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bok I (pron as: mbok) mother; - enom second wife; -mas adr woman of lower class; -ajeng or -nganten adr young woman of middle class; -ayu or mbakayu adr elder sister.

II (pron as: mbok) or bokan or bok ya (coaxing) please;

bok-bok excl of astonishment;

bok bèn let it happen;

bokbilih if, when(ever) (kr for yen);

bok iya please do!;

bokmenawa perhaps, possibly, probably;

bok wis (ta) that's enough now.

III (pron as: mbok) reg vox of kok (2nd person passive prefix).

bokong 1 ng, bocong or pocong fe.i., buttocks; 2 bottom or back part of s.t; ­ kukusan to keep moving from place to place;

mbokong 1 to push s.t. with the buttocks; 2 to attack from the rear; 3 to support financially;

mbokongi 1 to support s.o. financially; 2 to turn one's back on s.o.;

bokongan 1 the back (part, esp of a vehicle); 2 bottom (of a container); 3 a small ricefield located among fields belonging to others; 4 flattened top part of a river dyke; 5 puppet figure with round back part;

nyangga bokong to take care of s.o.'s reputation for the sake of their safety.

bokor large bowl, usu of brass.

bol rectum; - jaran a variety of snack. bolah (sewing) thread.

bolèd reg cassava; sweet potato;

mbolèd 1 tall and thin; 2 (moving) with wriggling snake-like motions.

bolèg var of bolèd.

bolèng or bolèngen (of sugarcane, tuberous roots) with cavities and hardening from plant disease.

bolèr small fruit worm;

bolèren (of fruits) infested with worms.

bolong 1 hollow; 2 perforated; 3 having a hole in it;

mbolong or mbolongi to make a hole in s.t. deliberately;

mbolongaké to make a hole in s.t. accidentally;

bolongan a hole, orifice; - irung nostril(s). See also sundel.

bolor respiratory disease of horses.

bolos, mbolos to slip away from one's obligation, play truant.

bolot dirt on the human skin;

boloten having dirty skin.

bolu I soft baked cake; - kukus a kind of sponge cake.

II a certain creeping plant and its fruits;

bolu rambatan lemah expr a complicated interminable problem.

bom 1 bomb; 2 fart;

ngebom to bomb (a target);

ngebomi to bomb repeatedly;

bom-boman to bomb each other; bombing-raid.

boma I lit dry grass.

II or boman inner room in a traditional house.

bomantara lit heaven, sky.

bombang, kebombang to get neglected because no help is available.

bombong optimistic, confident;

mbombong to encourage, impart confidence;

kebombong encouraged, bolstered;

bombongan 1 act or way of encouraging; 2 (of one's nature) pleased to be praised.

bombrong a variety of vegetable soup with coconut milk;

mbombrong 1 to make soup as above; 2 (of woman or girl) not neatly combed and dressed.

bon I 1 account, bill; 2 voucher for payment, an IOU;

ngebon to buy on credit.

II 1 a team of players chosen to represent a certain city or area in competition; 2 alliance, league;

ngebon to recruit a player from another team;

bon-bonan recruited player from another team.

bonang gamelan instrument consisting of row of tuned inverted bronze bowls;

mbonang to play the bonang;

mbonangi to join the gamelan orchestra by playing the bonang;

bonangan act or style of playing the bonang.

boncèng, mboncèng 1 to ride on the back of a bicycle or motorcycle; 2 fig to ride along on s.o.'s successes;

mboncèngi to get a ride from;

mboncèngaké to give s.o. a ride.

boncis see buncis.

bondhan a classical dance, performed by a female, depicting a mother caring for her child;

mbondhan to perform this dance.

bondhol a certain bird.

bonékah doll.

bong I (or bong supit) person other than a doctor who performs a circumcision.

II (or bong Cina) Chinese cemetery.

III to he down, go to bed (children's word).

bongbong var of bombong.

bonggol the part of a tree trunk or plant stalk where it emerges from the soil.

bongkang a certain insect; kebo - a cockroach-like insect that walks backwards (see also kebo).

bongkar var of bungkar.

bongkeng (of sugarcane, tuberous roots) with cavities and hardening from plant disease. See also boléng.

bonjor reg a long bamboo cylinder.

bonjrot, mbonjrot cr to shit, have diarrhoea.

bongko rice-accompanying dish, made from beans and grated young coconut steamed in banana-leaf wrapping.

bongkok I stem of coconut-palm leaf.

II or bongkokan a tied bundle;

mbongkok or mbongkoki to make into a bundle.

bongkor I or bongkoran reg lying fallow;

mbongkoraké to allow (land) to remain fallow.

II 1 reg cr dead; to die; 2 down with! death to...! See also bangka.

bongko11 base of a stem/stalk, tree stump; 2 or bongkotan the end; - pucuk lower and upper ends; beginning and end; fig the facts/circumstances of.

bongkrah in disrepair, out of order (var of bungkrah).

bongkrèk residue of peanuts after extracting oil; témpé - fermented beancake made with peanut residue;

bongkrékan waste from sugarcane.

bonglot var of bolot.

bongoh (of decoration, physique) pleasing.

bongsor to grow tall fast.

bontèng reg cucumber.

bonto cr dumb, stupid.

bonyèh running sores;

bonyèhen suffering from running sores.

bonyok 1 overripe, beginning to spoil; 2 severely wounded;

bonyoken to have/get a certain scalp affliction.

bopati var of bupati.

bopong I (of horses) having a light­coloured body and dark legs.

II mbopong to pick up or hold and carry s.t. against the chest;

bopongan 1 position for carrying or holding s.t. against the chest; 2 a cock carried as gift to the village head when he holds a wedding party etc.

bor (black)board.

bora(k), mbora(k) excl of indifference; I don't care; to hell with it!

borah-barèh see barèh.

boral reg generous, extravagant.

boran or mboran reg possibly, probably.

borang booby trap of sharpened bamboo points stuck in the ground.

bordhès balustrade, platform at the ends of a railway carriage.

bordhir embroidery;

mbordhir to embroider.

boreg I guarantee, security, warranty; an asset used to secure a loan;

mboregi to secure a loan; to put up security for;

mboregaké to use an asset to secure a loan.

II mboregi reg to buy a treat for.

borèh ng, kr konyoh k.i. a mixture of pounded pandanus and yellow leaves and flowers, used as a cosmetic application applied to the body;

mborèhi to apply this mixture to the body;

borèhan 1 mixture as above; 2 applied with such a mixture.

borok sores on the scalp;

mborok to be ulcerous, fester;

boroken to have/get sores on the scalp; to have an ulcer;

borok ilang rasané prov to be accustomed to suffering pain.

borong I mborong 1 to buy up the entire stock, take all of s.t.; 2 to do an entire job; 3 to hold various positions;

mborongaké 1 to sell wholesale; 2 to give the entire contract; 3 to have (a job) contracted for;

borongan 1 total sale; (by the) whole­ sale (lot); 2 work contracted for as a job;

pamborong 1 wholesale supplier, purveyor; 2 contractor.

