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bab N chapter
babi N pig, boar (also as an insult); ~ hutan wild boar; daging ~ pork
baca V to read; bacaan N reading material; membaca V to read; pembaca N reader
badai N hurricane, storm; ~ topan typhoon
badak N rhino, rhinoceros
badan N body; board, committee
badut N clown
bagai CONJ like, as; berbagai ADJ various, several; sebagai CONJ like, as
bagaimana INTERROG, CONJ how, in what way
bagasi N baggage; boot (of vehicle); hold (of ship or aircraft)
bagi V divide; bagian N part, share, section; berbagi V to share; membagi V to divide, distribute; sebagian N some, a section of
bagi PREP for
bagus ADJ good, fine, excellent (external qualities of concrete objects)
bahagia ADJ happy, joyous; berbahagia V to be happy
bahan N materials, ingredients; cloth, fabric; ~ bakar fuel
bahas V to discuss; membahas V to discuss, debate
bahasa N language; ~ Indonesia Indonesian; berbahasa V to (be able to) speak or use a language
bahaya N danger; berbahaya V to be dangerous
bahkan CONJ moreover; on the contrary; indeed, even
bahu N shoulder
bahwa CONJ that
baik ADJ good, fine, well, OK (ie. internal qualities of abstract objects); baik-baik ADJ fine; respectable; ~ hati kind; membaik V to improve; memperbaiki V to repair, fix; perbaikan N repair, improvement; sebaiknya ADV preferably, it’s best if; terbaik ADJ the best
baja N steel
bajaj N three-wheeled motorized form of transport in Jakarta
bajak N plow; membajak V to plow
bajak, membajak V to hijack; to copy illegally; bajakan ADJ pirated; CD ~ pirated CD
baju N, INF clothes; clothing for the upper body; ~ dalam singlet; underwear
bak N tub; ~ mandi large tank in the bathroom from which water is taken
bakal ADJ future, potential
bakar V to burn; kebakaran N fire; membakar V to burn; terbakar ADJ burnt
bakat N talent, gift; berbakat ADJ talented, gifted
bakau N mangrove
bakmi, bami N Chinese noodles
bakpao N steamed white bread with filling of nuts or chicken
bakpia N sweet cake from Jogja with nutty filling
bakso, baso N meatball; meatball soup; ~ tahu meatballs and tofu (specialty of Bandung)
bakul N basket hung on a pole for selling goods
bakwan N dish of various sweetmeats, a specialty of Malang
balai ~ kota town hall
balap race; balapan N race; membalap V to race
balas reply; balasan reply, answer; membalas V to reply, respond
balét N ballet
Bali N pulau ~ Bali; bahasa ~, orang ~ Balinese
balik V to return, reverse, retreat; N back, flipside; return; membalik V to return, reverse, turn over; membalikkan V to turn something over; sebaliknya CONJ on the contrary; terbalik ADJ overturned, upside-down, opposite
balon N balloon
balut: pembalut N sanitary pad
bambu N bamboo
ban N tire; ~ serep spare tire
bandara N airport → bandar udara
bandel ADJ naughty, disobedient
banding: membandingkan V to compare something; perbandingan N comparison, ratio
bandrék N ginger drink
bang PRON older brother (in Jakarta or Malay areas) → abang
banget ADJ, SL fast, quick
bangga ADJ proud
bangkai N corpse (usually of animals); bunga ~ the Rafflesia flower
bangkit V to rise, get up
bangkrut ADJ bankrupt
bangku N bench (for sitting); stool; desk
bangsa N people, nation, race
bangun V get up, wake up; membangunkan V to wake someone up
bangun: bangunan N building; membangun V to build or create; pembangunan N development
banjir N flood
bank N bank; ~ negara state-owned bank; perbankan ADJ banking; bankir N banker
bantal cushion; pillow
banteng N (Javan) ox
banting: membanting V to throw down (with a bang)
bantu V to help; bantuan N assistance, help, aid; membantu V to help (someone); pembantu N servant, maid; assistant
