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ОглавлениеB [/b/ | /biː/] {noun, numeral, properNoun, symbol} (Bs) si B major {noun} si maggiore B minor {noun} minore B-flat {noun} bemolle B-flat major {noun} si bemolle maggiore B-flat minor {noun} minore baa [[bæ] | [bæ̰ː] | [bɑː]] {interjection, noun, verb} (baas, baaing, baaed) belare | beè | belato | bè Baal [/ˈbeɪəl/] {properNoun} (Baalim, Baals) Baal baba {noun} (babas) babà baba au rhum {noun} (babas au rhum) babà Baba Yaga {properNoun} Baba Yaga babalaas {noun} (babalaases) frustrazione babassu {noun} (babassus) babassu babble [/ˈbæb.l̩/] {noun, verb} (babbles, babbling, babbled) chiacchierare | ciarlare | balbettio | ciancia | cicalare | gorgoglio babbler [[ˈbæb(ə)lə(ɹ)]] {noun} (babblers) chiaccherone babe [/beɪb/] {noun} (babes) bambolina babel {noun} (babels) babilonia Babelic {adjective} babelico babesiosis {noun} (babesioses) babesiosi | piroplasmosi Babeufism {noun} babuvismo babiroussa {noun} (babiroussas) babirussa babirusa {noun} (babirusas) babirussa Babism {noun} babismo baboon [/bəˈbuːn/ | /ˌbæˈbuːn/] {noun} (baboons) babbuino babouche {noun} (babouches) babbuccia baby [/ˈbeɪbi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (babies, babying, babied) bebè | bimbo | bimba | bambino | bambina | bella baby boom {noun} (baby booms) incremento delle nascite | incremento demografico baby boomer {noun} (baby boomers) baby boomer baby bottle {noun} (baby bottles) biberon baby boy {noun} (baby boys) bambino baby doll {noun} (baby dolls) baby-doll baby face {noun} (baby faces) bamboccio | bamboccione | faccino baby grand {noun} (baby grands) rospo baby hatch {noun} (baby hatches) culle per la vite baby monitor {noun} (baby monitors) interfono baby powder {noun} talco baby talk {noun} baby talk baby's breath {noun} nube babyhood [/ˈbeɪbihʊd/] {noun} infanzia babyish {adjective} (more babyish, most babyish) puerile Babylon [/ˈbæbɪ.lɑn/ | /ˈbæbɪ.lɒn/] {properNoun} Babilonia Babylonia [/ˌbæbɪˈloʊni.ə/ | /ˌbæbɪˈləʊnɪə/] {properNoun} Impero babilonese Babylonian {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Babylonians) babilonico Babylonic {adjective} (more Babylonic, most Babylonic) babilonico babysit [/ˈbeɪbiː.sɪt/] {verb} (babysits, babysat, babysitting) fare da babysitter babysitter [/ˈbeɪbiˌsɪtɚ/] {noun} (babysitters) baby-sitter baby’s shoe scarpetta baccalaureate [/bækəˈlɔːɹɪət/] {noun} (baccalaureates) baccalaureato baccarat [/ˈbækəɹæt/ | /ˈbækəɹɑː/] {noun} baccarà bacchanal [/ˈbækənəl/] {adjective, noun} (more bacchanal, most bacchanal, bacchanals) baccanale bacchic {adjective} (most bacchic, more bacchic) bacchico Bach [/bɑːx/] {properNoun} ruscello bachelor [/ˈbætʃ.ə.lə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbætʃ.ə.lɚ/] {noun} (bachelors) scapolo | baccelliere | celibe | laurea | zitello | zito bachelor party {noun} (bachelor parties) addio al celibato | festa di addio al celibato bachelorette [/batʃələˈɹɛt/ | /ˌbætʃləˈɹɛt/] {noun} (bachelorettes) nubile bachelorette party {noun} (bachelorette parties) addio al nubilato | festa di addio al nubilato bachelorhood {noun} (bachelorhoods) celibato bacilliform {adjective} (most bacilliform, more bacilliform) bacilliforme bacillofobia bacillofobia bacillophobia {noun} bacillofobia bacillus [/bæˈsɪl.əs/] {noun} (bacilli) bacillo bacitracin {noun} bacitracina back [/bæk/ | [bax]] {adjective, adverb, noun, postposition, verb} (most back, more back, furthest back, further back, backs, backed, backing) schiena | dorso | indietro | difensore | terzino | retro back and forth {adjective, adverb, noun} viavai | andirivieni | avanti e indietro back away {verb} (backs away, backed away, backing away) cedere back cover {noun} (back covers) controcopertina back door {adjective, noun, verb} (back doors, back dooring, back doored) ottenere per vie traverse | porta di dietro | porta di servizio | porta sul retro back fire {noun} (back fires) back-fire back garden {noun} (back gardens) cortile back in the day allora back of beyond {noun} capo al mondo | casa del Diavolo | casa di Dio back off {verb} (backs off, backed off, backing off) cedere back out {verb} (backs out, backed out, backing out) fare marcia indietro | fare retromarcia | indietreggiare | retrocedere back to square one {adjective, adverb} essere punto e a capo back to the wall {noun} (backs to the wall) spalle al muro back up {verb} (backs up, backed up, backing up) salvaguardare back-formation {noun} (back-formations) retroformazione back-shop retrobottega back-to-back [/ˌbæk.təˈbæk/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (back-to-backs) addossato backache [/ˈbækeɪk/] {noun} mal di schiena backand schiaffo backbite {noun, verb} (backbites, backbiting, backbitten, backbit) calunniare | denigrare | dire peste e corna | parlare alle spalle | parlare male | sparlare backbiting {adjective, noun, verb} (most backbiting, more backbiting) ciarla | diceria | maldicenza | sussurrio backboard {noun} (backboards) tabella backbone [/ˈbækˌboʊn/ | /ˈbækˌbəʊn/] {noun} spina dorsale | colonna vertebrale | base | coraggio | rachide backboned {adjective} vertebrato backbreaking {adjective} (more backbreaking, most backbreaking) estenuante | massacrante backcomb {noun, verb} (backcombs, backcombed, backcombing) cotonare backdate {noun, verb} (backdates, backdated, backdating) retrodatare backdating {noun, verb} (backdatings) retrodatazione backdrop [/ˈbæk.dɹɒp/] {noun, verb} (backdrops, backdropped, backdropping) contesto | scenario | sfondo backfire [/bækˈfaɪə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (backfires, backfiring, backfired) avere effetto contrario backfisch [/ˈbækfɪʃ/] {noun} (backfische, backfisches) adolescente backflip [/ˈbæk.flɪp/] {noun, verb} (backflips, backflipping, backflipped) voltafaccia backgammon [/ˈbæk.ɡæm.ən/] {noun, verb} (backgammons, backgammoned, backgammoning) backgammon | tavola reale | tric trac background [/ˈbæk.ɡɹaʊnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (backgrounds, backgrounding, backgrounded) sfondo | antecedente | antefatto | bagaglio culturale | formazione | in sordina backhand [/ˈbækhænd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most backhand, more backhand, backhands, backhanding, backhanded) rovescio | tirare di rovescio backhanded [/ˈbækˌhændəd/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (more backhanded, most backhanded) ambiguo backhander {noun} (backhanders) bustarella | manrovescio | marrovescio | mazzetta | rovescio | tangente backheel {noun, verb} (backheels, backheeling, backheeled) tacco backhoe [/ˈbæk.həʊ/] {noun, verb} (backhoes, backhoed, backhoeing) escavatore backing [/ˈbæk.