Читать книгу Drachenväter: Die Interviews - Konrad Lischka - Страница 69

Many people appear to have disliked Lorraine Williams intensely; others have told me she was a very sensible businesswoman. What is your view? Do you think she bears the responsibility for TSR's downfall?


She bears total responsibility, because as CEO, she made all final decisions about products and strategies, she hired and fired managers to build a team of people who reflected her values and world view, and she did not tolerate criticism or dissent.

She was not a bad leader per se. Many CEOs do those things and are successful. If they are intuitively right about their business, having a unified team that all pulls together can be a real asset.

Unfortunately, the market radically changed from the mid-eighties when Lorraine took over control of TSR to the early nineties, and she was not able or willing to change her perceptions and processes to figure out how and why that happened, and how to react to those changes successfully. Since she exerted total vision control over the enterprise, this failing on her part is what killed TSR.

I only met her twice. She fed me nice bagels and treated me well. So I have no personal animus towards her at all.

Drachenväter: Die Interviews

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