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bab 1 about, concerning, on (the subject of); 2 subject matter; 3 chapter (of book);

ngebabi to group into chapter headings on;

ngebabake to explain the cause of a happening.

babad I history, chronicle;

mbabad to record the history of.

II or mbabad or mbabadi to clear land by cutting growth;

babadan 1 land where the trees have been felled; cleared land; 2 mown; 3 reg inherited land or field.

III see babat.

babag I the equal of; a match for;

sababag of the same age or quality.

II babagan 1 field, area; 2 landing-place on a river bank.

babah I 1 Indonesian-Chinese male; 2 (or bah) title, reference term for Indo-Chinese male; - buyut adr elderly Chinese person; 3 or - njengkelit or ­ njungkir to do a somersault (children's game).

II or babahan reg occasion;

mbabah to make a hole under a wall (of thief);

babahan 1 a hole through the wall foundation; 2 lit opening of the body;

nutupi babahan nawa sanga to close the nine body openings, fig to restrain all carnal desires.

babak I skinned, bruised, scratched; ­ belur, - bundhas or - bunyak black and blue; skinned and bruised;

mbabak 1 to peel a tree (trunk); 2 reg to rub with pieces of bark, to anoint with tree bark oil;

babakan 1 bark, peel; - kayu wood shavings.

II (or babakan) scene from a play or stanza from a song, performed for hire by travelling entertainers;

sababak a part of a play; one scene.

III babakan reg a new settlement.

babak-salu a certain large centipede.

babal I (or mbabal) to get loose, slip out.

II a very young jackfruit.

babar I 1 birth (k.i.for lair);

mbabar or babaran to give birth (k.i. for nglairake);

babaran birth; to be born (k.i. for lair).

II to proliferate.

III unfolding; opening out; - layar billowing sail;

mbabar 1 to unfold, open out, uncover;

- wadi to reveal a secret; 2 to print, distribute (newspaper, book etc);

babaring lelakon the unfolding of a life story;

babaran product, output.

IV mbabar to dye batik;

babaran dyeing of batik;

pambabar the way of dyeing batik.

babar pisan altogether, completely;

mbabarpisani to do s.t. all at once;

mbabarpisanake 1 to do more than one thing at a time; 2 to finish s.t. off completely.

babat I tripe (as food); - galeng, sumping, - tawon various portions of the animal intestine, producing various forms of tripe.

II wingka babat a cake made from sticky rice flour (see also wingka).

babi 1 pig; 2 name of one of the small playing-cards (hertu cilik);

babèn pig husbandry.

babit, mbabit to swing/slash at;

mbabitaké to swing s.t.;

kebabit to get slashed off;

babitan act of swinging s.t.

bablas 1 gone, vanished; 2 direct, unswerving; 3 accomplished; 4 advanced;

mbablasake to send forward, continue, pass on;

kebablasen to go too far inadvertently.

babo excl of anger or defiance; - majua oho, come on!

babon I 1 female animal mate; animal that has reproduced, esp a hen; mother hen (see also babu); - angrem a certain batik pattern.

II manuscript; original.

III capital (to be invested).

babrag I mbabrag (of males) having become mature.

II babragan rack for storing earthenware.

babrah, mbabrah to expand, increase.

babrak, mbabrak to spread, widen.

babral, mbabral to trim, cut off, prune (plants).

babu 1 female servant to a (foreign) family; 2 lit mother; - Hawa Eve (mother of mankind).

babud see babut.

babuh var of babo.

babuk, mbabuk reg 1 to chase (of animals); 2 to butt with the horns.

babut I mbabut reg to extract, pull out. II carpet, mat.

bacek muddy; boggy;

kebaceken waterlogged.

bacem or baceman food partly steamed, then finished by frying; tahu - soybean cake cooked as above (see also tahu); mbacem to cook as above.

bacin foul-smelling, rotten; amis - s.t. wrong, trouble (see also amis);

mbacin-mbacini to cause s.t. to be foul-smelling;

bacin-bacin iwak, ala-ala sanak (traditional rhyme) even though he's no good, he's still a relative.

bacira lit open field, plain, raised floor.

bacok a jab (with sharp tool);

bacok-bacok to strike or chop at repeatedly;

mbacok to strike, slash;

mbacoki to hit with sharp tool; to slash many objects;

mbacokake to use s.t. sharp for hitting;

bacokan gash; gashing; act of hitting with s.t. sharp;

bacok-bacokan to hit each other with a sharp weapon.

bacot cr mouth;

mbacot cr to speak, talk.

bacuk reg var of bacok.

bacut 1 var of banjur; 2 var of bacot;

mbacut straight ahead;

mbacutake to continue;

kebacut (now that it's) too late;

kebacuten to go too far inadvertently.

bada I var of bakda.

II bebada (of babies in the womb) to begin to be born.

badal I 1 one who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca; 2 reg representative, substitute.

II mbadal or mbadali to disregard;

prentah to avoid an order.

badalah excl boo! hallo!

badan I 1 body (kr for awak); - alus ghost, spirit; - sepata all alone in the world; - wadhag body, physical embodiment; bebadan corporation, agency, executive body, institute.

II var of bakdan.

badhar 1 disclosure, revelation; 2 to return to one's original form;

mbadharaké 1 to cause to fail; 2 to restore magically to one's original form;

kebadharan to have one's intention discovered; to be caught out.

badhé I 1 will, want (to) (hr for arep); 2 going to (do) (kr for bakal), 3 material (kr for bakal).

mbadhèni or mbebadhe to prepare s.t. for the future; to educate or train s.o. to become; to work for the first time.

II 1 mbadhè to guess (at) (var of bedhek); 2 to predict;

binadhe lit expected to become.

III badhe-badhe reg bridal chair.

badheg 1 smelling bad; 2 to have spoiled; 3 reg ill-bred.

badhèg an intoxicating beverage made from fermented coconut-palm juice (cassava, rice etc).

badhèk var of badhé, bedhèk.

badhel, mbadhel underdone (of rice, cake etc).

badher a kind of a freshwater fish.

badhigal I cocoon.

II mbadhigal ill-mannered, ill-bred, strange-acting.

badhigas, badhigasan or bedhigasan ill-mannered, boorish.

badhigul stupid, ignorant; to put on airs.

badhik reg dagger.

badhil, bodhal-badhil reg frayed, fraying;

pating bradhil pl frayed (see also bradhil).

badhog, mbadhog cr to eat.

badhol a certain edible freshwater fish.

badhong 1 breastplate (men's dance, horse); 2 a wing-like ornament between the shoulders (kings in theatre); 3 (k.i. for kewadonan) female genitals; 4 reg a large fish trap; 5 reg a groin to protect a dyke.

badhud see badhut.

badhur I a certain tuberous plant.

II badhuren or badhur-badhur 1 (of skin) rough; 2 (of silver coins) tarnished.

badhut I clown, comedian, joker;

mbadhut to joke, clown around;

mbadhuti to act like a clown;

badhutan 1 joking; 2 to act as a clown; 3 a scene in a play where the clowns are in action; 4 laughing-stock.

II a certain kind of pliers.

badir to waste s.t. by leaving it (inf var of mubadir).

badra I bebadra 1 to clear jungle for settling; 2 to begin life again in a new place;

badran established as a settlement.

II lit moon;

kemengan badra irawan lit grieving like a clouded moon, fig very sad.

III lit good fortune; (good) luck.

baduwi a nomad; desert-dweller.

baè I (pron as: wae) ng, kemawon kr, 1 only, just (referring to preceding word); 2 emphatic word, e.g. saiki bae now (not some other time); 3 indefinite, with interrogative word, e.g. apa bae anything; sapa bae anybody; 4 even, e.g. aku bae ora ngerti even I don't know.

II baen-baen (only ng) usual; ora - or dudu - not usual;

sebaéné weird, unnatural, extraordinary.

baem I a certain freshwater clam.

II molar (var of bam).

baèn var of baé.

baga I lit 1 womb; 2 vagina.

II share, portion.

bagal ear of corn.

bagas healthy-looking, health; - waras or - kuwarasan healthy, in excellent physical condition.

bagaskara lit sun.

bagaspati lit sun.

bagawan or begawan holy man, hermit;

mbagawan or mbegawan or megawan to live as a hermit.

bagé I mbagé to share, distribute;

mbagèni (reg mbagehi) to give a portion/part/share;

kebagean to be alloted (a share, a part);

bagean part, portion, share;

pambage act of sharing.èII mbagekake to greet, welcome;

bagea lit a greeting; - sapraptanira (I) welcome (your arrival);

bagé-binagé to greet each other.

bagéh var of bage I.

bagel I a piece of wood;

mbagel to throw a piece of wood at.

