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consolidation {noun} consolidazione consonance {noun} consonanza consonant [/ˈkɑn.sə.nənt/ | /ˈkɒn.sə.nənt/] {adjective, noun} (most consonant, more consonant, consonants) consonante consonantal [/ˈkɒn.sə.nʌnt.əl/ | [ˈkʰɑn.sə.nən(ɾ).əɫ]] {adjective} (more consonantal, most consonantal) consonantico consonantism {noun} consonantismo consort [/kənˈsɔɹt/ | /kənˈsɔːt/ | /ˈkɑnsɔɹt/ | /ˈkɒnsɔːt/] {noun, verb} (consorts, consorting, consorted) consorte consortium [/kənˈsɔː(ɹ).ʃəm/] {noun} (consortia, consortiums) consorzio conspicuous [/kənˈspɪk.ju.əs/] {adjective} (more conspicuous, most conspicuous) consumismo conspicuously {adverb} (more conspicuously, most conspicuously) ostensibilmente conspiracism {noun} cospirazionismo | complottismo conspiracy [/kənˈspɪɹəsi/] {noun, verb} (conspiracies, conspiracied, conspiracying) cospirazione conspiracy of silence [/kənˌspɪɹəsi əv ˈsaɪləns/] {noun} (conspiracies of silence) omertà conspiracy theory [/kɘnˈspɘɹɘsiː θiəɹiː/ | /kənˈspɪɹəsi θi.əɹi/ | /kənˈspɪɹəsi θɪəɹi/ | /kənˈspɪɹəsiː θɪəɹiː/] {noun} (conspiracy theories) teoria del complotto conspirator [/kənˈspɪɹətə/ | /kənˈspɪɹətɚ/] {noun} (conspirators) complottardo | congiurato | cospiratore | congiurata | cospiratrice conspiratorial [/kənˌspɪɹəˈtɔːɹɪəl/] {adjective} (more conspiratorial, most conspiratorial) cospirativo | cospiratorio conspiratory {adjective} (most conspiratory, more conspiratory) cospirativo conspire {verb} (conspires, conspiring, conspired) colludere constable [/ˈkɑnstəbəl/ | /ˈkʌnstəbəl/] {noun, verb} (constables, constabled, constabling) agente (polizia) | appuntato (carabinieri) constabulary [/kənˈstæbjʊləɹi/] {adjective, noun} (constabularies) gendarmeria Constance {properNoun} Costanza constancy {noun} (constancies) costanza constant [/ˈkɑnstənt/ | /ˈkɒnstənt/] {adjective, noun} (more constant, most constant, constants) costante constantan {noun} costantana Constantine [/ˈkɒns.tənˌtaɪn/ | /ˈkɒns.tənˌtiːn/] {properNoun} Costantino Constantinian {adjective} (most Constantinian, more Constantinian) costantiniano Constantinople [/ˌkɔnstæntɪˈnəʊp(ə)l/] {properNoun} Costantinopoli Constantinopolitan [/ˌkɒnˌstæntɨnɵˈpɒlɨtən/] {adjective, noun} (Constantinopolitans) costantinopolitano constantly [/ˈkɒnstəntli/] {adverb} (most constantly, more constantly) costantemente constellation [/ˌkɑn.stəˈleɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌkɒn.stəˈleɪ.ʃən/] {noun} (constellations) costellazione consternate {verb} (consternates, consternating, consternated) costernare consternated {adjective, verb} (more consternated, most consternated) costernato consternation [/ˌkɑn.stɚˈne͡ɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌkɒn.stəˈneɪ.ʃən/] {noun} costernazione constipation {noun} stitichezza | stipsi constituency {noun} (constituencies) circoscrizione constituent {adjective, noun} (constituents) elettore | elemento | costituente | costitutivo constitute [/ˈkɑnstɪt(j)uːt/ | /ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt/] {noun, verb} (constitutes, constituted, constituting) costituire | creare | deputare | formare | nominare | rappresentare constituted [/ˈkɑnstɪtutɪd/ | /ˈkɒnstɪtjuːtɪd/] {verb} costituito constitution [/ˌkɑnstɪˈtuʃən/ | /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən/] {noun} (constitutions) costituzione constitutional [/ˌkɑnstɪˈtuːʃənəl/ | /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənəl/] {adjective, noun} (most constitutional, more constitutional, constitutionals) costituzionale constitutional law {noun} diritto costituzionale constitutional monarchy {noun} (constitutional monarchies) monarchia costituzionale constitutionalism [/ˌkɑnstɪˈtuʃənəˌlɪzəm/ | /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənəˌlɪzəm/] {noun} costituzionalismo constitutionalist {adjective, noun} (most constitutionalist, more constitutionalist, constitutionalists) costituzionalista constitutionalistic {adjective} (more constitutionalistic, most constitutionalistic) costituzionalistico constitutionality {noun} (constitutionalities) costituzionalità constitutive {adjective} (most constitutive, more constitutive) costitutivo constrain [/kənˈstɹeɪn/] {verb} (constrains, constrained, constraining) costringere | limitare constraint [/kənˈstɹeɪnt/] {noun} costrizione | vincolo constriction {noun} costrizione construal [/kənˈstɹuːəl/] {noun} interpretazione construct [/kənˈstɹʌkt/ | /ˈkɑn.stɹʌkt/ | /ˈkɒn.stɹʌkt/] {noun, verb} (constructs, constructing, constructed) costruire | costruzione constructed language {noun} (constructed languages) lingua artificiale constructible {adjective} costruibile construction [/kənˈstɹʌkʃən/] {noun} costruzione construction site {noun} (construction sites) cantiere construction worker {noun} (construction workers) edile constructional {adjective} (more constructional, most constructional) strutturale constructive [/kənˈstɹʌktɪv/] {adjective} (most constructive, more constructive) costruttivo constructivism {noun} costruttivismo constructor {noun} (constructors) costruttore construe [/kənˈstɹuː/ | /ˈkɒnstəɹ/] {noun, verb} (construes, construing, construed) derivare consubstantial [/ˌkɒnsəbˈstanʃəl/] {adjective} (more consubstantial, most consubstantial) consostanziale | consustanziale consubstantiality {noun} (consubstantialities) consustanzialità consubstantiation [/kɔn.sʌbs.tn̩.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} (consubstantiations) consustanziazione consul [/ˈkɑn.səl/ | /ˈkɒn.səl/] {noun} (consuls) console consular {adjective} consolare consulate [/ˈkɑnsəlɨt/ | /ˈkɒnsjʊlət/] {noun} (consulates) consolato consult [/kənˈsʌlt/ | /ˈkɑnsʌlt/ | /ˈkɒnsʌlt/] {noun, verb} (consults, consulting, consulted) consultare | consultarsi consultancy {noun} (consultancies) consulenza consultant [/kənˈsʌltənt/] {noun} (consultants) consulente consultation [/ˌkɑnsl̩ˈteɪʃən/ | /ˌkɒnsl̩ˈteɪʃən/] {noun} consiglio consulting [/kənˈsʌltɪŋ/] {verb} consulente consume [/kənˈsjuːm/ | /kənˈsuːm/] {verb} (consumes, consuming, consumed) consumare consumer [/kənˈsjuːmə/ | /kənˈsumɚ/] {noun} (consumers) consumatore | consumatrice consumer credit {noun} credito al consumo consumer price index {noun} indice prezzi al consumo consumerism {noun} consumismo consumerist {adjective, noun} (more consumerist, most consumerist, consumerists) consumista consuming {adjective, noun, verb} (more consuming, most consuming, consumings) alimentazione consummate [/ˈkɑnsəmeɪt/ | /ˈkɑnsəmət/ | /ˈkɒnsəmeɪt/ | /ˈkɒnsəmət/] {adjective, verb} (most consummate, more consummate, consummates, consummating, consummated) complere | completare | completo | consumare | consumato consumption [/kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/] {noun} (consumptions) consumo | consunzione | deperimento contact [/ˈkɑntækt/ | /ˈkɒntækt/] {noun, verb} (contacts, contacting, contacted) contatto | contattare contact lens {noun} (contact lenses) lente a contatto contagion [/kənˈteɪdʒən/] {noun} contagio contagiosus infettivo contagious [/kənˈteɪdʒəs/] {adjective} (most contagious, more contagious) contagioso | infettivo contagiousness {noun} contagiosità | propagabilità contain [/kənˈteɪn/] {verb} (contains, containing, contained) contenere containable {adjective} (most containable, more containable) circoscrivibile | contenibile container [/kənˈteɪnə/ | /kənˈteɪnɚ/] {noun} (containers) contenitore | recipiente container ship {noun} (container ships) portacontainer container-deposit {noun} (container-deposits) caparra containerization {noun} containerizzazione containerize {verb} (containerizes, containerized, containerizing) containerizzare contaminant {noun} (contaminants) impurità contaminate [/kənˈtæmɪneɪt/] {verb} (contaminates, contaminated, contaminating) contaminare contaminated {adjective, verb} (more contaminated, most contaminated) infetto contamination [/kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/] {noun} contaminazione contaminative {adjective} (more contaminative, most contaminative) contaminante conte,mplation estasi contemn [/kənˈtɛm/] {verb} (contemns, contemned, contemning) disdegnare | disprezzare contemplate [/ˈkɑn.təmˌpleɪt/ | /ˈkɒn.təmˌpleɪt/] {verb} (contemplates, contemplating, contemplated) contemplare | considerare contemplation [/ˌkɑntəmˈpleɪʃən/ | /ˌkɒntəmˈpleɪʃən/] {noun} contemplazione contemporaneous [/kənˌtɛm.pəˈɹeɪ.ni.