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Оглавлениеcastrato [/kæsˈtɹɑː.təʊ/] {adjective, noun} (castrati, castratos) castrato castrator {noun} (castrators) castrino Castrist {noun} (Castrists) castrista casu marzu {noun} formaggio marcio casual [/-uæl/ | /ˈkaʒuəl/ | /ˈkæʒuəl/ | /ˈkɛʒʉɘl/] {adjective, noun} (more casual, most casual, casuals) noncurante casualisation {noun} precarizzazione casually {adverb} (more casually, most casually) casualmente casualness {noun} (casualnesses) noncuranza casualty [/ˈkaʒ(ʊ)əlti/] {noun} (casualties) ferito casuist [/ˈkæzjʊɪst/ | /ˈkæʒuːɪst/] {noun} (casuists) sofista casuistic [/ˌkæzjuˈɪstɪk/] {adjective} (more casuistic, most casuistic) casistica casuistry [/ˈkæʒuɪstɹi/] {noun} (casuistries) casistica casus belli [/ˈkeɪsuːs ˈbɛlaɪ/ | /ˈkeɪsəs ˈbɛlaɪ/ | /ˈkeɪsəs ˈbɛli/] {noun} (casus belli, casus bellis) casus belli cat [/kat/ | /kæt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cats, catting, catted) caponare cat flap {noun} (cat flaps) gattaiola cat food {noun} (cat foods) cibo per gatti | mangime cat got someone's tongue {phraseologicalUnit} il gatto ti ha mangiato la lingua? cat in the sack {noun} losco cat lady {noun} (cat ladies) gattara cat meat {noun} gatta cat tree {noun} (cat trees) tiragraffi cat's eye {noun} (cats' eyes) catadiottro | catarifrangente cat's tongue {noun} (cats' tongues) lingua di gatto cat's whisker {noun} (cat's whiskers) ricercatore cat-o'-nine-tails {noun} (cats-o'-nine-tails) Látigo catabolic {adjective} catabolico catabolism {noun} (catabolisms) catabolismo catachresis [/kætəˈkɹiːsɪs/] {noun} (catachreses) catacresi cataclastic {adjective} cataclastico cataclysm [/ˈkætəˌklɪzm̩/] {noun} (cataclysms) cataclisma cataclysmic {adjective} (more cataclysmic, most cataclysmic) cataclismo catacomb [/ˈkatəkuːm/ | /ˈkatəˌkəʊm/ | /ˈkætakoʊm/] {noun} (catacombs) catacomba catadioptric {adjective} catadiottrico catadioptrics {noun} catadiottrica catadromous {adjective} (more catadromous, most catadromous) catadromo catafalque [/ˈkatəfalk/] {noun} (catafalques) catafalco Catalan [/ˈkæ.tə.ˌlæn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Catalans) catalano Catalan solid {noun} (Catalan solids) solido archimedeo duale | solido di Catalan Catalanness {noun} catalanità catalectic {adjective, noun} (catalectics) cataletto catalepsy {noun} (catalepsies) catalessia | catalessi catalogue [/ˈkæt.ə.lɒɡ/ | /ˈkætəlɑɡ/ | /ˈkætəlɔɡ/] {noun, verb} (catalogues, catalogued, cataloguing) catalogo | catalogare | cataloghi | mettere in catalogo Catalonia [/ˌkæt.əˈləʊn.i.ə/] {properNoun} Catalogna catalyse {verb} (catalyses, catalysed, catalysing) catalizzare catalysis [/kəˈtæləsɪs/] {noun} (catalyses) catalisi catalyst [/ˈkæt.ə.lɪst/ | /ˈkæt.əl.ɪst/] {noun} (catalysts) catalizzatore catalytic [/ˌkætəˈlɪtɪk/] {adjective} (more catalytic, most catalytic) catalitico catalytic converter {noun} (catalytic converters) convertitore catalitico catalytically {adverb} cataliticamente catalyze [/ˈkætəˌlaɪz/] {verb} (catalyzes, catalyzed, catalyzing) catalizzare catalyzer {noun} (catalyzers) catalizzatore catamaran [/ˌkæ.tə.məˈɹæn/] {noun} (catamarans) catamarano catamount [/ˈkætəmaʊnt/] {noun} (catamounts) lince Catania {properNoun} Catania Catanzaro {properNoun} Catanzaro catapult [/ˈkæ.tə.pʌlt/] {noun, verb} (catapults, catapultæ, catapulted, catapulting) catapulta cataract [/ˈkætəɹækt/] {noun} (cataracts) cataratta | cascata | cateratta | rapida catarrh [/kəˈtɑɹ/] {noun} catarro catasterism {noun} (catasterisms) catasterismo catastrophe [/kəˈtæstɹəfi/] {noun} (catastrophes) catastrofe catastrophic [/kætəˈstɹɒfɪk/] {adjective} (more catastrophic, most catastrophic) catastrofico catastrophically {adverb} (most catastrophically, more catastrophically) catastroficamente catatonia {noun} (catatonias) catatonia catatonic [/kæ.təˈtɑn.ɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more catatonic, most catatonic, catatonics) catatonico catcall {noun, verb} (catcalls, catcalling, catcalled) fischio catch [/kæt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (catches, catching, caught) acchiappare | afferrare | agguantare | bottino | chiappare | colpo catch a cold {verb} (catches a cold, catching a cold, caught a cold) raffreddarsi catch fire {verb} (catches fire, catching fire, caught fire) incendiare catch napping {verb} cogliere di sorpresa catch on {verb} (catches on, caught on, catching on) attecchire | diffondersi catch out {verb} (catches out, caught out, catching out) cogliere sul fatto | prendere sul fatto | sorprendere catch red-handed {verb} (catching red-handed, caught red-handed, catches red-handed) cogliere con il sorcio in bocca | cogliere con le mani nel sacco | cogliere con le mani nella marmellata | cogliere in flagrante | cogliere sul fatto catch sight avvistare catch sight of {verb} (catches sight of, catching sight of, caught sight of) scorgere | intravedere catch someone with their hand in the cookie jar {verb} (catches someone with their hand in the cookie jar, caught someone with their hand in the cookie jar, catching someone with their hand in the cookie jar) beccare con le mani nella marmellata | cogliere con le mani nella marmellata | cogliere in flagrante catch someone's drift {verb} seguire catch up {noun, verb} (catches up, catching up, caught up) mettersi in pari | raggiungere Catch-22 {noun} (Catch-22s) dilemma catcher [/ˈkætʃ.ə(ɹ)/ | /ˈkætʃ.ɚ/] {noun} (catchers) ricevitore | collettore catching [/ˈkætʃɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more catching, most catching) infettivo catchment [/ˈkatʃmənt/ | /ˈkætʃmənt/] {noun} (catchments) bacino | invaso catchment basin {noun} (catchment basins) bacino imbrifero catchphrase {noun} (catchphrases) idiotismo catchpole [/ˈkatʃpəʊl/] {noun} (catchpoles) usciere catchword [/ˈkætʃwɜːd/] {noun} (catchwords) conservatore catchy [/ˈkætʃi/] {adjective} (catcher, catchest) orecchiabile | accattivante catechesis {noun} (catecheses) catechesi catechine {noun} (catechines) catechina catechism [/ˈkætɪˌkɪzəm/] {noun} (catechisms) catechismo catechist {noun} (catechists) catechista catechize [/ˈkatɪkaɪz/ | /ˈkætɪkaɪz/] {verb} (catechizes, catechizing, catechized) catechizzare catecholamine [/katəˈkəʊləmiːn/] {noun} (catecholamines) catecolamina catechumen [/ˌkæt.əˈkju.mən/ | /ˌkæt.ɪˈkjuː.mɛn/] {noun} (catechumens) catecumeno categorially [/ˈkæ.tə.ɡɒ.ɹɪə.li/] {adverb} (more categorially, most categorially) categorialmente categorical [/ˌkætəˈɡɔɹɪk(ə)l/] {adjective, noun} (more categorical, most categorical, categoricals) categorico categorical imperative {noun} (categorical imperatives) imperativo categorico categorically [/ˈkæt.ə.ɡɒ.ɹɪk.li/] {adverb} (more categorically, most categorically) categoricamente categorisation {noun} (categorisations) categorizzazione categorization {noun} categorizzazione categorize {verb} (categorizes, categorized, categorizing) categorizzare category [/ˈkætəˌɡɔɹi/ | /ˈkætɪɡ(ə)ɹi/ | /ˈkɛtɘɡ(ɘ)ɹi/] {noun} (categories) categoria catena {noun} (catenae, catenas) catena catenaccio {noun} catenaccio catenary [/kəˈtiːnəɹi/ | /ˈkætəˌnɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (most catenary, more catenary, catenaries) catenaria catenin {noun} (catenins) catenina catenoid {noun} (catenoids) catenoide catepan {noun} (catepans) catapano Caterina Caterina catering [/ˈkeɪt(ə)ɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} restaurazione caterpillar [/ˈkætəˌpɪlə/ | /ˈkætɚˌpɪlɚ/] {noun} (caterpillars) bruco caterpillar track {noun} (caterpillar tracks) cingolo caterwaul [/ˈkæt.