ɪŋ(ɡ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} arretramento backlash [/ˈbækˌlæʃ/] {noun, verb} (backlashes, backlashed, backlashing) contraccolpo | dissonanza | gioco | passo | reazione | scuotimento backlight [/ˈbæk.laɪt/] {noun, verb} (backlights, backlighting, backlit, backlighted) retroilluminazione | illuminare dal di dietro backlit {adjective, verb} (most backlit, more backlit) illuminato dal di dietro backlog [/ˈbæk.lɒɡ/] {noun, verb} (backlogs, backlogging, backlogged) arretrato backorder {noun, verb} (backorders, backordered, backordering) residuo backpack [/ˈbæk.pæk/] {noun, verb} (backpacks, backpacking, backpacked) zaino | sacco a pelo backpacker {noun} (backpackers) escursionista | saccopelista backpedal [/ˈbækˌpɛdəɫ/] {verb} (backpedals, backpedaling, backpedalling, backpedaled, backpedalled) frenare backrest [/ˈbækˌɹest/] {noun} (backrests) schienale backronym [/ˈbæk.ɹəˌnɪm/] {noun, verb} (backronyms, backronymed, backronyming) acronimo inverso backroom {adjective, noun} (backrooms) retrobottega backscratcher {noun} (backscratchers) grattaschiena | manina backside [/ˈbækˌsaɪd/] {noun} (backsides) sedere | di dietro | lato posteriore backslang [/ˈbækslæŋ/] {noun} verlan backslash [/ˈbækˌslæʃ/] {noun, verb} (backslashes, backslashed, backslashing) barra inversa backsplash {noun} (backsplashes) cruscotto backstab [/ˈbækˌstæb/] {verb} (backstabs, backstabbing, backstabbed) colpire alle spalle backstabber [/ˈbækˌstæbɚ/] {noun} (backstabbers) ipocrita backstage [/bækˈsteɪdʒ/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (most backstage, more backstage, backstages) quinta | quinte backstay {noun} (backstays) controtirante backstitch {noun, verb} (backstitches, backstitched, backstitching) punto indietro backstop {noun, verb} (backstops, backstopped, backstopping) copertura | garanzia | spalleggiamento | supporto backstory {noun} (backstories) fondale backstreet {adjective, noun} (most backstreet, more backstreet, backstreets) straduccia backstroke [/ˈbækˌstɹoʊk/] {noun, verb} (backstrokes, backstroking, backstroked) dorso backtrack [/ˈbæk.tɹæk/] {noun, verb} (backtracks, backtracked, backtracking) analizzare | arretrare | parcheggiare contropista | retrocedere | retrocessione | ripassare backup [/ˈbækˌʌp/] {adjective, noun, verb} (backups, backuping, backuped) backup | copia di riserva | copia di sicurezza | riserva | sostituto backward [/ˈbæk.wə(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbækwɚd/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (most backward, more backward) indietro | antiquato | fuori moda | retromarcia | riluttante backward compatibility {noun} (backward compatibilities) compatibilità all’indietro backward compatible {adjective} (more backward compatible, most backward compatible) retrocompatibile backwardness {noun} (backwardnesses) arretratezza backwards [/ˈbæk.wə(ɹ)dz/] {adjective, adverb} (more backwards, most backwards) indietro backwash [/ˈbæk.wɑʃ/ | /ˈbæk.wɒʃ/] {noun, verb} (backwashes, backwashed, backwashing) riflusso | risacca | salivazione | sbavatura | scia backwater {noun, verb} (backwaters, backwatered, backwatering) acqua di invaso backwoods [/ˈbakˌwʊdz/] {adjective, noun} sottobosco backyard [/bækˈjɑːd/] {noun} (backyards) cortile bacon [/ˈbeɪ.kən/] {noun} (bacons) pancetta bacon rind {noun} cotenna Baconian [/bəˈkəʊn.ɪən/] {adjective, noun} (most Baconian, more Baconian, Baconians) baconiano bacteria [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪ.ə/ | /bækˈtɪɹ.i.ə/] {noun} (bacteriae) batteri bacterial [[bækˈtɪəɹɪəɫ]] {adjective} batterico bacterial flora {noun} flora batterica bacterialization {noun} batterizzazione bactericide [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪˌsaɪd/] {noun} (bactericides) germicida bacteriocin {noun} (bacteriocins) batteriocina bacteriofobia bacteriofobia bacteriological {adjective} batteriologico bacteriological war guerra batteriologica bacteriologist {noun} (bacteriologists) batteriologo bacteriology [/bækˌtɪəɹ.ɪˈɒlədʒi/] {noun} (bacteriologies) batteriologia | bacteriologia bacteriophage [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪəʊˌfeɪdʒ/] {noun} (bacteriophages) batteriofago bacteriorhodopsin {noun} (bacteriorhodopsins) batteriorodopsina bacteriostatic {adjective} (most bacteriostatic, more bacteriostatic) batteriostatico bacteriotherapy [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪəʊˌθeɹ.əpi/] {noun} (bacteriotherapies) batterioterapia bacterium [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪəm/] {noun} (bacteria) batterio bacteriuria {noun} (bacteriurias) batteriuria Bactria [/ˈbæktɹɪə/] {properNoun} Battria Bactrian camel [/ˈbæktɹɪən ˈkæməl/] {noun} (Bactrian camels) cammello bad [/beəd/ | /bæd/ | /bæːd/ | /bɛd/ | /bɛʔ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (baddest, badder, bads, badded, badding, worst, worse) cattivo | difettoso | doveroso | grave | malvagio | sbagliato bad (for) nocivo bad apple {noun} (bad apples) pecora nera bad breath {noun} alitosi bad egg [/ˈbæd ɛɡ/] {noun} (bad eggs) bandito bad faith {noun} malafede bad guy {noun} (bad guys) canaglia bad luck {noun} sfortuna | sfiga | iella | malasorte bad manners {noun} malacreanza bad mood paturnie bad news {noun} brutta notizia | cattiva notizia bad things come in threes {proverb} non c'è due senza tre badass [/bædˈæs/ | /ˈbædæs/ | /ˈbædˌæs/] {adjective, noun} (more badass, most badass, badasses) chiava galline baddie [/ˈbædi/] {noun} (baddies) cattivo Baden-Württemberg [[ˌbɑːdən ˈvɜːtəmbɜːɡ]] {properNoun} Baden-Württemberg badge [/bædʒ/] {noun, verb} (badges, badging, badged) distintivo | insegna | cartellino | contrassegno | emblema | targhetta badge of a Baronet mano di baronetto badger [/ˈbædʒə/ | /ˈbædʒɚ/] {noun, verb} (badgers, badgered, badgering) tasso badinage [/ˌbæd.ɪˈnɑːʒ/ | /ˌbɑd.ɪˈnɑʒ/] {noun, verb} (badinages, badinaged, badinaging) scherzare Badiot {noun} badioto | badiotto badly [/ˈbæd.li/] {adjective, adverb} (more badly, most badly, worse, worst) male badminton [/ˈbæd.mɪn.tən/] {noun} badminton badmouth [/ˈbæd.maʊθ/] {verb} (badmouths, badmouthing, badmouthed) denigrare badness [/ˈbæd.nəs/] {noun} (badnesses) cattiveria Baetic {adjective} betico baffle [/ˈbæfl̩/] {noun, verb} (baffles, baffling, baffled) sconcertare baffled [/ˈbæfl̩d/] {adjective, verb} (most baffled, more baffled) confuso baffling {adjective, noun, verb} (more baffling, most baffling, bafflings) sconcertante Bafut {properNoun} fica bag [/ˈbeɪɡ/ | /ˈbæɡ/ | /ˈbæːɡ/ | /ˈbɛɡ/] {noun, verb} (bags, bagging, bagged) sacco | busta | sacchetto bagasse {noun} bagassa bagatelle [/ˌbæɡəˈtɛl/] {noun} (bagatelles) inezia | baggianata | pagliuzza | quisquilia | nonnulla | banalità bagel [/ˈbeɪɡəl/] {noun, verb} (bagels, bagelled, bagelling) bagel bagful [[ˈbæɡfʊɫ]] {noun} (bagsful, bagfuls) sacco baggage [/ˈbæɡɪdʒ/] {noun} (baggages) bagaglio baggage car {noun} (baggage cars) bagagliaio baggy [/ˈbæɡi/] {adjective, noun} (baggies, bagger, baggest) ampio Baghdad [/bæɡˈdæd/] {properNoun} Bagdad | Baghdad bagna cauda [/ˌbɑːnjə ˈkaʊdə/] {noun} bagna cauda | bagna càuda | bagnacauda bagpipe [/ˈbæɡˌpaɪp/] {noun, verb} (bagpipes, bagpiped, bagpiping) cornamusa bagpipes [/ˈbæɡ.pɑɪps/] {noun} (bagpipe) cornamusa | zampogna | pive baguette [/bæˈɡɛt/] {noun} (baguettes) baguette Bahamas [/bəˈhɑː.məz/] {properNoun} Bahama | Bahamas Bahamian [/bəˈheɪm.