banyak ADJ many, much; kebanyakan N, ADJ too much; most
Bapa PRON Father (title for own father or respected older man), also Bapak; CHR God, Father, Lord
Bapak PRON Father (title for own father or respected older man)
bapak N father
baptis ADJ baptist
barang N goods, things
barangkali CONJ perhaps, maybe
Barat N the West
barat ADJ west; ~ daya southwest; ~ laut northwest
Barelang Batam, Rempang, Galang group of islands in Riau Archipelago province
bareng CONJ, SL with; V to go together
baris N line, row, rank; barisan N line; forces; berbaris V to line up
barongsai N Chinese dragon for dance performances
baru ADJ new, recent; just; ~-~ ini just the other day; terbaru ADJ latest, newest; barusan ADV, SL just now
basa-basi N good manners, politeness; platitudes
basah ADJ wet, moist, soaked
basi ADJ off, rotten, inedible (of food)
batagor N fried tofu and meatballs, a specialty of Bandung → bakso tahu goreng
Batak ADJ ethnic group of North Sumatra
batal ADJ cancelled; broken (a fast); membatalkan V to cancel, repeal
batang N trunk, stem, stick (of a tree); shaft; handle; penis; counter for long cylindrical objects
batas N limit, border; berbatasan V to be adjacent to; perbatasan N border, frontier; terbatas ADJ limited
baterai N battery
batik N application of wax onto fabric to create a pattern after dyeing; fabric or clothes with designs produced in this manner; ~ cap stamped batik; ~ tulis handmade batik; membatik V to apply wax onto fabric
batu N stone; berbatu ADJ rocky, stony
batuk V cough
bau N, V, ADJ smell, smelly; berbau V to smell, have connotations of
baut N bolt
bawa V to take, bring, carry; to conduct; membawa V to take, bring, carry; to conduct; terbawa ADJ (accidentally) taken away
bawah PREP below; di ~ below, under; di ~ umur underage
bawang N onion; ~ putih garlic
baya N age; setengah ~ middle-aged
bayam, bayem N spinach
bayang N shadow, image; bayangan N shadow; terbayang ADJ imagined, conceivable
bayar V to pay; membayar V to pay; pembayaran N payment
bayi N baby
béa N tax, duty, excise; ~ cukai customs
béasiswa N scholarship, bursary
beban N burden, load; responsibility
bébas ADJ free
bébék N duck
beberapa ADJ several, a number of → apa, berapa
becak N pedicab, rickshaw tricycle; tukang ~ bécak driver
bécék ADJ muddy, wet
béda ADJ different; ~nya ... the difference is, ...; berbéda ADJ different; membédakan V to discriminate, differentiate between, consider different; perbédaan N difference
bedah N surgery
bedak N powder
begadang V to stay up all night; to sleep late
begini ADV like this, in this manner → ini
begitu ADV like that, in that manner → itu
béha N bra
bekal N provisions
bekas ADJ used, old, former (for objects)
bekerja V to work; ~ sama to co-operate, work together → kerja
beku ADJ frozen; membeku V to freeze
bél N bell
béla V defend; ~ diri self-defense; membéla V to defend
belah N crack, fissure, divide, splinter; belahan N half, side; membelah V to split in two; sebelah PREP next to; N half, side; (din kanan) on the right (side)
belajar V to learn, study → ajar
belakang PREP, N behind; back, rear; belakangan ADV recently; after others; ~ ini recently
belalang N grasshopper, locust
Belanda N the Netherlands, Holland; bahasa ~; orang ~ Dutch
belanja V to go shopping; belanjaan N shopping; berbelanja V to go shopping; perbelanjaan pusat ~ shopping center, mall
belas N number between 10–20; lima ~ fifteen; belasan N dozens; sebelas N, ADJ eleven
belérang N sulfur
Bélgia N Belgium
beli V to buy; membeli V to buy, purchase; pembelian N purchase
beliau PRON he, she; him, her (respectful form of dia)
belimbing N starfruit
bélok turn; bélokan N bend, turn in the road; berbélok, membélok V to bend, turn
