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ca adr friend! mate! (shtf of kanca).
cabak I slate for school (reg var of sabak).
II var of tebak II.
III a swallow-like nocturnal bird (var of cebak).
cabang 1 branch, arm (of an organisation); to branch off, split; 2 weapon used for self-defence training (see also cawang, pang);
nyabang to branch off, split.
cabar 1 ineffectual; 2 failed.
cabé a certain vine, also its fruit (used in traditional medicines); - lempuyang a traditional medicine brewed from the vine fruits above; - rawit 1 chili pepper; 2 fig a person who is physically small but very capable;
ula - a certain small harmless snake;
nyabé covered with goose-pimples (of skin when one is cold);
cabéan a certain small bird that feeds on caterpillars and insects.
cablaka straightforward, direct, honest (var of blaka).
cablek a slap;
nyablèk to slap s.o.;
nyablèki to slap repeatedly;
cablèk-cablèk to keep slapping; - pupu to slap one's thigh (as an emotional reaction);
cablèk-cablèkan to slap each other in a friendly way.
cabol 1 short legs of wooden bench; 2 var of cébol.
cabud see cabut.
cabuk 1 food made from extracted sesame seeds; 2 sesame seeds from which the oil has been extracted.
cabul obscene; engaging in obscene activity.
cabut, nyabut 1 to pull out, (with)draw; 2 to revoke, suspend;
nyabutaké to have s.t. (with)drawn.
caca 1 break, crack; 2 defect, flaw; - upa any act that can cause a relationship to be weakened.
cacab I 1 to become gradually immersed; 2 to sink below the surface;
nyacabi to wade across a flooded area;
kacababan to get inundated.
II 1 efficacious; 2 poisonous liquid;
nyacab to apply a poisonous liquid to sharp weapons.
III shampoo made from aloe leaves;
nyacab to wash one's hair with such a shampoo.
cacad defect, flaw, mutation, trouble;
nyacad or nyacad to find fault; to criticise;
cacadan object of criticism;
panyacad or panacad 1 criticism; 2 object of s.o.'s criticism.
cacah I 1 number, amount; - jiwa population; 2 census; - eri counting unit for fish; - molo house count; pecahan fraction; - sirah a headcount of people or animals; - camboran mixed fraction, compound fraction; wutuh integer; - wuwung 1 number of roofs or roofed sections to a house; 2 counting unit for households in a village; nyacah or nacah to count;
nyacahake or nacahake to count up, make a count of;
kecacah to be counted;
panyacah or panacah calculation, count.
II nyacah to reduce to small pieces; cacahan 1 s.t. ground; 2 s.t. used for grinding;
panyacah or panacah the act of grinding.
cacah-cucah 1 insignificant, unimportant; 2 unworthy, not lucrative.
cacak I nyacak reg to try, make an effort; cacak-cacak to give s.t. a try;
kalah cacak menang cacak to try to do s.t. by trial and error.
II a tool for slicing tobacco leaves;
nyacak to shred tobacco with such a tool.
III aja cacak let alone..., to say nothing of...
cacal chipped, marred;
nyacal to peel or flake off a small bit (from); to cut into small pieces.
cacap see cacab.
cacar 1 smallpox; - banyu chickenpox;
mantri - official who vaccinates for smallpox (see also mantri); 2 pustular skin eruption, pock-mark;
nyacar to vaccinate for smallpox;
nyacarake to have s.o. vaccinated;
cacaran vaccination, vaccinating.
cacaya lit facial expression. See also caya, cecaya.
caci 1 wooden tripod; supporting stand; 2 belt, buckle of a belt.
cacing worm, intestinal worms; - kermi threadworm; - pita tapeworm; tambang noodle-like intestinal worms;
nyacing resembling a worm, vermiform;
nyacingi to treat for worms;
cacingen to suffer from worms.
cadhang, nyadhang or nyenyadhang to hold out the hands to receive s.t.;
nyadhangi 1 to hold out the hands as though preparing to catch s.t.; 2 to retard, check; to catch (livestock thief);
nyadhangake to hold in reserve;
cumadhang available, set aside;
cadhangan reserve, back up, spare.
See also cadhong I, candhang.
cadhok nearsighted, myopic; having defective vision.
cadhong I one's share or portion;
nyadhong 1 to ask for s.t.; 2 var of nyadhang;
nyadhongake to ask for s.t. on s.o.'s behalf;
cumadhong to ask for (orders);
cadhongan share, portion.
II (of chicken quill or horns) backwards.
cadhuk reg ladle;
nyadhuk reg to take, ladle, scoop (liquid).
caé-caé reg very clear.
caèk, caèk-caèk reg to shout, speak to in greeting.
caèng, sacaèng 200 bundles of (rice).
cag, cag-cagan to enjoy working;
cag-ceg to keep touching or handling. See also ceg.
cagak 1 pole, post; 2 support, mainstay; - elek a means of staying awake; palang barrier;
nyagak or nyagaki to support with a pole;
cagakan s.t. used as a supporting post.
cagar preservation; - alam nature reserve.
cager or cageran pilework, palisade.
cagir, nyagir to stand up, immobile. See also agir.
cagluk, nyagluk reg to take.
cah adr child! (shtf of bocah); - bagus boy! (affectionate); - ayu girl! (affectionate).
cahak, nyahak 1 to trespass on the rights of another; 2 to violate s.o.'s authority; 3 to seize s.t. illegally.
cahya 1 beam, ray; 2 appearance, aspect.
cai var of kucai.
caing unit of quantity of newly harvested rice (ca 200 bundles).
caya facial expression.
cak I act or way of doing, application;
ngecaki to do, accomplish;
ngecakaké to do, carry out, practise;
kacakan to get accomplished;
cak-cakan application, act of applying or practising.
II reg, adr fellow! brother!
cakadhong, nyakadhong to open (the hand) so wide that it bends back in an arc.
cakah, nyakahi 1 to push (against, off, away); 2 to resist, defy stand up to.
cakal I nyakal to pervert (words, facts). II - bakal first inhabitant of a settlement (later revered as protective spirit).
cakar (animal's) paw, claw; (bird's) foot, cr human foot;
nyakar 1 to scratch with claws; 2 cr to eat meal with hand; 3 to play soccer without wearing shoes;
nyakari 1 to claw repeatedly; 2 (of chickens) to scrape in search of food; kecakar scratched;
cakar-cakar to keep scratching in search of food. See also cèkèr.
cakarwa reg blacksmith's forked poker.
cakep, nyakep all-embracing, all-encompassing;
nyakepi to reach all the way around s.t.;
cakepan 1 act of embracing or encompassing; 2 words or text of a traditional song (tembang, suluk etc).
caket near, close (to);
nyaket to get near(er);
nyaketi to approach s.t.;
nyaketake to bring s.t. closer;
caketan or cecaketan to associate with, become acquainted with;
kecaket loved (by).
cakil I bamboo peg used to hold bamboo wall sections in place;
nyakili to fasten (bamboo sections) with pins.
II way an ogre who has an extended lower jaw with long sharp fangs;
nyakil 1 to perform as this figure; 2 resembling this figure.
III cakilen to have insomnia.
cakma a certain plant.
cakodhong var of cakadhong.
cakot a bite;
nyakot 1 to bite; 2 to involve so. in a lawsuit by accusing them; 3 to become habituated or addicted (to); 4 to join, get attached;
nyakoti to bite repeatedly;
nyakotaké to bite for s.o.;
kecakot 1 to get bitten; 2 to get drawn into a legal entanglement;
cakotan a bite; act of biting. Also cokot.
cakra 1 a round frame; 2 a mythical powerful arrow having a toothed round frame as a head; 3 a diacritic mark indicating R in Javanese script;
manggilingan the cycle of life through reincarnations; the wheel of fortune;
nyakra to shoot with such a weapon; - manggilingan to proceed through cycles; to change cyclically.
cakrabawa suspicion;
nyakrabawa to suspect s.o.;
panyakrabawa suspicion;
kacakrabawa suspected.
cakrak or cakrak-cekrek handsome, fine-looking.
cakrawala 1 horizon; 2 sky.
cakrawa(r)ti, nyakrawa(r)ti 1 to rule the world; 2 highly esteemed as a supreme king.
cakrik 1 appearance, facial aspect; 2 pattern, design.
cakruk a hut used as a base by night watchmen or as a shelter when guarding crops against birds.
caksana wise, endowed with wisdom (shtf of wicaksana).
cakub see cakup.
cakul a freshwater fish.
cakup, nyakup 1 to grasp between the palms; 2 to cover (in a speech, discussion etc).
kacakup 1 to get hold of, grasp; 2 contained, included, covered;
cakupan handful of loose things (coins, grains etc).
cakur I medicine-horn, powder-flask.
