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Оглавлениеanggo ng, angge kr, agem h.i. the way to use;
nganggo 1 to use, by means of; 2 to have s.t. attached or accompanying it; 3 to misuse, misappropriate (funds); 4 to wear, i.e. use (apparel); 5 to consider, regard as;
nganggoni 1 to dress s.o. (in), have s.o. wear; 2 to wear, put on many items;
nganggokaké to help s.o. dress, dress s.o.;
nganggo-anggo to wear jewelry, be well-dressed;
nganggon-anggoni to dress s.o. (in);
kanggo for; useful;
anggon-anggon ng, anggèn-anggèn kr,
agem-ageman k.i. s.t. to be worn;
kanggonan to get s.o. or s.t. put in one's place.
anggon ng, anggen kr, 1 act of doing, the way to act; 2 place; salah - misplaced (see also salah); 3 reg usual, ordinary, not unexpected;
manggon ng, manggen kr, lenggah k.i.
1 to live, stay; 2 to settle;
panggonan place. See nggon, enggon.
anggong to pant because of a heavy burden.
anggop see agop.
anggota 1 a body part, limb; 2 member of a group or organisation.
anggrah, anggrah-anggrah 1 twigs used to block the way; 2 s.t. worthless.
anggrak, nganggrak to stop s.o. by pointing a weapon and threatening (of robber etc).
anggrang, nganggrang 1 to stand in a high place; 2 left unfinished;
nganggrangaké 1 to lean s.t. against; 2 to leave work unfinished.
anggras, nganggras to threaten s.o. by bluffing.
anggreg, anggreg-anggreg or onggraganggreg not flowing freely, to proceed haltingly;
nganggreg-anggregi to slow s.t. down, cause to proceed haltingly.
anggrek orchid.
anggrem reg var of angrem.
anggréng lit to roar, groan in pain. See also gereng.
anggrik, nganggrik-anggrik thin as a rake.
anggris 2 1/2 guilders' worth in coin or notes (var of ringgit).
anggrok, manggrok to stay s.w. temporarily, stop (over);
nganggroki to occupy a place temporarily;
nganggrokaké to have s.o. stay s.w. See also enggrok.
angguk 1 a horse-riding dance performed by boys or young men; 2 a children's singing and dancing game.
anggung I lit constantly, always. II a cooing sound;
manggung to coo.
anggur I grape, grape vine, wine.
II or angur reg preferable.
III nganggur free, at leisure, not working, not to be used;
nganggurake to neglect, leave s.t. untouched;
angguran 1 unemployed; 2 reg a certain tax in the village;
anggur-angguran idle, with nothing to do.
anggut, manggut-manggut or monggatmanggut to nod the head again and again.
angi to cool newly cooked rice by spreading and fanning it;
angen cooked rice that has been cooled.
angin 1 wind, breeze, draft; 2 air; - becik fig a change for the better; - dharat offshore night wind; - dhudhuk internal 'wind' that can be fatal; - dombang south wind common during the dry season; - gendhing strong east wind that brings illness with it; - laut daytime onshore wind; - lesus hurricane, typhoon;
angin-angin to expose o.s. to drafts, get in a draft;
ngangin-angin 1 to get some fresh air; 2 to go out to hear the news;
ngangin-anginaké to dry s.t. in the wind;
kanginan to be exposed to, be affected by wind, get blown;
anginen (of stomach) to ache, feel bloated;
angin-anginan to behave erratically, work in spurts;
masuk (or mangsuk) angin to have/ get a cold (see masuk, mangsuk);
bisa njaring angin 'to be able to snare wind'; very powerful.
angka I 1 number, digit, numeral; - Arab Arabic numeral; - taun year in digits; 2 mark, grade; 3 grade level; 4 a number in ordinal series;
ngangkani to number.
II var of angkah;
ngangka-angka to expect, imagine.
angkah intention, expectation;
ngangkah to intend, expect;
pangangkah intention, expectation, goal.
angkang, ngangkang to echo, sound clearly in the distance (gamelan music);
angkara (or angkara murka) lit selfish, greedy;
angkas, ngangkas-angkas 1 to concentrate on, await eagerly; 2 to look forward to.
angkasa lit the sky, the heavens;
tumenga ing angkasa to look up into the sky.
angkat 1 adopted; adoptive; anak adopted child (see also anak); bapak adoptive father (see also bapak);
angkat-angkat to lift s.t. heavy; 2 to lift; - junjung hard physical work; 3 departure;
ngangkat 1 to lift; 2 to promote, elevate;
mangkat to leave, depart (see also pangkat II);
angkatan or angkat-angkatan 1 act or way of lifting; 2 class group; 3 a generation (of people); group of people constituting a movement; 4 moment to start (of song, dance etc).
angkel, angkel-angkel to sit and be disinclined to stand up;
angkel-angkelan reg resentful;
mangkel annoyed, irritated (at), resentful.
angker 1 haunted, eerie, bewitched; 2 dignified.
angkil 1 payment for greasing the palm; 2 to work as a coolie or become a soldier by contract.
angkin coloured chintz worn by women for covering wide wrapped sash.
angklah reg 1 enervated, weak, tired; 2 in a difficult situation. See anglah.
angkle tired, weary.
angklèk or ngangklek or ongklakangklek reg to proceed at a slow, laborious pace.
angklek to hop on one foot (var of èngklèk);
ngangklèk or ngèngklèk to wear (a sheathed kris) at the back.
angkleng, ngangkleng reg to have a long, tiresome wait.
angklik, angklik-angklik to stand or sit in a high precarious position;
mangklik-mangklik balanced precariously in a high position. See also angkrik-angkrik.
angklung 1 a musical instrument consisting of suspended bamboo tubes which sound against each other when shaken; 2 an ensemble of such instruments;
ngangklung to play this instrument.
angkrah, angkrah-angkrah waste material, refuse, flotsam in a stream.
angkreg var of anggrèg.
angkrèk I child's toy: a small wooden or cardboard puppet that moves up and down on a stick when the string is pulled. Also angkrok.
II var of anggrek.
angkrik, angkrik-angkrik or mangkrikmangkrik to sit in a high place.
angkring long carrying shoulder pole with containers of food, drinks, and utensils on either end;
angkringan food or drink sold by peddlers in such containers.
angkrok var of angkrek.
angkruk, angkruk-angkruk or mangkrukmangkruk to sit perched in a high place;
ngangkruk-angkrukaké to put s.t. (large) in a high place.
angkud, ngangkud to transport, haul. Also angkut.
angkuh I arrogant, complacent, self-satisfied;
ngangkuhi to treat arrogantly;
piangkuh arrogance, conceit.