belum ADV not yet; ~ pernah until now, never (but possibly in the future); sebelum ADJ before; sebelumnya ADV previously, before
belut N eel
benang N thread
benar, bener ADJ true, correct, right; benar-benar ADV truly, really; kebenaran N truth; membenarkan V to confirm, verify; to justify; sebenarnya ADV in fact, actually
bencana N disaster, catastrophe
benci V to hate; membenci V to hate
bendéra N flag
béndi N two-wheeled horse-carriage
bendung: bendungan N dam
bener → benar
bengkak ADJ swollen
béngkél N garage; workshop
béngkok ADJ bent, crooked
bening ADJ clear, transparent, clean (of glass, water etc)
bénjol, bénjolan N mole, lump, tumor
bénsin N petrol, gasoline
bénténg N fort, fortress
bentrok V to clash head-on; bentrokan N clash, conflict
bentuk N shape, form; berbentuk ADJ shaped, with the shape of; membentuk V to form, set up something (eg. committee); terbentuk ADJ formed, shaped, created
benua N continent
bepergian V to travel, be away → pergi
beracun ADJ poisonous, containing poison → racun
berada V to be somewhere; ADJ well-to-do, well-off → ada
beragam ADJ various → ragam
beragama ADJ religious; V to have a religion
bérak V to poo, defecate; N poo, feces
berakhir V to end → akhir
beralkohol V containing alcohol; minuman ~ alcoholic drink → alkohol
berambut ADJ hairy; V to have hair
beranak V (of animals) to give birth to, have offspring → anak
beranda N veranda, balcony; home (on webpage)
berang ADJ furious, enraged
berangkat V to depart, leave; keberangkatan N departure → angkat
berani ADJ brave, courageous; keberanian N bravery, courage
berantakan ADJ messy, in a mess → antak
berantas, memberantas V to wipe out, fight against
berantem V, COLL to fight, scuffle → antem, hantam
berapa INTERROG how many? what number?; ~ harganya? how much is it?; umur ~ how old; beberapa ADJ several, a number of → apa
berapi ADJ burning, fire-producing (of volcanoes) → api
berarti V to mean; ADJ meaningful → arti
beras N rice (husked and uncooked, as sold in shops)
berasal V to come from → asal
berasap ADJ smoky → asap
berat heavy, severe, difficult; weight; keberatan N objection; V to object
beratap V to have a roof → atap
berawal V to begin with → awal
berawan ADJ cloudy, overcast → awan
berbagai ADJ various, several → bagai
berbagi V to share → bagi
berbahagia V to be happy → bahagia
berbahasa V to (be able to) speak or use a language → bahasa
berbahaya V to be dangerous → bahaya
berbakat ADJ talented, gifted → bakat
berbaris V to line up → baris
berbatasan V to be adjacent to → batas
berbatu ADJ rocky, stony → batu
berbau V to smell, have connotations of → bau
berbéda ADJ different → béda
berbelanja V to go shopping → belanja
berbentuk ADJ shaped, with the shape of → bentuk
berbicara V to speak; ~ dalam bahasa Sunda to speak in Sundanese → bicara
berbincang, berbincang-bincang V to chat, discuss → bincang
berbintang V to have a star → bintang
berbisa ADJ poisonous; ular ~ poisonous snake → bisa
berbisnis V to do business → bisnis
berbohong V to lie → bohong
berbuah V to bear fruit, produce → buah
berbuat V to do → buat
berbuka ~ puasa to break the fast → buka
berbukit ADJ hilly → bukit
berbunyi V to sound, make a noise → bunyi
bercampur ADJ mixed with → campur
bercanda V to joke → canda
bercelana V to wear trousers, trousered → celana
bercerita V to tell (a story) → cerita
bercinta V to make love; to be in love → cinta
berciuman V to kiss each other → cium
berdagang V to trade, do business → dagang
berdamai V to make peace → damai
berdampak V to have a (negative) effect → dampak
berdandan V to dress, put on make-up → dandan
berdansa V to dance (Western-style) → dansa
