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bole [/boʊl/ | /bəʊl/] {noun} (boles) tronco bolete [/boʊˈlit/] {noun} (boletes) porcino boletus {noun} (boletuses, boleti) porcino bolide [/ˈboʊ.laɪd/] {noun} (bolides) bolide | meteora | palla di fuoco | stella cadente Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela {properNoun} Repubblica Bolivariana del Venezuela Bolivarianism {noun} bolivarismo Bolivia [/boʊ.ˈlɪv.i.ə/ | /bə.ˈlɪv.i.ə/] {properNoun} Bolivia Bolivian [/bəˈlɪv.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Bolivians) boliviana boll [/boʊl/ | /bɒl/] {noun, verb} (bolls, bolled, bolling) capsula boll weevil {noun} (boll weevils) antonomo bollard [/ˈbɒlɑːd/ | /ˈbɒləɹd/] {noun} (bollards) bitta | colonnina | galloccia | paracarro | pilastro | spartitraffico bollock [/ˈbɒ.lək/] {noun, verb} (bollocks, bollocking, bollocked) coglione bollocks [/ˈbɒ.ləks/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bollock, bollockses, bollocksing, bollocksed) balle | cazzate | cazzo | coglionata | coglione | coglioni Bollywood {properNoun} Bollywood Bologna [/bəˈloʊnjə/ | /bəˈlɒnjə/] {properNoun} Bologna Bolognese [/ˌbɒləˈneɪz/] {adjective} bolognese | ragù alla bolognese bolognese [/ˌbɒləˈneɪz/] {noun} al ragù | ragù | ragù alla bolognese | ragù bolognese bolometer {noun} (bolometers) bolometro bolometric {adjective} bolometrico Bolshevik [/ˈboʊ̯lʃəvɪk/ | /ˈbɒlʃəvɪk/] {noun} (Bolsheviki, Bolsheviks) bolscevico Bolshevism [/ˈbɑlʃəˌvɪzəm/ | /ˈbɒlʃəˌvɪz(ə)m/] {noun} bolscevismo bolster [/ˈboʊlstɚ/ | /ˈbəʊlstə/] {noun, verb} (bolsters, bolstering, bolstered) appoggiare | capezzale | sostenere | supportare bolt [/boʊlt/ | /bɒlt/] {adverb, noun, verb} (bolts, bolted, bolting) bullone | imbullonare | sprangare | chiavistello | barilotto | fuggire bolt bucket {noun} (bolt buckets) scarcassone bolt cutter {noun} (bolt cutters) tagliabulloni bolt from the blue {noun} (bolts from the blue) come un fulmine a ciel sereno bolt rope {noun} (bolt ropes) gratile bolus {noun, verb} (boluses, boli, bolusing, bolused) bolo Bolzano {properNoun} Bolzano bomb [/bɑm/ | /bɒm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bomb, more bomb, bombs, bombed, bombing) bomba | bombardare bomb factory dinamitificio bomb vessel bombarda bomb-shell granata bombard [/ˈbɑmˌbɑɹd/ | /ˈbɒmˌbɑːd/ | /ˌbɑmˈbɑɹd/ | /ˌbɒmˈbɑːd/] {noun, verb} (bombards, bombarded, bombarding) bombardare bombardier beetle {noun} (bombardier beetles) bombardiere bombardment {noun} bombardamento bombardon {noun} (bombardons) bombarda bombast [/ˈbɑmbæst/ | /ˈbɒmbæst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bombast, most bombast, bombasts, bombasting, bombasted) magniloquenza bombastic [/bɑmˈbæs.tʰɪk/ | /bɒmˈbæs.tɪk/] {adjective} (more bombastic, most bombastic) pomposo | ampolloso | magniloquente Bombay {noun, properNoun} (Bombays) gatto Bombay bombe [/bɒmb/] {noun} (bombes) bomba bomber [/ˈbɑməɹ/] {adjective, noun} (more bomber, most bomber, bombers) bombardiere | attentatore | bombarolo | dinamitardo bomber jacket {noun} (bomber jackets) bomber bombing [/ˈbɒmɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bombings) bombardamento bombshell {noun} (bombshells) bomba | granata | notizia clamorosa | schianto bon appétit [/ˌboʊn æpəˈti(t)/ | /ˌbɒn apəˈtiː/] {phraseologicalUnit} buon appetito bon vivant [/ˌbɑn viˈvɑnt/ | /ˌbɒ̃ viːˈvɒ̃/] {noun} (bons vivants, bon vivants) gaudente | viveur | viveuse bon voyage [/ˌbɒn vwaɪˈɑːʒ/] {interjection} buon viaggio bona fide [/ˈboʊnə.faɪd/ | /ˌbəʊ.nəˈfaɪ.di/] {adjective, adverb} autentico Bonaire {properNoun} Bonaire Bonaparte's gull {noun} (Bonaparte's gulls) gabbiano di Bonaparte Bonapartism [/ˈbəʊnəpɑːtɪzəm/ | /ˌboʊnəˈpɑɹ(ˌ)tɪzəm/] {noun} bonapartismo Bonapartist {adjective, noun} (most Bonapartist, more Bonapartist, Bonapartists) bonapartista | bonapartistico Bonaventure {properNoun} Bonaventura bond [/bɑnd/ | /bɒnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bond, more bond, bonds, bonding, bonded) obbligazione | accordo | alleanza | cementare | cemento | collante bondage [/ˈbɑn.dɪd͡ʒ/ | /ˈbɒn.dɪd͡ʒ/] {noun} bondage | schiavitù bonding {noun, verb} (bondings) collegamento bondman {noun} (bondmen) schiavo bondsman [/ˈbɑndzmən/ | /ˈbɒndzmən/] {noun} (bondsmen) cauzione bone [/bɐʉn/ | /bəʉn/ | /bəʊn/ | /ˈboʊn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bones, boning, boned) osso | disossare | lisca | chiavare | fottere | scopare bone density {noun} (bone densities) densità minerale ossea bone marrow {noun} (bone marrows) midollo osseo | midollo bone of contention [/ˈboʊn əv kənˈtɛnʃən/ | /ˈbəʊn əv kənˈtɛnʃən/] {noun} (bones of contention) pomo della discordia bone tissue {noun} tessuto osseo bone-idle {adjective} pigro bonefish {noun} (bonefishes, bonefish) albula bonefolder {noun} (bonefolders) avvolgilenza boneless {adjective} (most boneless, more boneless) magro boner [/ˈboʊ.nɚ/ | /ˈbəʊ.nə(ɹ)/] {noun} (boners) erezione bones [/boʊnz/ | /bəʊnz/] {noun, verb} ossa bonesetter {noun} (bonesetters) conciaossa bonfire [/ˈbɑnˌfaɪ.ɚ/ | /ˈbɒnˌfaɪ.ə/] {noun, verb} (bonfires, bonfired, bonfiring) falò | rogo bongo {noun, verb} (bongos, bongoes, bongoed, bongoing) bongo bonheur du jour [/bɒˌnɜː d(j)uː ˈʒʊə/ | /bəˌnɝ d(j)u ˈʒʊɹ/] {noun} (bonheurs du jour) bonheur-du-jour | scrivania bonhomie [/boʊnəˈmiː/] {noun} (bonhomies) bonomia Bonifatius {properNoun} Bonifacio bonito {noun} (bonitoes, bonito, bonitos) palamita bonk [/bɒŋk/] {noun, verb} (bonks, bonking, bonked) battere | bernoccolo | bitorzolo | bozzo | chiavata | rigonfiamento bonkers {adjective, noun} barbogio | rincoglionito bonking {noun, verb} (bonkings) scopata Bonn {properNoun} Bonn bonnet [/ˈbɑn.ɪt/ | /ˈbɒn.ɪt/] {noun, verb} (bonnets, bonneted, bonneting) cofano | cuffia bonnie {adjective} (more bonnie, most bonnie) allegro bonobo [/bəˈnoʊ̯ˌboʊ̯/ | /bəˈnəʊ̯ˌbəʊ̯/ | /ˈbɒ.nəˌboʊ̯/] {noun} (bonobos) bonobo bonsai {interjection, noun, verb} (bonsai, bonsais, bonsaied, bonsaiing) bonsai bonus [/ˈboʊ.nəs/ | /ˈbəʊ.nəs/] {noun, verb} (bonuses, bonused, bonusing) bonus bony [/ˈbəʊni/] {adjective} (bonest, boner) ossuto | stecchino bonze {noun} (bonzes) bonzo | monaco buddista boo [/buː/] {interjection, noun, verb} (boos, booing, booed) rumoreggiare boo-boo [/ˈbuːˌbuː/] {noun, verb} (boo-boos, boo-booing, boo-booed) bua boob [/ˈbuːb/] {adjective, noun, verb} (boobs, boobing, boobed) tetta | babbeo | zinna | zizza boob job {noun} (boob jobs) plastica al seno | tette rifatte booby [/ˈbuːbi/] {noun, verb} (boobies, boobying, boobied) tetta | babbeo | sula | zinna | zizza booby trap {noun} (booby traps) trabocchetto boodle [/ˈbuːdəl/] {noun} bottino | refurtiva booger [/ˈbʊɡə/ | /ˈbʊɡɚ/] {noun} (boogers) caccola boogie [/ˈbuːɡi/] {noun, verb} (boogies, boogieing, boogying, boogied) danza book [/buːk/ | /bʊk/] {noun, verb} (books, booking, booked) libro | riservare | prenotare | annotare | ammonire | blocchetto book burning {noun} rogo di libri book fair {noun} (book fairs) fiera del libro book lung {noun} (book lungs) polmone a libro book of hours {noun} (books of hours) breviario Book of the Dead {properNoun} Libro dei morti bookbag {noun} (bookbags) zaino bookbinder {noun} (bookbinders) legatore | legatrice bookbinding {noun} rilegatura bookcase [[ˈbʊkːeɪs]] {noun} (bookcases) libreria bookend {noun, verb} (bookends, bookending, bookended) reggilibro bookie [/ˈbʊki/] {noun} (bookies) allibratore booking [/ˈbʊkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} prenotazione bookish [/ˈbʊk.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (most bookish, more bookish) libresco bookkeeper [/ˌbʊkˈkiː.pə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bookkeepers) contabile bookkeeping {noun, verb} (bookkeepings) contabilità booklet [/ˈbʊk.lət/] {noun} (booklets) libello | libretto | libricino bookmaker [/ˈbʊkmeɪkəɹ/] {noun} (bookmakers) allibratore | bookmaker | rilegatore | tipografo bookmark [/ˈbʊkmɑɹk/] {noun, verb} (bookmarks, bookmarking, bookmarked) segnalibro | bookmark bookmobile {noun} (bookmobiles) bibliobus bookrest {noun} (bookrests) leggio Books of Moses {properNoun} Libri di Mosè bookseller [/ˈbʊksɛlɚ/] {noun} (booksellers) libraio | libraia bookshelf [/ˈbʊkˌʃɛlf/] {noun} (bookshelves) libreria bookshop {noun} (bookshops) libreria bookstall {noun} (bookstalls) edicola bookstand [/ˈbʊkˌstænd/] {noun} (bookstands) leggio bookstore [/ˈbʊkstɔː/] {noun} (bookstores) libreria bookworm [/ˈbʊk.wɜːm/] {noun} (bookworms) topo di biblioteca | bibliofago Boole algebra algebra di Boole Boolean [/ˈbuli.ən/ | /ˈbuːl.