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dabag I 1 rough-woven bamboo used for wall or fence panel; 2 sharp-pointed bamboo poles used for fence;

ndabag resembling bamboo spears.

II measles (var of gabag);

ndabag or dabagen to have/get measles.

III, ndabag crowded (of people).

dablag yar of dabag.

dableg, ndableg stubborn, obstinate.

dadah, ng, kr, ginda k.i. massage; to be massaged;

ndadah 1 to massage (a baby); 2 to treat (a helpless victim) harshly;

dadahan massage;

pandadah act of massaging.

dadak or ndadak 1 suddenly, without warning; 2 unexpectedly and/or undesirably; 3 to (do) right away, (do) ahead of time; all at once; - apa now what?; - mangsa to speed up the normal pace; to try to force s.t. before its time;

kedadak 1 sudden; 2 to be caused to happen suddenly;

dadakan suddenly, immediately;

dumadakan all of a sudden, suddenly; all at once.

dadar I omelette, egg pancake; - gulung rolled egg pancake; - leler reward for services;

ndadar to make (egg) into omelette.

II, ndadar to examine, test, try out;

pandadar or pandadaran examination, test;

dadaran product of training.

III, ndadari (of the moon) to rise.

dadi ng, dados fer, 1 to be, become, assume the role of; 2 as, in(to), so as to become; 3 done, ready, successfully completed; 4 (in games) to be 'it', to be a defender; 5 so, therefore, thus; - ati to take s.t. to heart; - gawe to be dangerous; - lan to be the cause of; - wong to be(come) important/influential;

ndadi 1 to grow rapidly; 2 to increase in intensity; 3 to go into trance; 4 to let o.s. get caught and become 'in' in a game; 5 to set (fruits, on a tree);

ndadèkaké 1 to cause s.t. to be/become; 2 to consider s.t. (as);

dumadi ng, dumados fer, 1 to come into existence; 2 (to be) made from; 3 consist of;

kedadian or kedadéyan 1 result, consequence; 2 occurrence, eventuality; 3 brought to a (successful) conclusion; 4 (to be) made up of;

ora dadi apa it doesn't matter.

dados kr for dadi.

dadra, ndadra to worsen (of illness, vices etc); to increase.

dadu light red.

dadya lit var of dadi.

daga I, dagan the bottom or foot end (of s.o. in a lying position);

ndagan or ndedagan to sit in meditation at the foot of a buried person;

ndaganaké to place s.t. (kris, flower etc) at the foot of (buried person).

II, ndaga to disregard (orders).

dagang I to engage in business; - gawe (or ndagang gawe) to consistently take longer to do one's work in order to get more wages; - laku (or ndagang laku) to keep walking while offering the price of a merchandise in order to get a higher price from the purchaser; - layar to do business by sailing from place to place;

dagangan 1 business, trading; 2 merchandise;

dedagangan (to have) business/ commercial dealings with;

merdagang to deal in merchandise; to buy and sell in the marketplace;

padagang businessman;

padagangan trade;

dagang tuna andum bathi to do good for/to others.

II, ndagangi (of calf) at the stage of learning to walk.

dagel, ndagel (of fruit) to remain hard (var of dhagel II).

daging meat, flesh;

ndaging (of animals, fruits) fleshy, meaty;

daging-dagingan 1 meats; 2 resembling meat;

kulit daging see kulit.

dah excl boo!

dahana lit fire.

dahat lit very.

dahuru turmoil, chaotic situation. Also dauru.

dahwèn a busybody, nosey, inquisitive;

dahwèn pati opèn to be fond of being nosey.

dajal evil spirit.

dak I prefix; var of tak.

II (or ndak) inf var of andak.

dakar male genitals.

dakdir var of takdir.

dakik, ndakik or ndakik-ndakik sophisticated, detailed, intricate, elaborate.

dakmenang to behave in an overbearing or domineering way.

daknang inf var of dakmenang.

daksa lit wise, smart.

daksina lit 1 south; 2 right (opposite of left).

dakwa accusation, charge, indictment;

ndakwa to accuse, charge;

pandakwa accusation.

dakwenang var of dakmenang.

dal I name of the 5 th year in the windu cycle.