berdarah V to bleed → darah
berdebar V to beat quickly → debar
berdebat V to have a debate → debat
berdebu ADJ dusty → debu
berdekatan ADJ close (of two or more things) → dekat
berdémo V to hold a protest → démo
berdering V to ring, tinkle → dering
berdesakan V to push each other → desak
berdoa V to pray, say a prayer → doa
berdosa V to sin, commit a sin → dosa
berdua ADJ together, in pairs → dua
berduka ~ (cita) to grieve, be in mourning → duka
berduri ADJ thorny → duri
berebut V to fight for; berebutan V to fight each other for → rebut
berékor V to have a tail → ékor
berempat ADJ in a group of four → empat
berenang V to swim → renang
berencana V to plan → rencana
bérés finished, ready; membéréskan V to clear up, make ready
berfungsi V to work, go; to act as → fungsi
bergabung V to join together → gabung
bergambar ADJ illustrated → gambar
berganti V to change; ~-ganti, ~an in turns → ganti
bergaris ADJ lined → garis
bergaul V to mix or associate with → gaul
bergaya ADJ stylish, with style → gaya
bergegas-gegas V to hurry → gegas
bergelar V titled → gelar
bergelombang ADJ wavy → gelombang
bergembira V to be happy, joyous → gembira
bergéngsi ADJ prestigious → géngsi
bergerak V to move → gerak
bergilir, bergiliran ADJ in turns → gilir
bergizi ADJ nutritious → gizi
bergosip V to gossip → gosip
bergoyang V to shake, sway; to dance → goyang
bergulat V to wrestle, fight → gulat
berguna ADJ useful, worthwhile → guna
berhadapan V (~ muka) face to face → hadap
berhadiah ADJ with prizes → hadiah
berhak V to have a right to, be entitled to → hak
berhalangan V to be prevented from, unable → halang
berharap V to hope → harap
berharga ADJ precious, valuable → harga
berhari-hari ADV for days → hari
berhasil V to succeed → hasil
berhenti V to stop, cease → henti
berhubung CONJ in connection to, related with; berhubungan V, PL to have a link or connection → hubung
beri V to give; ~ tahu to inform, let know → beritahu; memberi V to give; memberikan V to give someone (as an act of kindness); to give something (for someone)
beribu, beribu-ribu ADJ thousands of → ribu
berikut ADJ following → ikut
berimbang ADJ balanced, proportional → imbang
beringin N banyan (tree)
berisi V to contain; ADJ full, filled out → isi
berisik ADJ noisy, loud; to rustle → risik
berisiko V to be risky → risiko
beristeri, beristri ADJ, M married → isteri, istri
beristirahat V to rest, take a break → istirahat
berita N news, information; memberitakan V to report
beritahu, beri tahu V to inform, let know; memberitahu V to advise, inform, tell; pemberitahuan N announcement, notice
berjabat, berjabatan ~ tangan to shake hands → jabat
berjalan V to walk, move → jalan
berjam-jam ADJ for hours and hours → jam
berjamur ADJ moldy → jamur
berjanji V to promise → janji
berjemur V to sunbathe, sun yourself → jemur
berjénggot ADJ bearded → jénggot
berjilbab V to wear the veil → jilbab
berjogét V to dance → jogét
berjuang V to fight, struggle → juang
berjudi V to gamble → judi
berjudul V to have a title; ADJ titled → judul
berjumlah V to number → jumlah
berjumpa V to meet → jumpa
berjuta V to have millions of → juta
berkali-kali ADV repeatedly, again and again → kali
berkapasitas V with a capacity of → kapasitas
berkarat ADJ rusty → karat
berkas N bundle; file, dossier, brief
berkata v to say, speak → kata
berkawan V to have or be friends with → kawan
berkedip V to blink (two eyes) or wink (one eye); berkedip-kedip ADJ blinking → kedip
berkelahi V to quarrel, fight, fall out → kelahi
berkelas ADJ classy → kelas
berkeliling V to go around → keliling
berkeluarga V to have a family, be married → keluarga
berkémah V to camp, go camping → kémah
