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abad N century; age, era; ~ keemasan golden age

abadi eternal, everlasting; cinta ~ endless love

abang N, PRON elder brother; ~ None Mr and Miss Jakarta → bang

abis COLL → habis

abjad N alphabet

abon N shredded dry meat, eaten as a side-dish

ABRI ABBREV Angkatan Bersen­jata Republik Indonesia Indonesian Armed Forces

abu N ash; ~ rokok cigarette ash

abu-abu ADJ gray

AC ABBREV air-conditioner, air-conditioning

acar N finely-cut pickles, eaten with fried rice, satay etc

acara agenda, program, event; pengacara N lawyer, solicitor

acung: acungan N ~ jempol thumbs-up

AD ABBREV Angkatan Darat Army

ada V to be (present); to have, exist; ~ Firman? Is Firman here?; ~ apa? What’s up? What’s wrong?; tidak ~ there isn’t, there aren’t; not here; adalah V is, are (followed by a noun); adanya N the existence of; apa ~ as it is, without any pretensions; berada V to be somewhere; ADJ well-to-do, well-off; keadaan N situation, condition; ~ darurat emergency situation; mengadakan V to create, organize, make available; seadanya ADJ what’s there; makan ~ eat what’s there

adalah V is, are (followed by a noun) → ada

adanya apa ~ as it is, without any pretensions → ada

adat N tradition, custom, customary law, esp. of an ethnic group; ~ istiadat customs and traditions; ~ Sunda Sundanese traditions

adegan N scene

adik N younger brother or sister; ~ ipar (younger) brother- or sister-in-law; ~ laki-laki (younger) brother; kakak-ber ~ siblings; ~ kandung (younger) blood brother or sister; ~ sepupu cousin (of lower status)

adil ADJ just, righteous; kea­dilan N justice; pengadilan N court of justice or law, trial

administrasi N admini­stra­tion, management

adon: adonan N batter, dough, mixture

adu: mengadu V to complain, report; ~ domba to play two parties against each other; pengaduan N complaint; surat ~ letter of complaint

aduh EJAC ouch! ow! (expres­sion of pain); EXCL oh! (expres­sion of sorrow); wow!

aduk campur ~ mixed up; me­nga­duk V to stir, mix

adzan → azan

Afrika N Africa; orang ~ African; ~ Selatan (Afsel) South Africa

agak ADV rather, somewhat; ~ gemuk rather fat

agama N religion; ~ Budha Buddhism; beragama V to have a religion; ADJ reli­gious

agar CONJ in order that/to

agar, agar-agar N a kind of jelly made from seaweed

agén N agent, agency, distri­butor

agénda N agenda; appoint­ment diary

agrowisata N agricultural tourism

agung ADJ high, supreme

Agustus bulan ~ August

ah EXCL oh (showing mild annoyance)

Ahad → Minggu

ahli N expert, specialist; member; ~ bedah surgeon; ~ waris heir

air N water; juice; ~ jeruk orange juice; ~ ledeng reticulated water; ~ mata tears; ~ minum, ~ putih drinking water; ~ pasang incoming tide; ~ terjun waterfall; buang ~ to go to the toilet

ajaib ADJ miraculous, strange

ajak: mengajak V to invite, ask out; to urge; ~ jalan-jalan to ask out

ajar: ajaran N teaching; bela­jar V to learn, study; mem­pelajari V to study something in depth; menga­jar V to teach; pelajar N pupil, student; pelajaran N lesson; ter­pelajar ADJ edu­cated; pengajar N teacher

akad N contract, agreement; ~ nikah Muslim marriage contract

akal N mind, intellect; mencari ~ to find a way

akan V will, going to (marks future time); minggu yang ~ datang next week; PREP about, concerning, re­garding; ~ tetapi however

akar N root

akhir N end; ~nya finally; berakhir V to end; mengak­hiri V to end, finish some­thing; terakhir ADJ last, final, latest

aki N vehicle battery

akibat N result, consequence; CONJ due to, consequently; ~nya as a result

akrab ADJ close, intimate, friendly

aksén N accent

aksi N action, demonstration; beraksi V to take action, do something

akta, akte N official docu­ment, certificate; ~ lahir, ~ kelahiran birth certificate; ~ nikah, ~ pernikahan marriage certificate

aktif ADJ activated, active, on, working; aktivitas N activity

aktual ADJ latest, up-to-date; berita ~ current affairs

aku PRON I, me; mengaku V to admit, confess, acknowl­edge; to claim; ~ salah to admit guilt

akuntan N accountant; akuntansi N accounting

AL ABBREV Angkatan Laut Navy

ala ADJ in the style of, à la

alam N nature, world; ~ (ter-)buka open-air

alam: mengalami V to experience; pengalaman N experience

alamat N address; sign, omen

alangkah ADV how ...! what a ...!