ɪən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bahamian, most Bahamian, Bahamians) bahamense Bahian {adjective, noun} (Bahians) bahiano Bahrain [/bɑːˈɹeɪn/] {properNoun} Bahrain | Bahrein Bahraini {adjective, noun} (Bahrainis) bahreinita baht [/bɑːt/] {adverb, noun} (bahts, baht) baht Bahá'í {adjective, noun} (Bahá'ís) bahá'í Bahá'í Faith {properNoun} bahaismo baiji [/ˈbaɪd͡ʒi/] {noun} (baiji, baijis) lipote Baikal [/baɪˈkɑːl/ | /ˌbaɪˈkɑːl/] {properNoun} Bajkal bail [/beɪ̯l/] {noun, verb} (bails, bailing, bailed) cauzione | libertà provvisoria | sgottare bail bond {noun} (bail bonds) cauzione bail out {verb} (bails out, bailing out, bailed out) attingere bailer {noun} (bailers) aggottatoio bailiff [/ˈbeɪlɪf/] {noun} (bailiffs) sbirro bailing [/ˈbeɪlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bailings) aggottamento bailiwick [/ˈbeɪ.lɪ.wɪk/] {noun} (bailiwicks) bailiato bailloned imbavagliato baillonné imbavagliato bain-marie {noun} (bains-marie) bagnomaria Baird's sandpiper {noun} (Baird's sandpipers) gambecchio di Baird bait [/beɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (baits, baiting, baited, most bait, more bait) esca | adescare | abboccare baize [/beɪz/] {noun, verb} (baizes, baized, baizing) baietta Bajocian {properNoun} Bajociano Bakar {properNoun} Buccari bake [/beɪk/] {noun, verb} (bakes, baken, baking, baked, book) cuocere | cuocersi | infornare baked [/beɪkt/] {adjective, verb} (more baked, most baked) al forno baked Alaska [/beɪkt əˈlaskə/ | /ˌbeɪkt əˈlæskə/] {noun} omelette norvegese baked goods {noun} pane e pasticceria Bakelite [/ˈbeɪk.ə.laɪt/] {noun} bachelite Baker {properNoun} Panettiere baker [/ˈbeɪ.kə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbeɪ.kɚ/] {noun} (bakers) fornaio | panettiere | panettiera | panificatore | fornaia | panificatrice bakery [/ˈbeɪ.kə.ɹi/] {noun} (bakeries) panetteria | forno | panificio baking [/ˈbeɪkɪŋ(ɡ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bakings) cottura baking powder {noun} lievito chimico baking soda {noun} idrogenocarbonato di sodio baking tray {noun} (baking trays) teglia baklava [/ˈbæk.lə.və/] {noun} (baklavas) baklava baksheesh [/bækˈʃiːʃ/] {noun, verb} (baksheeshes, baksheeshing, baksheeshed) mazzetta Baku [/bɑːˈkuː/ | /ˈbækuː/] {properNoun} Baku balaclava [/ˌbæl.əˈklɑː.və/] {noun} (balaclavas) passamontagna Balaklava {properNoun} Balaclava balalaika [/bæləˈlaɪkə/] {noun} (balalaiki, balalaikas) balalaika | balalaica balance [/ˈbæləns/] {noun, verb} (balances, balancing, balanced) equilibrio | bilancio | bilancia | bilanciare | conguagliare | equivalere balance beam {noun} (balance beams) trave balance of trade {noun} (balances of trade) bilancia commerciale balance sheet {noun} (balance sheets) bilancio balance wheel {noun} (balance wheels) bilanciere balanced [/ˈbælənst/] {adjective, verb} (most balanced, more balanced) equilibrato balanitis {noun} balanite Balaton [/ˈbælətɒn/] {properNoun} lago Balaton balcony [/ˈbælkəni/] {noun} (balconies) balcone balcony bra {noun} (balcony bras) balconette bald [/bɑld/ | /bɔld/ | /bɔːld/ | /bəʊld/] {adjective, noun, verb} (baldest, balder, balds, balding, balded) calvo | liscio | pelato bald eagle {noun} (bald eagles) aquila di mare testabianca baldacchin [/ˈbaldəkɪn/] {noun} (baldacchins) baldacchino balderdash [/ˈbɔːldə.dæʃ/] {noun, verb} (balderdashes, balderdashing, balderdashed) sciocchezza baldie {noun} (baldies) tizio baldmoney [/ˈbɔːldˌmʌni/] {noun} finocchiella | finocchio alpino | finocchio delle Alpi baldness {noun} (baldnesses) calvizie baldrick {noun} (baldricks) balteo Baldwin {noun, properNoun} (Baldwins) Baldovino baldy [/ˈbɔːl.di/] {noun} (baldies) calvo bale [/beɪ̯l/] {noun, verb} (bales, baling, baled) balla Balearic [/bæliˈæɹɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} balearico Balearic Islands {properNoun} Isole Baleari baleen [/ˈbeɪliːn/] {noun} fanone baleful [/ˈbeɪl.fəl/] {adjective} (most baleful, more baleful) funesto Bali [/ˈbɑːli/] {properNoun} Bali Bali tiger {noun} (Bali tigers) tigre di Bali Balinese [/ˈbɑːlɪniːz/] {adjective, noun} (Balinese) balinese balk [/bɑk/ | /bɔk/ | /bɔːk/] {noun, verb} (balks, balking, balked) porca | ostacolare | tirarsi indietro Balkan [/ˈbɔːlkən/] {adjective} balcanico Balkan Peninsula {properNoun} penisola balcanica Balkanization [/ˌbɑl.kən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌbɔːl.kən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} balcanizzazione balkanization {noun} balcanizzazione Balkanize {verb} (Balkanizes, Balkanizing, Balkanized) balcanizzare Balkans [/ˈbɑl.kənz/ | /ˈbɔːl.kənz/] {properNoun} Balcani ball [/bɑl/ | /bɔːl/] {interjection, noun, verb} (balls, balling, balled) palla | ballo | coglione | pallone | gomitolo | ball ball and chain {noun} (balls and chains) nodello ball bearing {noun} (ball bearings) cuscinetto a sfere ball boy {noun} (ball boys) raccattapalle ball game [/ˈbɔːl ˌɡeɪm/] {noun} (ball games) cosa ball lightning {noun} (ball lightnings) fulmine globulare ball pit {noun} (ball pits) piscina di palline ball up {verb} (balls up, balling up, balled up) appallottolare ball-and-socket joint {noun} (ball-and-socket joints) rotula ball-breaker {noun} (ball-breakers) rompicoglioni | rompiballe ballad [/ˈbæləd/] {noun, verb} (ballads, ballading, balladed) ballata ballast [/ˈbæl.əst/] {noun, verb} (ballasts, ballasting, ballasted) zavorra | massicciata | regolatore ballerina [/ˌbæləɹˈiːnə/] {noun} (ballerinas, ballerine) ballerina ballet [/bælæe/ | /bæˈleɪ/ | /bɐleː/ | /bɛlæe/ | /ˈbæleɪ/] {noun, verb} (ballets, balleting, balleted) balletto ballet dancer {noun} (ballet dancers) ballerina | ballerino ballet master {noun} (ballet masters) maestro di balletto ballista [/bəˈlɪstə/] {noun} (ballistae, ballistas, ballistæ) balista ballistic [/bəˈlɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (most ballistic, more ballistic) balistico ballistic missile {noun} (ballistic missiles) missile balistico ballistics [/bəˈlɪst.