II out (shtf of wedal, kr for wetu).

dalah and (also), together with.

dalan ng, margi kr 1 road, path, street, passage; 2 way, route; 3 means, way; - butulan access road; - buntu dead end; - simpangan side road;

ndalanaké to handle (merchandise) in the capacity of middleman;

didalani or kedalanan to have a road, passage etc on/through it;

dalanan pathway, street areas, roadways;

sadalan-dalan all along the road; in every road;

dedalan lit var of dalan.

dalas, dalasan var of dalah.

dalem 1 in(side), within; 2 the inner room of a house, i.e. the main family section; 3 house, home (k.i.for omah); 4 walled-in residence compound of an aristocratic family; 5 your; he, his (referring to s.o. exalted); 6 k.a. I, me; my (also a response when called);

dedalem to live in (a place) (k.i. for manggon).

dalir stripe(s) on an animal's coat;

ndalir striped; stripe-shaped, in long rows.

dalit, dalitan a patched place.

dalon reg kr boar.

dalu I evening, night (kr for bengi, wengi);

kedalon overtaken by night.

II fully ripe (fruit);

kedalon overripe;

kadalu mangsa or kadalu warsa to have lapsed/expired.

daludag see dludag I.

dama, daman precious because of its scarcity;

dinama-dama (of child) spoiled;

dedaman money or things kept carefully as the last reserve.

damar 1 hardened tree resin; 2 lamp, lantern.

darnel job, task; celebration; to make, do, cause (kr for gawé).

dami 1 dried rice straw; a field of dried rice stalks; 2 inner peel of a ripe breadfruit or jackfruit section;

damèn 1 dried rice stalk; 2 whistle or bubble pipe made from such a stalk;

damènan field of dried rice straw;

ndamèn bosok resembling decaying straw;

ndamèn teles reddish yellow.

damu, ndamu or ndamoni to blow (on, out).

dan, ndan lit 1 then, afterwards; 2 quickly.

dana 1 charitable gift, funds; 2 district head (inf var of wedana).

danar, danar-danar (of female complexions) light, fair.

danas reg var of nanas.

dandan ng, dandos kr, to get/be dressed;

ndandani 1 to repair; 2 to dress s.o.;

ndandakaké 1 to have s.t. repaired; 2 to have (clothing) made;

dandan-dandan 1 to fix things up; 2 to keep repairing s.t.;

dandanan 1 apparel, way of dressing; 2 accessories; embellishments; 3 a place to dress; 4 a foregone conclusion.

dandang bottom part of a rice steamer; a copper pot for water, over which a woven bamboo cone (kukusan) containing the rice is placed.

dandos kr for dandan.

dang I, ngedang to cook (esp rice) by steaming;

ngedangaké to steam rice for s.o.;

padang 1 person who steams rice; 2 the time required to steam rice;

padangan kitchen;

kayu dang firewood;

sapadang sapanginang a moment, a short while;

dang-dangan 1 cooked by steaming; 2 the way to steam rice.

II, ndang quickly, promptly.

dangak reg var of dhangak.

dangan or danganan holder, handle.

dangdanan reg var of dandanan.

dangu I (a) long time (kr for suwé).

II to ask (a question) (k.i.for takon).

III stem of the sugar-palm blossom.

dangur cassava.

dangus harsh, stern, gruff, easily angered.

daning reg var of andèkna.

danten pigeon (reg kr for dara I).

danu lit wild buffalo.

daoké boss, a Chinese foreman; term for addressing a Chinese foreman.

dapak I reg if, when.

II reg moreover, beyond that, even.

III reg maybe.

daptar list.

dara I pigeon, dove; - bandhangan or - kaplakan male pigeon being trained by use of a tame female; - gambir brown pigeon; - giring homing pigeon; pigeon in the mating season; - kucir crested pigeon; - pos carrier pigeon; - topong black pigeon with a white head.