alas N foundation, basis, base; ~ kaki footwear; alasan N cause, reason, motive

alat N tool, instrument, means; ~ kontrasepsi, ~ KB form of contraception; ~ tulis stationery; peralatan N equipment

album N album; ~ foto photo album

alérgi allergy, allergic; ~ terhadap mangga allergic to mangoes

alhamdulillah EJAC, ISL thanks be to God; bless you! (when sneezing)

alih V to shift, change position

alir flow aliran N stream, current; ideology, school, sect; mengalir V to flow

alis N eyebrow; mengangkat ~ to raise your eyebrows

aljabar N algebra

Alkitab N the Bible

alkohol N alcohol; beralkohol V containing alcohol

Allah N God, Allah

almarhum ADJ, M, ISL the late; almarhumah ADJ, F, ISL the late

alpukat, apokat, avokat N avocado; jus ~ avocado drink

Alqur’an, Al-quran, Alquran N the Koran

AL(RI) ABBREV Angkatan Laut (Republik Indonesia) (Indonesian) Navy

alu N pestle; ~ lumpang mortar and pestle

alun-alun N town square

amal N charity

aman ADJ safe, in peace; keamanan N safety, security; meng­amankan V to make safe, restore order; place in custody

amat ADV very, extremely

amat: mengamati V to watch closely, keep an eye on; pengamat N observer; pengamatan N observation, monitoring

ambeien N hemorrhoids, piles

ambil V to take; to subtract; to bring; ~ saja help yourself; mengambil V to take, get, fetch

ambisi N ambition

ambruk V to collapse, break, crash

ambulans N ambulance

amén: (me)ngamén V to sing in the street for money, busk; pengamén N street singer, busker

Amérika N America; ~ Serikat United States of America

amin EJAC amen

amis ADJ putrid, smelling fishy

amplop N envelope; COLL bribe

ampuh ADJ powerful, potent

ampun N mercy, forgiveness, pardon; EJAC Mercy! (expres­sion of astonishment or disapproval); minta ~ beg for mercy

amuk: mengamuk V to run amok, go berserk

anak N child; young (of an animal); member of a group; small part of a whole; ~ ang­kat adopted child; ~ buah assistants, staff; ~ bungsu youngest child; ~ cucu descendants; ~ emas favorite; ~ haram illegitimate child; ~ jalanan street kid; ~ kunci key; ~ perempuan daughter; ~ sulung eldest child; ~ tiri stepchild; ~ tunggal only child; ~ yatim orphan; anak-anak N, PL children; beranak V (of animals) to give birth to, have offspring; peranak­an ADJ of mixed Chinese and Indonesian blood, Straits Chinese

analisa, analisis N analysis

ancam V to threaten; ancaman N threat; mengancam V to threaten, intimidate; teran­cam ADJ threatened

anda, Anda PRON you (neutral, without status)

andai, andaikan, andainya, seandainya CONJ if, supposing that

andal ADJ reliable; mengan­dalkan V to rely on, trust

andong N four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage in Jogja and Solo

anéh ADJ strange, peculiar; ~nya the strange thing is...

anéka ADJ all kinds of, various; ~ jenis all sorts; ~ macam, ~ ragam varied

anggap V to consider; menganggap V to consider, regard

anggaran N budget, estimate

anggota N member; ~ badan limb; ~ DPR Member of Parliament; ~ keluarga family member; ke­anggota­an N membership; kartu ~ membership card

anggrék N orchid

angguk, meng­angguk V to nod

anggun ADJ elegant, stylish, graceful

anggur N wine, grapes; ~ putih white wine; buah ~ grapes

anggur: peng­angguran N unemployment, unemployed person

angin N wind, breeze

angka N figure, numeral, digit; score, mark; ~ Romawi Roman numeral

angkasa N space, sky

angkat V to lift; ~ besi weight­-lifting; ~ tangan give up; raise your hand; ~ telepon to pick up, answer the phone; angkatan N generation, year level (at school or univer­sity); force; ~ darat (AD) army; berangkat V to depart, leave; keberangkatan N depart­ure; pintu ~ departure gate; mengangkat V to lift or pick up, raise; appoint; to remove, amputate

angkét N survey (form)

angklung N bamboo instru­ment, played in an orchestra

angkot N, COLL public minibus → angkutan kota

angkut V to carry, lift, trans­port; angkutan N transport, transportation; ~ kota (angkot) city transportation; ~ umum public transport

angpao, angpau N a red envelope containing money, given at Chinese New Year

angsa N goose

anjing N dog (also insult)