II cakur-cakur (of horses) to paw the ground with the forelegs;
nyakur to paw, claw at;
nyakuri to claw repeatedly;
kecakur to get pawed accidentally. See also thakur.
cakut 1 in preparation for hard work; 2 to start working hard.
cal shawl.
cala I or cecala 1 a messenger or a message sent around to invite guests to a celebration; 2 opening words; to begin talking.
II lit mountain (shtf of acala, ancala).
III lit defect, flaw
IV lit cunning, shrewdness.
calabéka lit to change into bad thing; to destroy s.t. valuable intentionally.
cala-culu repr bursting in.
calaina partially or totally blind.
calak I a man who performs traditional circumcisions.
II, calakan person of many talents, one who learns easily
III flippant;
calak cangkol kendhali cemethi tai to interrupt the conversation with s.t. trivial.
calang or cecalang to prepare; to be ready for carrying out;
nyalangi to prepare before s.t. happens;
panyalang advance guard, scout.
calapita I lit a sudden rapid movement.
II 1 a certain gamelan melody; 2 bamboo whistle that produces fine sounds.
III a certain grasshopper.
calathu ng, wicanten hr, ngendika h.i. to say, to talk, speak;
pacalathon speech, talking, what s.o. says. See also celathu, clathu.
calawenthah immorality, profligacy.
calek 1 reg near, close; 2 reg short. See also cedhak, cendhak.
calik I 1 (to make) a one-day excursion; 2 to come and then go straight away.
II nyalik(aké) to turn over; to turn the other way around.
calo I a small edible ocean fish.
II var of calok.
calok 1 ticket scalper; 2 passenger recruiter for public vehicles;
nyalok to work as a ticket scalper.
calon or calonan 1 candidate, prospective; 2 applicant;
nyaloni to nominate, designate;
nyalonaké to appoint s.o. as a candidate.
caluk I reg a cutting knife, chopper.
II young tamarind fruit.
calung I a certain bamboo music instrument.
II shank of a horse's leg.
cam I appearance;
ngecamaké to consider advisable; to bear in mind;
cam-camé it appears, it seems.
II ngecam reg to calculate, estimate.
camah not respected, in disrepute;
nyamah to show disrespect (for);
nyenyamah to treat with a lack of disrespect;
nyamahake (act of) showing disrespect;
kecamah to get a lack of respect;
panyamah (act of) showing disrespect.
camat head of a subdistrict, i.e. an administrative officer having authority over village heads;
kecamatan subdistrict, territory under the above official.
cambah bean sprout (shtf of kecambah).
cambang 1 (of sideburns) long and wide; 2 side whiskers.
camben reg kr for candu.
cambeng or cecambeng advance preparations, arrangements, provisions;
nyambengi to prepare;
nyambengaké to provide, prepare s.t. for.
cambil reg coconut. See also kambil I.
cambor, nyambor to mix;
camboran 1 a mixture; 2 compound; 3 gram compound word.
cambuk reg var of sambuk.
cambur var of cambor, campur.
camcao a certain vine, the leaves of which are used for cool drinks and gelatinlike foods.
camèh, nyamèh (of the lower lip) drooping; fig talkative.
camik, camikan or nyamikan snacks, refreshments.
campah I reg insipid, tasteless.
II or cecampah criticism, ridicule;
nyampah or nyampahi to criticise, ridicule.
III (of roof) not aslant enough, almost level.
campaka frangipani.
campleng reg to break instantly.
camplong a crude ladder consisting of a notched board.
campreng, comprang-campreng chronically short of money.
campuh 1 to link up; 2 to fight, duel; 3 to gather.
campur to mix (with); mixed; - adhuk all mixed in together; - bawur 1 mixed up; 2 a mixture of flower fragrances for perfume; 3 medley; 4 confused; - sari to menstruate;
nyampur to mix;
nyampuri 1 to mix s.t. in; 2 to meddle in, interfere;
nyampurake to mix s.t. (up) with (s.t. else);
kacampuran mixed (with), mingled with;
campuran 1 (a) mixture (of); 2 meddling, interference.
camu unit of ten billion;
sacamu ten billion.
camuk, camuk-camuk or nyamuknyamuk or nyomak-nyamuk (to eat) with the mouth stuffed.
canang a certain variety of yellow betel leaf.
cancala I 1 lit to shake violently; to unsettle; 2 lit lightning.
II reg to have troubles, filled with obstacles; disturbance.
cancalan reg a scapegoat. See also sangsalan.
cancang, nyancang 1 to tie up, tether; 2 to give a down payment; to pay (as) a deposit;
panyancang act or way of tethering;
cancangan 1 tethered; 2 pole or s.t. used for tethering an animal.
cancing or cancingan 1 handy and quick; 2 to wear practical clothes.
cancao var of camcao.
cancut with sleeves rolled up or cloth tucked up, in preparation for hard work; - tali-wanda lit to gird up one's loins, to get set for some hard work;
nyancutaké to tuck up one's sleeves or clothes before starting to work; to gird o.self for work.
candhak the next, continuation, sequel; - cekel to take possession of s.o.'s property as a payment on a debt;
kulak credit system for small investors;
nyandhak 1 to take, catch, grasp, seize; 2 to understand; 3 to reach;
nyandhakaké to continue, resume;
kecandhak 1 to get caught, seized; 2 to be found; can be picked up;
candhakan 1 to understand things easily; 2 solution;
candhake the next one;
sacandhake or sakecandhake whatever one can grasp/attain.
candhang, nyandhangi to retard, check; to catch. See also cadhang.
candhen see candhi.
candhet, nyandhet to restrain, check, hold;
panyandhet restraint, control, prevention.
candhi 1 ancient Hindu or Buddhist temple or shrine; 2 stone floor-tile;
bentar temple gates with the appearance of a single facade split in the middle;
nyandhi 1 to enshrine in a temple; to bury s.o. in such a temple; 2 fig to cherish, take scrupulous care of; to hold in esteem;
candhen having the appearance of such a temple.
candhik I counting unit for the leaves used in betel quid;
nyandhiki to make betel leaves into a betel-chewing packet;
sacandhik one betel-chewing packet.
II candhik-ala (-kala) twilight, dusk; the spirits that emerge at dusk.
candhuk I a liquid measure. See also canthuk I.
II nyandhuk reg to drain blood.
III candhuk to meet each other; meeting; - lawung to come into contact with. See also canthuk.
candhung reg a certain type of sickle or scythe.
candra I 1 lit moon 2 lit month. II a description couched in figurative terms; - sengkala chronogram used as a cryptic way of expressing dates, esp the year a building was constructed;
sengkala memet complex chronogramatic representation of the year;
nyandra to describe s.t. figuratively;
cinandra lit described;
panyandra a description couched in beautiful figures of speech;
candra kalamukan buda 'the moon covered by a star'; the wrong finding of a court.
candramawa a cat with a certain coat and eye colouring, said to have the magical power of stopping a mouse in its tracks by merely staring at it.
candrasa lit sword.
candu opium; - gelap black market opium;
nyandu 1 to have become addicted to; 2 (of smoking tobacco) to produce tars.
canéla sandals, slippers. See also cenela.
canès reg var of sanes.
canik, nyanik (of face) small and cute.
cangak a heron-like bird.
cangap 1 a wide opening; 2 reg water-channel into a ricefield; 3 var of cangar;
nyangap to force open the mouth of (e.g. a child, an animal);
nyangapaké to open s.o.'s mouth.
cangar, nyangar var of nyangap;
cangaran act of opening s.o.'s mouth.
cangcalan pretext, subterfuge, excuse.
cangcang var of cancang.
cangcing handy, skilful, adroit.
canggah I 1 forked stick or branch; 2 having a forked shape.