II ngangkuh to regard, think of (as). See also rengkuh.
angkul, angkul-angkul 1 peg for hanging a pair of scales; 2 the part of a yoke that encircles the ox's neck.
angkup unopened sheath of fruit or flower bud.
angkur reinforcing corner brace for a wall.
angkus 1 a short spear; 2 long hook used on fire.
anglah or angleh 1 enervated, weak, tired; 2 sick, ill. Also angklah.
anglang, nganglang to travel around do, the rounds of. See also langlang.
anglek I cloying.
II lit grief, profound sorrow.
angleng I reg preferable, rather than; 2 reg eccentric, deranged.
angléng I lit to live in, enter a hole (cave etc).
II clear (of hearing, meaning);
nganglèngaké to listen carefully to, figure out, comprehend (the meaning of).
angler 1 pleasantly smooth, gentle (without jerks); turn - to sleep soundly; 2 to hold steady in flight (kites).
anglèr to harrow a field for the last time, before planting.
angles 1 var of angler; 2 to go away without saying goodbye to anyone; 3 to feel profound sorrow.
anglih I lit to move s.t.
II lit hungry. See ngelih.
angling lit to speak, say;
onglang-angling to converse, chat. See also ling.
anglir lit like, as. See lir I.
anglo charcoal brazier; - padupan covered incense burner.
anglong I to ebb, reduced; - jiwa to waste away e.g. from sorrow.
II manglong to stoop, dangle;
nganglongaké to dangle s.t. See anglung.
angluh, ngangluh to complain;
pangangluh complaint. See also keluh II.
anglung, manglung to stoop, bend, bow, lean (toward); bent downward;
nganglungaké to bend s.t. downward (var of nganglongaké).
angob a yawn, yawning; to yawn.
angok to recede, ebb.
angon ng, angen kr, to herd, tend; - angin to have a proper regard for time; kedhap to keep an eye on what others are doing; - iriban to keep an eye open for an opportunity; - mangsa (var of angin); - ulat (var of angon iriban); ngangon 1 to herd, tend; 2 fig to care for, have regard for;
pangon boy who tends livestock; fig supervisor;
pangonan grazing field for livestock;
angon ulat ngumbar tangan prov on the lookout to steal or pick pockets. See also ngon.
angot to refuse to do anything, be in a bad mood;
angot-angotan 1 according to one's mood; 2 recurrent. See also ngot.
angrang a large red tree ant. See also ngangrang, kemangrang.
angreh or mangreh lit to rule, hold sway over. See also reh.
angrem 1 to sit on eggs; 2 fig to stay in one place; 3 to rise late (of moon);
ngangremi or ngengremi to sit on eggs to hatch them;
ngangremaké or ngengremaké to put eggs in a nest to be hatched by a hen;
angreman 1 nest where eggs are being hatched; 2 fig hideout, hiding-place;
pangreman or pangangreman var of angreman.
See also rem II.
angrob lit to rise (of water level). See rob.
angrog lit (to speak, sing) in unison. Also angrug.
angsa I 1 lit goose.
II or wangsa lit family, dynasty.
III lit share, portion.
IV ngangsa or ngangsa-angsa greedy, covetous; excessively ambitious.
angsab var of asab.
angsag var of asag.
angsah lit advance, attack;
mangsah to advance, go forward bravely; - prang to go into battle; ngangsahake to send off to war.
angsal 1 to receive, accept (kr for olèh); 2 s.o.'s act of (do)ing (md for olèh, anggon).
II if, provided (var of waton).
III origin (var of asal).
angsang 1 gill (fish's breathing apparatus); 2 grate for holding coals in a brazier; 3 base/foot of a receptacle; 4 big receptacle on a base; 5 closet or cupboard shelf.
angsar or ngangsar magic power of amulet;
ngangsari to give spiritual power to s.o.
angseg act of pushing or pressing;
ngangseg to push, press (forward);
ngangsegaké to press s.t. forward; to quicken the pace of work.
angslep or mangslep to enter, insert. See aslep, angslup.
angsli var of asli.
angslup 1 to set (var of angslep); 2 (or mangslup) to enter, insert;
ngangslupaké to insert s.t.
angso var of aso.
angsog beached (of small boats).
angsoka a flowering tree. See soka.
angsring var of asring.
angsrog var of asrog.
angsu, ngangsu 1 to draw water for household use; 2 fig to learn, study; kawruh to seek knowledge;
ngangsoni to draw water from;
ngangsokaké to draw water for s.o.; pangangsu 1 one who draws water; 2 a matter of learning;
pangangson 1 place where household water is obtained, fig source of knowledge; 2 container for drawing water;
ngangsu banyu apikulan warih prov having a basic knowledge before learning s.t.;
ngangsu banyu ing kranjang prov to learn s.t. but fail to apply it.
angsuk or angsukan a harmonious match;
mangsuk 1 to enter; 2 to match; mangsuk angin to have/get a cold.
angsul reg kr for bali;
angsul-angsul gift to a guest departing from a ceremonial meal.
angsung lit to give; - pangapura to forgive; - dhahar reg to place an offering for the spirits; to offer flowers, burn incense etc at s.o.'s grave; - pambagya to welcome;
ngangsungaké lit to give, hand up s.t.
angsur I ngangsur to pay by installments;
ngangsuri to buy s.t. by installment for s.o.;
ngangsuraké to sell s.t. on credit; to pay by installments for s.o.;
II ngangsur or ngangsur-angsur heavy and long breathing.
III mangsur or mangsur-mangsur diarrhoea.
anguk I coll var of angur.
II anguk-anguk or manguk-manguk to keep putting one's head out of (a door, window etc);
ongak-anguk or mongak-manguk to put one's head out of (a door, window etc) repeatedly.
angun, angun-angun I bull.
II law upholder.
angur preferable; rather than.
angus soot, lampblack;
ngangus 1 to produce soot; 2 to blacken with soot.
ani, ani-ani 1 a small palm-held reaping knife for cutting rice stalks; 2 to harvest rice with such a knife;
ngenèni to harvest rice with a special knife.