II or mangsa borong to disclaim responsibility (var of mangsa bodhoa).

boros I extravagant, wasteful;

mborosi or mbeboros(i) causing high expenditures, wasteful;

mborosaké to waste, squander.

II sprout of a certain root (kunci).

borot leak, to have a leak.

bos I carton (of cigarettes);

bos-bosan in cartons; by the carton.

II or mak bos repr deflating, a rush of escaping air (see also gembos).

III axle.

bosah-basih or bosah-baseh in disarray messy

bosen bored (with); tired of;

mboseni 1 boring, tiresome; 2 to bore s.o.;

mbosenaké to make s.o. bored;

bosenan easily bored.

bosin (of hunting) unlucky

boso a certain freshwater fish.

bosok rotten, decayed;

mbosoki decaying;

mbosokake to cause to rot;

bosokan in a rotted or decayed state.

bot I ng, wrat kr, weight; - repot troubles, burdens; - seleh difficult, burdensome; -sih biased, partial;

ngeboti or ngebotaké to consider s.t. more important;

ngebot-boti to make s.t. heavier or more difficult;

sabobote however hard;

bot-bote for the sake of.

II paid in full (var of bod).

boten (pron as: mboten) no; not (kr for ora).

bothèk, bothèkan medicine chest with small drawers.

bothi large woven grass bag.

bothok rice-accompanying dish, made of salt fish etc, grated young coconut, chili, wrapped in banana leaf and steamed;

mbothok to make (ingredients) into the above.

botoh 1 croupier, gambling-chief, gambler; - jago cock-fight addict; 2 (or bebotoh) one who bets on s.o.'s case;

mbotohi to bet on;

botohan or bebotohan or ngabotohan to gamble;

pambotohan gambling place/association.

botol I bottle.

II having a hole in the bottom; having no bottom.

botor seed of a certain leguminous plant (kecipir). See also lonjong.

botrawi lit ornamental pond, small lake.

boya reg (irregular pronoun) no; not.

boyong, mboyong, 1 to take (wife and children) to a new home; 2 to take a bride off to her new home (bridegroom);

boyongan to move with all one's possessions from one location to another.

bowèk having a hole torn in it;

mbowèk to tear a hole in s.t.

bowol having a hole in it, so that the contents can run out.

bowong lit tiger.

B.P.H. see bendara.

B.R.A. see bendara.

bra lit light, radiance, shining.

brabad, brabadan cooking spices and other kitchen needs; to sell such items in the market.

brabah to speak raucously, having a loud speaking voice.

brabak, mbrabak 1 to flush with anger; 2 having tears of emotion in the eyes.

brabas, mbrabas 1 to seep out; 2 porous.

brabat or mak brabat repr a sudden dash; mbrabat to dash, sprint.

brabèh 1 reg to have problems; 2 or kebrabèhan too talkative.

brabon clothing dyed with the bark of a certain tree (kudhu).

bracok rope on a horse's mouth used as a halter.

bradhat or mak bradhat repr a sudden dash;

mbradhat 1 var of mbrabat; 2 to steal livestock; 3 to seize;

kebradhat seized.

bradhil, mbradhil or pa ting bradhil or brodhal-bradhil frayed, fraying.

brag-breg see breg.

brag-breg see breg.

bragalba lit tiger. See also pragalba.

bragedhir brigadier.

brah reg scattered, spread about untidily.

brahak-brahok see brahok.

brahala 1 giant; 2 idol, idolatry.

brahat traditional ritual during the month of Ruwah; malem - the night before holding this traditional ritual (see also malem).

brah-brèh see breh.

brahi or brai 1 adolescent, to have reached one's teens; 2 to feel passionate; 3 attracted, keen on (dressing, make up).

brahmacari student of a priest.

brahmana Hindu priest (var of bramana).

brahmani Hindu priestess (var of bramani).

brahok var of braok.

brai see brahi.

braja lit 1 weapon; 2 windstorm;

sumengka pangawak braja lit over­bold, to act bravely.

brajag I 1 leader, person in charge.

II trap of sharpened bamboo points stuck in the ground.

III mbrajag 1 to sing habitually (esp birds); 2 to gush out (of water).

IV robber; pirate (var of bajag I);

mbrajag to rob.

V mbrajagi to intersperse (plants).

brak or mak brak 1 repr a ripping action; 2 repr splitting wood; 3 repr a slapping sound.

brak-bruk see bruk.

brakithi lit ant (var of blekithi);

brakithi angkara madu to suffer disaster because of too much ambition to gain wealth.

brakot, mbrakot to bite;

mbrakoti to gnaw on;

kebrakot to get bitten (esp by a dog);

brakotan gnawing, biting.

bral, ngebral or ngebralaké 1 to sell out; 2 to spend recklessly, squander.

bral-brol see brol.

brama reg, kr fire. See also grama.

bramacorah 1 criminal, felon, bandit; 2 the accused, defendant.

bramakarsa or bramakroso floral procession.

bramana var of brahmana.

bramani var of brahmani.

bramantya lit furiously angry Also bremantya.

bramara lit bee.

bramastra lit fire-arrow, rocket.

brambang I red onion;

mbrambang or mbrambangi (of eyes) to water from irritation, to start trickling (of tears).

II a rice plant disease.

brambet red onion (reg, kr for brambang).

bran reg every day. See also bera.

brana I or rajabrana jewelry, riches, treasure. See also raja.

II lit a wound;

kebranan wounded.

III mbrana (Yogya slang) var of mrana.

branah, mbranah or bebranahan 1 to breed rapidly; 2 to multiply, flourish.

branang, mbranang 1 bright red; 2 to get scorched;

kebranang 1 furious; 2 to get scorched.

brancah of free-and-easy morals, unable to say no.

brandang, mbrandang to need urgently;

brandangan urgent need.

brandhal gangster, rascal, scoundrel;

mbrandhal 1 to be a gangster; 2 to commit an act of banditry;

brandhalan to behave like a felon, ill-mannered.

brandhèng or brandhing band(s) of thin bamboo.

brandon, or brandonan to pool capital for a business enterprise; to buy a share in an enterprise.

brang I on the other side (shtf of sabrang I); brang kulon the western side of the river.