ə.wɔːl/ | /ˈkæt.ɚ.wɑl/ | /ˈkæt.ɚ.wɔl/] {noun, verb} (caterwauls, caterwauling, caterwauled) frustrazione catfish {noun, verb} (catfishes, catfished, catfishing, catfish) pesce gatto catgut [/ˈkætˌɡʌt/] {noun} catgut Cathar [/ˈkæθɑɹ/] {noun} (Cathari, Cathars) cataro Catharist {adjective} (more Catharist, most Catharist) cataro catharsis [/kəˈθɑːsɪs/ | /kəˈθɑːɹˌsɪs/] {noun} (catharses) catarsi cathartic {adjective, noun} (most cathartic, more cathartic, cathartics) catartico Cathay [/kæˈθeɪ/] {properNoun} Catai cathead {noun} (catheads) ceppo cathedral [/kəˈθiː.dɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (cathedrals) cattedrale | duomo cathegorism categorismo Catherine [/ˈkæθ(ə)ɹɪn/] {properNoun} Caterina Catherine wheel {noun} (Catherine wheels) ruota di Santa Caterina catheter [/ˈkæθɪtə(ɹ)/ | /ˈkæθɪt̬ɚ/] {noun} (catheters) catetere catheterise {verb} (catheterises, catheterising, catheterised) cateterizzare catheterize [/ˈkæθətəɹaɪz/] {verb} (catheterizes, catheterized, catheterizing) cateterizzare cathetus [/ˈkæ.θɪ.təs/] {noun} (catheti, cathetuses) cateto cathode [/ˈkæθ.oʊd/] {noun} (cathodes) catodo cathode ray tube {noun} (cathode ray tubes) tubo a raggi catodici cathodic {adjective} catodico Catholic [/ˈkæθ(ə)lɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most Catholic, more Catholic, Catholics) cattolico Catholic Church {noun} (Catholic Churches) Chiesa cattolica Catholic-Reformation controriforma Catholically {adverb} (most Catholically, more Catholically) cattolicamente catholicise {verb} (catholicises, catholicised, catholicising) cattolicizzare Catholicism [/kəˈθɒlɪsɪzm/] {noun} (Catholicisms) cattolicesimo catholicism [/kəˈθɔləsɪzm/] {noun} (catholicisms) Chiesa cattolica catholicity {noun} (catholicities) cattolicità catholicize {verb} (catholicizes, catholicized, catholicizing) cattolicizzare catholicos [/kəˈθɒlɪkəs/] {noun} (catholicoi, catholicoses) catholicos cation [/ˈkat.ʌɪ.ən/ | /ˈkætˌaɪ.ən/] {noun} (cations) catione catkin {noun} (catkins) amento | gattino catlike {adjective} (most catlike, more catlike) felino | gattesco catmeat {noun} gatta catnap {noun, verb} (catnaps, catnapped, catnapping) fare un sonnellino | pisolino catoblepas {noun} (catoblepones, catoblepae) catoblepa catshark {noun} (catsharks) gattuccio | squalo gattopardo cattail [/ˈkæt.teɪl/] {noun} (cattails) stiancia | tifa cattish {adjective} (more cattish, most cattish) furbo cattle [/ˈkæt(ə)l/] {noun} (cattle) bestiame | bovini cattle egret {noun} (cattle egrets) airone guardabuoi cattle track tratturo cattleman {noun} (cattlemen) offerta dei bestiami catty [/ˈkæti/] {adjective, noun} (catties, cattest, catter) malizioso catty-corner {adjective, adverb} trasversale Catullus {properNoun} Catullo catwalk {noun} (catwalks) passerella Caucasian [[kɔːˈkeɪʒən]] {adjective, noun} (most Caucasian, more Caucasian, Caucasians) bianco Caucasian Albania {properNoun} Albania caucasica Caucasian shepherd {noun} (Caucasian shepherds) cane da pastore del Caucaso Caucasus [/ˈkɔːkəsəs/] {properNoun} Caucaso Cauchy problem {noun} (Cauchy problems) problema di Cauchy Cauchy sequence {noun} (Cauchy sequences) successione di Cauchy caucus [/ˈkɑ(ː).kəs/ | /ˈkɔ(ː).kəs/ | /ˈkɔː.kəs/] {noun, verb} (caucusses, caucuses, caucussing, caucussed, caucused, caucusing) commissione elettorale caudal [/ˈkɔːdəl/] {adjective, noun} (caudals) caudale caudal fin {noun} (caudal fins) pinna caudale caudally {adverb} caudalmente caudate [/ˈkɔːdeɪt/] {adjective, noun} (caudates) caudato Caudine {adjective} caudino caught [/kɑt/ | /kɔ(ː)t/ | [kʰoːt] | [kʰɔt] | [k̠ʰoːt]] {adjective, verb} imprigionato caught between the devil and the deep blue sea {adjective} fra l'incudine ed il martello caul [/kɔːl/] {noun} (cauls) casco cauldron [/ˈkɔːl.dɹən/] {noun} (cauldrons) paiolo | calderone | caldaia | pentolone cauliflower [/ˈkɒl.i.flaʊ.ə/ | /ˈkɔl.ɪˌflaʊ.ɚ/] {noun} (cauliflowers) cavolfiore caulk [/kælk/ | /kɑk/ | /kɔːk/] {noun, verb} (caulks, caulking, caulked) calafatare | bitumare | cianfrinare caulking {noun, verb} (caulkings) stoppa | stoppa catramata | stoppa da calafato causal [/ˈkɔːz.əl/] {adjective, noun} (more causal, most causal, causals) causale causalism {noun} causalismo causality {noun} (causalities) causalità causation {noun} cagione causative [/ˈkɔzətɪv/ | /ˈkɔːzətɪv/] {adjective, noun} (causatives) causativo cause [/kɔz/ | /kɔːz/] {noun, verb} (causes, causing, caused) causare | causa | provocare | ottenere | produrre cause célèbre [/koz se.lɛbʁ/ | /kɔz sɛˈlɛb/ | /kɔːz sɛˈlɛbɹ(ə)/] {noun} (causes célèbres) caso famoso cause of death {noun} (causes of death) causa di morte causerie {noun} (causeries) causerie | conversazione causeway [/ˈkɔːz.weɪ/] {noun, verb} (causeways, causewaying, causewayed) lastricato | selciato | strada rialzata caustic [/ˈkɔːstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most caustic, more caustic, caustics) caustico | caustica caustic potash {noun} potassa caustica caustically {adverb} (most caustically, more caustically) causticamente causticity [/kɔːˈstɪsɪti/] {noun} (causticities) causticità caustification {noun} caustificazione cauterization {noun} (cauterizations) cauterizzazione cauterize [/ˈkɔːtəɹaɪz/ | [ˈkʰɔɾəɹaɪz]] {verb} (cauterizes, cauterizing, cauterized) cauterizzare cautery {noun} (cauteries) cauterizzazione caution [/ˈkɑʃn/ | /ˈkɑːʃ(ə)n/ | /ˈkɔːʃ(ə)n/] {noun, verb} (cautions, cautioned, cautioning) cautela cautionary {adjective} (most cautionary, more cautionary) ammonitorio cautionary tale {noun} (cautionary tales) storiella ammonitrice cautiosly adagio cautious [/ˈkɔːʃəs/] {adjective} (most cautious, more cautious) cauto | oculato | ritenuto cautiously [/ˈkɑʃəsli/ | /ˈkɔːʃəsli/] {adverb} (more cautiously, most cautiously) prudentemente | cautamente cavalier [/ˌkævəˈlɪəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cavalier, most cavalier, cavaliers, cavaliering, cavaliered) noncurante Cavall Camilla cavalry [/ˈkævəlɹi/] {noun} (cavalries) cavalleria cavalryman {noun} (cavalrymen) cavaliere cavatina {noun} (cavatinas) cavatina cave [/keɪv/] {interjection, noun, verb} (caves, caving, caved) caverna | grotta | spelonca | antro | cella | incavo cave bear {noun} (cave bears) orso delle caverne | orso speleo cave in {noun, verb} (cave ins, caves in, caved in, caving in) cedere cave-dweller troglodita caveat [/ˈkæviɑt/ | /ˈkævɪæt/] {noun, verb} (caveats, caveating, caveated, caveatting, caveatted) avvertenza | avviso caveman {noun} (cavemen) cavernicolo | troglodita cavern [/ˈkæv.ən/ | /ˈkæv.ɚn/] {noun, verb} (caverns, caverned, caverning) caverna cavernicolous {adjective} (more cavernicolous, most cavernicolous) cavernicolo cavernous {adjective} (more cavernous, most cavernous) cavernoso cavesson {noun} (cavessons) cavezzone caviar [[kæviːɑɹ] | [kæviːɑː]] {noun} caviale cavil [/ˈkæv.