berkembang V to develop, expand; negara ~ developing country → kembang
berkencan V to go on a date → kencan
berkeringat V to sweat → keringat
berkesan ADJ impressive → kesan
berkibar V to wave, flutter → kibar
berkilau ADJ glittering, sparkling → kilau
berkisah V to tell a story → kisah
berkisar V to revolve, rotate, turn → kisar
berkoméntar V to (make a) comment → koméntar
berkorban V to make sacrifices, do without → korban
berkualitas ADJ quality → kualitas
berkuasa ADJ powerful, mighty → kuasa
berkuda V to ride a horse, go (horse-)riding → kuda
berkuku ADJ having nails or claws; clawed → kuku
berkulit to have skin, skinned → kulit
berkumpul V to assemble, meet → kumpul
berkumur(-kumur) V to gargle → kumur
berkunjung V to visit, pay a visit to → kunjung
berkurang V to decrease, diminish, subside → kurang
berlaku ADJ effective, valid; V to behave → laku
berlambang V to have a symbol → lambang
berlangganan V to subscribe to → langgan
berlangsung V to take place → langsung
berlari V to run → lari
berlayar V to sail → layar
berlebihan ADJ excessive → lebih
berlian N diamond
berlibur V to go or be on holiday → libur
berlindung V to (take) shelter → lindung
berlomba V to compete, race → lomba
berlumuran ADJ smeared, stained → lumur
berlutut V to kneel (down) → lutut
bermacam-macam ADJ various → macam
bermain V to play → main
bermaksud V to intend → maksud
bermalam V to spend or stay the night → malam
bermalas-malas(an) V to lie or laze around, be lazy → malas
bermanfaat ADJ useful, of benefit → manfaat
bermasalah ADJ problematic, troublesome → masalah
bermérek ADJ branded → mérek
bermimpi V to dream → mimpi
berminggu-minggu ADV for weeks → minggu
berminyak ADJ oily, greasy → minyak
bermotif V to have a design → motif
bermuka V to have a face; ~ dua two-faced → muka
bermula V to start, begin → mula
bermutu ADJ quality → mutu
bernafaskan, bernapaskan V with a breath of → nafas
bernafsu ADJ passionate, lusty → nafsu
bernama ADJ named → nama
berniat V to intend → niat
bernyanyi V to sing → nyanyi
berobat V to go to the doctor, seek medical advice → obat
beroda ADJ wheeled → roda
berolahraga V to do or play sport → olahraga
berombak ADJ wavy → ombak
berontak, memberontak V to rebel, revolt; pemberontakan N rebellion, revolt, mutiny
berotot ADJ muscular → otot
berpakaian ADJ dressed in → pakai
berpangkat V to have the rank of → pangkat
berpegang V to hold onto → pegang
berpendapat V to have an opinion, believe → dapat
berpendidikan ADJ educated; V to have an education
berpengaruh ADJ influential → pengaruh
berperan V to play the role or part → peran
berperang V to wage war, go to war → perang
berpésta V to (have a) party → pésta
berpidato V to make a speech, give an address → pidato
berpihak V to take sides → pihak
berpikir V to think → pikir
berpindah V to move → pindah
berpisah V to part, separate → pisah
berpose V to pose for a photograph → pose
berpréstasi ADJ prestigious; successful → préstasi
berpuasa V to fast → puasa
berpusar N to revolve, whirl → pusar
berpusat ~ pada to focus or center on → pusat
berputar V to rotate, turn → putar
bersabar V to be patient → sabar
bersahabat ADJ to be friends → sahabat
bersaing V to compete; harga ~ competitive price → saing
bersalah ADJ guilty → salah
bersalin V to give birth → salin
bersalju ADJ snowy, snow-covered → salju
bersama ADV together; jointly → sama
bersambung ADJ in parts; to be continued → sambung
bersampingan ADJ next to each other → samping
bersandar V to lean → sandar
bersangka V to suspect or think → sangka
bersangkutan ADJ concerned, involved → sangkut
bersatu V to unite → satu
bersaudara V to be related; to have brothers and sisters; ~ enam to be one of six (children) → saudara