See also panèn.
aniaya cruelty, ill treatment;
nganiaya to maltreat, beat cruelly, torture;
kaniaya or kaningaya to be maltreated, to get bad treatment;
panganiaya maltreatment, cruel treatment.
anila lit wind.
anindita esteemed, revered, distinguished.
anindyamantri lit chief minister.
aning but, however (reg var of nanging).
anis lit gone away.
anja, nganja-anja 1 to become emotional; 2 to walk on one's hands; 3 to take a run before jumping; 4 to have a good time, enjoy o.s.;
anja-anja 1 a variety of spider; 2 a dwarf demon with a red tongue who can cause skin diseases (traditional belief);
anja-anjanen or anjan-anjanen to have a distaste for; to be disinclined.
anjali lit a gesture of respect;
manganjali lit to make an obeisance;
panganjali respectful greeting (with palms together touching the forehead).
anjang, anjang-anjang bamboo latticework used as a support for climbing vines;
nganjang-anjangi to set up lattice work for climbing vines.
anjat reg steeply sloping mountain side;
nganjat to slope upward;
nganjati reg to climb a sloping mountain side;
manjat reg sloping steeply;
panjatan reg ascent.
anjèng reg 1 to go out for pleasure; 2 to go to a ceremony.
anjel, nganjelaké to set forward.
anjer var of anjir.
anji, anji-anjinen or kanji to learn one's lesson.
anjing entering;
nganjingi to enter into s.o.'s body or s.t;
nganjingake to have s.t. enter into;
anjing-anjingan mortice joint, dovetailed joint;
manjing 1 to enter into; 2 to enter and become one with;
manjing ajur ajer 1 having the (magical) power to penetrate any substance; 2 easy to communicate with all levels of people.
See also panjing.
anjir I 1 stake or pole used as a marker; picket pole; 2 to stand on one's head.
II road repair worker;
nganjir to repair roads.
anjleg or anjreg reg to live or to be located in/at.
anjlog 1 to jump down; 2 to descend sharply;
nganjlogi to jump down onto, pounce on;
nganjlogaké to cause s.t. to fall down;
anjlog-anjlogan to jump down again and again. See also jlog.
anjog having arrived at, leading tofinto;
nganjogaké to cause to arrive at. See also jog.
anjrah present everywhere, ubiquitous; to spread throughout.
anjrak to settle.
anjrit lit to scream. See jerit.
anjrum lit lying at ease (of cattle, e.g. while chewing the cud). See also jerum.
anjuk, nganjuk to buy on credit.
anjum to extend the hands; - tangan to extend both hands in a greeting (Muslim style).
anjun I earthenware water crock; tukang - potter, maker of earthenware.
II or anjung or ajun adjunct.
anjur I and then, after that (coll of banjur).
II nganjuraké to suggest, advise;
anjuran advice, suggestion(s).
anom ng, anèm fer, timur k.i. young. See also nom.
anon lit to see, know. See ton.
anor low, humble, inferior; - raga modest, humble;
nganoraké or ngasoraké to efface o.s., to conduct o.s. modestly. See also anuraga.
anrang lit to attack; - wèsthi to attack the enemy. See also serang.
anrus lit right after that, continuously, again and again, straight. See also terus.
anta I stale tasting, taste of fresh water, tasteless.
II nganta-anta to demand revenge (against); to be exasperated, out of patience.
antah var of wantah.
antak, ngantak-antak 1 to expect s.o. impatiently; 2 to be choked.
antaka lit death, dead; to die;
kantaka unconscious.
antakusuma 1 name of a special vest; 2 way flowered fabric for certain costumes.
antal or antal-antalan slow in tempo, of gamelan music;
ngantali or ngantal-antali to allow plenty of time (for);
ngantalaké to slow (the music) down.
antan, antan-antan 1 to keep trying to walk (of a child); 2 preparation;
tanpa antan-antan impatient.
antang I var of tan tang.
II ngantang to dry s.t. (e.g. maize) in a high place.
antar I long stick (var of gantar). II loud;
ngantarake to make louder;
ngantar-antar to speak loudly; to glow, burn brightly; fig very angry. See also kantar.
antara ng, antawis kr 1 between, among, within; 2 (or antarane) approximately; 3 some, a certain amount (of time);
ngantarani to increase the space or time, put space between;
ngantarakaké to estimate approximately;
ora antara suwe not long afterwards, before long.
antariksa lit sky, firmament.
antawacana way characteristic speech style of a character.
antawis between, among (kr for antara).
anteb 1 firm, steadfast; 2 heavy, weighty;
manteb 1 steadfast, dedicated (as a servant); 2 fulfilled, gratified;
antebing tekad firm will, resolution.
antem a blow with a fist;
ngantem 1 to hit, punch; 2 to charge more than a normal price;
pangantem a punch;
anteman or antem-anteman a punch;
antem-anteman to hit each other, have a fistfight.
anteng steady, tranquil;
- kitiran or - tlale to wriggle, squirm;
-kreneng to pretend to be nice.
anter var of antar.
anter 1 quiet, serene; 2 calm and even-tempered (of child).
anthèk 1 helper to a tradesman or labourer; 2 sycophant, yes-man;
nganthèk 1 to be(come) a helper; 2 to be a lackey
anthuk, nganthuki to nod at (as a sign);
manthuk to nod;
manthuk-manthuk, monthak-manthuk to keep nodding;
manthukan to always agree, never say no.
anti I nganti ng, ngantos kr 1 to wait; 2 till, up to the point that, for (length of time); aja nganti don't let it happen that...
II anti-anti ng, antos-antos kr, ngantianti to look forward to, long for;
panganti-anti hope, expectation. See also kanti.
antiga lit egg.
antih, ngantih to spin (thread).
anting I 1 sliding weight on a scale beam; 2 metal pieces holding car springs to the frame.
II anting-anting dangling earrings.
III ontang-anting an only child; a child without relatives; alone in the world.
IV a swing;
montang-manting 1 to sway; 2 to exert o.s.;
ngontang-antingake to sway s.o. or s.t.
antob a belch; to belch;
ngantobake to cause s.o. to belch. See atob.
antol a supporting brace;
ngantoli to attach a brace to; to brace or support s.t.
antos to wait (root form: kr for anti).
antrakusuma see antakusuma.
antri to queue up, stand in a line.
antrog var of entrog;
kantrog to get shaken up.
antru I 1 tool for prying; 2 equipment for drawing water from a well.
II reg a platform hut.
antu var of anti.
antuk I lit to get, receive.
II root form: kr for ulih.
III ngantuk sleepy;
ngantukan always sleepy, sleepy by nature.
antyabasa gram a variety of humble Ngoko.
amu 1 representing a pause to collect one's thoughts; 2 substitution for a word that has slipped the mind; 3 expressing vagueness rather than definiteness; 4 euphemism sex organ;
nganu 1 to do s.t. naughty to s.o.; 2 substitution for a word that means doing s.t;
anua otherwise, had s.t. happened.
anugraha see nugraha.
anuswara gram nasal consonant.
anyag 1 nganyag to keep walking without stopping; 2 to walk rudely in front of s.o. without excusing o.s.;
anyag-anyag or anyag-onyog var of nganyag.
anyam var of anam.
anyang I ng, awis kr, nganyang to bargain for (an item);
anyang-anyang to bargain, haggle;
anyang-anyangan or nyang-nyangan haggling over the price (between the seller and the buyer);
panganyang act or way of bargaining. Also nyang II.