II, ndara 1 master, mistress (shtf of bendara); 2 Sir, madam (term for addressing one's master or mistress)', ­ ajeng daughter of the master; - kakung the master of the house; - mas son of the master; - putri wife of the master.

daradasih or ndaradasihi to materialise, come about.

daragepak a certain style of Javanese house with verandahs on all sides.

darah see dharah.

daraka lit solid, strong, resistant.

daran, ndarani 1 to name/call s.t. (var of ngarani); 2 to accuse.

darana lit steadfast, able to bear s.t., patient.

darani lit earth.

darapon lit in order to, so that.

darbe lit to have, own, possess;

ndarbèni to have possession of. See also darbèk.

darbèk the possession of, belonging to.

darès a variety of owl.

dari, ndari to rise (moon) (var of ndadari).

daridra lit needy, indigent, destitute.

daring, daringan 1 container for storing rice; 2 large flat bamboo surface where husked rice is spread out to dry before storing;

padaringan same as daringan.

darma I lit father.

II 1 (darmi kr) duty, obligation; 2 donation, contribution; to donate, contribute; 3 service, good deed;

ndarmani to contribute to;

ndarmakaké to contribute s.t. for;

sadarma or saderma (to do) from a sense of duty or as an obligation;

darmabakti volunteer work, service of value to the state;

darmawisata excursion, outing, field trip, a group study trip;

darmawan donor, philanthropist, generous person; contributor.

III close, intimate; mitra - a best friend.

darmaja lit child, son.

darmi duty, obligation (kr for darma).

darpa lit 1 eager; 2 desirous; 3 impulse, instinct.

darpaya var of darpa.

darsana lit example, model, instance.

daru falling star that gives off bright blue light; an omen of great good fortune. Also andaru.

darubeksi misfortune brought about by black magic.

daruna lit cause, reason.

darung, ndarung to do repeatedly or habitually;

kedarung-darung to go astray;

darungan and then, after that.

darus, ndarus to recite from the Quran.

darwya lit to have, own, possess (var of darbé).

das zero.

dasa the 10 digit (kr for puluh).

dasanama synonym; synonymous words.

dasih lit servant.

dat 1 essence; essential nature; 2 substance; chemical substance. Also zat.

datan lit no, not.

datapitana lit so it happened; as the story goes.

datar lit no, not (var of datan).

datatita var of datapitana.

datuk, ndatuk to form an addiction; to become addicted.

datullah the supreme essence (God).

daugan a young coconut (reg var of degan).

daulat blessing bestowed by a dignitary; - becik a good omen.

dauru turmoil, chaotic situation.

daut or dhaut 1 (k.i. for ompong) to be toothless; 2 to fall out (teeth), get new teeth (child) (see pupak); 3 to fall off (umbilical cord, after birth) (see puput puser);

kedaut lit attracted, swept away.

dawa ng, panjang kr long; - ambane the dimensions/area (of); - cendhake the length (of); - ilate to tattle; - tangane light-fingered;

ndawani to make s.t. longer (in relation to s.t. else);

ndawakaké to make s.t. longer;

ndedawa to lengthen;

kedawan excessively long;

kedawa-dawa long-drawn-out; (dragged) on and on.

dawala white silk scarf worn by a dancer around the neck to hold the batik in place.

daweg I 1 var of saweg; 2 subst kr for ayo.

