be pick­pocketed, robbed; N pick­pocketing → copét

kecuali CONJ except; ter­kecuali tidak ~, tanpa ~ without exception

kecubung batu ~ ruby

kecut ADJ sour, acidic

kecut ADJ shrivelled; pengecut N coward

kedai N stall, kiosk

kedaluwarsa, kadaluwarsa ADJ expired → dalu­warsa

kedamaian N peace → damai

kedap ADJ free from; ~ air waterproof; ~ suara sound­proof; ~ udara air-tight

kedatangan N arrival → datang

kedekatan N close relation­ship → dekat

kedelai, kedelé soy; susu kacang ~ soya milk, soymilk

kedengaran ADJ audible → dengar

kedinginan cold; feeling cold → dingin

kedip blink; wink; berkedip V to blink (two eyes) or wink (one eye); berkedip-kedip ADJ blinking; mengedipkan ~ mata to blink

kedondong buah ~ kind of fruit

kedua ADJ second; kedua(-dua)nya ADJ both → dua

kedudukan N position → duduk

kedutaan ~ (besar) embassy → duta

keempat ADJ fourth → empat

keénakan ADJ too enjoyable or good → énak

keenam ADJ sixth → enam

keésokan ~ harinya the next day → ésok, bésok

kegagalan N failure → gagal

kegelapan N darkness → gelap

kegemaran N hobby → gemar

kegembiraan N joy, happiness → gembira

kegiatan N activity → giat

keguguran miscarry, miscarriage → gugur

kehabisan V to run out of (water, food, stock) → habis

kehadiran N presence, attendance → hadir

kehamilan N pregnancy → hamil

kehangatan N warmth, friendliness → hangat

keharuman N fragrance

keharusan N obligation, ne­ces­sity, requirement → harus

kehausan to be thirsty; thirst → haus

kehendak N will, wish; mengehendaki V to wish, want → hendak

kehidupan N life, existence → hidup

kehilangan (feeling of) loss → hilang

kehormatan N respect → hormat

kehujanan ADJ caught in the rain → hujan

kehutanan N forestry → hutan

keindahan N beauty → indah

keinginan N desire, wish → ingin

kejadian N event, happening; creation → jadi

kejahatan N crime → jahat

kejam ADJ cruel, merciless

kejang N spasm, convulsion

kejap: sekejap N moment, flash, blink

kejar V to chase; kejar-kejaran V chase each other; meng­ejar V to chase

kejauhan ADJ too far → jauh

kejawén N Javanese tradi­tional mysticism

kéju N cheese

kejuaraan N championship → juara

kejujuran N honesty → jujur

kejut ADJ surprised, startled; mengejutkan ADJ surprising, startling; V to surprise or startle; terkejut ADJ surprised

kekacauan N chaos → kacau

kekasaran N coarseness, roughness → kasar

kekasih N sweetheart, beloved, darling → kasih

kekayaan N wealth, riches → kaya

kekebalan N immunity

kekecéwaan N dis­appoint­ment → kecéwa

kekecilan ADJ too small → kecil

kekeliruan N mistake, error → keliru

kekerasan N violence

kekeringan N dryness, aridity → kering

kekosongan N emptiness → kosong

kekuasaan N power; authority → kuasa

kekuatan N strength, power → kuat

kekuatiran N worry, fear → kuatir

kekurangan N short­coming (of a person), lack; flaw, mistake, defect → kurang

kelab, klab N club; ~ malam nightclub

kelabu ADJ gray, cloudy

kelahi: berkelahi V to quarrel, fight, fall out; perkelahian N fight, scuffle

kelahiran N birth; ADJ born → lahir

kelakuan N act, behavior → laku

kelalaian N forgetfulness, negligence → lalai

kelamaan ADJ too long (a time) → lama

kelambu N mosquito net

kelamin jenis ~ sex, gender

kelapa N coconut; ~ muda young coconut; ~ sawit oil-palm; air ~ coconut milk; coco­nut juice

kelaparan N hunger, famine, starvation → lapar

kelas N class; ~ kakap big-time

keledai N donkey

kelelawar, kelalawar N bat

kelemahan N weakness → lemah

kelembaban N humidity → lembab

keléngkéng buah ~ small lychee → léngkéng

kelenjar N gland

kelénténg, klénténg N Chinese temple, pagoda

keléréng N marble; main ~ to play marbles

kelihatan ADJ visible; ~nya apparently, it seems → lihat

keliling around; edge, peri­meter; ber­keliling V to go around; mengelilingi V to circle, go around