II anyang-anyangen (to have) dysuria.
III dried out; enjet - dried lime (see also enjet).
anyar ng, énggal kr new, recent; - gres brand new;
nganyari to use s.t. or to do for the first time;
nganyar-anyari strange, unusual;
nganyaraké to make s.t. (or to have s.t. made) like new;
anyaran new (at);
anyar-anyaran 1 new (at); 2 to compare or compete in newness.
anyawar a certain plant.
anyeh var of anyih.
anyel annoyed, irritated (at);
nganyelaké annoying, irritating;
anyelan (aten) easily irritated.
anyep 1 flat, insipid (of food flavour or aroma); 2 cool(er than normal), cold; 3 fig apathetic;
nganyep to use no salt on one's food, as a form of self-denial;
anyep-anyepan unsalted food.
anyer, nganyer var of nganyur, see anyur.
anyes damp and chilly, ice-cold.
anyih, nganyih-anyih finicky, hard to please. Also anyeh.
anyir 1 cloyingly rich-tasting; 2 rancid, rank, putrid.
anyleng excessively sweet, cloying.
anyles var of anyes.
anyur, nganyur to stand (up);
nganyur-anyur or ngonyar-nganyur to stand in a disrespectful attitude near s.o.
anyut, nganyut to get carried away by the current; - jiwa or - tuwuh or - urip to commit suicide;
nganyut-anyut melodious and touching the heart;
nganyutaké to cause s.t. to be carried away by the current circumstances.
aoliya religious disciple, holy person.
aor having a bad taste in the mouth.
aos 1 well filled (ear of rice); 2 value (kr for aji).
apa rig, punapa (also pron as: menapa) kr 1 what; 2 or; 3 is it the case that...?; 4 that which; 5 whatever; anything; 6 something; 7 expl pointing out s.t, or holding s.t. up to derision; - iya isn't it true? - maneh 1 what else?; 2 furthermore; especially; 3 to a much greater degree; - wae 1 what (sort of) things?; 2 whatever; anything;
apa-apa something; anything; everything;
ngapa 1 to do what?; 2 why?; 3 what? (var of apa);
ngapakaké to do what to (s.o., s.t);
apaa why on earth?;
apane it's what?
apa-apané everything/anything belonging to or connected with s.t.
apah squeezed out, wrung dry.
apal to know by heart, memorise;
apalan 1 material to be memorised; 2 to learn by rote;
ngapalaké to learn by heart;
diapali to be memorised;
apal-apalan more or less memorised.
apan lit for, as.
apé will, to want (reg var of arep).
apeg or apek musty, mouldy, sweaty;
gundhulmu apeg bother you! (see also gundhul).
apem a rice flour cake usually served as a ceremonial food; - domba or - dombong a large rice flour cake;
ngapem to make a rice cake.
apes unlucky; to have bad luck; - mblebes (or - pepes) 1 (to have) extremely bad luck; 2 if the worst comes to the worst;
ngapesaké to cause to be unlucky;
kapesan bad luck, ill-fated;
apesé or apes-apesé at least;
pangapesan weakness; Achilles heel.
api I steam; kapal - steam boat (see also kapal); gaman - firearms (see also gaman);
api-api to warm o.s. by the fire;
prapèn fireplace, brazier, furnace.
II api-api or apèn-apèn to pretend, act as if.
III ngapèn-apèni to exert o.s., help s.o. holding a ceremony
apik ng saé kr good, nice, attractive;
ngapiki to be nice to s.o.;
ngapikake to make better, improve;
ngapik-apik to fix up, to take care of s.t.;
apikan better than;
apik-apikan ng, saé-saénan kr 1 to compete in beauty; 2 to be nice to each other; 3 something good/nice;
apik kemripik nancang kirik prov to look good on the outside but have an evil heart.
apit 11th month of the Islamic calendar, Dulkangidah; mangsa - a period during 11th and 12th month of the Javanese calendar (see also mangsa I);
ngapit 1 to flank; 2 to lay odds of 2-to 1 against;
kapit to be flanked;
apitan odds;
pancuran kapit sendhang see pancuran;
sendhang kapit pancuran see sendhang.
aplik, ngaplik tiny (compared with its surroundings).
aplo nothing;
ngaplo to have nothing, produce nothing.
apor reg exhausted.
apu kr (enjet ng) slaked lime (for betel chewing).
apuh wrung out, dry (clothing).
apura ng, apunten kr forgiveness;
ngapura to forgive, pardon; pangapura the act of forgiving; ngapunten 'excuse me', 'pardon'.
apurancang, ngapurancang (to sit or stand) in a humble attitude, with fingers joined and thumbs touching.
apus I deceit;
ngapusi to deceive/outwit s.o.;
apus-apus deceiving habitually;
apus-apusan fake, swindle;
kapusan to get cheated, taken in;
apus krama lit to deceive with smooth talk.
II horse's trapping.
III lame, crippled (in arm or leg).
ara var of hara.
ara-ara large field, uncultivated grassland; playing field for sport.
Arab Arab; bangsa - Arabian (see also bangsa); tulisan - Arabic characters (see also tulis); negara - Arabia (see also negara);
ngarabi to have an Arabic style;
ngarabake 1 to make s.t. in an Arabic way; 2 to translate into Arabic;
arab-araban not a real Arabian/Arabic.
arad reg a kind of fishnet;
ngarad 1 to pull, drag; 2 to subject to forced labour;
aradan 1 one forced into labour; 2 forced labour, slavery; 3 victim sacrificed to the spirits.
arag, ngarag 1 to sieve, sift; 2 to sort (sand, gravel);
ngarag-aragi 1 to sort (pebbles, gravel) according to size by screening; 2 to clean weeds and debris after harrowing a rice-field.
arah I 1 direction; 2 plan, aim;
ngarah 1 to aim (toward), reach tof for intend; - pati to plan on killing; 2 to aim s.t in a certain direction;
ngarah-arah to attain a certain aim;
ngarahaké to aim, direct, point;
pangarah expectation, aim. See also angkah.
II arahan obs temporary worker; prajurit irregular soldier.
arak I 1 rice wine, alcoholic beverage made of distilled sap; 2 liquor (brandy, whisky, gin etc);
ngarak to ferment (of ripe fruits, sticky rice).
II ngarak to take s.o. around in public; - penganten to form a procession which accompanies the bride and groom publicly;
arak-arakan a parade, procession, review;
pangarak 1 act of parading or forming a procession; 2 people who take part in a procession.