II brang-brangan to drum.

brangas, mbrangas 1 to scorch; 2 to make s.o. angry;

brangasan 1 quick-tempered; 2 bestial, brutal;

kebrangas 1 to get overcooked, to get burnt; 2 furious; 3 growing old too fast.

branggah spreading widely (of horns, branches, antlers); keris - kris with a widely spreading crosspiece (see also keris); tani - farmer who owns cattle (see also tani).

brangkal rubble;

mbrangkal to cover or fill with rubble;

mbrangkalaké to have s.t. covered with rubble;

brangkalan rocky road, rubbly path.

brangkang, mbrangkang to creep, crawl;

brangkangan to crawl around on all fours.

brangkar stretcher (for carrying patients).

brangsang or mbrangsang to feel uncomfortably warm.

brangta lit in love with, enchanted by. Also branta.

brangti var of brangta. brangus muzzle (of dogs);

mbrangus 1 to muzzle an animal, esp a dog; 2 fig to prevent freedom of speech;

brangusan in a muzzled condition;

pambrangus act of muzzling.

brani magnet; wesi - magnetic iron (see also wesi).

branjang I clay mixed with sand.

II a certain square net; - kawat wire netting;

mbranjang 1 wide apart (of woven bamboo etc); 2 to enclose with a wire netting.

branta see brangta.

brantas, mbrantas to wipe out, remove, fight (against); - wutasastra to eliminate illiteracy; ~ pageblug to combat an epidemic;

pambrantas 1 act of abolishing; 2 exterminator; s.o. or s.t which abolishes.

branwir fire brigade; fire extinguisher, fire engine.

branyak, mbranyak 1 dashing; 2 with one's nose in the air.

braok, mbraok or broak-braok loud, shrill;

braokan a shrill-voiced person.

brasak 1 coarse sand; 2 reg coarse, crude, boorish.

brasat, mbrasat to run away;

mbrasataké to run off with s.t. belonging to s.o. else;

kebrasat to be routed, driven from (the battlefield).

brasta, mbrasta lit to wipe out; ­ wutasastra to eliminate illiteracy.

brastha var of brasta.

brata to undertake an ascetic exercise (a fast etc); - semadi the practice of religious concentration and meditation; -yuda way war of Pandawa against Kurawa; tapa - see tapa; mbratani to fast for (a special goal);

pabratan 1 place where an act of asceticism is performed; 2 or pabaratan battlefield.

bratawali bitter-tasting leaves used in traditional medicines.

brati I a crossbred duck.

II one who isolates himself and lives ascetically to achieve his aim.

bratos reg kr for bratu.

bratu advanced money loan, credit.

brawala lit struggle, quarrel, dispute, brawl.

brawasa var of brawala.

brawuk, mbrawuk to claim (ownership of).

brayan or bebrayan 1 society; one's fellow men; 2 to get along well together.

brayat nuclear family, parents with children;

bebrayatan to live together as a family group.

brayut parents with many children;

mbrayut 1 to carry more than one child at a time; 2 to tie together in a bundle.

bré, ngebré to knit.

brebah subst hr for brubuh.

brébah to change (from its former condition), (kr for brubah). Also bribah.

brebeg, mbrebegi to disturb with noise; ­ kuping deafeningly loud;

kebrebegen to suffer from too much noise.

brebek mouldered; to weather, deteriorate;

brebekan mould, decayed wood.

brebel or mak brebel repr welling up, flowing out (of tears);

mbrebel to flow (of tears).

brèbèl, kebrèbèlan to be given a share;

mbrèbèli to hand out bit by bit.

brebes, mbrebes 1 to soak gradually into; 2 to flow freely;

mbrebes mili to shed tears.

brebes, mbrebes (of tears) to flow, trickle.

brebet or mak brebet 1 repr the sound of ripping; 2 repr a fleeting sound or sensation; 3 repr whisking past;

brebet-brebet or brebat-brebet to whisk past frequently.

brèbèt repr a ripping sound. sabrèbètan at a quick glance.

brecok, pating brécok pl (of tree trunks) badly scarred with cuts.

bredhel, mbredhel to crack or snap easily (var of mbedhel).

brèdhel ban, prohibition;

mbrèdhel to ban.

breg or mak breg repr s.t. heavy dropping;

breg-bregan to keep coming one after the other;

kebregan to be felled.

brèg repr a thump;

brag-brèg repr repeated thumps.

bregada brigade var of bergada.

bregadag, mbregadag 1 yellowish red; 2 a certain skin rash (var of bergadag).

bregagah, mbregagah to stand with the legs wide apart (var of mbegagah); fig to commit o.s. to.

bregajag, mbregajag or bergajagan ill-mannered, discourteous.

bregajul playboy, wolf.

bregandang, mbregandang to drag s.o. (var of bergandhang).

breganjok, mbreganjok hard to get along with (var of berganjok).

bregas having a fresh attractive appearance (var of bergas).

bregedeg, mbregedeg in large quantities (var of bergedeg).

bregedèl see begedèl, bergedèl.

bregedud, mbregedud obstinate, deaf to advice, headstrong.

bregegeg see bergegeg.

bregègèh see bergègèh.

bregejeg, bregejegan to quarrel, have a dispute or difference of opinion. See also regejeg.

bregènggèng, mbregènggèng 1 to be getting better; 2 to start being wealthy.

bregodog see bergodog.

bregogok see bergogok.

breguguk see berguguk.

bregundung, mbregundung obstinate, wilful, headstrong (var of bergundung).

brèh, brah-brèh or ngebreh wasteful, extravagant; - wèh overgenerous.

brèjèl or mak brejel cr repr a birth;

mbrèjèl repr emerging, esp from a hole.

brejel 1 var of brojol; 2 mbrejel to come out; 3 kebrejel to come out unintentionally.

brek 1 or mak brek repr; 2 repr feet marching in unison;

brek-brekan plenty, in a great column.

brèk or mak brèk 1 repr ripping; 2 repr a slamming sound;

brak-brèk to make slamming, banging sounds.

brekat see berkat.

brekecak, mbrekecak or mbrekecek to splutter; fig to talk copiously (var of bekecek).

brekeneng, brekenengan to argue heatedly (var of bekeneng).

breketépé var of bleketépé.

brekik (pron as: breki:k), pating brekik pl to shriek. See also bekik.

brem I 1 an alcoholic liquor of fermented rice; 2 cakes made with this liquor.

