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benzol {noun} (benzols) benzolo benzopyrene {noun} (benzopyrenes) benzopirene benzoyl {noun} (benzoyls) benzoile benzyl {noun} (benzyls) benzile benzylic {adjective} benzilico beplaster {verb} (beplasters, beplastering, beplastered) coprire bequeath [/bɪˈkwiːθ/] {verb} (bequeaths, bequethen, bequeathing, bequeathed, bequoth) legare | donare | lasciare in eredità | offrire | tramandare | trasmettere bequeathal {noun} lascito bequest [/bɪˈkwɛst/] {noun, verb} (bequests, bequesting, bequested) eredità | lascito | testamento | volontà berate [/bɪˈɹeɪt/] {verb} (berates, berating, berated) sgridare | ammonire | redarguire | richiamare | rimproverare | riprendere Berber {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Berbers) berberi | berbero berceuse [/bɛɹˈsuz/] {noun} (berceuses) ninnananna bereave [/bɪˈɹiːv/] {verb} (bereaves, bereaved, bereft, bereaving) privare bereavement {noun} lutto bereft [/bəˈɹɛft/] {adjective, verb} deprivato | orbato Berengar [/ˈbɛɹɪŋɡəɹ/] {properNoun} Berengario | Beringhiero Berenice {properNoun} Berenice beret [/bəˈɹeɪ/ | /ˈbɛɹ.eɪ/] {noun} (berets) basco Bergamasco {noun} (Bergamaschi, Bergamascos) Pastore Bergamasco Bergamo [/ˈbɜːɡəˌməʊ/ | /ˈbɝɡəˌmoʊ/] {properNoun} Bergamo bergamot [/ˈbɜːɡəˌmɒt/ | /ˈbɝɡəˌmɑt/] {noun} (bergamots) bergamotta | bergamotto Bergen {properNoun} Bergen Bergmanian {adjective} (most Bergmanian, more Bergmanian) bergmaniano beriberi {noun} (beriberis) beriberi Bering Sea [/ˈbɛɹɪŋ ˈsiː/] {properNoun} mar di Bering berkelium [/bɜːɹˈkiːliəm/ | /ˈbɜːɹkliəm/] {noun} berkelio Berlin [/bə.ˈlɪn/ | /ˈbɚ.lɪn/ | /ˈbɜː.lɪn/ | [bɚ.ˈlɪn]] {noun, properNoun} Berlino berlin [/bəˈlɪn/ | [bɚˈlɪn]] {noun} (berlins) berlina Berlin Wall {noun, properNoun} (Berlin Walls) Muro di Berlino berline {noun} (berlines) berlina Berliner [/bəˈlɪnə/ | /bɚˈlɪnɚ/] {noun} (Berliners) berlinese Berlinese [/bɜː(ɹ).lɪn.iːz/] {noun} (Berlinese) tedesco Berlusconi {properNoun} Berlusconi Berlusconism {noun} berlusconismo berm {noun, verb} (berms, berming, bermed) banchina Bermuda [/bəˈmjuːdə/ | /bɚˈmjuːdə/] {noun, properNoun} Bermude | Bermuda Bermuda shorts {noun} bermuda Bermuda Triangle {noun, properNoun} (Bermuda Triangles) Triangolo delle Bermuda Bern [/bɛ(ɹ)n/ | /bɜː(ɹ)n/] {properNoun} Berna | Canton Berna Bernadette {properNoun} Bernadetta Bernard [/bəɹˈnɑɹd/ | /ˈbɜːnəd/] {properNoun} Bernardo Berne {properNoun} Berna Bernese [/ˌbɜːˈniːz/] {adjective, noun} (Bernese, Berneses) bernese berry [/ˈbɛɹi/] {noun, verb} (berries, berrying, berried) bacca | coccola bersagliere {noun} (bersaglieri) bersagliere berserk [/bə(ɹ)ˈzɜː(ɹ)k/] {adjective, noun} (more berserk, most berserk, berserks) folle | frenetico | furioso Bert [/bɜːt/ | /bɝt/] {properNoun} Roberto berth [/bɜːθ/ | /bɝθ/] {noun, verb} (berths, berthed, berthing) cuccetta | attraccare | attracco berthing {noun, verb} (berthings) attracco beryl [/ˈbɛɹəl/] {adjective, noun} berillo beryllium [/bəˈɹɪli.əm/] {noun} berillio Berytian {adjective, noun} (Berytians) beritense Berytus [/bəˈɹaɪtəs/ | /ˈbɛɹətəs/] {properNoun} Berito beseech [/bɪˈsiːt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (beseeches, beseeched, besought, beseeching) implorare | supplicare beseem [/bɪˈsiːm/] {verb} (beseems, beseeming, beseemed) addirsi beset [/bɪˈsɛt/] {verb} (besets, besetting, beset) assalire | assaltare | assediare | circondare | incastonare beshrew {verb} (beshrews, beshrewing, beshrewed) maledire beside [/biˈsaɪd/ | /bɪˈsaɪd/] {adverb, preposition} accanto | vicino beside oneself fuori di sè beside the point {adjective, adverb} irrilevante | irrilevantemente besides [/bəˈsaɪdz/] {adverb, preposition} oltre a | inoltre | ad eccezione di besiege [/bəˈsiːd͡ʒ/] {verb} (besieges, besieged, besieging) assediare Beskids [/ˈbɛskɪdz/] {properNoun} Beschidi besmear {verb} (besmears, besmeared, besmearing) insudiciare besmirch [/bɪˈsmɜːtʃ/ | /bɪˈsmɝːtʃ/] {verb} (besmirches, besmirched, besmirching) insudiciare | lordare | sporcare | denigrare | insozzare | macchiare besom [/ˈbiː.zəm/] {noun, verb} (besoms, besomed, besoming) scopa di saggina besotted {adjective, verb} (most besotted, more besotted) avvinazzato bespeak [/bɪˈspiːk/] {noun, verb} (bespeaks, bespeaking, bespoken, bespoke, bespake) registrare bespectacled [/bɪˈspɛktəkəld/] {adjective} (more bespectacled, most bespectacled) occhiali Bessarabia {properNoun} Bessarabia Besselian {adjective} besseliano best [/ˈbɛst/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bests, besting, bested) migliore | dominare | battere | superare | vincere best friend {noun} (best friends) amica best man {noun} (best men) testimone | testimone di nozze best regards {noun} distinti saluti best-seller {noun} (best-sellers) best seller best-selling {adjective} successo bestial [/ˈbɛs.ti.əl/ | /ˈbɛs.tʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (most bestial, more bestial) belluino bestiality [/ˈbɛstʃəlˌlɪtɪ/ | /ˌbɛstʃiˈælɪti/] {noun} (bestialities) bestialità bestiary {noun} (bestiaries) bestiario bestow [/bɪˈstoʊ/ | /bɪˈstəʊ/] {verb} (bestows, bestowing, bestowed) conferire | accasare | alloggiare | collocare | dare in matrimonio | depositare bestride [/bəˈstɹaɪd/ | [bɪˈstɹaɪd]] {verb} (bestrides, bestrid, bestrode, bestridden, bestriding) cavalcare bestseller {noun} (bestsellers) best seller bet [/ˈbɛt/] {interjection, noun, preposition, verb} (bets, betted, bet, betting) scommessa | scommettere beta [/ˈbeɪtə/ | /ˈbiːtə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (betas, betaing, betaed) beta beta blocker [/ˈbeɪ.tə ˈblɔk.ɚ/] {noun} (beta blockers) betabloccante beta lactamine betalattamico betake [/bɪˈteɪk/] {verb} (betakes, betaken, betaking, betook) andare betatron {noun} (betatrons) betatrone Betelgeuse [/ˈbiːtəldʒuːz/] {properNoun} Betelgeuse beth [/bɛt/ | /bɛθ/] {noun} (beths) bet Bethesda [/bə.θɛz.də/] {noun, properNoun} (Bethesdas) Betzaeta Bethlehem [/ˈbɛθləhɛm/] {noun, properNoun} (Bethlehems) Betlemme betimes [/bɪˈtaɪmz /] {adverb} presto betony {noun} (betonies) betonica betray [/bəˈtɹeɪ/] {verb} (betrays, betraying, betrayed) tradire | consegnare | rivelare betrayal [/bɪˈtɹeɪəl/] {noun} tradimento betrayed [/bɪˈtɹeɪd/] {verb} cornuto betrayer {noun} (betrayers) traditore | sicofante betroth [/bəˈtɹoʊð/] {verb} (betroths, betrothing, betrothen, betrothed) fidanzare | promessa matrimoniale | promettere in sposa betrothal {noun} fidanzamento betrothed [/bɪˈtɹəʊðd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (betrotheds, more betrothed, most betrothed) fidanzata | fidanzato better [/ˈbɛtə/ | /ˈbɛtəɹ/ | [ˈbeɾə] | [ˈbeʔə] | [ˈbɛtʰə] | [ˈbɛtʰɚ~ˈbɛθ̠ɚ~ˈbɛt̪ɚ] | [ˈbɛɾɚ] | [ˈbɛʔɚ~ˈbɛʔəɾ]] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (betters, bettered, bettering) migliore | meglio | migliorare better half {noun} (better halves) metà better late than never {adverb} meglio tardi che mai | non è mai troppo tardi better safe than sorry {proverb} la prudenza non è mai troppa | meglio prevenire che curare better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick {phraseologicalUnit} meglio di un pugno in un occhio better than nothing {adjective} meglio di nulla betterment {noun} miglioramento Betti number {noun} (Betti numbers) numero di Betti betting [/ˈbɛtɪŋ/ | [ˈbɛɾɪŋ]] {adjective, noun, verb} (bettings) scommessa between [/bəˈtwin/ | /bɪˈtwiːn/] {noun, preposition} (betweens) fra | tra between a rock and a hard place tra l'incudine e il martello between jobs disoccupato between Scylla and Charybdis [/bəˈtwiːn.ˈsɪlə.ænd.kəˈɹɪbdɪs/ | /bəˈtwiːn.ˈsɪləɹ.