Читать книгу Drachenväter: Die Interviews - Konrad Lischka - Страница 77

Did Wizards see it coming or were they surprised when a large chunk of the community rallied to Paizo's banner?


My intuition is that Wizards was stunned that fourth edition didn't work. They probably knew it wasn't going to work before they shipped it, based on feedback from the extended playtest community and the friends & family network, but I'm sure the True Believers on the team were convinced that that feedback was wrong, and that fourth edition was going to be a huge hit.

I'm not sure they really see the community ‚rallying to Paizo's banner’. I think they see people who liked third edition supporting the best third edition product line. I think that they still see those people as their customers – most of them buy Wizards of the Coast RPG products. I'm sure most of them own fourth edition Players Handbooks, for example. I suspect that they don't view their current challenge as getting players ‚back’ from Paizo as much as they see it as getting players ‚back’ to D&D.

Drachenväter: Die Interviews

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