II a small beetle.

bremana var of brahmana.

bremani var of brahmani.

bremantya see bramantya.

brendhèl, mbrendhel or pating brendhel 1 full of knots or tangles; 2 having many small things to carry. Also brendhil.

brèndhèl to drop, fall off/out, moult. See also brindhil).

brèndhi brandy.

brendhil var of brendhel.

brendhol pl of bendhol.

brendhul, mbrendhul or pating brendhul pl having many things to carry.

bréné, mbréné (Yogya slang) var of mréné.

breng, or mak breng 1 repr perceiving an odour; 2 repr a concerted departure; 3 syllable chanted in making a concerted effort.

brèng or mak brèng repr a metallic clang;

brang-brèng to keep clanging.

brengangah, mbrengangah flushed with emotion.

brengangang, mbrengangang 1 to buzz, whine, hum; jig to complain; 2 redfaced with emotion.

brengengeng, mbrengengeng to buzz, whine, hum.

brengganu a variety of citrus fruit (var of trengganu). See also jeruk I.

brènggèh 1 branched out, ramified; 2 false, perfidious.

brenggèl, mbrenggèl bumpy, uneven.

brenginging high-pitched whining, e.g. of a mosquito;

mbrenginging to whine.

bréngkal, mbréngkal 1 to raise (s.t. heavy) on one side/edge; 2 in/to wake s.o. up.

brèngkèl, mbrèngkèl to contradict, oppose;

brèngkèlan disputatious.

brengkélé, mbrengkélé selfish, self-centred.

brengkelo, mbrengkelo stubborn, obstinate, opinionated.

brèngkès or brèngkèsan fish or meat baked in a banana-leaf wrapping;

mbrèngkès or mbrèngkèsi to make (ingredients) into this dish.

brengkiyeng var of bengkiyeng.

brengkolang, mbrengkolang to throw a missile.

brengkowang, mbrengkowang or brengkowangan to talk loudly.

brengkunung, mbrengkunung stubborn, headstrong.

brengkut, mbrengkut 1 to be carrying a number of things all atonce; 2 to start on a task in a brisk businesslike way.

brengkutis a kind of dung beetle.

brengok, pating brengok pl to shout (see also bengok).

brengos ng, kr, rawis hi. moustache; ­ kepleh drooping moustache; - lemet slim moustache;

- sumpel small close-cropped moustache; - wulu lutung false moustache made of long black ape hair;

mbrengosi to apply a false moustache on s.o.'s face;

bréngosan to wear a moustache.

brengos var of brengos.

brengungung a deep, far-off roaring or rumbling;

mbrengungung to produce such a sound.

brenjèh, brenjèhen covered with skin infections.

brenjih var of brenjèh.

brenjul a bump on a surface;

mbrenjul bumpy, uneven;

brenjulan a bumpy part;

pating brenjul pl bumpy, knobbly.

bres 1 repr sudden heavy rain; 2 repr the sound of s.t. colliding.

bresat, mbresat to go away in the face of advice to the contrary. See also brisat.

brèsèt 1 unfair (cockfighting tactics); 2 excessively fond of the opposite sex.

bresot, mbresot 1 to go away; 2 var of bresat.

bret or mak bret 1 repr perceiving an odour; 2 repr cloth tearing.

brèt or mak bret 1 repr cloth tearing; 2 repr farting; 3 repr blowing the horn.

bréwo, bréwa-bréwo poorly groomed.

bréwok whiskers, long sideburn hair;

bréwoken to be whiskered, bearded.

brèwu or mbrèwu very wealthy.

bréyo, bréya-bréyo poorly groomed, sloppy in personal appearance.

bréyot, mbréyot heavy and unwieldy to carry.

bribah var of brebah.

bribi, mbribeni to wake s.o. up by making too much noise;

kebribènan to be awakened by noise;

bribin lit disturbed by sounds;

bribin-bribin reg to keep telling s.t. to s.o.

bribik I woodworm.

II bribik-bribik just starting out on a job/career.

bribil 1/2-cent coin used during the colonial period. See also bil.

bribuk, mbribuk 1 to grease; 2 to persuade.

brigi, briga-brigi to scowl.

brigih, brigah-brigih to feel uncertain.

brikut var of brukut.

bril reg var of bribil.

brindhil 1 denuded; 2 to fall off/out;

mbrindhili 1 to denude s.t.; 2 to drop off (of leaves).

bringas hot-tempered, wild;

bringasan furious, jumpy, restless (rather than calm and serene).

bringkal var of brengkal. bringkil small lump, reg var of pringkil;

mbringkil forming a lump.

bringkung, bringkang-bringkung or pating bringkung to feel aversion to s.o. esp because of their undesirable behaviour.

bringkut reg var of brengkut.

bringsang unbearably hot; hot and sweaty.

brintik curly hair; kinky.

bris hair on the chest.

brisat, mbrisat to go away in the face of warnings to the contrary (var of bresat).

brisik, noisy, boisterous, tumultuous, uproarious;

mbrisiki to produce an irritating rasping noise.

britan backyard (var of buritan).

briyeng,mbriyeng (to have) sick headaches.

briyut I var of biyet.

II var of bliyut.

brobah var brubah.

brobol, mbrobol to come out of a hole.

brobos, mbrobos to creep under or through;

brobosan (s.t. which is) crawled under/through.

brocèl scarred;

pating brocèl scarred in many places. See also bocèl.

brodhol 1 to drop off/out; 2 threadbare;

mbrodhol or mbrodholi to lose hair/ feathers.

brog repr a soft thud.

brojol lower on one side than the other;

mbrojol to slip out of a hole;

kebrojol to come out accidently;

kebrojolan 1 to give birth unexpectedly; 2 to come out accidently.

brok repr a sudden fall, esp s.o. falling on their rear;

ngebrok 1 to stay s.w; 2 to settle in; 3 (of kites) to fail to get off the ground; 4 to dirty one's pants;

ngebroki to take up occupancy of; to occupy a place.

brokat brocade(d fabric).

brokoh a basket that stands on four short legs;

brokohan 1 ceremony held for a child at birth, when the umbilical cord drops off, and in connection with the naming ceremony; 2 voluntary help offered to the village head by his people;

mbrokohi to hold the above ceremonies for (an infant).

brokok reg var of brokoh.

brol or mak brol repr copiously or effortlessly coming forth;

brol-brolan to emerge in large quantities; to come out profusely;

bral-brol to come out easily;

sabrolan emerging copiously and simultaneously.

brom bronze metal paint;

ngebrom to paint s.t. with bronze paint;

brom-broman painted with bronze paint. Also bron.

brombong water pipe (var of brumbung).

bron var of brom.

brondhol sparse (of hair, feathers);

mbrondhol to cut or wear one's hair short;

brondholan stump of a cut sugarcane plant.

brondong I popcorn.