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Booleans) booleano Boolean algebra {noun} (Boolean algebras) algebra di Boole | algebra booleana | reticolo booleano boom [/bum/ | /buːm/] {interjection, noun, verb} (booms, booming, boomed) boma boom barrier {noun} (boom barriers) barriera boom microphone giraffa boomerang [/ˈbuməɹæŋ/ | /ˈbuːməɹæŋ/] {noun, verb} (boomerangs, boomeranging, boomeranged) boomerang | bumerang booming [/ˈbuːmɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most booming, more booming, boomings) roboante boomkin {noun} (boomkins) buttafuori boomslang [/ˈbuːmˌslæŋ/] {noun} (boomslangs, boomslang) boomslang boon regalo boondock {noun, verb} (boondocks, boondocking, boondocked) Valacchia boondoggle [/ˈbuːndɒɡəl/] {noun, verb} (boondoggles, boondoggled, boondoggling) perdita di tempo boor [/bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/ | /bʊə/ | /bʊɹ/] {noun} (boors) becero | bifolco | boero | buzzurro | cafone boorish [/ˈbʊəɹɪʃ/] {adjective} (more boorish, most boorish) becero | grossolano | rozzo | zotico boorishly {adverb} (most boorishly, more boorishly) villanamente boorishness {noun} (boorishnesses) maialata boost [/buːst/] {noun, verb} (boosts, boosting, boosted) aumentare | incentivare | spinta booster [/ˈbustɚ/] {noun} (boosters) richiamo boot [/but/ | /buːt/] {noun, verb} (boots, booting, booted) stivale | scarpone | avviare | avvio | caricare | ceppi booted eagle {noun} (booted eagles) aquila minore booth [/buːð/ | /buːθ/] {noun} (booths) bancarella | cabina | stand | bugigattolo bootleg {adjective, noun, verb} (bootlegs, bootlegging, bootlegged) illegale bootlegger {noun} (bootleggers) contrabbandiere | trafficante bootlicker {noun} (bootlickers) leccapiedi | ruffiano bootmaker {noun} (bootmakers) stivalaio bootstrap [/ˈbuːtˌstɹæp/] {noun, verb} (bootstraps, bootstrapping, bootstrapped) avvio | caricamento | linguetta | tirante | trampolino booty [/ˈbuːti/] {noun} (booties) bottino | bottini booze [/buːz/] {noun, verb} (boozes, boozed, boozing) alcolici boozer [/ˈbuː.zə(ɹ)/] {noun} (boozers) beone | ubriacone boozy [/ˈbuːzi/] {adjective} (boozer, boozest) umido bora {noun} (boras) bora boracic {adjective} (most boracic, more boracic) borico boraciferous {adjective} (most boraciferous, more boraciferous) boracifero borage [/ˈbɒɹ.ɪdʒ/] {noun} (borages) borraggine | borragine borate {noun} (borates) borato borax {noun} borace borborigmus [/bɔːbəˈɹɪɡməs/] {noun} (borborigmi) borborigmo borborygmus [/bɔːbəˈɹɪɡməs/] {noun} (borborygmi) borborigmo Bordeaux [/bɔɹdoʊ/] {noun, properNoun} (Bordeauxs, Bordeaux, Bordeauxes) Bordeaux | Bordello Bordeaux mixture {noun} poltiglia bordolese border [/ˈbɔədə/ | /ˈbɔɹdəɹ/ | /ˈbɔːdə/] {noun, verb} (borders, bordering, bordered) frontiera | confine | orlo border guard {noun} (border guards) polizia di frontiera border on {verb} (borders on, bordered on, bordering on) rasentare bordering {adjective, noun, verb} (borderings) cingente borderland {noun} (borderlands) zona di confine borderline {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most borderline, more borderline, borderlines, borderlining, borderlined) confine bordure {noun} (bordures) bordura bordure indented dentatura bore [/bo(ː)ɹ/ | /boə/ | /bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/] {noun, verb} (bores, boring, bored) annoiare | alesare | calibro | flusso anomalo | foro | logorroico boreal [/ˈbɔɹi.əl/ | /ˈbɔːɹɪəl/] {adjective} (more boreal, most boreal) boreale Boreas [/ˈbɔɹɪəs/ | /ˈbɔːɹɪəs/] {properNoun} Borea boreas {noun} (boreases) borea bored [/bo(ː)ɹd/ | /boəd/ | /bɔːd/ | /bɔːɹd/] {adjective, verb} (most bored, more bored) annoiato | scocciato boredom [/ˈbɔɹ.dəm/ | /ˈbɔː.dəm/] {noun} (boredoms) noia | tedio borehole {noun, verb} (boreholes, boreholing, boreholed) foro borer [/ˈbɔːɹə/ | /ˈbɔːɹɚ/] {noun} (borers) alesatore Borgia {properNoun} Borgia boric {adjective} borico boric acid {noun} (boric acids) acido borico boring [/ˈbɔːɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most boring, more boring, borings) noioso | tedioso | barboso | palloso | soporifero | stucchevole Boris [/ˈbɔɹɪs/] {properNoun} Boris Borjomi {properNoun} Borjomi born [/ˈbɔɹn/ | /ˈbɔːn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (borns, bornin, bornt) nato born with a silver spoon in one's mouth {adjective} nascere con la camicia born-again {adjective, noun} (born-agains) rinata | rinato Borneo [/ˈbo(ː)ɹnioʊ/ | /ˈboənioʊ/ | /ˈbɔɹnioʊ/ | /ˈbɔːni.əʊ/] {properNoun} Borneo borohydride {noun} (borohydrides) boroidruro boron [/ˈbɔːˌɹɒn/] {noun} (borons) boro borough [/ˈbʌɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹə/] {noun} (boroughs) borgo | rione borreliosis {noun} borreliosi Borromean Islands {properNoun} Isole Borromee borromean rings anelli di Borromeo borrow [/ˈbɑɹoʊ/ | /ˈbɒɹəʊ/ | /ˈbɔɹoʊ/] {noun, verb} (borrows, borrowed, borrowing) prendere in prestito borrower [/ˈbɔɹəuə/] {noun} (borrowers) mutuataria borscht [/bɔɹʃt/ | /bɔːʃt/] {noun} boršč borzoi [/ˈbɔːzɔɪ/] {noun} (borzoi, borzois) barzoi Bose-Einstein condensate {noun} (Bose-Einstein condensates) condensato di Bose-Einstein Bose-Einstein statistics {noun} statistica di Bose-Einstein bosky [/ˈbɒski/] {adjective} (bosker, boskest) boscoso | cespuglioso Bosnia [/ˈbɑz.ni.ə/ | /ˈbɒz.ni.ə/] {properNoun} Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina [/ˈbɒzni.ə ænd hɜɹtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ænd ˌhɜɹtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ənd hɜɹtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ənd ˌhɜɹtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/] {properNoun} Bosnia-Erzegovina | Bosnia ed Erzegovina Bosniak {noun} (Bosniaks) bosgnacco | bosniaco Bosnian [/ˈbɑːzni.ən/ | /ˈbɒzni.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bosnian, most Bosnian) bosniaco | bosniaca bosnian bosniaco bosom [/ˈbʊz(ə)m/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bosoms, bosomed, bosoming) seno | intimità | intimo bosom friend {noun} (bosom friends) amico per la pelle boson [/ˈboʊ.zɒn/ | /ˈbəʊ.zɒn/] {noun} (bosons) bosone bosonic [/boʊˈsɑnɪk/] {adjective} bosonico Bosphorus [/ˈbɑs.fɚ.əs/ | /ˈbɒs.fəɹ.əs/] {properNoun} Bosforo boss [/bɑs/ | /bɒs/ | /bɔs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bosses, bossing, bossed) capo | principale | boss | bugna | comandare | padrone bossage {noun} (bossages) bugnato bossiness {noun} (bossinesses) caporalismo | rampantismo bossy [/ˈbɑsi/ | /ˈbɒsi/ | /ˈbɔsi/] {adjective, noun} (bossies, most bossy, more bossy, bosser, bossest) autoritaria Boston [/ˈbɑstən/ | /ˈbɒstən/ | /ˈbɔstən/] {noun, properNoun} (Bostons) Boston Boston terrier {noun} (Boston terriers) boston terrier bosun {noun} (bosuns) nostromo bot [/bɑt/ | /bɒt/] {noun, verb} (bots, botting, botted) bot bota bag {noun} (bota bags) stivale botanical {adjective, noun} (botanicals) botanico botanical garden {noun} (botanical gardens) giardino botanico | orto botanico botanical name {noun} (botanical names) nome botanico botanically {adverb} botanico botanist [/ˈbɒt.ən.ɪst/] {noun} (botanists) botanico | botanista botany [/ˈbɒtəni/] {noun} (botanies) botanica botargo {noun} (botargoes, botargos) bottarga botch [/bɑt͡ʃ/ | /bɒt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (botches, botching, botched) raffazzonare | abborracciare | guazzabuglio | malfare | pasticciare | pasticcio botch up {verb} (botches up, botching up, botched up) degenerare botched {adjective, verb} pasticciato | raffazzonato botcher {noun} (botchers) abborracciatore | abborracciatrice | abborracciona | abborraccione | cianfruglione | guastamestieri boteroll puntale botfly {noun} (botflies) tafano both [/boʊlθ/ | /boʊθ/ | /bəʊθ/] {conjunction, determiner, pronoun} entrambi | ambedue | tutte le due | tutti e due | sia... che... bother [/ˈbɒðəɹ/ | [ˈbɑðɚ] | [ˈbɒðə(ɹ)] | [ˈbɔðə(ɹ)]] {interjection, noun, verb} (bothers, bothered, bothering) disturbare | infastidire | agitazione | confusione | degnarsi | disturbarsi bothered {adjective, verb} (most bothered, more bothered) scocciato bothersome {adjective} (most bothersome, more bothersome) fastidioso | irritante | noioso | seccante botonné {adjective} bottonato Botswana [/bɑːtˈswɑːnə/ | /bɒtˈswɑːnə/] {properNoun} Botswana Botswanan {adjective, noun} (more Botswanan, most Botswanan, Botswanans) botswaniana | botswaniano bottle [/ˈbɑ.təl/ | /ˈbɒ.təl/] {noun, verb} (bottles, bottling, bottled) bottiglia | imbottigliare bottle bank {noun} (bottle banks) campana raccolta vetro bottle cap {noun} (bottle caps) tappo bottle green {adjective, noun} (most bottle green, more bottle green) verde bottiglia bottle opener {noun} (bottle openers) apribottiglie | cavatappi bottle up {verb} (bottles up, bottled up, bottling up) imbottigliare bottle-neck collo di bottiglia bottle-necks colli di bottiglia bottleneck {noun, verb} (bottlenecks, bottlenecking, bottlenecked) collo di bottiglia | imbuto | strettoia | strozzatura bottlenose dolphin {noun} (bottlenose dolphins) tursiope bottling {noun, verb} (bottlings) imbottigliamento bottom [/ˈbɑtəm/ | /ˈbɒtəm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bottoms, bottomed, bottoming) fondo | sedere | parte inferiore | passivo bottom line {noun} riassunto bottom sheet {noun} (bottom sheets) lenzuolo con angoli bottomless [/ˈbaɾm̩lɨs/ | /ˈbɒtm̩.ləs/] {adjective} insondabile bottomless pit {noun} (bottomless pits) baratro bottoms [/ˈbɑt.