II unripe (for fruits) (var of magel).

bagen reg so that; to let s.t. happen (var of kareben).

bagendha title for addressing a king.

bagi var of bage.

bago 1 inner bark of the so- tree; 2 sack made of so-tree bark.

bagol I mbagol to deceive people habitually.

II bagolan a medicine for stomachache.

Bagong I name of a wayang clown (son of Semar).

II reg gold coin attached to a chain of a pocket watch etc.

III bagongan speech style prescribed for use by palace retainers.

bagor 1 woven material made of a certain tree bark; 2 sacks made of woven bark.

bagowong total lunar or solar eclipse.

bagregan broken-down, not in working order.

bagya lit 1 happy; 2 well-being, happiness;

kabagyan happiness;

pambagya lit var of pambage.

bah I adr Indonesian-Chinese male. See babah I.

II or bah-bah reg let (it go)!; I don't care!

III (pron as: mbah), eyang k.i. 1 grandparent; - kakung grandfather, - putri grandmother; - buyut great-grandparent; 2 adr for old person.

bahak I hawk-like predatory bird.

II mbahak or mbahaki or mbebahak to take others' possessions arbitrarily;

bahakan things acquired by looting.

bahan wooden materials for building a house, var of abahan.

bahar lit ocean, sea.

bahem see baem, bam.

bahni lit fire.

bahu var of bau.

bain reg var of bae.

baita boat (kr for prau).

bajag I pirate;

mbajag to carry out piracy, plunder;

bajagan 1 s.t. to be plundered; 2 result of plundering.

II mbajag to go forth to fight.

bajang stunted in growth; - kerek a kind of grasshopper; bocah - a stunted child; a child whose hair was never been cut (see also bocah);

buta - a stunted giant (see also buta);

bajangan 1 var of bocah bajang; 2 reg young mango;

mbajangaké to leave uncut (of the hair of a last surviving boy in the belief that his feminine appearance will enable him to survive).

bajeng I mbajeng firstborn (kr for mbarep).

II mbajeng or bajengan in an orderly row, lined up. See banjeng.

baji I reg, coll isn't it!

II round-headed nail for a tambourine­like musical instrument. See beji II.

bajigur 1 a certain coconut drink served hot; 2 term of abuse: damn it!

bajing I squirrel.

II 1 cotton apron with a tool pocket; 2 bundle of tied grass for roof thatch.

III mbajing to drive an ox-cart.

IV mbajing to rob, to steal;

bajingan 1 scoundrel, gangster; 2 thief, crook; 3 term of abuse.

bajisan reg hostility, enmity.

bajo lit pirate.

bajong I mbajong to splash water, esp by stamping in a puddle;

mbajongi to wet s.t. by stamping in a puddle;

bajongan a splash by stamping in a puddle.

II bajongan to chip in to buy s.t.

bajra lit 1 jewel; 2 5-pointed spear; 3 lightning, thunderbolt.

bajug, mbajug ill-mannered.

bajul crocodile; - buntung 1 playboy, womaniser, molester of women; 2 term of abuse; - dharat 1 woman-chaser, wolf; 2 crook, criminal;

mbajul to chase women, womanise, flirt;

bajul lali marang salirane prov to forget one's humble origins.

bak I or baké reg I'll..., let us, come on!

II ngebak to dig over, clean up.

III reg strip of ground into which a field of sugarcane is divided.

IV 1 trough, watertank; 2 box (seat for coachman); 3 seat (in an andong); 4 shelf.

V Chinese ink.

VI (pron as: mbak) 1 elder sister; 2 adr for girl or lady older than o.s.

bakar cooked by roasting;

mbakar 1 to burn; 2 to set on fire; 3 to roast s.t. over coals;

mbakari to burn up;

bakaran 1 roasted, burned; 2 roaster, roasting equipment;

pambakar act of roasting;

kebakaran to get burnt accidentally.

bakaran to play baccarat; baccarat.

bakat strong. See bangkat.

bakbakan distraught.

bakda 1 after; 2 day of celebration at end of the Fasting Month; 3 ended, finished (of work); - dheng the first moment after the Fasting Month signalled by mosque drums; - mulud 4th month of the Islamic calendar;

bakdan to celebrate at end of the Fasting Month; to wear new clothing on that day;

sabakdané after.

baken main, essential, basic (opt hr for baku).

baki serving-tray.

bakmi a Chinese dish made with noodles.

bakmoé a Chinese dish made with rice and beancake.

bakmoi var of bakmoé.

bako, mbako tobacco (shtf of tembako).

bakoh reg var of bakuh.

bakon see baku.

baku 1 main, essential, basic; 2 ricefield given to a village head instead of salary; - karang villager who owns a house and yard but no ricefields; - kebo one who carries out his job with his buffalo; ­omah home owner; - pajeg land tax; ­ sawah 1 one who has part ownership of a ricefield; 2 portion of a ricefield subject to tax; wong - home owner, permanent resident;

mbakoni 1 to back financially; 2 to be the responsible person behind (s.t.); to supply s.o.'s basic needs;

bakon having the right to own a ricefield in a village;

bakuné basically, normally;

bebaku basis, foundation.

bakuh 1 solid, sturdily built; 2 reg determined.

bakul 1 market seller; 2 trader in agricultural products; 3 basket (reg var of wakul); - ojogan itinerant peddler; - rombeng(an) old-clothes man, second-hand dealer; - tikus peddler unlucky from not having enough capital; - timpuh sedentary market seller; - wade batik goods seller;

mbakuli to buy (goods) from a middleman to sell retail;

mbakulake to have s.o. sell (goods handled by a middleman) retail;

bakulan 1 or bebakulan act of selling in the marketplace; 2 to play solitaire.

bakula a certain flower.

bakung a certain flower.

bakwan a cornfritter-like food, made with shrimp added.

bakyak a type of wooden sandal.

bakyu (pron as: mbakyu) 1 elder sister; 2 adr for girl or lady older than o.s.

bal I 1 ball;- blèter a soccer ball; 2 light bulb;

bal-balan (to play) soccer; a soccer game or match.

II roll, bolt (of fabric); bale (of tobacco etc);

ngebali to pack in bolts/bales;

balbalan in the form of bolts/bales.

III railway warning signal.

bala I 1 army, troops; 2 team-mate; one on the same side; -koswa lit army, troops; ­ pecah breakable things: crockery, dishes and glasses; -srewu way magical power to transform o.s. into a huge giant with a thousand heads;

mbala to take sides with.

II name of the 25 th wuku.

balabag lit 1 board; 2 one who is responsible for s.t. See blabag.

balabak name of a metre and melody of a classical song (tembang tengahan).

balabar, mbalabar lit to overflow See blabar II.

Baladéwa elder brother of Kresna;

Baladewa ilang gapité 'B. has lost his clamp'; to lose one's power or authority; totally powerless.

balak I (of fruit) to fall from the tree before ripening;

mbalak to cancel, avoid, reject, send s.o. back.

II a domino with an equal number of dots.

balang thrown;

mbalang to throw; - tingal or - liring to cast a glance, flirt;

mbalangi to throw tofat;

mbalangake to throw s.t.;

balangan 1 the act of throwing; 2 part of wedding ceremonies in which small bunches of betel leaves held by bride and groom are thrown to each other at the moment they meet: whoever throws first will be the dominant partner;

balang-balangan to throw to each other;

bebalang lit messenger; pambalang 1 the act of throwing; 2 a measure of distance;

sapambalang a stone's throw

balap racing; montor - racing car;

mbalap to speed;

mbalapaké to make s.t. go fast;

balapan a race, a racecourse; to race.

balas a weight for holding or steadying s.t.; ballast.

balé 1 hall, public building; - désa village administration building; - kambang an artificial island with a pavilion (reached by a bridge or walkway) in the centre of a pool surrounded by gardens; 2 front hall of a residence, used for entertaining; - agung a large front hall; - sigala-gala fire-trap, house like a tinder box (referring to a wayang episode in which the Pandhawas were to be burned alive in a house of lac).

balèg 1 to become an adult (see akil); 2 to have become accustomed, to know best;

mbalèg mature.

balék reg var of balik.

baléla rebellion;

mbalela to resist authority, rebel.

bales I reg steamroller.

II mbales, mbalesi to answer (a letter).

III ballast (var of balas).

IV var of wales.

bali ng, wangsul kr 1 to return, come back; 2 to be or go home;

mbalèni 1 to repeat, do over; 2 to return to (a subject); mbalèkaké 1 to return s.t.; 2 to refuse to accept;

balèn 1 a ride home/back; 2 to remarry (a divorced spouse);

bola-bali ng, wongsal-wangsul kr 1 to move back and forth; 2 to do again and again; mbolan-mbalèni to do over and over.

balig see akil, balèg.

balik 1 on the contrary, on the other hand, the other way around; 2 var of bali; mbalik 1 to turn over or upside down, flip over; to turn around; 2 to change, take a different course; 3 to turn back; 4 to reflect (of rays);

bolak-balik var of bola-bali; mbolak-mbalik to keep turning, keep returning.