ɪks/] {noun} balistica balloon [/bəˈlun/ | /bəˈluːn/] {noun, verb} (balloons, ballooned, ballooning) palloncino | pallone ballot [/ˈbalət/ | /ˈbælət/] {noun, verb} (ballots, balloted, balloting) scheda elettorale | scheda ballot box {noun} (ballot boxes) urna elettorale | bussola | bussolotto ballot paper {noun} (ballot papers) scheda elettorale ballpark {adjective, noun, verb} (ballparks, ballparking, ballparked) approssimativamente ballpark figure {noun} (ballpark figures) numero civico ballpoint pen {noun} (ballpoint pens) penna a sfera | biro ballroom [/ˈbɔːlɹuːm/] {noun, verb} (ballrooms, ballrooming, ballroomed) balera | sala da ballo balls [/bɔːlz/] {adverb, noun, verb} (ballses, ballsing, ballsed) palle | balle | coglioni | testicoli ballsack {noun} (ballsacks) coglia ballsiness {noun} confidenza ballsy [/ˈbɔlzi/] {adjective} (ballsest, ballser) cazzuto ballyhoo [/bæliˈhuː/] {noun, verb} (ballyhoos, ballyhooing, ballyhooed) rumore balmy [/ˈbɑː.mi/] {adjective} (balmest, balmer) mite balneation {noun} (balneations) balneazione balneology {noun} (balneologies) balneologia balneotherapy {noun} (balneotherapies) balneoterapia Balochistan {properNoun} Belucistan baloney [/bəˈloʊni/ | /bəˈləʊni/] {noun} fesseria | stupidaggine | idiozia | sciocchezza balrog [[ˈbɔːɫ.ɹɒɡ]] {noun} (balrogs) balrog balsa [/ˈbɑlsə/ | /ˈbɔːl.sə/] {noun} balsa balsam [/ˈbɔːlsəm/] {noun, verb} (balsams, balsaming, balsamed) balsamo | pomata | unguento balsam fir {noun} (balsam firs) abete balsamico balsamic vinegar {noun} aceto balsamico Balt [[bɔːlt]] {noun} (Balts) baltica | baltico Balthazar [/bælˈθeɪzə/ | /ˈbælθəˌzɔɹ/] {noun, properNoun} (Balthazars) Baldassar | Baldassarre Baltic [/ˈbɑl.tɪk/ | /ˈbɔl.tɪk/ | /ˈbɔːl.tɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Baltic, more Baltic) baltico Baltic Sea {properNoun} Mar Baltico | mar Baltico Baltimore [/ˈbɔl.tɪˌmɔɹ/ | /ˈbɔːltɪmo(ː)ɹ/ | /ˈbɔːltɪmoə/ | /ˈbɔːltɪmɔː/] {noun, properNoun} (Baltimores) Baltimora balun {noun} (baluns) balun baluster [/ˈbæl.ʌ.stɹ/] {noun} (balusters) balaustra | balaustro balustrade [/ˈbæl.ə.stɹeɪd/ | /ˌbæl.əˈstɹeɪd/] {noun} (balustrades) balaustra | balaustrata | ringhiera Balzacian [/balˈzakɪ.ən/ | /bɔlˈzæki.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most Balzacian, more Balzacian, Balzacians) balzachiano | balzacchiana | balzacchiano | balzachiana Bambara {noun, properNoun} (Bambaras, Bambara) bambara bamboo [/bæmˈbu/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bamboos, bambooed, bambooing) bambù bamboo antshrike {noun} (bamboo antshrikes) averla formichiera del bambú bamboo rat {noun} (bamboo rats) ratto del bambù bamboozle [/bæm.ˈbuː.zəl/] {verb} (bamboozles, bamboozled, bamboozling) mistificare ban [/bæn/] {noun, verb} (bans, banning, banned, bani) proibizione | vietare | divieto | bandire | bano | censurare Banach space {noun} (Banach spaces) spazio di Banach banal [/bəˈnæl/ | /bəˈnɑːl/ | /ˈbeɪnəl/] {adjective} (banaler, banalest, more banal, most banal) banale banality [/beɪˈnælɨti/ | /bəˈnælɨti/] {noun} (banalities) banalità banalize {verb} (banalizes, banalizing, banalized) banalizzare banally {adverb} (most banally, more banally) banalmente banana [/bəˈnænə/ | /bəˈnɑːnə/] {adjective, noun} banana | banano banana boat {noun} (banana boats) bananiera banana peel {noun} (banana peels) buccia di banana banana republic {noun} (banana republics) repubblica delle banane bananaquit {noun} (bananaquits) bananero | cereba gialla | platanero Banat {properNoun} Banato Banbury story of a cock and a bull [/ˈbænb(ə)ɹi ˈstɔːɹi əv ə ˈkɑk ənd ə ˈbʊl/ | /ˈbænbɹi ˈstɔːɹi əv ə ˈkɒk ənd ə ˈbʊl/] {noun} (Banbury stories of a cock and a bull) senza band [/bænd/ | [beənd]] {noun, verb} (bands, banding, banded) fascia | gruppo musicale band pass passa-banda band-aid [/ˈbændeɪd/] {noun, verb} (band-aids, band-aiding, band-aided) cerotto band-tailed antshrike {noun} (band-tailed antshrikes) averla formichiera golanera bandage [/ˈbændɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (bandages, bandaged, bandaging) fasciatura | benda | bendaggio | benderella | fascia | fasciare bandaged {verb} bendato bandaging {noun, verb} fasciatura bandana [/bænˈdæn.ə/] {noun} (bandanas) bandana bandanna {noun} (bandannas) bandana banded [/ˈbændɪd/] {adjective, verb} bandato | zonato bandicoot [/ˈbændiˌkut/ | /ˈbændɪˌkuːt/] {noun, verb} (bandicoots, bandicooting, bandicooted) bandicoot | peramelide bandit [/ˈbændɪt/] {noun, verb} (bandits, bandited, banditing) bandito | bandita banditry {noun} (banditries) banditismo | brigantaggio bandolier [/ˌbændəˈlɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bandoliers) bandoliera bandoneon {noun} (bandoneons) bandoneon bandsaw {noun, verb} (bandsaws, bandsawing, bandsawn, bandsawed) sega a nastro bandstand [/ˈbænd.stænd/] {noun} (bandstands) cassa armonica | chiosco della musica bandura [/bænˈduɹə/ | /bænˈdʊəɹə/] {noun} (banduras) bandura bandurria {noun} (bandurrias) baldosa bandwagon [/ˈbændˌwæɡ.ən/] {noun} (bandwagons) lato bandwidth [/ˈbændwɪdθ/] {noun} larghezza di banda bandy [/ˈbændi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bandies, bandied, bandying, bandest, bander) bandy bane [/beɪn/] {noun, verb} (banes, baned, baning) disgrazia | flagello | piaga | rovina | sventura baneful {adjective} (most baneful, more baneful) deleterio bang [/bæŋ(ɡ)/] {adverb, interjection, noun, verb} (more bang, most bang, bangs, banging, banged) picchiare | scoppio | battere | botto | colpire | colpo bang away {verb} (bangs away, banging away, banged away) insistere bang out {noun, verb} (bangs out, banging out, banged out, bang outs) raffazzonare bang up {adjective, verb} (bangs up, banged up, banging up) danneggiare Bangalore [/ˈbæŋɡəlɔːɹ/ | /ˌbæŋɡəˈlɔː/] {properNoun, verb} (Bangalores, Bangalored, Bangaloring) Bangalore banger [/ˈbæŋ(ɡ)ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bangers) bagnarola | carretta | catorcio | petardo banging [/ˈbæŋ.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} scopata Bangkok [/bæŋˈkɒk/] {properNoun} Bangkok Bangla {properNoun} bengalese Bangladesh [/ˌbæŋ.ɡlə.ˈdɛʃ/] {properNoun} Bangladesh Bangladeshi {adjective, noun} (Bangladeshis) bangladese bangle [/ˈbæŋ.