Читать книгу Drachenväter: Die Interviews - Konrad Lischka - Страница 73

Whose idea was the OGL?


In specific, it was my idea. There had been all sorts of precedent to the idea in concept that predated me. Peter even tried to create a multi-company system called Envoy early in Wizards' life, before „Magic“, to deal with the problem he encountered with making the „Primal Order“ and being sued by Palladium. There were people inside the company who had various ideas about how to license the company's IP [intellectual property] – not just D&D but „Magic“ mechanics as well.

None of those conversations was very active when I took up the challenge of building support for the OGL. The OGL was my project, and while I had a lot of support, I will take credit for getting the ball rolling, and pushing it up the hill until it was finished.

Drachenväter: Die Interviews

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