II mbrondong to fire missiles at;

brondongan spray of bullets;

bebrondongan volley of gunfire, to keep firing.

broneng (browning-) revolver.

brongkal, mbrongkal to raise (s.t. heavy) on one side/edge;

brongkalan (forming) a heap, a pile of stones.

brongkos a vegetable dish seasoned with a certain fruit (kluwak);

mbrongkos 1 to make (ingredients) into the above dish; 2 to wrap, make into a bundle.

brongos, mbrongos to touch with a burning object; to singe, scorch;

kebrongos to get scorched/singed.

brongot var of brongos.

brongsong var of blongsong.

bronjong cylindrical basket for transporting large bulky objects.

brono, mbrono (Yogya slang) var of mrono.

brontak a rebellion;

mbrontak to rebel; to carry out a coup;

pambrontak 1 a rebel; 2 rebellion.

brontok (of skin) rash or acne;

mbrontok having skin rash or acne.

brosot, mbrosot 1 to leave without explanations; 2 to drop, fall; to become low(er), (var of mrosot);

kebrosot to be given the slip.

brotol the part of a bird below the cloacal opening.

brubah to change s.t. from its former condition;

brubahan a change; changed (of rules).

brubuh destroyed, wiped out; perang ­fierce war that causes total destruction (see perang); - Ngalengka the destruction of the kingdom of Ngalengka; mbrubuh or mbrubuhi to destroy, wipe out.

brubul, mbrubul or pating brubul to pour out in large numbers. See also gumrubul.

brubus repr smoke puffing out;

mbrubus to escape by hissing;

mbrubusi to boil s.t. to get rid of its bad taste.

brubut or mak brubut repr fast running;

pating brubut pl running swiftly;

mbrubut to break into a fast run.

brucèl var of brocèl. bruder Roman Catholic brother.

brudhul var of brubul.

brug I repr a plopping sound.

II soil-tamping metal plate attached to a handle.

II reg bridge.

brugul rough skin, pimples on a face.

bruju reg youngest child in a family. See also waruju.

brujul I a small plough without mould board;

mbrujul to work (soil) with such a plough.

II var of brubul.

bruk I or mak bruk repr s.t. dropping down;

ngebruk 1 to stay s.w. (see brok); 2 to embrace suddenly, in a rush of emotion;

ngebruki to fall onto;

ngebrukaké 1 to drop s.t.; 2 to drop things here and there;

kebrukan to get fallen on;

brak-bruk 1 repr repeated dropping sounds or actions; 2 to drop s.t. (clothing etc) as one pleases. See also ambruk.

II reg trousers.

brukuh, mbrukuh to chop off, lop (branches).

brukut 1 tightly wrapped/bundled; 2 well enclosed; tightly constructed.

brul or mak brul repr emerging copiously;

brul-brulan to come out in swarms.

brumbun (of chicks) covered with down.

brumbung or brumbungan water pipe (var of brombong);

mbrumbung to get pregnant again after giving birth with no intervening menstrual period.

bruncah, mbnmcah to hand out (food) to those partaking of a meal.

brundhul sparse (of feathers). See also brondhol, brindhil.

brung or mak brung 1 repr throwing s.t. light (wrapping leaves etc); 2 intsfr empty; suwung - completely empty; 3 repr a sudden concerted departure.

brungkah I a cut-off stump complete with roots.

II mbrungkah to cease one's fasting or avoidance of certain foods.

brungkut var of brukut.

brungut reg suddenly appearing.

brunjung main roof of a traditional Javanese house;

mbrunjung shaped like this roof.

brus or mak brus repr a collision.

brusut or mak brusut repr a smooth easy exit.

brutu coccyx (of a bird, chicken); tailbone.

bruwah fast-breaking meal at the end of a fasting period;

mbruwah to eat one's fill after a fasting period;

mbruwahi to eat (certain foods) at the close of the fast.

bruwang bear (animal);

bruwang-bruwangan toy bear, teddy bear.

bruwès hairy, shaggy (beard etc).

bruwet 1 not clearly visible; obscure, hazy; 2 depressed, gloomy.

bruwun I (of hair) fluffy, fuzzy; bushy.

II mbruwun to gather vegetables from garden or field.

III mbruwun or mbebruwun to use s.o. else's money for one's own interest.

bu 1 mother (shtf of ibu); 2 adr mother; wife; older and/or higher-status woman;

budhé aunt (shtf of ibu gedhé);

bulik aunt (shft of ibu cilik).

bubak marriage ceremony held for the first daughter of a family;

mbubak to open up (virgin soil) for cultivation; - kawah traditional ceremony performed when bride and groom first meet during the wedding;

bubakan opened up for cultivation (of land).

bubar ng, bibar kr 1 to disperse; 2 finished; to be over; 3 after;

mbubaraké to disperse (a group);

bubaran to disperse; to break up;

sabubaré 1 after; 2 until finished.

bubat horsehair.

bubrah ng, bibrah kr out of order, in dis­repair;

mbubrah or mbubrahake to damage, wreck, disrupt;

mbubrahi to keep wrecking; to break through.

bubrak, mbubrak 1 to open s.t. (up) for use; 2 to demolish (a building).

bubruk 1 unsuccessful (trade); 2 (girl) not in demand.

bubu fish trap with bamboo bars (reg var of wuwu).

bubuh ng, bebah kr, mbubuhi to assign a responsibility to s.o.;

bubuhan a task assigned to s.o.;

kebubuhan 1 to be assigned or saddled with a responsibility; 2 to get s.t. in it by accident.

bubuk I 1 powder; 2 pounded coffee;

wédang - hot coffee; 3 termite-like insect;

mbubuk to crush to a powder;

bubukan in powdered form;

bubuken 1 eaten away by wood insects; 2 fig (of girl) unmanageable; on the shelf.

II chid to sleep;

mbubuki to sleep on s.t.;

mbubukake to put (a child) to bed;

bubukan to lie down; to lie around;

bubuk olèh elèng prov to work out a scheme for doing s.t. harmful.

bubul I 1 yaws; 2 durian fruit sprout;

bubul wuta an unburst swelling;

mbubul to form a swelling;

bubulen to have yaws.

II mbubul to keep pouring out.

bubur porridge; - sungsum a ceremonial porridge made from rice flour and palm sugar. See also jenang;

mbubur 1 to make porridge; 2 to eat porridge instead of rice; 3 to become mush.

bubus rice-accompanying dish prepared from certain leaves (lumbu).

bubut I a kind of owl.

II lathe;

mbubut to operate a lathe; to turn s.t. on a lathe;

bubutan shaped on a lathe.

III mbubut to pull s.t. out by the roots;

mbubuti to keep pulling s.t. out; to pluck (a chicken);

mbubutaké to pull s.t. out for s.o.;

bubut-bubut to keep pulling out; to uproot (grass).

bucal root form: kr for buwang.

bucek cracked or broken but still holding together, e.g. an eggshell.

bucèl detached, chipped, skinned (var of bocèl).

buceng a cone of rice for ritual meal.

bucik 1 var of bucel; 2 var of bucek. bucu hump, hunch (on the back).

buda I Buddha; agama - Buddhism;

jaman - pertaining to the pre-Islamic era, sastra - pre-Islamic literature;

kabudan pertaining to Buddhism.

