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Deadline stress


Remember that English essay you had to write in the tenth grade? Remember how you felt as the due date approached? If you normally take a disciplined approach to completing tasks, then you’ll handle deadline stress better than most. But if you’re like the rest of us, tight deadlines can seem daunting.

Of course, you can always turn work down when you’re busy, but that may be dangerous. What are you going to say when your best client calls and begs you to take on an extra project? If you say no, another copywriter is sure to get his or her foot in the door. And, when another project comes up, your “best client” may call that copywriter instead of you.

Most copywriters rank deadlines near the top of their list of stressors. I fight it in a number of ways: I plan my work the best I can, take a disciplined approach to completing tasks, and turn down work from potential new clients when I’m busy. (I rarely turn down work from a current client, and strongly suggest you don’t.) I also reward myself after a particularly busy period with a few days off.

Start & Run a Copywriting Business

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