bersayap ADJ winged → sayap
bersedia V to be prepared or willing → sedia
bersedih V to be or feel sad → sedih
bersejarah ADJ historic, historical → sejarah
bersekolah V to go to school → sekolah
berselancar V to surf, go surfing → lancar
berselingkuh V to have an affair → selingkuh
bersemangat ADJ spirited, enthusiastic → semangat
bersembahyang V to pray, perform a prayer → sembahyang
bersembunyi V to hide (yourself) → sembunyi
bersenang-senang V to enjoy yourself, have fun → senang
bersenda ~ gurau to joke around → senda
bersendawa V to burp, belch → sendawa
bersenjata ADJ armed → senjata
bersepatu ADJ in shoes → sepatu
bersepéda V to ride a bicycle → sepéda
bersiap V to get ready; bersiap-siap V to make preparations → siap
bersifat V to have the quality of → sifat
bersih ADJ clean, neat; kebersihan N cleanliness, hygiene; membersihkan V to clean; wipe out (eg. disease); pembersih N cleaning agent
bersikap V to display an attitude → sikap
bersikeras V to maintain, stick to, be obstinate → keras
bersilaturahmi V to maintain good relations, visit or meet friends → silaturahmi
bersin V to sneeze
bersinar V to shine, gleam → sinar
bersiul V to whistle → siul
berskala V to be on a scale; ~ besar large-scale → skala
bersoda ADJ carbonated; minuman ~ carbonated drink → soda
bersolék V to put on make-up, dress up → solék
bersorak V to cheer, shout → sorak
bersuami ADJ, F married
bersuara V to sound, have a voice → suara
bersulang V to toast, drink to → sulang
bersumpah V to swear → sumpah
bersyarat ADJ conditional → syarat
bersyukur ADJ grateful → syukur
bertaburan ADJ scattered over → tabur
bertahap ADJ in stages → tahap
bertahun-tahun ADV for years and years → tahun
bertambah V to increase → tambah
bertanda ADJ marked → tanda
bertanding V to compete, play → tanding
bertanggung jawab ADJ responsible → tanggung jawab
bertanya V to ask; bertanya-tanya V to wonder, ask yourself → tanya
bertaruh V to bet → taruh
berteduh V to take shelter → teduh
berteman V to be friends → teman
bertempat V to take place or happen → tempat
bertemu V to meet; sampai ~ lagi see you later, so long → temu
bertengkar V to quarrel → tengkar
bertentangan ADJ contradictory, contrary, opposing → tentang
bertepuk tangan V to clap, applaud → tepuk tangan
berteriak V to scream or shout → teriak
berterima kasih V to be grateful or thankful → terima kasih
bertiga ADJ in threes → tiga
bertingkat ADJ having different levels → tingkat
bertinju V to box → tinju
bertumpuk V to be in piles → tumpuk
berturut-turut ADJ consecutive, successive → turut
beruang N bear; ~ putih polar bear
berubah V to change → ubah
berulang V to happen again, recur; berulang-ulang ADV again and again, repeatedly → ulang
berumur ADJ aged → umur
beruntung ADJ lucky, fortunate → untung
berupa ADJ in the shape or form of → rupa
berurusan V to have dealings with, deal with → urus
berusaha V to try, make an effort → usaha
berusia V to be (aged) → usia
berutang V to owe; ~ budi to have a debt of gratitude → utang
berwarna ADJ colored → warna
berziarah V to make a pilgrimage, visit a holy place → ziarah
bésan N relationship between two couples whose children have married
besar ADJ big, large, great; ~ kepala big-headed, arrogant; besar-besaran ADJ large-scale; kebesaran ADJ too big; membesarkan V to bring up, raise (children); memperbesar V to enlarge something; terbesar ADJ largest, biggest
beserta CONJ along with, and → serta
besi N iron
bésok ADV tomorrow; COLL in the future → ésok
besuk V to visit someone in hospital
betah V to settle in, feel at home
betapa ADV how (very); ~ cantiknya! How pretty she is! → alangkah