ænd.kəˈɹɪbdɪs/] tra l'incudine e il martello between the hammer and the anvil tra l'incudine e il martello betwixt [/bɪˈtwɪkst/] {preposition} fra bevel [/ˈbɛvəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bevel, most bevel, bevels, bevelled, beveled, bevelling, beveling) bisellatura | bisello | smussatura beverage [/ˈbevəɹɪdʒ/] {noun} bevanda bevor [/ˈbivɚ/ | /ˈbiːvə/] {noun} (bevors) barbozza bevy [/ˈbɛvi/] {noun} (bevies) passo | stormo | volata bewail [/bɪˈweɪl/] {verb} (bewails, bewailing, bewailed) deplorare beware [/ˌbiˈwɛəɹ/ | /ˌbəˈwɛəɹ/ | /ˌbɪˈwɛəɹ/] {verb} fare attenzione | guardarsi | temere beware of the dog {phraseologicalUnit} attenti al cane bewhiskered {adjective} (more bewhiskered, most bewhiskered) barbato Bewick's swan {noun} (Bewick's swans) cigno minore bewilder [/bɪˈwɪldə(ɹ)/ | /bɪˈwɪldɚ/] {verb} (bewilders, bewildering, bewildered) confondere | disorientare | sconcertare bewildered [/bəˈwɪldəd/ | /bəˈwɪldɚd/] {adjective, verb} (most bewildered, more bewildered) confusa | confuso | disorientata | disorientato | perplessa | perplesso bewildering [/bɪˈwɪldəɹɪŋ/ | /bɪˈwɪldɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bewildering, most bewildering, bewilderings) sconcertante bewilderment [/bɪˈwɪldəmənt/ | /bɪˈwɪldəɹmənt/] {noun} (bewilderments) confusione | disorientamento | perplessità bewitch [/bəˈwɪtʃ/] {verb} (bewitches, bewitched, bewitching) stregare bewitched [/bɪˈwɪtʃt/] {adjective, verb} (most bewitched, more bewitched) stregato bewitching [/bəˈwɪtʃɪŋ/] {adjective, noun} (most bewitching, more bewitching, bewitchings) ammaliante bewitchrd ammaliato beyond [/biˈjɑnd/ | /biˈjɒnd/] {adverb, noun, preposition} più lontano di beyond the pale inaccettabile bezant [/ˈbɛzənt/] {noun} (bezants) bisante bezanty {adjective} bisantato bezanté {adjective} bisantato bezel [/ˈbɛz.əl/] {noun} (bezels) castone | incastonatura bezoar [/ˈbi.zɔɹ/ | /ˈbiː.zɔː/] {noun} (bezoars) bezoario bhikkhu [/ˈbɪkuː/] {noun} (bhikkhus) monaco buddista bhikkhuni {noun} (bhikkhunis) monaca buddista Bhutan [/buːˈtɑːn/] {properNoun} Bhutan Bhutanese [/bu.təˈniːz/] {adjective, noun} (more Bhutanese, most Bhutanese, Bhutanese) bhutanese | bhutanesi bi [/baɪ/ | /biː/] {adjective, noun} (bi) bisex bi- [/baɪ-/] {prefix} bi- Biafra [/biˈɑfɹə/] {properNoun} Biafra biannual [/baɪˈænjuəl/ | /bʌɪˈanjuːəl/] {adjective, noun} (biannuals) semestrale bias [/ˈbaɪəs/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (more bias, most bias, biases, biasses, biased, biassing, biasing, biassed) pregiudizio | tendenza | condizionare | di sbieco | diagonalmente | distorcere biased [/ˈbaɪəst/] {adjective, verb} (most biased, more biased) parziale biathlete {noun} (biathletes) biatleta biathlon {noun} (biathlons) biathlon biaxial {adjective} biassiale bib [/bɪb/] {noun, verb} (bibs, bibbing, bibbed) bavaglino | bavaglio bibimbap {noun} bibimbap Bible [/ˈbaɪbəl/] {noun, properNoun} (Bibles) Bibbia bible [/ˈbaɪbəl/] {noun} (bibles) bibbia biblical [/ˈbɪblɪkəl/] {adjective} (more biblical, most biblical) biblico biblically {adverb} biblicamente biblio- {prefix} biblio- bibliographic {adjective} (more bibliographic, most bibliographic) bibliografico bibliographical {adjective} bibliografico bibliography [/bɪbliɒɡɹəfi/] {noun} (bibliographies) bibliografia bibliology {noun} (bibliologies) bibliologia bibliomancy {noun} (bibliomancies) bibliomanzia bibliomania {noun} (bibliomanias) bibliomania bibliomaniac {noun} (bibliomaniacs) bibliomane bibliometric {adjective} bibliometrico bibliometrics {noun} bibliometria bibliophagy {noun} bibliofagia bibliophile {noun} (bibliophiles) bibliofila biblist [/ˈbɪblɪst/] {noun} (biblists) biblista bicameral [/bʌɪˈkaməɹəl/] {adjective} bicamerale bicameralism {noun} (bicameralisms) bicameralismo bicarbonate {noun} (bicarbonates) bicarbonato | bicarbonato di sodio bicephalous {adjective} bicefalo biceps [/ˈbaɪ.sɛps/] {noun} (bicepses, biceps) bicipite biceps brachii {noun} (biceps brachii, biceps brachiorum) bicipite bichloride {noun} (bichlorides) bicloruro Bichon Frisé [/ˈbiːʃɒn fɹiːˈzeɪ/] {noun} (Bichons Frisés) bichon frisé bichord {adjective, noun} (bichords) bicordo bicipital [/baɪˈsɪp.ɪ.təl/] {adjective} bicipitale bicker [/ˈbɪkə/] {noun, verb} (bickers, bickered, bickering) bisticciare | bisticcio | lite | litigare bickie {noun} (bickies) biscotto bicolour {adjective, noun} (bicolours) bicolore biconsonantal {adjective} biconsonantico bicorn {adjective, noun} (bicorns) bicorno bicuspid {adjective, noun} (bicuspids) premolare bicycle [/ˈbaɪsɪkl̩/] {noun, verb} (bicycles, bicycling, bicycled) bicicletta | bici bicycle clip {noun} (bicycle clips) fermacalzoni bicycle kick {noun, verb} (bicycle kicks, bicycle kicked, bicycle kicking) rovesciata bicycle lane {noun} (bicycle lanes) pista ciclabile bicycle path {noun} (bicycle paths) pista ciclabile bicycle stand {noun} (bicycle stands) portabiciclette bicycle touring {noun} cicloturismo bicycle tourist {noun} cicloturista bid [/bɪd/] {noun, verb} (bids, bidding, bid, bidden, bade, bad) offerta | fare un'offerta per un'asta biddy [/ˈbɪdi/] {noun} (biddies) giovane bidet [[bɨˈdeɪ] | [ˈbiːdeɪ]] {noun} (bidets) bidet | bidè bidimensional {adjective} bidimensionale bidirectional [/ˌbaɪdɪˈɹɛkʃənəl/] {adjective} bidezionale | bidirezionale Biella {properNoun} Biella biennale {noun} (biennales) biennale biennial [/baɪˈɛnɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (biennials) biennale bier [/biɚ/ | /bɪə/] {noun} (biers) barella | catafalco biface {noun} (bifaces) bifacciale bifid {adjective} bifido bifront {adjective} bifronte bifurcate [/baɪˈfɝ.kɪt/ | /ˈbaɪ.fɚˌkeɪt/ | /ˈbʌɪ.fək.eɪt/] {adjective, verb} (bifurcates, bifurcated, bifurcating) biforcare bifurcation [/ˌbaɪfəˈkeɪʃən/ | /ˌbaɪfɚˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} biforcazione big [/bɪɡ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bigs, bigged, bigging, biggest, bigger) grande | grosso big air {noun} grande salto Big Apple {properNoun} Grande Mela big baby [/bɪɡ ˈbeɪbi/] {noun} (big babies) bambina Big Bad Wolf [/bɪɡ bæd ˈwʊlf/] {noun} (Big Bad Wolves) lupo cattivo Big Bang {properNoun} Big Bang big cat {noun} (big cats) falbo big cheese {noun} (big cheeses) pezzo grosso | capo big deal {interjection, noun} (big deals) bella forza | e allora Big Dipper {properNoun} Gran Carro big fat [/ˈbɪɡ.fæt/] {adjective} enorme Big Mac [/bɪɡ mæk/] {noun} (Big Macs) Big Mac big screen {noun} (big screens) grande schermo big toe {noun} (big toes) alluce big-breasted {adjective} (more big-breasted, most big-breasted) dal seno prosperoso big-headed {adjective} (more big-headed, most big-headed) arrogante | pallone gonfiato bigamist [/ˈbɪɡəmɪst/] {noun} (bigamists) bigamo bigamy [/ˈbɪɡəmi/] {noun} (bigamies) bigamia bigarré screziato Bigfoot [/ˈbɪɡˌfʊt/] {noun, verb} (Bigfoot, Bigfoots, Bigfeet, Bigfooted, Bigfooting) Bigfoot bigger [/ˈbɪɡə/ | /ˈbɪɡɚ/] {adjective, verb} (biggers, biggered, biggering) maggiore biggest [/ˈbɪɡəst/ | /ˈbɪɡɪst/] {adjective} massimo bighead [/ˈbɪɡˌhɛd/] {noun} (bigheads) pallone gonfiato bight [/baɪt/] {noun} (bights) baia | ansa bigness [/ˈbɪɡnəs/] {noun} (bignesses) grossezza bigophone {noun} (bigophones) bigofono bigorexia {noun} bigoressia | vigoressia bigot [/ˈbɪɡət/] {noun} (bigots) bigotto | collotorto | estremista | fanatico | intollerante bigoted {adjective} (most bigoted, more bigoted) bacchettone bigotry [/ˈbɪɡ.ə.tɹi/] {noun} (bigotries) fanatismo bigtime {adjective, adverb, noun} (most bigtime, more bigtime, bigtimes) magistralmente bigwig {noun} (bigwigs) barbassoro | capo | pallone gonfiato | pataffione bijection [/baɪ.dʒɛk.ʃən/] {noun} (bijections) biiezione bijective {adjective} biiettivo | bigettivo bike [/baɪk/ | [bɐɪk]] {noun, verb} (bikes, biking, biked) bici | moto | pedalare | puttana biker [/ˈbaɪkɚ/] {noun} (bikers) centauro | ciclista | motociclista bikini [/bɪˈkiːni/] {noun} (bikinis) bikini | bichini bikini line {noun} (bikini lines) costume da bagno bilabial {adjective, noun} (bilabials) bilabiale bilabiate {adjective} bilabiato bilateral [/baɪˈlætəɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (more bilateral, most bilateral, bilaterals) bilaterale bilaterian {noun} (bilaterians) bilaterio Bilbao [/bɪlˈbaʊ/] {properNoun} Bilbao bilberry [/ˈbɪlb(ə)ɹɪ/] {noun} (bilberries) mirtillo bile [/baɪl/] {noun, verb} (biles, biling, biled) fiele bile acid {noun} (bile acids) acido biliare bile duct {noun} (bile ducts) coledoco bilge [/bɪldʒ/] {noun, verb} (bilges, bilged, bilging) sentina | fesserie | idiozie | sciocchezze bilgewater [/ˈbɪldʒwɔtɚ/] {noun} (bilgewaters) acqua di sentina Bilhah {properNoun} Bila biliary [/ˈbɪlɪəɹi/] {adjective} biliare bilinear {adjective, noun} (bilinears) bilineare bilingual [/baɪˈlɪŋ.ɡwəl/] {adjective, noun} (bilinguals) bilingue bilingualism {noun} bilinguismo | bilinguità bilious [/ˈbɪl.i.