əms/ | /ˈbɒt.əms/] {noun, verb} feccia bottoms up {interjection} alla salute botulinic {adjective} botulinico botulinum toxin {noun} (botulinum toxins) tossina botulinica botulism [/ˈbɑt͡ʃ.əˌlɪz.əm/ | /ˈbɒt.jʊl.ɪz.əm/] {noun} (botulisms) botulismo botulogenic {adjective} (more botulogenic, most botulogenic) botuligeno Bouches-du-Rhône {properNoun} Bocche del Rodano bougainvillea [/ˌbu.ɡənˈvɪl.jə/ | /ˌbuː.ɡənˈvɪl.ɪ.ə/] {noun} (bougainvilleas) buganvillea bough [/baʊ/ | /bə/ | /bʌʊ/] {noun} (boughs) ramo bouillabaisse [/ˈbujəˌbeɪs/ | /ˈbuːjəˌbeɪs/] {noun} bouillabaisse bouillon [/ˈbuː.jɒn/ | /ˈbʊlˌjɑn/] {noun} brodo bouillon cube {noun} (bouillon cubes) dado boulder [/ˈboʊldəɹ/ | /ˈbəʊl.də(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (boulders, bouldering, bouldered) macigno bouldering {noun, verb} sassismo boule {noun, verb} (boules, bouled, bouling) bulè boules {noun} bocce bouleuterion {noun} (bouleuteria) buleuterio boulevard [/ˈbuː.ləˌvɑːd/ | /ˈbʊləvɑɹd/] {noun} (boulevards) boulevard bounce [/baʊns/] {noun, verb} (bounces, bounced, bouncing) rimbalzare | rimbalzo bounce off {verb} (bounces off, bouncing off, bounced off) rimbalzare bounce off the walls {verb} (bounces off the walls, bounced off the walls, bouncing off the walls) bollire bouncer [/ˈbaʊnsə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbaʊnsə˞/] {noun} (bouncers) buttafuori bouncing castle [/ˌbaʊnsɪŋ ˈkæsəl/ | /ˌbaʊnsɪŋ ˈkɑːsəl/] {noun} (bouncing castles) castello gonfiabile bouncy [/ˈbaʊnsi/] {adjective} (bouncest, bouncer) brioso bound [/ˈbaʊnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bounds, bounding, bounded, most bound, more bound) frontiera | accerchiare | balzare | balzo | confinare | confinato bound variable {noun} (bound variables) variabile apparente boundary [/ˈbaʊndəɹi/ | /ˈbaʊndɹi/] {noun} (boundaries) confine | limite bounded [/ˈbaʊndɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most bounded, more bounded) deficiente boundless {adjective} (most boundless, more boundless) illimitato | sconfinato bounds [/baʊndz/] {noun, verb} segno bounteous [/ˈbaʊntiəs/] {adjective} (more bounteous, most bounteous) generoso bounty [/ˈbaʊn(t)i/ | /ˈbaʊnti/] {noun} (bounties) taglia | ingaggio | regalo | compenso | dono | paga bounty hunter {noun} (bounty hunters) cacciatore di taglie bouquet [/boʊˈkeɪ/] {noun} (bouquets) mazzo | aroma | fragranza | profumo bourdon [/ˈbʊədən/] {noun} (bourdons) bordone del pellegrino bourdonné bordonato bourgeois [/bu(ɹ)ʒ.ˈwɑː/ | /ˈbɔːʒ.wɑː/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bourgeois, most bourgeois, bourgeois, bourgeoises, bourgeoising, bourgeoised) gagliarda | borghese bourgeoisie [/ˌbʊə(ɹ)ʒwɑːˈziː/] {noun} borghesia bourgeoisification {noun} (bourgeoisifications) imborghesimento Bourges {properNoun} Bourges Bourgogne-Franche-Comté {properNoun} Borgogna-Franca Contea bourrée {noun} (bourrées) borea boustrophedon [/ˌbuːstɹəˈfiːdən/] {adjective, adverb, noun} bustrofedo bout [/bʌʊt/ | /ˈbaʊt/] {noun, preposition, verb} (bouts, bouting, bouted) attacco boutique [/buːˈtiːk/] {adjective, noun} (boutiques) bottega boutonné bottonato bouzouki [/bəˈzuːki/] {noun} (bouzoukis) bouzouki bovarysm {noun} bovarismo bovid [/ˈboʊvɪd/] {noun} (bovids) bovide bovine [/ˈboʊvaɪn/ | /ˈbəʊ.vaɪn/] {adjective, noun} (more bovine, most bovine, bovines) bovino bovine spongiform encephalopathy {noun} encefalopatia spongiforme bovina bow [/boʊ/ | /bəʊ/] {noun, verb} (bows, bowing, bowed) arco | archetto | prua | inchino | prora | piegare bow and arrow [/bəʊ(.)ən(d.)æɹəʊ/] {noun} (bows and arrows) arco e freccia bow grip {noun} (bow grips) passeggino bow maker {noun} (bow makers) archettaio bow out [/baʊ aʊt/] {verb} (bows out, bowed out, bowing out) inclinare bow wave {noun} (bow waves) onda di prua bow wow {noun} (bow wows) bau bau bow-window bow-window Bowden cable {noun} (Bowden cables) cavo Bowden | guaina bowed [/baʊd/] {adjective, verb} china bowel [/ˈbaʊ.əl/] {noun, verb} (bowels, boweled, boweling, bowelling, bowelled) budella | interiora | intestino | intestino crasso | viscere bowel movement {noun} (bowel movements) escremento bowels [/baʊ.əlz/] {noun} budella | interiora | profondità | viscere Bowen-knot nodo di Salomone bower [/baʊ.əɹ/ | /bəʊ.əɹ/] {noun, verb} (bowers, bowering, bowered) boudoir bower bird {noun} (bower birds) giardiniere bowfin {noun} (bowfins) amia bowhead {noun} (bowheads) balena della Groenlandia bowing and scraping {noun, verb} (bowings and scrapings) salamelecco bowl [/boɫ/ | /bəʊɫ/] {noun, verb} (bowls, bowling, bowled) ciotola | scodella | boccia | tazza | terrina bowl a googly {verb} cogliere di sorpresa bowleg {noun} (bowlegs) gambestorte bowler hat {noun} (bowler hats) bombetta bowline {noun} (bowlines) bolina bowling alley {noun} (bowling alleys) bocciodromo bowls [/boʊlz/ | /bəʊlz/] {noun, verb} bocce | boccia bowman [/ˈbaʊmən/ | /ˈboʊmən/ | /ˈbəʊmən/] {noun} (bowmen) prodiere bowser {noun} (bowsers) camion cisterna bowsprit [/ˈbəʊspɹɪt/] {noun} (bowsprits) bompresso bowstring [/ˈboʊstɹɪŋ/ | /ˈbəʊstɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bowstrings, bowstringing, bowstrung, bowstringed) corda bowtie [/boʊˈtaɪ/ | /bəʊˈtaɪ/] {adjective, noun} (bowties) cravatta a farfalla | cravattino box [/bɑks/ | /bɒks/] {noun, verb} (boxen, boxes, boxing, boxed) scatola | bosso | palchetto | palco | pugno | boxare box office [/ˈbɑksˌɑfɪs/ | /ˈbɒksˌɒfɪs/] {noun} biglietteria | botteghino box plot {noun} (box plots) diagramma a scatola e baffi box seat {noun} (box seats) posto box spring {noun} (box springs) rete box tree {noun} (box trees) bosso box-office bomb {noun} (box-office bombs) fallimento al botteghino boxe boxare boxer [/ˈbɑːksɚ/ | /ˈbɒksə/] {noun} (boxers) pugile | boxeur boxer shorts {noun} boxer boxful {noun} (boxfuls, boxesful) scatola boxing [/ˈbɑːksɪŋ/ | /ˈbɒksɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (boxings) pugilato | boxe Boxing Day [/ˈbɑːksɪŋ deɪ/ | /ˈbɒksɪŋ deɪ/] {noun} (Boxing Days) Santo Stefano boxing glove {noun} (boxing gloves) guanto da boxe boxroom {noun} (boxrooms) sgabuzzino boxwood {noun} bosso boy [/bɔɪ/ | /bɔːə/] {interjection, noun, verb} (boys, boying, boyed) ragazzo | bambino | maschio | ragazzino | maschietto | negro boy band {noun} (boy bands) boy band Boy Scout {noun} (Boy Scouts) ricognitore boycott [/ˈbɔɪkɑt/ | /ˈbɔɪkɒt/] {noun, verb} (boycotts, boycotted, boycotting) boicottaggio | boicottare boyfriend [/ˈbɔɪˌfɹɛnd/] {noun} (boyfriends) fidanzato | ragazzo | amico boyish [/ˈbɔɪ.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (more boyish, most boyish) cameriere boykin [/ˈbɔɪkən/ | /ˈbɔɪkɪn/] {noun} (boykins) ragazzo Bozen Bolzano Boötes [/boʊˈoʊtiːz/] {properNoun} Boote | Orsa minore | bovaro bra [/bɹɑː/] {noun} (bras) reggiseno | reggipetto Brabant [/ˈbɹæbənt/] {properNoun} Brabante brace [/bɹeɪs/] {noun, verb} (braces, bracing, braced) bretella | doppietta | abbraccio | aggancio | braccia | grappa bracelet [/ˈbɹeɪslət/] {noun} (bracelets) braccialetto braces [/ˈbɹeɪsɪz/] {noun, verb} apparecchio | apparecchio ortodontico | bretelle | denti brachial [/ˈbreɪkɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (brachials) brachiale brachialis {noun} brachiale brachiation {noun} brachiazione brachiosaurus {noun} (brachiosauruses) brachiosauro brachy- {prefix} brachi- brachylogy {noun} brachilogia brachymorphic {adjective} brachimorfo brachytherapy {noun} (brachytherapies) brachiterapia bracing [/ˈbɹeɪsɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bracing, most bracing) salutare bracken {noun} (brackens) felce bracket [/ˈbɹækɪt/] {noun, verb} (brackets, bracketing, bracketed) parentesi | accerchiare | staffa brackish [/ˈbɹækɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brackish, more brackish) salmastro | salmastra brackishness {noun} salsedine braconid {noun} (braconids) braconidi bract {noun} (bracts) brattea bradycardia {noun} bradicardia bradypus bradipo bradyseism {noun} (bradyseisms) bradisismo brag [/bɹæɡ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bragger, braggest, most brag, more brag, brags, bragging, bragged) vantarsi Bragança [/bɹəˈɡanzə/ | /bɹəˈɡɑnzə/] {properNoun} Braganza braggart [/ˈbɹæɡɑːt/ | /ˈbɹæɡɚt/] {adjective, noun} (most braggart, more braggart, braggarts) fanfarone | ballista bragger {adjective, noun} (braggers) esibizionista | fanfarone | vanesio bragging [/ˈbɹaɡɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (braggings) sbruffonata