Читать книгу Drachenväter: Die Interviews - Konrad Lischka - Страница 78

As one of the leading MMO and P&P experts, what do you think the future of the hobby is going to look like?


Tabletop RPGs will never be as big a business as they were in the past. Over time, they’ll become a smaller and smaller hobby with fewer and fewer players. The age of long campaigns where groups met weekly for years is past and isn’t coming back. People will probably play a lot of shorter, smaller games, that will be designed to create a specific experience rather than be a generic storytelling engine. Those kinds of games will be easy to learn, and you'll play them in a single session or a small number of sessions.

There are several generations of people who are tabletop RPG players and will be for life I’m one of them. I’m fourty-five. I know people who are in their sixties who are hardcore tabletop gamers. There may be enough people like me to establish a baseline down to about age thirty. As we age, natural attrition will reduce our numbers. This cohort the thirty to sixty years olds are the largest and most valuable market for tabletop RPGs like „Pathfinder“.

There may be some acquisition of kids underway as these people get married and have children. But the kids getting acquired aren't going to have the play pattern of their parents. They'll be ‚gamers“’ people interested in all sorts of games, not just one form, and they’ll split their gaming time across a wide variety of gaming experiences. They just won't have the interest in playing the same characters in the same game every week for years.

Drachenväter: Die Interviews

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