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Fat Source Micronutrient Density


Many fat sources do not contain other nutrients, so micronutrient density contributes far less to the compositional quality of fats than it does for other macronutrients. Fat is the only way to transport fat soluble vitamins, but the vitamins come from other food sources in most cases and are merely facilitated by proximal fat consumption. The way the different types of fat are digested and stored constitute the most meaningful differences in composition.

In table 5.3, we have parsed fat class information into estimated percentage recommendations for the daily intake of each type of fat. Bear in mind that these are estimates, not exact numbers to hit daily. In general, acquire most of your daily fats from monounsaturated sources, take in enough Omega-3s, be moderate with saturated fats, and avoid most trans fats in your regular diet.

Table 5.3 Suggested range of intake as percentage of total daily fat intake for the four types of dietary fat.

Fat Intake Recommendations
Fat Type Recommended % of Daily Fat Intake
Monounsaturated 45 - 60%
Polyunsaturated 35 - 50%
Saturated 5 - 20%
Trans fats < 1%
The Renaissance Diet 2.0

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