II great-great-grandchild; 2 great-great-grandparent.
canggal a dead tree or stump.
canggeh 1 apt to tease or pester; 2 prone to steal.
Cangik way name of a tall and thin female clown-servant;
nyangik resembling this wayang figure;
cangik-cangik tall, thin and long of neck.
cangkah a forked branch (var of) canggah.
cangkang 1 eggshell, nutshell; 2 seashell.
cangkel stubborn, headstrong.
cangkelak to return with a quick motion. See also cengkelak.
cangkem ng, kr, tutuk k.i. 1 mouth; 2 cr talk, chat; bad words;
nyangkemi cr to speak to angrily or accusingly;
cangkeman 1 resembling a mouth; 2 with a mouth, oral;
nyangkem kodhok to have/get a three-cornered tear in fabric;
cangkem rusak, godhong jati krasa enak prov to eat indiscriminately; gluttonous.
cangkerem var of cengkerem.
cangket reg pretty, pleasing.
cangking, nyangking to take or carry in the hand or arm;
nyangkingake to carry for s.o.; nyangking-nyangking to involve; to drag s.o.'s name into;
kecangking to get picked up or carried off inadvertently;
cangkingan 1 handle; 2 s.t. used to carry things; 3 s.t. carried in the hand.
cangkir cup (for tea or coffee).
cangklak, nyangklak 1 to feel sore in the armpit area; 2 rebellious, disobedient; cangklakan armpit.
cangklek, nyangklek (of distance) very close.
cangklek, nyangklèk to carry on the waist or hip;
cangklèkan a wooden sickle-holder tied to the waist or hip.
cangklèt var of cangklèk.
cangklong I a long wide band, worn over the shoulder, with pockets at either end for carrying small things;
nyangklong to carry s.t by hanging it over (the shoulder or arm);
nyangklongake to hang s.t. over the shoulder.
II pipe;
nyangklong to smoke a pipe.
cangklung one's reach; one's stride;
cangklung-cangklung long-armed, long-legged.
cangkok 1 outer shell, esp of molluscs; 2 tray of a balance scale; 3 landowner, as contrasted with sharecropper (indhung); 4 basic, fundamental, original;
nyangkok to transplant, graft; to take a cutting from a living plant;
cangkokan 1 a transplant, a graft; transplantation, transplanting; 2 grown from a cutting.
cangkol 1 hook; benik - hook-and-eye fastener (see also benik); 2 var of cangkul;
nyangkol to catch on; nyangkoli to hang s.t. on;
nyangkolake to hang up (clothing);
cangkolan hook, hanger.
See also canthel, canthol.
cangkrak 1 repr a sudden swift movement; 2 or cangkrakan to act impulsively or irresponsibly.
cangkrama lit to relax and enjoy o.s.;
nyangkramani to make love to (a woman).
cangkrang chickenpox;
cangkrangen to have or get chickenpox.
cangkreg, cangkreg-cangkreg to keep sticky.
cangkrim, cangkriman a riddle, an enigma, a conundrum; to say a riddle;
nyangkrimi to ask s.o. a riddle.
cangkring a certain thorny-trunked tree; bamboo branch;
cangkringan thorny underbrush.
cangkul I a hoe-like farm tool for loosening soil;
nyangkul to use or work with this tool;
nyangkuli to keep hoeing a soil;
nyangkulaké to hoe a soil for s.o.;
cangkulan work done with this tool. See also cangkol, pacul.
II nyangkul to accept responsibility (for).
canglung var of cangklung.
canguk 1 person at a lookout assigned to observe enemy movements from a distance; 2 head herdsmen.
cangungong peacock's cry;
nyangungong (of peacock) to cry See also cengungong.
canthaka lit conceit;
cumanthaka conceited, boastful, arrogant.
canthang I nyanthang to touch with a burning object.
II pustule, rash;
canthangen to have/get pustules.
III canthang balung chief of the female court dancers;
canthang balungan brothel.
canthas intelligent and energetic; dynamic.
canthèl I 1 hook, clasp; 2 belt with a clasp fastener; - atur to pass along a request to s.o. higher up; - batin to have a secret understanding (with); rembug to come to an agreement through discussion;
nyanthèl 1 to be (come) fastened or stuck; 2 fig (of money) spent on s.t. worthy;
nyanthèli to put a hook on;
nyanthèlaké 1 to hang s.t. on a hook; 2 to buy s.t. worthy;
kecanthèl 1 to get caught; 2 to acquire, latch onto;
cumanthèl 1 hooked (onto); 2 hanging (from); 3 fig memorised; 4 fig (of money) spent on s.t. worthwhile;
canthèlan 1 hook, clasp; 2 fig s.t. to hold onto, e.g. an ideal, a memory;
pacanthèlan 1 a small village; 2 head of a neighbourhood organisation;
pating cranthèl (pl) hanging (in disorder);
gumantung tanpa canthelan fig homeless, not belonging anywhere.
II (or jagung canthel) a corn-like grain (see also jagung).
canten subst kr talk, discussion; to talk. See also catur, wicanten.
cantheng whitlow (skin infection);
canthengen to have/get whitlow.
canthik I stem or beak of a ship.
II a curved sharp-pointed knife;
nyanthik (of sharp-pointed object) curved.
canthing 1 a small dipper used to apply wax in the batik process; - jemblokan a large wax applying ladle (as above); 2 comb with a curved tapering handle (var of centhing II);
nyanthing resembling a dipper (as above).
canthoka lit frog. See also canthuka.
canthol, nyanthol to catch on a branch;
nyantholi to cause to catch on it; to hang s.t. on;
nyantholaké to hang s.t.;
kecanthol to get caught (on).
canthuk I 1 a liquid measure: ca ½ pint = 1.2 litres; 2 curved sharp-pointed object; 3 equipment for cupping, i.e. bringing blood to the surface by creating a partial vacuum over the skin;
nyanthuk curved at the tips.
II to contact;
canthuk lawung to have the slightest acquaintance with.
canthuka lit frog (var of canthoka).
canthula ill-mannered, rude;
nyanthulani to be rude to s.o.
cantrik pupil who lives in the home of a Hindu or Buddhist teacher and does service to him while learning from him.
canuk, canuk-canuk to grope; to walk slowly and feel around (like a blind man).
cao drink made from the leaves of a certain vine. See camcao.
caos 1 to give (root form: k.i. for weneh); 2 to serve as a court guard; - dhahar to set out food as offering for the spirits.
cap 1 brand, trademark; 2 stamp (mark), seal (mark); - jempol or - dumuk thumb print; bathik - batik with the design stamped on (rather than being hand-worked) (see also bathik);
ngecap 1 to place a stamp or mark on; 2 to brand, label, stigmatise;
ngecapi to affix seal or label to s.t.;
ngecapaké to have s.t. printed stamped;
cap-capan printing, impression;
pangecapan printer, publisher.
capaga a variety of tree.
capang (of moustaches) long and extending sideways.
cape I tired, exhausted, weak, weary
II nyapé to guess (the answer to);
capéan (to play) a guessing-game.
capeng to stretch the arms before fighting.
capet, capet-capet vague, dim; vaguely remembered.
capil reg var of caping.
caping a broad hat made from woven bamboo or palm leaves, worn as a sunshade or umbrella;
capingan to put on or wear such a hat.
capit (or capitan) pincers, tweezers;
nyapit to pinch, squeeze.
capjaé a Chinese meat and vegetable dish.
caplak 1 wart; 2 tick (bloodsucking insect).