ɡəl/] {noun, verb} (bangles, bangled, bangling) braccialetto | braccialetto da schiava | cerchietto bangs [/bæŋz/] {noun, verb} (bang) frangetta | frangia banish [/ˈbænɪʃ/] {verb} (banishes, banishing, banished) bandire | esiliare banishmen ostracismo banishment [/ˈbænɪʃmənt/] {noun} esilio banister [/ˈbænɪstə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (banisters, banistered, banistering) ringhiera banjax [/ˈbæn.d͡ʒæks/] {noun, verb} (banjaxes, banjaxing, banjaxed) distruggere | rovinare banjo [/ˈbæn.dʒoʊ/ | /ˈbæn.dʒəʊ/] {noun, verb} (banjoes, banjos, banjoed, banjoing) banjo | bangio banjoist {noun} (banjoists) banjoista bank [/bæŋk/] {noun, verb} (banks, banking, banked) banca | riva | sponda | argine | banco | cumulo bank account {noun} (bank accounts) conto bancario bank economics economia bancaria bank holiday {noun} (bank holidays) giorno festivo bank robber {noun} (bank robbers) ladro della Banca bank statement {noun} (bank statements) estratto conto bank swallow {noun} (bank swallows) topino bankbook {noun} (bankbooks) abbondanza banker [/ˈbæŋkə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbæŋkɚ/] {noun} (bankers) banchiere banking law diritto bancario banknote {noun} (banknotes) banconota | biglietto | cartamoneta | denaro bankroll {noun, verb} (bankrolls, bankrolled, bankrolling) bene bankrupt [/ˈbæŋ.kɹəpt/ | /ˈbæŋk.ɹəpt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bankrupt, more bankrupt, bankrupts, bankrupting, bankrupted) fallito bankruptcy [/ˈbæŋkɹʌptsɪ/] {noun} (bankruptcies) bancarotta | fallimento bankruptcy law diritto fallimentare bankster [/ˈbæŋkstə/] {noun} (banksters) bankster banner [/ˈbænə/ | /ˈbænɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (banners, bannering, bannered) stendardo | vessillo | da urlo | eccezionale | striscione banns [/bænz/] {noun} pubblicazioni banquet [/ˈbæŋkwɪt/] {noun, verb} (banquets, banquetting, banqueting, banqueted, banquetted) banchetto | pranzo festivo banshee [/bænˈʃiː/] {noun} (banshees) Banshee banteng [/ˈbɑntɛŋ/] {noun} (bantengs) banteng banter [/ˈbæntə/ | /ˈbæntɚ/] {noun, verb} (banters, bantered, bantering) chiacchierata | stuzzicare bantustan [/ˌbantuːˈstan/ | /ˌbæntuˈstæn/] {noun} (bantustans) bantustan banya [/ˈbɑːnjə/] {noun} (banyas) bania baobab [/ˈbeɪoʊˌbæb/ | /ˈbeɪəʊbab/] {noun} (baobabs) baobab Baphomet [/ˈbæfɵmɛt/] {properNoun} Bafometto Baphometic {adjective} (more Baphometic, most Baphometic) bafomettico baptise {verb} (baptises, baptised, baptising) battezzare baptism [/ˈbæptɪzəm/] {noun} battesimo baptism of fire {noun} (baptisms of fire) battesimo del fuoco baptismal {adjective, noun} (baptismals) battesimale baptismal font {noun} (baptismal fonts) fonte battesimale baptismal name {noun} (baptismal names) nome di battesimo Baptist {adjective, noun} (most Baptist, more Baptist) Battista baptist [/ˈbæptɪst/] {noun} (baptists) battista baptistery {noun} (baptisteries) battistero baptistry {noun} (baptistries) battistero baptize [/ˈbæptaɪz/] {verb} (baptizes, baptized, baptizing) battezzare Bar {properNoun} Antivari bar [/bɑɹ/ | /bɑː/] {noun, preposition, suffix, verb} (bars, barring, barred) bar | barra | bancone | asticella | avvocatura | birreria bar association {noun} (bar associations) Ordine Forense bar gemel gemella bar line {noun} (bar lines) sbarretta bar of chocolate {noun} (bars of chocolate) tavoletta di cioccolata bar stool {noun} (bar stools) sgabello bar-crested antshrike {noun} (bar-crested antshrikes) averla formichiera crestabarrata bar-tailed godwit {noun} (bar-tailed godwits) pittima minore Barabbas [/bəˈɹæbəs/] {properNoun} Barabba barb [/bɑː(ɹ)b/] {noun, verb} (barbs, barbed, barbing) barbiglio Barbadian {adjective, noun} (Barbadians) barbadiano Barbados [/bɑɹˈbeɪ.doʊs/ | /bɑː(ɹ)ˈbeɪ.dɒs/] {properNoun, verb} (Barbadoses, Barbadosing, Barbadosed) Barbados Barbara [/ˈbɑɹb(ə)ɹə/ | /ˈbɑːb(ə)ɹə/] {properNoun} (Barbaras) Barbara barbarian [/bɑɹ.ˈbɛəɹ.i.ən/ | /bɑː(ɹ).ˈbɛə.ɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (barbarians) barbaro barbaric [/bɑː(ɹ)ˈbæɹɪk/] {adjective} (most barbaric, more barbaric) barbaro | barbarico barbarism [/ˈbɑɹbəˈɹɪzm̩/ | /ˈbɑː(ɹ)bəɹɪz(ə)m/] {noun} barbarismo barbarity [/bɑː(ɹ)ˈbæɹɪti/] {noun} (barbarities) barbarie barbarize [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)bəɹaɪz/] {verb} (barbarizes, barbarizing, barbarized) barbarizzare barbarously {adverb} (most barbarously, more barbarously) barbaramente Barbary lion {noun} (Barbary lions) leone berbero | leone dell'Atlante Barbary macaque {noun} (Barbary macaques) bertuccia | scimmia di Barberia barbecue [/ˈbɑɹbɪˌkju/ | /ˈbɑːbɪˌkjuː/] {noun, verb} (barbecues, barbecuing, barbecued) fornacella barbecue sauce [/ˈbɑːbɪkjuː sɔːs/ | /ˈbɑːɹbəkjuː sɑːs/] {noun} salsa barbecue barbed [/bɑː(ɹ)bd/] {adjective, verb} (more barbed, most barbed) punteggiato barbed wire {noun} (barbed wires) filo spinato barbel [/ˈbɑːbəl/] {noun} (barbels) barbio | barbiglio barbell {noun} (barbells) bilanciere barber [/ˈbɑɹ.bɚ/ | /ˈbɑː.bə/] {noun, verb} (barbers, barbering, barbered) barbiere | parrucchiere barber surgeon {noun} (barber surgeons) cerusico Barberia Barberia barberry [/ˈbɑɹbɛɹi/] {noun} (barberries) crespino barbershop {noun} barbieria | salone da parrucchiere barbet {noun} (barbets) barbone barbetism {noun} barbetismo barbican [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)bɪkən/] {noun} (barbicans) barbacane Barbie {noun, properNoun} (Barbies) bionda barbiturate [/ˌbɑɹˈbɪtʃu.ɪt/ | /ˌbɑː(ɹ)ˈbɪtʃəɹɪt/] {noun} (barbiturates) barbiturato barbituric {adjective} barbiturico barbituric acid {noun} acido barbiturico barby frecciato barcarole [/ˈbɑɹkəˌɹoʊl/ | /ˈbɑːkəɹəʊl/] {noun} (barcaroles) barcarola Barcelona [/ˌbɑɹsəˈloʊnə/ | /ˌbɑːsəˈləʊnə/] {properNoun} Barcellona Barcelonian {adjective, noun} (Barcelonians) barcellonese barchan [/bɑː(ɹ)ˈkɑːn/] {noun} (barchans) fustagno barcode [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)kəʊd/] {noun} (barcodes) codice a barre bard [/bɑːd/ | [bɑɹd]] {noun, verb} (bards, barding, barded) aedo | cantore | poeta | trovatore | vate barded [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)dɪd/] {adjective} bardato bardiche [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)diːʃ/] {noun} (bardiches) berdica bare [/bɛə(ɹ)/ | /bɛɚ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bares, baring, bared, barer, barest) nudo | vuoto | basilare | nuda | privo | spoglio bare-breasted {adjective} in topless bareback [/ˈbɛəbæk/] {adverb, verb} (barebacks, barebacked, barebacking) a bisdosso | a pelo barefoot [/ˈbɛəfʊt/ | /ˈbɛɹfʊt/] {adjective, adverb} scalzo bareheaded {adjective, adverb} a capo scoperto barely [/ˈbɛə(ɹ).li/ | /ˈbɛɹ.li/] {adverb} appena Barents Sea {properNoun} mare di Barents barfly [/bɑɹflaɪ/ | /bɑːflaɪ/] {noun} (barflies) frequentatore abituale di bar bargain [/ˈbɑːɡən/ | /ˈbɑːɹɡən/] {noun, verb} (bargains, bargaining, bargained) mercanteggiare | accordo | contrattare | mercanteggiamento | negoziare | trattare bargain trafing scambio bargaining {noun, verb} (bargainings) contrattazione barge [/bɑɹdʒ/ | /bɑːdʒ/] {noun, verb} (barges, barging, barged) chiatta | bettolina | maona | paniere bargeman {noun} (bargemen) barcaiolo Bari {properNoun} Bari barista [/baˈɹista/ | /bəˈɹiːstə/ | /bəˈɹɪstə/] {noun} (baristas) barista barite {noun} barite | baritina baritone [/ˈbæɹ.