II reg var of degan.

dawèr, ndawèr careless(ly), negligent(ly), unheeding(ly). See also dlawèr.

dawi extremely long (intsfr of dawa).

dawir torn, ragged (of human ears).

dawu extremely long (intsfr of dawa).

daya 1 power, energy, capacity, strength, force; 2 influence;

ndayani to give energy to; to influence;

kedayan strengthened by; influenced by;

daya-daya to exert force.

dayinta lit princess, queen, noblewoman.

dayita var of dayinta.

dé lit with regard to. See also déné.

débag, débagan or gedébagan to roll around in one's sleep.

debal, ndebal to prick out turf;

debalan turf, sod. See also gebal.

dèbès (of dressing) neat.

déblag, ndéblag 1 broad and thick; 2 to slap s.o. on the back; 3 to repair an eroded dyke separating a ricefield;

sadéblag (of cake) a big piece.

dèblèg, ndèblèg var of ndéblag.

dèblèg, ndèblèg 1 forming big and thick sheets; 2 cluttered; having many objects adhering to it.

déblo var of dèblèg.

debog banana tree log (shtf of gedebog).

dedah var of tedah.

dédé no; not (subst kr/md for dudu).

dedeg height, stature; - pangadeg or piadeg height, stature;

ndedegi to attend (a party); to be present at;

sadedeg the same height (as);

sadedeg pangadeg as high as a standing person;

sadedeg sapangawé as tall as a person can reach upward.

dedel, ndedel 1 to ascend quickly; to come up; 2 to push, press.

deder, ndeder steepQy graded).

dedreg to remain adamant.

deg, ngedegi 1 to build, set up; 2 to be present at (a party); ngedegi sayembara to take part in a contest;

ngedegaké 1 to build, set up; 2 to raise s.o. to the position of; ngedegaké sayembara to hold a contest. See also adeg.

degan young coconut with sweet juice and soft flesh;

dumegan (of coconuts) to be at the above stage of development.

degèg, ndegèg to thrust the chest forward.

degsura conceited, obstinate, inconsiderate.

dekep, ndekep 1 to grasp firmly; 2 to trap (e.g. an insect), esp with the downturned palm.

dèkèk, ndèkèk or ndèkèki or ndèkèkakè to place/put/lay s.t. on;

pandèkèk the way of placing s.t.

dèkèng oneself, see dhèwè.

dèkna see andèk.

dèkpuna see andèk.

deksina see daksina.

deksiya sadistic; cruel.

deksura see degsura.

dekung crooked, curved, bent;

ndekung to bow, bend, curve.

del or mak del repr a sudden upward motion.

delahan 1 the future; 2 the hereafter, the next life.

delalah, ndelalah by God's will, by chance; as luck would have it.

délan reg a condiment made from pounded and fermented shrimp or fish, usually used as ingredient for peppery sauce.

delap covetous;

delap-delapé what a cheek! (as a comment on s.o.'s greed).

delapon lit in order to; so that (var of darapon).

delas and also (var of dalah). See also dalasan.

delasan var of dalasan.

délé, délé-délé excl of surprise.

deleg I a pike-like fish.

II the facts of the matter.

III cross-section of a tree trunk.

IV or delegan rolled-up tobacco leaf.

dèlèh, ndèlèh to lay/place/put s.t. on.

dèlèk reg yar of dèlèh.

delem hollowed-out coconut shell, for holding water.

deleng ng, tingal kr, ndeleng to look at; to see;

ndeleng-ndeleng to depend (on), be up (to);

ndedeleng to look around, browse, observe; to see things;

ndelengi let me see!;

ndelengake to see, observe;

pandeleng 1 the way of observing; 2 vision, eyesight.

dèlèng to have squinty eyes;

ndèlèngaké to squint the eyes.

delep, ndelep to enter a hole,

ndelepaké to conceal; to hide from view. See also mendelep.

delèp, ndelèp 1 stubborn; 2 (of animals) difficult to kill; 3 to keep everything to o.s.

dèlèp, ndèlèp reg 1 to persist with what one decided to do; 2 able to endure pain and sorrow; 3 to have s.t. all to o.s.

delèr I the title of a member of the Council of the Indies.

II, ndelèr to stream in, pour in; copious, abundant.

dèlèr, ndèlèr to flow, ooze; to trickle out; to run down.

deles I 1 pure-bred; 2 unmixed blood.

II black.