əl/] {noun, verb} (cavils, caviled, caviling, cavilled, cavilling) cavillare cavillation {noun} (cavillations) cavillazione cavitation [/ˌkævɪˈteɪʃən/] {noun} cavitazione cavity [/ˈkævɪti/ | [ˈkʰævɪɾi]] {noun} (cavities) carie | cavità | alveolo | incavo cavort [/kəˈvɔɹt/ | /kəˈvɔːt/] {verb} (cavorts, cavorting, cavorted) far capriole caw [/kɔː/] {interjection, noun, verb} (caws, cawing, cawed) gracchio | gracchiare Cayenne [/kaɪˈɛn/] {properNoun} Caienna cayman {noun} (caymans) caimano Cayman Islands {properNoun} Isole Cayman CCTV {noun, properNoun} (CCTVs) TVCC CD [/ˌsiːˈdiː/] {noun, verb} (CDs, CDing, CDed) CD CD burner {noun} (CD burners) masterizzatore CD player {noun} (CD players) lettore CD cDNA {noun} DNAc Ceará [/seɪ.əˈɹɑː/] {properNoun} Ceará cease [/siːs/] {noun, verb} (ceases, ceased, ceasing) cessare | smettere | interrompere | arrestare cease and desist {noun, verb} cessi e cessi cease-fire {noun} (cease-fires) armistizio | cessate il fuoco ceasefire {noun} (ceasefires) cessate il fuoco ceaseless [/ˈsiːsləs/] {adjective} incessante ceaselessly {adverb} (most ceaselessly, more ceaselessly) incessantemente Cebu {properNoun} zebù Cebuano {adjective, noun} cebuano cecidium {noun} (cecidia) cecidio Cecil [/ˈsiːsəl/ | /ˈsɛsəl/] {properNoun} Cecilio Cecilia [/sɛˈsiːli.ə/] {properNoun} Cecilia Cecina {properNoun} Cecina cedar [/ˈsi.dɚ/ | /ˈsiː.də/] {noun} cedro cede [/siːd/] {verb} (cedes, ceding, ceded) cedere cedilla [/səˈdɪlə/] {noun} (cedillas) cediglia cedrata cedrata cefotaxime [/sɛfəˈtæksiːm/] {noun} cefotaxima ceftriaxone {noun} ceftriaxone ceiling [/ˈsiːlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (ceilings) soffitto ceiling fan {noun} (ceiling fans) ventilatore da soffitto celadon [/ˈsɛlədən/ | /ˈsɛləˌdɑn/] {adjective, noun} (most celadon, more celadon, celadons) celadon celandine {noun} (celandines) celidonia celeb [/səˈlɛb/] {noun} (celebs) celebrità celebrant {noun} (celebrants) predicatore celebrate [/ˈsɛl.ɪ.bɹeɪt/] {verb} (celebrates, celebrated, celebrating) celebrare | festeggiare celebrated [/ˈsɛl.ɪ.bɹeɪ.tɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more celebrated, most celebrated) celebrato celebration {noun} celebrazione | festa | ricorrenza celebrations {noun} esultanza celebrity [/sɪˈlɛbɹɪti/] {noun} (celebrities) celebrità celeriac {noun} sedano rapa celerity [/sɪˈlɛɹɪti/] {noun} (celerities) celerità celery [/ˈsɛl.ə.ɹi/] {noun} (celeries) sedano celesta [/səˈlɛstə/] {noun} (celestas) celesta celestial [/səˈlɛst͡ʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (celestials) celeste celestial body {noun} (celestial bodies) corpo celeste celestial equator {noun} (celestial equators) equatore celeste celestial sphere {noun} (celestial spheres) sfera celeste celestine {adjective, noun} (celestines, more celestine, most celestine) celestina | celestite Celia {properNoun} Celia celiac {adjective, noun} (celiacs) celiaco celibacy [/ˈsɛləbəsi/] {noun} (celibacies) celibato celibate [/ˈsɛləbət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (celibates, celibating, celibated) celibe Celine {properNoun} Celina cell [/sɛl/] {noun, verb} (cells, celled, celling) cellula | cella | cellulare cell biology biologia cellulare cell division {noun} divisione cellulare cell membrane {noun} (cell membranes) membrana cellulare cell phone {noun} (cell phones) telefonino cell protection citoprotezione cell respiration respirazione cellulare cell theory {noun} teoria cellulare cell wall [/sɛl wɔːl/] {noun} (cell walls) parete cellulare cellar [/ˈsɛlə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛlɚ/] {noun, verb} (cellars, cellaring, cellared) cantina | bottiglieria | cantinato | cella | scantinato | seminterrato cellar door {noun} (cellar doors) cantina cellarman {noun} (cellarmen) cantiniere cellist [/ˈt͡ʃɛlɪst/] {noun} (cellists) violoncellista cello [/ˈsɛloʊ/ | /ˈsɛləʊ/ | /ˈtʃɛloʊ/ | /ˈtʃɛləʊ/] {noun} (cellos, celli) violoncello cellobiose {noun} cellobiosio cellophane [/ˈsɛləfeɪn/] {noun, verb} (cellophanes, cellophaned, cellophaning) cellofan cellular {adjective, noun} (most cellular, more cellular, cellulars) cellulare cellular automaton {noun} (cellular automata, cellular automatons) automa cellulare cellularity {noun} (cellularities) cellularità cellulation {noun} cellulazione cellulite {noun} cellulite cellulitis {noun} (cellulitides, cellulitises) cellulite celluloid [/ˈsɛljəˌlɔɪd/] {noun} celluloide cellulose {adjective, noun} cellulosa celomatic {adjective} celomatico Celt [/kɛlt/] {properNoun} celta Celtic [/ˈkɛltɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} celtico | celtica | celtiche | celtici Celtist {adjective, noun} (most Celtist, more Celtist, Celtists) celtista cement [/səˈmɛnt/ | /ˈsimɛnt/] {noun, verb} (cements, cemented, cementing) cemento | cementare | adesivo | consolidare cement factory cementificio cement grey grigio cemento cement mixer {noun} (cement mixers) betoniera cementum {noun} cemento cemeterial {adjective} cimiteriale Cenacolo Cenacolo cendrée {noun} cenerino cenobite [/ˈsiːnəbaɪt/] {noun} (cenobites) cenobita Cenomanian {properNoun} Cenomaniano cenotaph [/ˈsɛn.ə.tæf/ | /ˈsɛn.əʊ.tæf/] {noun} (cenotaphs) cenotafio cenote [/səˈnoʊtiː/ | /sɛˈnoʊteɪ/] {noun} (cenotes) cenote Cenozoic [/ˌkeɪnəʊˈzəʊɪk/ | /ˌkɛnɵˈzoʊɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} Cenozoico cenozoic cenozoico cense [/sɛns/] {noun, verb} (censes, censed, censing) incensare censer [/ˈsɛn.sə/ | /ˈsɛn.sɚ/] {noun} (censers) incensiere | turibolo censor [/ˈsɛn.sə/ | /ˈsɛn.sɚ/] {noun, verb} (censors, censoring, censored) censurare | censore censorial [/ˌsɛnˈsɔɹi.əl/] {adjective} (more censorial, most censorial) censoriale censorship [/ˈsɛnsəˌʃɪp/ | /ˈsɛnsɚˌʃɪp/] {noun} censura censure [/ˈsɛn.sjə/ | /ˈsɛn.ʃɚ/] {noun, verb} (censures, censuring, censured) condannare census [/ˈsɛnsəs/] {noun, verb} (census, censuses, censusing, censused) censimento | censire | censo cent [/sɛnt/] {noun} (cents, cent) centesimo | soldino Centaur {noun} (Centaurs) Centauro centaur [/ˈsɛntɑɹ/ | /ˈsɛntɔː(ɹ)/] {noun} (centaurs) centauro Centaurus {properNoun} Centauro centenarian [/ˌsɛn.tɪˈnɛəɹ.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more centenarian, most centenarian, centenarians) centenaria centenary {adjective, noun} (centenaries) centenario centennial [/sɛnˈtɛnɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (centennials) centenario center [/ˈsɛn.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛn.tɚ/ | [ˈsɪɾ̃ɚ]] {adjective, noun, verb} (centers, centering, centered) centro center fielder {noun} (center fielders) esterno centro center of gravity [/ˌsen.təɹ əv ˈɡɹæv.ə.ti/] {noun} (centers of gravity) baricentro center of pressure centro di pressione centering {noun, verb} (centerings) centina centesimal [/sɛnˈtɛsəməl/] {adjective} centesimale centigram [/ˈsɛntɪˌɡɹæm/] {noun} (centigrams) centigrammo centiliter {noun} (centiliters) centilitro centilitre {noun} (centilitres) centilitro centime {noun} (centimes) centesimo centimetre [/ˈsɑ̃.-/ | /ˈsɛn.tɪ.miː.tə/] {noun} (centimetres) centimetro centimorgan {noun} (centimorgans) centimorgan centipede [/ˈsɛnt.