əs/] {adjective} contemporaneo contemporaneously [/kənˌtɛmpəˈɹeɪni.əsli/] {adverb} contemporaneamente contemporary [/kənˈtɛm.p(ə).ɹəɹ.i/] {adjective, noun} (more contemporary, most contemporary, contemporaries) contemporaneo | coetaneo | coevo contempt [/kənˈtɛmpt/] {noun} disprezzo contemptible [/kənˈtɛmptəbəl/] {adjective} (most contemptible, more contemptible) biasimabile | disdicevole | disprezzabile | riprovevole contemptuous [/kənˈtɛm(p).tʃu.əs/ | /kənˈtɛmp.tʃu.əs/] {adjective} (more contemptuous, most contemptuous) sprezzante | sdegnoso contemptuously [/kənˈtɛmp.tʃu.əs.li/] {adverb} (most contemptuously, more contemptuously) irrispettosamente | sprezzantemente contend [/kənˈtɛnd/] {verb} (contends, contended, contending) disputare contender [/kənˈtɛn.dɚ/] {noun} (contenders) avversario content [/kənˈtɛnt/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (more content, contentest, contenter, most content, contents, contented, contenting) contenuto | soddisfare | contento contention [/kənˈtɛnʃən/] {noun} disaccordo contentious [/kənˈtɛn.ʃəs/] {adjective} (most contentious, more contentious) aggressivo | bellicoso | controverso | provocatore contentiously {adverb} (more contentiously, most contentiously) litigiosamente | polemicamente contentment [/kənˈtɛntmənt/] {noun} (contentments) contentezza contents [/ˈkɑn.tɛnts/ | /ˈkɒn.tɛnts/] {noun, verb} contenuto contest [/kənˈtɛst/ | /ˈkɑn.tɛst/ | /ˈkɒn.tɛst/] {noun, verb} (contests, contested, contesting) concorso contestable {adjective} (more contestable, most contestable) contrastabile | oppugnabile contestant [/kənˈtɛstənt/] {noun} (contestants) competitore contestation {noun} contestazione contested {adjective, verb} (more contested, most contested) conteso context [/ˈkɑːntɛkst/ | /ˈkɒntɛkst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most context, more context, contexts, contexted, contexting) contesto context menu {noun} (context menus) menu contestuale context-sensitive {adjective} contestuale contextual {adjective} (most contextual, more contextual) contestuale contextualize {verb} (contextualizes, contextualizing, contextualized) contestualizzare contextually {adverb} (most contextually, more contextually) contestualmente contiguity [/kɒntɪˈɡjuːɪti/] {noun} (contiguities) contiguità contiguous [/kənˈtɪɡjuəs/] {adjective} contiguo continence {noun} (continences) astinenza | continenza | moderazione continent [/ˈkɑntɪnənt/ | /ˈkɒntɪnənt/] {adjective, noun} (most continent, more continent, continents) continente continental {adjective, noun} (more continental, most continental, continentals) continentale continental drift {noun} deriva dei continenti continental shelf {noun} (continental shelves) piattaforma continentale contingency [/kənˈtɪndʒənsi/] {noun} (contingencies) contingenza contingent [/kənˈtɪn.dʒənt/] {adjective, noun} (most contingent, more contingent, contingents) contingente | accidentale | casuale | casualità | eventualità | fortuito contingentism [/kənˈtɪn.dʒəntˌɪz.əm/] {noun} (contingentisms) contingentismo contingently {adverb} (most contingently, more contingently) contingentemente continual [/kənˈtɪnjuəl/] {adjective} continuo continually [/kənˈtɪnjuəli/] {adverb} (most continually, more continually) continuamente continuance [/kənˈtɪnjuəns/ | /kənˈtɪnjʊəns/] {noun} continuazione continuation [/kəntɪnjʊˈeɪʃ(ə)n/] {noun} continuazione continuative {adjective, noun} (continuatives) continuativo continue [/kənˈtɪnjuː/] {noun, verb} (continues, continuing, continued) continuare continued [/kənˈtɪnjuːd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (continueds) continuo continued fraction {noun} (continued fractions) frazione continua continuity [/ˌkɑntɪˈn(j)uːəti/ | /ˌkɒntɪˈnjuːəti/] {noun} (continuities) continuità continuous [/kənˈtɪn.juː.əs/] {adjective} continuo continuous integration {noun} integrazione continua continuous piping/whistling zufolio continuous track cingolo continuously [/kənˈtɪnjuəsli/] {adverb} continuo continuum [/kənˈtɪnjuəm/] {noun} (continuums, continua) continuo continuum mechanics meccanica del continuo contoid [/ˈkɒn.tɔɪd/] {noun} (contoids) contoide contortionist {noun} (contortionists) contorsionista contour [/ˈkɒntʊə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (contours, contoured, contouring) contorno | profilo contour line {noun} (contour lines) isoipsa contournee rivoltato contourné {adjective} rivoltato contourr contorno contra [/ˈkɒntɹə/] {adverb, noun, preposition, verb} (more contra, most contra, contras) circa contraband [/ˈkɑn.tɹəˌbænd/ | /ˈkɒn.tɹəˌbænd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most contraband, more contraband, contrabands, contrabanding, contrabanded) contrabbando contrabass [/ˈkɑn.tɹə.ˌbeɪs/] {noun} (contrabasses) contrabbasso contrabassoon {noun} (contrabassoons) controfagotto contraception {noun} (contraceptions) contraccezione contraceptive [/ˈkɒn.tɹəˌsɛp.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more contraceptive, most contraceptive, contraceptives) contraccettivo contract [/kənˈtɹækt/ | /ˈkɑntɹækt/ | /ˈkɒntɹækt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (contracts, contracting, contracted) contratto | contrarre | contrattare contract bridge {noun} bridge contract of sale {noun} (contracts of sale) contratto di compravendita contractable {adjective} contraibile contracted [/kənˈtɹæktɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most contracted, more contracted) aggrottato contractible {adjective} (most contractible, more contractible) contraibile | contrattile contraction [/kɒnˈtɹæk.ʃən/ | /kənˈtɹæk.ʃən/] {noun} contrazione | accorciamento contractor [/ˈkɒnˌtɹæk.tə(ɹ)/] {noun} (contractors) appaltatore contractual {adjective} contrattuale contractualism {noun} contrattualismo contractualization {noun} contrattualizzazione contractualized {adjective} (more contractualized, most contractualized) contrattualizzato contracture {noun} contrattura contradict [/kɒntɹəˈdɪkt/] {verb} (contradicts, contradicted, contradicting) contradire contradiction [/ˌkɑːntɹəˈdɪkʃən/ | /ˌkɒntɹəˈdɪkʃən/] {noun} contraddizione contradiction in terms {noun} (contradictions in terms) contraddizione | ossimoro contradictorily {adverb} (more contradictorily, most contradictorily) contraddittoriamente contradictory [/ˌkɑntɹəˈdɪktəɹi/ | /ˌkɒntɹəˈdɪkt(ə)ɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more contradictory, most contradictory, contradictories) contraddittorio contradistinction [/ˌkɒntɹədɪˈstɪŋkʃn̩/] {noun} (contradistinctions) contrario contrafield {noun} (contrafields) controcampo contrail {noun} (contrails) scia di condensazione contraindicate {verb} (contraindicates, contraindicated, contraindicating) controindicare contraindication [/ˌkɒntɹəɪndɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} (contraindications) controindicazione contralto [/kɒnˈtɹæltəʊ/] {noun} (contraltos, contralti) contralto contraposition {noun} contrapposizione contrapositive proposition proposizione contronominale contraption [/kənˈtɹæp.