See also walik.

balila var of baléla.

baliswara a technique of composition in classical poetry, whereby words are placed in reverse order for metrical purposes.

balok 1 log, beam; 2 pieces of fried cassava.

balon I 1 balloon (child's toy; aerial conveyance); 2 light bulb.

II reg prostitute.

balong 1 a pool for keeping fish; 2 a depression in the ground which is flooded.

balowarti var of baluwarti.

balsem balm, ointment.

baluh 1 weight used to submerge a fishnet; 2 fishing-tackle;

mbaluhi 1 to weight s.t. down; 2 or

mbebaluhi to band together with s.o. in stirring up trouble.

baluk I reg market seller (var of bakul).

II mbaluk 1 reg to return (var of mbalik); 2 or mbaluki reg to turn over (var of malik or maliki).

balunan or balonan reg shifty, unreliable.

balung ng, tosan kr, hi. bone; - nom cartilage; - pakel mango stone; ­sungsum bone with marrow; ­tinumpuk double wedding; - tuwa old, aged; - wesi very strong;

mbalung resembling bone(s); ­ sungsum 1 to be second nature; 2 to be thoroughly inculcated; - usus to waver in one's determination or devotion to ideals;

balungan frame; skeleton; - gendhing basic melody; - omah (wooden) house frame; - lakon outline of the story; bebalung bones, skeleton (lit var of balung);

bebalungan lit var of balungan;

ngumpulaké balung pisah prov 'to collect the scattered bones'; to join two relatives in marriage (thus making family ties closer);

nututi balung wis tiba prov 'to catch the fallen bone'; to correct a wrong utterance that has been pronounced; rebut balung tanpa isi prov 'to struggle for possession of an empty bone'; to struggle to obtain s.t. trivial.

balur I a certain freshwater fish, sold dried and salted.

II var of belur.

baluwarti brick wall surrounding a palace.

bam molar; - wekas(an) wisdom tooth.

bamban to repeat from the beginning.

bambang I way a young knight; son of a holy man;

bambangan way figures of fine young knights;

mbambang 1 resembling a young knight; 2 (having) a slender body (of men).

II a disease of rice plants.

bambet bamboo (md for bambu, pring).

bambing or bambingan steep riverbank or mountainside;

mbambing 1 in a precarious position; 2 slanting, sloping (of boats, road on a mountainside).

bambon 1 opium den; 2 room in the inner part of a Javanese-style house.

bambu ng, bambet md, bamboo.

bambung, mbambung unwilling to conform to proper standards of behaviour;

bambungan or mbambungan characterised by such behaviour.

ban 1 tyre; 2 sash, fabric belt; 3 track; ­ sepur railway track.

bana I reg it does not/cannot exist.

II reg open area.

III bebana lit demand, requirement;

mbebana or mbebanani to request, demand.

banar bright(ly lit);

banaran open and bright place.

banarawa marsh, swamp; sawah - lowlying ricefield that becomes a swamp during the rainy season.

banaspati way fire demon.

banat a kind of fishnet;

banatan sling.

banawa lit boat.

banawasa lit jungle, forest. See also wana, wanawasa.

banawi or benawi lit river.

bancak I woven bamboo food container for a cone of rice and other dishes;

mbancaki to hold a ritual marking a special event in a child's life;

bancakan a ritual held to mark a special event in a child's life.

II name of a clown-servant in a Panji story.

bancana lit obstacle, hazard.

bancang (to do) concurrent jobs; - telu to hold three jobs concurrently;

mbancang to tie s.t. to two or more objects.

bancar copious and free-flowing.

bancèr, mbancèr reg (to go) dancing with a female dancer.

bancèt a certain small tree frog.

banci I 1 an effeminate man; 2 an asexual person;

kebancèn (of garment) too small or short.

II a plant the leaves of which are used in folk medicines.

bancik I base; a bench used as a base. See also ancik.

II mbancik in trance.

bancot or mouth (var of bacot).

banda I cord for tying s.o.'s hands;

mbanda to tie s.o.'s hands, usually behind the back;

bandan 1 or bebandan with hands tied, fig to be caught; under arrest; 2 a show where the performer is tied tighdy and releases himself with his magic power.

II lit body.

bandakala, mbandakalani lit dangerous; to oppose bravely.

bandar I harbour, port.

II person acting as banker at the gambling table; croupier.

bandara see bendara.

bandawala a duel; - pati a duel to the death.

bandawasa lit strength.

bandayuda lit to fight hand-to-hand.

bandel I 1 (of children) brave, not prone to crying; 2 (of children) undisciplined, disobedient; 3 obstinate, stubborn.

II bird used as live bait.

bandeng an edible fish that is born in the sea and later migrates to rivers; kind of milk-fish.

bandha 1 wealth, fortune, property; 2 capital investment; - abab to engage in business with only talk as capital ­ bandhu to have a wealth of relatives as well as money; - bau all brawn and no brains; - beya expenses;

mbandha wealthy;

mbandhani 1 to finance s.t;

bandhan 1 to contribute money to a cause; 2 contribution to a cause.

bandhang I basket for carrying sugar­cane seedlings.

II banjir - flash flood;

mbandhang to bolt (horse);

mbandhangake to make s.t. go fast;

bandhangan 1 to do things fast; 2 carried off from where it belongs.

bandhel stubborn, wilful, obstinate (var of bandel);

mbandhel to act defiantly, obstinate.

bandhem missile, object hurled;

mbandhem to throw at, hurl (missile) at.

bandhil sling for hurling missiles;

mbandhil to shoot (at) with a sling;

mbandhilake to hurl (missiles) at.

bandhing, mbandhing to compare;

mbandhingake to compare s.t. with;

bandhingan comparison;

pambandhing standard of comparison.

bandhol 1 impolite, insolent; 2 (of horses) wild, untamed; 3 bandit chief; 4 reg irresponsible, joker;

mbandhol to behave like a bandit chief; to act insolently;

bandhol ngrompol a gathering of criminals.

bandhosa a covered wooden or bamboo bier.

bandhot 1 ram, male sheep or goat; 2 lascivious old man; 3 womaniser, ladies' man;

bandhotan a certain snake.

bandhu relatives. See also bandha.

bandhul 1 iron ball used as a weight; 2 hanger;

mbandhuli to weigh s.t. down; to attach a weight to s.t.;

bandhulan or bandulan 1 children's swing; 2 a swinging baby bed.

bandrèk I skeleton key, master key;

mbandrek to open with a skeleton key.

II adultery.

bandreng, mbandreng or bandrengan reg to work assiduously (at).

bandring reg sling for hurling missiles (var of bandhil).

bandul, mbandul to swing;

bandulan children's swing (var of bandhulan).

banè var of banén.

banèh different (var of benèh).

banèk var of banen.

banèn sound, voice.

bang I red (shtf of abang); bangjo traffic light (shtf of abang ijo);

bangbang wetan sunrise (when the sky looks red);

bang-bangan batik with predominantly red colouration.

II region; - wétan eastern region.

III bank;

ngebangaké 1 to put money in the bank; 2 to put up s.t. as security for the bank.

IV mbang (shtf of kembang); - mlathi jasmine.

V bangbang alum-alum way backbone of the state/country.

bangah a certain plant with a bad smell.

bangbang I disease of rice plants (var of bambang II).

II bangbang alum-alum see bang.

banger fetid.

banget ng, sanget kr 1 very, very much, extremely; 2 serious, intense; 3 emphatic;

mbangeti excessive;

mbangetake 1 to make s.t. worse; 2 to intensify;

kebangeten excessively, terribly, overly.

bangga 1 to resist (e.g. the police); disobey; 2 to refuse.

banggal 1 very hard (of roasted food, swollen skin etc); 2 stump of tobacco plant; 3 object thrown;

mbanggal to throw s.t. at.

banggel, mbanggel undercooked, raw inside.

banggèl, mbanggèl 1 to snap at (as though to bite); 2 to give a rebuttal (in debating);

mbanggèlaké to have s.o. sell (merchandise, usually fabrics) on commission. See bangkel.

banggén I shared, common cowstall.

II mbanggeni or bebanggen reg to accompany music by singing.

banggi I reg to resist (kr for bangga).

II reg cost, charge (kr for beya).

III shtf of ubanggi, promise, commitment (kr for ubaya).