əs/ | /ˈbɪl.jəs/] {adjective} (more bilious, most bilious) bilioso bilirubin [/bɪlɪˈɹuːbɪn/] {noun} bilirubina biliverdin {noun} biliverdina bilk [/bɪlk/] {noun, verb} (bilks, bilking, bilked) defraudare | frodare bill [/bɪl/] {noun, verb} (bills, billing, billed) conto | becco | fattura | atto | avvisare | beccarsi bill of exchange {noun} (bills of exchange) cambiale tratta bill of fare {noun} (bills of fare) biglietto bill of lading {noun} (bills of lading) polizza di carico billboard {noun} (billboards) cartellone billet [/ˈbɪlɪt/] {noun, verb} (billets, billetted, billetting, billeted, billeting) biglietto billetty bigliettato billetté bigliettato billeté {adjective} bigliettato billfold {noun} (billfolds) portafoglio billhook {noun, verb} (billhooks, billhooked, billhooking) roncola | roncolina billiard [/ˈbɪl.i.ɑː(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbɪl.i.ə(ɹ)d/] {noun, numeral} (billiards) biliardo billiards [/ˈbɪl.jɚdz/ | /ˈbɪlɪədz/] {noun} biliardi | biliardo billion [/ˈbɪljən/] {noun} (billions) miliardo | bilione billionaire [/ˌbɪl.i.əˈnɛə(ɹ)/ | /ˌbɪl.jəˈnɛɚ/] {noun} (billionaires) miliardario billow [/ˈbɪloʊ/ | /ˈbɪləʊ/] {noun, verb} (billows, billowed, billowing) maroso billposting {noun} affissione billy goat {noun} (billy goats) becco | capro | caprone | irco billycan {noun} (billycans) gamella bilocation [/baɪləʊˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} bilocazione bilocular {adjective} biloculare bimbo [/ˈbɪmboʊ/ | /ˈbɪmbəʊ/] {noun} (bimbos, bimboes) bionda bimetallism {noun} bimetallismo bimillenary {adjective, noun} (bimillenaries) bimillenario bimillennial [/baɪˈmɪlɛn.i.əl/] {adjective, noun} (bimillennials) bimillenniale bimonthly {adjective, adverb, noun} (bimonthlies) bimestrale bin [/bɪn/] {noun, verb} (bins, binned, binning) bidone | cestinare binary [/ˈbaɪ.nə.ɹi/ | /ˈbaɪ.nə.ɹɪ/] {adjective, noun} (most binary, more binary, binaries) binario | binaria binary number {noun} (binary numbers) numero binario binary relation {noun} (binary relations) relazione binaria binary star {noun} (binary stars) stella binaria binary system {noun} (binary systems) sistema binario binary tree {noun} (binary trees) albero binario binate {adjective, verb} (binates, binated, binating) binare binaural {adjective} binaurale bind [/baɪnd/] {noun, verb} (binds, bounden, bound, binding) rilegare | connettere | legare binder [/ˈbaɪndə/ | /ˈbaɪndɚ/] {noun} (binders) acconto binding [/ˈbaɪndɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most binding, more binding, bindings) vincolante | rilegatura | legame bindweed [/ˈbaɪndwiːd/] {noun} convolvolo | vilucchio binge [/bɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (binges, binging, binged, bingeing) abbuffarsi | abbuffata | bisboccia | sregolatezza binge drinker {noun} (binge drinkers) avvinazzato | beone | bevitore | ubriacone binge drinking {noun} ciucca | sbornia | sbronza | ubriacatura binge eating disorder {noun} disturbo da alimentazione incontrollata bingo [/ˈbɪŋ.ɡoʊ/ | /ˈbɪŋ.ɡəʊ/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (bingos, bingoing, bingoed) bingo | tombola binnacle [/ˈbɪnəkəl/] {noun} (binnacles) chiesuola binocular {adjective, noun} (binoculars) binoculare binoculars [/ˈbɪnˌɒk.jʊ.lə(ɹ)z/] {noun} (binocular) binocolo binomial [/baɪˈnoʊ.mi.əl/ | /baɪˈnəʊ.mi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (binomials) binomio | binomiale binomial coefficient {noun} (binomial coefficients) coefficiente binomiale binomial nomenclature {noun} nomenclatura binomiale binucleate {adjective, noun} (binucleates) binucleato bio- {prefix} bio- bioaccumulation {noun} bioaccumulo bioarchitecture {noun} (bioarchitectures) bioarchitettura bioavailability {noun} (bioavailabilities) biodisponibilità bioavailable {adjective} (more bioavailable, most bioavailable) biodisponibile biocatalytic {adjective} biocatalitico biochemical {adjective, noun} (biochemicals) biochimico biochemical engineering ingegneria biochimica biochemist {noun} (biochemists) biochimico | biochimica biochemistry {noun} (biochemistries) biochimica biocide [/ˈbaɪoʊsaɪd/ | /ˈbaɪəʊsaɪd/] {noun} biocida bioclastic {adjective} (most bioclastic, more bioclastic) bioclastico bioclimatology {noun} bioclimatologia biocoenology {noun} biocenologia biocoenosis {noun} (biocoenoses) biocenosi biocompatibility {noun} (biocompatibilities) biocompatibilità bioconjugated {adjective} bioconiugato biodegradability {noun} (biodegradabilities) biodegradabilità biodegradable [/baɪoʊdəˈɡɹeɪdəbl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more biodegradable, most biodegradable, biodegradables) biodegradabile biodegradation {noun} biodegradazione biodegrade {verb} (biodegrades, biodegrading, biodegraded) biodegradare | biodegradarsi biodiversity [/ˌbaɪ.əʊˌdaɪˈvɜː(ɹ).sɪ.ti/ | /ˌbaɪoʊdɑɪˈvɚsəti/] {noun} (biodiversities) biodiversità biodrug biofarmaco biodrugs biofarmaci bioelectric {adjective} bioelettrico bioelectrical {adjective} bioelettrico bioelectricity {noun} bioelettricità bioenergetic {adjective} (most bioenergetic, more bioenergetic) bioenergetico bioenergetics {noun} bioenergetica bioenergy {noun} (bioenergies) bioenergia bioethics {noun} bioetica biofactor {noun} (biofactors) biofattore biofuel [/ˈbaɪ.əʊˌfjʊ(.ə)l/] {noun} (biofuels) biocombustibile biogenesis [/bʌɪə(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnəsɪs/ | /ˌbaioʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs/] {noun} (biogeneses) biogenesi biogenic {adjective} (most biogenic, more biogenic) biogenico | biogeno biogeography {noun} (biogeographies) biogeografia biographee {noun} (biographees) biografato biographer {noun} (biographers) biografo biographette {noun} (biographettes) biografietta biographical {adjective} (more biographical, most biographical) biografico biographize [/baɪˈɒɡɹəfaɪz/] {verb} (biographizes, biographized, biographizing) biografare biography [/baɪˈɑːɡɹəfi/ | /baɪˈɒɡɹəfi/] {noun, verb} (biographies, biographying, biographied) biografia bioherm {noun} (bioherms) bioherma bioindicator {noun} (bioindicators) bioindicatore bioinformatics [/ˌbaɪoʊˌɪnfɚˈmætɪks/ | /ˌbaɪəʊˌɪnfəˈmætɪks/] {noun} bioinformatica bioinorganic chemistry chimica bioinorganica biolistic {adjective} biolistico biological [/ˌbaɪə(ʊ)ˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ | /ˌbaɪəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/] {adjective, noun} (biologicals) biologico | consanguineo biological tissue tessuto biologico biological warfare {noun} guerra biologica biological weapon {noun} (biological weapons) arma biologica biologically {adverb} biologicamente biologist {noun} (biologists) biologo biology [/baɪˈɑlədʒi/ | /baɪˈɒlədʒɪ/] {noun} (biologies) biologia bioluminescence [/ˌbaɪ̯oʊ̯ˌluməˈnɛsəns/] {noun} bioluminescenza bioluminescent {adjective} (more bioluminescent, most bioluminescent) bioluminescente biomagnetism {noun} biomagnetismo biomarker [/ˈbaɪoʊˌmɑɹkɚ/ | /ˈbaɪəʊˌmɑːkə/] {noun} (biomarkers) biomarcatore biomass [/ˈbaɪ.ə(ʊ)ˌmæs/] {noun} (biomasses) biomassa biomaterial {noun} (biomaterials) biomateriale biomathematics {noun} biomatematica biome [/ˈbaɪoʊm/] {noun} (biomes) bioma biomechanical {adjective} biomeccanica biomechanics {noun} biomeccanica biomedical [/ˌbaɪoʊˈmedɪkl/ | /ˌbaɪəʊˈmedɪkl/] {adjective, noun} (biomedicals) biomedico biomedical engineering ingegneria biomedica biomedicine {noun} biomedicina biometallurgy biometallurgia biometric {adjective} biometrico biometrics {noun} biometria biometrist biometrista biomimetic {adjective} biomimetico biomimetics {noun} biomimesi biomolecular {adjective} biomolecolare biomolecule {noun} (biomolecules) biomolecola bionanotechnology {noun} (bionanotechnologies) bionanotecnologia bionic [/ˈbɪˌɒn.ɪk/] {adjective} (more bionic, most bionic) bionico bionics [/ˈbaɪˌɒnɪks/] {noun} bionica biopharmaceutical {noun} (biopharmaceuticals) farmaco biologico biophilia [/ˈbaɪəʊˌfɪil.i.ə/] {noun} biofilia biophotolysis {noun} (biophotolysises, biophotolyses) biofotolisi biophysical [/ˈbaɪəʊˌfɪzɪkəl/] {adjective} biofisico biophysics {noun} biofisica bioplastic {noun} (bioplastics) bioplastica bioplastics {noun} bioplastica biopsy [/ˈbaɪɑpsi/] {noun, verb} (biopsies, biopsied, biopsying) biopsia bioreactor {noun} (bioreactors) bioreattore biorefinery {noun} (biorefineries) bioraffineria bioremediation {noun} biorimediazione biorhythm {noun} (biorhythms) bioritmo biorobotics {noun} biorobotica biosatellite {noun} (biosatellites) biosatellite bioscience {noun} (biosciences) bioscienza biosensor {noun} (biosensors) biosensore biospeleology {noun} biospeleologia biosphere {noun} (biospheres) biosfera biostatics {noun} biostatica biostatistics {noun} biostatistica biostratigraphic {adjective} biostratigrafico biostratigraphy {noun} biostratigrafia biosynthesis {noun} (biosyntheses) biosintesi biosynthetic {adjective} biosintetico biotech {adjective, noun} biotecnologico biotechnological [/ˈbaɪəʊˌtɛk.nə.lɒdʒ.