ʃən/] {noun} (contraptions) aggeggio | catorcio | congegno | coso | diavoleria | ferro vecchio contrariety [/kɒntɹəˈɹʌɪəti/] {noun} (contrarieties) contrarietà contrarily {adverb} (more contrarily, most contrarily) anzi contrarious {adjective} (more contrarious, most contrarious) contrario contrarotating {adjective} controrotante contrarotation {noun} controrotazione contrary [/ˈkɑntɹɛɹi/ | /ˈkɒntɹəɹi/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (more contrary, most contrary, contraries, contrarying, contraried) contrario | opposto contras {noun} contrapporre contrast [/kənˈt(ʃ)ɹæst/ | /kənˈtɹɑːst/ | /ˈkɑnt(ʃ)ɹæst/ | /ˈkɒntɹɑːst/] {noun, verb} (contrasts, contrasted, contrasting) contrasto contrasting {adjective, verb} (more contrasting, most contrasting) contrastante contravariance {noun} controvarianza contravariant {adjective, noun} (contravariants) controvariante contravention {noun} contravvenzione contraventional {adjective} contravvenzionale contretemps [/kɑːn.tɹə.tɑ̃/ | /ˈkɒn.tɹə.tɑ̃ŋ/] {noun} (contretemps) fastidio contribute [/kənˈt(ʃ)ɹɪ.b(j)ət/ | /kənˈt(ʃ)ɹɪb.jut/ | /kənˈt(ʃ)ɹɪb.juːt/] {verb} (contributes, contributing, contributed) contribuire contribution [/ˌkɑntɹɪˈbjuʃən/ | /ˌkɒntɹɪˈbjuːʃən/] {noun} contributo | contribuzione contributive {adjective} (more contributive, most contributive) contributivo contributor {noun} (contributors) benefattore | collaboratore | contribuente | donatore contrite [/kənˈtɹaɪt/] {adjective, noun} (most contrite, more contrite, contrites) contrito contrition [/kənˈtɹɪʃən/] {noun} contrizione contrivance [/kənˈtɹaɪ.vəns/] {noun} (contrivances) accorgimento | aggeggio | artefizio | carretta | catorcio | espediente contrive [/kənˈtɹaɪv/] {verb} (contrives, contrived, contriving) architettare | combinare | complottare | escogitare | intrigare | inventare contrived [/kənˈtɹaɪvd/] {adjective, verb} (more contrived, most contrived) falso control [/kənˈt(ʃ)ɹoʊl/ | /kənˈtɹəʊl/] {noun, verb} (controls, controlled, controlling) controllare | controllo | autorità | comandi | comando | di controllo control car {noun} (control cars) carrozza semipilota control engineering {noun} ingegneria dell'automazione control surface {noun} (control surfaces) superficie di controllo | timone | timone di direzione (verticale) | timone di profondità (orizzontale) control tower {noun} (control towers) torre di controllo control unit centralina controlateral {adjective} controlaterale controllability {noun} (controllabilities) controllabilità controllable {adjective, noun} (most controllable, more controllable, controllables) dominabile | frenabile | raffrenabile controlled [/kənˈt(ʃ)ɹoʊld/ | /kənˈtɹəʊld/] {adjective, verb} (most controlled, more controlled) controllato controlled administration amministrazione controllata controller [/kənˈtɹoʊlɚ/ | /kənˈtɹəʊlə/] {noun} (controllers) controllore | controllo | revisore contronymy {noun} enantiosemia controversial [/kɑn.tɹə.ˈvɝ.ʃəl/ | /kɒn.tɹə.ˈvɜː.ʃəl/] {adjective} (most controversial, more controversial) controverso controversy [/kənˈtɹɒvəsi/ | /ˈkɑntɹəˌvɝsi/ | /ˈkɒntɹəˌvɜːsi/] {noun} (controversies) controversia contumacious [/ˌkɑːn.tʊˈmeɪ.ʃəs/ | /ˌkɒn.tjʊˈmeɪ.ʃəs/] {adjective} (most contumacious, more contumacious) contumace contumacy [/ˈkɒntjʊməsi/] {noun} (contumacies) contumacia | indocilità contumelious [/ˌkɑn.tʊˈmiː.li.əs/ | /ˌkɒn.tjʊˈmiː.li.əs/] {adjective} (most contumelious, more contumelious) sprezzante contumely [/ˈkɒntjuːməli/] {noun} (contumelies) contumelia conturb {verb} (conturbs, conturbing, conturbed) conturbare contuse [/kənˈtjuːz/] {verb} (contuses, contusing, contused) contundere contusio ammaccatura contusion {noun} contusione contusive {adjective} (more contusive, most contusive) contusivo conundrum [/kəˈnʌn.dɹəm/] {noun} (conundrums, conundra) indovinello | dilemma | enigma | rebus | rompicapo conurbation [/ˌkɑnɚˈbeɪʃən/ | /ˌkɒnəˈbeɪʃən/] {noun} (conurbations) conurbazione conure {noun} (conures) conuro convalesce [/ˌkɒn.vəˈlɛs/] {verb} (convalesces, convalesced, convalescing) guarire convalescence {noun} riconvalescenza convalescent {adjective, noun} (convalescents) convalescente convallamarin {noun} convallamarina convallarin {noun} convallarina convection [/kənˈvɛkʃən/] {noun} convezione convector {noun} (convectors) termoconvettore convene [/ˈkɒn.vɪin/] {verb} (convenes, convening, convened) convocare convenience [/kənˈvinjəns/ | /kənˈviːnɪəns/] {noun, verb} (conveniences, conveniencing, convenienced) comodità | a tempo debito | bagno pubblico | conveniente convenient [/kənˈvinjənt/ | /kənˈviːniənt/] {adjective} (most convenient, more convenient) conveniente | comodo conveniently {adverb} (more conveniently, most conveniently) comodamente convent [/ˈkɑn.vɛnt/ | /ˈkɒn.vɛnt/] {noun, verb} (convents, convented, conventing) convento convention [/kənˈvɛn.ʃən/] {noun} (conventions) convenzione conventional [/kənˈvɛnʃənl/] {adjective, noun} (more conventional, most conventional, conventionals) convenzionale conventionalism {noun} (conventionalisms) convenzionalismo conventionally {adverb} (more conventionally, most conventionally) convenzionalmente converge [/kən.ˈvɜːdʒ/] {verb} (converges, converged, converging) convergere convergence [/kənˈvɜː(ɹ)d͡ʒəns/] {noun} convergenza conversation [/ˌkɑn.vəɹˈseɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌkɒn.vəˈseɪ.ʃən/] {noun, verb} (conversations, conversationing, conversationed) conversazione | dialogo | discorso conversational {adjective} (most conversational, more conversational) colloquiale converse [/kənˈvɜːs/ | /kənˈvɝs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (converses, conversing, conversed) conversare converse proposition proposizione inversa conversely [/kənˈvɜːsli/ | /kənˈvɝsli/] {adverb} per converso conversion [/kənˈvɜːʃ(ə)n/ | /kənˈvɝʒən/] {noun} conversione conversione conversione convert [/kənˈvɛət/ | /kənˈvɛɹt/ | /ˈkɑn.vəɹt/ | /ˈkɒn.vəːt/] {noun, verb} (converts, converted, converting) convertire converter {noun} (converters) convertitore convertible [/kənˈvəɹdəbəl/ | /kənˈvəːtɪbəl/] {adjective, noun} (more convertible, most convertible, convertibles) decappottabile convertible bond convertendo convertible mark {noun} (convertible marks) marco convertibile convertiplane {noun} (convertiplanes) convertiplano convex [/ˈkɑnvɛks/ | /ˈkɒnvɛks/] {adjective, noun} (more convex, most convex, convexes) convesso convex hull {noun} (convex hulls) inviluppo convesso | involucro convesso convexity {noun} (convexities) convessità convey [/kənˈveɪ/] {verb} (conveys, conveying, conveyed) comunicare | esprimere | trasferire | trasportare conveyance [/kənˈveɪəns/] {noun, verb} (conveyances, conveyancing, conveyanced) porto conveyancer {noun} (conveyancers) notaio conveyancing [/kənˈveɪənsɪŋ/] {noun} trapasso conveyor [/kənˈveɪə/ | /kənˈveɪɚ/] {noun} (conveyors) convogliatore conveyor belt {noun} (conveyor belts) nastro trasportatore convict [/kənˈvɪkt/ | /ˈkɑnvɪkt/ | /ˈkɒnvɪkt/] {noun, verb} (convicts, convicted, convicting) condannare | carcerato | condannato | deportato conviction [/kənˈvɪkʃən/] {noun} convinzione | condanna convince [/kənˈvɪns/] {verb} (convinces, convincing, convinced) convincere convinced [/kənˈvɪnst/] {adjective, verb} (more convinced, most convinced) convinto convincing [/kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more convincing, most convincing) concludente | convincente convivial [/kənˈvɪv.i.əl/] {adjective} (more convivial, most convivial) gioviale convocation {noun} convocazione convoke [/kənˈvoʊk/] {verb} (convokes, convoking, convoked) convocare convoluted [/ˌkɑnvəˈlutəd/ | /ˌkɒnvəˈl(j)uːtɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most convoluted, more convoluted) accartocciato | appallottolato | complicato | contorto | convoluto | intricato convolution {noun} circonvoluzione convolvulus {noun} (convolvuli, convolvuluses) convolvolo convoy [/ˈkɒn.vɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (convoys, convoying, convoyed) convoglio convulsion [/kənˈvʌlʃən/] {noun} (convulsions) convulsione convulsive [/kənˈvʌlsɪv/] {adjective} (most convulsive, more convulsive) convulsivo convulsively {adverb} (more convulsively, most convulsively) convulsivamente coo [/ku/ | /kuː/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (most coo, more coo, coos, cooed, cooing) tubare | cuccu | grugare | tortoreggiare cook [/kuːk/ | /kʊk/] {noun, verb} (cooks, cooked, cooking) cuoco | cuoca | cucinare | cuocere cook book {noun} (cook books) ricettario Cook Islands [/ˈkʊk ˈai.ləndz/] {properNoun} Isole Cook cookbook [/ˈkʊkˌbʊk/] {noun} (cookbooks) ricettario cooked [/kʊkt/] {adjective, verb} (more cooked, most cooked) cotto | cucinato cooker [/ˈkʊkə/ | /ˈkʊkɚ/] {noun} (cookers) cucina cookery [/ˈkʊkəɹi/] {noun} (cookeries) cucina cookie [/ˈkuːki/ | /ˈkʊki/] {noun, verb} (cookies, cookieing, cookied) biscotto cookie jar {noun} (cookie jars) biscottiera cooking [/ˈkʊ.kɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} cucina cooking pot {noun} (cooking pots) calderone | cuccuma | marmitta | paiolo | pentola | tegame cooking utensil {noun} (cooking utensils) attrezzo da cucina cool [/kuːl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cools, cooling, cooled, cooler, coolest) freddo | a posto | accettabile | calmo | disinvolto | distaccato cool down {verb} refrigerare coolant [/ˈkuːlənt/] {noun} (coolants) refrigerante cooler [/ˈkuːl.