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H. Haji title for man who has performed the major pilgrimage to Mecca
habis ADJ finished; empty; ADV entirely; COLL after; kehabisan V to run out of (water; food; stock); menghabiskan V to finish, use up, spend; sehabis CONJ after
hadap face; berhadapan (~ muka) V face to face; menghadap V to face, appear before; menghadapi V to face someone or something; terhadap CONJ regarding; against; with respect to
hadiah N present, gift; prize; berhadiah ADJ with prizes
hadir present; available; kehadiran N presence; attendance; menghadiri V to attend
hafal, hapal know by heart; menghafalkan V to learn by heart
hai SL hi
haid N menstruation
haji N, ISL person who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca; Lebaran ~ Idul Adha, Feast of the Sacrifice (performed during the annual pilgrimage)
hak N right; berhak V to have a right to, be entitled to
hak N heel
hakim N judge
hal N matter, case
halal ADJ, ISL permitted (to eat); killed according to Islamic practice
halaman N yard, open area, page; ~ rumah yard
halang: halangan N obstacle; hindrance; berhalangan V to be prevented; unable; menghalangi V to hinder, prevent; terhalang ADJ blocked; prevented
halte N stop; ~ bis bus stop
halus ADJ fine; soft; refined
HAM ABBREV Hak Asasi Manusia Human Rights
hama N pest; plague
hambat, menghambat V to obstruct, impede, hamper; hambatan N obstacle
hamil ADJ pregnant; kehamilan N pregnancy
hampir ADV nearly, almost
hancur smashed, crushed; menghancurkan V to smash, crush, destroy
handphone N [hénpon; hénfon] mobile phone, cell phone
handuk N towel
hangat ADJ warm, hot; kehangatan N warmth, friendliness
hangus ADJ burnt, scorched; expired
hansip N local security guard; paramilitary → pertahanan sipil
hantu N ghost
hanya ADV only
hapé, HP N mobile phone, cell phone → handphone
haram ADJ, ISL forbidden, not permitted
harap hope; please; harapan N hope, expectation; berharap V to hope; mengharapkan V to expect
harga N price; value; berharga ADJ precious; valuable; menghargai V to appreciate; penghargaan N appreciation; award
hari N day; ~ ini today; ~ kerja weekday, working day; ~ libur holiday, day off; ~ ulang tahun (HUT) birthday, anniversary; harian ADJ daily; berhari-hari ADV for days; sehari-hari ADV every day, daily; seharian ADV, COLL all day
harimau N tiger
harta N wealth, belongings
haru emotion; touched; mengharukan ADJ moved, touched (emotionally); terharu ADJ moved, touched
harum ADJ fragrant; perfumed
harus V must, ought to, have to; keharusan N obligation, necessity, requirement; mengharuskan V to require; seharusnya should
hasil N product; result; berhasil V to succeed; menghasilkan V to produce
hati N liver; heart; ~ kecil conscience; hati-hati take care; memperhatikan V to notice, pay attention to; perhatian N attention
haus ADJ thirsty; kehausan ADJ to be thirsty; N thirst
havermut N oatmeal porridge
hawa N air, atmosphere, climate; berhawa ~ sejuk cool climate
hébat ADJ great; violent; terrific
héboh sensational
héktar N hectare
héla, menghéla V to draw; drag
helai N (counter) sheet; counter for thin flat objects; se~ kertas a piece of paper
héli, hélikopter N helicopter
hélm N helmet
hémat ADJ economical, thrifty; ~ air save water; menghémat V to save on or economize
hembus, embus blow, puff; menghembus V to blow
hendak V to will, wish, intend; ~nya should; kehendak N will; menghendaki V to want
hening clear; quiet
henti stop; berhenti V to stop, cease; menghentikan V to stop something; memberhentikan V to stop (a vehicle); to dismiss
héran ADJ astonished, amazed; menghérankan ADJ astonishing, astounding
héwan N animal, beast
hias decorative; hiasan N decoration; menghiasi V to adorn; to decorate something; perhiasan N jewelry
hibur: hiburan N entertainment; menghibur V to entertain; to comfort, console
hidang: hidangan N dish, food served
hidung N nose
hidup live; alive; lively; kehidupan N life, existence; menghidupkan V to bring to life; to start or turn on (a device)
hijau, hijo, héjo ADJ green; ~ tua dark green
hijriah, H tahun ~ the Islamic calendar
hikmah N wisdom, insight, moral
hilang disappear; lost, missing; kehilangan N (feeling of) loss; V to lose something; menghilang V to disappear, vanish; menghilangkan V to remove
hilir, ilir downstream
hina low, insulting; humble; hinaan N insult; menghinakan V to humiliate, insult; penghinaan N insult, libel (written), slander (spoken)
hindar: menghindar V to steer clear of, avoid; menghindari V to avoid something
Hindu agama ~ Hinduism; orang ~ Hindu
hingga until; sehingga CONJ to the point that, as far as, until, so that
hirup inhale; suck; menghirup V to breathe in
hitam ADJ black
hitung count; menghitung V to count, calculate, reckon; menghitungkan V to count or calculate something; perhitungan N calculation; terhitung ADJ counted, included
Hj. Hajjah title for woman who has performed the major pilgrimage to Mecca
hobi N hobby
hoki N good luck or fortune
homo M, SL (orang) ~ homosexual, gay
honai N round hut in Papua (Irian Jaya)
Hongaria N Hungary
hong sui, féng sui N feng shui
hordén, gordén N curtain(s)
horé EJAC hooray!
horisontal ADJ horizontal; at one level
hormat respect, honor; kehormatan N respect; menghormat, menghormati V to honor or respect; terhormat ADJ respected
hotél N hotel; ~ melati cheap hotel; ~ (ber)bintang lima five-star hotel; perhotélan N hotel studies; hospitality
hubung: hubungan N link, connection, relationship; berhubung CONJ in connection with, relating to; berhubungan V, PL to have a link or connection; menghubungi V to contact someone; menghubungkan V to connect, join, link different parts; perhubungan N communications, connection; ~ udara air route
hujan rain; musim ~ rainy season, monsoon; kehujanan ADJ caught in the rain
hukum law; punish; hukuman N punishment; menghukum V to punish, sentence, condemn
hulu N source, beginning
huni: penghuni N occupant, resident
huruf N letter, character
HUT ABBREV hari ulang tahun birthday, anniversary
hutan N forest, jungle, wood; ~ rimba jungle; kehutanan N forestry