caplang (of ears) sticking out.
caplek just like, coinciding with. See also plek II.
caplok, nyaplok 1 to snatch and swallow; to gulp down; 2 to seize, annex (a country); 3 (in games) to capture;
nyaploki to snap at s.t. repeatedly
capluk or mak capluk repr a quick snapping;
coplak-capluk to keep putting food in the mouth.
caprang (of moustache) spreading and pointed (var of crapang).
capret or mak capret repr throwing too short;
nyapret 1 too small, too narrow, cramped; 2 (of clothing) tight fitting (var of ngapret).
caprèt, nyaprèt to splatter onto (var of cèprèt);
coprat-caprèt splattered around; messily marked, stained;
nyoprat-nyaprèt spattered all over everything.
capu reg round (of head).
cara manner, way, custom, style, language; done in a certain way; - Jawa Javanese (language, custom etc);
nyara to do s.t. in a certain way;
sacarané according to the custom;
désa mawa cara, negara mawa tata prov each region has its own ways.
carabikang a rice flour and sugar pancake.
carak a hollow buffalo horn used for rinsing horses' mouths out;
nyarak to rinse a horse's mouth with the above.
caraka lit messenger, courier.
carakan Javanese alphabet, i.e. sequence of script characters for teaching purposes.
carang I 1 bamboo branch; 2 cylindrical bamboo section; - buntala fringes on saddle or on a sash; - gantung a name of gamelan melody; - landhep a sharp weapon.
II carangan an invented composition; lakon - way an invented play that departs from the events depicted in epic or mythology.
carat I the pointed tip of a batik-making instrument (canthing).
II reef, sandbank, shoal.
III reg cracked, chapped.
IV - taun or - warsa rain and wind storm. See also clèrèt.
carek reg near, close (to) (var of cerak, cedhak).
carem I (of newlyweds) compatible.
II careman reg kr durian fruit.
carik 1 secretary, clerk (village administrative position); 2 hand-worked batik; nyarik 1 to become a clerk, 2 to do a batik design by hand.
caring reg clear, bright, lucid, serene.
carita ng, cariyos kr story, narration;
nyaritani to tell s.o. (a story; about s.t.);
nyaritakaké to tell (about);
kacarita lit it is told;
cinarita var of kacarita. See also crita.
cariwis var of criwis;
cariwis cawis to protes against a superior but ready for any decision.
cariyos to tell (kr for carita). See also criyos.
carma lit teaching(s).
carmin lit mirror.
cam lit ritual offering.
carub mixed together;
nyarub to mix together;
nyarubi to mix s.t. in; to meddle (in);
kecarub mixed together accidently;
caruban a mixture.
carubuk I a certain kris blade design.
II a certain freshwater fish. See also crubuk.
caruk I 1 reg var of carub.
II nyaruk reg to scratch with the nails or claws.
III nyaruk 1 to scoop up s.t. with hands; 2 to round up people (in a raid);
carukan 1 s.t. scooped up with hands; 2 reg raiding.
IV or carukan reg fight, conflict.
cas I or mak cas repr the stroke of a cutting tool;
cas-casan 1 act of cutting; 2 the result of cutting.
II 1 ngecasi (of prices) to decide (on); to make a rule (about); 2 to cover the fact precisely.
cas-casan ruling, decision (of prices).
cat now (one thing), now (another);
cat murub, cat mati (of light) off and on.
cathak 1 a certain fly that swarms around livestock; 2 dog flea;
nyathak to behave disrespectfully.
cathek I nyathek (of dogs) to bite.
II cathèk gawèl or cathèk cawel gossip.
cathèk (of dogs) var of cathek I.
cathem 1 a small clamp; 2 reg var of cathut;
nyathem (of mouth) clamped shut;
nyathemaké to close the mouth tightly.
cathet, nyathet or nyatheti to take notes (on); to note down;
nyathetaké to note on for s.o.;
kecathet recorded; registered;
cathetan notes, memoranda.
cathil I nyathil to snatch away a part of s.t.
II nyathil (of small things) extending outward.
cathis, nyathis (of chin) prominent, protruding.
catho, catho-catho having defective vision.
cathok 1 belt; 2 buckle of a belt used with men's lower garment; -cawel or -gawel 1 walking hand-in-hand; 2 to meddle with, interfere with (what's not one's business); - rembug to come to an agreement through discussion (var of canthèl rembug);
nyathok 1 to attach a rope or metal binding to secure a joint where two sections of wood meet; 2 to catch (flying insects) with the bare hand;
cathokan 1 metal band or rope for binding wood; 2 to put on or wear a belt.
cathuk, cathuken (of teeth) chattering because of the cold.
cathut pliers, pincers; tukang - middleman who jacks up prices for retailers;
nyathut to extract money from (retail customers);
cathutan 1 to pluck the beard with tweezers; 2 profits from reselling goods at a higher price; 3 goods sold in this way.
catu 1 a ration(ed amount); 2 a share in (the harvest of) a communal ricefield; 3 the privilege of raising a crop on s.o.'s ricefield as repayment on a loan;
nyatu 1 to ration s.t. out; 2 (or nyatoni) to heal by faith or magic spells;
panyaton 1 (the practice of) rationing; 2 a ricefield loaned out as above.
catur I talk, discussion, what s.o. says;
nyatur to talk about;
cinatur lit 1 it is said; 2 to be talked about; - luput - it goes without saying (see also luput);
caturan or cecaturan to talk, converse, chat;
panyatur 1 act of discussing; 2 one who talks or gossips about people;
ana catur mungkur to disregard whisperings.
II lit four; - pada four-legged.
III chess, chess set, a chess game.
cawad negligence, omission; to neglect, omit; nervous habit that causes blemishes;
nyawadi to nag, criticise, find fault with.
cawak to be a habitually loud talker.
cawan small saucer; small bowl.
cawang 1 forked stick or branch; 2 having a forked shape; 3 fig hesitant, uncertain;
nyawang to split, bifurcate.
cawar reg ineffectual (var of cabar).
cawé, cawé-cawé to join in what others are doing or talking;
cowa-cawe to join in excitedly or frenziedly
cawèl, nyawèl 1 (of animals) to bite; 2 fig to drag s.o. into court, involve s.o. in litigation.
cawengah reg 1 awkward, ill at ease; 2 unwilling, dead set against.
caweni a kind of white muslin.
cawet 1 men's brief; 2 loincloth; 3 cloth worn by women as a sanitary napkin;
nyawet (of garment) too tight like a loincloth; resembling a loincloth;
nyaweti to put loincloth on s.o.;
nyawetaké to wear (a long garment) pulled up between the legs, e.g. for wading across a stream;
cawetan to wear a loincloth.
cawi a small brush for painting fine lines on a leather puppet;
nyawi to paint with this brush;
cawen finely painted with this brush.
cawik to clean o.s. after going to the toilet (k.i for céwok).
cawis to prepare; prepared;
nyawisi to provide s.o. with; to prepare for s.o.;
nyawisake to prepare s.t.;
cumawis or cemawis ready to be used/consumed;
cawisan stock, supply, preparations.
cawuh mixed, blended; not sharply distinct.
cawuk (of water) the amount one can hold in the cupped palm;
nyawuk to scoop s.t., e.g. water;
sacawuk one palmful.
caya facial expression.
ceb repr stabbing, piercing. See also anceb, enceb, tanceb.
cebak a swallow-like nocturnal bird.
cebèk, nyebèk to curl one's lips in scorn.
cebelèh var of ceblèh.
cebilak reg sallow; fig drab.
ceblaka straightforward, direct, honest. See also blaka, cablaka.
ceblèh pallid, wan.
ceblèk var of cablek.
cèblek repr a stab into s.t. soft;
nyèblekaké to stick s.t. into (s.t. soft).
ceblok to fall, drop;
nyebloki to drop s.t. onto;
nyeblokake to drop s.t.;
ceblokan (having) fallen, dropping, falling or fallen (fruit).
céblok var of ceblok.
céblong tadpole (young of the kodhok). See also cébong.
ceblung or mak ceblung repr splashing;
nyeblung to plunge into the water;
nyeblungaké to plunge s.t. into (water);
ceblang-ceblung to plunge (s.t.) into (water) repeatedly.
cébol 1 dwarf, midget; 2 unfruitful;
cébolan to walk like a dwarf;
cébol kepalang (of stature) one who looks short when standing, and looks tall when sitting;
cébol nggayuh lintang one who attempts things far beyond his ability.
cébong tadpole (var of céblong).
cebrik damp and messy, dirty and muddy;
nyebriki to mess s.t. up with mud or dirty water.
cebuk I a certain crop pest that attacks peanut plants.