IV (good) luck (kr for bara);

pinten banggi luckily (kr for pirabara or pirangbara).

bangir, mbangir long and tapering (the finest nose shape);

mbangiri to make (the nose) pointed;

mbangiraké to make (the nose) more tapered.

bangka 1 hard (of unriped fruit); 2 coarse;

klasa - a hard (in texture) mat; 3 cr dead; 4 or bangkan hard (of soil).

bangkak 1 hard (of body, soil, lump, cake); 2 crop disease.

bangkal, mbangkal reg to say in disagreeent, object.

bangkang I a certain hard-shelled snail.

II mbangkang to disobey, resist.

III mbangkang to renew the colour of batik cloth.

bangkar 1 unfinished work; 2 unslaughtered dead catde.

bangkat reg strong;

mbangkat or kebangkat strong enough to do s.t.

bangké cr corpse, carcass (of animals).

bangkèk, mbangkèk narrow at the midsection, small waist;

bangkèkan ng, pamekak k.i. waist-line).

bangkèl I reg quarrelsome person.

II mbangkel 1 to pack fabrics to be sent; 2 to buy (up) for resale;

mbangkèlaké or mbanggèlaké to sell on commission, sell to middleman;

bangkèlan 1 (merchandise) sold on commission; 2 one who sells fabrics on commission; 3 trade by selling on commission.

bangkit lit can, to be able.

bangkok or bangkokan large and old (of animals; cr of people).

bangkol or bangkolan a wooden peg fitted onto a shoulder carrying pole to prevent the rope that holds the burden from slipping.

bangkong or bangkongan large old frog;

mbangkong 1 resembling a large old frog; 2 to sleep too late in the morning; to get up quite late.

bangkrah 1 damaged, broken, wrecked; 2 decayed (because of suffering disease).

bangkrèh, bongkrah-bangkrèh or bungkrah-bangkrèh in disorder, strewn with scattered items.

bangkrong, mbangkrong or mbangkrung bent, curved (of the human or horses back).

bangkrung var of bangkrong.

bangkrut bankrupt;

mbangkrutaké to liquidate (a business).

bangku I short-legged bench or table; low bench used as a seat; - dhépok short-legged (square or round) table used for playing cards.

II or bangkon 1 having the right to possess a ricefield of the village; 2 rice-field given to officials instead of salary.

bangkyak var of bakiyak.

bango I a variety of stork; - thonthong a certain large stork with a long beak; buthak an old such stork.

II small roadside shop dealing in goods or refreshments.

bangsa 1 (member of a) nationality; ethnic group; nation; 2 (member of a) category, class;

- seger-segeran kinds of refreshments; ­ mas inten sorts of jewelry.

bangsal large assembly hall; - pangrawit a finely carved palace hall.

bangsat 1 crook, outlaw; 2 term of abuse.

bangsawan aristocrat.

bangsul reg to return (var of wangsul).

bangun I lit to wake up, get up; - ésuk ng, -énjing kr, dawn, daybreak, crack of dawn;

mbangun 1 to build up; 2 to perform; - tapa to seclude o.s. for meditation; - tresna to be in love with each other; - turut to obey; - alin-alin lit to worry about s.o.; - ni(ng)kah to hold a second wedding ceremony as a necessity for having a child; - wecana to make a follow-up accusation.

banjar row, rank; - pakarangan house and yard;

mbanjari to plant in rows;

banjaran 1 in rows (trees, plants, houses); 2 row.

banjel 1 replacement, assistance (for another worker); 2 substitute (for usual food during shortage);

mbanjel to step in and help;

mbanjeli to provide s.o. with assistance.

banjeng a long row, line (people or houses);

mbanjeng, (be)banjengan to form an unbroken line.

banjir 1 flood; 2 to be in flood;

mbanjiri 1 to flood (land); 2 to provide an abundance;

kabanjiran to get flooded;

banjiran to be under water, flooded.

banjur ng, lajeng kr then, after that;

kebanjur to go too far, further than intended;

mbanjuraké to continue, go on with s.t.;

sabanjuré 1 after that, subsequently; 2 and so forth.

banjut I coll yar of banjur.

II lit mbanjut to take away (and make disappear); - nyawa to take life away, i.e. cause to die.

banor reg having defective vision.

bantah or bantahan to debate, quarrel, dispute, argue over;

mbantah or mbantahi to argue (over), oppose, refute;

bantah-bantahan or bebantahan to argue/debate/dispute with each other.

bantal pillow; - dawa Dutch wife, bolster (see also guling I);

mbantali to equip s.t. with a pillow;

bantalan 1 to use a pillow; to use s.t. as a pillow; 2 railway sleeper; 3 pincushion; 4 (or bantal susun) dam in a sugarcane field.

bantala lit earth, ground.

bantas 1 loud and clear (of gunshot, fireworks); 2 high quality (of woven cloth).

bantat swollen and hard (of pimple, boil); partially cooked (of bread, cake etc).

banten or bebanten lit offering, human sacrifice, esp in war.

banter 1 fast; 2 hard; 3 loud;

mbanterake 1 to make faster; 2 to make harder; 3 to make louder.

banting, mbanting to throw down forcefully, hurl, fling down; mbantingi to throw down repeatedly;

kebanting 1 to get hurled; 2 at odds with;

bantingan 1 s.t. to be flung; 2 energetic.

bantu 1 help, assistance; guru - elementary-school teacher; 2 auxiliary troops, reinforcements;

mbantu 1 to help, aid, assist; 2 to back up, support;

mbantoni to help s.o.;

mbantokake to have s.o. help;

bebantu or bebanton help, aid, assistance;

bantuan help, aid, assistance;

bantu-binantu to help each other;

pambantu 1 help, aid, assistance; 2 helper, assistant.

banyak goose, swan; - angrem 1 a certain nebulous spot near the Southern Cross; 2 heaped-up rice with an egg inside (for ritual meal); - dhalang item of regalia in the shape of a goose, carried in court ceremonial; - patra a certain wild bird resembling a duck or goose;

mbanyaki cr to act hastily and ineffectually;

banyakan or bebanyakan breakers, white horses (in the sea).

banyar a herring-like fish.

banyol joke;

juru - joker (see also juru);

mbanyol to joke around;

banyolan 1 to make jokes, clown around; 2 a joke.

banyu ng, toya kr, 1 water, fluid; - bening fig 1 spiritual knowledge; 2 medicine, spiritual guide; - daging meat broth; ­ gege water for bathing a baby to make it grow faster; - godhogan or - mateng boiled drinking water; - kawah fore-water, amniotic fluid; - keras spirits; ­ landa soda water; - landha lye, water in which burnt rice stalks have been soaked (used as shampoo); - ledheng tap water; - leri water in which rice has been washed prior to cooking; - mas gilding fluid used in embroidery; ­ panguripan water having the power to revive the dead; - pinerang inseparable: fig e.g. brothers who often quarrel with each other but finally get along well again; - rasa quicksilver, mercury; - susu mothers milk; - tangi warm water for bathing children and invalids; ­ tawa(r) fresh water; - tumetes sound effect produced by the puppeteer tapping with slow steady beats on the puppetbox; - wantah (unboiled) fresh water; - wayu water that has been kept overnight; - windu water kept for several days used for a ritual bath; ­wisuh(an); - wijikan hi. water in finger bowls placed on the dining table; - wulu water for washing face, hands and feet ritually before praying;

mbanyu 1 resembling water; to liquefy, melt; 2 to bath, wash down; 3 aqueous;

mbanyoni 1 to supply with water; 2 to break, of the waters (before giving birth);

banyon 1 a mouthwash for blackening the teeth; 2 the bathing of a fighting cock; 3 the number of times a fighting cock is bathed;

bebanyu ng, tetoyan fer, to urinate;

banyunen to have diarrhoea;

mbanyuwara to avoid touching water as an ascetic practice;

caruk banyu to estimate s.o.'s treasures all in all;

dadia banyu suthik nyawuk (of relationship) completely broken;

dom sumurup ing banyu prov (to be) in disguise in order to investigate s.t.;

kaedus banyu sasiwur 'to be bathed with one scoop of water'; to get a very small share;

kaya banyu karo lenga 'like water and oil'; to be hostile to each other, unable to get along well with each other;

kena iwake aja nganti buthek banyune prov to take a problem in hand very carefully; to gain a goal without any conflict;

lebak (ledhok) ilining banyu prov the underlings are always blamed for any affair;

ngangsu banyu ing kranjang prov 'to draw water with a basket'; wasted effort; to do s.t. futile, in vain (see also angsu);

ngangsu banyu apikulan warih fig to possess basic knowledge before studying s.t. difficult;

nggarap banyu to have a menstrual period;

ngubak-ubak banyu bening prov 'to stir up clean water'; to cause quite a stir;

sedulur tunggal banyu prov a pupil of the same teacher (regarded as a brother);

suwé banyu sinaring prov to do s.t. easily

bapa father; - babu revered ancestor(s); ­ biyung parents; - paman uncle (parent's younger sibling); Bapa, Putra Ian Roh Suci Father, Son and Holy Ghost (see also bapak);

mbapa to call s.o. father; to regard s.o. as a father;

kebapan resembling one's father in nature;

anak molah bapa kepradhah prov the father in trouble because of the conduct of his son.