anjlok V to derail; kereta api ~ derailed train

anjung: anjungan N gallery, upper level, ship’s bridge

anjur: menganjurkan V to suggest, propose

anoa N dwarf buffalo of Sulawesi

antar take, escort; ~ jemput pick up and take home, door-to-door; mengantar V to take, escort, accompany; mengantarkan V to take someone or something

antara CONJ between; among them; perantara N broker, intermediary, go-between

antarpropinsi ADJ inter­provincial

antem: berantem V, COLL to fight, scuffle → hantam

anti- PREF, ADJ against, resist­ant to; ~ perang anti-war

anting N earring

antré, antri queue; antréan N queue; mengantri V to queue

anut, menganut V to follow; peng­anut N follower, believer

anyam, menganyam V to weave, plait, braid; anyaman N plait, braid

apa INTERROG, N what; ~ lagi what else; ~ saja anything; ~ kabar? how are you?; apa-apa N something; tidak ~ it doesn’t matter; apabila CONJ if, when; berapa INTERROG how many? what number?; ~ harganya? how much is it?; umur ~ how old; beberapa ADJ several, a number of; jauh ~ as far as; mengapa INTERROG why; tak ~ it doesn’t matter; ngapain SL why, do what; siapa INTERROG, N who; ~ saja whoever; siapa-siapa N anybody

apakah, apa (question marker) → apa

apalagi ADV, CONJ especially, moreover

apartemén N apartment, flat

apel N apple

api N fire, flame; berapi V to produce fire; perapian N fireplace, oven

apik ADJ neat, tidy

apoték N pharmacy, chemist (shop), dispensary; apotéker N pharmacist

April bulan ~ April

apung float; mengapung V to float, be suspended

Arab bahasa ~ Arabic; orang ~ an Arab

arah N direction; satu ~ one way; same direction

arak N alcoholic drink

arang N charcoal

arca N statue

arén N areca palm

argo, argométér N taxi meter

arit N sickle

arogan ADJ arrogant

arsip N archive, file

arti N meaning; ~ nya it means, that is to say; berarti V to mean; ADJ meaningful

artikel N article (in print media)

artis N celebrity; actor, actress or singer

arung ~ jeram white water rafting

arus N stream, current, flow; ~ listrik electric current

AS ABBREV Amerika Serikat the United States

asal N origin; ~-usul origins; berasal V to come from

asal, asalkan CONJ as long as, providing that

asam, asem sour, tamarind; acid; ~ manis sweet and sour

asap N smoke, exhaust, pol­lution; vapor; berasap ADJ smoky

asar N, ISL the afternoon prayer

asas, azas: asasi, asazi ADJ basic

asbak N ashtray

ASI ABBREV air susu ibu breast milk

Asia N Asia; ~ Tenggara Southeast Asia

asin ADJ salty, salted; asinan N sour vegetable and fruit dish

asing ADJ strange, alien, foreign; orang ~ stranger; foreigner

asli ADJ original, indigenous; orang ~, penduduk ~ indigenous person, native

asma N asthma

asong: asongan N street vendor; goods sold on the street (cigarettes, magazines, drinking water etc.)

aspal N asphalt

asrama N boarding house, dormitory; MIL barracks

asri ADJ beautiful, scenic (of a view)

assalamualaikum, assala­mu alaikum salam alaikum GR, ISL peace be upon you

asuh care; orang tua ~ foster parents; pengasuh N carer; ~ anak nursemaid, babysitter

asuransi N insurance

asyik ADJ fun; ADV absorbed, engrossed; eager

atap N roof; beratap V to have a roof

atas PREP up; N upper part; di ~ on (top of), upon, above, over; upstairs; atasan N superior, boss; mengatasi V to overcome

atau CONJ or

ati ampela N liver and gizzards

atlét, atlit N athlete

atur arrange; aturan N rule, regulation; mengatur V to arrange, organize, regulate; peraturan N rule, regulation; teratur ADJ organized, regular

aula N hall (at school), auditorium

AU(RI) ABBREV Angkatan Udara (Republik Indonesia) (Indonesian) Air Force

Australia N Australia; orang ~ Australian

awak N person; ~ pesawat cabin crew

awal beginning, early; awalan N prefix; berawal V to begin with

awan N cloud; berawan ADJ cloudy, overcast

awas EJAC be careful, beware; meng­awasi V to supervise

awét ADJ durable, long-lasting

ayah, Ayah N, PRON father; ~ bunda parents

ayam N chicken, hen; ~ kampung free-range chicken; ~ negeri battery hen

ayat N verse (of a religious text)

ayo come on, let’s go

ayu ADJ beautiful

ayun: ayunan N swings

azan, adzan N call to prayer

Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary

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