ə(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun} congelatore | freezer | ghiacciaia | termos | thermos coolie [/ˈkuːli/] {noun} (coolies) penna cooling [/ˈkuːlɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cooling, most cooling, coolings) raffreddamento cooling tower {noun} (cooling towers) torre di raffreddamento coolly [/ˈkuːli/] {adjective, adverb} (more coolly, most coolly) freddamente coolness [/ˈkuːlnəs/] {noun} (coolnesses) freddezza coop [/kuːp/] {noun, verb} (coops, cooped, cooping) pollaio | stia cooper [/ˈkuːpə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (coopers, coopered, coopering) bottaio Cooper's hawk {noun} (Cooper's hawks) sparviere di Cooper cooperate [/koʊˈɒpəɹeɪt/] {verb} (cooperates, cooperated, cooperating) cooperare cooperation [/kowɑpəˈɹejʃən/] {noun} cooperazione cooperative {adjective, noun} (more cooperative, most cooperative, cooperatives) cooperativa | cooperativo cooperativism {noun} cooperativismo cooperator {noun} (cooperators) collaboratore coopt {verb} (coopts, coopting, coopted) cooptare coorbital {adjective} (more coorbital, most coorbital) co-orbitale | coorbitale coordinate [/koʊˈɔɹdənət/ | /koʊˈɔɹdənɪt/ | /koʊˈɔɹdəˌneɪt/ | /kəʊˈɔːdɪnɪt/ | /kəʊˈɔːdɪˌneɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (coordinates, coordinating, coordinated) coordinare | coordinata | coordinati coordinate system {noun} (coordinate systems) sistema di coordinate | sistema di riferimento coordination [/koʊˌɔɹdɪˈneɪʃən/] {noun} (coordinations) coordinazione coordination bond legame di coordinazione coordinator {noun} (coordinators) coordinatore | coordinatrice coot [/kuːt/] {noun} (coots) folaga cop [/kɑp/ | /kɒp/] {noun, verb} (cops, copped, copping) sbirro | poliziotto | piedipiatti | afferrare | catturare | prendere cop a feel {verb} palpeggiare cop on [/kɒp ɒn/] {noun, verb} (cops on, copping on, copped on) comportarsi da adulto | crescere cop-out {noun} (cop-outs) fannullone | furbata | irresponsabile | lavativo | pretesto | scansafatiche copacetic [/kəʊ.pəˈsɛt.ɪk/ | /ˌkoʊ.pəˈsɛt.ɪk/] {adjective} (most copacetic, more copacetic) geniale copaiba {noun} copaive copal [/ˈkoʊpəl/ | /ˈkəʊp(ə)l/] {noun} copale COPD {noun} (COPDs) BPCO cope [/kəʊp/] {noun, verb} (copes, coping, coped) affrontare cope with {verb} affrontare Copenhagen [/ˈkoʊpənˌheɪɡən/ | /ˌkəʊpənˈheɪɡən/] {noun, properNoun} (Copenhagens) Copenaghen Copernican {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Copernican, more Copernican, Copernicans) copernicano copernicium [/koʊpəɹˈnɪsi.əm/] {noun} copernicio Copernicus {properNoun} Copernico cophinus cofano copier [/ˈkɑpiɚ/ | /ˈkɒpɪə/] {noun} (copiers) copiatrice copilot {noun, verb} (copilots, copiloting, copiloted) copilota coping {noun, verb} (copings) capezzata | cimasa | copertina copious [/ˈkoʊpi.əs/] {adjective} (most copious, more copious) copioso coplanar [/kəʊˈpleɪnə(ɹ)/] {adjective} complanare copper [/ˈkɑ.pɚ/ | /ˈkɒp.ə/ | /ˈkɔp.ə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most copper, more copper, coppers, coppered, coppering) rame | poliziotto | agente di polizia copper brown marrone rame copper shark {noun} (copper sharks) squalo bronzo coppersmith {noun} (coppersmiths) fabbro di rame coppice [/ˈkɒpɪs/] {noun, verb} (coppices, coppicing, coppiced) bosco ceduo copra [/ˈkɒ.pɹə/] {noun} copra copresence {noun} compresenza copresent {adjective, verb} (copresents, copresented, copresenting) compresente coprime {adjective} coprimo coprocessor {noun} (coprocessors) coprocessore coproduce {verb} (coproduces, coproducing, coproduced) coprodurre coproducer {noun} (coproducers) coproduttore coprolalia [/ˌkɑpɹəˈleɪliə/] {noun} coprolalia coprolite [/ˈkɒpɹə(ʊ)lʌɪt/] {noun} (coprolites) coprolite coprophage {noun} (coprophages) coprofago coprophagy {noun} coprofagia coprophilia {noun} coprofilia copropraxia {noun} coproprassia copse [/kɒps/] {noun, verb} (copses, copsed, copsing) boschetto | bosco ceduo | fratta | macchia Copt [/kɑpt/ | /kɒpt/] {noun} (Copts) copto Coptic [/ˈkɑptɪk/ | /ˈkɒptɪk/] {adjective, noun} copto copublish {verb} (copublishes, copublishing, copublished) coeditare copula [/ˈkɑpjələ/ | /ˈkɒpjələ/ | /ˈkɒpjʊlə/] {noun} (copulae, copulas) copula copulate [/ˈkɒp.jə.leɪt/ | /ˈkɔ.pjə.leɪt/] {adjective, verb} (copulates, copulating, copulated) copulare copulation [/kɒp.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/] {noun} amplesso copy [/ˈkɑpi/ | /ˈkɒpi/] {noun, verb} (copies, copied, copying) copiare | copia | imitare | ricevere | replica copy and paste {verb} copiaincollare copy edit {noun, verb} (copy edits, copy edited, copy editing) correggere copy editor {noun} (copy editors) correttore copyable {adjective} (most copyable, more copyable) copiabile copycat {adjective, noun, verb} (most copycat, more copycat, copycats, copycatted, copycatting) copione copying [/ˈkɑpiɪŋ/ | /ˈkɒpiɪŋ/] {noun, verb} copia copyright [/ˈkɑpiˌɹaɪt/ | /ˈkɒpiˌɹaɪt/] {noun, verb} (copyrights, copyrighting, copyrighted) diritto d'autore | copyright | porre sotto copyright | tutelare i [[diritti d'autore]] | tutelare i copyright copyright infringement {noun} violazione del diritto d'autore copywrite {verb} (copywrites, copywritten, copywriting, copywrote) redigere copywriter [/ˈkɑːpiˌɹaɪɾɚ/ | /ˈkɒpiˌɹaɪtə/] {noun} (copywriters) redattore coquet [/ˈkɒk.ɛt/] {noun, verb} (coquets, coquetting, coquetted) zimbellare coquette [/koʊˈkɛt/ | /kɒˈkɛt/] {noun, verb} (coquettes, coquetting, coquetted) donna provocante coquettish {adjective} (more coquettish, most coquettish) civettuolo cor anglais [/ˌkɔɹ ɔŋˈɡleɪ/ | /ˌkɔːɹ ˈɒŋɡleɪ/] {noun} (cors anglais) corno inglese Cora {noun, properNoun} (Coras) Cora coral [/ˈkɒɹəl/ | /ˈkɔɹəl/] {adjective, noun} corallo | corallina | corallino coral red rosso corallo coral reef {noun} (coral reefs) barriera corallina coraller {noun} (corallers) corallaro coralline {adjective, noun} (more coralline, most coralline, corallines) corrallo corbis cofano cord [/kɔɹd/ | /kɔːd/] {noun, verb} (cords, corded, cording) cordone cordage [/ˈkɔːdɪdʒ/] {noun} paranco cordate [/ˈkɔːdeɪt/ | /ˈkɔːɹdeɪt/] {adjective} (most cordate, more cordate) cordata corded {adjective, verb} cordato cordeliere {noun} (cordelieres) cordelliera cordial [/ˈkɔɹ.dɪ.əl/ | /ˈkɔː.dɪ.əl/] {adjective, noun} (more cordial, most cordial, cordials) cordiale cordially [/ˈkɔɹdʒəli/ | /ˈkɔːdɪəli/] {adverb} (more cordially, most cordially) cordialmente cordierite {noun} cordierite cordless {adjective} cordless cordocentesis {noun} (cordocenteses) cordocentesi cordon [/kɔː(ɹ)dən/] {noun, verb} (cordons, cordoning, cordoned) fascia cordon off {verb} (cordons off, cordoned off, cordoning off) isolare cordon sanitaire [/ˌkɔːdɒn sanɪˈtɛː/] {noun} (cordons sanitaires) cordone sanitario corduroy [/ˈkɔɹdəɹɔɪ/ | /ˈkɔːdəɹɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (corduroys, corduroying, corduroyed) cord corduroy road {noun} (corduroy roads) strada di tronchi core [/ko(ː)ɹ/ | /koə/ | /kɔɹ/ | /kɔː/] {noun, verb} (cores, coring, cored) anima | caparra | essenza | nocciolo | nucleo | turno corectopia {noun} corectopia Corfiot {adjective, noun} (Corfiots) corfioto | corfiota Corfu [/ˈkɔɹ.fju/] {properNoun} Corfù corgi [/ˈkɔɹɡi/ | /ˈkɔːɡi/] {noun} (corgwn, corgis, corgies) corgi coriaceous {adjective} (most coriaceous, more coriaceous) coriaceo coriander [/ˌkɒɹiˈændə/] {noun} (corianders) coriandolo coriarius conciatore Corinna {properNoun} Corinna Corinth [/ˈkɒɹ.