Читать книгу A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services - Valerie Mathieu - Страница 50 Elements necessary for the production of the service
ОглавлениеFive main elements make up the servuction model:
– the front-line employees in contact with the customer; these employees may disappear in automated or digitalized services; however, they remain essential in most service situations, if only to relay a failure of the technical system;
– the physical evidence is made up of all the material elements necessary for the production of the service and which can be used by the customer, by the front-line employees or by both at the same time;
– the internal organization system is the part that is not visible to the customer; often called the back office; it supports the front office, which is the part visible to the customer;
– the customer who, unlike the production model, is present in the service production model, participates in the production of the service;
– the service is the goal of the system, the result of the interaction between all the elements.
Figure 2.1. Servuction (Eiglier 2004, p. 15). For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/mathieu/services.zip