Читать книгу Zita West’s Guide to Getting Pregnant - Zita WEST, Zita West - Страница 8

It Takes Two


Basic knowledge about anatomy and physiology is one area that inevitably needs to be explored. Not the nuts and bolts of what goes where, but the details of a woman’s fertility cycle, and what the implications are for ovulation and possible conception. This is why fertility awareness is so integral to the way I work. Spending a king’s ransom on ovulation-predictor tests won’t help if you think your cycle is 28 days when what is normal for you is a 35-day cycle. Many women have been on the Pill for a long time and have no idea what their normal cycle is; nevertheless they often feel embarrassed by discussions around basic biology, as they feel they ought to know all about it.

In my experience of looking after couples who are trying to get pregnant, I am convinced that the neglect of the man’s role in conception has also confounded many of their attempts to have a baby. The man is very often badly neglected when it comes to assessing a couple’s fertility. A quick, cursory look at the quality and quantity of his sperm is about all that’s done in most fertility clinics, with all the emphasis focused – often wrongly – on the woman. There may also be a notion that the whole of a man’s ego and masculinity is bound up in his sperm, making any possible criticism – or even discussion – of his effectiveness in this area an attack on his masculinity. Neglecting a man’s role in the scheme of things is not helpful. The way I work places as much importance on the man’s role in conception as the woman’s, which is why the questionnaire I supply for men is just as detailed as the one for women.

Zita West’s Guide to Getting Pregnant

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