ɪnθ/] {properNoun} Corinto Corinthia {properNoun} Corinzia Corinthians {noun, properNoun} Corinzi Coriolis force {noun} (Coriolis forces) forza di Coriolis cork [/kɔɹk/ | /kɔːk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (corks, corked, corking) sughero | turacciolo cork oak {noun} (cork oaks) sughero | sughera corkage [/ˈkɔɹkɪdʒ/ | /ˈkɔːkɪdʒ/] {noun} diritto di tappo corking {adjective, noun, verb} (most corking, more corking) tappatura corking machine turabottiglie corkscrew [/ˈkɔɹk.skɹu/ | /ˈkɔːk.skɹuː/] {adjective, noun, verb} (corkscrews, corkscrewed, corkscrewing) cavatappi corm {noun} (corms) cormo cormorant [/ˈkɔɹməɹənt/ | /ˈkɔːməɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (more cormorant, most cormorant, cormorants) cormorano | marangone corn [/kɔɹn/ | /kɔːn/] {noun, verb} (corns, corning, corned) callo | durone | grano corn bunting {noun} (corn buntings) strillozzo corn dog {noun} (corn dogs) corn dog corn flakes {noun} (corn flake) fiocchi di mais corn on the cob {noun} pannocchia bollita corn poppy {noun} (corn poppies) papavero | rosolaccio corn salad {noun} dolcetta | valerianella cornbread {noun} focaccia corncob [/ˈkɔɹnkɒb/ | /ˈkɔːnkɒb/ | [ˈkɔɹnkɑb]] {noun, verb} (corncobs, corncobbing, corncobbed) pannocchia | tutolo corncockle {noun} (corncockles) agrostemma corncrake [/ˈkɔrnˌkreɪk/ | /ˈkɔːnkreɪk/] {noun} (corncrakes) re di quaglie | gallinella terrestre cornea [/ˈkɔː(ɹ)ni.ə/] {noun} (corneas) cornea corned beef {noun} carne in scatola cornel {noun} (cornels) corniolo | corniola Cornelia [/kɔɹˈniliə/ | /kɔːˈniːlɪə/] {properNoun} Cornelia Cornelius [/kɔɹˈniliəs/ | /kɔːˈniːlɪəs/] {properNoun} Como corner [/ˈkɔɹnɚ/ | /ˈkɔːnə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (corners, cornering, cornered) angolo | angolo sporgente | pietra d'angolo | sporgenza corner flag {noun} (corner flags) bandierina d'angolo corner kick {noun} (corner kicks) calcio d'angolo cornerstone {noun} (cornerstones) pietra angolare cornet [/kɔɹˈnɛt/ | /ˈkɔːnɪt/] {noun} (cornets) cornetta | cono di cialda cornetist {noun} (cornetists) cornettista cornett [/kɔɹˈnɛt/ | /ˈkɔːnɪt/] {noun} (cornetts) cornetto cornflower [/ˈkɔɹnˌflaʊɚ/] {adjective, noun} (cornflowers) fiordaliso cornice {noun, verb} (cornices, corniced, cornicing) cornice | cornicione corniche [/kɔːɹˈniːʃ/ | /kɔːˈniːʃ/] {noun} (corniches) lungomare Cornish [/ˈkɔːɹnɪʃ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} cornovagliese | cornico cornrow {noun, verb} (cornrows, cornrowed, cornrowing) treccine aderenti cornucopia [/ˌkɔː.nəˈkəʊ.pi.ə/ | /ˌkɔːɹ.nəˈkoʊ.pi.ə/] {noun} cornucopia Cornwall [/ˈkɔːnwɔːl/] {properNoun} Cornovaglia corny [/ˈkɔɹni/ | /ˈkɔːni/] {adjective} (more corny, most corny, cornest, corner) sdolcinato corolla [/kəˈɹoʊlə/ | /kəˈɹəʊlə/] {noun} (corollae, corollas, corollæ) corolla corollary [/kɒˈɹɒləɹi/ | /ˈkɔɹəˌlɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (corollaries) corollario corolline {adjective} corollino corona [/kəˈɹoʊnə/] {noun} (coronas, coronae, coronæ, corone) corona Corona Australis {properNoun} Corona australe Corona Borealis {properNoun} Corona boreale coronagraph {noun} (coronagraphs) coronografo coronal [/ˈkɒɹənəl/ | /ˈkɔɹənəl/] {adjective, noun} (most coronal, more coronal, coronals) coronale coronal mass ejection {noun} (coronal mass ejections) espulsione di massa coronale coronary artery {noun} (coronary arteries) arteria coronaria coronary heart disease {noun} coronaropatia coronation [/ˌkɒɹəˈneɪʃən/ | /ˌkɔɹəˈneɪʃən/] {noun} (coronations) incoronazione | coronazione coronavirus [/kəˈɹoʊnəˌvaɪɹəs/ | /kəˈɹəʊnəˌvaɪɹəs/] {noun} (coronaviruses) coronavirus coronene {noun} coronene coroner [/ˈkɒ.ɹə.nə(ɹ)/] {noun} (coroners) coroner coronet [/ˈkɒɹənɪt/ | /ˈkɔɹənɪt/] {noun} (coronets) corona corotational {adjective} corotazionale corporal [/ˈkɔɹ.pɝ.əl/ | /ˈkɔː.pɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (corporals) caporale corporal punishment [/ˌkɔː.pəɹ.əl ˈpʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/] {noun} punizione corporale corporate [/ˈkɔɹpəɹət/ | /ˈkɔːp(ə)ɹət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most corporate, more corporate, corporates, corporated, corporating) corporativo corporate finance finanza aziendale corporate governance governo d'impresa corporate law diritto societario corporation [/ˈkɔːpəˈɹeɪʃən/ | /ˌkɔɹpəˈɹeɪʃən/] {noun} (corporations) società anonima | società per azioni corporatism {noun} corporativismo corporativism {noun} (corporativisms) corporativismo corporativist {noun} (corporativists) corporativo corporeal [/kɔːɹˈpɔːɹiəl/ | /kɔːˈpɔːɹiəl/] {adjective} (most corporeal, more corporeal) corporeo corporeity [/kɔːpəˈɹiːɪti/] {noun} (corporeities) carnalità corps [/ko(ː)ɹ/ | /ko(ː)ɹz/ | /koə/ | /koəz/ | /kɔɹ/ | /kɔɹz/ | /kɔː/ | /kɔːz/] {noun} (corps) corpo | genio corpse [/ˈkoːps/ | /ˈkɔɹps/ | /ˈkɔːps/] {noun, verb} (corpses, corpsing, corpsed) cadavere | corpo corpulence {noun} corpulenza corpulent {adjective} (more corpulent, most corpulent) corpulento corpus [/ˈkɔɹpəs/ | /ˈkɔːpəs/] {noun} (corpuses, corpora) corpus corpus callosum {noun} (corpora callosa) corpo calloso Corpus Christi {properNoun} Corpus Domini corpus delicti {noun} (corpora delicti) corpo del reato corpus luteum {noun} (corpora lutea) corpo luteo corpuscle [/ˈkɔɹˌpʌsəl/ | /ˈkɔːˌpʌsəl/] {noun} (corpuscles) corpuscolo | corpuzzo corpuscular {adjective} (most corpuscular, more corpuscular) corpuscolare Corrado Corrado corral [/kəˈɹæl/] {noun, verb} (corrals, corralling, corraled, corralled, corraling) recinto | riunire correct [/kəˈɹɛkt/] {adjective, interjection, verb} (corrects, correcting, corrected, more correct, most correct) corretto | correggere | esatto | emendare | ineccepibile | precisare correcting fluid {noun} bianchetto correction [/kəˈɹɛkʃən/] {noun} correzione correction fluid {noun} bianchetto corrective {adjective, noun} (correctives) correttore correctly [/kəˈɹɛktli/] {adverb} (more correctly, most correctly) correttamente correctness {noun} (correctnesses) corretteza correlate [/ˈkɒɹəleɪt/ | /ˈkɒɹələt/ | /ˈkɔɹəleɪt/ | /ˈkɔɹələt/] {noun, verb} (correlates, correlated, correlating) correlare correlation [/kɒɹəˈleɪʃən/ | /kɔɹəˈleɪʃən/] {noun} correlazione correspond [/ˌkɑɹəˈspɑnd/ | /ˌkɒɹəˈspɒnd/ | /ˌkɔɹəˈspɑnd/] {verb} (corresponds, corresponded, corresponding) corrispondere correspondence [/ˌkɒɹɪˈspɒndəns/] {noun} corrispondenza correspondent [/ˌkɒɹɪˈspɒndənt/ | /ˌkɔɹɪˈspɑndənt/] {adjective, noun} (more correspondent, most correspondent, correspondents) responsabile corresponding [/ˌkɑɹəˈspɑndɪŋ/ | /ˌkɒɹəˈspɒndɪŋ/ | /ˌkɔɹəˈspɑndɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more corresponding, most corresponding, correspondings) corrispondente correspondingly {adverb} conformemente corrida {noun} (corridas) corrida corridor [/ˈkɒɹɪˌdɔː(ɹ)/ | /ˈkɔɹəˌdɔɹ/] {noun} (corridors) corridoio | corridoio aereo corrie [/kɒɹi/] {noun} (corries) circo corrigendum [/ˌkɒɹ.ɪˈdʒɛn.dəm/ | /ˌkɔɹ.