ɪ.toʊn/ | /ˈbɛɹ.ɪ.toʊn/] {noun} (baritones) baritono barium [/ˈbɛəɹɪəm/] {noun} (bariums) bario bark [/bɑɹk/ | /bɑːk/] {noun, verb} (barks, barked, barking) abbaiare | corteccia | abbaiamento | latrato | scortecciare | scorza bark up the wrong tree {verb} prendere un granchio barker {noun} (barkers) imbonitore barking {adjective, noun, verb} (barkings, most barking, more barking) abbaiamento barking dogs seldom bite {proverb} can che abbaia non morde | cane che abbaia non morde barley [/ˈbɑɹli/ | /ˈbɑːli/] {noun} (barleys) orzo barleycorn [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)liˌkɔː(ɹ)n/] {noun} (barleycorns) orzaiolo barmaid [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)meɪd/] {noun} (barmaids) barista barn [/bɑɹn/ | [baːn] | [bɐːn] | [bɑɹn] | [bɑːn] | [bɒən]] {noun, verb} (barns, barning, barned) barn | granaio | fienile | baracca | stalla barn owl [/ˈbɑːn ˌaʊl/] {noun} (barn owls) barbagianni barn swallow {noun} (barn swallows) rondine comune Barnabas [/ˈbɑɹnəbəs/] {properNoun} Barnaba barnacle [/ˈbɑɹnəkl̩/ | /ˈbɑːnəkl̩/] {noun, verb} (barnacles, barnacled, barnacling) cirripede barnacle goose {noun} (barnacle geese) oca facciabianca barochory {noun} barocoria barograph {noun} (barographs) barografo Barolo [/bəˈɹoʊloʊ/ | /bəˈɹəʊləʊ/] {noun} (Barolos) barolo barometer [/bəˈɹɑməɾɚ/ | /bəˈɹɒmətə(ɹ)/] {noun} (barometers) barometro barometric [/ˌbæɹəˈmetɹɪk/] {adjective} barometrico barometry [/bəɹˈɒmetɹi/] {noun} (barometries) barometria baron [/ˈbæɹən/ | /ˈbɛɹən/] {noun} barone baroness [/ˌbæ.ɹəˈnɛs/] {noun} (baronesses) baronessa baronet [/bæɹə.ˈnɛt/] {noun} baronetto barony [/ˈbæ.ɹə.ni/] {noun} (baronies) baronia Baroque [/bəˈɹoʊk/ | /bəˈɹɒk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Baroque, more Baroque) barocco baroque [/bæˈɹɒk/ | /bəˈɹoʊk/] {adjective} (baroquer, baroquest) barocco Baroque guitar {noun} (Baroque guitars) chitarra barocca baroque pearl {noun} (baroque pearls) scaramazza barotrauma {noun} barotrauma barotropic {adjective} (more barotropic, most barotropic) barotropico barque [/bɑː(ɹ)k/] {noun} (barques) barca a vela barquentine {noun} (barquentines) velacciere barrack [/ˈbæ.ɹək/] {noun, verb} (barracks, barracking, barracked) caserma | guarnigione barrage [/bəˈɹɑːʒ/ | /ˈbæɹɑːʒ/] {noun, verb} (barrages, barraged, barraging) accompagnamento barramundi {noun} (barramundis) barramundi barrator [/ˈbæɹətə(ɹ)/] {noun} (barrators) lamentoso barre {noun} (barres) barra barred antshrike {noun} (barred antshrikes) averla formichiera barrata barred spiral galaxy {noun} (barred spiral galaxies) galassia a spirale barrata barrel [/ˈbæɹəl/] {noun, verb} (barrels, barrelled, barreling, barreled, barrelling) barile | botte barrel organ {noun} (barrel organs) organo a rullo barrel roll {noun} (barrel rolls) avvitamento | tonneau barrel vault {noun} (barrel vaults) volta a botte barren [/ˈbæɹən/] {adjective, noun} (barrenest, more barren, most barren, barrener, barrens) sterile | infertile | desolato | infruttifero barrenly {adverb} (most barrenly, more barrenly) sterilmente barrenness {noun} (barrennesses) sterilità barricade [/ˌbæɹɪˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (barricades, barricaded, barricading) barricata | barricare barrier [/ˈbæɹi.ə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbæɹi.əɹ/ | /ˈbɛɹi.əɹ/] {noun, verb} (barriers, barriered, barriering) barriera | limite barring [/ˈbɑːɹɪŋ(ɡ)/] {noun, preposition, verb} (barrings) eccetto barrister [/ˈbæ.ɹɪst.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (barristers) avvocato barroom {noun} (barrooms) bar barrow [/ˈbæɹ.əʊ/ | /ˈbæɹoʊ/] {noun} (barrows) carretto barrowful {noun} (barrowfuls, barrowsful) barellata barrulet {noun} (barrulets) burella barruly {adjective} burellato barry [/ˈbɑːɹi/] {noun} (barries) fasciato barry bendy fasciato-bandato barry bendy sinister fasciato-sbarrato barry dancetty fasciato dentato barry indented fasciato dentato barry indented one in the other triangolato barry indented point in point triangolato bars [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)z/] {noun, verb} griglia barse [/bɑːs/ | /bɑːɹs/] {noun} (barses) lupo bartender [/ˈbɑɹˌtɛndɚ/ | /ˈbɑːˌtɛndə(ɹ)/] {noun} barman barter [/ˈbɑɹtəɹ/ | /ˈbɑːtə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (barters, bartering, bartered) barattare | baratto Bartholomew [/bɑɹˈtɑləmi/ | /bɑɹˈθɑləmju/ | /bɑːˈθɒləmjuː/] {properNoun} Bartolomeo Bartonian {properNoun} Bartoniano Baruch {properNoun} Baruc barycenter {noun} (barycenters) baricentro barycentre {noun} (barycentres) baricentro barycentric {adjective} baricentrico barye {noun} (baryes) baria baryogenesis {noun} bariogenesi baryon [/ˈbæɹɪɒn/] {noun} (baryons) barione baryon number {noun} (baryon numbers) numero barionico baryonic {adjective} barionico barysphere {noun} (baryspheres) barisfera Bas-Rhin {properNoun} Basso Reno basal layer {noun} (basal layers) strato germinativo basal metabolic rate {noun} (basal metabolic rates) metabolismo basale basalt [/bəˈsɑlt/ | /ˈbæsɒlt/] {noun} basalto basalt grey grigio basalto bascinet [/ˌbæsɪˈnet/] {noun} (bascinets) bacinetto bascule bridge {noun} (bascule bridges) ponte levatoio base [/beɪs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bases, basing, based, most base, baser, more base, basest) base | basare | fondamenta | alcali | basamento | basi base embelif campagna incalzata base hit {noun} (base hits) battuta valida base unit {noun} (base units) lettore CD baseball [/ˈbeɪs.bɔl/ | /ˈbeɪs.bɔːl/] {noun} (baseballs) baseball baseball bat {noun} (baseball bats) mazza da baseball baseball cap [/ˈbeɪs.bɔl ˌkæp/ | /ˈbeɪs.bɔːl ˌkæp/] {noun} (baseball caps) berretto da baseball baseball diamond {noun} (baseball diamonds) diamante baseball field {noun} (baseball fields) diamante Basel {properNoun} Basilea Basel-Country {properNoun} Basilea-Campagna Basel-Stadt {properNoun} Basilea-Città baseless [/ˈbeɪsləs/] {adjective} infondato baseline [/ˈbeɪslaɪn/] {noun, verb} (baselines, baselining, baselined) riferimento basely {adverb} (most basely, more basely) bassamente basement [/ˈbeɪsmənt/] {noun} (basements) seminterrato | basamento | scantinato Basenji [/bəˈsɛndʒi/] {noun} (Basenjis) basenji baserunner {noun} (baserunners) corridore | corritrice bash [/bæʃ/] {noun, verb} (bashes, bashing, bashed) batosta bash the bishop {verb} (bashes the bishop, bashing the bishop, bashed the bishop) farsi una sega bash up {verb} (bashes up, bashed up, bashing up) menare bashful [[ˈbæʃfəɫ]] {adjective} (most bashful, more bashful) modesto | timido | vergognoso bashfulness {noun} (bashfulnesses) timidezza Bashkir [/bæʃˈkɪə/ | /bɑːʃˈkɪəɹ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Bashkirs) baschiro | baschira Bashkortostan [[baʃˈko̞ː(ɹ)təʉ̯stæn] | [bɑʃˈkɔɹtoə̯stɛən]] {properNoun} Baschiria basic [/ˈbeɪsɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more basic, most basic, basics) basico basic income {noun} (basic incomes) reddito di base | reddito di base incondizionato | reddito minimo universale basically [/ˈbeɪsɪk(ə)li/] {adverb} (more basically, most basically) basicamente | in pratica | praticamente basics {noun} fondamentali basidiomycete {noun} (basidiomycetes) basidiomicete basidiospore {noun} (basidiospores) basidiospora basidium [/bəˈsɪdɪəm/] {noun} (basidia) basidio Basil [/ˈbæz.