ɪk.əl/] {adjective} biotecnologico | biotecnico biotechnologist {noun} (biotechnologists) biotecnologa | biotecnologo biotechnology [/ˈbaɪəʊˌtɛk.nɒl.əʊ.dʒi/] {noun} (biotechnologies) biotecnologia bioterrorist [/baɪəʊˈtɛɹəɹɪst/] {adjective, noun} (bioterrorists) bioterrorista biotherapy {noun} (biotherapies) bioterapia biotic [/baɪˈɑ.tɪk/ | /baɪˈɒt.ɪk/] {adjective} biotico biotin [/ˈbaɪətɪn/] {noun} biotina biotite [/ˈbaɪəˌtaɪt/] {noun} biotite biotope {noun} (biotopes) biotopo biotoxin {noun} (biotoxins) biotossina bioturbation {noun} bioturbazione biotypology {noun} biotipologia biovular {adjective} biovulari bipartisan [/baɪˈpɑɹt.ə.sən/ | /ˈbaɪˌpɑː(ɹ)t.ɪ.zæn/] {adjective} bipartisan bipartisanship [/ˈbaɪˌpɑː(ɹ)t.ɪ.zæn.ʃɪp/] {noun} trasversalismo bipartite {adjective} bipartito biped [/ˈbaɪpɛd/] {noun} (bipeds) bipede bipedal {adjective} bipede biphase {noun} bifase biphenyl {noun} bifenile bipinnate [/bʌɪˈpɪneɪt/] {adjective} bipennato biplane {adjective, noun} (biplanes) biplano bipolar {adjective, noun} (most bipolar, more bipolar, bipolars) bipolare bipolar disorder {noun} psicosi maniaco-depressiva bipolarity {noun} (bipolarities) bipolarità bipolarization {noun} bipolarizzazione bipole {noun} (bipoles) bipolo biradical {noun} (biradicals) biradicale birch [/bɜːtʃ/ | /bɝtʃ/] {noun, verb} (birches, birched, birching) betulla birch bolete {noun} (birch boletes) arbatrello | porcinello birchbark {noun} corteccia di betulla bird [/bɜd/ | /bɜːd/ | /bɝd/ | [bɜɪd]] {noun, verb} (birds, birding, birded) uccello | tipo | bambola | dito d'onore | pennuto | volatile bird of ill omen {noun} (birds of ill omen) uccellaccio bird of paradise {noun} (birds of paradise) paradisea bird of prey {noun} (birds of prey) rapace bird's nest {noun} (bird's nests, birds' nests) nido bird's-eye view {noun} (bird's-eye views) prospettiva a volo d'uccello | vista a volo d'uccello bird-bolt bolzone birdbolt {noun} (birdbolts) bolzone birdbrain [/ˈbɚd.bɹeɪn/ | /ˈbɜː(ɹ)d.bɹeɪn/] {noun} (birdbrains) storno birdcage {noun} (birdcages) voliera birdhouse {noun} (birdhouses) gabbietta birdie [/ˈbɜːdi/ | /ˈbɝdi/] {noun, verb} (birdies, birdied, birdying, birdieing) uccellino birdlime [/ˈbɜːdlaɪm/] {noun, verb} (birdlimes, birdliming, birdlimed) vischio birdling [/ˈbɜɹd.lɪŋ/] {noun} (birdlings) uccellino birds of a feather {noun} se non è zuppa è pan bagnato birds of a feather flock together {proverb} chi si assomiglia si piglia | dio li fa e poi li accoppia birdsong {noun} canto birefringence [/baɪɹɪˈfɹɪndʒəns/] {noun} birifrangenza biretta {noun} (birettas) berretta biro [/ˈbaɪ.ɹəʊ/] {noun} (biros) biro birth [/bɜːθ/ | /bɝθ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (births, birthing, birthed) nascita | parto birth certificate {noun} (birth certificates) atto di nascita | certificato di nascita birth control {noun} controllo delle nascite birth defect {noun} (birth defects) difetto congenito birth rate {noun} (birth rates) natalità birth tray {noun} (birth trays) desco da parto birthday [/ˈbɜːθ.deɪ/ | /ˈbɜːθ.dɪ/ | /ˈbɝθˌdeɪ/] {noun, verb} (birthdays, birthdaying, birthdayed) compleanno | data di nascita birthday boy {noun} (birthday boys) festeggiato birthday cake {noun} (birthday cakes) torta di compleanno birthday card {noun} (birthday cards) cartolina di compleanno birthday girl {noun} (birthday girls) festeggiata birthday paradox {noun} paradosso del compleanno birthday party {noun} (birthday parties) festa di compleanno birthday problem {noun} paradosso del compleanno birther [/ˈbɝθɚ/] {noun} (birthers) partoriente birthmark {noun} (birthmarks) voglia birthplace [/ˈbɝθˌpleɪs/] {noun} (birthplaces) luogo di nascita birthrate {noun} (birthrates) natalità birthright {noun} (birthrights) diritto di nascita birthwort {noun} vellutino Biscay {properNoun} Biscaglia biscuit [/ˈbɪskɪt/] {noun} biscotto | biscottino biscuit factory biscottificio biscuit maker biscottaio biscuit shop biscotteria bisecant {noun} (bisecants) bisecante bisect [/baɪˈsɛkt/] {noun, verb} (bisects, bisected, bisecting) bisecare bisector [/ˈbaɪˌsɛktɚ/] {noun} (bisectors) bisettrice bisemic {adjective} bisemico bisexual [/baɪˈsɛk.ʃu.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most bisexual, more bisexual, bisexuals) bisessuale | bisex | ermafrodita bisexuality {noun} (bisexualities) bisessualità | ermafrodismo Bishkek [/bɪʃˈkɛk/] {properNoun} Biškek Bishnupriya Manipuri {properNoun} bishnupria manipuri bishop [/ˈbɪʃəp/] {noun, verb} (bishops, bishoped, bishopping, bishopped, bishoping) vescovo | alfiere | vescova Bishop of Rome {properNoun} Vescevo di Roma bishop's episcopale bishopric [/ˈbɪʃ.ə.pɹɪk/] {noun} (bishoprics) vescovato Bislama [/ˈbɪʃləmɑː/] {properNoun} bislama bismuth [/ˈbɪz.məθ/] {noun} bismuto bison [/ˈbaɪ̯sən/] {noun} (bisons, bison) bisonte americano bispectrum {noun} (bispectra) bispettro bisphenol A {noun} bisfenolo A bisque [/bɪsk/] {adjective, noun} (bisques) biscuit Bissau-Guinean {adjective, noun} (Bissau-Guineans) guineense bissextile [/bɪˈsɛks.taɪəl/ | /bɪˈsɛkstɪl/] {adjective, noun} (bissextiles) bisestile bissextile year {noun} (bissextile years) anno bisestile bistable {adjective, noun} (bistables) bistabile bistort {noun} bistorta bistoury [/ˈbɪstʊɹi/] {noun} (bistouries) bisturi bistro [/ˈbiːstɹoʊ/ | /ˈbiːstɹəʊ/] {noun} (bistros) bistrot | osteria | trattoria bistronomic {adjective} bistronomico bisulfate {noun, verb} (bisulfates, bisulfating, bisulfated) bisolfato bisulfite {noun} (bisulfites) bisolfito bit [/bɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bits, bitting, bitted) morso | freno | ottavo di dollaro | pezzettino | pezzetto | poca bit by bit {adverb} piano piano bit of skirt {noun} (bits of skirt) bel bocconcino | figona | gnocca bit part {noun} (bit parts) generico | particina | ruolo minore | ruolo secondario bit player {noun} (bit players) figurante | spalla bitch [/bɪt͡s/ | /bɪt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (bitches, bitched, bitching) cagna | troia | stronza | lupa | puttana bitch slap {noun, verb} (bitch slaps, bitch slapping, bitch slapped) ceffone bitchy [/ˈbɪtʃi/] {adjective} (bitchest, bitcher) incazzoso bitcoin [/ˈbɪtˌkɔɪn/] {noun, properNoun} (bitcoins, bitcoin) bitcoin bite [/baɪt/ | /bʌɪt/] {noun, verb} (bites, biting, bit, bitten) mordere | morsicare | morso | boccone | morsicatura | pungere bite me {interjection} fottiti bite off {verb} (bites off, biting off, bitten off, bit off) rompersi il culo bite off more than one can chew {verb} fare il passo più lungo della gamba bite the bullet {verb} (bites the bullet, bitten the bullet, biting the bullet, bit the bullet) fare buon viso a cattiva sorte | ingoiare il rospo bite the dust {verb} (bites the dust, bitten the dust, biting the dust, bit the dust) tirare le cuoia | essere sconfitto | fallire | mangiare la polvere | mordere la terra bite the hand that feeds one {verb} mordere la mano che ti nutre | sputare nel piatto in cui si mangia bitemark {noun} (bitemarks) azzannatura Bithynia [/bɪˈθɪni.ə/] {properNoun} Bitinia biting [/ˈbaɪtɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most biting, more biting, bitings) mordente bitness {noun} (bitnesses) larghezza bitonality {noun} bitonalità bitruncated {adjective} bitroncato bitstock {noun} (bitstocks) girabacchino | menarola bitt {noun, verb} (bitts, bitting, bitted) bitta | galloccia bitter [/ˈbɪtə/ | /ˈbɪtəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bitterer, bitterest, more bitter, most bitter, bitters, bittered, bittering) amaro | amara | aspro | gelido bitter almond {noun} (bitter almonds) mandorla amara bitter melon [/ˈbɪtəɹ ˈmɛlən/] {noun} (bitter melons) cocomero asinino bitter orange {noun} arancia amara bittercress {noun} (bittercresses) erba di S.Barbara comune bitterling {noun} (bitterlings) rodeo bitterly [/ˈbɪtəli/ | /ˈbɪtəɹli/] {adverb} (more bitterly, most bitterly) amaramente bittern [/ˈbɪtən/ | /ˈbɪtəɹn/] {noun} (bitterns) tarabuso bitterness [/ˈbɪtənəs/] {noun} (bitternesses) amarezza bitters {noun, verb} (bitters) bitter bittersweet [/ˈbɪtɚˌswit/] {adjective, noun} (most bittersweet, more bittersweet, bittersweets) dolceamaro | agrodolce | dulcamara bitumen [/bɪˈtumən/ | /ˈbɪt.jʊ.mɪn/] {noun, verb} (bitumina, bitumens, bitumening, bitumened) bitume | asfalto bituminize {verb} (bituminizes, bituminized, bituminizing) bitumare | bituminare bivalence {noun} bivalenza bivalve [/ˈbaɪvælv/] {noun} (bivalves) vongola bivoltine {adjective} bivoltino Bivona {properNoun} (Bivonas) Bivona bivouac [/ˈbɪv.u.