ɪ.pid/] {noun} (centipedes) centopiedi centisecond {noun} (centiseconds) centisecondo central [/ˈsɛntɹəl/] {adjective} (most central, more central) centrale | fondamentale Central Africa {properNoun} Centrafrica Central African {adjective, noun} (Central Africans) centrafricano | centrafricana | centrafricane | centrafricani Central African Republic [/ˈsɛntɹəl ˈæfɹɪkən ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/] {properNoun} Repubblica Centrafricana Central America [/ˌsɛntɹəl əˈmɛɹɪkə/] {properNoun} America centrale | America Centrale Central Asia {properNoun} Asia Centrale central bank {noun} (central banks) banca centrale central business district {noun} (central business districts) centro Central Europe [/ˈsɛntɹəl ˈjʊəɹəp/ | /ˈsɛntɹəl ˈjʊɹəp/] {properNoun} Europa centrale | Europa Centrale Central European {adjective, noun} (Central Europeans) centroeuropeo Central German {adjective, noun} tedesco centrale Central Kurdish {properNoun} curdo centrale central memory memoria centrale Central Nahuatl {properNoun} nahuatl centrale central nervous system {noun} (central nervous systems) sistema nervoso centrale central processing unit {noun} (central processing units) unità centrale di elaborazione centralise {verb} (centralises, centralised, centralising) centralizzare centralism {noun} centralismo centralist {adjective, noun} (most centralist, more centralist, centralists) centralista | centralistico centrality {noun} (centralities) centralità | focalità centralization [/ˌsɛntɹəlˌaɪˈzeɪʃən/ | /ˌsɛntɹəˌlaɪˈzeɪʃən/] {noun} centralizzazione centralize {verb} (centralizes, centralizing, centralized) centralizzare centralizer {noun} (centralizers) accentratore centralizing {verb} accentratore Centre {properNoun} Centro centre [/ˈsen.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛn.tɚ/ | [ˈsɪɾ̃ɚ]] {noun, verb} (centres, centreing, centred, centring) epicentro centre forward {noun} (centre forwards) centravanti centre of mass {noun} (centres of mass) baricentro Centre-Val de Loire [/ˌsɛntə væl ˈdə lwɑː/] {properNoun} Centro-Valle della Loira centreboard {noun} (centreboards) deriva centrepiece {noun} (centrepieces) nucleo centric [/ˈsɛntɹɪk/] {adjective} (most centric, more centric) centrico centrifugal [/sɛnˈtɹɪf(j)əɡəl/] {adjective, noun} (centrifugals) centrifugo, a centrifugal force {noun} forza centrifuga centrifugation {noun} centrifugazione centrifuge [/ˈsɛntɹɪˌfjuːdʒ/] {noun, verb} (centrifuges, centrifuged, centrifuging) centrifuga | centrifugare centriole [/ˈsɛntɹɪˌəʊl/] {noun} (centrioles) centriolo centripetal [/sɛnˈtɹɪpətəl/] {adjective} centripeto centrism {noun} centrismo centrist {adjective, noun} (more centrist, most centrist, centrists) centrista centrobaric {adjective} centrobarico centroid {noun} (centroids) centroide centromere [/ˈsɛntɹə(ʊ)mɪə/ | /ˈsɛntɹəˌmiɚ/] {noun} (centromeres) centromero centrosome {noun} (centrosomes) centrosoma centrosphere {noun} (centrospheres) centrosfera centrosymmetric {adjective} centrico centumviral {adjective} centumvirale centuplicate {verb} (centuplicates, centuplicated, centuplicating) centuplicare centurion [/sɛnˈtjʊɹ.i.ən/] {noun} (centurions) centurione century [/ˈsɛn.t͡ʃə.ɹiː/] {noun} (centuries) secolo | centuria century egg {noun} (century eggs) uovo cent’anni CEO {noun} (CEOs) AD cephalalgia [/ˌsɛfəˈlæld͡ʒə/] {noun} cefalea cephalic [/sɪˈfælɪk/] {adjective} (most cephalic, more cephalic) cefalico Cephalonia {properNoun} Cefalonia cephalothorax [/ˌsɛfələˈθɔɹæks/] {noun} (cephalothoraxes, cephalothoraces) cefalotorace Cephas {properNoun} Cefa Cepheus [/ˈsiːfi.əs/] {properNoun} Cefeo cepstral {adjective} cepstrale cepstrum [/ˈkɛpstɹəm/] {noun} (cepstra) cepstrum cerambycid {noun} (cerambycids) cerambice ceramic [/səˈɹæmɪk/] {adjective, noun} ceramico | ceramica ceramics {noun} ceramica ceramide [/ˈsɪɹ.əˌmaɪd/] {noun} (ceramides) ceramide ceramology {noun} ceramologia ceratosaur {noun} (ceratosaurs) ceratosauro Cerberus [/ˈsɝbəɹəs/] {properNoun} Cerbero cerberus cerbero cercle ciclamoro cereal [[ˈsɪəɹiːəɫ]] {noun} cereale cerebellar {adjective} cerebellare cerebellum [/ˌseɹəˈbeləm/] {noun} (cerebella, cerebellums) cervelletto cerebral [/ˈsɛɹ.ə.bɹəl/] {adjective} (most cerebral, more cerebral) cerebrale cerebral hemisphere {noun} (cerebral hemispheres) emisfero cerebral palsy {noun} (cerebral palsies) paralisi cerebrale cerebrocortical {adjective} cerebrocorticale cerebrospinal {adjective} cerebrospinale cerebrovascular {adjective} cerebrovascolare cerebrovascular accident {noun} (cerebrovascular accidents) incidente vascolare cerebrale ceremonial {adjective, noun} (more ceremonial, most ceremonial) cerimoniale ceremonially {adverb} (more ceremonially, most ceremonially) cerimonialmente ceremonious {adjective} (more ceremonious, most ceremonious) cerimonioso ceremony [/ˈsɛɹəmoʊni/ | /ˈsɛɹɪməni/] {noun} (ceremonies) cerimonia Ceres [/ˈsɪəɹiːz/] {properNoun} Cerere cerf cervo ceric {adjective} cerico cerimetry {noun} cerimetria cerise [/səˈɹiːz/] {adjective, noun} (more cerise, most cerise) ciliegia cerium [/ˈsɪəɹiəm/] {noun} (ceriums) cerio Cerknica {properNoun} Circonio cerofer {noun} (cerofers) ceroforo ceroferary {noun} (ceroferaries) ceroforo ceroplastics {noun} ceroplastica cerous {adjective} ceroso certain [/ˈsɜːtn̩/ | /ˈsɝtn̩/ | /ˈsɝtən/] {adjective, determiner, noun, pronoun} (more certain, most certain) sicuro | certo | tale certainly [/ˈsɜːtn̩li/ | /ˈsɝʔn̩li/] {adverb} (more certainly, most certainly) certamente | evidentemente | senza dubbio | non ci piove certainty [/ˈsɜːtn̩ti/ | /ˈsɝtn̩ti/] {noun} (certainties) certezza | sicurezza certifiable {adjective, noun} (most certifiable, more certifiable, certifiables) attestabile | certificabile | constatabile certificate [/səɹˈtɪfɪkɪt/ | /səɹˈtɪfɪˌkeɪt/] {noun, verb} (certificates, certificating, certificated) certificato | attestato certification [/ˌsɜːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ | /ˌsɝtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} certificazione certified {verb} abilitato certify {verb} (certifies, certifying, certified) certificare certitude [/ˈsɜːtɪtjuːd/ | /ˈsɝtət(j)ud/] {noun} certezza cerule [/ˈsɪəɹjuːl/] {adjective} (more cerule, most cerule) ceruleo cerulean [/səˈɹuːli.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most cerulean, more cerulean) ceruleo ceruloplasmin {noun} ceruloplasmina ceruse [/sɪˈɹuːs/] {noun} biacca | bianchetto cerussite {noun} cerussite cervical [/ˈsɝːvɨkl̩/] {adjective, noun} (cervicals) cervicale cervical cancer {noun} cancro della cervice uterina cervical cap {noun} (cervical caps) cappuccio cervicale cervical vertebra {noun} (cervical vertebras, cervical vertebrae) vertebra cervicale cervicitis {noun} (cervicites, cervicitides) cervicite cervid {noun} (cervids) cervide cervix [/ˈsɜː.vɪks/ | /ˈsɝ.vɪks/] {noun} (cervices, cervixes) cervice | collo dell'utero Cesara Cesara Cesena Cesena cessation [/sɛˈseɪʃən/] {noun} interruzione cesspit [/ˈsɛspɪt/] {noun} (cesspits) cloaca cesspool [/ˈsɛsˌpuːl/] {noun} (cesspools) cesso alla turca | fogna | fossa biologica | pozzo nero Cesuna {properNoun} Cesuna cetacean [/sɪˈteɪʃən/] {adjective, noun} (more cetacean, most cetacean, cetaceans) cetaceo cetane {noun} (cetanes) cetano cetirizine [/sɛˈtɪɹɨziːn/] {noun} cetirizina cetology {noun} (cetologies) cetologia Cetus {properNoun} Balena Ceuta {properNoun} Ceuta Ceva Ceva Ceylon [/seɪˈlɑn/ | /sɪˈlɒn/] {noun, properNoun} Ceylon cf. {verb} cfr. cha-cha {noun, verb} (cha-chas, cha-chaing, cha-chaed) cha cha cha chabocle raggio di carbonchio chaconne [/ʃaˈkɔn/] {noun} (chaconnes) ciaccona Chad [/tʃæd/] {noun, properNoun} (Chads) Ciad Chadian {adjective, noun} (Chadians) ciadiano | ciadiana Chadic {adjective} (most Chadic, more Chadic) ciadiano chador {noun} (chadors) chador chaebol [/ˈt͡ʃeɪbʌl/] {noun} (chaebols) chaebol chafe [/tʃeɪf/] {noun, verb} (chafes, chafing, chafed) nervosismo | abrasione | arrapare | attizzare | collera | escoriazione chaff [/tʃæf/] {noun, verb} (chaffs, chaffed, chaffing) pula chaffinch [/ˈt͡ʃæfɪnt͡ʃ/] {noun} (chaffinches) fringuello chafing {noun, verb} (chafings) irritazione Chagatai {properNoun} Chagatai | Djagatai chagrin [/ʃəˈɡɹɪn/ | /ˈʃæɡ.ɹɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chagrin, more chagrin, chagrins, chagrined, chagrining) dispiacere | deludere | delusione | mortificare | mortificazione chain [/ˈt͡ʃeɪn/] {noun, verb} (chains, chained, chaining) catena | concatenare | incatenare chain letter {noun} (chain letters) catena di sant'antonio chain mail {noun} cotta di maglia chain of command {noun} (chains of command) via delle istanze chain reaction {noun} (chain reactions) reazione a catena chain store {noun} (chain stores) filiale chained [/tʃeɪnd/] {adjective, verb} incatenato chainring [/ˈtʃeɪnɹɪŋ/] {noun} (chainrings) corona chainsaw [/ˈt͡ʃeɪn.ˌsɔː/] {noun, verb} (chainsaws, chainsawed, chainsawing, chainsawn) motosega chair [/t͡ʃɛə(ɹ)/ | /t͡ʃɛəɹ/] {noun, verb} (chairs, chaired, chairing) sedia | presiedere | seggiola chairlift {noun} (chairlifts) seggiovia chairman [/ˈtʃɛːmən/] {noun, verb} (chairmen, chairmans, chairmanned, chairmanning) presidente chairmanship {noun} presidenza chairperson {noun} (chairpeople, chairpersons) presidentessa | presidente | capo chairwoman {noun} (chairwomen) presidente chaise longue [/ˌʃeɪz ˈlɒŋ(ɡ)/ | /ˌʃeɪz ˈlɔŋ/] {noun} (chaises longues, chaise longues) chaise longue | agrippina | cislonga chakra [/ˈtʃʌk.ɹə/] {noun} (chakras) chakra chalazion [/kəˈleɪzi.ən/] {noun} (chalazia, chalazions) calazio chalbot scazzone chalcanthite {noun} (chalcanthites) calcantite Chalcedon [/ˈkælsɪdɑːn/ | /ˈkælsɪdɒn/] {properNoun} Calcedonia chalcedony [/kælˈsɛdəni/] {noun} (chalcedonies) calcedonio Chalcidicus calcidico chalcogen {noun} (chalcogens) calcogeno Chaldean {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chaldeans) caldeo chalet [/ʃæleɪ/] {noun} (chalets) chalet chalice [/ˈtʃæl.ɪs/] {noun} (chalices) calice chalk [/t͡ʃɑk/ | /t͡ʃɔk/ | /t͡ʃɔːk/] {noun, verb} (chalks, chalked, chalking) gesso | creta | gessetto chalk out {verb} abbozzare chalk up {verb} (chalks up, chalking up, chalked up) collezionare | inanellare | infilare chalk up to {verb} addebitare | addossare la colpa | ascrivere | attribuire | dare la responsabilità | incolpare chalkboard [/t͡ʃɔk.bɔː(ɹ)d/ | /t͡ʃɔːk.bɔː(ɹ)d/] {noun} (chalkboards) lavagna challah [/ˈχɑːlə/] {noun} (challoth, challahs, challos, challot) pagnotta dolce challenge [/ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (challenges, challenging, challenged) sfida | impresa challenging [/ˈtʃæləndʒɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most challenging, more challenging, challengings) sfidante challengingly {adverb} (more challengingly, most challengingly) impunemente chalumeau [/ˌʃælʊˈməʊ/] {noun} (chalumeaux, chalumeaus) salmoè Chamaeleon {properNoun} Camaleonte chamber [/ˈtʃeɪmbə(ɹ)/ | /ˈtʃeɪmbɚ/] {noun, verb} (chambers, chambered, chambering) camera | camera da letto chamber music {noun} musica da camera chamber of commerce {noun} (chambers of commerce) camera di commercio chamber pot {noun} (chamber pots) vaso da notte | orinale | pitale chamberlain [/ˈt͡ʃeɪmbəlɪn/ | /ˈt͡ʃeɪmbɚlɪn/] {noun} (chamberlains) ciambellano chambermaid [/ˈtʃeɪm.bə(ɹ).meɪd/] {noun} (chambermaids) cameriera chameleon [/kəˈmiːljən/ | /kəˈmiːlɪən/] {adjective, noun} (chameleons) camaleonte chamfer [/ˈtʃæm.fɚ/ | /ˈʃæm.fə/] {noun, verb} (chamfers, chamfered, chamfering) bisello | cianfrinare chamfron [/ˈt͡ʃamfɹən/] {noun} (chamfrons) testiera chamois [/ˈʃæmi/ | /ˈʃæmiz/ | /ˈʃæmwɑː/ | /ˈʃæmwɑːz/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chamois, chamoises, chamoised, chamoising) camoscio | rupicapra chamomila tea camomilla champ [/t͡ʃæmp/] {noun, verb} (champs, champed, champing) schioccare un bacio champ at the bit {verb} mordere il freno Champagne {noun, properNoun} (Champagnes) Champagne champagne [/ʃæmˈpeɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (champagnes, champagned, champagning) champagne Champagne-Ardenne {properNoun} Champagne-Ardenne champaign [/ˈtʃæmpeɪn/] {adjective, noun} (more champaign, most champaign, champaigns) pianura champaine {noun} campagna champignon [/t͡ʃæmˈpɪnjən/ | /ʃæmˈpɪnjən/] {noun} (champignons) champignon champion [/ˈtʃæmpiən/] {adjective, noun, verb} (champions, championing, championed) campione | campionessa Champions League {properNoun} Coppa dei Campioni championship [/ˈtʃæmpi.ənʃɪp/] {noun} campionato chance [/tʃæns/ | /tʃɑːns/ | [tʃʰæns] | [tʃʰɐːns] | [tʃʰɑːns] | [tʃʰɛəns]] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (chances, chanced, chancing) probabilità | possibilità | opportunità | chance chancel [/ˈtʃænsəl/ | /ˈtʃɑːnsəl/] {noun} (chancels) presbiterio chancellery [/ˈtʃænt.slə.ɹi/ | /ˈtʃɑːnt.səl.ɹi/] {noun} (chancelleries) cancelleria chancellor [/ˈtʃænsələ/ | /ˈtʃɑːnsələ/] {noun} (chancellors) cancelliere chancellorship {noun} (chancellorships) cancellierato chancy {adjective} (chancest, chancer) fortunato chandelier [/ʃændəˈlɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chandeliers) lampadario | candelabro chandler [/ˈtʃændlə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chandlers) candeliere change [/tʃeɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (changes, changed, changing) cambiamento | cambiare | cambio | modifica | resto | rimpiazzare change hands {verb} (changes hands, changing hands, changed hands) cambiare di mano | cambiare esercente | cambiare proprietario change into mutare change of state {noun} (changes of state) cambiamento di stato change one's mind {verb} cambiare idea change over {verb} passaggio changeability {noun} (changeabilities) incostanza changeable [/ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒəbəl/] {adjective} (most changeable, more changeable) mutevole | ondivago changeable uneven incostante changeableness {noun} instabilità | mutabilità | mutevolezza changed {verb} trasformato changeling [/ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒlɪŋ/] {noun} (changelings) cocciuto changeover {noun} (changeovers) cambiamento changeroom {noun} (changerooms) spogliatoio Changhsingian {properNoun} Changhsingiano changing room {noun} (changing rooms) spogliatoio | cabina di prova channel [/ˈtʃænəl/] {noun, verb} (channels, channelling, channeled, channelled, channeling) canale | convogliare | imitare channelize {verb} (channelizes, channelized, channelizing) canalizzare chanson [/ʃɑ̃.sɔ̃/] {noun} (chansons) canzone chansonnier {noun} (chansonniers) canzoniere chant [/tʃænt/ | /tʃɑːnt/] {noun, verb} (chants, chanting, chanted) salmodiare chanter [/ˈtʃæntɚ/ | /ˈtʃɑːntə/] {noun} (chanters) canna della melodia chanterelle [/ˈtʃæntəɹɛl/] {noun} (chanterelles) finferlo | galletto | cantarello giallo | finferla chaos [/ˈkeɪ.