bapak ng, kr, rama hi. father; 2 adr, title older and/or higher-ranking male; ­ angkat foster father; - cilik uncle (parent's younger sibling) (see also paklik); - gedhe uncle (parent's older sibling) (see also pakdhe); - kuwalon stepfather; - pocung a tiny red beerie; mbapak to call s.o. father; to regard s.o. as a father;

bapak(n)é adr husband (if the couple have children);

bapak(n)é gendhuk/tholé my husband (oblique reference term);

bapaké (bo)cah-(bo)cah ng, bapakipun laré-laré kr, my husband.

bapang 1 signpost, signboard; 2 a certain classical dance performed by males; 3 obstacle;

mbapang to stretch arms sideways;

bapangan winged kite.

bapem a small round metal badge, formerly used by village officials.

baptis baptism;

mbaptis to baptise;

baptisan ceremony of baptising, baptism.

bapuh reg solid, sturdily built (var of bakuh).

bar shtf of bubar; 1 after; 2 finished, over; ngebaraké to finish;

bar-baran completely finished;

barji barbèh (shtf of bubar siji bubar kabèh) if one quits we all quit;

ora bar-bar to keep on doing.

bara I fringe hanging on either side of the belt buckle;

mbara to attach a fringe to.

II mbebara to travel around in search of a livelihood;

mbara gawe ng, mbara darnel kr, holding a feast (e.g. wedding ceremony etc).

III (banggi kr) (good) luck.

IV a hundred million.

V a certain type of fishing gear;

pirangbara happily and unexpectedly;

pecruk tunggu bara prov to be entrusted with s.t. of which one is very fond.

bara-bara I ornamental fringe hanging on a belt worn by classical dancers.

II reg do not expect even that much (s.t. less is likely).

barah leprosy

barak I age (group);

barakan a contemporary;

sabarakan of the same age group.

II 1 temporary quarters for large numbers of people; 2 a house where ill people are quarantined.

mbarak to quarantine (people).

III mbarak to stand in a line/row;

barak-barak in array, lined up.

barang I 1 thing, goods, stuff; 2 article, object, ware; - dagangan merchandise; - larangan prohibited objects; 3 matter; 4 baggage, goods.

II 1 basic gamelan scale; 2 certain notes of the 5 (slendro) and 7 (pelog) note scale; - miring gamelan scale, combining the 5 and 7 note scales; - gedhe gamelan octave.

III mbarang to perform publicly for a living; - amuk to go on the rampage; - gawe to hold a party, usu to celebrate a wedding or circumcision; (or mbebarang) wirang fig to make a show of being embarrassed;

barangan entertainment performed by travelling players.

IV and things like that, and all that;

ora barang... or anything;

ora barang-barang it's nothing.

V sabarang, sabarangan anyone, anything (see also sembarangan).

barat I strong west wind occurring usu during the rainy season.

II baratan reg common property (of village ricefields).

barbèh see bar.

barèh I borah-barèh in disorder, dis­arranged, scattered.

II mbarèhi reg to become more serious (of disease, pain).

III barèhan friend about the same age. See also barakan I.

barèk 1 reg (together) with; 2 while. See also bari.

bareng 1 together; 2 when, as soon as; 3 whereas, while;

mbarengi 1 to accompany. 2 to coincide with;

mbarengake 1 to cause s.t. or allow s.o. to accompany; 2 to cause s.t. to coincide with;

barengan 1 or bareng-bareng or bebarengan together (with); 2 a companion;

kebarengan to come together unintentionally.

barèng reg a small gong (var of bendhe).

barep, mbarep or pambarep rig, mbajeng or pambajeng kr, pambayun k.i. first­ born child, oldest child; - urip oldest living child.

barès 1 simple, plain, unaffected; 2 straightforward, without airs or embellishments; -

kurès plain and honest; (to say) straightforwardly;

mbarèsi to tell s.t. plainly.

bari or mbari var of barèk;

barinan reg var of barengan.

baribin lit assault on the ears (var of bribin).

barih, mbarihi to change for the worse (of disease, pain). See also barèh II.

barik var of barèk.

baring reg 1 a fool; 2 rude.

baris I 1 to march; 2 marching people or soldiers; - pendhem (to make) a secret march; - baris see pacak;

mbarisi to guard with a line of marchers;

mbarisake to have (people) line up;

barisan ranks, line of marchers, brigade, troops.

II rooster feather from the neck or tail.

III package to be carried by hand.

barji see bar.

barkah or berkah blessing, good wishes, prayers.

barkat var of berkat.

barkas, barkasan wrapped bundle. See berkas.

barlèn 'Berlin silver', white metal, pewter.

barléyan 1 diamond; 2 a variety of timber of good quality

barlin var of barlen.

barliyan var of barleyan.

baro, baro-baro a white rice porridge with coconut sugar and grated coconut in the middle, served at ceremonies.

baron see baru.

barong 1 name; 2 tassel, fringe; 3 a giant-king character type;

barongan 1 thorny bushes growing around bamboo stalks; 2 a show featuring a man dressed as a monster; the performer in such a show; 3 fringed; having tassels; 4 having a mane; barong asepak 1 a certain batik design; 2 figure painted on a saddle flap; parang barong batik design reserved for the royal family's garments (see also parang III;

singa barong 1 male lion; 2 man in a street show dressed as a monster with the head of a lion (see also singa);

yuyu rumpung mbarong rongé see yuyu.

baros a variety of large tree.

baru new;

mbaroni to plant (a field) with a new or unusual type of rice;

baron young plant (esp coffee).

barubah lit 1 to move; 2 dizzy, headachy, groggy See also brubah.

barud see barut.

baruna the God of the Sea.

barung 1 lit together; to accompany; in time with or simultaneous with (a gamelan beat);

mbarung to do s.t. in time with;

­sinang (two events) occurring at the same time;

mbarungi 1 to accompany; 2 to disturb, bother;

binarung to be accompanied.

barus, mbarus or mbarusan reg I straight away; 2 just now; kapur barus see kapur.

barut a cut, scratch;

mbarut to scratch;

kebarut-barut to be scratched.

bas I leaf stalk from a certain palm tree, used for making rope.

II shtf of tebas to buy up the entire stock; - mentah money received as a substitute for meal that must be consumed;

bas-basan 1 contracted job; 2 a certain children's game played by moving pieces on a diagram of squares.

basa I 1 language, speech; - antya a variety of humble Ngoko (see also antya); - bagongan speech style used by palace retainers; - gancaran prose; ­kedhaton speech style used by the king and court officials during a ceremonial court meeting; - lesan oral language; - paguneman colloquial speech; - pedinan everyday speech; ­(pe)pernesan flirtatious expressions for flattering a person of the opposite sex; - rinengga stereotype literary expression; 2 (to speak) Krama; 3 to have (a certain) kin relationship; mbasani to speak Krama to s.o.; mbasakake 1 to put (translate) into Krama; 2 to express in the form of a saying; 3 to use the words the listener would use on s.o.'s behalf; basan-basanan or basan-binasan to speak Krama to each other; bebasan a saying, set expression.

II basan, mbasan reg when, whenever.

III reg only, just, because of.

basang var of basan II.

basèh var of basik.

baseng to have a rotten or putrid odour.

basi large glazed earthenware dish for serving food.

basih var of basik.

basik, bosak-basik disorderly.

basin a foul odour.

baskara lit sun, name of the Sun God.

baskom washbasin.

basmi or besmi to burn (root form: kr of obong).

basuh var of wasuh.

basuki I to prosper, flourish.

II name of the dragon-shaped Ocean God.

bata ngy banon, kr, 1 brick, brick wall; 2 cube, brick-shaped block; - bumi brick wall; - luluh bricks being processed;

mbata brick-shaped, brick-like;

mbata rubuh 'like falling bricks'; thunderous (applause);

mantu mbata rubuh to celebrate a wedding ceremony on a large scale;

mbata sarimbag squarish (of handwritten Javanese script);

batan 1 in the shape of a brick or block; 2 built with bricks.

batal invalid;

mbatalaké to cancel, render invalid.

batang I mbatang to guess (the answer) to;

batangan 1 the answer to a riddle, the meaning of a dream; 2 a certain pattern of drumbeats.