brahmin {adjective, noun} (brahmins) bramino braid [/bɹeɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (braids, browden, braiding, braided, more braid, most braid) treccia | intrecciare braiding [/ˈbɹeɪdɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (braidings) intreccio braille [/bɹeɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brailles, brailling, brailled) braille brain [/bɹeɪn/] {noun, verb} (brains, braining, brained) cervello brain cell {noun} (brain cells) cellula cerebrale brain damage {noun} (brain damages) cerebrolesione brain death {noun} morte cerebrale brain drain {noun} (brain drains) fuga di cervelli | fuga dei cervelli brain fart {noun} (brain farts) cazzata brain mushroom {noun} (brain mushrooms) falsa morchella | marugola | spongino | spugnola bastarda | spugnola falsa brain stem {noun} (brain stems) tronco encefalico brain surgeon {noun} (brain surgeons) neurochirurgo brain surgery {noun} (brain surgeries) neurochirurgia brain-dead [/ˈbɹeɪnˌdɛd/] {adjective} assurdo brain-teaser {noun} (brain-teasers) rompicapo brain-washing {noun} lavaggio del cervello braincase {noun} (braincases) cranio | scatola cranica brainchild [/ˈbɹeɪn.tʃaɪld/] {noun} (brainchildren) frutto ingegno brainiac [/ˈbɹeɪniæk/] {noun} (brainiacs) cervellone brainless {adjective} (more brainless, most brainless) decerebrata brains [/bɹeɪnz/] {noun, verb} ingegno brainstorming {noun, verb} (brainstormings) brainstorming brainwash [/ˈbɹeɪnwɒʃ/] {noun, verb} (brainwashes, brainwashing, brainwashed) lavaggio del cervello | fare il lavaggio del cervello brainwave {noun} (brainwaves) pensata braise [/bɹeɪz/] {noun, verb} (braises, braising, braised) brasare brake [/bɹeɪk/] {noun, verb} (brakes, braking, braked) freno | frenare | gramola | manovella della tromba brake fluid {noun} fluido freni brake pad {noun} (brake pads) pastiglia | pastiglia dei freni brake pedal {noun} (brake pedals) pedale del freno brake shoe {noun} (brake shoes) ganascia braking [/ˈbɹeɪkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} frenaggio bramble [/ˈbɹæmbəl/] {noun} (brambles) rovo brambling {noun, verb} (bramblings) peppola brambly {adjective} (brambler, bramblest) dumoso bran [/ˈbɹæn/] {noun} crusca | semola branch [/bɹæntʃ/ | /bɹɑːntʃ/] {noun, verb} (branches, branching, branched) ramo | succursale | filiale | settore | branca branch off {verb} biforcare branch office {noun} (branch offices) delegazione branched {adjective, verb} ramificato branches [/ˈbɹæntʃɪz/ | /ˈbɹɑːntʃɪz/] {noun, verb} ramificazione branchial {adjective, noun} (branchials) branchiale branching {noun, verb} (branchings) ramificato brand [/bɹand/] {noun, verb} (brands, branding, branded) marca | marchio a fuoco brand new {adjective} nuovo di zecca Brandenburg {noun, properNoun} (Brandenburgs) Brandeburgo branding iron {noun} (branding irons) ferro per marchiare | marchio brandish [/ˈbɹændɪʃ/] {noun, verb} (brandishes, brandishing, brandished) brandire brandy [/ˈbɹændi/] {noun, verb} (brandies, brandied, brandying) brandy brane [/bɹeɪn/] {noun} (branes) brana bras d'honneur [/ˌbɹɑ dɑˈnɝ/ | /ˌbɹɑː dɒˈnɜː/] {noun} (bras d'honneur) gesto dell'ombrello brash [/bɹæʃ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most brash, more brash, brashest, brasher, brashes, brashed, brashing) disinvolto brashness {noun} (brashnesses) arroganza brass [/bɹæs/ | /bɹɑːs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brasses, most brass, more brass, brassing, brassed) ottone | bossolo | bronzo | d'ottone | dalla faccia di bronzo | faccia di bronzo brass band {noun} (brass bands) fanfara brass instrument {noun} (brass instruments) strumento ad ancia brass knuckles {noun} tirapugni brassiere [/bɹəˈzɪɹ/ | /ˈbɹæsɪɛə/ | /ˈbɹæzɪɛə/] {noun} (brassieres) reggipetto Brasília [/bɹəˈziːli.ə/] {properNoun} Brasilia brat [/bɹat/ | /bɹæt/ | /bɹɑt/] {noun} (brats) moccioso | monello Bratislava [/ˌbɹætɨˈslɑːvə/] {properNoun} Bratislava bravado [/bɹɑːˈvɑːdoʊ/] {noun, verb} (bravados, bravadoes, bravadoing, bravadoed) bravata brave [/bɹeɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (braver, bravest, braves, braved, braving) coraggioso | ardito | valoroso | audace | baldo bravely [/ˈbɹeɪvli/] {adverb} (bravelest, braveler, most bravely, more bravely) arditamente bravery [/ˈbɹeɪvəɹi/] {noun} (braveries) coraggio bravo [/ˈbɹɑvoʊ/ | /ˈbɹɑːvəʊ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bravoes, bravos, bravoing, bravoed) Bari | Bologna | ben fatto | bene | bravo brawl [/bɹɑl/ | /bɹɔl/ | /bɹɔːl/] {noun, verb} (brawls, brawling, brawled) rissa | baruffa | battaglia | combattimento | lotta | accapigliarsi brawn [/bɹɔːn/] {noun, verb} (brawns, brawning, brawned) testa in cassetta brawny {adjective} (brawnest, brawner) muscoloso brawny/sturdy man marcantonio bray [/bɹeɪ/] {noun, verb} (brays, brayed, braying) ragliare | raglio braying {noun, verb} (brayings) raglio brazen [/ˈbɹeɪzən/] {adjective, verb} (more brazen, most brazen, brazens, brazening, brazened) sfacciato | faccia di bronzo | ottonato | ottone | sfrontato | squillante brazen bull {noun} (brazen bulls) toro di Falaride brazen-faced [/ˈbɹeɪ.zənˌfeɪst/] {adjective} (more brazen-faced, most brazen-faced) sfacciato brazier [/ˈbɹeɪ.ʒə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹeɪ.ʒɚ/ | /ˈbɹeɪʒəɹ/] {noun} (braziers) braciere | calderaio | ottonario Brazil [/bɹə.ˈzɪl/] {properNoun} Brasile brazil nut {noun} (brazil nuts) noce del Brasile Brazilian [/bɹə.ˈzɪ.lɪ.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Brazilians) brasiliano | brasiliana | brasiliane | brasiliani brazilwood {noun} (brazilwoods) pernambuco breach [[bɹiːtʃ]] {noun, verb} (breaches, breached, breaching) breccia | infrazione | violazione breach of contract {noun} (breaches of contract) inadempienza contrattuale | violazione di contratto breached [/bɹiːtʃt/] {verb} smozzicato bread [/bɹɛd/] {noun, verb} (breads, breaded, breading) pane | impanare | panare bread coating impanatura bread crumbs {noun} pangrattato bread knife {noun} (bread knives) coltello per pane bread maker {noun} (bread makers) impastatrice bread roll {noun} (bread rolls) panino breadboard {noun, verb} (breadboards, breadboarded, breadboarding) tagliere breadcrumb {noun, verb} (breadcrumbs, breadcrumbed, breadcrumbing) briciola | mollica breadfruit [/ˈbɹedfɹuːt/] {noun} (breadfruits) albero del pane breadstick {noun} (breadsticks) grissino breadth [/bɹɛdθ/] {noun} larghezza breadth-first search {noun} (breadth-first searches) visita in ampiezza breadwinner [/ˈbɹɛdˌwɪnɚ/] {noun} (breadwinners) mezzo di sostentamento break [/bɹeɪk/] {noun, verb} (breaks, broke, breaking, broken, brake) rompere | pausa | fratturare | fare una pausa | addomesticare | annientare break a law infrangere la legge break a leg {interjection} in bocca al lupo! | in culo alla balena! break a sweat {verb} sudore break away {verb} divorziare break bread {verb} (breaks bread, breaking bread, broken bread, broke bread) insieme break down {noun, verb} (break downs, breaks down, broken down, breaking down, broke down) decomporre | decomporsi | digerire | elaborare | guastarsi | partizionare break in {verb} (breaks in, broken in, breaking in, broke in) domare | rodare break in(to) irrompere break into {verb} (breaks into, breaking into, broken into, broke into) violare break into different parts scomporre break one's fast {verb} colazione break out {verb} (breaks out, breaking out, broken out, broke out) evadere di prigione break ranks {verb} rompere le fila | uscire dai ranghi break someone's heart {verb} accorare break the bank {verb} (breaks the bank, breaking the bank, broken the bank, broke the bank) far saltare il banco break the ice [/ˈbɹeɪk ði ˈaɪs/] {verb} (breaks the ice, breaking the ice, broken the ice, broke the ice) rompere il ghiaccio break through {verb} (breaks through, broken through, breaking through, broke through) sfondamento break up {verb} (breaks up, broken up, breaking up, broke up) completarsi | concludere | concludersi | disintegrare | dissodare | dividere break wind {verb} (breaks wind, breaking wind, broken wind, broke wind) mollarne una break-down riduzione break-even point {noun} (break-even points) punto di pareggio break-in {noun} (break-ins) effrazione break-up {noun} (break-ups) disgregazione breakable [/ˈbɹeɪkəbl/] {adjective, noun} (most breakable, more breakable, breakables) frangibile breakaway {adjective, noun} (breakaways) fuga breakdown {noun} (breakdowns) avaria breaker [/ˈbɹeɪkə/ | /ˈbɹeɪkɚ/] {noun} (breakers) cavallone breakfast [/ˈbɹeɪkˌfæst/ | /ˈbɹɛkfəst/] {noun, verb} (breakfasts, breakfasting, breakfasted) colazione | prima colazione breakfast cereal {noun} cereale | cereale da colazione | cereale da prima colazione breaking [/ˈbɹeɪkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} violazione