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No one expects frontline, lower‐level employees to know everything; they're too inexperienced or too new. Senior managers are excused from this standard because they don't need to know everything, that's what they have their middle managers for. Besides, they make big bets all day, which means big mistakes, which among senior leaders are often seen as a badge of honor.

So where does that leave those who lead from the middle? Like you're expected to know everything, like omnipotence is written into the job description. You have to keep one foot in strategy and the other in day‐to‐day operations and tactics. You should know your business inside and out and know your competitors just as well. Your market share ticked down in Peoria? You should probably know why. You have to explain the what, how, and why and decide who. You must know how to handle the changing nature of work with remote work, global conference calls at ungodly hours, and scads of contracted work the norm. You're expected to know how to grow others despite a lack of investment in you, and without time to grow yourself.

Leading from the Middle

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