Читать книгу With SEX, No Drugs and Rock'n Roll Through Menopause - Susanne McAllister - Страница 40

Stop Hot Flashes Naturally during Menopause with Phytoestrogens


For many decades in the past, doctors looked at oestrogen as the treatment of choice for women entering their menopausal years for the management of hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and the other symptoms of menopause. As a natural menopause coach, it is important for me to teach women how to stop hot flashes naturally during menopause with phytoestrogens so that they don’t have to go down the HRT road unless absolutely necessary because of its dangers and side effects.

Therefore researchers began to look at the effectiveness of phytoestrogens in the treatment of the symptoms of menopause.

Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds that mimic oestrogen in the body. There are several types of plants that have phytoestrogens in them, including all soy-related plants and the foods that come from them. There are also herbal products that contain phytoestrogens.

With SEX, No Drugs and Rock'n Roll Through Menopause

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