breaking down {verb} disgregazione breaking news {noun} ultim'ora | ultime notizie breaking-up demolizione breakneck {adjective, noun} (more breakneck, most breakneck, breaknecks) a rompicollo | a rotta di collo | all'impazzata breakout {adjective, noun} (breakouts) esplosione | evasione | fuga | liberazione | scoppio breakthrough [/ˈbɹeɪkθɹuː/] {adjective, noun} (breakthroughs) breccia | salto di qualità | svolta breakup [/ˈbɹeɪkʌp/] {noun} (breakups) rottura | spezzettamento breakwater [/ˈbɹeɪkˌwɔːtə/] {noun} (breakwaters) frangiflutti | bulbo | bulbo di prua | diga foranea | frangimare | frangionde bream [/bɹiːm/ | /bɹɪm/] {noun, verb} (breams, bream, breaming, breamed) abramide | abramide comune | breme breast [/bɹɛst/] {noun, verb} (breasts, breasting, breasted) seno | mammella | petto breast augmentation {noun} protesi mammarie breast feeding {verb} allattamento breast implant {noun} (breast implants) protesa mammaria breast ironing {noun} stiramento del seno breast milk {noun} latte materno breast pump {noun} (breast pumps) tiralatte breastaurant {noun} (breastaurants) ristorante a luci rosse breastbone {noun} (breastbones) sterno breastfeed {verb} (breastfeeds, breastfed, breastfeeding) allattare | allattare al seno breastfeeding [/ˈbɹɛstˌfidɪŋ/] {noun, verb} allattamento breastjob spagnola breastplate {noun} (breastplates) corazza | pettorale breaststroke {noun, verb} (breaststrokes, breaststroked, breaststroking) rana breastwork {noun} (breastworks) parapetto breath [/bɹɛθ/] {noun} respiro | fiato | alito | lena breathable {adjective} (most breathable, more breathable) respirabile breathalyzer {noun} (breathalyzers) etilometro breathe [/bɹið/ | /bɹiːð/] {verb} (breathes, breathing, breathed) respirare breathe easy {verb} soffiare breather [/bɹiː.ðə(ɹ)/] {noun} (breathers) respiro breathing [/ˈbɹiːðɪŋ/] {noun, verb} respirazione breathing in {verb} aspirazione breathing space {noun} respiro breathless [/ˈbɹɛθləs/] {adjective} (more breathless, most breathless) affannato breathlessness {noun} (breathlessnesses) affanno breathtaking [/ˈbɹɛθˌteɪ.kɪŋ/] {adjective} (most breathtaking, more breathtaking) mozzafiato breccia [/ˈbɹɛtʃ(ɪ)ə/] {noun} (breccias) breccia Brechtian {adjective} (more Brechtian, most Brechtian) brechtiano breech [/bɹiːtʃ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (breeches, breeched, breeching) culatta breechcloth G-string perizoma breeches [/ˈbɹiːtʃɪz/ | /ˈbɹɪtʃɪz/] {noun} brache breed [/bɹiːd/] {noun, verb} (breeds, breeding, bred) allevare | razza | riprodursi breeder [/ˈbɹiːdə(ɹ)/] {noun} (breeders) autofertilizzante | allevatore breeding [/ˈbɹiːdɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} allevamento breeding-ground {noun} (breeding-grounds) forestale breeze [/bɹiːz/] {noun, verb} (breezes, breezed, breezing) brezza | ora breezy [/ˈbɹiːzi/] {adjective} (breezer, breezest) spigliato Breisgau {properNoun} Brisgovia Bremen [/ˈbɹeɪmən/] {properNoun} Brema Brendan {properNoun} Brendano Brenta Canal {properNoun} Naviglio del Brenta Brescia [/ˈbɹɛʃə/] {properNoun} Brescia Brest [/bɹɛst/] {properNoun} Brest bretessed doppiomerlato brethren [/ˈbɹɛðɹən/] {adjective, noun} (most brethren, more brethren) confratelli Breton [/ˈbɹɛtən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} bretone breve [/bɹiːv/] {noun} (breves) breve breviary [/ˈbɹiː.və.ɹi/ | /ˈbɹɛv.i.ɛɹ.i/ | /ˈbɹɛv.ɪ.əɹ.i/] {noun} (breviaries) breviario brevier {noun} testino brevity [/ˈbɹɛvəti/] {noun} (brevities) brevità brew [/bɹuː/] {noun, verb} (brews, brewing, brewed) bollire brewer [/ˈbɹu.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (brewers) birraio brewery [/ˈbɹuːəɹi/] {noun} (breweries) birrificio Brexit [/ˈbɹɛɡzɪt/] {properNoun, verb} (Brexits, Brexited, Brexiting) Brexit breys mordacchia Brezhnevism breznevismo briar [/bɹʌɪə/ | /ˈbɹaɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (briars) spino briar-root radica briard {noun} (briards) cane da pastore della Brie bribe [/bɹaɪb/] {noun, verb} (bribes, bribing, bribed) tangente | corrompere | bustarella | offrire una tangente bribed [/bɹaɪbd/] {verb} corrotto briber {noun} (bribers) corruttore | corruttrice bribery [/ˈbɹaɪbəɹi/] {noun} (briberies) corruzione bribeville tangentopoli BRIC {properNoun} BRIC bric-a-brac [/ˈbɹɪkəˌbɹæk/] {noun} cianfrusaglie | ciarpame | paccottaglia brick [/bɹɪk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bricks, bricking, bricked) mattone | laterizio | tegola brick and mortar {adjective, noun} convenzionale bricklayer {noun} (bricklayers) muratore brickwork {noun} muratura brickyard {noun} (brickyards) mattonaia | mattonificio bridal [/ˈbɹaɪd(ə)l/ | /ˈbɹʌɪdl̩/] {adjective, noun} (bridals) nozze bridal shower {noun} (bridal showers) addio al nubilato bride [/bɹaɪd/] {noun, verb} (brides, briding, brided) sposa | fidanzata bride price {noun} (bride prices) prezzo della sposa bridegroom [/ˈbɹaɪdˌɡɹuːm/] {noun} (bridegrooms) sposo bridesmaid [/ˈbɹaɪdzˌmeɪd/] {noun, verb} (bridesmaids, bridesmaided, bridesmaiding) damigella d'onore bridge [/bɹɪd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (bridges, bridging, bridged) ponte | bridge | ponticello | setto bridge circuit circuito a ponte bridge crane carroponte bridge pattern {noun} (bridge patterns) passatoia bridgeable {adjective} (more bridgeable, most bridgeable) rimediabile bridgehead [/ˈbɹɪdʒhɛd/] {noun} (bridgeheads) testa di ponte Bridget [/ˈbɹɪd͡ʒɪt/] {noun, properNoun} (Bridgets) Brigida | Brigitta Bridgetown [/ˈbɹɪdʒˌtaʊn/] {properNoun} Bridgetown bridle [/ˈbɹaɪdəl/] {noun, verb} (bridles, bridling, bridled) briglia | imbrigliare bridled {adjective, verb} (most bridled, more bridled) imbrigliato bridled tern {noun} (bridled terns) sterna dalle redini brief [/bɹiːf/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (briefer, briefest, more brief, most brief, briefs, briefing, briefed) breve briefcase [/ˈbɹiːfˌkeɪs/] {noun} (briefcases) valigetta briefing [/ˈbɹiːfɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (briefings) riassunto briefly [/ˈbɹiːfli/] {adverb} (most briefly, more briefly) brevemente | concisamente briefs [/bɹiːfs/] {noun, verb} slip brier-root radica brig {noun} (brigs) brigantino brigade [/bɹɪˈɡeɪd/] {noun, verb} (brigades, brigading, brigaded) brigata brigadier {noun} (brigadiers) brigadiere | brigadiere generale brigadier general {noun} (brigadier generals) brigadiere generale | comandante di brigata brigand [/ˈbɹɪɡ.ənd/] {noun} (brigands) brigante | bandito | malandrino | masnadiere brigandage {noun} brigantaggio brigantine {noun} (brigantines) brigantino bright [/bɹaɪt/] {adjective, noun} (brighter, brightest, brights) luminoso | felice | brillante | allegro | intelligente | lucente bright spark {noun} (bright sparks) freccia brighten [/ˈbɹaɪtən/ | [ˈbɹaɪ̯ʔn̩]] {verb} (brightens, brightening, brightened) ravivare brightly [/ˈbɹaɪtli/] {adverb} (most brightly, more brightly, brightlest, brightler) giustamente brightness [/ˈbɹaɪtnəs/] {noun} (brightnesses) brillantezza brill [/bɹɪl/] {adjective, noun} (most brill, more brill, brill, brills) rombo liscio brillant geniale brilliance [/ˈbɹɪljən(t)s/] {noun} (brilliances) bagliore brilliant [/ˈbɹɪljənt/] {adjective, noun} (more brilliant, most brilliant) brillante | geniale | di successo | eccezionale | fantastico | gemma brilliantine {noun, verb} (brilliantines, brilliantining, brilliantined) brillantina brilliantly {adverb} (most brilliantly, more brilliantly) brillantemente brim [/bɹɪm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brims, most brim, more brim, brimming, brimmed) falda | tesa | bordo | essere colmo | essere pieno zeppo | orlo brimful {adjective, noun} (brimfuls) zeppo brimstone [/ˈbɹɪmˌstoʊn/ | /ˈbɹɪmˌstəʊn/] {noun} cedronella | zolfo Brindisi {properNoun} Brindisi brindled [/ˈbɹɪndəld/] {adjective, verb} (most brindled, more brindled) fulvo brine [/bɹaɪn/] {noun, verb} (brines, brined, brining) salamoia | mettere in salamoia bring [/ˈbɹɪŋ/] {interjection, verb} (brings, bringing, brought) portare bring about {verb} (brings about, brought about, bringing about) provocare bring again riportare bring back {verb} (brings back, brought back, bringing back) riportare bring back to restituire bring down {verb} (brings down, bringing down, brought down) atterrare bring forth {verb} (brings forth, bringing forth, brought forth) figliare bring forward {verb} (brings forward, brought forward, bringing forward) anticipare bring home the bacon {verb} mettere la pagnotta sul tavolo | portare a casa il pane bring off {verb} (brings off, brought off, bringing off) salvare bring to bear {verb} (brings to bear, brought to bear, bringing to bear) affigere bring up {verb} (brings up, brought up, bringing up) sollevare brink [/bɹɪŋk/] {noun} (brinks) bordo | ciglio | orlo briny [/ˈbɹaɪni/] {adjective, noun} (most briny, more briny, brinest, briner) salmastro brioche [/ˈbriːɒʃ/] {noun} (brioches) brioche | brioscia briquet [/bɹɪˈkɛt/] {noun} (briquets) accendino bris [/bɹɪs/] {noun} (brisses, britot, brises) brit milà Brisbane [/ˈbɹɪzbən/] {properNoun} Brisbane briscola briscola Briseis [/bɹaɪˈsiːɪs/] {properNoun} Briseide brisk [/bɹɪsk/] {adjective, verb} (brisker, most brisk, briskest, more brisk, brisks, brisking, brisked) vivace brisket {noun} costine di pancia briskly [/ˈbɹɪskli/] {adverb} (more briskly, most briskly) vivamente bristle [/ˈbɹɪs.l̩/ | /ˈbɹʌs.l̩/] {noun, verb} (bristles, bristled, bristling) setola | barba corta ispida | pelo ispido | setole bristletail {noun} (bristletails, bristletail) acciughina bristly {adjective} (bristler, bristlest) ispido brisure {noun} (brisures) brisura Britain [/ˈbɹɪ.tn̩/ | /ˈbɹɪ.tən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Britains, more Britain, most Britain) Gran Bretagna Briticism {noun} (Briticisms) anglicismo British [/ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ/ | [ˈbɹɪ.