æk/] {noun, verb} (bivouacs, bivouacks, bivouacking, bivouacked, bivouacing) bivacco | bivaccare | accamparsi | attendarsi | campeggiare biweekly [/baɪˈwiːkli/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (biweeklies) bisettimanale bixin {noun} bixina bizarre [/bɪˈzɑɹ/ | /bɪˈzɑː(ɹ)/] {adjective} (most bizarre, more bizarre, bizarrer, bizarrest) bizzarro | bizzarra Bizerte {properNoun} Biserta bizzarre tocco BL Lac object {noun} (BL Lac objects) oggetti BL Lac blab [/blæb/] {noun, verb} (blabs, blabbing, blabbed) spifferare blabber [/ˈblæb.ə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blabbers, blabbering, blabbered) chiacchierone | cianciare | pettegolo | spettegolare | spiattellare black [/blæk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blackest, blacker, blacks, blacked, blacking) nero | nera black alder {noun} ontano nero black antshrike {noun} (black antshrikes) averla formichiera nera black art {noun} (black arts) magia nera black bear {noun} (black bears) baribal | orso dal collare | orso nero americano | orso tibetano black beetle {noun} (black beetles) scarafaggio black belt {noun} (black belts) cintura nera black bile {noun} atrabile black blue blu nerastro black box {noun, verb} (black boxes, black boxed, black boxing) scatola nera | registratore di volo black brown marrone nerastro black cat {noun, verb} (black cats, black-cats, black-catted, black-catting) gatto nero black chanterelle {noun} (black chanterelles) trombetta dei morti black child {noun} (black children) negretto black coal {noun} carbone fossile black coffee {noun} (black coffees) caffè americano black currant [/ˈblækˌkɜɹənt/ | /ˈblækˌkʌɹənt/] {noun} (black currants) ribes nero Black Death {properNoun} peste nera black dwarf {noun} (black dwarfs) nana nera black eye {noun} (black eyes) occhio pesto black flag {noun, verb} (black flags) bandiera nera Black Forest {properNoun} Foresta Nera | Selva Nera Black Forest gâteau {noun} (Black Forest gâteaus, Black Forest gâteaux) torta della Foresta Nera black francolin {noun} (black francolins) francolino a petto nero Black Friday {properNoun} (Black Fridays) svendita black garlic aglio nero black gold {noun} oro nero black green verde nerastro black grey grigio nerastro black grouse [/ˈblæk ɡɹɑʊs/] {noun} (black grouses) fagiano di monte | gallo forcello black guillemot {noun} (black guillemots) uria nera black hole [/blæk ˈhoʊl/ | /blæk ˈhəʊl/] {noun, verb} (black holes) buco nero black horehound {noun} ballota | cimiciotto black humor {noun} umorismo nero black ice {noun} ghiaccio nero | vetrone black kite {noun} (black kites) nibbio bruno black light {noun} (black lights) luce di Wood black lung {noun} silicosi black magic {noun} magia nera black magick {noun} magia nera black mamba {noun} (black mambas) mamba nero black market {noun} (black markets) mercato nero black mulberry {noun} (black mulberries) moro nero black nightshade {noun} (black nightshades) morella comune black olive {noun} (black olives) oliva nera black out {verb} svenire black pepper {noun} pepe | pepe nero black pudding {noun} (black puddings) sanguinaccio black red rosso nerastro black redstart {noun} (black redstarts) codirosso spazzacamino black rhinoceros {noun} (black rhinoceroses, black rhinoceros) rhinocéros noir black rice {noun} (black rices) riso venere black salsify {noun} (black salsifies) scorzonera di Spagna Black Sea {properNoun} Mar Nero black sheep {noun} (black sheep) pecora nera black stork {noun} (black storks) cicogna nera black swan {noun} (black swans) cigno nero | mosca bianca black tea {noun} tè nero black tern {noun} (black terns) mignattino black truffle {noun} (black truffles) tartufo nero black vulture {noun} (black vultures) urubù dalla testa nera black widow {noun} (black widows) vedova nera black woodpecker [/ˈblækˈwʊdpɛkə(ɹ)/] {noun} (black woodpeckers) picchio nero black-and-white {adjective} (more black-and-white, most black-and-white) bianconero black-arched moth {noun} (black-arched moths) falena monaca black-backed jackal {noun} (black-backed jackals) sciacallo dalla gualdrappa black-bellied plover {noun} (black-bellied plovers) pivieressa black-browed albatross {noun} (black-browed albatroses) albatros sopracciglineri black-crested antshrike {noun} (black-crested antshrikes) Averla formichiera crestanera black-crowned night heron {noun} (black-crowned night herons) nitticora black-footed cat {noun} (black-footed cats) gatto dai piedi neri black-headed gull {noun} (black-headed gulls) gabbiano comune black-hooded antshrike {noun} (black-hooded antshrikes) averla formichiera di Bridges black-legged kittiwake {noun} (black-legged kittiwakes) gabbiano tridattilo black-necked grebe {noun} (black-necked grebes) svasso piccolo black-throated antshrike {noun} (black-throated antshrikes) averla formichiera golanera black-throated diver {noun} (black-throated divers) strolaga mezzana black-winged kite {noun} (black-winged kites) nibbio bianco black-winged pratincole {noun} (blackwinged pratincoles) pernice di mare orientale Blackbeard {properNoun} Barbanera blackberry [/ˈblækbeɹi/ | /ˈblækbəɹi/] {noun, verb} (blackberries, blackberried, blackberrying) mora | mora di rovo | rovo blackbird [/ˈblakbəːd/ | /ˈblækˌbɚd/] {noun, verb} (blackbirds, blackbirded, blackbirding) merlo blackboard [/ˈblækbɔɹd/ | /ˈblækbɔːd/] {noun, verb} (blackboards, blackboarding, blackboarded) lavagna blackbody {noun} (blackbodies) corpo nero blackcap {noun} (blackcaps) capinera blackcurrant {noun} (blackcurrants) ribes nero blacken [/ˈblækən/] {verb} (blackens, blackening, blackened) annerire | sporcare blackhead {noun} comedone blackish [/ˈblækɪʃ/] {adjective} (most blackish, more blackish) nerastro blackish-gray antshrike {noun} (blackish-gray antshrikes) averla formichiera grigionero blackjack [/ˈblækdʒæk/] {noun, verb} (blackjacks, blackjacking, blackjacked) manganello blacklist [/ˈblæklɪst/] {noun, verb} (blacklists, blacklisted, blacklisting) blacklist blackmail {noun, verb} (blackmails, blackmailed, blackmailing) ricatto | ricattare blackmailer {noun} (blackmailers) ricattatore | ricattatrice blackness [/ˈblæknəs/] {noun} (blacknesses) nerezza blackout [/ˈblækaʊt/] {noun} (blackouts) deliquio | lipotimia | mancamento | svenimento blackshirt {noun} (blackshirts) squadrista | camicia nera blacksmith [/ˈblæk.smɪθ/] {noun} (blacksmiths) maniscalco | fabbro ferraio | maniscalca blackthorn [/ˈblækˌθɔɹn/ | /ˈblækˌθɔːn/] {noun} (blackthorns) prugnolo blackwater {noun} (blackwaters) acqua di scolo | acque nere bladder [/ˈblædə/ | /ˈblæɾɚ/] {noun, verb} (bladders, bladdered, bladdering) vescica bladder cherry {noun} (bladder cherries) alchechengi blade [/bleɪd/] {noun, verb} (blades, blading, bladed) lama | filo | lamina | pala blade of grass {noun} (blades of grass) filo d'erba bladed [/ˈbleɪdɪd/] {adjective, verb} gambuto blagger {noun} (blaggers) rapinatore blah [/blɑː/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (more blah, most blah, blahs, blahed, blahing) bla | bla bla | bla bla bla blah blah blah {interjection} blablabla Blairism {noun} blairismo Blaise {properNoun} Biagio blame [/bleɪm/] {noun, verb} (blames, blaming, blamed) biasimare | colpa | dare torto | incolpare blameless {adjective} (more blameless, most blameless) innocente blameworthy [/ˈbleɪmˌwɚ.ði/ | /ˈbleɪmˌwɜː(ɹ).