Betawi N original inhabitants of Jakarta (since 1527)
betina ADJ female (of animals); anjing ~ bitch
betis N calf, lower part of leg
beton N concrete
betul ADJ true, correct, right; betul-betul ADV truly, completely; kebetulan ADV by chance, accidentally; N coincidence; membetulkan V to correct, repair; sebetulnya ADV in fact, actually
bi PRON aunt; term of address for older housemaid → bibi
biar let, no matter if; ~lah! Never mind!; membiarkan V to let, allow, permit
biasa ADJ normal, usual, common, ordinary; ~nya usually; kebiasaan N habit, custom; terbiasa ADJ used to, accustomed
biaya N cost, expense (for a service)
bibi N, PRON aunt, sister of parent; mother’s female cousin → bi
bibir N lips
bibit N seedling
bicara V speak; berbicara V to speak; membicarakan V to discuss; pembicaraan N discussion
bidan N midwife
bidang ADJ spacious, wide; N area, field
bihun N vermicelli noodles
bijak ADJ wise; kebijakan N policy
biji N seed, grain; counter for very small objects; SL counter
bikin V, COLL to make; ~ marah make angry; bikinan N product; dibikin V to be made → buat
biksu N Buddhist monk
bila CONJ if
bilang V, SL to say; dibilang V to be said
bilas, membilas V to rinse
biliar, bilyar N billiards
biliun, bilyun N billion (1 000 000 000)
bimbing V to lead, guide; membimbing V to lead, guide, coach
bina V to build up; membina V to build up, found
binatang N animal
binatu N (commercial) laundry
bincang: berbincang(-bincang) V to chat, discuss
bingkai N frame(s)
bingkis: bingkisan N wrapped or free gift
bingung ADJ confused; membingungkan ADJ confusing
bintang N star; berbintang V to have a star; membintangi V to star (in)
bintik N spot, stain, freckle
biodata N personal profile (name, address, date of birth, hobbies etc)
biola N violin, fiddle
bioskop N cinema, movie theater
bir N beer
biro N office, center; ~ perjalanan travel agent
biru ADJ blue; ~ tua dark blue
bis ~ surat letter box, mailbox (for posting)
bis, bus N bus
bisa V, AUX can, be able; sebisanya, sebisa-bisanya ADV as well as you can, to the best of your ability
bisa N poison (of animals), venom; berbisa ADJ poisonous; ular ~ poisonous snake
bisbol N baseball
bisik whisper; V to whisper; membisik V to whisper something
bisnis N business, trade; berbisnis V to do business
bistik N steak
bisu ADJ mute, dumb; ~ tuli deaf-mute
bius N drug; obat ~ anesthetic; membius V to drug, anesthetize
blangko N form
blasteran ADJ mixed, hybrid; Sari ~ Sunda-Jerman Sari is half-Sundanese, half-German
bléwah N kind of melon
blits N flash (of camera)
blok N block (in addresses)
blokir, memblokir V to block
blong ADJ loose, not taut
blus N blouse
bobo, bobok V, SL to sleep (children’s language)
bocor V to leak; kebocoran N leak; membocorkan V to leak something
bodoh ADJ stupid
bohlam N light bulb
bohong lie; berbohong to lie; membohong V to lie; pembohong N liar
boikot N boycott; memboikot V to boycott something
boks N playpen, bassinet
bola N ball; football, soccer; ~ basket basketball; main ~ play football
bolak-balik ADV back and forth, to and fro, there and back
boléh may, can; allowed, permitted; okay; ~-~ saja sure you can; memperboléhkan V to allow, permit
boling N ten-pin bowling
bolong ADJ holey, perforated
bolos, membolos V to skip, be absent, to play truant, wag, skive
bolpoin N ballpoint pen, biro
bom N bomb; mengebom V to bomb something
bon N bill, check, receipt
bonéka N doll (like a person); soft toy (animal); puppet
bongkar, membongkar V to pull apart, dismantle; unpack; to unearth
bor N drill; mata ~ drill bit
bordir, bordiran N embroidery, lace edging; membordir V to embroider
borgol N handcuffs
boro-boro CONJ what’s the point of ...? It’s not even worth ...