II lit Wednesday; - cemengan ritual name of the day Rebo Wage.

budaya culture, civilisation;

mbudaya to be entrenched; to be part and parcel of (a society);

kabudayan culture, civilisation.

budhak slave;

mbudhak to be, act like a slave.

budhal ng, bidhal kr, jengkar fe.i., to leave, set out (as a group);

mbudhalaké to send out (a group); to despatch troops;

budhalan 1 pl act of moving elsewhere; 2 the movement of troops.

budhé see bu.

budheg 1 deaf; 2 stupid; 3 counterfeit, fake; layang - anonymous letter, unsigned letter;

mbudheg or mbudhegi to act as though one were deaf;

mbudhegake 1 to deafen; 2 to treat s.o. as a deaf person;

mbudheg-mbudegaké to abusively call s.o. deaf.

budheng 1 dull(-sounding); dull(-witted); 2 black monkey.

budhug leprosy;

budhugen to have/get leprosy.

budhur reg nectar from a coconut bud.

budi I 1 character, temperament; 2 mind, intelligence, mental power; - rahayu virtue, virtuousness;

bebudèn character, temperament;

pambudi effort, attempt.

II (to exert) power;

mbudi to make an effort, attempt;

sabudine with all one's strength.

III the Bodhi tree, the sacred fig.

budiarda lit ambition, greed, desire.

budidaya a strong effort;

mbudidaya to exert o.s.;

pambudidaya a strong effort.

kabudidayan agricultural enterprise, estate, plantation.

budidarma 1 generosity; noble­mindedness; 2 good deeds.

budiman lit intelligent; skilled (in).

budin var of bodin.

bug or mak bug repr a plop or thud;

bag-bug repr repeated thuds.

buga lit food (var of boga).

bugel 1 short piece of firewood; 2 stupid person; 3 cut off short (var of pugel).

buger see seger.

buh I reg feeble with old age.

II mbuh I don't know; I doubt it. See also embuh.

mbuh-mbuhan nobody knows.

III bow, curve, arc;

ngebuh to bow, bend, curve.

IV buh-buhan a task assigned to s.o. See also bubuh.

bui var sp of buwi.

buja lit arm, hand.

bujad var of bejad.

bujaga lit serpent, dragon (var of bujangga).

bujana feast, banquet. See also bojana.

bujang or bujangan 1 bachelor; 2 reg labourer.

bujangga var of pujangga.

bujel having a rounded tip.

bujeng, mbujeng to hunt, chase (kr for buru).

bujid, bujiden reg stunted in growth.

bujil a runt, dwarf.

bujug, bujug-bujug or bujug-beset excl of astonishment or incredulity.

bujul var of brujul.

bujuk persuasive talk;

mbujuk or mbujuki 1 to mislead s.o. with talk; 2 reg to cheat s.o.;

mbebujuk to talk s.o. into s.t.; to persuade s.o.;

bujukan blandishment, enticement.

bujung I sugarcane leaf (kr for godhong tebu).

II bujung, mbujung lit to chase. See also bujeng.

buk I 1 all even; without profit or loss; 2 paid in full;

ngebuki to pay up.

II a small bridge over a stream.

III or mak bluk repr a soft thud.

IV kabuk to get nothing (disappointed).

buka 1 opening, beginning; 2 (to eat) a meal that breaks one's fast;

mbuka to open (up, out), disclose;

mbukani to begin, start (music);

bebuka 1 introduction, preface, fore­word; salutation of a letter; 2 opening, beginning;

pambuka opening, beginning. See also bukak.

bukak ng, bikak kr open(ed), uncovered; - kunci wages paid to s.o. for looking after graves; - topi 1 hatless; 2 to respect, admire;

mbukak 1 to open, uncover, disclose; opened, uncovered, disclosed; 2 to remove, take off;

mbukaki to open (many objects);

mbukakaké to open s.t. (for s.o.);

bukakan 1 open; uncovered; 2 opener;

bukak-bukakan to be open to all. See also buka.

buket thick (of liquids).

bukèt bouquet.

buki 1 (of cassava, potato etc) too old; 2 old mlinjo fruit.

bukti I proof, evidence;

mbuktèkaké to prove, establish, show; to give evidence of;

kabuktèn proven, shown.

II lit food; to eat;

abukti lit to eat.

buku book;

mbukoni to codify.

bukuh, mbukuh cross-legged;

mabukuh lit to sit (cross-legged) in a respectful posture.

bukung 1 (of birds) tailless; 2 cut short;

mbukung to cut off; to cut short;

bukungan (of hair) cut short.

bukur I a variety of clam.

II lit heaven's gate; - pangarip-arip lit a gate of the realm of the deities.

bul I large bowl-shaped earthenware container.

II or mak bul repr puffing upward;

bal-bul repr repeated puffings.

bulak or bebulak a broad treeless field.

bulan or mbulan ng, wulan kr, moon. See also rembulan.

bulé 1 albino; 2 white person.

bulek 1 misty smoke; 2 to feel suffocated by misty smoke;

mbuleki suffocating; to get smoke/ steam on s.t.;

bulekan smoke, steam.

bules var of bulek.

bulet I 1 solid, firm; 2 oval, elliptical.

II mbulet 1 tangled, snarled; 2 evasive;

mbuletaké to twist or snarl s.t.

bebuletan to wind around, encircle.

buli or buli-buli reg small earthenware container.

bulik see bu.

bulsak mattress.

bulu I a certain tree.

II bulu-bulu 1 feather duster; 2 decorative feathers on female headdresses.

bulubekti tribute paid to a sovereign power.

bulud (to the) exact (measure).

bulug 1 short and thick (of cylindrical shapes); 2 dusty; 3 or bulugen mildewed.

buluk see bulug.

bulus large freshwater tortoise.

bum I wagon shaft.

II tollhouse.

bumbu 1 cooking spices, seasonings; 2 flavour;

mbumboni 1 to season, flavour; 2 to add spice to the conversation;

mbumbokaké to use as seasoning;

bumbon seasoning in general;

bumbonan way of seasoning;

bumbon-crakèn dried seasoning; medical herbs.

bumbung I bamboo pipe; - wungwang I hollow bamboo section; 2 cone-shaped bamboo utensil used above a steaming pan (kukusan).

