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STEP 2: Generate Key Results


Once you have the objective for your project, you’re going to pick your key results. To do this, you’re going to need your team and some sticky notes. Give everybody a packet of sticky notes and ask them to write down, without discussing it with each other, every single metric they can think of for understanding if you have a market foothold in China—or whatever your specific objective is. You’ll have them spend five minutes doing this.

Have them think about different categories of metrics. Christina suggested trying to write metrics that reflect revenue, market acquisition, and retention.

For example:

Acquisition: “Acquire five new paying customers in China in Q1.”

Revenue: “Create $5 million in new revenue from China next year.”

Retention: “Reduce churn of current customers in China by 50%.”

Obviously, your specific metrics will be very different, but you’ll notice that all of these are quantitatively measurable, and they specifically help the company understand if it’s getting closer to its primary objective of increasing market share in China.

You’re not just going to generate three metrics during this previous step. You’re going to generate a lot of them, hopefully. Five minutes is a very long time, and you should have everybody on your team participating. There’s a reason for this.

“The one thing I wish everybody who worked on my team understood,” Christina said, “is what success means to the company. Designers. Engineers. PMs. Some don’t understand how the company makes money, and it’s shocking.” Getting everybody to generate ideas for metrics gives you some insight into whether your team understands how you could really measure whether you’re getting closer to your most important business goals. “Everybody needs the whole picture. They need to know the context in which they’re working.”

Build Better Products

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