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STEP 1: Set the Objective


First, you’re going to set your objective. An objective is never a feature, although that’s how people think about them far too often. “People are solution based,” Christina explained. “They’ll say ‘we want to launch a new sales portal.’ Why is that important?” She suggested continuing to ask why until you understand the actual objective of any feature.

For example:

We want to launch a new sales portal.


We want to support a larger sales team in multiple countries.


We want to extend our market share into China.

That last one is starting to sound like an objective. Once you’ve got a clear, measurable goal—for example, extend market share into China—you can start to figure out how you would do that and how you would measure it. You need to keep asking why until you find that clear objective that delivers a tangible benefit to the company.

And here’s a fun twist—you have to pick one at a time. That’s right. One of the things that makes OKRs effective is that they keep the team focused. When you try to meet too many objectives at once, you’re going to fail at all of them. “People can’t hold that many things in their heads,” Christina said. “One OKR you can remember, you can focus on, you can commit to.”

Even when you restrict yourself to one OKR, moving an important number can take longer than you think, so make sure that you’re picking a focus and a time frame that’s long enough to make a dent. You don’t move an enterprise business into China in a week. Give yourself time to get a few things wrong and correct them.

Build Better Products

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