III a cloth strip serving as a wick in an oil lamp.

delik see pendelik.

deling I bamboo (kr for pring).

II, dumeling (of sound) clearly audible.

delir var of delèr.

deloh, ndeloh to put s.t. s.w (reg var of dèlèh).

delok inf var of deleng.

delul, ndelul headstrong, strong-willed.

demak, ndemak reg 1 to touch with the hand; 2 to catch (chicken, insect etc) with the hands.

demang 1 village head; 2 a title of a court official; 3 customary law expert;

kademangan 1 the position of demang; 2 the area of a demang; 3 the residence of a demang;

demang ngiras tangkilan prov self-service (of guest).

demari, demarinen (of baby that is not yet weaned) sickly and fussy dembaga var of tembaga.

demblo, ndémblo forming thick sheets/ layers.

demblok, ndemblok smudged, smeared, messy.

demek see demak.

demèk, ndemèk to touch/feel with the hand;

ndemèki to keep touching;

kedemèk to touch accidentally;

demak-demèk to touch s.t. repeatedly;

demèkan the feel of s.t.

demèmèl var of dermimil.

demenak, ndemenakaké 1 pleasant, agreeable, causing delight; 2 appetising, delicious-looking.

demimil var of dremimil.

demok, ndemok to touch with the hand (var of demèk).

demumung, ndemumung reg to mutter, grumble.

demung a large bronze gamelan instrument;

ndemung to play this instrument.

den, ngeden 1 to strain, esp for defecating, giving birth; 2 to concentrate one's strength toward a goal.

dèn I adr high-status male (shtf of raden).

II 1 lit, 3rd person passive verbal prefix; 1 lit in a certain manner (var of sing, ingkang).

denang, ndenangi to see s.o. doing s.t. furtively; to observe s.t. what has gone unnoticed to others;

kadenangan to get caught doing s.t. one does not want noticed.

denawa see danawa.

déné 1 that (introductory clause); 2 while, whereas; 3 regarding, as for.

dènèng reg var of dene.

dengak reg var of dhengak.

dengang, ndengangi reg var of ngonangi.

dengangak, ndengangak facing upward. See also dhangak.

dengangap, ndengangap to keep wanting to eat.

dengap, dengap-dengap to breathe laboriously; fig to find life overwhelmingly difficult.

dengarèn how strange! it's unusual that... See also dingarèn, kadingarèn.

dengèngèk, ndengèngèk to lift the head suddenly.

dengguk, ndengguk to gain weight; thick and ungainly

dengingak, ndengingak to stare upward.

dengkek, ndengkek or ndengkekake to bend s.t. into an arch; to flex s.t.;

kedengkèk 1 to get bent or arched; 2 fig to be the victim of misfortune.

dèngkèk 1 (having) a bent or hunched back; 2 name of one of the small playing-cards (kertu cilik).

dengkèng, ndengkèng arc-shaped, curved, swaybacked.

dengki to bear a grudge; to wish s.o. ill. See also drengki.

dengok, ndengok reg to look at, observe.

dengongok var of dengèngèk

dening 1 (done) by; 2 because of.

denira lit by you; by him/her.

denta lit ivory; white as ivory.

dènta var of dènira.

dentawyanjana gram order of Javanese characters.

dènten md for déné.

dènya var of denira.

depara nonsense, impossible (var of dupara).

depok, ndepok reg to touch var of demok). See also gepok.

derana see darana.

derap, nderap to gallop; to run at a gallop.

derapon see darapon.

derbala, nderbala to become richer and richer.

derbé see darbé.

derbis a certain type of cannon.

derbombok a dark grey long-necked, long-legged water bird (var of sribombok).

derbus a certain type of cannon (var of derbis).

derdah a quarrel, dispute.

dereng wish, desire;

kadereng eager.

dèrèng not yet (kr for durung).

derep 1 to harvest rice; 2 to offer one's services at the rice harvest;

nderepake to have (workers) harvest rice;

derepan the harvested crop.

deres I hard, heavy (of a downpour);

kaderesan to get saturated by rain.