ɑs/ | /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/] {noun} (chaoses) caos chaos theory {noun} teoria del caos chaotic [/keɪˈɑtɪk/ | /keɪˈɒtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most chaotic, more chaotic, chaotics) caotico chaotically {adverb} (most chaotically, more chaotically) caoticamente chap [/tʃæp/] {noun, verb} (chaps, chapped, chapping) tipo | tizio chaparral [/ˌʃæpəˈɹæl/] {noun} macchia chape {noun} (chapes) puntale chapel [/ˈtʃæ.pəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chapels, chapelled, chapelling) cappella | chiesetta chapel of ease {noun} (chapels of ease) succursale chaperon [/ˈʃæ.pəˌɹoʊn/ | /ˈʃæ.pəˌɹəʊn/] {noun, verb} (chaperons, chaperoned, chaperoning) fare da mamma chaperone [/ˈʃæ.pəˌɹoʊn/] {noun, verb} (chaperones, chaperoning, chaperoned) grembiule chaplain [/ˈtʃæp.lɪn/] {noun} (chaplains) cappellano chaplet [/ˈtʃæplət/] {noun} (chaplets) corona | ghirlanda | modanatura | modanatura a perline | rosario | serto Chapman's antshrike {noun} (Chapman's antshrikes) averla formichiera di Chapman chapped [/tʃæpt/] {adjective, verb} (most chapped, more chapped) screpolato chaptalization {noun} zuccheraggio chapter [/ˈt͡ʃæptə/ | /ˈt͡ʃæptɚ/] {noun, verb} (chapters, chaptering, chaptered) capitolo chapter house {noun} (chapter houses) sala capitolare chapé {noun} mantellato char [/tʃɑɹ/ | /tʃɑː/] {noun, verb} (char, chars, charring, charred, charing, chared) carbonizzare | salmerino | domestica character [/ˈkæɹəktə/ | /ˈkɛɹəktɚ/] {noun, verb} (characters, charactering, charactered) carattere | caratteristica | personaggio character assassination {noun} maldicenza characteristic [/ˌkæɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/ | /ˌkɛɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most characteristic, more characteristic, characteristics) caratteristico | caratteristica characteristic polynomial {noun} (characteristic polynomials) polinomio caratteristico characteristically {adverb} (more characteristically, most characteristically) caratteristicamente characterization {noun} (characterizations) caratterizzazione characterize [/ˈkæɹəktəɹaɪz/ | /ˈkɛɹəktəɹaɪz/] {verb} (characterizes, characterizing, characterized) caratterizzare charade [/ʃəˈɹeɪd/ | /ʃəˈɹɑːd/] {noun, verb} (charades, charaded, charading) sciarada charades {noun} sciarada charboucle raggio di carbonchio charcoal [/ˈtʃɑɹ.koʊl/ | /ˈtʃɑː.kəʊl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most charcoal, more charcoal, charcoals, charcoaled, charcoaling) carbonella | antracite | carbone charcoal drawing {noun} (charcoal drawings) carboncino charcoal pencil carboncino chard [/tʃɑɹd/ | /tʃɑːd/] {noun} bietola | bieta Chardonnay [/ˌʃɑː(ɹ)dəˈneɪ/] {noun} chardonnay Charente-Maritime {properNoun} Charente Marittima charge [/t͡ʃɑɹd͡ʒ/ | /t͡ʃɑːd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (charges, charging, charged) caricare | carica | prezzo | accusa | carico | compito chargeable {adjective} (more chargeable, most chargeable) imputabile charged {verb} caricato charger [/ˈtʃɑɹdʒɚ/ | /ˈtʃɑːdʒə/] {noun} (chargers) caricabatterie | corsiero charging {noun, verb} furioso chargé d'affaires [/ʃɑrˈʒeɪ dəˈfɛɹ/] {noun} (chargés d'affaires) incaricato d'affari chariot [/ˈt͡ʃæɹiət/ | /ˈt͡ʃæɹɪət/] {noun, verb} (chariots, charioting, charioted) biga | carrozza | cocchio charioteer {noun, verb} (charioteers, charioteered, charioteering) auriga charisma [/kəˈɹɪzmə/] {noun} (charismas, charismata) carisma charismatic [/ˌkæɹɪzˈmætɪk/ | /ˌkɛɹəzˈmætək/] {adjective, noun} (most charismatic, more charismatic, charismatics) carismatico charitable {adjective} (most charitable, more charitable) caritatevole charity [/ˈtʃæɹɪti/ | /ˈtʃɛɹəti/] {noun} (charities) carità | ente di beneficenza | organizzazione benefica charlatan [/ˈʃɑɹlətən/ | /ˈʃɑːlətən/] {noun} (charlatans) ciarlatano Charlemagne [/ˈʃɑɹlɨmeɪn/] {properNoun} Carlo Magno | Carlomagno Charlene [/ʃɑɹˈlin/] {properNoun} Carlina Charleroi {properNoun} Charleroi Charles [/tʃɑɹlz/ | /tʃɑːlz/] {properNoun} Carlo Charles's law [/ˌtʃɑːlz ˈlɔː/] {properNoun} legge di Charles | prima legge di Gay-Lussac charley horse {noun} (charley horses) cavalletto Charlie [/ˈtʃɑɹli/] {noun, properNoun} (Charlies) Como Charlotte [/ˈʃaɹlət/ | /ˈʃaːlət/ | /ˈʃɑɹlət/ | /ˈʃɑːlət/] {noun, properNoun} (Charlottes) Carlotta charlotte [/ˈʃɑɹlət/ | /ˈʃɑːlət/] {noun} (charlottes) charlotte charm [/tʃɑɹm/ | /tʃɑːm/] {noun, verb} (charms, charmed, charming) fascino | incantesimo | amuleto | attrattiva | ciondolo | incanto charm quark {noun} (charm quarks) quark charm charmed [/tʃɑɹmd/ | /tʃɑːmd/] {adjective, verb} (most charmed, more charmed) ammaliato charmer [/ˈtʃɑɹmɚ/] {noun} (charmers) vezzoso charming [/ˈtʃɑː(ɹ).mɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more charming, most charming, charmings) affascinante Charon [/ˈkɛəɹɒn/ | /ˈkɛəɹən/] {noun, properNoun} (Charons) Caronte chart [/tʃɑɹt/] {noun, verb} (charts, charted, charting) carta | carta geografica | carta nautica charter [/ˈt͡ʃɑɹtɚ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɑːtə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (charters, chartering, chartered) carta Charterhouse certosa Chartism {properNoun} (Chartisms) cartismo Chartist {adjective, noun} (Chartists) cartista chartist {noun} (chartists) cartista charwoman {noun} (charwomen) donna delle pulizie chary [/ˈtʃɛəɹi/ | /ˈtʃɛɹi/] {adjective, adverb} (charer, charest, most chary, more chary) accorto Charybdis [/kəˈɹɪbdɪs/] {properNoun} Cariddi chase [/tʃeɪs/] {noun, verb} (chases, chasing, chased) caccia | cacciare | inseguire | rincorrere chase away {verb} (chases away, chased away, chasing away) scacciare chaser [/ˈtʃeɪsə/ | /ˈtʃeɪsɚ/] {noun} (chasers) cacciatore | cesellatore | incisore | inseguitore chasm [/ˈkæz(ə)m/] {noun} (chasms) abisso | baratro | voragine | divario | divergenza chasma [/ˈkazmə/ | /ˈkæzmə/] {noun} (chasmas, chasmata) chasma chasse-café [/ˌʃaskaˈfeɪ/ | /ˌʃæskæˈfeɪ/] {noun} (chasse-cafés) ammazzacaffè chassis [/ˈtʃæsi/ | /ˈtʃæsiz/ | /ˈʃæzi/] {noun} (chassis) châssis | telaio chaste [/tʃeɪst/] {adjective} (chaster, chastest) casta | casto chaste tree {noun} (chaste trees) agnocasto chastel castello chastely {adverb} (most chastely, more chastely) castamente chastise [/tʃæˈstaɪz/] {verb} (chastises, chastising, chastised) castigare chastisement [/ˈtʃæstəzmənt/] {noun} castigo chastity [/ˈtʃæstɪti/] {noun} (chastities) castità chastity belt {noun} (chastity belts) cintura di castità chasuble [/ˈt͡ʃæzjʊbəl/] {noun} (chasubles) casula chat [/tʃæt/] {noun, verb} (chats, chatting, chatted) chiacchierare | conversare | chiacchiera | parlare chat up {verb} (chats up, chatting up, chatted up) accendere chattel [/ˈtʃæt.əl/ | [-ɾɫ]] {noun} (chattels) anima chatter [/ˈtʃætə/ | /ˈtʃætɚ/] {noun, verb} (chatters, chattered, chattering) brusio | chiacchiericcio | chiacchierio | cigolio | gracchio | gracidio chatterbox {noun} (chatterboxes) chiacchierone | ciancione | linguacciuto chattering {noun, verb} (chatterings) cicaleccio Chattian {properNoun} Chattiano chatty [/ˈtʃæti/] {adjective, noun} (chatties, chatter, chattest) chiacchierone chauffeur [/ʃoʊˈfɝ/ | /ʃɒˈfɜː/] {noun, verb} (chauffeurs, chauffeuring, chauffeured) autista | chauffeur chausse-trap tribolo chaussé {adjective} (most chaussé, more chaussé) calzato chauvinism [/ˈʃoʊ.vɪˌnɪzm̩/ | /ˈʃəʊ.və.nɪ.zəm/ | /ˈʃəʊ.vɪ.nɪ.zəm/] {noun} sciovinismo chauvinist {adjective, noun} (more chauvinist, most chauvinist, chauvinists) sciovinista chauvinistic {adjective} (most chauvinistic, more chauvinistic) sciovinista chav [/tʃæv/] {noun} (chavs) tamarro | coatto | scugnizzo | zingaro Chavism {noun} chavismo chayote [/tʃɑˈjoʊti/ | /ˈtʃeɪəʊti/] {noun} cocco di mamma cheap [/t͡ʃip/ | /t͡ʃiːp/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (cheaper, cheapest, most cheap, more cheap, cheaps, cheaped, cheaping) economico | scadente | a buon mercato cheapen {verb} (cheapens, cheapened, cheapening) svalutare cheaply [/ˈtʃiːpli/] {adverb} (most cheaply, more cheaply) scadente cheapskate {noun} (cheapskates) avaro | tirchio cheat [/tʃiːt/] {noun, verb} (cheats, cheated, cheating) tradire | fregare | imbroglione | pelagatti | truffatore cheat on {verb} tradire cheat sheet {noun} (cheat sheets) bigliettino cheater [/ˈtʃiːtə(ɹ)/] {noun} (cheaters) copione cheating [/ˈtʃiːtɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most cheating, more cheating) abbindolamento Chechen [/ˈtʃɛ.tʃɛn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chechens) ceceno | cecena Chechnya [/ˈtʃɛtʃ.ni.