ɨˈdʒɛn.dəm/] {noun} (corrigenda) refuso corrivation {noun} corrivazione corroborate [/kəˈɹɑbəɹeɪ̯t/ | /kəˈɹɒbəɹeɪ̯t/] {verb} (corroborates, corroborated, corroborating) corroborare corroborated {adjective, verb} confermato corrode [/kəˈɹoʊd/ | /kəˈɹəʊd/] {verb} (corrodes, corroding, corroded) corrodere corrosion [/kəˈɹoʊʒən/ | /kəˈɹəʊʒən/] {noun} corrosione corrosive {adjective, noun} (more corrosive, most corrosive, corrosives) corrosivo corrugate {adjective, verb} (more corrugate, most corrugate, corrugates, corrugated, corrugating) corrugare corrugated {adjective, verb} ondulato | corrugato corrugated iron {noun} lamiera ondulata corrugator supercilii {noun} corrugatore del sopracciglio | muscolo corrugatore del sopracciglio corrupt [/kəˈɹʌpt/] {adjective, verb} (more corrupt, most corrupt, corrupts, corrupted, corrupting) corrotto | corrompere corrupted {adjective, verb} (most corrupted, more corrupted) corrotto corruptible {adjective, noun} (most corruptible, more corruptible, corruptibles) corrompibile | corruttibile corruption [/kəˈɹʌpʃən/] {noun} corruzione corsac fox {noun} (corsac foxes) volpe corsac corsage [/kɔːˈsɑːʒ/] {noun} (corsages) corpetto corsair [/ˈkɔːsɛː/] {noun} (corsairs) bucaniere | corsaro | filibustiere | pirata corseque {noun} (corseques) corsesca corset [/ˈkɔː(ɹ).sɪt/] {noun, verb} (corsets, corsetting, corseted, corseting, corsetted) corsetto Corsica [/ˈkɔɹsɪkə/ | /ˈkɔːsɪkə/] {properNoun} Corsica Corsican [/ˈkɔɹsəkən/ | /ˈkɔː(ɹ)sɪkən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Corsican, most Corsican, Corsicans) corso | corsa cortege [/kɔɹˈtɛʒ/ | /ˈkɔɹ.tɛʒ/] {noun} (corteges) corteo cortex [/ˈkɔɹtɛks/ | /ˈkɔːtɛks/] {noun} (cortices, cortexes) corteccia cortical [/ˈkɔɹ.tɪ.kəl/ | /ˈkɔː.tɪ.kəl/] {adjective} buccia corticonuclear {adjective} corticonucleare corticosteroid {noun} (corticosteroids) corticosteroide corticotropic {adjective} (most corticotropic, more corticotropic) corticotropo cortisol {noun} cortisolo cortisone {noun} cortisone corundum [/kəˈɹʌn.dəm/] {noun} corindone coruscant [/kəˈɹʌskənt/] {adjective} (most coruscant, more coruscant) corrusco coruscate [/ˈkɒɹəskeɪt/] {verb} (coruscates, coruscating, coruscated) corruscare coruscating {verb} corrusco coruscation {noun} corruscazione corvee [/kɔːɹˈveɪ/ | /ˈkɔːveɪ/] {noun} arrobadia corvette {noun} (corvettes) corvetta corvid [/ˈkɔɹvɪd/] {adjective, noun} (more corvid, most corvid, corvids) corvidi Corvus {properNoun} Corvo corymb [/ˈkɒɹɪmb/] {noun} (corymbs) corimbo coryphaeus {noun} (coryphaei, coryphaeuses) cervello coryza [/kəˈɹɑɪ̯.zə/] {noun} (coryzae, coryzas, coryzæ) coriza cosecant [/ˈkoʊˌsiːkənt/] {noun} (cosecants) cosecante Cosenza {properNoun} Cosenza coset {noun} (cosets) classe laterale cosign [/ˈkoʊ.saɪn/ | /ˈkəʊ.saɪn/] {noun, verb} (cosigns, cosigning, cosigned) cofirmare cosignatory {adjective, noun} (cosignatories) cofirmatario cosine [/ˈkoʊ.saɪn/ | /ˈkəʊ.saɪn/] {noun} (cosines) coseno cosiness {noun} (cosinesses) agio Cosmas [/ˈkɔzmɑːs/] {properNoun} Cosimo Cosmatesque {adjective} (most Cosmatesque, more Cosmatesque) cosmatesco cosmetic [/kɑzˈmɛtɪk/ | /kɒzˈmɛtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most cosmetic, more cosmetic, cosmetics) cosmetico cosmetician {noun} (cosmeticians) estetista cosmetics {noun} cosmesi cosmetist cosmetista cosmetologist {noun} (cosmetologists) cosmetista | cosmetologa | cosmetologo | estetista | visagista cosmetology {noun} cosmetologia cosmic [/ˈkɒz.mɪk/] {adjective} (more cosmic, most cosmic) cosmico cosmic ray {noun} (cosmic rays) raggio cosmico | radiazione cosmica Cosmo {properNoun} Cosimo | Cosmo cosmo- {prefix} cosmo- cosmochemistry {noun} cosmochimica cosmodrome {noun} (cosmodromes) cosmodromo cosmogony [/kɒzˈmɒɡəni/] {noun} (cosmogonies) cosmogonia cosmographic {adjective} (more cosmographic, most cosmographic) cosmografico cosmography {noun} (cosmographies) cosmografia cosmologic {adjective} cosmologia cosmological {adjective} cosmologico cosmologist {noun} (cosmologists) cosmologo cosmology {noun} (cosmologies) cosmologia cosmonaut [/ˈkɒzməˌnɔːt/] {noun} (cosmonauts) cosmonauta cosmopolitan [/ˌkɑz.məˈpɑl.ɪ.tən/ | /ˌkɒz.məˈpɒl.ɪ.tən/] {adjective, noun} (more cosmopolitan, most cosmopolitan, cosmopolitans) cosmopolita cosmopolitanism [/ˌkɑzməˈpɑlɪtənɪzm̩/] {noun} cosmopolitismo cosmopolite [/kɑzˈmɑ.pəˌlaɪt/] {adjective, noun} (more cosmopolite, most cosmopolite, cosmopolites) organismo cosmopolita cosmos [/ˈkɑz.moʊs/ | /ˈkɑz.məs/ | /ˈkɒz.mɒs/] {noun} (cosmoi, cosmoses, cosmos) cosmo cosmotron {noun} (cosmotrons) cosmotrone cosplay [/ˈkɑspleɪ/ | /ˈkɑzpleɪ/ | /ˈkɒspleɪ/ | /ˈkɒzpleɪ/ | /ˌkoʊˈspleɪ/] {noun, verb} (cosplays, cosplayed, cosplaying) cosplay | fare un cosplay Cossack [/ˈkɑsˌæk/ | /ˈkɒsˌæk/] {noun} (Cossacks) cosacco cosset [/ˈkɒsɪt/] {noun, verb} (cossets, cosseted, cosseting, cossetting, cossetted) coccolare cost [/ˈkɑst/ | /ˈkɒst/ | /ˈkɔst/] {noun, verb} (costs, costed, costing, cost) costare | costo | spesa cost of living {noun} (costs of living) costo della vita cost-effective {adjective} (more cost-effective, most cost-effective) fruttifero Costa Rica [/ˌkoʊ.stə ˈɹi.kə/ | /ˌkɒs.tə ˈɹiː.kə/] {properNoun} Costa Rica Costa Rican {adjective, noun} (Costa Ricans) costaricano costal [/ˈkɑstl̩/ | /ˈkɒstl̩/] {adjective} costale Costantinian costantiniano costiveness [/ˈkɒstɪvnəs/] {noun} stitichezza costly [/ˈkɒst.li/] {adjective} (costlest, costler) costoso | caro costmonaut cosmonauta costume [/kɑsˈt(j)uːm/ | /ˈkɑs.t(j)uːm/ | /ˈkɒs.tjuːm/] {noun, verb} (costumes, costuming, costumed) costume costume jewelry {noun} (costume jewelries) bigiotteria costumer [/ˈkɑstumɚ/ | /ˈkɒstjuːmə(ɹ)/] {noun} (costumers) consumatore costumier {noun} (costumiers) costumista cosubstrate {noun} (cosubstrates) cosubstrato cosy [/ˈkoʊzi/ | /ˈkəʊzi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cosest, coser, cosies, cosied, cosying) accogliente cot [/kɑt/ | /kɒt/ | [kʰat̚] | [kʰɑt̚] | [kʰɒʔ(t)] | [kʰɒːt̚] | [kʰɔt]] {noun} (cots) branda | lettino | capanna | casolare | casupola | culla cotangent [/ˈkoʊˌtænd͡ʒənt/] {noun} (cotangents) cotangente cotechino {noun} (cotechini) cotechino coterie [/ˈkoʊtəɹi/ | /ˈkəʊtəɹi/] {noun} (coteries) circolo coterminous [/kɒnˈtəː.mɪ.nəs/ | /kənˈtɝ.mɪ.nəs/] {adjective} limitrofo cotidal {adjective} cotidale cotise {noun, verb} (cotises, cotised, cotising) cotissa cottage [/ˈkɑtədʒ/ | /ˈkɑtɪdʒ/ | /ˈkɒtɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (cottages, cottaged, cottaging) casolare | rustico cottage cheese {noun} fiocchi di latte cotter pin {noun} (cotter pins) chiavella Cottian {adjective} Cozie cotton [/ˈkɑt.n̩/ | /ˈkɒt.n̩/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cottons, cottoned, cottoning) cotone | (di) cotone | di cotone cotton bud {noun} (cotton buds) bastoncino cotonato cotton ceiling {noun} (cotton ceilings) soffitto di cotone cotton stick bastoncino cotonato cotton swab {noun} (cotton swabs) bastoncino cotonato | cotton fioc | nettaorecchi | pulisciorecchi cotton wool [/ˈkɒtən wʊl/] {noun} (cotton wools) ovatta | bambagia | cotone idrofilo | cotone cottonwood {noun} (cottonwoods) pioppo cotyledon [/kɒtɪˈliːdn̩/ | /ˌkɑtl̩ˈiːdn̩/] {noun} (cotyledons) cotiledone couch [/kaʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (couches, couched, couching) divano | sofà | canapè | sdraiarsi couch grass [/ˈkaʊt͡ʃɡɹɑːs/ | /ˈkaʊt͡ʃˌɡɹæs/] {noun} gramigna couch potato {noun} (couch potatoes) pantofolaio couchant [/ˈkaʊtʃənt/] {adjective} sdraiato couched [/kaʊtʃt/] {adjective, verb} coricato cougar [/ˈkuɡɚ/ | /ˈkuːɡə/] {noun} (cougars) puma cough [/kɑf/ | /kɒf/ | /kɔf/ | /kɔːf/] {noun, verb} (coughs, coughing, coughed) tosse | tossire | colpo di tosse cough mixture {noun} sciroppo per la tosse cough syrup {noun} (cough syrups) sciroppo per la tosse cough up {verb} (coughs up, coughed up, coughing up) espettorare coughing {noun, verb} (coughings) tosse could I see the menu, please {phraseologicalUnit} posso vedere il menu, per favore? couldn't care less {verb} fottersene | fregarsene | infischiarsene | non me ne può fregar di meno | sbattersene coulisse [/kuːˈliːs/] {noun} (coulisses) incavo | quinta | scanalatura couloir [/kulˈwɑɹ/] {noun} (couloirs) grondaia coulomb [/ˈku.lɑm/ | /ˈkuː.lɒm/] {noun} (coulombs) coulomb coulometry {noun} (coulometries) coulombometria coulrophobia [/kəʊl.ɹə.ˈfəʊ.bi.