II cebuk-cebuk or cebak-cebuk repr splashing sounds. See also kecebuk.
cebur or mak cebur repr s.t. splashing into deep water;
nyebur to dive into;
nyeburaké to throw s.t. into (water);
kecebur to fall into (water).
cecak I small lizard commonly found on house walls.
II I dot, point (see also cecek); 2 a diacritic mark indicating NG in Javanese script;
nyecak to put such a diacritic mark above a Javanese letter.
cecaya lit facial expression. See also caya.
cécé, cécébucé having many chipped or scratched places (var of cècèl bucèl).
ceced lit flaw, defect. See also cacad.
ceceg see cecek.
cècèg 1 to agree (with); 2 to match, suit; 3 confirmed var of cocog.
cecek I dot, point;
nyeceki to apply dots to (fabric);
cecekan dots on a batik cloth.
II nyecek (of cigarettes) to tamp, tap.
cècèk var of cècèg, cocog.
cecel compact, tightly compressed;
nyecel 1 to crowd in(to); 2 or nyeceli to push in.
cècèl, - bucèl detached, chipped, damaged.
cécému s.t. trivial, insignificant, worth nothing.
cécémuwé var of cécému.
cecep, nyecep 1 to sip, suck; 2 fig to absorb knowledge.
cecer, nyecer 1 to drill efficiently; 2 to ask uninterruptedly.
cècèr missing, lacking; dropped off/out; pating kecècèr to drop out little by little everywhere.
cècok to quarrel, squabble, bicker. See also cèkcok.
cècrèk, nyècrèki to chip; to slash (dry branches) from a tree;
cècrèkan chip of wood; slivers of bark.
cèda lit flaw, defect, blemish.
cedhak near, close (to);
nyedhak to draw near;
nyedhaki to approach s.o. or s.t.;
nyedhakaké to bring s.t. close(r);
kecedhaken too close;
cedhakan a short distance;
cedhak-cedhakan 1 a place close by; 2 to compete in closeness;
sacedhaké close to; nearby
cédhak reg var of cedhak.
cédhal (speech defect) inability to pronounce the Javanese rolled R (var of célad);
nyédhalaké to fail to roll the R's of words.
cedhek var of cedhak.
cédhek reg var of cedhak.
cedhil, ora nyedhil to be ineffectual, not much help, no use.
cedhis I bad, wicked, evil, immoral.
II var of cedhil.
cedhit, nyedhit having small pointed buttocks. See also bokong.
cedhok scoop. See also cidhuk.
cedhot broken, interrupted (reg var of pedhot).
cedhut repr a sudden jerk or tug.
ceg or mak ceg repr snatching;
cag-ceg 1 to keep touching or handling; 2 to handle (a number of things) deftly.
cègcog see cèkcok.
cegah or nyegah to restrain;
panyegah prevention;
cegah dhahar lawan guling lit to restrain the desire to eat and sleep.
cegat, nyegat 1 to hail, flag down; 2 to hold up; 3 to wait for (s.t. to come along);
nyegati 1 to hold up, waylay; 2 to block, impede, ambush;
cegatan interception, checkpoint (police, army etc).
cegèg or mak cegèg repr falling into shallow water.
cegèh stuffy, tight in the chest, oppressed.
cegèk reg too short; scratched.
cegélé, nyegélé to withdraw, seclude o.s.
cegemek or mak cegemek repr a sudden snatching;
nyegemek to catch immediately
cegemok, cegemak-cegemok to keep touching or handling things.
cegemol, dicegemol to be accused of s.t. embarrassing. See also cogemol.
cèger or mak cèger repr an arrow or spear finding its mark;
nyèger to stick, stab, pierce;
cèger-cèger or cégar-cèger (of arrows, spears) to keep hitting a target.
cegil, nyegil to sit alone, in a prominent place.
ceglik, ceglak-ceglik repr 1 to stick out all alone; 2 to stay awake all alone when in attendance on a sick person; nyeglik var of nyegil.
ceglug or mak ceglug repr joints cracking.
ceglung or mak ceglung repr s.t. falling into deep water.
cégoh or cegoh-regoh reg infirm (through age); faulty (language).
cegok or mak cegok repr swallowing water;
sacegokan at a draught. See also cegug.
cegot reg broken, interrupted (var of cedhot).
cégrok or mak cégrok repr alighting, perching.
cegu a belch, hiccup; to belch, hiccup (var of segu);
cegunen to hiccup; to swallow the wrong way (kr for cekiken).
cegug or mak cegug repr swallowing water;
cegug-cegug or cegag-cegug repr swallowing repeatedly.
ceguk, ceguken a hiccup; to have the hiccups.
cegur or mak cegur repr a splash;
nyegur to jump into water;
nyeguri to plunge s.t. into water;
nyegurake to plunge s.t. into water;
kecegur to fall into water.
ceh, ngeceh-ngeceh to squander, waste (money).
cek see ceg.
cek or mak cek repr the sound effect produced by tapping a metal object.
cekak short, brief; - budine short tempered; - napase short of breath; breathless; crita - a short story (see also crita);
nyekak to shorten;
nyekaki to make s.t. (so that it is) small;
nyekakaké to make s.t. shorter (than it was);
cekakan 1 an abbreviation; abbreviated, cut; 2 in brief, briefly;
cekak cukupé 1 in short, in brief; 2 short but to the point;
cekaking rembug to make a long story short.
cekakah, nyekakah having the legs spread wide apart;
cekakahan (of legs) spread wide apart.
cekakak I a variety of bird.
II nyekakak to laugh loudly;
cekakakan laughing one's head off.
cekakar, nyekakar or cekakaran lying down with the legs sticking up.
cekakik 1 (of coffee) lees, dregs; 2 nicotine.
cekaklak var of cekakak.
cekangkang or mak cekangkang repr falling down on the back stiffly;
nyekangkang to lie on the back stiffly;
cekangkangan or pating cekangkang pl to lie or fall on the back stiffly.
cekap 1 sufficient (kr for cukup); 2 adequate (kr for sedheng).
cékas reg message; to give a message. See also wekas II.
cekanthuk, nyekanthuk curled at the tips. See also cekathuk, clekathuk;
pating cekanthuk pl curled at the tips.
cekathak I or cekathakan a wooden saddle covered with velvet.
II cekathakan ill-mannered; to keep moving around aimlessly in such a way as to disturb others.
cekathuk var of cekanthuk.
cekathung, nyekathung to raise a hand with a cupped palm.
cèkcok to quarrel, argue.
cekédhong, nyekédhong or nyekédhongaké to cup the hand.
cekedhung var of cekedhong.
cekèh, cekèh-cekèh to keep coughing.
cèkèh to stand or walk with the feet apart. See also cèngkèh.
cekek I cr excl of swearing.
II pure, true; Jawa - a true Javanese.