ði/] {adjective} (most blameworthy, more blameworthy) biasimabile | deprecabile | vituperabile blanch [/blɑːntʃ/] {verb} (blanches, blanched, blanching) imbiancare Blanche {properNoun} Bianca blancmange [/bləˈmɑn(d)ʒ/ | /bləˈmɒn(d)ʒ/] {noun} budino bland [/blænd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blander, blandest, blands, blanding, blanded) blando | fiacco | insipido blandish [/ˈblændɪʃ/] {verb} (blandishes, blandished, blandishing) accivettare blank [/blæŋk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most blank, blankest, blanker, more blank, blanks, blanking, blanked) vuoto | cartuccia a salve | in bianco | intatto | intonso blank check {noun} (blank checks) assegno in bianco blanket [/ˈblæŋkɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blankets, blanketed, blanketing) coperta | coltre | mantello blare [/blɛə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blares, blared, blaring) scheggia Blasius {properNoun} Biagio blaspheme [/ˈblæs.fim/ | /ˌblæsˈfiːm/] {noun, verb} (blasphemes, blaspheming, blasphemed) bestemmiare blasphemer {noun} (blasphemers) bestemmiatore blasphemous [/ˈblæs.fəm.əs/] {adjective} (most blasphemous, more blasphemous) blasfemo blasphemy [/ˈblæs.fə.mi/] {noun} (blasphemies) bestemmia | blasfemia blast [/blæst/ | /blɑːst/] {interjection, noun, verb} (blasts, blasting, blasted) esplosione | scoppio | citoblasto | colpo di vento | cribbio | far brillare! blast furnace {noun} (blast furnaces) altoforno blasted [/ˈblæst.ɪd/ | /ˈblɑːst.ɪd/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (more blasted, most blasted) maledetto blasting {noun, verb} (blastings) esplosione blasto- {prefix} blasto- blastocoel {noun} (blastocoels) blastocele blastocyst {noun} (blastocysts) blastocisti blastoderm [/ˈblæstəˌdɚm/] {noun} (blastoderms) blastoderma blastoff {noun} (blastoffs) decollo | lancio | partenza blastogenesis {noun} blastogenesi blastoma [/blæstˈoʊmə/] {noun} (blastomas, blastomata) blastoma blastomere {noun} (blastomeres) blastomero blastopore {noun} (blastopores) blastoporo blastospore [/ˈblæstəˌspɔːɹ/] {noun} (blastospores) blastospora blastula {noun} (blastulas, blastulae) blastula blasé [/blɑˈzeɪ/ | /ˈblɑːzeɪ/] {adjective} (most blasé, more blasé) blasé | disilluso | disincantato | indifferente | scettico blat {noun, verb} (blats, blatting, blatted) blat blatant [/ˈbleɪtənt/] {adjective} (more blatant, most blatant) appariscente | assordante | chiassoso | fragoroso | gigantesco | macroscopico blather [/blæðə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blathers, blathering, blathered) blaterare | sproloquiare | straparlare blaxploitation {noun} blaxploitation blaze [/bleɪz/] {noun, verb} (blazes, blazing, blazed) fiamma | fiammata | vampa blazer [/ˈbleɪzə/ | /ˈbleɪzɚ/] {noun} (blazers) blazer | giacca blazing [/ˈbleɪzɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blazings) ardente blazon [/ˈbleɪzən/] {noun, verb} (blazons, blazoned, blazoning) blasonatura | blason | blasonare | blasone | divisare bleach {adjective, noun, verb} (more bleach, bleacher, most bleach, bleachest, bleaches, bleached, bleaching) varechina | imbiancare | candeggina | sbiancare | candeggiare | decolorante bleachers {noun} gradinate bleak [/bliːk/] {adjective, noun} (bleakest, bleaker, bleaks, bleak) alborella | alburno | desolato | incolore | infelice | misero bleakness {noun} (bleaknesses) tetraggine blear [/ˈblɪə/] {adjective, verb} (more blear, most blear, blears, blearing, bleared) nuvoloso bleary {adjective} (blearest, blearer) esaurito bleat [/ˈbliːt/] {noun, verb} (bleats, bleated, bleating) belare | belato bleed [/ˈbliːd/] {noun, verb} (bleeds, bleeding, bled) sanguinare bleeder {noun} (bleeders) emofiliaco bleeding [/ˈbliːdɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} sanguinamento bleep {noun, verb} (bleeps, bleeped, bleeping) parlare con voce stridula bleep censor {noun} (bleep censors) censore di segnale blemish [/ˈblɛmɪʃ/] {noun, verb} (blemishes, blemished, blemishing) macchia blend [/blɛnd/] {noun, verb} (blends, blending, blent, blended) mescolare | miscela | amalgama | amalgamare | combinazione | miscelare blended [/ˈblɛndɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most blended, more blended) tagliato blended family {noun} (blended families) famiglia ricomposta blender [/ˈblɛndə/ | /ˈblɛndɚ/] {noun} (blenders) frullatore blending [/ˈblɛndɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (blendings) taglio blennorrhea {noun} blenorragia blenny {noun} (blennies) bavosa blepharitis [/blɛfəɹˈaɪtɪs/] {noun} (blepharitides) blefarite blepharoptosis {noun} blefaroptosi bless [/blɛs/] {interjection, verb} (blesses, blessing, blest, blessed) benedire bless you {interjection} salute blessed [/blɛst/ | /ˈblɛsɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most blessed, more blessed) beato | benedetta blessedness [/ˈblɛsɪdnɪs/] {noun} (blessednesses) beatitudine blessing [/ˈblɛs.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (blessings) benedizione blessing in disguise {noun} (blessings in disguise) bene insperato | non tutto il male viene per nuocere bleu celeste {noun} campo di cielo blight [/blaɪt/] {noun, verb} (blights, blighted, blighting) rovina | rovinare blighter {noun} (blighters) inetto blimey [/ˈblaɪmi/] {interjection} cribbio | dannazione | foccalabindella | miseriaccia | ostia | perbacco blimp [/blɪmp/] {noun, verb} (blimps, blimping, blimped) dirigibile floscio blind [/blaɪnd/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (blinder, blindest, most blind, more blind, blinds, blinding, blinded) cieco | orbo | accecare | ciecamente | tenda blind as a bat {adjective} cieco come una talpa blind date {noun} (blind dates) appuntamento al buio blind man's buff {noun} mosca cieca | moscacieca blind spot {noun} (blind spots) punto cieco blinder [/ˈblaɪndə/ | /ˈblaɪndɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blinders, blindering, blindered) paraocchi blindfold {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (blindfolds, blindfolding, blindfolded) benda | bendaggio | bendare gli occhi | bendatura blindfolded {adjective, verb} bendato blindly [/ˈblaɪndli/] {adverb} (more blindly, most blindly) a casaccio | a tentoni | alla cieca | alla leggera blindman {noun} (blindmen) cieco blindness {noun} (blindnesses) cecità blindside [/ˈblaɪndˌsaɪd/] {noun, verb} (blindsides, blindsiding, blindsided) cogliere alla sprovvista bling bling [/blɪŋ blɪŋ/] {noun} bling bling blink [/blɪŋk/] {noun, verb} (blinks, blinking, blinked) lampeggiare | sbattere le ciglia | ammiccare | battito di ciglia | in un batter d'occhio | intermittenza blink of an eye {noun} (blinks of an eye) batter d'occhi | batter d'occhio | battito di ciglia blinker [/ˈblɪŋkə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blinkers, blinkered, blinkering) paraocchi blip [/blɪp/] {noun, verb} (blips, blipping, blipped) maglia bliss [/blɪs/] {noun} (blisses) beatitudine blissful {adjective} (more blissful, most blissful) beato blister [/ˈblɪstɚ/] {noun, verb} (blisters, blistered, blistering) bolla | vescica blithe [/blaɪð/] {adjective} (blithest, blither) indifferente blithely [/ˈblaɪðli/] {adverb} (most blithely, more blithely) allegramente | spensieratamente blitz [/blɪts/] {noun, verb} (blitzes, blitzed, blitzing) carica blitz chess {noun} partita lampo Blitzen {properNoun} Lampo blitzkrieg {noun} (blitzkriegs) guerra lampo | guerra celere blizzard [/ˈblɪ.zəd/ | /ˈblɪ.zɚd/] {noun, verb} (blizzards, blizzarding, blizzarded) bufera di neve | tormenta | marea | montagna bloat [/bloʊt/ | /bləʊt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bloat, more bloat, bloats, bloating, bloated) gonfiare | gonfiarsi bloated [/ˈbloʊtɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most bloated, more bloated) gigantesco blob [/blɑb/ | /blɒb/] {noun, verb} (blobs, blobbing, blobbed) pasta bloc [/blɑk/ | /blɒk/] {noun} (blocs) blocco block [/blɑk/ | /blɒk/] {noun, verb} (blocks, blocking, blocked) blocco | bloccare | ceppo | blocchetto | bozzello | condominio block and tackle {noun} (block and tackles, blocks and tackles) paranco | polispasto blockade [/blɑˈkeɪd/ | /blɒˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (blockades, blockaded, blockading) blocco blockage {noun} blocco blockboard {noun} paniforte blockbuster [/ˈblɒkˌbʌstə(ɹ)/] {noun} (blockbusters) successo commerciale blockbuster block-buster blockbuster blocked {adjective, verb} (most blocked, more blocked) inagibile blockhead {noun, verb} (blockheads, blockheaded, blockheading) idiota | imbecille | testone blockhouse {noun} (blockhouses) casamatta blog [/blɑɡ/ | /blɒɡ/] {noun, verb} (blogs, blogging, blogged) blog | bloggare | diario in rete blogger [/ˈblɒ.ɡə(ɹ)/ | /ˈblɔ.