II to beat a certain drum (kendhang).

batèh reg var of batih.

batek, mbatek 1 to pull (at), tug (on); 2 eager.

bates var of wates.

bathang 1 cr dead body; 2 carrion; - lelaku person making a solitary journey; ­ ucap-ucap two persons journeying together;

mbathang to float on one's back (as a form of swimming); - keli fig to be carried along by the current;

nyundhang bathang bantheng prov to promote an unlucky, formerly prominent person.

bathara male mythological deity; asoca ­wise, clairvoyant;

binathara god-like;

ratu agung binathara a great revered king.

bathari female mythological deity

bathi 1 profit, benefit, gain; - kesel to work hard but in vain; 2 to produce children;

mbathi to make (a certain) profit; to swindle for gain;

mbathéni to make a profit on (a tran­saction);

mbathèkaké to create a profit for, be beneficial to;

bathèn or bebathèn amount of profit;

kebathen profitable, having a profit.

bathik ng, serat kr, fabric worked by the batik process; - cap or - cap-capan printed batik; - tulis hand-worked batik;

mbathik to do batik work;

mbathikake to make batik for s.o.; to have batik made; to have fabric worked in batik;

bathikan batik work; batik-making;

pambathik the working of batik.

bathok 1 coconut shell; 2 skull; - bolu half-coconut shell with three eyes;

mbathok resembling a coconut shell;

mbathok mengkureb hemispherical shape (like a face-down half-coconut shell);

bathok bolu isi madu a person of low background but high intelligence.

bathu or mbathu 1 to eat together from one plate; 2 to contribute capital to an enterprise; to buy a share in an enterprise;

bathon or bathonan 1 to pool capital for a business enterprise; to pool money for a certain purpose; 2 to eat together from one plate.

bathuk ng, Jer, (pa)larapan k.i. forehead;

-banyak or - nonong a bulging forehead;

bathuk nyéla cendhani a classic ideal forehead ('forehead like marble').

batih 1 one's household; 2 (nuclear) family;

mbatih to feel as close as a member of the family;

batihan or bebatihan in the neighbourhood.

batin ng, batos kr, 1 inward (feeling); 2 one's inner self;

mbatin to ponder inwardly;

kabatinan or kebatinan 1 pertaining to the inner self; 2 mysticism, spiritualism.

batos inward (feeling), inner self (kr for batin).

batu 1 stone, rock (see also watu); 2 battery.

batur I ng, réncang kr, abdi k.i. servant; -tukon slave;

mbatur to be a servant.

II or bebatur low brick or stone wall which keeps moisture back from the foundations of a house;

mbaturi to provide (a house) with a wall as above.

bau I 1 upper arm; 2 labour, manpower;

- dhanyang supporting beam in a house frame; - kapine or - kapini partial attitude; - kiwa tengen one's total strength; - laweyan 1 s.o. whose last two (or more) spouses have died; 2 s.o. with a dimple on the shoulder; - tengen right-hand man, trusted person; -dhendha very powerful; -sastra dictionary; -suku village worker in the ricefield given to the village head;

mbaoni to do (a job);

bebau 1 head of a village area; 2 village worker; 3 one who performs a job;

pambaon 1 ship's mast; 2 support pole;

bau dhendha nyakrawati powerful, rich and respected.

II a measure of area: ca 1.75 acres;

baon or bebaon many bau's.

baud skilled (in), expert (at).

See also baut.

baung 1 bear; 2 chid dog; 3 a certain freshwater fish; 4 menthol liniment;

mbaung 1 (of dog) to howl, whine; 2 cr to sing, cry.

baureksa 1 guardian spirit of a certain place; 2 one who has long held sway in a certain place;

sing mbaureksa guardian spirit of a house, tree etc.

baut bolt, screw.

bawa I situation, circumstances; character.

II to build s.t. on one's own efforts; - leksana to fulfil any promise; to put one's words into action; - rasa to engage in discussion about the inner meaning of life;

mbawani 1 to hold sway over; 2 reg to hold a celebration (of wedding or circumcision).

III 1 vocal prelude to a piece of music; 2 sound, voice; - swara song prelude;

mbawani to sing a prelude to a musical piece.

IV gram affix.

bawah I domain; within the area of;

mbawahi or mbawahake to have authority over;

kebawah under the authority of;

bawahan (person, place) under the authority of.

II celebration of wedding ceremonies etc.

bawak wooden blade-holder for a hoe.

bawal a certain freshwater fish.

bawana var of buwana.

bawang I garlic; - kothong or pupuk ­person who cannot contribute a full share (usu referring to a child in a game with older children)(see also pupuk); mbawang to season with garlic.

II rice ready to be planted in the ricefield.

III or mbawang reg a variety of mango.

bawasir haemorrhoids.

bawat long-handled ceremonial umbrella.

bawèl always nagging;

mbawèli to nag or carp at s.o.

bawéra spacious, broad.

bawi reg kr for bawa.

bawon 1 a share of the rice harvest received for one's services during harvesting; 2 a certain measure of newly harvested rice (a sheaf of eight bundles);

mbawoni to give s.o. their earned portion of the harvest;

mbawonaké to give a portion of the harvest to the harvesters;

bawonan a bundle of rice as a payment given to the harvester.

bawuk I 1 dark grey; 2 (of clothing) faded, worn.

II 1 female genitals; 2 term of endearment applied to little girls. bawur 1 mixed (together); 2 (of vision) blurred, hazy;

mbawuraké 1 to mix (a variety of things) together; 2 to confuse; 3 to cause (vision, view) to be blurred or unclear.

baya I crocodile; - dharat wolf, woman-chaser;

binaya mangap surrounded by danger;

nglangeni tai baya prov to go to a lot of trouble without any repayment.

II or babaya or bebaya danger, hazard;

mbebayani dangerous;

sabaya pati together in life and death.

III 1 perhaps, possibly; 2 lit is it so (that...)?; 3 even if, even though; 4 (not) anything; 5 with interrogative word how (etc) on earth...!

IV reciprocal promise, commitment (shtf of ubaya).

bayah I duckling (young of the bèbèk).

II mbayahi in a critical condition.

bayak I woman's blouse pinned in front (shtf of kebayak).

II bayak-bayak or bebayakan crowded, jammed.

bayaka reg perhaps, probably (var of ayake).

bayakna var of bayaka.

bayan I parrot; parakeet.

II messenger, errand-runner; village official in charge of security (shtf of kebayan).

bayang I bamboo bed.

II bayangan image, shadow; mbayangake to imagine, visualise.

III mbayangé or mbayang-bayang to support or carry (a patient who cannot walk);

bayangan a patient being supported and helped to walk.

IV bayangan prey.

bayangkara 1 palace guards; 2 police.

bayangkaré ladies-in-waiting, yar of bayangkara;

binayang bayangkaré lit escorted by ladies-in-waiting.

bayangkari var of bayangkara.

bayar pay, salary, wages; - jrèng (kencrèng) to buy for cash (rather than on credit);

mbayar to pay;

mbayari to pay for;

mbayaraké to pay (a price), pay out, expend, disburse;

bayaran payment, wages;

pambayar payment; act of paying.

bayas a certain freshwater fish.

bayawara proclamation. Also byawara.

bayék coll baby.

bayem spinach.

bayi baby; - abang a newborn baby;

bayen to give birth to a baby;

mbayeni to deliver s.o.'s baby.

bayonet bayonet.

bayong, mbayong reg to come together in a place.

bayor a certain fish.

bayu I lit wind; - bajra wind and thunder storm.

II (or bebayu) blood vessel; fig strength;

bebayon amulet having the power to harm others.

bayun firstborn (k.i.for barep); pambayun 1 firstborn child; 2 lit female firstborn child; 3 breast (k.i.for susu).

bayur a kind of tree.

bé I to fall through.

II to guess, bet (coll for bedhé).

III name of the 6th year in the windu cycle.

bebada see bada.

bebadra see badra.

bebah task, responsibility (root form: kr for bubuh)

bebak, mbebak to pound in order to peel the husk from (as the first step in processing coffee, rice etc);

bebakan the result of pounding; s.t. to be pounded. See also bebeg II.

bebana see bana.

bebandan see banda.

bebara see bara.

bebas 1 free(d), unhampered, unimpeded; 2 free of charge;

mbébasaké to release, set free, liberate.

bebasan see basa.

bebaya danger (see baya).

bebed ng, kr, nyamping hi. batik garment worn by men; - (sabuk) wala child's garment worn with one end wrapped below the waist to form a sash;

mbebedi to help s.o. dressing in a bebed;

bebedan to put on or wear a bebed;

nanggung bedhahé bebedé, gempalé warangkané to bear undesirable consequences.

bebeg I 1 clogged, stopped up; 2 over­stuffed; overburdened; 3 to feel bloated;

mbebeg 1 to dam up; 2 to restrain;

bebegan a dam.