II mbumbung to get pregnant again immediately after having a child, i.e. with no intervening menstrual period. See also brumbung.

bumi earth; - pinendhem prov very humble; - pulihan soil consisting of river sediment; bumen reg communally owned ricefield; wong - a native (seewong);

malik bumi to change one's mind completely.

buminata lit king.

bumipala var of buminata.

bumipati var of buminata.

bumitala lit the surface of the earth.

bumpet closed, stopped at one end; clogged, blocked;

mbumpet to clog, stop up, block;

mbumpeti to stop up, close off, block s.t.;

kebumpetan to be stopped up, closed off, clogged.

bun dew;

ngebunaké to let dew get on s.t.;

ngebun-bun 1 to put s.t. out in the dew; 2 to take (a baby) for an early morning walk;

ngebun-bun ésuk ngudan-udan sore prov to approach in a roundabout way, viz the subject of a girl's marriage, to her parents.

buncang, mbuncang to blow away;

kebuncang to get blown.

bunci a certain card in the game of pei.

buncik flesh wound;

bunciken wounded.

buncis green beans (also boncis).

buncit 1 youngest member of the family; 2 the last to be eliminated, e.g. in a competition.

buncrit or buncriten stunted in growth; emaciated.

buncur lump on the head caused by a blow.

bunder 1 round; spherical; 2 firm(ly determined); - kepleng or - memet perfectly round;

mbunderi 1 to make s.t. round; to shape into rounds; 2 to circle;

bunderan 1 circle; 2 roundabout.

bundhas or babak bundhas black and blue. See also babak.

bundhat to clear up (problems, debt etc). See also pundhat.

bundhel 1 or mbundhel having a knot in it (string, rope, cat's tail etc); 2 linked in mating position in mid-air (of dragonflies etc); 3 or bebundhel revered village elder; 4 close, intimate; 5 reg a batch of 1,000 (e.g. corn ears, tobacco cuttings);

mbundheli 1 to tie a knot in s.t.; 2 to bear in mind; 3 to knot (valuables) into the corner of a handkerchief;

bundhelan or bebundhelan 1 a tied knot; 2 money, valuables, wisdom etc kept safe; 3 appointment, promise.

bundhet or mbundhet or mbundheti tangled, snarled.

bundhu stupid, narrow-minded.

bunek 1 to feel cramped, claustrophobic; 2 to feel oppressed.

bunel depressed, bewildered, at a loss.

bunèn place in a ricefield for sun-drying rice plants.

bung stalk, shoot, tall blade;

ngebung 1 resembling a tall stalk; 2 to put out a shoot.

bungah ng, bingah kr, rena fe.i., happy, glad;

mbungahi to gloat; to rejoice unjustifiably;

mbungahake or mbebungah to make happy; to cheer s.o. up;

mbungah-mbungahaké to force o.s. to be happy.

bungas last part, end.

bungbang var of wungwang.

bungeng I reg hollow; having a hollow place in it.

II reg in a quandary.

bungis pig or boar's snout;

mbungis to cut the lips off (punishment for lying).

bungkah I base, lowest part; foot (of a mountain).

II a cut-off stump plus its roots, (var of brungkah).

III mbungkah to cease one's fasting or avoidance of a certain food (var of brungkah).

bungkak I roof peak of a traditional Javanese house (joglo).

II happy, glad (var of bungah).

III (of voice) not clear.

bungkang a cockroach-like insect that walks backwards (var of bongkang).

bungkar, mbungkar 1 to unload (things) from a vehicle or ship; 2 to dismantle, pull apart (engine, house) Also bongkar.

bungkem to remain silent, keep the mouth closed;

mbungkem to gag, silence; to prevent s.o. from speaking (by bribery).

bungker 1 not quite right in the head; 2 to shrivel; to remain stunted.

bungkik stunted in growth.

bungkil 1 remains of peanuts or copra after the oil has been pressed out; 2 lower end of a bamboo stalk or banana-tree trunk.

bungkrah reg pulled down (building); pulled up (plants).

bungkrèk I var of bungkil.

II sort of skin disease.

bungkuk crooked, bent (over), humped;

mbungkuk to bend;

mbungkukakè to bend the back; to bow.

bungkul knob, knob-like object;

bawang sebungkul a clump of garlic (see also bawang);

bungkulan knobby shape, knobby part.

bungkus 1 wrapped packet; wrapping material; 2 (born) with a caul covering the head;

mbungkus to wrap;

mbungkusi to wrap up repeatedly;

mbungkusaké to wrap s.t. for s.o.;

bungkusan 1 a wrapped packet; 2 (food) cooked in a leaf wrapping;

pambungkus act or way of wrapping. See also wungkus.

bunglon 1 chameleon; 2 vacillator; 3 fig opportunist;

mbunglon changeable, opportunistic; to vacillate, shilly-shally.

bungsu last-born, youngest child in a family.

bungur 1 a certain timber tree, also its flower; 2 (of livestock) part of the nose through which the ring is passed.

buntak a certain fish.

buntal floral decoration worn by bridegrooms;

mbuntal to make (flowers, leaves) into decorative pieces.

buntar 1 lower end of a spear handle; 2 far end of an irrigation ditch;

mbuntar to prod with a spear handle.

buntas I 1 last part, end; 2 finished (of study).

II loud (var of bantas).

buntek short and thick (of cylindrical objects).

buntel wrapping (paper, cloth etc);

mbuntel or mbunteli to wrap s.t.;

mbuntelaké to wrap for s.o.;

buntelan s.t. wrapped; parcel, package;

buntel kadut ora nginang ora udut prov very poor and miserable.

buntet closed at one end;

mbunteti to close, clog;

kebuntetan clogged with s.t.

buntil dish of roasted taro leaves wrapped around spices.

bunting I youngest in a family.

II mbunting slender-waisted.

buntu 1 stopped at one end; clogged; blocked, dead end; 2 deadlocked; 3 stumped, stymied;

mbuntu or mbuntoni to clog, stop up.

buntul reg youngest in a family.

buntung 1 lopped off or amputated (arm, leg, tail etc); 2 bad luck, misfortune.

buntut 1 tail; 2 rear end, latter part; 3 aftermath, consequence; - colok white tip on a black tail; lotre - illegal lottery tied to the last (three) numbers of the official sponsored lottery (see also lotre); ­ urang hair on the back of the neck;

mbuntut to follow s.o.'s example;

mbuntuti to follow s.o. secretly;

buntutan or pambuntut lastborn child;

nggéndholi buntuté macan to hold a tiger's tail; to keep tagging along with a criminal.

bunuh or bunoh reg confused, bewildered.

bunyak scraped, skinned, wounded. See also babak.

bupati regent, top administrative officer of a regency;

kabupaten district, regency bupatos reg kr for bupati.

bupet var of bipet.

bur I or mak bur repr flight through the air; - manuk to depart in haste with only the clothes on one's back;

ngeburaké to have/let (a bird etc) fly;

bur-buran birds of the air. See also abur.