ʔɪʃ] | [ˈbɹɪɾ.ɪʃ]] {adjective, properNoun} (most British, more British) britannico | britannici British Columbia [/ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ kə.ˈlʌm.bi.ə/] {properNoun} Colombia Britannica British Empire {properNoun} Impero Britannico British English {adjective, noun} (more British English, most British English) inglese britannico British Isles [/ˌbɹɪ.tɪʃ ˈaɪlz/] {properNoun} arcipelago britannico | isole britanniche British Virgin Islands {properNoun} Isole Vergini britanniche Britisher [/ˈbɹɪtɪʃə/] {adjective, noun} (Britishers) britannica | britannico Briton [/ˈbɹɪtən/] {noun} (Britons) britannica Brittany [/ˈbɹɪtəni/] {properNoun} Bretagna brittle [/ˈbɹɪtl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more brittle, brittler, brittlest, most brittle, brittles) fragile brittle star {noun} (brittle stars) ofiura brittleness {noun} (brittlenesses) fragilità brize {noun} (brizes) mordacchia bro [/bɹoʊ/ | /bɹəʊ/] {noun} (bros) compàre broach [/bɹoʊtʃ/ | /bɹəʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (broaches, broached, broaching) ragazzino broad [/bɹɑd/ | /bɹɔd/ | /bɹɔːd/] {adjective, noun} (broadest, broader, broads) largo broad bean {noun} (broad beans) fava | baccello broad-arrow head feone broad-billed sandpiper {noun} (broad-billed sandpipers) gambecchio frullino broad-leaved {adjective} latifoglio broad-minded {adjective} (most broad-minded, more broad-minded) generoso broad-shouldered {adjective} (most broad-shouldered, more broad-shouldered) dalle spalle larghe broad-winged hawk {noun} (broad-winged hawks) poiana alilarghe broadband {adjective, noun} (broadbands) banda larga broadcast [/ˈbɹɑdkæst/ | /ˈbɹɔdkæst/ | /ˈbɹɔːdkɑːst/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most broadcast, more broadcast, broadcasts, broadcasted, broadcast, broadcasting) trasmettere | diffondere | trasmissione | radiodiffondere | andare in onda | diffusione broadcast delay {noun} (broadcast delays) differita broadcaster {noun} (broadcasters) broadcaster broadcasting {adjective, noun, verb} emissione broaden {verb} (broadens, broadened, broadening) estendere broadening {noun, verb} (broadenings) allargamento broadleaf {adjective, noun} (broadleafs, broadleaves) foglia broadly {adverb} (more broadly, most broadly) largamente broadside {adverb, noun, verb} (broadsides, broadsiding, broadsided) bordata broadsword [/ˈbɹɔːd.sɔːd/] {noun} (broadswords) spadone brocade [/bɹəˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (brocades, brocading, brocaded) broccato | broccare broccoli [/ˈbɹɑ.kə.li/ | /ˈbɹɒ.kə.li/] {noun} (broccoli, broccolis) broccolo brochette {noun} (brochettes) spiedino brochure [/bɹoʊˈʃʊɚ/ | /ˈbɹəʊ.ʃə(ɹ)/] {noun} (brochures) opuscolo brogue [/bɹoʊɡ/ | /bɹəʊɡ/] {noun, verb} (brogues, broguing, brogued) scarpa a punta broiler [/ˈbɹɔɪlə/ | /ˈbɹɔɪlɚ/] {noun} (broilers) broiler broke [/bɹoʊk/ | /bɹəʊk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more broke, most broke, broker, brokest, brokes, broked, broking) al verde | fallito | in bancarotta brokeback {adjective} coda broken [/ˈbɹəʊkən/] {adjective, verb} (more broken, most broken) rotto | in avaria broken down {adjective, verb} (more broken down, most broken down) crollato broken heart {noun} (broken hearts) cuore diviso broken plural {noun} (broken plurals) plurale fratto broken record {noun} (broken records) disco rotto broken-down {adjective} (most broken-down, more broken-down) rotto broker [/ˈbɹoʊkɚ/ | /ˈbɹəʊkə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brokers, brokering, brokered) intermediario brokerage {noun} brokeraggio brolga {noun} (brolgas) gru brolga bromate {noun, verb} (bromates, bromated, bromating) bromato bromatology [/bɹəʊməˈtɒlədʒi/] {noun} bromatologia brome [/bɹəʊm/] {noun} forasacco bromide [/ˈbɹoʊ.maɪd/ | /ˈbɹəʊ.maɪd/] {noun} (bromides) bromuro bromine [/ˈbɹoʊmin/ | /ˈbɹəʊmaɪn/ | /ˈbɹəʊmɪn/] {noun} bromo bromoform {noun} (bromoforms) bromoformio bronchial [/ˈbɹɑːn.ki.əl/] {adjective} bronchiale bronchiectasis {noun} (bronchiectases) bronchiectasia bronchiole [/ˈbɹɒŋkiˌoʊl/] {noun} (bronchioles) bronchiolo bronchiolitis {noun} bronchiolite bronchitis [/bɹɒŋˈkaɪtɪs/] {noun} (bronchitises, bronchitides) bronchite broncho- {prefix} bronco- bronchodilator {noun} (bronchodilators) broncodilatatore bronchopathy {noun} (bronchopathies) broncopatia bronchopneumonia {noun} broncopolmonite bronchoscopy {noun} (bronchoscopies) broncoscopia bronchospasm {noun} (bronchospasms) broncospasmo bronchus [/ˈbɹɑŋkəs/ | /ˈbɹɒŋkəs/] {noun} (bronchi) bronco bronze [/bɹɑnz/ | /bɹɒnz/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bronze, most bronze, bronzes, bronzed, bronzing) bronzo | abbronzato | bronzeo Bronze Age {properNoun} Età del bronzo | età del bronzo bronze medal {noun} (bronze medals) medaglia di bronzo bronze-coloured bronzo brooch [/bɹoʊtʃ/ | /bɹəʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (brooches, brooching, brooched) spilla brood [/bɹuːd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (broods, brooding, brooded) covare | covata | allevare | arrovellarsi | nidiata | prole brood mare {noun} (brood mares) cavalla da riproduzione | fattrice brooder [/ˈbɹudɚ/ | /ˈbɹuːdə/] {noun} (brooders) incubatrice brooding [/ˈbɹuːdɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more brooding, most brooding, broodings) cupo | malinconico | meditabondo brook [/bɹuːk/ | /bɹʊk/] {noun, verb} (brooks, brooking, brooked) ruscello | corso d'acqua | rio | rivo brook trout {noun} (brook trout, brook trouts) salmerino di fontana brooklet {noun} (brooklets) rigagnolo broom [/bɹuːm/] {noun, verb} (brooms, broomed, brooming) scopa | granata | ginestra | ramazza | ramazzare | scopare broom yellow giallo scopa broomstick [/ˈbɹum.stɪk/] {noun} (broomsticks) manico di scopa bros. {noun} F.lli broth [/bɹɑθ/ | /bɹɒθ/ | /bɹɔθ/] {noun} brodo | bollito | minestra | zuppa brothel [/ˈbɹɑθəl/ | /ˈbɹɒθəl/ | /ˈbɹɔθəl/] {noun} (brothels) casa chiusa | lupanare | bordello | casa di tolleranza | casino | postribolo brother [/ˈbɹɐðɘ(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌvə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌðə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (brothers, brethren, brothered, brothering) fratello | confratello | pari brother-in-arms {noun} (brothers-in-arms) commilitone brother-in-law [/ˈbɹʌðəɹ ɪn ˌlɔː/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ ɪn ˌlɑ/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ ɪn ˌlɔ/] {noun} (brothers-in-law, [[brethren-in-law]]) cognato brotherhood [/ˈbɹʌðɚhʊd/] {noun} fratellanza brotherly [/ˈbɹʌð.ə.li/ | /ˈbɹʌð.