Читать книгу The Renaissance Diet 2.0 - Mike Israetel, James Hoffmann - Страница 93

Pre-Training Meal


Pre-training or pre-competition meals should ideally digest quickly enough to prevent gastrointestinal distress and be able to restock muscle glycogen in time to support the activity. In addition, a good pre-training or pre-competition meal should provide a stable stream of blood glucose throughout the activity. Types of carb sources that are ideal for pre-training depend on the timing of the meal. The further from training onset the meal is eaten, the lower its glycemic index should be. A sugary sport drink can be a great pre-training meal if it is consumed 30 minutes prior to training or competing–sports drinks have a very high glycemic index, no fat or fiber, and their liquid consistency allows them to be digested quickly. If the meal is eaten much earlier, a slower-digesting whole food meal like a turkey sandwich on whole-grain bread is a better option. The pre-training meal should always contain enough carbs for basic function in addition to carbs for training. A pre-training meal eaten further in advance of training requires more total carbs than a meal eaten immediately before training to support basic function in the hours before training along with energy for the training itself.

The Renaissance Diet 2.0

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