III nyekèk cr to eat.
cekékal or mak cekekal repr getting right up again.
cèkèkar or mak cekekar repr lying down with the legs sticking up.
cekèkèh, nyekèkèh with legs apart below the knees;
nyekèkèhaké to place the lower legs apart.
cekeker, cekekeran, cekekar-cekeker to crawl slowly; to inch slowly.
cekèkèr, cekèkèran lying down with the legs moving in different directions, e.g. after a sprawling fall.
cekekrek, nyekekrek dejected, dispirited, out of sorts;
pating cekekrek pl dejected, dispirited.
cekel ng, cepeng kr to hold; - gawe ng, - damel kr to have or take up a job; to hold office.
nyekel to hold, take hold of, grasp; to catch;
nyekeli to hold on to;
nyekelake 1 to hold for s.o.; to grasp on s.o.'s behalf; 2 to give s.t. as security for a loan;
kecekel to get caught/seized;
cemekel (to look) tempting to handle;
panyekel way of holding/handling; technique of grasping;
cekelan 1 to hold, grasp, catch hold of; 2 a handle, holder; 3 security held for indebtedness; 4 money alloted for s.o.'s use.
cèkèl pupil, disciple of a priest.
cekeneng, pating cekeneng (of skin, muscles) feeling taut or stretched.
cekéngkang, nyekéngkang to fall down with the legs sticking up.
cekengkeng or mak cekengkeng repr stiffening;
nyekengkeng to stiffen; seized with a cramp, convulsed.
cekenik or mak cekenik repr a sudden appearance (of a small thing);
nyekenik small, tiny;
pating cekenik many (of small things).
cekenthang, nyekenthang to pop up, curl up.
cekenthik, nyekenthik curled at the tip (of small thing);
pating cekenthik pl of nyekenthik.
cekenthing var of cekenthik.
cekenthit var of cekenthik.
cekénthong var of cekédhong.
cekenthung var of cekenthing.
cekenuk var of cekenthung.
cekep enough, sufficient, adequate (jeg var of cukup).
cèkèr 1 chicken's leg; 2 cr hand;
nyèkèr 1 walking without wearing shoes; 2 to scratch;
nyèkèri (of chicken) to scratch for food;
cèkèr-cèkèr (of chicken) to scratch for food; (of people) to scratch a living.
cekèt or mak cekèt repr biting, pinching; repr a small bite or sting. See also cekit.
cèket quick (reg var of rikat I);
cékat-cèket to move quickly, hurry up.
cekethek I cekethak-cekethek to strive to withdraw in an underhand way from (work).
II pating cekethek pl messy, dirty, untidy.
cekèthèk, nyekèthèk very easy to find.
cekethem, nyekethem to grasp, hold tight, clutch.
cekethik, cekethak-cekethik engaged in s.t. intricate;
pating cekethik having an intricate structure.
cekéthok, nyekéthokaké to cup the hand.
cekénthong small shallow banana-leaf container, esp for rice boiled in coconut milk.
cekethut, nyekethut to fold up, crease.
ceki a game played with the Chinese cards (kertu cilik).
cekidhing var of cekithing.
cekigrek the crowing of a wild cock.
cekik or mak cekik repr hiccuping;
nyekik to strangle or choke s.o.
cekikèr the crowing of a wild cock (var of cekigrèk).
cekikik, cekikikan to giggle, chuckle, laugh lightly;
pating cekikik pl to giggle, chuckle.
ceking 1 thin, slender; 2 emaciated.
cekit or mak cekit repr biting, pinching; repr a small bite or sting. See also cekèt, clekit.
cekithat, nyekithat 1 tapering to a point at the tip; 2 (of dress, grooming) neat, meticulous (var of jekithat, jlekithat).
cekithing, nyekithing to carry or hold things with a thumb and index finger; cekithang-cekithing holding things without having a tight grip on them.
cekithong var of cekéthok.
cekiwing see cengkiwing.
ceklèk broken;
nyeklèk to break (a dry branch), snap;
ceklekan 1 broken fragment; the way to break; 2 fig short-tempered.
cékli small, attractive, cute (of houses).
ceklik or mak ceklik repr sound of clicking;
nyeklik to click; to switch on (the light etc).
cekluk or mak cekluk repr joints cracking;
nyekluki to crack one's joints by pulling or bending them.
ceko having an arm permanently bent at the elbow;
cekon walking with a bent arm.
cekodhok, nyekodhokaké to cup the hand.
cekodhong var of cekodhok, cekédhong.
cekoh to cough (k.i. for watuk).
cekok I the hollow in the neck below the Adam's apple.
II or cekokan a traditional medicine forcibly given to children;
nyekoki 1 to give such a medicine to a child forcefully; 2 fig to indoctrinate;
nyekokaké to put s.t. in s.o.'s mouth forcefully; to ram s.t. down.
cekor (of feet) deformed.
cekot or mak cekot repr a stab of pain; cekot-cekot to throb with pain. See also clekot.
cekot var of ceko.
cekotheh or pating cekotheh to be smeared with a dirty substance.
cekothok var of cekuthung.
cekothong var of cekuthung.
cekowak, nyekowak having a hole/dent in it;
pating cekowak full of holes or dents.
cekowèk var of cekowak.
cekowok, nyekowok having a large hollowed or indented shape;
pating cekowok full of good-sized holes or dents.
cekrak or mak cekrak repr a pricking sensation;
nyekrak to prick (skin) and cause pain.
cekre stunted, unable to achieve normal growth.
cekreh, cekrah-cekreh to cough repeatedly.
cekrek or mak cekrek repr snapping shut; punching s.t.;
cekrak-cekrek making repeated clicks.
cekrek, nyekrek to appear handsome. See also cakrak.
cekrik (pron as: cekriik) or mak cekrik repr a small pricking sensation;
nyeklik to prick (skin) and cause pain; fig to hurt one's feelings;
cekrak-cekrik repr pricking skin repeatedly
cekroh, cekrah-cekroh to keep coughing.
cekrok var of cekrak.
cekukruk, nyekukruk (of chicken) to droop with neck drawn in;
cekukrak-cekukruk having a sickly appearance.
cekung curving, bent.
cekuntheng, nyekuntheng curly. See also clekuntheng.
cekut var of cekot. cekuthik var of clekuthik.
cekuthis var of clekuthis.
cekuthu, nyekuthu to make a fist.
cekuthuk I a rounded woven bamboo hat.
II cekuthuk-cekuthuk to trudge on; to walk slowly.
cela defect, flaw, blemish;
nyela to criticise, disapprove of, find fault with.
célad inability to pronounce the Javanese rolled R (speech defect);
nyéladaké to fail to roll the R's of words (var of cédhal).
celak I 1 near, close (to) (kr for cedhak); 2 short (kr for cendhak).
II eye shadow;
nyelaki or celakan to apply eye shadow.
celaka var of cilaka.
celathu ng, wicanten kr, ngendika k.i. to say, speak, talk;
nyelathu to scold;
pacelathon conversation, talk. See also clathu.
celeb see celep.
célé-célé or celen reg excl of surprise: good heavens!
celèk, nyelèkaké to retract (skin); to roll back (eyelid).
céléméndhé a small oval short-legged cockroach with white spots. See also céréméndhé.
celeng black, dark;
celengan indigo dye (subst kr for nila).
céléng 1 wild pig, boar; 2 term of abuse;
nyéléng resembling a wild pig;
nyéléngi to save up (money);
nyéléngaké to save money for s.o.;
céléngan 1 piggy bank; 2 savings; 3 a bamboo or wooden support; 4 wild boar made from plaitwork with which a man dances himself into a trance.
celep 1 indigo dye (kr for wedel); 2 var of celup.
celer, nyeler to snatch away. See also seler.
celet, nyelet to go back on (a bargain), back out of; to hold back, withhold;
celetan secretiveness, reticence, closeness.
celik or kecelik 1 mistaken in an identification or interpretation; 2 disappointed in a hope or expectation.
celik var of celik.
celom (of face) wan and pinched-looking (after suffering from illness).
célong var of celom.
celor adulterous;
nyelor to engage in illicit sex;
celoran, anak celoran an illegitimate child.
cèlu, kecèlu reg strongly attracted. See also kacèlu.
celub see celup.
celuk, nyeluk to call;
nyeluki to call s.o. repeatedly;
nyelukaké to call on behalf of s.o.;
celuk-celuk or celak-celak to keep calling.
célung the blossom of the dhadhap tree.
celup, nyelup to soak;
nyelupaké to dip s.t. in liquid;
kecelup to get dipped/soaked inadvertently;
celupan liquid for soaking s.t.;
celap-celup to go in and out of (liquid).
celus 1 a certain leech (in a cow's nose); 2 penis.
cem, cem-ceman coconut oil hair preparation.
cèm excl mine! (word by which children lay claim to s.t.);
ngecèmi to claim s.t. by calling cèm!
cemak, nyemak to touch, feel.
cemani 1 dark in skin colour; 2 intsfr dark, black; ireng - jet black; pitch black.
cemara I a certain evergreen tree, casuarina.