II a drill; sumur - drilled well.

III 1 gone, wasted; 2 lost, not to be found; 3 lapsed, unredeemed;

ngeburaké 1 to relinquish possession of; 2 to let (a pawned item) go unredeemed. See also kabur.

burak I out of order; in disrepair;

mburak to damage, wreck.

II the winged horse on which Muhammad visited Heaven.

burakrakan reg in disarray, disorganised.

buras eczema-like skin disease; white spots on the skin;

burasen to suffer from this skin disease.

burat mixture used as a liniment on skin; - sari or - wangi flower sachet.

burcèt a snipe-like bird.

burdir var of bordir. See also bludir.

burek unclear (var of bureng).

burem (of the moon) clouded over, hazy. See also surem.

bureng 1 vague, unclear; 2 (of the moon) hazy.

buri ng, wingking kr, 1 back, rear, behind; 2 later, after a while; 3 last, past;

mburi in/at the back part of the house.

burik pock-marked, scarred, blemished.

burit, buritan 1 back yard; 2 hind part.

bum I ng, bujeng kr, mburu, mbeburu 1 to hunt; 2 to pursue; 3 to strive for;

keburu-buru always pushed, pressed for time;

buron, beburon 1 game (animal hunted); 2 fugitive;

paburonan, pamburonan area where hunting is done;

mburu cukup expr to make a long story short;

mburu kalahe expr to try to make up a loss.

II reg only, just (recent past).

burus flawless, unblemished.

bus or mak bus repr the hissing of air escaping.

busana 1 garment, raiment (k.i. for pen­ ganggo); 2 to get/be dressed (k.i.for dandan);

mbusanani to decorate; to dress s.o. up; to deck out.

busak, mbusak to erase;

mbusakaké to erase for s.o.;

busakan eraser.

busek I var of busak.

II busekan lit crowding each other.

buset 1 reg ape; 2 excl of surprise.

busik 1 (of skin) dry and flaking; 2 hurt, vulnerable.

busuk 1 ignorant, stupid; 2 (of firecrackers) no good, a dud.

busung 1 pregnant (of animals; cr of people); 2 disease that causes bloating;

busung kèkèt swelling of the legs.

but or mak but repr a whisking motion;

bat-but repr a series of deft movements;

ngebut 1 to drive fast; 2 to work quickly.

buta ogre, giant.

butajeng jealous (root form: hr for butarep).

butarep, butarepan ng, butajengan kr excessively jealous of one's spouse;

mbutarepaké to suspect (one's spouse) of infidelity.

buteng short-tempered.

buthak bald, bare.

buthek (of water) not clear, turbid;

mbuthekaké to cause s.t. to be turbid.

butuh ng, betah kr 1 to need; 2 need, necessity, thing needed;

mbutuhaké to need, require;

kabutuhan need, a necessity; needed article.

buthuk (of fish or egg) beginning to spoil.

buthung animal's haunch(es).

butun a certain citrus fruit.

butul through to the other side;

mbutul to pierce;

butulan doorway or entrance to a house or yard.

buwak reg var of buwang.

buwal, mbuwal to bubble forth copiously, e.g. water from a spring.

buwana I 1 continent; 2 lit world; 3 universe.

II buwananen (of vision, view) blurred, hazy.

buwang, mbuwang ng, mbucal kr 1 to throw out; 2 to exile s.o.; 3 to put s.t. in an inappropriate place; 5 to place (a child) in an adoptive or foster home;

mbuwang tilas to alibi o.s.; to hide the traces of one's guilty act;

pambuwangan (place of) exile; banishment;

mbuwang rasé olèh kuwuk prov to discard s.t. worthless (in one's greed for s.t. better) and get s.t. even worse;

buwangan 1 outlet, drain (of irrigated field); 2 s.t. cast off, discarded object; exile, outcast.

See also guwak, guwang.

buwara, mbuwara reg to find a livelihood far from one's place of origin.

buwel to billow upward in clouds.

buwi or buwen jail, prison;

mbuwi to put s.o. in jail.

buwuh, mbuwuh reg 1 to add one's own share; 2 to make a contribution in money toward a customary ceremony;

buwuhan contribution.

buya, kabuya-buya lit chased, pursued.

buyar 1 to disperse in all directions; 2 scatterbrained, unable to concentrate;

mbuyaraké to cause to disperse, scatter.

buyuk a variety of palm tree.

buyun2g big-bellied earthenware jar.

buyut 1 (or mbah buyut) great-grandparent; 2 great-grandchild;

buyuten 1 senile; 2 unsteady with old age;

bebuyutan for generations; longstanding (of enemies);

kabuyutan 1 place where a priest lives and works; 2 sacred ancestral worship-place; 3 ancestral and sacred (of places such as cemeteries).

bwat see bot I, byat.

byah or mak byah repr suddenly breaking apart;

ngebyah 1 to generalise; 2 common, general.

byak or mak byak repr suddenly opening;

ngebyakaké to open s.t. (out) wide;

byak-byakan acting hurriedly, looking for s.t. in a hurry.

byantara, lit presence;

ngabyantara to make a formal appearance (before a king);

ngabyantarakaké to present s.o. (before a king).

byar I 1 on (of lights); 2 a flash; to flash; 3 suddenly open (of eyes); 4 (or - padhang or - rahina) daybreak; mak - repr suddenly lighting up; daybreak; - pet to go on and off (of light);

ngebyar to stay awake all night;

byar-byaran to have activity all night; to stay awake all night.

II byar-byur repr bathing by using a ladle.

byat lit heavy, weight (var of bwat);

nempuh byat see tempuh;

kabyatan lit to find s.t. too heavy; excessively heavy.

byor shining, sparkling. See also abyor.

byuh var of biyuh.

byuk, or mak byuk repr coming in large numbers; repr mass movement;

ngebyuk to flock around;

ngebyuki to heap s.t. onto; to flock together; to pour s.t. copiously;

kebyukan to have s.t. swarming all over it;

byuk-byukan to come in large numbers; to cluster around;

ngebyukaké to pour out the whole thing.

byung, or mak byung repr a swarming movement;

ngebyung to move as a group;

byung-byungan to flock out; to move in large numbers.

byur I or mak byur repr splash; repr scurrying off together;

byar-byur repr bathing by using a ladle;

ngebyuri to splash s.t. with;

ngebyurake to plunge s.t. into water;

byur-byuran to jump into water (for fun).

II monochromatic; prada - plain gold varnish (see also prada);

ngebyur to apply plain colour to s.t.

III ngebyuri to scatter for (e.g. feed for chickens);

ngebyurake to scatter, spread s.t.

Javanese English Dictionary

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