II, nderes to read aloud from the Quran until finished (var of darus).

dèrès, ndèrès 1 to tap a tree for sap; 2 to strip the bark from (a tree, to process it);

dèrèsan a coconut palm used only for tapping.

dergil, ndergil enterprising, resourceful, industrious.

dering I reg no; not.

II sharp projecting edge.

derkuku a variety of dove.

derma var of darma.

dermaga ng, dermagi kr 1 main road, thoroughfare; 2 pier, harbour.

derman (of woman) having many children; to be a mother many times over.

dermèmèl var of dermimil.

dermèmèng, ndermemeng to grumble, mutter to o.s.

dermèn or dermènan child's whistle made from a rice stalk.

dermi yar of darmi.

dermimil, ndermimil 1 to recite a prayer continuously; 2 to mutter, talk constantly under one's breath.

dermimis var of dermis.

dermis, ndermis to ask things all the time without shame.

dersana a variety of roseapple (jambu).

deruk a certain variety of dove which is tamed as a pet or used for hunting.

derwis dervish.

derwolo, nderwolo headstrong, stubborn, self-willed.

dèsa ng, dhusun kr village, rural settlement; - ngadesa all over the villages; ndesani to act/be like a rustic, countrified;

padésan 1 rural area; 2 rural, pertaining to villages;

désa mawa car a, negara mawa tata prov each region has its own ways.

destun 1 it's supposed to be better if...; 2 but on the contrary.

dètèng, ndètèng (to stand or to walk) with chest high and shoulders back.

détiya or detya lit ogre, giant. See also ditya.

déwa male deity, god;

kadéwan 1 realm of the deities; 2 having a deity-like nature.

déwadaru or déwandaru 1 a certain mythological tree with magical properties, wishing-tree; 2 one of two banyan trees in front of the palace in north square, Yogyakarta.

déwaji lit adr king; kanjeng - Your Majesty.

déwalaya lit realm of the deities.

déwanggana lit fairy. See also diwangkara.

déwangkara lit sun.

déwaresi mythological being, divine sage.

déwasa adult, of age.

déwata deity, god.

dèwi female deity; goddess; - Sri the Goddess of Rice.

déyos see dhéyos.

dhablang var of dhaplang.

dhabreg a large quantity;

sadhabreg a large amount, a lot.

dhabyang, ndhabyang(-dhabyang) to support (a weak person) and help him walk.

dhacin unit of weight: ca 61.76 kg;

dhacinan 1 balance scale for weighing by dhacin's; 2 in dhacin's, by the dhacin.

dhadha I ng, kr, jaja or pranaja k.i. chest, breast; - manuk barrel-chest;

- menthok breast of poultry; the white chicken meat;

ndhadha 1 to let s.t. bounce off one's chest; 2 to admit one's mistakes; 3 to accept with courage;

pandhadha third child in the family.

II certain note of gamelan scales.

dhadhah I a hedge.

II see dhah.

dhadhak a sap that causes skin itch;

dhadhakan 1 occasion, inducement; 2 an irritant to a personal relationship.

dhadhal 1 to fall down or burst apart (as of dyke or dam); 2 disarranged, out of order; 3 finished, all gone (of money, capital etc);

ndhadhal to repossess one's ricefield because the lessee failed in his obligations;

ndhadhali to trim, prune;

ndhadhalaké to break (through) s.t.

dhadhali a swallow-like bird.

dhadhap 1 a certain shade tree; 2 shield; - ayam or - bong common varieties of dhadhap tree; - srep tree the leaves of which are used in traditional medicines;

ndhadhap to strike with a shield;

si Dhadhap si Waru hypothetical people; A or B.

dhadhar, ndhadhari (of the moon) to rise (var of ndadari).

dhadhat, ndhadhat to tear/break through s.t.

dhadhil, dhodhal-dhadhil badly torn.

dhadho steel and flint device for lighting fires.