II 1 false hair worn by ladies in a knot; 2 a horsehair brush for sweeping.
cèmbèng a special day of cemetery-cleaning and prayer held by the Chinese. See also cèngbèng.
cembring reg desolate, deathly still.
cembuk reg a big boar.
cembung curved; dome-shaped; chubby (of cheeks).
cemburu jealous; envious;
cemburuan 1 having a jealous nature; 2 excessively jealous of one's spouse.
cémé I a game played with the Chinese cards (kertu cilik). See also jéméh I.
II or keceme a certain edible fruit.
cemedhing reg a cooked vegetable salad with hot spiced peanut dressing. See also pecel.
cèmèh see cèmè.
cemek, nyemek with a fair amount of water, fairly wet.
cemèk reg lamb; kid (young of the wedhus). See also cempé.
cememek, nyememek dirty and watery; pating cememek pl as above.
cemèmèk cr female genitals.
cememet, nyememet or cememetan to chase after girls.
cemèmrèng, nyemèmrèng threadbare.
cemendhil pellet-shaped animal droppings. See also temendhil.
cemeng black (kr for ireng I);
cemengan 1 opium (kr for candu); 2 kr for Wagé.
cemèng kitten (young of the kucing).
cemer soggy, messy, muddy;
nyemeri or nyemer-nyemeri to cause to be soggy.
cemera reg dog.
cèmèt, nyèmèt to drag (boat) with a rope.
cemethi ng, kr tembung k.i. whip, riding crop;
nyemethi, nyemethèni to whip with a riding crop.
cemil I nyemil to eat snacks; cemilan snacks.
II sacemil a little bit.
cemimi, cemima-cemimi speaking softly but distinctly;
pating cemimi pl as above.
cemimik cr female genitals (var of cèmèmek).
cemiming, cemimingan to walk carefully from fear.
cemindrikan (to hold a party) on a small scale.
cemirik reg puppy (young of the asu).
cemit, sacemit a tiny bit.
cemlèk, nyemlèk damp, moist.
cemlik var of cemit.
cemo-e a sweet hot drink made from coconut milk, sugar, bread and slices of coconut.
cemok, nyemok to touch with the hand. See also demok.
cemol, nyemol to grasp with the fingers.
cemomong var of cremomong.
cemot repr snatching.
cémot I or mak cémot repr drawing s.o. into one's arms against the chest;
nyémot repr to carry tightly against the chest.
II cemot-cemot (of face) smeared from eating.
Cempa Champa, a former kingdom in Indo-China; - rowa a children's game; pari - the plant that produces short-grained rice.
cempad decision, judgment; opinion;
nyempad reg to decide that s.t. is bad, reject.
cempaka frangipani (var of campaka).
cémpal leaf for picking up s.t. dirty. See also timpal.
cempala wooden mallet used for producing sound effect and music signals during shadow-play performances;
nyempala to rap with the above on the wooden puppet chest;
nyempalani to hit.
cempaluk young tamarind fruit.
cempé lamb; kid (young of the wedhus);
cempéning Allah Lamb of God;
nyempé kèri to bleat like a lamb/kid.
cempèd see cempèt.
cempedhak a certain variety of jackfruit.
cèmpèh a small round woven bamboo basket. See also cèpèh.
cempelak, nyempelak to reply angrily; to snarl at, snap at, snub. Also cemplak.
cempélo or mak cempélo repr a leap into the saddle. Also cémplo.
cempirut, pating cempirut full of wrinkles.
cemplak var of cempelak.
cémplak, nyémplak to jump onto; to hop on (a bike). See also céngklak.
cemplang 1 insipid, tasteless; 2 pointless, dull;
cemplang-cemplang to talk pointless nonsense.
cemplek, nyemplek plump, chubby.
cempli, nyempli (of stomach) rounded, chubby.
cémplo var of cempélo.
cemplon 1 sweet fried cassava balls; 2 a small earthenware pot; 3 a small canoelike boat.
cemplong, nyemplong to make a wide deep hole;
cemplongan holes (of sugarcane etc).
cemplu, nyemplu 1 round(ed) in shape; 2 bulging in the middle.
cempluk 1 a small earthenware pot; 2 var of cemplu.
cemplung or mak cemplung repr a splash;
nyemplung to fall (into), plunge into;
nyemplungi or nyemplungaké to plunge s.t. into;
kecemplung to fall in accidentally;
cemplang-cemplung to dump things into; to plunge s.t. repeatedly into.
cempol short fibres covering the 'eyes' of a coconut.
cempolèh reg shortcoming, failing, deficiency; demerit, imperfection;
nyempolèhi to reprimand s.o.; to scold s.o.
cempor oil lamp.
cemprèng (of voice) high-pitched and dissonant.
cèmprèng 1 useless, trivial; 2 (or cèmprèngan) (to hold a party) on a small scale.
cempulek reg it's obvious that.
cempuling a hooked fishing spear;
nyempuling to catch fish with the above.
cempuri see cepuri.
cempurit I 1 the puppet stick, usu made from horn, for manipulating the puppet and its arms to which it is attached;
nyempurit to hold a puppet on its stick.
II the pulp cavity of teeth, horns, antlers.
III plant disease; cempuriten (of plants) sickly.
cempurung woven bamboo or rattan canopy for a bier (pendhosa) on which a body is borne to the cemetery.
cemukir, cemukiran a certain batik pattern. See also semukirang.
cemumuk, cemumukan or cemumakcemumuk to grope or feel one's way. See also cenunuk.
cemuru lit deer, roe deer, antelope.
cemung bowl.
cémut var of cémot I.
cenanal, cenanalan to gesture habitually with the hands and arms (rather than preserving the desirable attitude of repose).
cenanang, cenanangan to look around wildly as one walks along.
cenanil var of cenanal.
cenanuk, pating cenanuk pl with heads frozen into motionlessness through amazement, surprise, shock.
cenanul var of cenanal.
cencang, nyencang to tether (animals);
cencangan a tethering rope;
kecencang bound, fastened, attached.
cencem coconut oil mixed with flowers and fragrant leaves;
nyencem to soak s.t.;
cenceman liquid in which s.t. is soaked.
cendhak rig, celak kr short;
nyendhaki to make s.t. shorter;
nyendhakake to shorten s.t.;
kecendhaken excessively short;
cendhak-cendhakan 1 brief(ly); 2 even though short; 3 to compare or compete for shortest.
cendhala contemptible, shameful.
cendhana sandalwood.
cendhani slender Chinese bamboo; raras couch.
cendhek var of cendhak.
cendhèk rig, andhap kr 1 short in stature; 2 low;
nyendhèk to descend;
nyendhèki to make s.t. lower (than s.t. else);
nyendhèkaké to lower s.t.;
cendhèk-cendhèkan 1 to compare or compete for lowest; 2 to do s.t. at a low level.
cendhéla window. See also jendhela.
cendheng relatives.
cendhèp reg var of cendhèk.
cèndhèp reg var of cendhèk.
cèndhok reg var of séndhok.
cèndhol 1 small, doughy rice flour droplets used in cold drinks; 2 a beverage made with such droplets.
cené defect, flaw;
nyené to criticise, find fault;
kecenèn to get caught doing s.t. wrong.
cenèl or mak cenel repr springy, trembling.
cènela sandals, slippers (var of canela).
cenèng a bowl used for measuring rice.
cènèng, nyènèng to pull s.t. toward o.s.;
keceneng to get pulled.
cenès different (reg var of sanès).
cèng a pin used to put opium in an opium pipe.
cèng I 1 sugarcane sap; 2 molasses.