borong, memborong V to buy up, buy in bulk; borongan N goods bought in bulk; taksi ~ un-metered taxi; pemborong N developer, contractor
boros ADJ wasteful
bos PRON, SL boss, sir; N boss
bosan ADJ bored, fed up with, tired of; membosankan ADJ boring, tiresome
botak ADJ bald
botok, bothok N Javanese side-dish of shredded coconut and fresh vegetables
botol N bottle; teh ~ bottled tea
brahmana, brahmin, brahma N highest Hindu caste in Bali
brankas, brangkas N safe
bréngsék EXCL blast! damn!; N bastard!; ADJ damn, bloody
brem N a soft white biscuit made from fermented rice
bréwok, beréwok N beard, whiskers, sideburns; bréwokan ADJ whiskered, bearded
brokoli N broccoli
bros N brooch
brosur N brochure
bu PRON Mother (to respected older women); Mum(my), Mom(my)
buah N fruit; piece, general counter for objects; ~ nangka jackfruit; buah-buahan N fruit(s); sebuah ADJ a, one (generic counter)
buang V to throw (away); ~ air to urinate; membuang V to throw out; waste; exile; terbuang ADJ thrown out, wasted
buas ADJ fierce, wild
buat PREP for; V to do, make; buatan N made in, product of; berbuat V to do; membuat V to make; pembuat N producer; pembuatan N production, manufacture; perbuatan N act, deed
buaya N crocodile, alligator
bubar V to disperse, break up, spread out; membubarkan V to break something up
bubuk N powder, dust
bubur N porridge; ~ ayam chicken porridge
budak N slave
budaya N culture; kebudayaan N culture, civilization
Budha agama ~ Buddhism; orang ~ Buddhist
bufét N buffet meal
bugar ADJ fit; kebugaran pusat ~ gym, fitness center
Bugis N ethnic group from South Sulawesi
bujang ADJ single, unmarried (man); bujangan N bachelor
bujuk, membujuk V to coax
bujur N longitude; vertical line down a sphere; ~ timur east longitude
buka open; ~ baju take off clothes; berbuka ~ puasa to break the fast; membuka V to open; terbuka ADJ open
bukan no, not (of things, nouns); Ini ~ ? This one, isn’t it?
bukit N hill; berbukit ADJ hilly
bukti N proof, evidence; membuktikan V to prove; terbukti ADJ proven
buku N book; ~ pelajaran textbook; ~ panduan guide(book)
bulak-balik → bolak-balik
bulan N moon, month; ~ Februari February; ~ madu honeymoon; ~ puasa fasting month, Ramadan; ~ purnama full moon
bulat ADJ round; fat; bulatan N circle
bulé N, DEROG white person, whitey, paleface; albino
bulu N feather; fur; body hair; ~ mata eyelashes; ~ tangkis badminton
bumbu N spice
bumerang N boomerang
bumi N earth, ground
buncis N string bean
buncit ADJ pot-bellied, fat
bundar, bunder ADJ round; bundaran N roundabout
Bung PRON brother; ~ Karno President Soekarno; ayo ~! Come on, mate!
bunga N flower, blossom; interest; ~ mawar, ~ ros rose
bungalo N bungalow, cottage, one-story house
bungkus N takeaway, pack; nasi ~ a takeaway rice meal; membungkus V to wrap; ~ kado to wrap a gift
bungsu N youngest child in a family; anak ~, si ~ youngest child
buntu ADJ one-way, useless; jalan ~ dead-end; cul-de-sac, court
buntut N tail; sop ~ oxtail soup
bunuh, membunuh V to kill; pembunuh N murderer, killer; pembunuhan N murder, killing; terbunuh ADJ killed
bunyi N sound, noise; berbunyi V to sound, make a noise; membunyikan V to sound, ring something
bupati N regent; kabupatén N regency
buram ADJ cloudy, frosted, dull
bursa N exchange; ~ efek stock exchange
buru, memburu V to hunt, chase; buruan, buron N the hunted; keburu SL in time; too early; pemburu N hunter; terburu-buru ADJ in a hurry
buruh N laborer
buruk ADJ bad (of a situation, weather); ugly
burung N bird; ~ béo parrot; ~ dara pigeon, dove; ~ gereja sparrow; ~ hantu owl
busa N foam, lather; berbusa ADJ foamy; with a layer of foam
busana N clothing, wear
busuk ADJ rotten
buta ADJ blind; ~ huruf illiterate
butik N boutique
butir N grain, counter for small oval objects; tiga ~ telur three eggs
butuh V to need; kebutuhan N need, necessity; membutuhkan V to need something