Читать книгу AutoCAD For Dummies - Ralph Grabowski - Страница 59

Panning and Zooming with Glass and Hand


AutoCAD makes panning easy, by offering scroll bars and real-time panning. In real-time panning (as opposed to pretend-time panning?), you can see objects moving on the screen as you drag the mouse upward and downward or back and forth with the middle button held down. Of course, the viewpoint is moving, not the objects.

Both panning and zooming change the view — the current location and magnification of the AutoCAD depiction of the drawing. Every time you zoom or pan, you establish a new view. You can give names to specific views so that returning to them is easy, such as a title block or a bill of material, as I demonstrate in the later section “A View by Any Other Name.”

You can gain a better sense of panning and zooming in a drawing when you’re looking at a drawing. Draw some objects on the screen, or open an existing drawing, or launch a sample drawing in AutoCAD.

If you haven’t done so already, you can download sample files from www.autodesk.com/autocad-samples. (You can ignore the version numbers.) The AutoCAD LT sample files are also online at www.autodesk.com/autocadlt-samples. Note that LT drawings can be opened by standard AutoCAD and vice versa.

AutoCAD For Dummies

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