III or harak excl inviting agreement or confirmation, var of rak I.
aral obstacle.
aran 1 ng, nama or nami kr, asma hi. personal name; 2 name (what s.t. is);
dadi - or kari - dead (see also dadi, kari); - aran gram noun (see also tembung);
ngarani ng mastani kr, 1 to call, name; 2 to regard, consider; 3 to accuse;
karan what s.o. or s.t. is called or known as;
aran-aran mockery, ridicule; dadi - to be a laughing-stock(see also dadi);
ngaran-arani to try to accuse s.o.
arang I ng, awis kr 1 (or arang-arang ng, awis-awis kr) scarce, infrequent, rare, seldom; 2 widely spaced; - kerepé comparative space, frequency; - kranjang very closely spaced, 'even a closely woven basket is more spacious';
ngarang to become less numerous/ scarcer;
ngarangi to make/become less numerous/frequent; to space out;
ngarangaké to thin out;
arang wulu kucing prov very closely spaced, 'even a cat's fur is more widely spaced'.
II mangarang lit sad, pining, languishing.
aras I 1 a kiss (k.i. for ambung); 2 seat, place to sit, throne; - kembang a favourite among one's superiors;
ngaras to kiss (k.i. for ngambung);
pangarasan cheek (k.i. for pipi).
II aras-arasen listless, enervated.
arcapada or ngarcapada lit world, earth;
titah - creatures (see also titah).
arda see harda.
ardana lit money. See also redana.
ardacandra 1 lit crescent (moon); 2 way name of a magic arrow with crescent-shaped point.
ardawalepa way ill-bred, failing to follow rules of proper conduct by answering back; impudent, impertinent.
ardawalika name of a dragon-shaped item of regalia.
ardaya heart, mind, (var of wardaya).
aré 1 or ngaré valley, lowland; 2 coll var of jaré(né).
arèh coconut milk that has been simmered until thick;
ngarèhi to put such milk on s.t.
arèk reg 1 child; 2 a native of.
arem, arem-arem 1 s.t. that soothes; 2 name of a food made of rice with mincemeat in it;
marem satisfied, content;
ngarem-aremi to soothe s.o.;
pangarem-arem s.t. that soothes; sawah - ricefield turned over to a retired village official as a pension (see also sawah).
areng charcoal; - bathok charcoal made from coconut shell; - stingkul or - watu coal;
ngareng 1 to make charcoal; 2 to become charcoal;
pangareng-areng s.t. used to produce charcoal;
asok glondhong pangareng-areng way to offer logs for fuel, fig tribute paid to a sovereign power.
arep I ng, badhé fer, arsa, karsa k.i.
ajeng md, to want, intend to; going to, in order to;
arep-arep gambling stakes;
ngarepi 1 to want, covet; 2 reg to be willing to pay (a certain price);
ngarepake to wish, desire;
arepan 1 to want everything one sees, covetous; 2 reg to be willing to do (go);
ngarep-arep 1 to expect; 2 to look forward to;
pangarep-arep 1 hope; 2 expectation.
II ngarep 1 in front; - (m)buri in front and behind; 2 earlier, before; 3 the coming (time, period); taun - next year (see also taun);
ngarepake 1 before; to precede; 2 to face (toward), face s.t. toward;
ngarepan 1 the front; 2 front section of a Javanese house, where guests are received;
pangarep rig, pangajeng kr, pangarsa k.i., leader, one who presides, chairman;
kasebut ing ngarep mentioned before/ above;
arep jamure emoh watange to want the advantages but avoid the difficulties.
arès I inner part of banana stalk.
II ares-aresen reg to have a certain disease of the fingernails or toenails.
arga lit mountain.
ari I lit 1 day; 2 sun.
arian or aren paid by the day;
kuli day labourer (see also kuli).
II lit enemy.
III lit younger sibling.
IV reg if, whenever.
ari-ari, aruman k.i. afterbirth.
ariaya var of riyaya.
arih I var of arèh.
II ngarih-arih 1 to cheer up or comfort s.o.; 2 to coax, wheedle, persuade;
pangarih woman who assists the bride during the wedding ceremony;
pangarih-arih comfort, solace;
tan lilih saka pangarih-arih lit any comfort is in vain.
arik, orak-arik a name of food made of scrambled egg and sauteed vegetables;
ngorak-arik 1 to make such a food; 2 to disarrange, mess up, scratch around;
morak-marik messed up, in disarray.
aring I having recovered (from, calm); napasé recovered one's breath;
ngaringaké to bring about recovery in; to restore s.o. to calmness;
ngaring-aring to play around happily;
ngaring-aringi to comfort s.o. to stop them crying;
pangaring wedding attendants;
kakaring to get a breath of fresh air;
pakaringan balcony;
pangaring-aring comfort, solace.
II aring-aring or orang-aring a certain plant the leaves of which produce oil; a certain plant used as a medicine for children.
III or ring in, at, on (reg var of ing).
arip sleepy; - arip s.t. to keep one awake (see tamba);
arip-arip contribution paid by villagers before Mulud ritual ceremony for buying mats which will be used in the mosque;
ngaripi or ngaripake to make s.o. sleepy;
ngarip-aripi or ngarip-aripake causing drowsiness;
karipan 1 sleepy from staying up too late; 2 to oversleep.
aris I soft and calm, composed, under control.
II boundary line marked with a rope.
III chairman of village, district head;
mantri - assistant district chief (see also mantri).
IV, arisan social gathering usually held monthly by neighbourhood wives with a lottery.
arit I sickle;
ngarit 1 to cut grass with a sickle; 2 to work by cutting grass;
ngariti or ngeriti to cut grass everywhere;
ngaritake to cut grass for s.o; to have s.o. mow grass with a sickle;
aritan act of cutting with a sickle; the result of cutting with a sickle;
pangarit (one who has a job as) grasscutter.
II ngarit-arit or ngorat-arit 1 to scatter untidily; 2 to squander;
korat-karit scattered, in disorder;
morat-marit confused, disorganised.
ariwarta daily newspaper.
arka lit sun.
aron coll for karon (rice which is) half cooked. See karu.
arsa k.i. for arep, 1 lit to intend to, willing to, going to; 2 (or ngarsa) in front of; ing ngarsa sung tuladha to set an example for others.
arsi lit var of arsa.
arta money (kr for dhuwit).
artaka lit 1 treasure; 2 money. See also hartaka.
artati lit sugar, sweet. See also hartati.
artawan wealthy person.
arti ng, artos md, meaning, idea conveyed;
pangarti or pangerti comprehension, grasp. See also ngerti.
artos kr for arti.
aruara or ngaruara to make a big fuss; turmoil, distress, agitation. See also haruhara.
arubiru 1 to disturb, upset; 2 to interfere in other people's business.
aruh, aruh-aruh to speak to in greeting;
ngaruh-aruhi to greet or speak with in a friendly way.
arum I 1 fragrant, fig favourably known; 2 (of sounds, esp voices) sweet and pleasant.