kelinci N rabbit; ~ percobaan guinea-pig

kelingking N little or baby finger

kelipatan N multiple → lipat

keliru ADJ wrong, mistaken; kekeliruan N mistake, error

kélok N bend, curve

kelola: mengelola V to manage, run; pengelolaan N management

kelom, klompen N clogs

kelompok N group

kelontong toko ~ shop selling cheap goods

kelopak ~ mata eyelid

keluar go out; be issued; PREP out, outside; mengeluarkan V to issue, send out, release, publish → ke luar

keluarga N family; ber­keluarga V to have a family, be married

keluh sigh; keluhan N complaint; mengeluh V to complain

kelupaan N something forgotten → lupa

kelupas, mengelupas V to peel, come off (of a skin)

kelurahan N administrative unit, village → lurah

kemacetan N (traffic) jam → macet

kémah N tent; berkémah V to camp, go camping; per­kémahan N camping, camp

kemajuan N progress, advance → maju

kemalaman ADV too late (at night); after dark → malam

kemaluan N genital, sex organ → malu

kemampuan N ability, capability → mampu

kemangi N Indonesian mint

kemarahan N anger → marah

kemarau musim ~ dry season

kemari here, in this direction

kemarin ADV yesterday; the other day; last; ~ dulu the day before yesterday

kemas: kemasan N pack­aging

kemasyarakatan ADJ social

kematian N death, passing → mati

kemauan N want, will, desire → mau

kembali back, return; again; (terima kasih) ~ you’re welcome; kembalian N small change; kembalinya N the return; mengembali­kan V to give or send back, return

kembang N flower; berkem­bang V to develop, expand; negara ~ developing country; mengem­bang­­­kan V to develop something; perkem­bangan N development

kembar N twin

kembung, gembung ADJ filled with air, inflated; bloated

keméja N Western-style shirt (with collar)

kemenangan N victory → menang

kementerian N ministry, de­partment, office → menteri

kemerdékaan N freedom, independence, liberty → merdéka

keméwahan N luxury → méwah

kemih saluran ~ urinary tract

kemis, emis: mengemis V to beg; pengemis N beggar

kemiskinan N poverty → miskin

kemocéng, kemucing N feather duster

kempés, kempis ADJ deflated, flat; hollow; ban ~ flat tire

kemudahan N ease, facility → mudah

kemudi N rudder, steering wheel; mengemudi­kan V to drive, steer; pengemudi N driver

kemudian CONJ then

kemuka: terkemuka ADJ prominent → ke muka

kemungkinan N possibility → mungkin

kemut, emut, mengemut V to suck on, chew

kena touch; kenapa COLL why, how come; what did you say?; mengenai CONJ about, concerning

kenaikan N rise, raise

kenal V to know, be acquaint­ed with; kenalan N acquaint­ance; mengenal V to know, be acquainted with, to rec­ognize; memperkenalkan V to introduce; perkenalan N introduction; ter­kenal ADJ well-known

kenang recall; kenangan N memories; kenang-kenang­an N souvenir, keepsake; men­genang V to commemorate, remember

kenapa INTERROG, COLL why, how come; what did you say? → kena apa

kenari burung ~ canary

kencan N date; berkencan V to go on a date

kencang tight, taut; mengencangkan V to tighten

kencing urine; urinate; ~ manis diabetes

kencur beras ~ traditional Javanese drink

kendali N reins; me­ngen­dali­kan V to control; terkendali ADJ controlled

kendang N small drum → ge­ndang

kendara: kendaraan N vehicle

kendi N earthen water flask

kendor, kendur ADJ slack, loose

kenduri N feast, celebration

kenék, kernét N bus assistant acting as conductor

kening N forehead, brow

kental ADJ thick, sticky, con­gealed

kentang N potato; COLL french fries; ~ goreng hot potato chips, french fries

kentut fart, break wind

kenyamanan N comfort → nyaman

kenyang ADJ full, not hungry

kenyataan N fact → nyata

kéong N snail

kepada PREP to (someone)

kepal fist; kepalan N fist

kepala N head, chief

kepanjangan ADJ too long → panjang

kepariwisataan N tourism industry

kepastian N certainty → pasti

kepedasan ADJ too hot or spicy → pedas

kepéndékan N abbreviation → péndék

kepéngén, kepingin V, COLL really want to → péngén

kepentingan N importance, interest → penting

kepercayaan N belief, faith → percaya

kepergian N departure → pergi

keperluan N needs, require­ments → perlu

keping N piece (counter for flat objects); splinter

kepiting N crab

kepompong N cocoon

keponakan, kemenakan N niece or nephew; cousin

Kepri (Kepulauan Riau) Riau Archipelago, a province in Sumatra

kepribadian N personality → pribadi

kepulauan N archipelago, chain

kepunyaan N possession, belonging → punya

keputihan N thrush, vaginal itching (white discharge) → putih

keputusan N decision, decree → putus

kera N ape

keracunan ADJ poisoned → racun

keraguan, keragu-raguan N doubt, uncertainty → ragu

kerah N collar

kerajaan N kingdom → raja

kerajinan N crafts → rajin

keram cramp

keramahan N friendliness → ramah

keramaian N noise, din; lively atmosphere → ramai

keramas to wash your hair

keramik ceramic, earthenware

keran N tap, faucet

kerang N shell; mollusc

kerangka N skeleton, frame­work

keranjang N basket

keras ADJ hard, strong; severe, strict, violent; loud; bersi­keras V to maintain, stick to, be obstinate; keke­­ra­san N violence; mengeras­kan V to make something harder, louder; pengeras ~ suara loudspeaker