dhadhu dice; main - gambling by using a dice;

ndhadhu cube-shaped.

dhadhuk dried-out vegetation.

dhadhung heavy rope; - tapuk rope halter;

didhadhunga medhot, dipalangana mlumpat prov to resist restraint, not want to be fenced in.

dhadhut chubby.

dhaèng title of rank in Buginese society.

dhag reg absent, out;

ngedhag or ngedhag-edhag uncovered, unprotected, out in the open;

ngedhagaké to leave open/uncovered.

dhaga, ndhaga-ndhaga to have an appetite (for).

dhagé reg a variety of fermented sticky rice (tapé).

dhagel I, ndhagel to joke, clown around;

dhagelan 1 clown; 2 joking, clowning; 3 short humorous skit.

II still hard (fruit).

dhagi inf var of undhagi.

dhaglig, dhoglag-dhaglig shaky, wobbly.

dhaglo, ndhaglo reg sitting and doing nothing.

dhagrèg reg old and useless.

dhagu reg chin.

dhah word of farewell: 'bye!';

ngedhahi to say/wave goodbye to;

dhadhah-dhadhah to say bye-bye.

dhahar to eat (k.i. for mangan); - kembul to eat together; to share a meal from a common plate;

ndhahar 1 to eat; 2 to believe (in), follow (k.i. for nggugu); - atur to heed, follow advice.

dhahas (of soil) dry dried out.

dhahat lit very (var of dahat).

dhahwen see dahwen.

dhahyang var of dhanyang.

dhajeng var of dhiajeng.

dhak I to descend; unload (rootform: kr for dhun).

II, ndhak or else (inf var of mundhak).

III, ndhak every (inf var of pendhak).

dhakah 1 greedy; 2 great, big, large.

dhakal, kedhakalan to climb with difficulty.

dhaken subst kr for dhaku.

dhakik see dakik.

dhakir, dhakir-dhakir to dig a hole with the hands or forefeet (of animals).

dhakom, ndhakom to sit with knees drawn up; to lie protectively over s.t. See also dhekem.

dhakon (to play) a certain game consisting of a shallow oval-shaped wooden board containing rows of round hollowed-out places into which fruit pits (kecik) are placed according to certain rules.

dhaku, ndhaku to claim (ownership of); to acknowledge as one's own.

dhakur var of dhakir.

dhakwa or ndhakwa of different/disparate lengths (shtc from cendhak dawa).

dhal, dhal-dhalan to wander, leave home frequently; one who wanders.

dhali a swallow-like bird (shtf of dhadhali).

dhalang 1 narrator and puppeteer of traditional shadow-plays; 2 mastermind, power behind the scenes;

ndhalang to conduct a shadow-play performance, act as dhalang;

ndhalangi to mastermind, be a power behind the scenes;

ndhalangaké to depict in a shadow-play;

padhalangan 1 shadow-play lore, including knowledge of the tales, the language used and the art of manipulating the puppets; 2 shadow-play performance;

dhalang ora kurang lakon prov a smart person can always find a way.

dhalung a large kettle for cooking rice.

dham I dam.

II reg a turn at night watch in the village watchman's base.

III checked (design);

ngedham to draw based on a certain pattern.

IV dham-dhaman to play draughts.

dhamang 1 to understand; 2 easily done;

ndhamangaké to clarify, make comprehensible.

dhambul a game played by tossing small balls or pebbles in the hands.

dhami infvar bedhami.

dhamis 1 to fit together; 2 aesthetically harmonious.

dhampa skin disease characterised by a red rash.

dhampak barrel-chested.

dhampar 1 throne; 2 low (round) table where people sit cross-legged to eat, play cards etc.

dhampèng, ndhampèng 1 to hide by crouching behind s.t.; 2 lit to plead for sympathy.

dhamping steep wall of a ravine.

dhamplak or dhamplak-dhamplak big around (of banana, horns or long roughly cylindrical objects).

dhampleng reg form, shape, face.

dhampit boy-girl twins.

dhampyak, dhampyak-dhampyak 1 in throngs, in great numbers; 2 (of people) spreading out and marching abreast, blocking the road.

dhana, ndhana to go there (Yogya slang, var of mrana).

dhana-dhini boy-girl sibling combination (shtf of kedhana-kedhini).

dhancang fast (var of bancang).

dhandha lit club, bludgeon.

dhandhan I handle of an umbrella.