ə/] {noun} coulrofobia coumarin [/ˈkuːməɹɪn/] {noun} cumarina council [/ˈkaʊn.səl/] {noun} (councils) consiglio Council of Europe {properNoun} Consiglio d'Europa councillor {noun} (councillors) assessore councilor {noun} (councilors) consigliare counsel [/ˈkaʊn.səl/] {noun, verb} (counsels, counselling, counseling, counseled, counselled) consiglio | avvocato counseling {noun, verb} sostegno psicologico counsellor {noun} (counsellors) consigliere counselor [/ˈkaʊnsələ(ɹ)/] {noun} (counselors) counselor counselor-at-law patrocinatore count [/kaʊnt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (counts, counting, counted) conte | contare | calcolo | conteggio | conto | numero count angels on pinheads {verb} (counts angels on pinheads, counting angels on pinheads, counted angels on pinheads) discutere del sesso degli angeli Count Dracula {properNoun} Conte Dracula count on {verb} (counts on, counting on, counted on) contare countable [/ˈkaʊntəbəl/ | [ˈkʰaʊn(ɾ)əbɫ̩]] {adjective} contabile | enumerabile | finito o numerabile | numerabile countable set {noun} (countable sets) insieme numerabile countdown [/ˈkaʊntˌdaʊn/] {noun, verb} (countdowns, countdowning, countdowned) conto alla rovescia countemark contromarca countenance [/ˈkaʊn.tɪ.nəns/ | [kʲʰæũ̯.ʔɪ̆.nəns]] {noun, verb} (countenances, countenanced, countenancing) espressione | apparenza | sembianza counter [/ˈkaʊntə/ | /ˈkaʊntɚ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (counters, countered, countering) bancone | contatore | contraddire | contrastare | contro counter embattled contromerlato counter- {prefix} contro- counter-attack {noun, verb} (counter-attacks, counter-attacked, counter-attacking) contrattaccare | contrattacco counter-ermine {noun} contrarmellino counter-hermine contrarmellino counter-offensive {adjective, noun} (more counter-offensive, most counter-offensive, counter-offensives) controffensiva counter-potent controvaio potenziato counter-rampant {adjective} controrampante counter-reform controriforma Counter-Reformation {properNoun} controriforma counter-revolution controrivoluzione counter-vair controvaio counter-vairy controvaiato counteraction {noun} (counteractions) neutralizzazione counterargument {noun} (counterarguments) contro counterattack {noun, verb} (counterattacks, counterattacking, counterattacked) contropiede counterbalance {noun, verb} (counterbalances, counterbalancing, counterbalanced) controbilanciare counterbore {noun, verb} (counterbores, counterboring, counterbored) accecatoio | accecatura | svasatura counterchanged {adjective} dell'uno all'altro countercharge {noun, verb} (countercharges, countercharged, countercharging) controquerelare countercheck {noun, verb} (counterchecks, counterchecked, counterchecking) controprovare counterclaim {noun, verb} (counterclaims, counterclaiming, counterclaimed) controreclamo | controrichiesta counterculture {noun} (countercultures) controcultura countercurrent {adjective, noun} (countercurrents) controcorrente | corrente contraria counterelectromotive {adjective} controelettromotrice counterespionage {noun} controspionaggio counterexample {noun} (counterexamples) controesempio counterfacade {noun} (counterfacades) controfacciata counterfactual [/ˌkaʊn.tə(ɹ)ˈfæk.tʃu.əl/ | /ˌkaʊntɚˈfæktʃuəl/] {adjective, noun} (counterfactuals) controfattuale counterfeit [/ˈkaʊn.tɚˌfɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (counterfeits, counterfeiting, counterfeited) contraffare | falsificare | falso | contraffazione | imitazione counterfeiter {noun} (counterfeiters) falsario | contraffattore counterfeiting {noun, verb} (counterfeitings) contraffazione counterflory {adjective} contrafiordalisato | contrafiorito counterfoil {noun} (counterfoils) matrice counterfort {noun} (counterforts) contrafforte counterframe controtelaio countergambit {noun} (countergambits) controgambetto counterinterpretation {noun} controinterpretazione counterintuitive {adjective} (more counterintuitive, most counterintuitive) controintuitivo countermand [/ˈkaʊntɚˌmænd/ | /ˌkaʊntəˈmɑːnd/] {noun, verb} (countermands, countermanding, countermanded) contrordine countermarch {noun, verb} (countermarches, countermarched, countermarching) contromarcia | contromarciare countermark {noun, verb} (countermarks, countermarked, countermarking) contrassegnare countermine {noun, verb} (countermines, countermining, countermined) controminare counterpart [/ˈkaʊntəˌpɑːt/ | /ˈkaʊntɚˌpɑɹt/] {noun, verb} (counterparts, counterparted, counterparting) sosia counterparty {noun} (counterparties) contraente counterpoint {noun, verb} (counterpoints, counterpointed, counterpointing) contrappunto counterpose [/ˌkaʊn.tə.ˈpəʊz/] {noun, verb} (counterposes, counterposed, counterposing) contrapporre counterposed {verb} contrapposto counterpower {noun} (counterpowers) contropotere counterproductive {adjective} (more counterproductive, most counterproductive) controproducente counterquartered controinquartato counterrevolution {noun} (counterrevolutions) controrivoluzione counterrevolutionary {adjective, noun} (more counterrevolutionary, most counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionaries) controrivoluzionaria countersign {noun, verb} (countersigns, countersigning, countersigned) controfirmare countersignature {noun} (countersignatures) controfirma countersink {noun, verb} (countersinks, countersunk, countersinking, countersank) accecare | accecatoio | accecatura | alesatura | svasare | svasatura countersteer {verb} (countersteers, countersteering, countersteered) controsterzare countersubject {noun} (countersubjects) controsoggetto countertendency {noun} (countertendencies) controtendenza countertenor {noun} (countertenors) contraltista | controtenore countertop {noun} (countertops) banco counterweight {noun, verb} (counterweights, counterweighting, counterweighted) contrappeso countess [/ˈkaʊntɨs/] {noun} (countesses) contessa counting [/ˈkaʊntɪŋ/] {noun, verb} computo counting glass {noun} (counting glasses) contafili counting rhyme {noun} (counting rhymes) filastrocca counting-out game {noun} (counting-out games) conta countless [/ˈkaʊntləs/] {adjective} innumerevole | incalcolabile | innumerabile country [/ˈkɐntɹi/ | /ˈkʌntɹi/] {adjective, noun} (countries) paese | stato | campagna | nazione | campo | landa country bumpkin {noun} (country bumpkins) buzzurro country code {noun} (country codes) codice nazionale country house {noun} (country houses) agriturismo country music {noun} liscio | musica da ballo countryman [/ˈkʌntɹimən/] {noun} connazionale countryperson {noun} (countrypeople, countrypersons) campagnolo countryside [/ˈkʌn.tɹiˌsaɪd/] {noun} (countrysides) campagna countship {noun} (countships) contea county [/ˈkaʊnti/] {adjective, noun} (more county, most county, counties) contea | contado county council {noun} (county councils) giunta provinciale coup [/ku/ | /kuː/] {noun, verb} (coups, couped, couping) colpo coup d'état [/ˌkuː.dəˈteɪ/ | /ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/] {noun} (coups d'état, coup d'états) colpo di stato coup de grâce [/kuː də ɡɹæs/ | /kuː də ɡɹɑː/] {noun} (coups de grâce) colpo di grazia couped {adjective} dal piè nodrito couped palewise mancante couple [/ˈkʌpəl/] {adjective, determiner, noun, verb} (couples, coupling, coupled) coppia | accoppiare | paio | agganciare couple of forces coppia di forze coupled [/ˈkʌpəld/] {verb} accoppiato coupling [/ˈkʌplɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (couplings) accoppiamento coupon [/ˈkuːˌpɑn/ | /ˈkuːˌpɒn/] {noun, verb} (coupons, couponed, couponing) cedola coupulation accoppiamento courage [/ˈkʌɹɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (courages, couraging, couraged) coraggio courageous [/kəˈɹeɪdʒəs/] {adjective} (most courageous, more courageous) coraggioso courageously {adverb} (more courageously, most courageously) coraggiosamente courgette [/kʊəˈʒɛt/ | /kʊɹˈʒɛt/] {noun} (courgettes) zucchino | zucchina courier [/ˈkʊɹ.i.ɚ/ | /ˈkʊɹ.ɪə/] {noun, verb} (couriers, couriered, couriering) corriere Courland {properNoun} Curlandia course [/ko(ː)ɹs/ | /koəs/ | /kɔːs/ | /kɔːɹs/ | /kɜːs/] {adverb, noun, verb} (courses, coursing, coursed) corso | pietanza | portata | rotta | traiettoria | braccare courser [/ˈkɜːsɜ/] {noun} (coursers) corsiero coursework {noun} programma coursing {noun, verb} guida court [/ko(ː)ɹt/ | /koət/ | /kɔɹt/ | /kɔːt/] {noun, verb} (courts, courted, courting) corte | corteggiare | tribunale | campo | cortile | fare la corte court card {noun} (court cards) figura court jester {noun} (court jesters) buffone | affabulatore | affabulatrice | buffone di corte | giullare court martial {noun, verb} (court martials, courts martial, court martialing, court martialling, court martialed, court martialled) corte court of cassation {noun} (courts of cassation) corte suprema di cassazione court of justice {noun} (courts of justice) corte court of law {noun} (courts of law) corte court order {noun} (court orders) decreto giudiziario courteous [/ˈkɜːti.