ɡɚ/] {noun} (bloggers) blogghista | blogger | bloggista blogosphere {noun} (blogospheres) blogosfera blogpost {noun} (blogposts) nota bloke [/bləʊk/] {noun} (blokes) zio blomm fioritura blond [/blɑnd/ | /blɒnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blondest, most blond, more blond, blonder, blonds, blonding, blonded) biondo | bionda blonde [/blɑnd/ | /blɒnd/] {adjective, noun} (blondest, more blonde, most blonde, blonder, blondes) biondo blondness {noun} biondezza blood [/blʊd/ | /blʌd/] {noun, verb} (bloods, blooding, blooded) sangue blood cell {noun} (blood cells) globulo blood clot {noun} (blood clots) trombosi blood diamond {noun} (blood diamonds) diamante di sangue blood donor {noun} (blood donors) donatore del sangue blood is thicker than water {proverb} il sangue non è acqua blood moon {noun} (blood moons) luna di sangue | luna rossa blood orange {noun} (blood oranges) arancia sanguinella blood plasma {noun} (blood plasmas) plasma sanguigno blood poisoning {noun} sepsi blood pressure {noun} pressione del sangue | pressione sanguigna | pressione blood product emocomponente blood red {adjective, noun} (most blood red, more blood red, blood reds) rosso sangue blood relation {noun} (blood relations) parente stretto blood sausage {noun} (blood sausages) sanguinaccio blood sugar {noun} (blood sugars) glicemia blood tax {noun} (blood taxes) imposta di sangue blood test {noun} (blood tests) esame del sangue blood transfusion {noun} (blood transfusions) trasfusione di sangue blood type {noun} (blood types) gruppo sanguigno blood vessel {noun} (blood vessels) vaso sanguigno blood volume {noun} volemia blood-sucker {noun} (blood-suckers) vampiro bloodbath [/ˈblʌdˌbæθ/] {noun} (bloodbaths) bagno di sangue bloodcurdling {adjective} (most bloodcurdling, more bloodcurdling) straziante bloodhound [/ˈblʌdhaʊnd/] {noun} (bloodhounds) segugio bloodless {adjective} (more bloodless, most bloodless) esanime bloodletting {noun, verb} (bloodlettings) salasso bloodline {noun} (bloodlines) lignaggio bloodlust [/ˈblʌdˌlʌst/] {noun} sete di sangue bloodroot {noun} (bloodroots) cinquefoglia tormetilla bloodshed [/ˈblʌdˌʃɛd/] {noun} (bloodsheds) carneficina | ecatombe | spargimento di sangue bloodshot {adjective} (more bloodshot, most bloodshot) congestionata bloodstain {noun} (bloodstains) macchia di sangue bloodstained {adjective} (more bloodstained, most bloodstained) insanguinato bloodstream [/ˈblʌd.stɹɪim/] {noun} (bloodstreams) flusso sanguigno bloodsucker {noun} (bloodsuckers) sanguisuga bloodthirsty [/ˈblʌdˌθɚsti/ | /ˈblʌdθəːsti/] {adjective} (bloodthirster, bloodthirstest, most bloodthirsty, more bloodthirsty) sanguinario bloody [/ˈblʌ.di/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bloodies, bloodest, blooder, more bloody, most bloody, bloodied, bloodying) insanguinato | sanguinoso | cruento | fottuto | insanguinare | maledetto bloody hell {adverb, interjection} cacca bloody mary {noun} (bloody maries, bloody marys) bloody mary bloom [/bluːm/] {noun, verb} (blooms, blooming, bloomed) pruina blooming [/ˈbluː.mɪŋ/ | /ˈblʊ.mɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most blooming, more blooming) fioritura blooper [/ˈblupɚ/ | /ˈbluːpə/] {noun} (bloopers) errore blossom [/ˈblɑ.səm/ | /ˈblɒ.səm/] {noun, verb} (blossoms, blossomed, blossoming) fiorire | bocciuolo blossoming {noun, verb} (blossomings) antesi blot [/blɑt/ | /blɒt/] {noun, verb} (blots, blotting, blotted) macchia | macchiare blot out {verb} oscurare | scomparire blotch [/blɑtʃ/ | /blɒtʃ/] {noun, verb} (blotches, blotching, blotched) chiazzatura | macola | macula | picchiettatura | screziatura | striatura blotter {noun} (blotters) brogliaccio | registro blotting paper {noun} carta assorbente | tampone blotto [/ˈblɑtoʊ/ | /ˈblɒtəʊ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blotto, most blotto, blottos, blottoes, blottoing, blottoed) alcolizzato | avvinazzato | beone | essere fatto | sborniarsi | ubriacarsi blouse [/blaʊs/] {noun, verb} (blouses, bloused, blousing) blusa | camicetta | camicia | camisaccio blow [/bloʊ/ | /bləʊ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blow, most blow, blower, blowest, blows, blown, blowing, blew) soffiare | colpo | botta | folata | ventata blow away {verb} (blows away, blown away, blowing away, blew away) spazzare via blow hot and cold {verb} accendi una candela a Dio e una al diavolo blow job {noun} (blow jobs) pompino blow me down {interjection} cacca blow off {verb} (blows off, blown off, blowing off, blew off) fare una scoreggia blow off steam {verb} (blows off steam, blown off steam, blowing off steam, blew off steam) sfogarsi blow one's nose {verb} soffiarsi blow out of proportion {verb} ingigantire blow over {verb} (blows over, blown over, blowing over, blew over) ammazzare blow softly aleggiare blow someone out of the water {verb} fervere blow someone's mind {verb} sbalordire blow the whistle {verb} (blows the whistle, blown the whistle, blowing the whistle, blew the whistle) denunciare blow to kingdom come {verb} fare a pezzi blow up {verb} (blows up, blowing up, blown up, blew up) esplodere | gonfiare | saltare in aria blow with a beam stangata blow with a bludgeon mazzata blow-by-blow {adjective, noun} (blow-by-blows) dettaliato blow-up {adjective, noun} (blow-ups) esplosione blower {noun} (blowers) soffiatore blowfish {noun} (blowfish, blowfishes) pesce palla blowgun {noun} (blowguns) cerbottana blowhard [/ˈbloʊhɑɹd/ | /ˈbləʊhɑːd/] {noun} (blowhards) fanfarone blowhole {noun, verb} (blowholes, blowholing, blowholed) sfiatatoio blowjob [/ˈbloʊdʒɑb/ | /ˈbləʊdʒɒb/] {noun} (blowjobs) pompino | bocchino | pompa blowpipe blowgun cerbottana blowpipe peashooter cerbottana blowtorch [/ˈbloʊˌtɔɹtʃ/ | /ˈbləʊˌtɔːtʃ/] {noun, verb} (blowtorches, blowtorched, blowtorching) lampada per saldare blowy {adjective, noun} (blowest, blower, blowies) ventoso Blu-ray [[ˈbluːˌɹeɪ]] {noun} Blu-ray Disc blubber [/ˈblʌbɚ/] {noun, verb} (blubbers, blubbered, blubbering) adipe | pannicolo bludgeon [/blʌdʒ.ən/] {noun, verb} (bludgeons, bludgeoned, bludgeoning) mazza blue [/bljuː/ | /blu/ | /bluː/ | /blɪʊ̯/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bluer, bluest, blues, bluing, blueing, blued, most blue, more blue) blu | azzurro | malinconico | a luci rosse | depresso | triste Blue Banana {properNoun} banana blu blue beret {noun} (blue berets) casco blu blue blood {noun} sangue blu blue cheese {noun} formaggio blu blue green {adjective, noun} (blue greens) verde bluastro blue grey grigio bluastro blue jay {noun} (blue jays) cyanocitta cristata blue lilac lilla bluastro blue mussel {noun} (blue mussels) cozza Blue Planet {noun} pianeta azzurro blue screen of death {noun} (blue screens of death) schermo blu della morte blue shark {noun} (blue sharks) verdesca blue tit {noun} (blue tits) cinciarella blue whale {noun} (blue whales) balenottera azzurra blue wildebeest {noun} (blue wildebeest) gnu striato | gnu azzurro blue-collar {adjective} (more blue-collar, most blue-collar) classe operaia blue-eyed {adjective} candido blue-eyed boy {noun} (blue-eyed boys) cocco di mamma blue-gray {adjective} (most blue-gray, more blue-gray) blu colomba blue-green {adjective} (most blue-green, more blue-green) verde blu blue-green alga {noun} (blue-green algae) cianobatterio blue-winged kookaburra {noun} (blue-winged kookaburras) kookaburra aliazzurre | kookaburra dalle ali azzurre Bluebeard {noun, properNoun} (Bluebeards) Barbablù blueberry [/ˈblu.ˌbɛ.