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ОглавлениеPracticing Sukhasana in correct alignment will automatically begin to calm your mind and senses. Keep the following information in mind when practicing this pose:
•Keep your pelvis in a neutral position, balancing equally on both sit bones. To find neutral position, gently rock forward and back, and shift your hips side-to-side once you’re in the pose. Once you’re neutral, your pubic bone and tailbone should both be the same distance from the floor and both sit bones should have an even distribution of weight.
•Be sure to change the cross of your legs, not favoring one side or the other. Hold the pose for the same length of time on each side
•Let your legs cross naturally – there’s no real ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way for them to cross. In this regard, Sukhasana is slightly different from other seated cross-legged positions, such as Perfect Pose (Sidhasana) or Lotus Pose (Padmasana), which require a more precise foot placement. As long as there’s a comfortable gap between your feet and pelvis and the pose feels ‘easy,’ it is Easy Pose.
•Sukhasana is a simple and basic pose to come into at any time. Whenever you need to find peace, simply bring yourself to the ground and sit quietly. As you slow your breath, your mind will begin to calm down. Regularly integrate Easy Pose into your practice and into your daily life – you may notice serenity and ease flowing through all areas of your life!