II reg 1 wire cord; 2 big cord made from young bamboo.

dhandhang I carrion crow;

ndhandhang resembling a carrion crow;

dhandhang diunèkaké kuntul prov a bad man made out to be good.

II or cucuk dhandhang pickaxe. See also cucuk.

III, dhandhang-gula a certain classical verse form;

dhandhang-gendhis kr for dhandhanggula.

dhandheng, ndhandheng to wander, roam.

dhandher reg cassava.

dhandhing, ndhandhing slender and graceful.

dhang I honorific title applied to a priest.

II, ngedhang to wait for, lie in wait for;

ngedhang-dhangi to block s.o.'s way; to put s.t. in the way of.

See also adhang.

dhangah, dhangah-dhangah (to walk) briskly, to stride.

dhangak, ndhangak facing upward; craning the neck (var of ndangak);

ndhangakake to face s.t. upward.

dhangan 1 well (k.i. for waras); 2 to recover from (k.i. for mari); 3 willing (to help); 4 pleased, to like (k.i. for seneng); 5 comfortable (k.i. for kepénak).

dhangdhang lit crow (bird) (var of dhandhang).

dhangdheng var of dhandheng.

dhangdher var of dhandher.

dhangdhing see dhing.

dhangdhong reg sometimes (var of dhongdhong).

dhanget to hear (shtf of midhanget, k.i. for krungu).

dhangglong, dhangglongan reg 1 inconstant; 2 idiotic, witless.

dhanghyang honorific title applied to a priest.

dhangir, weeding and loosening of surface soil with a hoe;

ndhangir to weed and loosen (soil);

alis to shave and shape eyebrows.

dhangka 1 place, location; 2 cr habitation of an ogre or evil spirit; 3 cave where a corpse is kept.

dhangkak reg having a short neck and bulging chest.

dhangkal I reg self-willed, obstinate (var of wangkal).

II reg (of fruits) hard.

III reg dirt on the skin;

ndhangkal or dhangkalen (of skin) dirty.

dhangkèl main root of a tree;

ndhangkèl 1 to remove a tree by the roots; 2 to practise asceticism by eating several kinds of roots only;

dhangkèlan 1 main root of a tree; 2 fig gang leader.

dhangklèh, dhangklèh-dhangklèh broken and hanging (from). See also dhengleh.

dhangkrok, ndhangkrok 1 climbing by pressing the chest against a tree; 2 to sit with the knees drawn up and the back bent.

dhangkruk var of dhangkrok.

dhangleng reg idiotic, eccentric, deranged.

dhangling var of dhangleng.

dhangsah Western-style dancing; to perform this.

dhangsul shtf of kedhangsul soybean (subst kr for dhele, kedhele).

dhangsur, ndhangsur reg to sleep everywhere.

dhanu lit lake. See also ranu.

dhanyang a spirit who guards a particular locality.

dhaon reg a plant leaf.

dhaos reg kr for dhacin.

dhapa, ndhapa shtf of pendhapa.

dhaplang, ndhaplang to stretch the arms out to the sides.

dhaplok very old. See also gerang.

dhapuk assigned a role to;

ndhapuk 1 to arrange, set up; 2 to assign a role to;

dhapukan 1 arrangement(s), formation; 2 role assigned;

pandhapuk the way to set up.

dhapur or dhapuran 1 shape, form, design; 2 clump, cluster;

adhapur in the form of, resembling;

dhapurmu excl, cr stupid!;

dhapur kebeneran lucky for us.

Javanese English Dictionary

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