II to pound (var of bebak).

bebeh apathetic, listless.

bèbèk duck; cocor - a certain plant with beautiful flowers (see also cocor);

mbèbèk 1 resembling a duck; 2 to follow unthinkingly;

bèbèk diwuruki nglangi prov to do s.t. unnecessary, futile;

bebek mungsuh mliwis competition between two persons of the same level;

opor bèbèk mentas awaké dhèwèk a rhyme referring to someone who is successful at being self-supporting.

bebel dull-witted, mentally sluggish, stubborn; bebelen or kebebelen constipated.

bebeng, kebebeng 1 to get stuck; 2 stillborn; 3 impeded.

bèbèr spread, opened out;

wayang ­performance using a picture-roll (see also wayang);

mbèbèr to spread, open out, display;

mbèbèri to spread out;

mbèbèraké 1 to explain; 2 to spread s.t. out for s.o.

bebet see bebed.

bèbèt 1 descendant, lineage; 2 unblemished in character and lineage (as recommended to the groom). See also bibit.

bebreg overwhelming (quantity, supply).

bèbrèk, mbèbrèk to widen, change for the worse (of wound).

bebrel, mbebrel flimsy.

bèbrèl var of bebrel.

bèbrèt, mbebret flimsy, easily ripped.

bèbrèt I var of bebret.

II mbèbrèt to make a tearing sound (e.g. cloth ripping, fart, leaky muffler etc).

bécak pedicab;

mbécak 1 to ride in a pedicab; 2 to operate a pedicab as one's livelihood;

mbécakaké 1 to send s.o. in a pedicab; to pay s.o.'s pedicab fare; 2 to transport s.t. by pedicab;

bécakan pedicab fare;

bécak-bécakan 1 imitation or toy pedicab; 2 sightseeing by pedicab.

bécék I muddy.

II 1 a certain meat stew served at ritual feast; 2 reg meat curry.

becici wild banana.

becicing 1 above-ground tuberous root; 2 banana cluster at lower end of stalk.

becik ng, saé kr, good, kind, fine;

mbeciki 1 to treat kindly; 2 to make better;

mbecikaké to improve s.t.;

kabecikan kindness, goodness;

becik-becikan 1 to be on good terms with each other; 2 to compete in quality;

beciké it would be better;

becik ketitik ala ketara prov the good will make itself known, along with the bad.

becira raised floor.

becokak or becokakan reg mischievous, reckless, unruly.

bècu, mbècu to scowl with anger;

béca-becu to keep scowling.

becus cr capable, competent. See also pecus.

béda I ng, bènten kr different;

mbédakaké 1 to distinguish, differentiate; 2 to discriminate against;

prabéda lit different.

II mbeda to irritate;

mbebéda to keep teasing, annoying, irritating s.o.

bédang, mbédang having a flared rim (shtf of lambé dandang).

bedaringan var of pedaringan.

bededeng or mak bededeng repr sounding long and hard;

mbededeng 1 to become long and hard; 2 to exert all one's strength.

bèdèdeng, bedédang-bèdèdeng to walk with an arrogant swagger.

bèdendèng var of bèdèdeng.

bedhad detached, loose.

bedhadhag, mbedhadhag flabby (of belly etc).

bedhadhok I reg a certain large basket.

II mbedhadhok reg careless, ill-mannered.

bedhag 1, mbedhag or mbebedhag to hunt; to go hunting; 2 to chase; 3 to seek a job; 4 to win at gambling;

bedhagan 1 hunted game animal; 2 wage for hired worker;

pambedhagan hunting ground.

bedhagal cr abusive term; damn!

mbedhagal 1 to coerce into (do)ing.

bedhah 1 broken through, ripped open; 2 to be overcome by force; - bumi 1 price of burial plot; 2 gravedigger's fee; 3 wages of one who looks after graves;

mbedhah 1 to conquer; 2 to drain (water) from a dam; 3 to break through; 4 to cut out; 5 or mbebedhah to start ploughing a ricefield; 6 to become fatter and fatter;

bedhahan 1 a ripped piece, a scrap; 2 cut (of clothing); 3 small drainage ditch in a ricefield;

mbedhahi to cut out;

mbedhahaké 1 to cause s.t. to break accidentally; 2 to rip s.t. open for s.o.

bedhal, mbedhal 1 to break loose from a tether or stall; 2 to leave (companions) against one's will.

bedhama 1 a certain archaic weapon; 2 a type of axe; 3 reg appointment.

bedhami or bedhamèn to enter into an agreement, esp a peace treaty;

bedhamen cessation of hostilities; ceasefire agreement.

bedhandho, mbedhandho hesitant, undecided.

bédhang, mbédhang to love illicitly;

bédhangan 1 to have an extramarital affair; 2 cr beloved man/woman.

bedhati reg ox-cart (var of pedhati).

bedhawang lit land tortoise.

bedhaya 1 a certain court dance performed by females; 2 performer of this dance.

bedhé to guess (var of badhé or badhek).

bedhedheg, mbedhedheg 1 mushy, soggy; 2 swelling with pride.

bedhèdhèh, mbedhèdhèh flabby, paunchy.

bedhegel, mbedhegel to feel resentful.

bedhegud reg vigorous, energetic.

bedhegus or mak bedhegus suddenly popping into view.

bedhèk, mbedhèk to guess (at), var of badhé, badhèk, bedhé;

mbedhèki to have s.o. guess;

bedhèkan 1 riddle, guessing-game; 2 the answer to a riddle; 3 (or bedhèkbedhèkan) to ask each other riddles; to play guessing-games;

pambedhèk guessing.

bedhel, mbedhel to crack or snap easily.

bedhel, mbedhel 1 to operate (surgically); 2 to disembowel; 3 to divert (a stream);

mbedhèli to keep lancing;

bedhèlan incision, wound.

bèdhèng or bèdhèngan seedbed consisting of heaped up soil between irrigation ditches;

mbèdhèngi to make a seedbed in a ricefield;

bedhenguk var of bedhengus.

bedhengul var of bedhengus.

bedhengus or mak bedhengus repr a sudden appearance, heaving into view.

bedhes 1 reg monkey; 2 cr, excl 'my god'.

bedhidhet to grow well (of plants).

bedhidhing chilly, chilled; mangsa - a night-time chill in the dry season.

bedhigal, mbedhigal 1 eccentric, strange acting; 2 ill-mannered.

bedhigas, bedhigasan or pating bedhigas having ill-mannered actions.

bedhil ng, senjata kr gun, rifle; - angin air rifle; - lantakan breech loader; - pacar wutah shotgun;

mbedhil to shoot;

mbedhili to shoot s.t. repeatedly;

bedhil-bedhilan 1 toy gun; 2 to exchange gunfire;

pambedhil the act of shooting;

sapambedhil distance travelled by a bullet, a rifle-shot away.

bedhiyang 1 a fire built for warmth; 2 to warm o.s. at a fire.

bedho a draw; to be called off;

mbedhokaké 1 to make a draw; 2 to fail, call off.

bedhodhog, mbedhodhog 1 to swell out (of water-soaked seeds); 2 ruffled, fluffed up (of bird's feathers); 3 swelling with pride (var of mbedhedheg); mbedhodhogaké to cause (feathers) to be ruffled.

bedhodhok var of bedhodhog.

bedhog I short-handled axe, esp for digging out tree stumps;

mbedhog to dig out (stumps);

bedhogan a hacked-out stump.

II 1 to steal a fowl; 2 lit to kidnap;

bedhogan 1 a stolen fowl; 2 lit kidnapped woman.

bedhol pulled out, uprooted; - désa to move an entire village to a new settlement; - gendéra to withdraw a military force; - jangkar to weigh anchor; - songsong traditional court ceremony held after the rice mountain ceremony (grebeg);

mbedhol to pull out, uproot;

mbedholi to pull out many objects;

bedholan 1 s.t. that has been pulled out; 2 technique of removing puppets from the banana log where they are kept; 3 alumnus.

bedhu reg var of bedho.

bedhudhak a certain venomous snake.

bedhudhug, mbedhudhug bloated, swollen.

bedhug 1 mosque drum; gamelan drum resembling a mosque drum; 2 sounding of the mosque drum at noon to summon Muslims to prayer; 3 noon; 4 lit o'clock; - awan noon; - bengi or ­ dawa midnight; - telu about 3:30 a.m.;

mbedhug 1 to beat a gamelan drum; 2 (to fast) only until noon (rather than sundown);

sabedhug 1 the same size as a mosque drum; 2 time period from 6 a.m. to 12 noon.

bedhugul not dressed properly; not wearing a kris.

bedhul var of bedhol.

bedhungul repr a sudden appearance, to pop up.

bedhungus or bedhengus var of bedhungul

bedinan ng, bedintenan kr, daily (var of pedinan ng, pedintenan kr). See dina.

bedodok, mbedodok 1 boastful; 2 to talk too much.

bedodong, mbedodong 1 bloated, stiff and swollen; 2 cr dead.

bedondi to quarrel. See perdondi.

bedor name of one of the small playing-cards (kertu cilik).

bedud I mbedud headstrong, obstinate.