əl/] {properNoun} Basilio basil [/ˈbeɪz.əl/ | /ˈbæz.əl/] {noun, verb} (basils, basilling, basilled) basilico basilic [/ˈbæsɪlɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most basilic, more basilic, basilics) basilica basilica [/bəˈsɪlɪkə/] {noun} (basilicae, basilicas) basilica basilican {adjective} (most basilican, more basilican) basilica Basilicata {properNoun} Basilicata basilisk [/ˈbæs.ɪ.lɪsk/] {adjective, noun} (basilisks) basilisco basin [/ˈbeɪsɪn/] {noun, verb} (basins, basined, basinned, basining, basinning) bacino | lavabo | bacinella | conca | lavacro | lavandino basinful {noun} (basinsful, basinfuls) concata basipodium {noun} (basipodia) basipodio basis [/ˈbeɪsɪs/] {noun} (bases, basises, baseis) base | ammontare | ammontare base | cifra | cifra base basis point {noun} (basis points) punto base bask [/bæsk/ | /bɑːsk/] {verb} (basks, basked, basking) crogiolarsi basket [/ˈbaːskət/ | /ˈbæskɪt/ | /ˈbɑːskɪt/] {noun, verb} (baskets, basketed, basketing) cesto | canestro | cesta | cestino | paniere | carrello basket case {noun} (basket cases) relitto basketball [/ˈbæs.kɪt.bɔːl/ | /ˈbɑːs.kɪt.bɔːl/] {noun} pallacanestro | basket basketball player {noun} (basketball players) cestista | giocatore di basket | giocatrice di basket basketful {noun} (basketfuls, basketsful) corbello | paniera | panierata | zanata basketmaker {noun} (basketmakers) cestaio basking shark {noun} (basking sharks) squalo elefante | squalo cetorino Basler [/ˈbɑːzlə(ɹ)/] {noun, properNoun} (Baslers) basilese basophil [/ˈbeɪsəfɪl/] {noun} (basophils) basofilo basophilic {adjective} (most basophilic, more basophilic) basofilo Basque [/bæsk/ | /bɑːsk/] {adjective, noun} basco | basca basque [/bæsk/] {noun} (basques) basco Basque Country {properNoun} Paese basco | Paesi Baschi bass [/beɪs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (basses, bass, most bass, more bass, bassing, bassed) basso | branzino | chiave di basso | chiave di fa | spigola bass clarinet {noun} (bass clarinets) clarinetto basso bass drum [/ˈbeɪsˌdɹʌm/] {noun} (bass drums) grancassa bass guitar [/ˈbeɪsɡɪˈtɑːɹ/] {noun} (bass guitars) basso | chitarra bassa basset horn {noun} (basset horns) corno di bassetto bassist [/ˈbeɪs.ɪst/] {noun} (bassists) bassista basso continuo {noun} (basso continuos) basso continuo bassoon [/bəˈsun/ | /bəˈsuːn/] {noun, verb} (bassoons, bassooning, bassooned) fagotto bassoonist {noun} (bassoonists) fagottista basswood [/ˈbæswʊd/] {noun} (basswoods) fregatura bast [/bæst/] {noun} tiglio basta {interjection} basta bastard [/ˈbæs.tɚd/ | /ˈbɑːs.təd/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (most bastard, more bastard, bastards, bastarding, bastarded) bastardo | bastarda | figlio di puttana | brutta bestia bastard sugar {noun} zucchero bruno | zucchero giallo bastardize [/ˈbæstɚdaɪz/] {verb} (bastardizes, bastardized, bastardizing) imbastardire baste [/beɪst/] {noun, verb} (bastes, basting, basted) attaccare Bastia {properNoun} Bastia Bastian [/ˈbæsti.ən/] {properNoun} Bastiano bastille [[bæˈstɪəɫ]] {noun} (bastilles) bastione bastion [/ˈbæsti.ən/] {noun} (bastions) bastione | baluardo | cittadella | difesa | fortezza | rocca baston [/ˈbæstən/] {noun} (bastons) bastone baston couped bastone baston sinister controbastone baston sinister couped controbastone bat [/bæt/] {noun, verb} (bats, batted, batting) pipistrello | mazza | racchetta bat an eyelid {verb} battere ciglio bat away {verb} (bats away, batting away, batted away) scommettere bat-eared fox {noun} (bat-eared foxes) otocione batata [/bəˈtɑ.tə/] {noun} (batatas) batata Batavia [/bəˈteɪviə/] {properNoun} Batavia | Giacarta Batavian {adjective, noun} (most Batavian, more Batavian, Batavians) batavo Batavophone {noun} (Batavophones) neerlandofono batch [/bæt͡ʃ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (batches, batching, batched) infornata | batch | lotto | serie bath [/bæθ/ | /bɐːθ/ | /bɑːθ/ | [baθ⁓bæθ] | [bæθ⁓bɛəθ⁓beəθ] | [bɑːt̪ʰ] | [bɑːθ]] {noun, verb} (baths, bathed, bathing) bagno | vasca da bagno | stanza da bagno bath towel {noun} (bath towels) asciugamano da bagno bathe [/beɪð/] {noun, verb} (bathes, bathing, bathed) bagnare bather [/ˈbeɪðə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bathers) bagnante bathhouse {noun} (bathhouses) bagno bathing attendant bagnino bathmotropic {adjective} (more bathmotropic, most bathmotropic) batmotropo bathometer {noun} (bathometers) batometro Bathonian {properNoun} Bathoniano bathrobe [/ˈbæθɹoʊb/ | /ˈbɑːθɹəʊb/] {noun} (bathrobes) accappatoio bathroom [/ˈbæθ.ɹuːm/ | /ˈbæθɹum/ | /ˈbɑːθ.ɹuːm/] {noun} (bathrooms) bagno | stanza da bagno Bathsheba [/bæθˈʃiːbə/] {properNoun} Betsabea bathtub [/ˈbæθtʌb/ | /ˈbɑːθtʌb/] {noun} (bathtubs) vasca da bagno | bagno bathymetric {adjective} batimetrico bathymetry {noun} (bathymetries) batimetria | batometria bathyscaphe [/ˈbæθɪˌskeɪv/] {noun} (bathyscaphes) batiscafo bathysphere [/ˈbæθɪˌsfɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bathyspheres) batisfera batik [/bəˈtiːk/] {noun, verb} (batiks, batiked, batiking) batik Batman [/batˈman/] {interjection, properNoun, verb} (Batmans, Batmen, Batmanning, Batmanned) Batman batman [/ˈbætmən/] {noun, verb} (batmen, batmans, batmanned, batmanning) attendente baton [/bəˈtɑn/ | /ˈbætɒn/] {noun, verb} (batons, batoned, batoning) bacchetta | manganello | testimone batrachology {noun} batracologia batracomiomachia batracomiomachia Bats {properNoun} Bats | bats batsman {noun} (batsmen) battitore | colpitore batt {noun} (batts) lana battalion [/bəˈtælɪən/] {noun, verb} (battalions, battalioned, battalioning) battaglione | compagnia battelly merlato batten [/ˈbætən/] {noun, verb} (battens, battening, battened) ingozzare batter [/ˈbætə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbætəɹ/] {noun, verb} (batters, battered, battering) impasto | battitore | battere | bisboccia | gozzoviglia | pastella battering ram {noun} (battering rams) ariete | puntone