ə/] {properNoun} Cecenia check [/t͡ʃɛk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (checks, checked, checking) scacco | controllare | conto | controllo | quadretto | segno check in {verb} (checks in, checking in, checked in) registrarsi check out {verb} (checks out, checked out, checking out) crepare check through {verb} (checks through, checked through, checking through) esaminare check up {verb} (checks up, checking up, checked up) avverarsi check valve {noun} (check valves) valvola di ritegno check-point check-point check-up {noun} (check-ups) check-up checkable {adjective} (most checkable, more checkable) sindacabile checkbox [/ˈtʃɛkbɑks/ | /ˈtʃɛkbɒks/] {noun} (checkboxes) casella di spunta checked [/tʃɛkt/] {adjective, verb} accertato checker [/ˈtʃɛkə/ | /ˈtʃɛkɚ/] {noun, verb} (checkers, checkered, checkering) verificatore checkerboard {noun, verb} (checkerboards, checkerboarding, checkerboarded) scacchiera checkered {adjective, verb} (more checkered, most checkered) scaccato | a luci e ombre | a quadretti | a quadri | a scacchi | contrastato checkmate [/ˈt͡ʃɛkmeɪt/] {interjection, noun, verb} (checkmates, checkmating, checkmated) scacco matto | dare scacco matto checkmated {adjective, verb} affogato checkout {noun} (checkouts) cassa checkpoint {noun, verb} (checkpoints, checkpointed, checkpointing) posto di blocco checks and balances {noun, verb} divisione dei poteri checkup {noun} (checkups) informarsi checky {adjective} scaccato checky of nine pieces punti equipollenti checquer-bearing scaccato Cheddar cheese {noun} formaggio Cheddar cheder {noun} (chedarim, chederim, cheders, chadorim, chadarim) heder cheek [/tʃiːk/] {noun, verb} (cheeks, cheeked, cheeking) guancia | gota | braccio | braccio della tromba | chiappa | faccia tosta cheek by jowl {adjective, adverb} (most cheek by jowl, more cheek by jowl) a fianco cheek pouch {noun} (cheek pouches) boccale | tasca cheekbone {noun} (cheekbones) zigomo cheekily {adverb} (most cheekily, more cheekily) sfacciatamente cheeky [/ˈtʃiːki/] {adjective} (cheeker, cheekest) sfacciato | impertinente | impudente | sfrontato cheep [/tʃiːp/] {interjection, noun, verb} (cheeps, cheeped, cheeping) pigolare cheer [/t͡ʃɪə(ɹ)/ | /t͡ʃɪɹ/] {noun, verb} (cheers, cheered, cheering) buonumore | incitare cheer up {interjection, verb} (cheers up, cheered up, cheering up) coraggio! | forza! | incoraggiare | invogliare | sollevare il morale | sostenere cheered [/t͡ʃɪəd/ | /t͡ʃɪɹd/] {verb} acclamato cheerful [/ˈt͡ʃɪəfəl/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪɹfəl/] {adjective} (most cheerful, more cheerful) allegro | felice | gioioso | luminoso cheerfully [/ˈtʃɪəfəli/ | /ˈtʃɪɹfəli/] {adverb} (most cheerfully, more cheerfully) allegramente cheerfulness [/ˈt͡ʃɪəfəlnəs/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪɹfəlnəs/] {noun} (cheerfulnesses) allegria cheering [/ˈt͡ʃɪəɹɪŋ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (cheerings) incoraggiante cheerio [/ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.oʊ/ | /ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.əʊ/] {interjection, noun} (cheerios) ciao Cheerios [/ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.əʊz/ | /ˈtʃɪɹ.i.oʊz/] {noun, properNoun} Cheerios cheerless {adjective} (more cheerless, most cheerless) infelice cheers [/tʃɪəz/ | /tʃɪɹz/] {interjection, noun, verb} salute | cin cin | alla salute | ci vediamo cheery {adjective} (cheerer, cheerest) gaio cheese [/t͡ʃiz/ | /t͡ʃiːz/] {interjection, noun, verb} (cheeses, cheesed, cheesing) formaggio | cacio | grana cheese factory caseificio cheese it {phraseologicalUnit} ventidue cheese knife {noun} (cheese knives) coltello da formaggio cheese mite {noun} (cheese mites) acaro del formaggio cheese-paring taccagno cheeseburger {noun} (cheeseburgers) cheeseburger cheesecake {noun} cheesecake | torta al formaggio cheesecloth {noun} stamigna cheesy [/ˈtʃiːzi/] {adjective} (cheeser, cheesest) caseoso cheetah [/ˈtʃiːtə/] {noun} (cheetahs) ghepardo chef [/ʃɛf/] {noun, verb} (chefs, cheffed, cheffing) capocuoco chef's knife {noun} (chefs' knives, chef's knives) coltello del cuoco cheilitis {noun} (cheilitides) cheilite cheilophagia {noun} cheilofagia chela [/ˈkilə/ | /ˈt͡ʃei.lə/] {noun} (chelae, chele, chelas) chela chelation [/ˈkiːˌleɪˈʃən/] {noun} chelazione chelicera [/kəˈlɪ.sə.ɹə/] {noun} (chelicerae) chelicero chelicerate {adjective, noun} (chelicerates) chelicerato Chelyabinsk [/tʃɛlˈjæbɪnsk/] {properNoun} Čeljabinsk chemical [/ˈkɛmɪkəl/] {adjective, noun} (chemicals) composto chimico | chimico chemical agent {noun} (chemical agents) arma chimica chemical biology {noun} biochimica chemical bond {noun} (chemical bonds) legame chimico chemical compound {noun} (chemical compounds) composto chimico chemical element {noun} (chemical elements) elemento chimico chemical engineering {noun} ingegneria chimica chemical equation {noun} (chemical equations) equazione chimica chemical equilibrium {noun} (chemical equilibria) equilibrio chimico chemical formula {noun} (chemical formulae, chemical formulas) formula chimica chemical reaction {noun} (chemical reactions) reazione chimica chemical reactor {noun} (chemical reactors) reattore chimico chemical substance {noun} (chemical substances) sostanza chimica | sostanza pura chemical symbol {noun} (chemical symbols) simbolo chimico chemical weapon {noun} (chemical weapons) arma chimica chemically {adjective, adverb} (most chemically, more chemically) chimicamente chemioelectricity chemioelettricità chemise [/ʃəˈmiːz/] {noun} (chemises) baby-doll chemist [/ˈkɛmɪst/] {noun} (chemists) chimico | chimica chemist apothecary farmacista chemistry [/ˈkɛm.ɪ.stɹi/] {noun} (chemistries) chimica chemistry of ascorbic acid acido ascorbico chemokine {noun} (chemokines) chemochina chemometrics {noun} chemiometria chemosphere {noun} (chemospheres) chemosfera chemosynthesis {noun} (chemosyntheses) chemiosintesi chemotactic range fitting adattamento chemotaxis {noun} (chemotaxes) chemotassi chemotherapy {noun} (chemotherapies) chemioterapia chemtrail [/ˈkɛmtɹeɪl/] {noun} (chemtrails) scia chimica Cheops [/ˈkiɑːps/ | /ˈkiːɒps/] {properNoun} Cheope cheque [/tʃɛk/] {noun} (cheques) assegno chequebook {noun} (chequebooks) libretto degli assegni chequered flag {noun} (chequered flags) bandiera a scacchi chequi {noun} (chequis) scaccato chequy [/ˈt͡ʃɛki/] {adjective} scaccato cherimoya {noun} (cherimoyas) cerimolia cherish [/ˈtʃɛɹɪʃ/] {verb} (cherishes, cherished, cherishing) accarezzare Chernobyl [/tʃə(ː)ˈnɒbəl/ | /tʃɚˈnoʊbəl/] {noun, properNoun} (Chernobyls) Černobyl' chernozem [/ˈt͡ʃɜː(ɹ)nəˌzɛm/] {noun} černozëm Cherokee [/ˈt͡ʃɛ.