II bedudan opium pipe.

bedudung, mbedudung stuffed, bloated (from overeating).

beg or mak bleg repr of a sudden fall, splat!

bèg or mak bèg repr falling;

bag-bèg to fall repeatedly.

bega to have a speech difficulty; to stammer.

begadad, mbegadad to steal domestic animals.

begadag var of begadad.

begagah, mbegagah to stand with the legs wide apart.

begajagan to exhibit crude behaviour; to have bad manners (of female servants).

begajul playboy, wolf;

mbegajul to chase after women;

begajulan 1 playboy; 2 to chase after women.

bégal bandit, robber;

mbégal to rob, hold up;

bégalan 1 robbery, holdup; 2 loot; 3 reg certain part of a traditional wedding ceremony;

ambégal sambi angajang to intend to steal s.t. by pretending to help the owner.

begandring or begandringan gathering; to engage in discussion.

beganjok a building in the style of a mosque;

mbeganjok to have a strange character; out of the ordinary.

begar pleased, delighted.

begawan holy man, hermit (var of bagawan).

begeblug var of pageblug.

begedèl var of bergedèl.

begedud, mbegedud wilful, obstinate.

begegèg, mbegègèg to remain motionless.

begègèh, mbegegeh to stand with the legs moderately far apart.

begèjègan ill-mannered, insolent.

begejil (of children) obstreperous.

begènggèng, mbegènggèng to improve in one's condition (physically, materially).

begèr delighted, pleased.

begigih, mbegigih 1 to stand with the legs slightly apart; 2 adamant in one's refusal to help.

begja 1 (good) luck; fortunate; at peace with one's environment; 2 fig bad luck; - cilaka fate; - kemayangan great good luck;

begja(n)-begjan to try one's luck;

begja-begjané at best;

begjan or begjan-begjan to do s.t. just for luck;

kabegjan (good) luck;

kabegjan kebrayan a man of fortune.

begledhug the low rumbling sound of an active volcano.

bégod, mbegod stubbornly disobedient.

bégog stupid person;

mbegog to act stupidly, i.e. sit around staring blankly into space.

begogok, mbegogok to sit completely motionless.

begok a variety of bird.

begondhal var of begundhal.

begu to have a speech difficulty; to stammer (var of bega).

beguguk, mbeguguk to stand one's ground, refuse to give in;

mbeguguk ngutha waton to defy authority.

begundhal yes-man, sycophant. Also begondhal.

begupon pigeon-house (var of pagupon).

beguron institution for religious and mystical training (var of paguron).

bèh all (shtf of kabeh). See also barbèh.

bèhèl reg very rich.

bèi shtf of ngabèhi.

beja var of begja.

beja to say (subst kr for kandha);

mbejani to say to s.o.;

bebejan to speak to each other.

bejaji, mbejaji to have worth.

bejad 1 damaged, spoiled; 2 depraved, socially unacceptable;

mbejad or mbejadi to wreck, tear to pieces;

mbejadaké to cause s.t. to be wrecked.

bejèr an eye disease, inflamed eyelids.

bèji I pool, pond (for swimming or boating).

II large-headed nail.

III bèjèn jewelled.

béjos capable, can, to be able.

bejud, mbejud reg stubborn, headstrong.

bejujag, mbejujag to please o.s., follow one's own ideas, not obey custom. See also jujag.

bèk I adr aunt (var of bi).

II back (football position).

III reg headman of a residential area in town.

IV reg maybe.

V (pron as: mbèk) 1 possession, belonging (coll var of darbek); 2 together with. See also ambèk.

VI (pron as: mbèk) to give up.

VII (pron as: mbèk) chid sheep.

béka (to be) a nuisance/hindrance;

mbéka or mbékani fussy, hard to handle.

bekakak 1 roasted chicken/duck; 2 sacrificed animal.

bekakas 1 equipment, necessities; 2 parts/ materials of which s.t. is made.

bekakrah, mbekakrah or pating bekakrah in disorder; scattered in a mess.

bekakrak var of bekakrah; bekakrakan confused or disordered action.

bekamal reg salted (var of kamai).

bekangkang, mbekangkang to stand or lie with the legs spread wide apart.

bekasakan 1 boorish behaviour; 2 jungle demon, evil spirit of the forest.

bekatul very fine chaff produced by pounding rice. See also katul.

bekecek, mbekecek to chatter, to talk copiously.

bekécot a tree snail (var of bekicot).

bèkel 1 low-ranking official at court; 2 village head.

bèkèl jacks, knucklebones;

bèkelan to play jacks.

bèkèl 1 protrusion of the stomach; 2 a variety of fish.

bekem, mbekem to clutch in the hand.

bekeneng, bekenengan to engage in heated argument.

bekengkeng, mbekengkeng unyielding, stubborn.

bekèngkèng, mbekèngkèng to sit with the legs spread wide apart;

mbekèngkèngaké to spread the legs wide apart. Also pekèngkèng.

bekès, mbekès to spit (of cats).

bekètrèk var of blekètrèk.

bekicik, mbekicik 1 to quibble, fig talkative; 2 to argue habitually; 3 to cheat at cards.

bekicot a tree snail.

bekik, bekak-bekik to shriek repeatedly;

mbekik to shriek;

pating bekik or pating brekik pl to shriek.

bekikuk crossbreed between a domestic chicken (pitik) and a certain hybrid chicken (bekisar).

bekingking I a certain snail.

II mbekingking very thin, emaciated.

bekis, mbekis to spit (of cats) (var of bekès).

bekisar crossbreed between a domestic chicken (pitik) and a wild chicken (ayam alas).

bekisik, mbekisik (of skin) dried, cracking.

bekita-bekitu or bekituan reg to rant in anger.

bekiwit, mbekiwit to cheat at cards.

bekok, mbekok 1 addicted (to), esp smoking; 2 (of tobacco leaves) badly formed; 3 ill-mannered.

bekokrok, mbekokrok 1 loose, coming unbound; 2 worthless.

bekong reg a measure, esp for raw rice or oil;

mbekong to measure out (rice, oil).

bekongkong, mbekongkong 1 to sit idly loafing; 2 to sit improperly with the legs apart on a chair; 3 var of bekungkung.

bekos, mbekos to snort.

beksa k.L for joged.

bekta to carry bring, take (root form: kr for gawa).

bekti 1 to have great respect/esteem (for); 2 one's respects (in opening or ending phrase of letters); 3 money or things given to a village head or in acknowledgement of his kindness;

mbekteni to pay one's respects to, esteem for s.o.;

ngabekti to pay one's respects to s.o.;

ngabektèn occasion for showing one's respect by kissing the knee of an older person;

pangabekti one's respects.

bekucuk, mbekucuk to rinse one's mouth out.

bekuh, mbekuh to complain by moaning;

bekah-bekuh to keep complaining and moaning.

bekuk, mbekuk 1 to bend; 2 to break a neck; 3 to capture, arrest;

mbekuki to get s.o.'s money/property away from them.

bekungkung I var of pekungkung.

II cage-like tiger trap.

bekunung, mbekunung stubborn, unwilling to defer to others.

bekur, mbekur to coo.

bekus var of bekis.

bekusuk, mbekusuk old and faded.

bektos subst kr for bekti.

bektya lit var for bekti.

bel repr puffing/flaring up.

bela 1 to sacrifice o.s. in defence of s.o. or s.t.; 2 to have a joint circumcision (with another boy); - pati 1 to sacrifice one's life; 2 to join (another) in death;

ndhèrèk - sungkawa to offer one's condolences; - tampa misunderstood;

mbélani to defend, support;

mbélakaké to sacrifice one's life as a means of solidarity;

pambéla defender, defence.

belah I 1 lit split; 2 a measure of harvested rice: one bundle, half a sheaf;

mbelahi 1 lit to split; 2 to bundle into sheaves;

karo belah 150, telu belah 250 etc (market terms); - Banten a style of jacket with split sleeves.

II wong belahan fisherman (at sea), boatman.

Javanese English Dictionary

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