Читать книгу Zita West’s Guide to Getting Pregnant - Zita WEST, Zita West - Страница 13

First Impressions


The process of diagnosis starts the moment a couple walk through my door. I can tell a great deal from the way people walk, their handshake, their posture while seated. For instance, I can tell immediately if a man is inclined to think it is not ‘his problem’: If he walks in with his head down and arms folded, and avoids eye contact.

As a qualified and practising Five Element Acupuncturist, I use my classical Five Element training to begin assessing each person’s constitutional type (see page 223). I look at a person’s colouring – not just eye and hair colour, but the texture and hue of his or her skin tone – and I start to build up a picture of an individual’s emotional and physical strengths and weaknesses, and in which organs any weakness may be lying. I look at what the general emotion is – worry, anger, grief, fear. Sometimes it’s very positive and joyful. I need to understand each person’s individual circumstances, and how they are affecting him or her – individually and as part of a couple. I also look for the dynamic between the couple, how vital their relationship is, how close they are, and how they communicate – verbally and non-verbally.

Obviously I take into account that this is an incredibly personal and intimate experience they are sharing with me, which can make many people feel vulnerable. Often they can react defensively, sometimes aggressively, to mask their anxiety. Couples often want me to provide answers, when what I do – and what I hope this book will do for you – is help them find the answers in themselves. Only a full understanding of what you are facing will make it possible for you to make choices, effect any necessary changes and feel positively involved with the process.

I believe that a positive attitude affects the mind and body hugely. The couples I see fall into many categories: those who are starting to try, couples just about to embark on IVF, couples who have had multiple failures, women who have miscarried, couples considering moving on to egg donation, sperm donation, surrogacy or adoption. Help is available to you at every stage of this journey.

Zita West’s Guide to Getting Pregnant

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