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Business Cards and Letterhead


Business cards and letterhead are a necessity for any business. You’ll need business cards to trade with clients and prospects. Imagine how clients will react if they ask you for a business card, and you don’t have one? You’ll also need letterhead to write sales letters, invoices, and other client correspondence. Without professional-looking stationery, few people will take you seriously.

I have seen lots of effective business cards — some jazzy and daring, others plainer and more conservative. I suggest you go with a business card design that is simple and effective. You can always invest in more complex designs, or even a logo, as your business matures.

A simply designed business card and letterhead doesn’t mean cheap. Be sure to use a professional designer (unless you happen to be a very good designer yourself) and get your stationery printed on high-quality stock. Never yield to the temptation of buying those business card templates available in most office supply stores, and printing cards with your inkjet printer. This is not suitable for the professional image you need to convey. And no “bubblegum machine” business cards, please. In my local shopping mall there is a kiosk in the main hallway. For $10 you can punch in your name and other information, pick a template, and print out 100 business cards. No, no, no.

Michael Huggins, a graphic design professional and president of MindWalk Design Group of Toronto, says, “Expect to pay at least $1,000 to $1,500 for a good business card and stationery design. Of course, less experienced designers will charge you less, but will have less expertise and require more direction.” And be sure to show your designer samples of business cards and stationery you like. That way, he or she will be able to create a design that best appeals to you and fits your business needs. Design, by the way, does not include printing costs. That is extra.

Start & Run a Copywriting Business

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