II aruman k.i. afterbirth.
arungan busy, preoccupied (with).
arus rank (of odours, esp blood, the riverbank).
arwah soul, spirit, of the departed.
arya title of male nobility.
asab I ngasab to smooth s.t. by rubbing, esp with sandpaper.
II or angsab reg worthwhile.
asag, ngasag to glean, go over a field after the harvest.
asah, asah-asah to do the washing-up;
ngasah 1 to sharpen, whet; 2 to grind; - pikir to exercise the power of thinking;
ngasahi to wash (things, esp dishes);
ngasahake to sharpen for s.o.;
asahan 1 whetstone; 2 having been sharpened; 3 having been washed;
asah-asahan s.t. used for washing.
asal I (place of) origin, source; - usul ancestral origin; - dunung place of origin.
II if, provided.
asantun, tan asantun lit after that, without delay (var of asari).
asar or ngasar afternoon prayer (about 4 p.m.); - dhuwur prayer time about 3-4 p.m.; - endhek prayer time about 4-5 p.m.;
ngasar to observe the afternoon time of prayer.
asari lit, tan asari after that, without delay. See also asantun.
asas 1 foundation, base, basis; 2 principle; 3 goal, purpose.
asat dried, to become dry;
ngasataké 1 to drain s.t.; 2 to dry s.t. up;
kasatan to have run out of water, fig having a scarcity of wealth, broke. See also sat.
ascarya lit amazement. See also kascaryan.
asé fried transparent bean flour vermicelli mixed with fried potatoes.
asem 1 tamarind; 2 sour, fig excl expressing a sour reaction; gula - sugarcoated tamarind (eaten in a confection) (see also gula); uyah - salt and tamarind for seasoning fish or for use as a compress (see also uyah); 3 term of abuse: damn it!
ngasem to become sour;
ngasemi to put tamarind into s.t.;
masem 1 sour; 2 unripe; 3 (of clothing) old and faded but still nice-looking.
asèng reg to invite s.o. to come along.
asep smoke, steam.
asèp reg a belch; to belch. See also ateb.
asih love, compassion; to feel loving kindness; - tresna loving affection;
ngasihi to love;
ngasih-asih to plead for compassion;
mangasih-asih lit to flatter, plead for compassion;
kinasih beloved;
kasihan a beloved;
kecubung amethyst that can cause s.o. to fall in love (see also kecubung);
pangasihan a magic formula used for inspiring love (see also aji III).
asik, ngosak-asik to put into disarray, mess up; mosak-masik in disorder, in a mess.
asil 1 result; 2 product; 3 income;
ngasili income producing;
ngasilaké to produce;
kasil to succeed, produce results;
pangasilan income, earnings. See also kasil.
asin 1 salty; 2 prepared by a salting process (of fish, egg etc)', endhog salted egg (see also endhog); iwak salted fish (see also iwak);
ngasin to treat (foods) by a salting process;
ngasini to make foods saltier; to salt foods too much;
ngasinake to make s.t. (e.g. foods) saltier;
masin in a salting process (of egg, fish);
asinan salted vegetables or fruits, pickles;
pangasinan salting industry, salting-place.
asing 1 foreign; 2 unfamiliar.
asisten assistant (Wadana, Resident).
aslep to enter, insert (see also angslep, mangslep).
asli 1 source, origin; 2 pure, original; 3 native, indigenous, autochthonous; 4 genuine, authentic;
ngaslèkaké to restore the original form (of).
aslup vor of angslup.
asma personal name (k.i. for aran, jeneng);
ngasmani 1 to sign; to write one's name on s.t.; 2 to give a name to s.o.
asmara lit romantic love;
kasmaran to be in love, affected by passionate feelings.
asmaradana or asmarandana a certain classical verse form.
asmaratura lit to fall in love, be infatuated with.
aso or ngaso to rest, take a break;
ngasokake to rest s.t.; to have/let s.o. rest.
asoh var of asuh.
asok 1 to pay (tax, tribute etc); 2 to pour (into, out);
pasokan supply, money paid (e.g. taxes, fines).
See also sok II.
asor 1 low, inferior; 2 contemptible; 3 to lose; - perange to be defeated in a war; - unggul win or lose;
ngasorake 1 to defeat; 2 to cause to be inferior; 3 to humble;
kasoran to be defeated;
asor (ing) timbang 1 having the same level with others' knowledge but not in a certain ability.
asrama or pasraman lit monastery, hermitage.
asreng lit stern, harsh; angry, displeased.
asrep cold, cool (kr for adhem);
ngasrep to eat only unsalted food as a form of self-denial.
asri beautiful, attractive;
asren-asren or pasren decorations.
asring of ten, many times (kr for kerep).
asrog var of angsrog.
asru lit 1 loud; 2 fast, speedy. See also seru.
assalam(u)alaikum peace be upon you (Muslim greeting). See salam I.
asta hand (k.i. for tangan); - candhala to hit each other cruelly;
ngasta 1 to bring, take, carry (k.i. for nggawa); 2 to do, work (k.i. for nyambutgawe); 3 to hold, grasp; to handle (k.i. for nyekel).
astafirlah may God forgive me! (uttered when one is shocked).
astaga excl oh God!
astana 1 lit palace, court; 2 burial place of a revered or high-ranking person.
astapirlah var of astafirlah.
astha lit eight; -brata the eight precepts (for governing).
astra lit 1 weapon; 2 arrow.
astu lit amen;
awignam - may there be no obstacle (see also awignam).
asu ng, segawon kr dog; - ajag jackal, hunting dog (see also ajag I); - belang 1 spotted dog; 2 mongrel; - buntung 1 term of abuse, 'tailless dog!'; 2 to control others by virtue of one's wealth or power; - kikik a small long-haired dog;
asu arebut balung prov to fight over s.t. trivial;
asu belang kalung wang prov 1 a nouveau-riche person; 2 an ugly person who is popular for his riches;
asu gedhe menang kerahe prov to get the credit earned by one's inferiors;
asu munggah ing papahan prov married to an older brother's ex-wife;
rindhik asu digitik quickly, instantly
asuh or asoh var of aso.
asuk var of angsuk.
asung var of angsung.
asup lit to enter, set (of sun).
asut I ngasut to shuffle (of cards).
II ngasut to agitate.
aswa lit horse;
aswameda way great annual sacrifice made by a king.
asya lit 1 to laugh; 2 mouth.
ata see sapi.
atag, ngatag to threaten or pressure s.o. to do s.t.;
atag-atagan 1 to force each other to do s.t.; 2 forced, compelled;
pangatag a threatening suggestion.
atak I atak-atak reg to start doing s.t.
II atak-atakan reg election for village head.
III ngataki to heap and wrap (coins);
atakan roll of wrapped coins.