əs/ | /ˈkɝti.əs/] {adjective} (more courteous, most courteous) cortese courteously {adverb} (most courteously, more courteously) cortesemente courteousness {noun} (courteousnesses) cortesia courtesan [/kɔɹtɪˈzæn/ | /kɔːtɪˈzæn/ | /ˈkɔɹtɪzən/] {noun} (courtesans) cortigiana | prostituta courtesy [/ˈkɜːtəsi/ | /ˈkɝtəsi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (courtesies, courtesying, courtesied) cortesia courthouse {noun} (courthouses) palazzo di giustizia courtier [/ˈko(ː)ɹtiɚ/ | /ˈkoətɪə/ | /ˈkɔɹtiɚ/ | /ˈkɔːtɪə/] {noun} (courtiers) cortigiano courtliness {noun} (courtlinesses) cortigianeria courtly [/ˈkɔɹtli/ | /ˈkɔːtli/] {adjective, adverb} (courtlest, courtler, more courtly, most courtly) cortese courtly love {noun} amor cortese courtroom {noun} (courtrooms) aula | sala d'udienza courtship [/ˈkɔː(ɹ)tʃɪp/] {noun} corteggiamento courtyard [/ˈkɔɹt.jɑɹd/ | /ˈkɔːt.jɑːd/] {noun} (courtyards) cortile | corte couscous [/ˈkus.kus/ | /ˈkʊs.kʊs/] {noun} (couscouses) cuscus couscoussier {noun} (couscoussiers) couscoussiera couse processo cousin [/ˈkʌz.n̩/ | /ˈkʌz.ɪn/ | [ˈkʰɐz.ən]] {noun} (cousins) cugino | cugina cousinship {noun} cuginanza couth [/kuːθ/ | /kuθ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most couth, more couth, couths) raffinatezza couturier {noun} (couturiers) cucitore covalent [/koʊˈveɪlənt/] {adjective} (most covalent, more covalent) covalente covalent bond [/koʊveɪlənt bɒnd/] {noun} (covalent bonds) legame covalente covalently {adverb} (more covalently, most covalently) covalentemente covariance {noun} (covariances) covarianza covariant {adjective, noun} (covariants) covariante cove [/koʊv/ | /kəʊv/] {noun, verb} (coves, coving, coved) calanca coven [/ˈkʌ.vən/] {noun} (covens) sabba covenant [/ˈkʌv.ən.ənt/] {noun, verb} (covenants, covenanting, covenanted) alleanza | patto | accordarsi | accordo solenne | allearsi | clausola accessoria coventrate {verb} (coventrates, coventrating, coventrated) coventrizzare cover [/ˈkʌvə/ | /ˈkʌvɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (covers, covering, covered) coprire | copertina | copriletto | coperchio | accoppiare | assicurazione cover charge {noun} (cover charges) coperto | ingresso | pane e coperto cover letter {noun} (cover letters) lettera di presentazione cover someone's ass {verb} pararsi il culo cover story {noun} (cover stories) coperchio cover up {verb} (covers up, covered up, covering up) rimpiattare cover version {noun} (cover versions) cover | riedizione cover-up {noun} (cover-ups) copertura | insabbiamento | occultamento coverage [/ˈkʌv.əɹ.ɪdʒ/] {noun} copertura coverall {noun} (coveralls) tuta covered [/ˈkʌvə(ɹ)d/] {adjective, verb} coperto covered cup coppa con coperchio covering [/ˈkʌvəɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} calotta coverlet {noun} (coverlets) copriletto coverslip {noun, verb} (coverslips, coverslipped, coverslipping) vetrino coprioggetti covert [/ˈkoʊvəɹt/ | /ˈkʌvət/ | /ˈkʌvəɹt/] {adjective, noun} (more covert, most covert, coverts) segreto covertly {adverb} (most covertly, more covertly) velatamente covet [/ˈkʌvɪt/] {verb} (covets, coveting, coveted) bramare | concupire coveted {adjective, verb} (more coveted, most coveted) agognato | ambito | desiderato covetous [/ˈkʌvətəs/] {adjective} (more covetous, most covetous) avaro covetousness {noun} (covetousnesses) cupidigia covey [/ˈkʌvi/] {noun, verb} (coveys, coveying, coveyed) comitiva | covata | gruppo | nidiata | raggruppamento | stormo cow [/kaʊ/] {noun, verb} (cows, cowing, cowed, kine, cattle) vacca | mucca | stronza | femmina | bastarda | bovino cow eyes {noun} occhi vitulini cow parsley {noun} bocca da fuoco cow pat {noun} (cow pats) patta di vacca cow's milk [/ˈkaʊ̯z.ˌmɛlk/ | /ˈkaʊ̯z.ˌmɪlk/ | [ˈkʰaʊ̯z.ˌmɪɫkʰ]] {noun} latte vaccino coward [/ˈkaʊəd/ | /ˈkaʊɚd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most coward, more coward, cowards, cowarding, cowarded) codardo | pusillanime | vigliacco | vile | coniglio cowardice [/ˈkaʊədɪs/ | /ˈkaʊɚdɪs/] {noun} codardia | vigliaccheria | pusillanimità | viltà cowardliness {noun} (cowardlinesses) codardia cowardly [/ˈkaʊədli/] {adjective, adverb} (most cowardly, cowardler, cowardlest, more cowardly) vigliacco | codardo | pusillanime | vile | pusillanimamente | vigliaccamente cowbane {noun} (cowbanes) pazzo furioso cowbell [/ˈkaʊˌbɛl/] {noun} campanaccio cowbird {noun} (cowbirds) tordo cowboy [/ˈkaʊˌbɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (cowboys, cowboyed, cowboying) vaccaio | mandriano | vaccaro cower [/ˈkaʊə/ | /ˈkaʊɚ/] {verb} (cowers, cowering, cowered) tapiro cowgirl {noun, verb} (cowgirls, cowgirled, cowgirling) mandriana cowgirl position {noun} (cowgirl positions) smorzacandela cowherd {noun} (cowherds) vaccaio | boaro | bovaro cowl [/kaʊl/] {noun, verb} (cowls, cowled, cowling) cappuccio cowlick [/ˈkaʊˌlɪk/] {noun} (cowlicks) ciuffo ribelle | ritrosa cowling {noun, verb} (cowlings) oca coworker {noun} (coworkers) collega cowpat {noun} (cowpats) patta di vacca cowpie {noun} (cowpies) patta di vacca cowrie [/ˈkaʊ.ɹi/] {noun} (cowries) ciprea cowshed {noun} (cowsheds) stalla cowtown {noun} (cowtowns) buco coxcomb {noun} (coxcombs) bargiglio coxitis {noun} (coxitides) coxite coxless {adjective} due senza coxswain [/ˈkɑk.s(ə)n/ | /ˈkɒk.s(ə)n/ | /ˈkɒkˌsweɪn/] {noun, verb} (coxswains, coxswaining, coxswained) nocchiere | timoniere | nocchiero coy [/kɔɪ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (coys, coyer, coyest, coyed, coying) modesto | schivo | timido coyote [/kɔɪˈ(j)əʊt(ɪ)/ | /kəˈjoʊti/] {noun, verb} (coyotes, coyoting, coyoteing, coyoted) coyote | coiote coypu {noun} (coypu, coypus) nutria | castorino cozen [/ˈkoʊzən/ | /ˈkəʊzən/ | /ˈkʌzən/] {verb} (cozens, cozening, cozened) imbrogliare coziness {noun} (cozinesses) tepore CPR {noun, properNoun} RCP CPSU {properNoun} PCUS CPU [/(ˌ)siː(ˌ)piːˈjuː/ | /ˌsi(ˌ)piˈju/] {noun} (CPUs) processore crab [/kɹæb/] {noun, verb} (crabs, crabbing, crabbed) granchio | piattola | pidocchio del pube crab canon {noun} (crab canons) canone cancrizzante crab louse {noun} (crab lice) pidocchio del pube | piattola crabapple {noun} (crabapples) mela selvatica crabby [/ˈkɹæb.i/] {adjective} (crabbest, crabber) malmostoso crabs [/kɹæbz/] {noun, verb} pidocchio del pube crach spaccare crack [/kɹæk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cracks, cracked, cracking) crepa | fessura | aggirare | apprezzamento | appunto | craccare crack up {verb} (cracks up, cracked up, cracking up) fare ridere crack willow {noun} (crack willows) salice fragile crackdown {noun} giro di vite | misura restrittiva | repressione cracker [/ˈkɹækə(ɹ)/] {noun} (crackers) cracker cracking [/ˈkɹækɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (crackings) crudele crackle [/ˈkɹækəl/] {noun, verb} (crackles, crackled, crackling) crepitare | crepitio | scoppiettio crackling [/ˈkɹæk(ə)lɪŋ/] {noun, verb} crepitio crackpot {adjective, noun} (most crackpot, more crackpot, crackpots) folle | svitato Cracow [/ˈkɹækaʊ/] {properNoun} Cracovia cradle [/ˈkɹeɪdəl/] {noun, verb} (cradles, cradled, cradling) culla | cullare cradle cap {noun} (cradle caps) crosta lattea craft [/kɹæft/ | /kɹɑːft/] {noun, verb} (crafts, craft, crafted, crafting) artigianale crafted {adjective, verb} (more crafted, most crafted) artigianale craftiness {noun} (craftinesses) astuzia craftmanship {noun} arte craftsman {noun} (craftsmen) artefice crafty [/ˈkɹæfti/ | /ˈkɹɑːfti/] {adjective}

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