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STEP 4: Track Your Progress


The final step of this process is the one that almost everybody screws up, because it’s the hardest one. Everybody loves setting objectives and figuring out the key results and health metrics they’re going to track. That’s the fun part.

The hard part is being disciplined about tracking how you’re doing and adjusting and iterating when you’re not meeting your goals. That’s why you need a weekly metrics review for the entire team where you look at all the key results to see if they’re improving and to figure out what everybody’s doing to make that happen.

In fact, one of the most powerful things about OKRs is that you’re eventually going to set different objectives and key results for each team to make sure that they’re working toward the goal.

If you’d like to learn more about setting OKRs for your company, team, or individual team members, you should read Christina’s book, Radical Focus, Achieving Your Most Important Goals with Objectives and Key Results.

Build Better Products

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