IV atakan tray (var of tatakan).
atal yellow ochre used as a cosmetic application for the skin; ngatali 1 to apply yellow cream to the body; 2 yellow coloured like ochre.
atap I lit neatly arranged or conducted;
a tap silaning akrami etiquette, precise behaviour, proper social conduct. See tap I, atrap.
II reg roof; thatched roof (var of atep);
ngatapi to put a roof on.
atas I 1 upon; - angin foreign country;
atas karsaning Pangeran because of God's will.
II ing (ng)atase or saatase not to mention the fact that, furthermore.
III ngatas 1 to inform one's superior; 2 to go up;
ngatasi to handle, cope with;
atas-atasan to compete for supremacy.
atat parrot-like bird.
atawa lit or (var of utawa).
até reg to want (var of arep).
atèb a belch; to belch (var of atob, antob).
atéla(h) men's short buttoned-up jacket.
atep thatched roof;
ngatep or ngatepi to put a thatched roof on.
ater to carry; - pangan to convey food;
ater-ater 1 gram prefix; 2 preface, foreword, introduction; 3 ritual meal sent to neighbours;
ngateri or ngeteri to bring food to;
ngater-ateri 1 to add a prefix to; 2 to give an introduction to;
ngateraké or ngeteraké to accompany, take. See also ter.
atèr 1 quiet, serene; 2 calm and even-tempered (reg var of anter).
athèng var of gathèng.
athi, athi-athi locks of hair worn in front of the ears (esp women).
athuh excl expressing a rush of feeling: var of adhuh.
athuk I 1 a match; 2 to get on well together;
mathuk 1 to agree 2; compatible;
dudu athuke it does not match.
II coll preferable;
athuka coll var of anua; 1 otherwise; 2 supposing that. See luwung, aluwung.
III athuk-atheng reg to take chances.
athung, athung-athung to raise the hand to attract attention; ngathung 1 to raise the hand; 2 to hold the hand out asking for s.t.;
ngathungi or ngethungi to raise the fist or weapon in the hand to threaten s.o.;
ngathungake 1 to give, hand over to; 2 to raise the hand for receiving s.t.;
kathung-kathung empty-handed. See also thung II.
ati I ng, manah kr, 1 (pang)galih k.i. heart; mind; 2 core, pith;
atèn-atèn 1 character; 2 soft inner pith of a stalk;
aja dadi atimu don't take it to heart;
entèk atiné scared to death;
karepé ati wish, heart's desire;
mantep atine to be sure of what one wants;
ora dilebokake ing ati not taken seriously.
II ati-ati or ngati-ati ng, atos-atos or ngatos-atos kr to be careful, watch out (for);
pangati-ati care, caution.
atis cold, chilly;
katisen to suffer from cold. See also tis, tistis.
atiti lit guest.
atma 1 soul, spirit; 2 lit child, offspring.
atmaja lit child, offspring.
atmaka lit child, offspring.
atob a belch; to belch, (var of antob).
aton, aton-aton lit to keep looking (at). See also ton.
atos I 1 hard, firm; harsh; 2 powerful; ngatosi 1 to become hard; 2 to make harder (than it was);
ngatosaké to make s.t. hard.
II atos-atos or ngatos-atos careful (kr for ati-ati).
atrap lit to put in place, arrange (var of atap).
atub lush, luxuriant (of leaves, fruits).
atul well acquainted with.
atur I 1 saying (k.i. for kandha); 2 advice;
ngaturi 1 to ask s.o. to do (k.a. for akon, ngongkon); 2 to call (k.a. for ngundang); 3 to invite (k.a. for ngulemi); 4 to give (k.a. for menehi); - uninga to inform;
paturan 1 written or oral report delivered to a superior; 2 reg female servant.
II ngatur to organise, arrange, regulate;
aturan 1 regulation, rule; 2 etiquette, manner.
atus I hundred;
atusan 1 hundreds; 2 a currency note or coin with the value of 100; 3 digit occupying the hundreds' place;
satus 100;
nyatus 100 each;
satusan 1 about one hundred; 2 (or nyatusan) 100 each.
II dried out thoroughly;
ngatus or ngetus to let dry out, drain, drip dry;
ngatusake 1 to dry out; 2 to dry out for s.o.
See also tus II.
atut peace and harmony (of a married couple); - runtut harmonious marriage;
patutan (a child) who is procreated (by...); to have child(ren).
atyanta lit exceedingly
aub shady, sheltered;
ngaub 1 to take shelter; 2 fig to be under the protection of;
ngaubi to provide shelter, protect;
pangauban 1 shelter, shade, protection; 2 protector, patron;
ngaub awar-awar to lack authority. See also eyub.
aut reg small, narrow.
awa I var of hawa.
II lit light, clear.
III to tease, treat with disrespect.
awad pretense;
awad-awad to pretend, act as if;
awadan or pawadan a pretext; to claim that.
awag, ngawag to mention s.t. arbitrarily; awagan to act randomly or without regard for regulations or propriety.
awak ng, badan kr, salira, sarira, slira k.i. body;
awak-awak 1 main part, main body; 2 to bathe quickly only from the waist up; 3 a representative, substitute;
awakku I;
awakmu you;
awaké he/she, you;
awaké dhéwe wé, us;
ngawaki to do by o.s.;
pawakan 1 shape (of the body); 2 figure; 3 nature;
pangawak character, nature;
manungsa - dewa a human being of divine nature;
awak-awakan a manufactured body.
awal beginning, initial stage;
ngawal to prance (of horses);
ngawali to begin to do s.t.; ngawalake to put forward;
awal-awal a kind of a pancake turner.
awan ng, siyang kr, 1 the middle part of the day when the sun is at its height: from call a.m. to 4 p.m.; 2 daytime;
kawanen or kawanan 1 too late; 2 too early (depending on the reference point);
awan-awan in broad daylight;
awan-awanan late in the day.
awang, ngawang 1 vague, hazy;
awang-awang the sky; (up in) the air;
awangan without recourse to written notation;
awang-awangen 1 to feel dizzy when looking down from a height; 2 to feel unsure.
awang-uwung lit the sky.
awar, awar-awar a certain plant, the leaves and roots used for medicinal purposes;
ngaub awar-awar prov 'to take shelter under the shrubs'; to seek protection from an ordinary person.
awas 1 able to see, sighted; 2 having sharp eyesight; 3 alert, on the lookout; 4 clairvoyant;
ngawasi to supervise;
ngawasake to keep a sharp watch on. See wawas.
awat, ngawat-awati or ngawat-awatake to supervise, keep an eye on.
awé, ngawé to call s.o. by waving;
awé-awé or ngawe-awe to wave to s.o.;
pangawé 1 act of waving; 2 holding the hand high above the head;
sapangawé or sadedeg sapangawé the height of a standing man's upstretched hand.
awéh 1 to have permission; 2 to give; - pambage to welcome; - pangapura to excuse; - salam to send regards; slamet to congratulate; - urmat to salute; - weruh to convey information;
pawèh gift, thing given. See wèh I, wèwèh.
awèl, awèl-awèl reg to mutter.
awer, awer-awer 1 s.t. used to cover one's nakedness; 2 string used as a fence or border;
ngawer-aweri to use string for fencing or bordering a spot or space.
awèt long-lasting, durable, unchanged over a period of time;
ngawètaké to preserve, stuff;
ngawèt-awèt to make s.t. last a long time. See also wèt.
awi I 1 let's...! (md for ayo); 2 please help yourself (md for mangga). See also suwawi.