kerasan COLL settled, comfort­able, feel at home → rasa

keraton, kraton N Javanese palace

kerbau, kebo N buffalo

kerén ADJ, COLL great, cool; trendy

keréta N train; carriage; ~ api train

kericuhan N chaos → ricuh

kerikil N gravel, pebble

kerinduan N longing, craving → rindu

kering ADJ dry; kekering­an N dryness, aridity; menge­ringkan V to dry something

keringat N sweat, perspi­ration; ke­ringatan ADJ sweaty, sweating; ber­keringat V to sweat

keripik, kripik N small chip or crisp

keris, kris N traditional dagger, creese

keriting curl, curly

kerja work; job, occupation; ~ sama co-operation; kerjaan N work, job, things to do; bekerja V to work; ~ sama to co-operate, work together; mengerja­kan V to do, carry out; pekerja N worker, laborer; pekerja­an N work, profession

kernét, kenék N assistant on a bus or truck

kerok traditional treatment for minor illnesses by rub­bing the back with a coin; kerokan V to be massaged in this way

keroncong, kroncong N traditional songs and music of Portuguese origin

kerongkongan N throat

keropos ADJ eroded, eaten away; tulang ~ osteoporosis

keroyok, mengeroyok V to beat savagely in a mob

kertas N paper

kerucut, cerucut N cone

kerudung, kudungan N, ISL veil

kerugian N loss; damage → rugi

keruk dredge; mengeruk V to dredge, scrape out

kerupuk, krupuk N large cracker, crisp, chip

kerusakan N damage → rusak

kerusuhan N riot, disturb­ance → rusuh

kesabaran N patience → sabar

kesadaran N consciousness, awareness → sadar

kesakitan ADJ in pain → sakit

kesaksian N evidence, testi­mony → saksi

kesal ADJ kesel COLL annoyed, in a bad mood

kesalahan N mistake → salah

kesampaian ADJ achieved, reached, realized → sampai

kesan N impression; berke­san, mengesan­kan ADJ impressive; terkesan ADJ impressed; seemed

kesasar COLL to lose your way, (get) lost → sasar

kesayangan favorite, pet → sayang

kesedihan N sadness, sorrow → sedih

keséhatan N health → séhat

keseimbangan N balance → imbang

kesejahteraan N welfare → sejahtera

keselamatan N safety; salva­tion → selamat

keseléo sprain; sprained

keseluruhan secara ~ totally, completely → seluruh

kesempatan N opportunity → sempat

kesemutan V to have pins and needles → semut

kesenangan N amusement, hobby → senang

kesenian N art (form) → seni

kesepakatan N agreement → pakat

kesepian N loneliness, solitude → sepi

kesenangan N frequency; too often

kését N door mat

kesetrum V, COLL to receive an electric shock → setrum

kesiangan ADJ late, too late in the day → siang

kesibukan N activity, fuss, bustle, business → sibuk

kesimpulan N conclusion → simpul

kesopanan N manners, politeness → sopan

kesoréan ADV too late → soré

kesukaan N hobby; enjoyment → suka

kesukaran N difficulty → sukar

kesulitan N difficulty, trouble → sulit

kesusahan N trouble, diffi­culty → susah

ketagihan ADJ addicted to → tagih

ketahuan to be found out → tahu

ketakutan ADJ frightened, terrified, scared → takut

ketan N sticky rice; ~ bakar grilled slices of sticky rice

ketapél N catapult

ketat ADJ tight, strict

ketawa V, COLL to laugh → tawa

ketéla N yam

ketemu V, COLL to meet → temu

ketentuan N condition, stipulation → tentu

keterangan N explanation → terang

keterlaluan N excess, too much → lalu

keterlambatan N delay → lambat

keterlibatan N involvement, association → libat

kétiak, kéték N armpit

ketiduran V to fall asleep → tidur

ketiga ADJ the third → tiga

ketik V type; mengetik V to type

ketika CONJ when (in past)

ketimbang CONJ, COLL than; instead of → timbang

ketimun → mentimun

Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary

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