ɚ.li/] {adjective, adverb} (more brotherly, most brotherly) fraterno brow [/bɹaʊ/] {noun, verb} (brows, browed, browing) ciglio | cima | orlo | passerella da sbarco brow ridge {noun} (brow ridges) arcata sopraccigliare browbeat [/ˈbɹaʊ.biːt/] {verb} (browbeats, browbeating, browbeaten, browbeat) intimidire Brown {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Browns, more Brown, most Brown) Brunetti | Bruni | Bruno | Marrone | Mora | Moretti brown [/bɹaʊn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (browner, brownest, more brown, most brown, browns, browning, browned) marrone | bruno | castano | dorare | rosolare brown bear {noun} (brown bears) orso bruno | orso brown beige beige marrone brown bread {adjective, noun} (brown breads) pane integrale brown dwarf {noun} (brown dwarves, brown dwarfs) nana bruna brown eye {noun} (brown eyes) buco del culo brown falcon {noun} (brown falcons) falco bruno brown green verde brunastro brown grey grigio brunastro brown noser {noun} (brown nosers) leccaculo brown owl {noun} (brown owls) allocco brown rat {noun} (brown rats) surmolotto brown red rosso marrone brown rice {noun} (brown rices) riso integrale brown study {noun} (brown studies) blues brown sugar {noun} zucchero grezzo brown trout {noun} (brown trout) trota browned off {adjective} (most browned off, more browned off) eccitato Brownian motion {noun} moto browniano Brownie [/ˈbɹaʊni/] {noun, properNoun} (Brownies) lupacchiotto brownish [/ˈbɹaʊnɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brownish, more brownish) brunastro | brunastra brownnose {noun, verb} (brownnoses, brownnosing, brownnosed) fare il ruffiano | leccare i piedi | leccare il culo brownout {noun} (brownouts) calo di tensione browse [/bɹaʊz/] {noun, verb} (browses, browsed, browsing) navigare | osservare browsing [/ˈbɹaʊzɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (browsings) pascente broyes mordacchia brr [/ʙ̩ː/] {interjection} brr brrezy disinvolto brucellosis {noun} (brucelloses) brucellosi brucine {noun} brucina Bruges [/bɹuːʒ/] {properNoun} Bruges bruise [/bɹuːz/] {noun, verb} (bruises, bruised, bruising) ammaccatura | livido bruised [/bɹuːzd/] {verb} tocco bruiser {noun} (bruisers) maschio bruit [/bɹuːt/] {noun, verb} (bruits, bruited, bruiting) rumore Brumaire [/bɹuːˈmɛː/ | /bɹʊˈmɛəɹ/] {properNoun} (Brumaires) brumaio | brumale brumal [/ˈbɹuːməl/] {adjective} (most brumal, more brumal) boreale | brumale | invernale brume [/bɹuːm/] {noun} bruma brumous [/ˈbɹuməs/ | /ˈbɹuːməs/] {adjective} (most brumous, more brumous) annebbiato brunch [/bɹʌntʃ/] {noun, verb} (brunches, brunching, brunched) brunch Brunei [/bɹuːˈnaɪ/] {properNoun} Brunei Bruneian {adjective, noun} (Bruneians) bruneiana brunette [/bɹuˈnɛt/ | /bɹuːnɛt/] {adjective, noun} (brunettes) bruna | castana | castana scura Bruno [/ˈbɹunoʊ/] {properNoun} Bruno Brunswick {properNoun} Braunschweig bruschetta [/bɹuˈʃɛtə/ | /bɹʊˈskɛtə/] {noun} (bruschettas, bruschette) bruschetta | fettunta brush [/bɹʌʃ/] {noun, verb} (brushes, brushing, brushed) spazzola | pennello | spazzolare | incontro | scontro | spazzolarsi brush off {noun, verb} (brush offs) ignorare brush up {verb} (brushes up, brushed up, brushing up) rispolverare brushstroke {noun} (brushstrokes) pennellata brushwood {noun} ramaglia brusque [/bɹuːsk/ | /bɹʌsk/] {adjective} (most brusque, more brusque, brusquest, brusquer) brusco brusquely {adverb} (most brusquely, more brusquely) bruscamente Brusselian {adjective, noun} (Brusselians) brussellese | bruxellese Brussels [/ˈbɹʌsəlz/] {noun, properNoun} (Brussels) Bruxelles Brussels Capital Region {properNoun} Regione di Bruxelles-Capitale Brussels sprout {noun} (Brussels sprouts) cavolino di Bruxelles | cavoletto di Bruxelles brutal [/ˈbɹuːtəl/] {adjective} (more brutal, most brutal) brutale brutalise {verb} (brutalises, brutalised, brutalising) abbrutire Brutalism {noun} Brutalismo brutalism {noun} brutalismo brutality {noun} (brutalities) brutalità brutalize {verb} (brutalizes, brutalizing, brutalized) abbrutire brutally {adverb} (most brutally, more brutally) selvaggiamente brute [/bɹuːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brutes, bruting, bruted, most brute, more brute) bruto | bruta brutish [/ˈbɹuːt.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brutish, more brutish) bestiale brutishness {noun} (brutishnesses) bestialità Brutus [/ˈbɹutəs/] {noun, properNoun} (Brutuses) Bruto bruxism [/ˈbɹʌksɪz(ə)m/ | /ˈbɹʌksɪzəm/] {noun} (bruxisms) bruxismo Bryce {properNoun} Brizio bryony [/ˈbɹaɪəni/] {noun} (bryonies) brionia bryophyte [/ˈbɹaɪ̯.ə.fʌit/ | /ˈbɹʌɪ̯.ə.fʌɪt/] {noun} (bryophytes) grana bryozoan [/ˌbɹɑɪəˈzəʊən/] {adjective, noun} (bryozoans) briozoo Brythonic [/bɹɪˈθɒnɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Brythonic, more Brythonic) brittonico bubble [/ˈbʌb.əl/] {noun, verb} (bubbles, bubbling, bubbled) bolla bubble bath {noun} bagnoschiuma bubble wrap {noun} pluriball bubbly [/ˈbʌbli/] {adjective, noun} (bubblest, bubbler, bubblies) effervescente bubo [/ˈbjuː.bəʊ/ | /ˈbu.boʊ/] {noun} (buboes) bubbone bubonic {adjective} bubbonico buccaneer [/ˌbʌkəˈnɪə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (buccaneers, buccaneering, buccaneered) bucaniere | corsaro | pirata bucentaur {noun} (bucentaurs) bucentauro Bucephalus {noun, properNoun} (Bucephaluses) Bucefalo Bucharest [/ˌbuːkəˈɹɛst/] {properNoun} Bucarest buck [/bʌk/] {noun, verb} (bucks, bucking, bucked) antilope | camoscio | centinaio | daino | damerino | dollaro bucket [/ˈbʌkɪt/] {noun, verb} (buckets, bucketed, bucketing) secchio bucket down {verb} (buckets down, bucketed down, bucketing down) ruzzolare bucket of bolts {noun} (buckets of bolts) scarcassone buckeye [/ˈbʌkaɪ/] {noun} (buckeyes) ippocastano Buckingham Palace {properNoun} Buckingham Palace buckle [/ˈbʌk(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (buckles, buckling, buckled) fibbia | allacciare | sottomettersi buckle down {verb} (buckles down, buckled down, buckling down) mettersi sotto a buckle up {verb} allacciarsi impegnarsi buckler [/ˈbʌk.lə/ | /ˈbʌk.lɚ/] {noun, verb} (bucklers, bucklered, bucklering) brocchiero buckram [/ˈbʌkɹəm/] {noun, verb} (buckrams, buckramed, buckrammed, buckraming) bucherame buckshot {noun} grandine buckskin {adjective, noun} daino buckwheat [/ˈbʌkʍiːt/] {noun} (buckwheats) grano saraceno bucolic [/bjuˈkɑlɪk/ | /bjuːˈkɒlɪk/] {adjective, noun} (bucolics, most bucolic, more bucolic) bucolico bud [/bʌd/] {noun, verb} (buds, budding, budded) boccio | bocciolo | germoglio | amico | gemma | germogliare Budapest [/ˈbuːdəpɛst/] {properNoun} Budapest Budapestian {adjective, noun} (Budapestians) budapestiano budda {noun} (buddas) budda Buddha [/bʊdːʰə/ | /ˈbudə/ | /ˈbʊdə/] {noun, properNoun} (Buddhas) Budda | Buddha Buddha's hand {noun} (Buddha's hands) mano di Buddha Buddhahood {noun} buddhità Buddhism [/ˈbu.dɪ.zəm/] {noun} (Buddhisms) buddismo | buddhismo Buddhist [/ˈbudɪst/] {adjective, noun} (most Buddhist, more Buddhist, Buddhists) buddista | buddistico Buddhistic {adjective} buddistico budding [/ˈbʌdiŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} proveniente buddy [/bʌd.i/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buddies, buddying, buddied, more buddy, most buddy) amico | capo | compagno budge [/bʌdʒ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more budge, most budge, budges, budging, budged) muoversi budgerigar {noun} (budgerigars) cocorita budget [/ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (budgets, budgeted, budgeting) budget | bilancio budgetary {adjective} budgetario Buenos Aires [/ˌbweɪnoʊs ˈaɪɹeɪs/] {properNoun} Buenos Aires buff [/bʌf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buffer, buffest, most buff, more buff, buffs, buffing, buffed) brillantare buff-breasted sandpiper {noun} (buff-breasted stints) piro piro fulvo buff-tailed bumblebee {noun} (buff-tailed bumblebees) bombo terrestre Buffalo {properNoun} Buffalo buffalo [/ˈbʌf.ə.loʊ/ | /ˈbʌf.əl.əʊ/] {noun, verb} (buffalos, buffalo, buffaloes, buffaloed, buffaloing) bufalo | bison buffer [/ˈbafə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌfə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌfɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buffers, buffering, buffered) soluzione tampone | tamponare buffer solution {noun} (buffer solutions) soluzione tampone buffet [/bəˈfeɪ/ | /ˈbʊfeɪ/ | /ˈbʌfɪt/] {noun, verb} (buffets, buffetted, buffeting, buffeted, buffetting) buffet buffing [/ˈbʌfɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (buffings) pulitura bufflehead [/ˈbʌfəlhɛd/] {noun} (buffleheads) quattrocchi minore buffoon [/bəˈfuːn/] {noun, verb} (buffoons, buffooned, buffooning) pagliaccio bug [/bʌɡ/] {noun, verb} (bugs, bugged, bugging) microspia | cimice | insetto | bacarozzo | batterio | errore bugfix {noun} (bugfixes) correttivo bugger [/ˈbʌɡə/ | /ˈbʌɡɚ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (buggers, buggered, buggering) inculare | buggerare bugger off {interjection, verb} (buggers off, buggered off, buggering off) bicchiere buggery [/ˈbʌɡəɹi/] {noun} (buggeries) sodomia buggy [/bʌ.ɡi/] {adjective, noun} (buggest, bugger, buggies) calesse bugle [/ˈbjuːɡəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bugles, more bugle, most bugle, bugling, bugled) bugola bugle horn corno da caccia bugler {noun} (buglers) trombettiere build [/bɪld/] {noun, verb} (builds, builded, built, building) costruire | edificare build castles in the air {verb} (builds castles in the air, building castles in the air, builded castles in the air, built castles in the air) fare castelli in aria build up {noun, verb} (builds up, building up, built up) rafforzare build-up {noun} (build-ups) accumulazione builder [/ˈbɪl.də/ | /ˈbɪl.dɚ/] {noun} (builders) costruttore | costruttrice building [/ˈbɪldɪŋ/] {noun, verb} edificio | palazzo | costruzione | edificazione building block {noun} (building blocks) terracotta building material {noun} (building materials) materiale da costruzione building science scienza delle costruzioni building site {noun} (building sites) cantiere buildup {noun} accumulamento built [/ˈbɪlt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (builts) costruito built-in {adjective, noun} (built-ins) incassato | incorporato | integrato bukkake [/buˈkɑː.ki/] {noun} bukkake bulb [/bʌlb/] {noun, verb} (bulbs, bulbing, bulbed) bulbo bulbar {adjective} bulbare bulbil {noun} (bulbils) bulbillo bulbous [/ˈbʌlbəs/] {adjective} (more bulbous, most bulbous) bulboso bulbul [/ˈbʊlbʊl/] {noun} (bulbuls) bulbul Bulgaria [/bʌlˈɡɛə.