II reg may be (md for manawi).
awicarita expert in telling stories.
awig 1 skilful, skilled; 2 skilfully crafted, finely wrought (of handicraft).
awignam astu lit may there be no obstacle. See also astu.
awil, awil-awil or owal-awil to move loosely or aimlessly
awin, ngawin to hold (a chicken) tightly by the head and feet preparatory to slaughtering it.
awir or awiran river flotsam;
ngawir-awir attached loosely so as to move freely. See also kowar-kawir.
awis I 1 sparse (kr for arang); 2 expensive, scarce (kr for larang).
II to bargain (kr for anyang).
III ngawisi to for bid (kr for nglarang);
awisan for bidden (kr for larangan).
IV awisan arsenic (kr for warangan).
awit 1 since, beginning from; 2 to start.
awiyat lit sky, (up in) the air.
awoh 1 to bear fruit; 2 to have results. See woh.
awon bad (kr for ala).
awor mixed, combined, mingled;
kaworan mixed with.
See also wor, mor.
awra scattered everywhere.
awrat 1 heavy, weighty (kr for abot); 2 to hold, accommodate (kr for amot).
awu I ash; udan - a rain of ash (see also udan); - blarak cleansing powder (of burnt coconut frond);
ngawoni to put ashes on;
pawon kitchen.
II family ranking according to the order in which members of preceding generations were born;
ngawu-awu to trace a genealogy.
awud, ngawud to act senselessly;
ngawud-awud 1 to scatter, strew; 2 to waste, squander;
mowad-mawud spread about carelessly.
awug, awug-awug a kind of cake made from cassava, sugar and grated coconut;
ngawug to crumble (soil);
mawug crumbled fine (of soil, preparatory to planting).
awuh lit to scream.
awul var of abul.
awun, awun-awun dew (var of bun).
awur, ngawur to do s.t. haphazardly or without basis;
mawur 1 loose(ned), not sticking together; 2 scattered;
ngawur-awur to scatter;
ngawur-awuri to sprinkle s.t.; to sprinkle onto;
ngawur-awurake to sprinkle/scatter s.t.;
awur-awuran 1 randomly; 2 scattered at random.
See also wur.
aya (to have) trouble, difficulty;
ngaya to work hard with a lot of difficulties;
ngaya-aya to act enthusiastically; to do with trouble;
ewuh aya ing pambudi to have difficulty attempting, in a dilemma, torn between alternatives.
ayab I a large long-handled fishnet;
ngayab to catch fish with such a net.
II ngayab to escort.
See ayap.
ayah I time (var of wayah).
II excl of incredulity: I don't believe it!
III ngayahi to carry out, perform;
wajib to carry out a duty;
ayahan community or official task.
IV ngayah reg to do senselessly.
ayak I ayake probably, perhaps, maybe.
II ngayak to strain, screen, sieve;
ayakan sieve.
III ngayaki to call people to work.
IV ayak-ayakan name of a Javanese melody
ayam I chicken (kr for pitik); - alas woodcock, jungle fowl;
ayam-ayaman 1 waterfowl; 2 a certain grass;
nusup ngayam alas 'to enter the forest as a jungle fowl'; to wander around incognito.
II ngayam-ayam to expect, look forward eagerly to.
III ngayam-ayam to threaten s.o. by pointing a weapon.
IV ngayam-ayam to prance.
ayan epilepsy;
ayanen to have/get epilepsy.
ayang I ayang-ayangan shadow. See also wayang.
II ngayang to help, aid.
III ayang-oyong reg to keep moving around with all one's baggage.
ayap see ayab.
ayar, ngayar 1 to tear up; 2 to weave a certain grass; 3 to spread s.t. (e.g. rice bundles) to dry in the sun.
ayat I a verse of the Quran.
II ngayati 1 to carry out, perform; 2 to bend (a bow) before releasing the arrow; 3 to set to work.
ayeg, mayeg-mayeg or ngayeg-ayeg 1 unsteady, threatening to topple; 2 extreme, in a high degree (far, high, much).
ayem untroubled, peaceful, comfortable; ngayem-ayem to relax, make o.self comfortable;
ngayem-ayemi to make s.o. calm;
ngayem-ayemake to cause to feel happy;
ayeman peaceful by nature;
ayem-ayeman remaining calm.
ayeng, mayeng or mayeng-mayeng to wander around.
ayer I supervisor, overseer;
ngayer to supervise;
ayeran 1 a community task; 2 security e.g. for a loan.
II see anyer, anyur.
ayid 1 sticky, gluey; 2 rancid, spoiled.
ayo ng, mangga fer, sumangga hi. come on, let's, please (invitation to do s.t.);
ayon to make an agreement (to do s.t. bad together).
ayom shady, shaded, protected;
ngayom to seek protection, take shelter;
ngayomi to protect, shade.
ayon to challenge, rebel against;
ngayoni 1 to recheck the weight; 2 to oppose (the enemy).
ayu 1 beautiful, pretty; 2 or hayu peaceful and prosperous;
ayon-ayon or ayu-ayunan 1 cosmetics; 2 s.t. used to make up.
ayub, ngayub-ayub to look pale and listless;
ayub-ayuben still half asleep.
ayubagya, mangayubagya to congratulate, offer best wishes;
pangayubagya congratulations, best wishes.
ayuh or ayuk coll var of ayo.
ayum, ngayumi to patch, mend.
ayun I swing;
ngayun to swing s.o.;
ayunan or ayun-ayunan children's swing, baby's swing;
ayun-ayunan to swing (on a swing, hanging tree roots etc).
II lit to want;
ngayunake to long for, desire, yearn for;
kayun lit a wish, desire.
III front; ing (ng)- in front;
mangayun to appear before s.o.;
ayunan presence;
ayun-ayunan facing each other;
pangayunan presence;
marak ing pangayunaning Pangeran to appear before God; deceased.
ayur see anyur.
ayut, ngayut to tie up into a single bundle.
aywa lit do not!
azan see adan I.