Читать книгу Eutropius - active 4th century Eutropius - Страница 46



Table of Contents

From the End of the First to the End of the Second Punic War, 241-201 B.C.

1. Fīnītō igitur Pūnicō bellō, quod per XXIII annōs trāctum

est, Rōmānī iam clārissimā glōriā nōtī lēgātōs ad Ptolemaeum,

Aegyptī rēgem, mīsērunt auxilia prōmittentēs, quia

rēx Syriae Antiochus bellum eī intulerat. Ille grātiās

Rōmānīs ēgit, auxilia nōn accēpit. Iam enim fuerat pūgna 15

trānsācta. Eōdem tempore potentissimus rēx Siciliae Hierō

Rōmam vēnit ad lūdōs spectandōs[57] et ducenta mīlia modiōrum[58]

trīticī populō dōnum exhibuit.


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