ɹi.ə/ | /bʌlˈɡɛɹ.i.ə/] {properNoun} Bulgaria Bulgarian [/bʌlˈɡɛɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bulgarian, most Bulgarian) bulgaro | bulgara bulge [/bʌldʒ/] {noun, verb} (bulges, bulged, bulging) sporgenza | protuberanza | rigonfiamento | sporgere bulging {noun, verb} (bulgings) prominente bulgur [/ˈbʌlɡə(ɹ)/] {noun} bulgur bulimia [/bjuˈlimi.ə/] {noun} bulimia bulimic {adjective, noun} (most bulimic, more bulimic, bulimics) bulimico bulk [/bʌlk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bulks, bulked, bulking) grosso | massa | mole | volume bulk carrier {noun} (bulk carriers) portarinfuse bulkhead {noun} (bulkheads) paratia bulky [/ˈbʌlki/] {adjective} (bulker, bulkest) voluminoso | massiccio | ingombrante | scomodo bulky waste {noun} rifiuti ingombranti bull [/ˈbʊl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bulls, bulling, bulled) toro | bolla | maschio | sigillo | rialzista bull ant {noun} (bull ants) formica bulldog | formica sergente bull run {noun} (bull runs) corsa dei tori | encierro bull shark {noun} (bull sharks) squalo leuca bull terrier {noun} (bull terriers) bull terrier bullate {adjective} (most bullate, more bullate) bolloso bulldog [/ˈbʊldɑɡ/ | /ˈbʊldɒɡ/ | /ˈbʊldɔɡ/] {noun, verb} (bulldogs, bulldogged, bulldogging) bulldog bulldozer [/ˈbʊldoʊzɚ/] {noun, verb} (bulldozers, bulldozering, bulldozered) bulldozer | apripista | escavatore | escavatrice | ruspa bullet [/ˈbʊl.ɪt/] {noun, verb} (bullets, bulleted, bulleting) proiettile | pallottola bullet point {noun} (bullet points) punto elenco bullet train {noun} (bullet trains) turbotreno ad alta velocità bulleted {adjective, verb} puntato bulleted list {noun} (bulleted lists) lista puntata bulletin [/ˈbʊlɪtɪn/] {noun, verb} (bulletins, bulletining, bulletined) bollettino bulletin board {noun} (bulletin boards) bacheca bulletproof [/bʊl.ɪtpɹuːf/] {adjective, verb} (most bulletproof, more bulletproof, bulletproofs, bulletproofed, bulletproofing) antiproiettile bulletproof vest [/bʊl.ɪtpɹuːf vɛst/] {noun} (bulletproof vests) giubbotto antiproiettile bullfight {noun} (bullfights) corrida bullfighter {noun} (bullfighters) torero bullfighting {noun} (bullfightings) corrida | toromachia bullfinch {noun} (bullfinches) ciuffolotto bullfrog [/ˈbʊlfrɒɡ/ | /ˈbʊlfɹɑɡ/] {noun} (bullfrogs) rana toro | rana bue bullhead [/ˈbʌlˌhɛd/] {noun} (bullheads) scazzone bullhorn {noun} (bullhorns) megafono bullion [/ˈbʊl.jən/] {noun} lingotto bullionism {noun} bullionismo bullock [/ˈbʊlək/] {noun, verb} (bullocks, bullocked, bullocking) giovenco bullpen {noun} (bullpens) paesaggio bullring {noun} (bullrings) arena bullroarer {noun} (bullroarers) rombo bullseye [/ˈbʊlzaɪ/] {interjection, noun} (bullseyes) centro del bersaglio bullshit [/ˈbʊlʃɪt/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (most bullshit, more bullshit, bullshits, bullshit, bullshitting, bullshitted, bullshat) cazzata | cazzeggiare | coglionata | dire cazzate | dire coglionate | minchiata bully [/ˈbʊli/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (buller, bullest, bullies, bullying, bullied) arrogante | bullo | prepotente | smargiasso | spaccone bullying [/ˈbʊl.i.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} bullismo bulrush {noun} (bulrushes) giunco di palude bulwark [/ˈbʊl.wək/ | /ˈbʊl.wɝk/] {noun, verb} (bulwarks, bulwarking, bulwarked) baluardo | impavesata bum [/bʌm/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (bummest, bummer, bums, bummed, bumming) vagabondo | barbone | culo | deretano | sedere | ano bum around {verb} (bums around, bumming around, bummed around) bighellare | ciondolare | gironzolare | girovagare | indugiare | vagabondare bum bag {noun} (bum bags) marsupio bum wine {noun} colostro bum's rush {noun} (bum's rushes) sbarco bum-sucker leccaculo bumblebee [/ˈbʌmbl̩bi/] {noun} (bumblebees) bombo bumfuck {adjective, noun, verb} (most bumfuck, more bumfuck, bumfucks, bumfucking, bumfucked) buco bummer [/ˈbʌ.mə(ɹ)/] {adjective, interjection, noun} (bummers) peccato bump [/bʌmp/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bumps, bumping, bumped) botta | bozzo | colpetto | gnocco | gonfiore | pancione bump into {verb} (bumps into, bumping into, bumped into) imbattersi bump off {verb} (bumps off, bumping off, bumped off) accoppare bump up {verb} (bumps up, bumping up, bumped up) avanzare bumper [/ˈbʌmpə(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bumpers, bumpered, bumpering) paraurti bumper car {noun} (bumper cars) autoscontro bumpkin [/ˈbʌmpkɪn/] {noun} (bumpkins) buzzurro | cafone | villico | zappaterra bumpy [/ˈbʌmpi/] {adjective} (bumper, bumpest) scabroso bun [/bʌn/] {noun, verb} (buns, bun, bunned, bunning) crocchia | michetta | pagnotta | panino | rosetta | sfilatino bunch [/ˈbʌntʃ/] {noun, verb} (bunches, bunched, bunching) grappolo | mucchio | ammucchiare | ciuffo | comitiva | graspo bunch of fives {noun} (bunches of fives) pane Bundestag [/ˈbʊndəsˌtɑːɡ/] {properNoun} Bundestag bundle [/ˈbʌnd(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (bundles, bundled, bundling) fascio | fagotto | fascina | insieme | pacchetto | patrimonio bundled {verb} affascinato bundt cake {noun} (bundt cakes) ciambella bung [/ˈbʌŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bungs, bunged, bunging) cocchiumare bung-hole [/ˈbʌŋˌhoʊl/ | /ˈbʌŋˌhəʊl/] {noun} (bung-holes) cocchiume bungalow {noun} (bungalows) bungalow bungee [/ˈbʌn.d͡ʒi/] {noun} (bungees) piovra bungee rope {noun} (bungee ropes) elastico bungle [/ˈbʌŋ.ɡ(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (bungles, bungling, bungled) abborracciare | pasticciare bungled {verb} abborracciato bungler {noun} (bunglers) ciabattino bunion [/ˈbʌnjən/] {noun} (bunions) cipolla bunk [/bʌŋk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bunks, bunked, bunking) cuccetta | giaciglio | letto a castello bunk bed {noun} (bunk beds) letto a castello bunker [/ˈbʌŋkɚ/] {noun, verb} (bunkers, bunkered, bunkering) bunker bunny [/ˈbʌni/] {adjective, noun} (bunnies, bunniest, bunnier, bunner, bunnest, more bunny, most bunny) coniglietto | coniglietta bunny girl {noun} (bunny girls) coniglietta Bunsen burner {noun} (Bunsen burners) becco di Bunsen bunt {noun, verb} (bunts, bunted, bunting) palla smorzata | smorzare bunting [/ˈbʌntɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (buntings) zigolo | bandierine | festone Bunuelian {adjective} (more Bunuelian, most Bunuelian) bunueliano buoy [/ˈbuːiː/ | /ˈbwɔɪ/ | /ˈbɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (buoys, buoyed, buoying) boa buoy rope {noun} (buoy ropes) grippia buoy up {verb} (buoys up, buoying up, buoyed up) accelerare buoyancy [/ˈbɔɪ.ən.si/] {noun} (buoyancies) forza ascensionale | galleggiabilità | ottimismo | spinta | spinta idrostatica | spinta statica buoyant [/ˈbɔɪ.ənt/] {adjective} (most buoyant, more buoyant) allegro bupleurum {noun} (bupleurums) bupleuro buprenorphine {noun} buprenorfina buprestid {noun} (buprestids) buprestide bur-reed {noun} (bur-reeds) coltellaccio burble [/ˈbɜɹ.bəl/] {noun, verb} (burbles, burbling, burbled) borbugliare burbot [/ˈbɜ(ɹ).bət/] {noun} (burbots) bottatrice burd {noun} (burds) donzella burden [/ˈbɜːdn/ | /ˈbɝdn/] {noun, verb} (burdens, burdening, burdened) fardello | appioppare | carico | gravare | oberare | onere burden basket {noun} (burden baskets) cappa burden of proof {noun} (burdens of proof) onere della prova burdensome [/ˈbəː.dən.səm/ | /ˈbɝ.dən.səm/] {adjective} (most burdensome, more burdensome) gravoso | oneroso | ostico Burdigalian {properNoun} Burdigaliano burdock [/ˈbɜːdɒk/ | /ˈbɝːdɑːk/] {noun} (burdocks) bardana | lappa bureau [/ˈbjʊɹ.oʊ/ | /ˈbjʊɹ.ə/ | /ˈbjʊɹ.əʊ/] {noun} (bureaus, bureaux) ufficio | comò | scrivania | cassettone | scrittoio bureau de change [/ˈbjʊəɹ.əʊ.dəˌʃɒ̃ʒ/] {noun} (bureaus de change, bureaux de change, bureau de changes) cambiavalute | ufficio del cambio bureaucracy [/bjʊəˈɹɒkɹəsi/ | /bjʊˈɹɑːkɹəsi/] {noun} (bureaucracies) burocrazia bureaucrat [/ˈbjʊəɹəkɹæt/ | /ˈbjʊɹəkɹæt/] {noun} (bureaucrats) burocrate

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