Читать книгу A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services - Valerie Mathieu - Страница 46 Neo-industrial thesis


However, in the 1970s, and more recently during the 2008 crisis, given the slowdown in growth, an opposing trend emerged that attempted to re-evaluate the importance of industry. The “neo-industrial” thesis attributes a driving role in the economy to the industrial sector. According to this thesis, the tertiary sector cannot develop without maintaining a dynamic in the industrial sector. In the face of deindustrialization, the neo-industrial thesis displays the will – some would say the utopia – of reindustrialization. Reindustrialization seems to be a powerful political argument, since it is regularly used by actors from all sides of the political spectrum, up to and including Bruno Le Maire’s recent statement that “France has not chosen to be a service economy”5.

The neo-industrial thesis probably contributes to a certain distrust of service. In a 2013 book, Augustin Landier and David Thesmar denounced three preconceived notions that they believe are sinking France, to use the title of their book (Landier and Thesmar 2013):

 – misconception number 1: a France without industry would be Disneyland;

 – misconception number 2: to save jobs, one has to save the industry;

 – misconception number 3: a real engineer works in a factory.

The economic and health crisis at COVID indirectly revives this debate on reindustrialization and gives new weight to the neo-industrial thesis.

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

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