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Saturated Fats


Saturated fats come mainly from animal sources, such as dairy, eggs, meats, and coconut oils. Opinion on saturated fat has swung from recommended consumption of steak and eggs prior to marathons in the 1970s, to its demonization in the 80s and 90s, and back to an overemphasis on its consumption in the 2000s with bacon-and-heavy-cream-based, low-carb diets. Today, if we look at the data on saturated fat and health as a whole, they suggest that too much saturated fat can have a negative impact on health. On the other hand, saturated fat might have a positive effect on anabolic hormone levels for those interested in physique and sport performance. More data is needed for saturated fat recommendations in terms of potential physique benefits, but health detriments currently support limiting saturated fat intake.

The Renaissance Diet 2.0

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