Читать книгу A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services - Valerie Mathieu - Страница 60 Managing the interaction between the client and the provider


The reality of provider–client interaction is particularly complex in a B2B context. It is not a single person on the provider’s side who acts with a client, but a large number of collaborators on the provider’s side who act with many people on the client’s side15. These people will be different depending on the phase of the relationship (during the decision process, during the service, after the service). The stakes of the interaction will also differ according to the phase of the relationship, leading to different relational modes. During the decision-making process, the actors interact in a negotiation mode. During the service, the interaction is naturally more collaborative. At the end of the service, we find ourselves in a more administrative and relaxed mode if the service went well or, on the contrary, clearly conflictual if there were dysfunctions on the client’s or service provider’s side. Managers must, therefore, not only ensure that they are present, even to varying degrees, throughout the relationship, but also adapt their interaction style to each phase of the relationship.

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

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