ɹə.ˌkiː/] {noun, properNoun} (Cherokees) cherokee cheroot [/tʃəˈɹuːt/] {noun} (cheroots) sigaro cherrfully gioiosamente cherry [/ˈt͡ʃɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more cherry, most cherry, cherries) ciliegia | ciliegio cherry blossom {noun} fiore di ciliegio cherry brandy {noun} (cherry brandies) cerasella cherry picker {noun} (cherry pickers) ponte sollevatore cherry plum {noun} (cherry plums) amolo cherry red {adjective, noun} rosso ciliegia cherry tomato {noun} (cherry tomatoes) pomodorino | pomodoro ciliegino cherry tree {noun} (cherry trees) ciliegio cherrywood {noun} ciliegio chert {noun} ftanite cherub [/ˈtʃɛɹəb/] {noun} (cherubim, cherubims, cherubs) cherubino cherubic {adjective} (most cherubic, more cherubic) cherubico Cherusci {noun} cherusco chervil [/ˈtʃɜː(ɹ)vɪl/] {noun} cerfoglio Cheshire cat [/ˌtʃɛʃə ˈkat/ | /ˌtʃɛʃɚ ˈkæt/] {properNoun} Stregatto | gatto del Cheshire chess [/t͡ʃɛs/] {noun} (chesses) scacchi chess piece {noun} (chess pieces) pezzo degli scacchi chess player {noun} (chess players) scacchista chess-rook rocco chessboard {noun} (chessboards) scacchiera chessrook rocco chest [/t͡ʃɛst/] {noun, verb} (chests, chested, chesting) petto | torace | cassa | baule | cassapanca | cassettone chest of drawers {noun} (chests of drawers) comò | cassettone | canterano | cassettiera chestnut [/ˈtʃɛs.nʌt/] {adjective, noun} castagna | castano | castagneto chestnut brown marrone castagna chestnut teal {noun} (chestnut teals) alzavola castana chestnut tree [/ˈtʃɛsnʌt ˌtɹiː/] {noun} (chestnut trees) castagno chestnut-backed antshrike {noun} (chestnut-backed antshrikes) averla formichiera lineata chever capra cheverons {noun} troncato in scaglione chevillé ramoso chevron [/ˈʃɛvɹən/] {noun, verb} (chevrons, chevroned, chevroning) scaglione | frecce segnaletiche | galloni | pipa | segno diacritico a V chevron and a over all a chief capo-scaglione chevron couped in chief scaglione troncato chevron disjointed scaglione mancante chevron embowed scaglione piegato chevron issuing from flank dexter scaglione in sbarra chevron issuing from flank sinister scaglione in banda chevron éclaté scaglione brisato chevronel {noun} (chevronels) scaglionetto chevronelly scaglionato chevronny {adjective} scaglionato chew [/tʃu/ | /tʃuː/] {noun, verb} (chews, chewing, chewed, chewn) masticare chew over {verb} (chews over, chewing over, chewed over) rimuginare chew the cud {verb} ruminare chew the scenery {verb} essere sopra le righe chewing gum {noun} gomma da masticare chewy [/ˈtʃu.i/] {adjective} (chewest, chewer) viscoso Chiang Mai [/t͡ʃi.ɑːŋ ˈmaɪ/] {properNoun} Chiang Mai Chianti [/kiˈɑnti/ | /kɪˈantɪ/] {noun} Chianti | chianti chiaroscuro [/kɪˌɑːɹəˈskʊəɹəʊ/ | /ˌkjɑɹəˈsk(j)ʊɹoʊ/] {adjective, noun} (chiaroscuros, chiaroscuri, most chiaroscuro, more chiaroscuro) chiaroscuro chiasmus [/kaɪˈæzməs/] {noun} (chiasmuses, chiasmi) chiasmo chic [/ʃik/ | /ʃiːk/] {adjective, noun} (chics, most chic, chicer, chicest, more chic) elegante Chicago [/ʃəˈkɑː.ɡo/ | /ʃɪˈkɑ.ɡo/] {properNoun} Chicago chicane [/ʃɪˈkeɪn/] {noun, verb} (chicanes, chicaning, chicaned) chicane | curva a gomito | impedimento | intoppo | intralcio chicanery [/ʃɪˈkeɪn(ə)ɹi/] {noun} (chicaneries) mistificazione chick [/t͡ʃɪk/] {noun, verb} (chicken, chicks, chicked, chicking) pulcino | gnocca chick pea {noun} (chick peas) cece chickadee [/ˈt͡ʃɪ.kə.ˌdi/] {noun} (chickadees) cincia Chickasaw [/ˈtʃɪkəsɔː/] {noun, properNoun} (Chickasaws, Chickasaw) chickasaw chicken [/ˈt͡ʃɪkɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chicken, most chicken, chickens, chickening, chickened) pollo | gallina | gallo | codardo | cacasotto | coniglio chicken hawk {noun} (chicken hawks) albanella chicken out {verb} (chickens out, chickened out, chickening out) lascia stare chicken pox {noun} (chicken poxes) varicella chicken soup {noun} brodo chicken-hearted {adjective} (more chicken-hearted, most chicken-hearted) impaurito chicken-or-egg question {noun} (chicken-or-egg questions) paradosso dell'uovo e della gallina chickenpox {noun} varicella chickenshit {adjective, noun} (most chickenshit, more chickenshit) fifone | cacasotto | codardo | coniglio | cortigiano | debole chickling vetch {noun} cicerchia chickpea [/ˈtʃɪkˌpiː/] {noun} (chickpeas) cece chickweed {noun} (chickweeds) centocchio chicory [/ˈtʃɪkəɹi/] {noun} (chicories) cicoria chide [/tʃaɪd/] {verb} (chides, chided, chidden, chiding, chid, chode) rimproverare chief [/tʃiːf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chief, chiefest, chiefer, more chief, chiefs, chiefing, chiefed) capo chief editor caporedattore chief embelif capo a destra chief executive officer {noun} (chief executive officers) amministratore delegato chief financial officer {noun} (chief financial officers) direttore finanziario chief of staff {noun} (chiefs of staff) capo di gabinetto chiefly [/ˈtʃiːf.li/] {adjective, adverb} (chiefliest, chieflier, most chiefly, more chiefly) principalmente chieftain [/ˈtʃiːf.tən/] {noun} (chieftains) capotribù | capo Chiers [/ʃiˈɛə(r)/] {properNoun} acquavite Chieti {properNoun} Chieti chiffchaff [/ˈt͡ʃɪf.t͡ʃæf/] {noun} (chiffchaffs) luì piccolo chiffonier [/ˌʃɪ.fəˈnɪə/] {noun} (chiffoniers) cassettiera chignon [/ʃɪnˈjɒn/] {noun} (chignons) crocchia Chihuahua [/tʃɪˈwaʊ(w).ə/ | /tʃɪˈwɑːwɑː/] {noun, properNoun} (Chihuahuas) chihuahua chilblain [/tʃɪlbleɪn/] {noun} (chilblains) gelone child [/t͡ʃaɪld/] {noun, verb} (children, childer, childs, childing, childed) bambino | bambina | figlio | figlia child abuse [/ˈtʃaɪldəbjuːs/] {noun} abuso minorile child bride {noun} (child brides) sposa bambina child carrier {noun} (child carriers) marsupio child prodigy {noun} (child prodigies) bambino prodigio child safety seat {noun} (child safety seats) seggiolino child soldier {noun} (child soldiers) bambino soldato child's play {noun} gioco da ragazzi child-centred teaching pedocentrismo childbirth {noun} (childbirths) parto childcare {noun} bambinaia childhood [/ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/] {noun} infanzia childish [/ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/] {adjective} (most childish, more childish) puerile | bambinesco | infantile childishly {adverb} puerilmente childishness {noun} (childishnesses) bambinaggine childless {adjective} senza figlio childlessness {noun} mancanza di figli childminder {noun} (childminders) baby-sitter children [/ˈt͡ʃɪldɹən/ | [tʃɪl.ɹən] | [ˈt͡ʃɪl.d͡ʒɹən] | [ˈt͡ʃʊld͡ʒɹən]] {noun} infanzia children's home {noun} (children's homes) istituto children's hospital {noun} (children's hospitals) ospedale pediatrico Chile [/ˈt͡ʃileɪ/ | /ˈt͡ʃiː.leɪ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪl.e/] {properNoun} Cile Chilean [/ˈtʃɪli.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Chileans) cileno | cilena | cilene | cileni Chilean flamingo {noun} (Chilean flamingos) fenicottero del Cile Chilean pine {noun} (Chilean pines) pino del Cile chili [/ˈt͡ʃɪli/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪliː/] {noun} (chilies, chilis) peperoncino chili con carne [/ˈtʃɪli kɑn ˈkɑɹni/] {noun} chili chili pepper {noun} (chili peppers) peperoncino chiliagon [/ˈkɪlɪæɡən/] {noun} (chiliagons) chiliagono chiliahedron [/kɪlɪəˈhiːdɹən/] {noun} (chiliahedrons) chiliedro