ɹi/ | /ˈbluːb(ə)ɹi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blueberry, most blueberry, blueberries, blueberrying, blueberried) mirtillo bluebird {noun} (bluebirds) sialia bluebottle {noun} (bluebottles) fiordaliso bluefish {noun} (bluefish, bluefishes) pesce serra blueing {noun, verb} turchinetto blueness {noun} (bluenesses) azzurrità blueprint [/ˈbluːˌpɹɪnt/] {noun, verb} (blueprints, blueprinted, blueprinting) progetto blues [/bluːz/] {noun, verb} (blues) malinconia | paturnie blueshift [/ˈbluːˌʃɪft/] {noun} (blueshifts) spostamento verso il blu bluestocking {noun} (bluestockings) bas bleu bluethroat {noun} (bluethroats) pettazzurro bluetongue {noun} lingua blu Bluetooth [/ˈblutuθ/ | /ˈbluːtuːθ/] {properNoun} Dente Azzurro | bluetooth bluff [/blʌf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bluffest, bluffer, bluffs, bluffed, bluffing) scogliera bluish [/ˈbluːɪʃ/] {adjective} (more bluish, most bluish) bluastro | azzurrastro bluishly {adverb} (most bluishly, more bluishly) bluastro blunder [/ˈblʌn.də(ɹ)/ | /ˈblʌn.dɚ/] {noun, verb} (blunders, blundered, blundering) svarione | abbaglio | andare alla cieca | cantonata | errare | fare una gaffe blunderbuss [/ˈblʌndəbʌs/ | /ˈblʌndəɹbʌs/] {noun, verb} (blunderbusses, blunderbussing, blunderbussed) spingarda blunt [/blʌnt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blunter, bluntest, blunts, blunted, blunting) spuntato | ottuso | smussare | spuntare bluntly [/ˈblʌntli/] {adverb} (most bluntly, more bluntly) bruscamente bluntness [/ˈblʌnt.nəs/] {noun} (bluntnesses) crudezza blur [/blɜ(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blur, most blur, blurs, blurring, blurred) offuscare | sbavare blurb [/blɝ(ː)b/] {noun, verb} (blurbs, blurbed, blurbing) fascetta pubblicitaria blurred [/blɜːd/ | /blɝd/] {adjective, verb} (most blurred, more blurred) in penombra blurry [/ˈblɜːɹi/] {adjective} (blurrest, blurrer) sfocato blurt [/ˈblɜːt/ | /ˈblɝt/] {noun, verb} (blurts, blurted, blurting) blaterare blush [/blʌʃ/] {noun, verb} (blushes, blushing, blushed) arrossire | fard bluster [/ˈblʌs.tə/ | /ˈblʌs.tɚ/] {noun, verb} (blusters, blustering, blustered) sbruffoneria blustery {adjective} (most blustery, more blustery) burrascoso boa [/ˈboʊ.ə/ | /ˈbəʊ.ə/] {noun} (boae, boas) boa boar [/bo(ː)ɹ/ | /boə/ | /bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/] {noun} (boars, boar) verro boar-spear {noun} (boar-spears) spiedo Board {properNoun} (Boards) ministero board [/bo(ː)ɹd/ | /boəd/ | /bɔːd/ | /bɔːɹd/] {noun, verb} (boards, boarded, boarding) asse | tavola | lavagna | vitto | abbordare | bordo board and lodging {noun} vitto e alloggio board game {noun} (board games) gioco da tavolo board member {noun} (board members) presidenza board of directors {noun} (boards of directors) consiglio d'amministrazione boarder [/ˈbo(ː)ɹdɚ/ | /ˈboədə/ | /ˈbɔədə/ | /ˈbɔɹdɚ/ | /ˈbɔːdə/] {noun} (boarders) pensionante boarding {noun, verb} imbarco | abbordaggio | arrembaggio | assalto | assito | attraccaggio boarding house {noun} (boarding houses) pensione boarding party {noun} (boarding parties) gruppo d'assalto boarding pass [/ˈbɔɹdɪŋ ˌpæs/] {noun} (boarding passes) carta d'imbarco boarding school {noun} (boarding schools) collegio | convitto | internato boarding-school collegio boarhound {noun} (boarhounds) veltro boast [/boʊst/ | /bəʊst/] {noun, verb} (boasts, boasted, boasting) vantarsi | guasconeria | vanteria boastful {adjective} (most boastful, more boastful) fanfarone boastfulness {noun} (boastfulnesses) millanteria boasting {noun, verb} (boastings) millanteria boat [/boʊt/ | /bəʊt/] {noun, verb} (boats, boated, boating) barca | battello | nave | full | lancia | natante boater [/ˈboʊ.tɚ/ | /ˈbɐʉt.ɘ/ | /ˈbəʊt.ə/] {noun} (boaters) paglietta boatful {noun} (boatfuls, boatsful) barcata boathook {noun} (boathooks) gaffa | mezzomarinaro | alighiero boatman {noun} (boatmen) barcaiolo | battelliere boatswain [/ˈboʊ.sn̩/ | /ˈbəʊ.sn̩/ | /ˈbəʊtˌsweɪn/] {noun} (boatswains) nostromo boatswain’s chair bansigo bob [/bɑb/ | /bɒb/] {noun, verb} (bobs, bob, bobbing, bobbed) dondolare | ondeggiare | sballottare | sballottio | spuntare fuori | traballare bob haircut {noun} (bob haircuts) caschetto Bob's your uncle {phraseologicalUnit} ecco fatto bobbin {noun} (bobbins) bobina bobble [/ˈbɒbəl/] {noun, verb} (bobbles, bobbled, bobbling) pompon bobby [/ˈbɑbi/ | /ˈbɒbi/] {noun} (bobbies) agente | guardia | piedipiatti | poliziotto | questurino | sbirro bobcat [/ˈbɑbkæt/ | /ˈbɒbkæt/] {noun} (bobcats) lince rossa bobolink {noun} (bobolinks) doliconice bobsled {noun, verb} (bobsleds, bobsledding, bobsledded) bob bobsledder {noun} (bobsledders) bobbista bobsleigh {noun, verb} (bobsleighs, bobsleighing, bobsleighed) bob Boccaccian [/bəˈkɑːt͡ʃiən/] {adjective} (more Boccaccian, most Boccaccian) boccaccesco | boccacciano bocce [/ˈbɑtʃi/] {noun} bocce Bochum {properNoun} Bochum bock beer {noun} (bock beers) birra forte bodacious [/boʊˈdeɪʃəs/] {adjective, adverb} (more bodacious, most bodacious) attraente bode [/boʊd/ | /bəʊd/] {noun, verb} (bodes, boding, boded) far presagire | preannunciare | presagire | promettere bodice [/ˈbɑdɪs/ | /ˈbɒdɪs/] {noun} (bodices) corpetto | corpino bodily [/ˈbɑdɪli/ | /ˈbɒdɪli/] {adjective, adverb} (more bodily, most bodily) corporeo | corporale | corporalmente bodily fluid {noun} (bodily fluids) umore bodkin {adverb, noun} (bodkins) ragazzino body [/ˈbɑdi/ | /ˈbɒdi/] {noun, verb} (bodies, bodying, bodied) corpo | carrozzeria | ente | consistenza | organo | scafo body building culturismo body hair {noun} capello body language {noun} (body languages) linguaggio del corpo body louse {noun} (body lice) amico per la pelle | piattola body mass index {noun} (body mass indices, body mass indexes) IMC body of water {noun} (bodies of water) corpo d'acqua | massa d'acqua | specchio d'acqua body part {noun} (body parts) parte del corpo body shop {noun} (body shops) carrozzeria body snatcher {noun} (body snatchers) ultracorpo body-hugging {adjective} (more body-hugging, most body-hugging) attillato bodybuilder [/ˈbɑː.diˌbɪl.dɚ/ | /ˈbɒ.diˌbɪl.də/] {noun} (bodybuilders) culturista bodybuilding [/ˈbɑːdiˌbɪldɪŋ/ | /ˈbɒdiˌbɪldɪŋ/] {noun} culturismo | bodybuilding bodyguard [/ˈbɑːdiɡɑːɹd/ | /ˈbɒdiɡɑːd/] {noun, verb} (bodyguards, bodyguarding, bodyguarded) guardia del corpo bodysuit {noun} (bodysuits) body bodywork {noun} (bodyworks) carrozzeria Boeotia [/biːˈəʊʃə/] {properNoun} Beozia | Aonia Boeotian [/biːˈəʊʃən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Boeotian, more Boeotian, Boeotians) aonio | beota | beotico Boer [/ˈbʊəɹ/] {noun} (Boers) boero boffin [/ˈbɑfɪn/ | /ˈbɒfɪn/] {noun} (boffins) scienziato bog [/bɑɡ/ | /bɒɡ/ | /bɔɡ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bogs, bogged, bogging, bogger, boggest) torbiera | affossare | incasinare | insabbiare | palude bog down {verb} (bogs down, bogging down, bogged down) arenarsi | impaludarsi | impantanarsi bog iron ore {noun} ferro di palude bog roll {noun} carta igienica bogan [/ˈboʊɡən/] {noun, verb} (bogans, boganning, boganned) zotico bogatyr {noun} (bogatyrs, bogatyri) bogatyr bogey [/boʊɡi/ | /bəʊɡi/] {noun, verb} (bogeys, bogeyed, bogeying) babau bogey-man babau bogeyman [/ˈboʊɡimæn/ | /ˈbuɡiˌmæn/ | /ˈbəʊɡɪmæn/] {noun} (bogeymen) babau | uomo nero boggle [/ˈbɑ.ɡəl/ | /ˈbɒɡ.əl/] {noun, verb} (boggles, boggling, boggled) agitare bogie [/ˈboʊɡi/ | /ˈbəʊɡi/] {noun} (bogies) carrello motore di locomotiva Bogota [/ˌboʊɡəˈtɑː/] {properNoun} Bogotà bogue {noun, verb} (bogues, boguing, bogued) boga bogus [/ˈboʊ.ɡəs/ | /ˈbəʊ.ɡəs/] {adjective, noun} (more bogus, most bogus) brutto | falsificato | fritto | truccato bogy {noun} (bogies) babau Bohemia [/boʊˈhimiə/] {noun, properNoun} (Bohemias) Boemia Bohemian waxwing {noun} (Bohemian waxwings) beccofrusone Bohemond [/ˈbəʊəmənd/] {properNoun} Boemondo bohrium [/ˈbɔːɹiəm/] {noun} bohrio boil [/bɔɪl/] {noun, verb} (boils, boiling, boiled) bollire | foruncolo | far bollire | lessare | pustola boil down {verb} riassumare boil up {noun, verb} (boil ups, boils up, boiled up, boiling up) bollire boiled [/bɔɪld/] {adjective, verb} (more boiled, most boiled) bollito boiled egg {noun} (boiled eggs) uovo alla coque | uovo bazzotto | uovo sodo boiler [/ˈbɔɪlə/ | /ˈbɔɪlɚ/] {noun} (boilers) caldaia | boiler | bollitore | scaldabagno boiler room {noun} (boiler rooms) locale delle caldaie boiler suit {noun} (boiler suits) tuta boiling [/ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most boiling, more boiling, boilings) bollente | ebollizione boiling hot {adjective} bollente boiling point [/ˈbɔɪlɪŋ ˌpɔɪnt/] {noun} punto di ebollizione boisterous [/ˈbɔɪstəɹəs/] {adjective} (most boisterous, more boisterous) chiassoso | esuberante | tempestoso | turbolento bok choy {noun} cavolo cinese | pe-tsai bokeh [/ˈboʊ.kə/] {noun} bokeh Bokmål {noun} bokmål bold [/boʊld/ | /bəʊld/] {adjective, noun, verb} (boldest, bolder, bolds, bolding, bolded) ardito | audace | baldo | coraggioso | grassetto | sfrontato boldface {noun, verb} (boldfaces, boldfaced, boldfacing) grassetto boldly [/ˈboʊldli/ | /ˈbəʊldli/] {adverb} (boldler, more boldly, most boldly, boldlest) arditamente | audacemente | coraggiosamente | sfrontatamente | valentemente boldness [/ˈboʊldnəs/ | /ˈbəʊldnəs/] {noun}

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