II ngecengi to step over (in a children's game).
III repr to pay cash.
cenganglung, pating cenganglung pl to stand with the heads weighed down.
cenganguk or mak cenganguk repr looking out at s.t. and showing disappointment;
nyenganguk to look out (the window).
cengap, nyengap to yell out;
cengap-cengap 1 to open the mouth again and again, as when gasping for air; 2 having trouble doing s.t.
cèngbèng special day of cemetery-cleaning and prayer held by the Chinese during April (var of cèmbèng).
cengèh, nyengèh-nyengèhaké to show s.t. off which is not worth showing off.
cèngèh reg var of cèngèk.
cèngèk, nyengèk to wail, sound shrilly;
nyenyengèk to torment s.o. to make them cry or moan.
cèngèk a small, very pungent kind of chili.
cengel nape of the neck.
cèngèl, nyèngèl conspicuous, eyecatching.
cèngèl, nyèngèl 1 to appear; 2 to lift the head while lying; to crane the neck;
nyèngèlaké to crane (the neck); to stick (the head) up high;
nyèngèl-nyèngèlaké to keep sticking s.t. up high. See also crèngèl.
cèngèng to feel stiff in the neck.
cèngèng to cry easily
cengèngès to laugh jeeringly showing the teeth;
nyengèngès to grin shyly;
cengèngèsan to keep jeering, sneering;
pating cengèngès pl to keep jeering, sneering.
cengèr or mak cènger repr the sudden cry (of a baby);
nyengèr to cry loudly;
cengar-cengèr to cry loudly again and again.
cèngèr reg var of cangar.
cengès, nyengès to tease, ridicule.
cenggama reg worried, apprehensive.
cenggami var of cenggama.
cenggé Chinese ceremonial procession.
cènggèr comb of a cock. See also jènggèr.
cenggèrèng fried mixture of small peanut slices with spiced rice flour. See also rempèyèk.
cenggèrètnong a certain flying insect that makes a loud 'ret-nong' sound.
cengging, nyengging reg to seize s.o. by the nape of the neck.
cenggir var of cengging.
cenggring, nyenggring to insult s.o., hurt s.o.'s feelings.
cengil wicked, evil;
nyengil or nyengili to do harm to s.o.
cengingak, cengingakan or pating cengingak pl to gaze (at) in astonishment or wonder. See also cingak.
cengingis or mak cengingis repr a jeering grin;
nyengingis to bare the teeth when laughing jeeringly or flirtatiously;
cengingisan or cengingas-cengingis to keep sneering at; to keep ridiculing.
cengir, nyengir to gesture with the face, grinning foolishly;
cengar-cengir to keep grinning foolishly or screwing up the face;
nyengar-nyengir to keep grimacing or grinning foolishly; fig helpless, ineffectual; unable to do anything.
cengis I reg a certain variety of very hot chili.
II, nyengis to show (the teeth) (in pain; when jeering, sneering);
cecengisan to keep jeering, sneering.
See also cengingis.
cengkah a clash, a conflict; to clash, conflict;
nyengkah 1 to push against s.t., e.g. to support it; 2 to engage in a contest of strength by pushing against each other, sometimes at either end of a pole;
cecengkahan to conflict with each other.
cengkal I a kind of hook to hold up the clothing of a newly circumcised boy; 2 (s.t. used as) a doorstop;
nyengkal 1 awkward, ungrammatical, meaningless (of the sentence arrangement); 2 to prop s.t. (with a piece of wood).
II a unit of length: 3.75 metres;
nyengkali to measure in units of length as above.
cengkalak a crossbeam or a piece of wood/ bamboo used for tying hands at the back;
nyengkalak to tie hands at the back with the above.
cengkalang, cengkalangan wooden frame of a wheel.
cengkang a unit of length: the distance between the tips of thumb and index finger when stretched wide apart;
nyengkangi to measure s.t. in the above unit of length;
sacengkang one hand-span, approx. 18 cm.
cengkanuk, nyengkanuk close by, right under one's nose.
cengkao Chinese broker, middleman.
cengkar (of soil) unproductive;
nyengkaraké to let (land) lie fallow.
cengkaruk I the flower of the jambu.
II dried cooked rice fried without oil.
cengkeg a prop, support;
nyengkeg to prop s.t. up;
nyengkegi to prop s.t. up with.
cèngkèg var of cengkeg.
cengkèh 1 clove (tree; fruit); 2 clubs (playing-card suit).
cèngkèh I a bunch or hand of bananas.
II (to stand) with the feet apart.
III 1 reg forked stick; 2 tripod.
cengkélak repr a sudden turning back.
cengkelang, nyengkelangaké to stick (a sickle etc) into the back of the belt.
cengkelek, cengkelekan to try swallowing a big piece of food with difficulty.
cengkèng I the sound of a barking dog.
II reg capable. See also cengkong.
cengkenik var of cekenik.
cengkenuk var of cekenuk.
cèngkèr contentious, disputatious, quarrelsome.
cengkèrèk, pating cengkèrèk (of plants) sickly; (of writing) streaky.
cengkerem, nyengkerem 1 to grasp with claws; to grip with the nails; 2 fig to hold firmly.
cengkerung, pating cengkerung (of skin) wrinkled.
cengkèwèk var of cengkiwing.
cengkèwèng var of cengkiwing.
cengkidhing var of cekithing.
cengkig, nyengkig to catch, detect; to tread (upon).
cengkiling apt to hit when angered.
cengkir a very young coconut (not yet edible); - gadhing a small yellow decorative coconut;
nyengkir gadhing ivory-coloured (of beautiful breasts);
cengkir ketindhihan kiring to have trouble getting married as one's older sibling is not yet married.
cengkirig, nyengkirig (of hair, fur, feathers) standing on end.
cengkiwing to hold or carry s.t. by holding it at the outer edge with one or two fingers; to hold (a child or an animal) by the middle.
céngklak, nyéngklak to hop on; to jump onto.
cengklé, nyengklé to sit idly staring into space. See also jengglé.
cengklèng I (or mak cèngkleng) repr a metallic clang;
nyengklèng or cumengklèng to clang.
II, nyengkleng 1 to contrast (with the surroundings); 2 far from the destination.
cèngkleng or mak cèngkleng repr jumping on a bike.
cengkli a small bottle.
cengklik, nyengklik to sit alone on a high place.
cengkling or mak cengkling repr metallic tinkle;
cumengkling to ring, tinkle.
cengklong, nyengklong to deduct, withdraw (money).
cengkluk, nyengkluk to sit with bowed head.
cengklung I, cengklungen to hanker for s.o.'s coming.
II, cumengklung repr the sound of gamelan music heard from afar.
cengkok 1 singing or speaking style; 2 regional variety of a language; 3 variation in pitch or key in singing a classical song.
cengkolak wooden reinforcement in the middle of a bow.
cengkolong, nyengkolong to catch out with trick questions.
cengkong var of cengkèng.
cengkorèk, nyengkorèk to open and spread around the contents of; fig to reveal and spread (a secret).
cengkorog var of cengkirig.
cengkorong, nyengkorongi to draw up a sketch or outline (of);
cengkorongan sketch, outline.
cengkowak, pating cengkowak pl full of holes or dents;
nyengkowak having a hole/dent on it.
cengkowek var of cengkowak.
cengkowok var of cengkowak;
cengkowokan a large hole; a hollow.
cengkrang or mak cengkrang repr a pricking sensation;
cumengkrang to feel a pricking sensation.
céngkrang var of théngkrang.
céngkré fond of teasing; a teaser.
cengkrek, nyengkrek rising steeply.
cengkring var of cengkrang;
cengkrang-cengkring to keep feeling a pricking sensation.
céngkrong 1 (of arms, legs) curved, bent; 2 a certain kind of sickle or knife (see also cingkrong).