battering-ram ariete battership corazzata battery [/ˈbætəɹi/] {noun} (batteries) batteria | pila battery charger caricabatterie batting [/ˈbætɪŋ/] {noun, verb} battuta | filo per sutura | imbottitura | ovatta batting order {noun} (batting orders) ordine di battuta battle [/ˈbætl̩/ | /ˈbætəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (battles, battling, battled, most battle, more battle) battaglia | lotta battle axe {noun} (battle axes) amazzone battle cry {noun} (battle cries) grido di guerra | grido di battaglia Battle of Britain {properNoun} battaglia d'Inghilterra battle of the sexes {noun} (battles of the sexes) battaglia dei sessi battled {adjective, verb} merlato battled embattled scalinato battled grady scalinato battled-imbattled scalinato battlefield {noun} (battlefields) campo di battaglia battlefront {noun} (battlefronts) fronte di battaglia battleground [/ˈbætəlˌɡɹaʊnd/] {noun} (battlegrounds) campo di battaglia battlement [[ˈbætəɫmənt]] {noun} (battlements) cima battleship {noun} (battleships) corazzata | nave corazzata battology [/baˈtɒl.ə.dʒi/ | /bæˈtɑː.lə.dʒi/] {noun} battologia battue [/bæˈtu/ | /bəˈt(j)uː/] {noun} battuta batty [/ˈbæti/] {adjective, noun} (battest, batter, batties) pazzo batune {noun} (batunes) bastone bauble [/ˈbɑbəl/ | /ˈbɔbəl/ | [ˈbɒbəɫ] | [ˈbɔːbəɫ]] {noun} (baubles) chincaglieria | cianfrusaglia Baudelairean [/ˌboʊdəˈlɛɹi.ən/ | /ˌbəʊd(ə)ˈlɛəɹɪ.ən/] {adjective} (most Baudelairean, more Baudelairean) baudelairiano Bauhaus [/ˈbaʊhaʊs/ | /ˈbaʊˌhaʊs/] {properNoun} Bauhaus Bautzen [[ˈbaʊtsən]] {properNoun} Bautzen bauxite [/ˈbɔːksaɪt/] {noun} bauxite Bavaria [/bəˈveəɹɪə/] {properNoun} Baviera Bavarian [/bəˈvɛəɹɪən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Bavarian, more Bavarian, Bavarians) bavarese bavarois [/ˌbævə(ɹ)ˈwɑː/ | /ˌbɑvɚˈwɑ/] {noun} (bavaroises) bavarese bavaroise [/bævəɹˈwɑz/] {noun} (bavaroises) bavarese bavette [/bæˈvɛt/] {noun} (bavettes) bavetta bawd [/bɔd/ | /bɔːd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bawd, more bawd, bawds, bawding, bawded) ruffiano bawdily [/ˈbɔːdɪli/] {adverb} (most bawdily, more bawdily) frivolo bawdy [/ˈbɔdi/ | /ˈbɔːdi/] {adjective} (bawder, bawdest, most bawdy, more bawdy) lascivo bawl [/bɑl/ | /bɔl/ | [bɔːɫ]] {noun, verb} (bawls, bawled, bawling) gridare | urlare bawl out {verb} (bawls out, bawling out, bawled out) rimproverare bay [/beɪ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bays, baying, bayed, more bay, most bay) baia | golfo | alloro | vano bay cat {noun} (bay cats) gatto dorato del Borneo bay leaf {noun} (bay leaves) alloro Bay of Bengal {properNoun} Golfo del Bengala Bay of Biscay {properNoun} golfo di Biscaglia bay window {noun} (bay windows) erker bayan {noun} (bayans) bayan bayard {adjective, noun} (more bayard, most bayard, bayards) volpe Bayesian [/ˈbeɪzɪən/] {adjective} (most Bayesian, more Bayesian) bayesiano bayonet [/ˈbeɪə(ʊ)nɨt/ | /ˌbeɪəˈnɛt/] {noun, verb} (bayonets, bayoneting, bayoneted, bayonetted, bayonetting) baionetta bayou [/ˈbaɪ.uː/] {noun} (bayous) acquitrino | ramo paludoso bazaar [/bəˈzaː/ | /bəˈzɑɹ/ | /bəˈzɑː(ɹ)/] {noun} (bazaars) bazar | mercato bazooka [/bəˈzuːkə/] {noun} (bazookas) bazooka BBC {noun, properNoun} (BBCs) BBC bbs {noun, phraseologicalUnit} bacheca BC {adverb, noun, properNoun} a.C. BDSM {noun} BDSM be [/bi/ | /biː/] {preposition, verb} essere | stare | avere | andare | esserci | essere uguale be able to {verb} (is able to, been able to, being able to, was able to) sapere | potere | essere capace di be about to do accingersi be added aggiungersi be afraid spaventarsi be afraid of temere be alarmed allarmarsi be all ears {verb} essere tutt'orecchi be all the rage imperversare be ashamed {verb} vergognarsi | avere vergogna be astonished allibire be astounded allocchire be bored {verb} annoiare be born {verb} (is born, has been born, being born, was born) nascere | venire al mondo be born before prenascere be born yesterday {verb} essere nato ieri be buried riposare be burning scottare be called {verb} chiamarsi be careful {interjection} attento | fare attenzione | procedi con cautela | stai attento be carried out effettuarsi be childish bambineggiare be composed constare be confronted with incontrare be damaged avariare be due competere be dumbfounded allocchire be exposed impressionarsi be exultant esultare be filled riempirsi be fit prestarsi be fixed fissarsi be glad felicitarsi be hot scottare be in for {verb} essere in attesa be interested interessarsi be known constare be late {verb} tardare be left rimanere be matched accompagnarsi be mistaken ingannarsi be moved commuoversi be my guest {verb} accedere be necessary bisognare be off with you {phraseologicalUnit} andare via be on tenterhooks spina be pleased godere be plunged precipitare be prepared {phraseologicalUnit} sii preparato be present intervenire be proud of vantare be reunited riunirsi be revived rivivere be rich abbondare be right {verb} avere ragione be ruined rovinarsi be sick {verb} rimettere be silent {verb} tacere be suitable confarsi be surprised meravigliarsi be sustained sostenersi be that as it may {adverb} sia quel che sia be to dovere be transformed trasformarsi be unaware ignorare be undecided titubare be up to {verb} sentirsi be upset impressionarsi be white imbiancare be worth meritare be worthy benmeritare be wrong {verb} essere in torto beach [/bit͡ʃ/ | /biːt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (beaches, beached, beaching) spiaggia | spiaggiare beach ball {noun} (beach balls) pallanuoto beach nourishment {noun} ripascimento beach volleyball {noun} beach volley | pallavolo da spiaggia | beach volleyball beachhead {noun} (beachheads) testa di ponte beacon [/ˈbiːkən/] {noun, verb} (beacons, beaconed, beaconing) faro | punto cospicuo | radiofaro bead [/biːd/] {noun, verb} (beads, beaded, beading) perlina | goccia | gocciolina | grano bead tree {noun} (bead trees) albero dei paternostri beadle [[ˈbiːdəɫ]] {noun} (beadles) chierico | sagrestano beads [/biːdz/] {noun, verb} collana di perline | conterie beagle [[biːɡəɫ]] {noun, verb} (beagles, beagled, beagling) accendino beak [/biːk/] {noun, verb} (beaks, beaking, beaked) becco | rostro | ranfoteca beaked [/biːkt/] {adjective, verb} imbeccato beaked whale {noun} (beaked whales) balena dal becco beaker [/ˈbiːkə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbiːkɚ/] {noun} (beakers) becher | bicchiere beakful {noun} (beaksful, beakfuls) imbeccata beakhead {noun} (beakheads) rostro | polena | sperone beam [/biːm/] {noun, verb} (beams, beaming, beamed) trave | raggio | bure | asse | architrave | barra timone beaming {adjective, noun, verb} (most beaming, more beaming, beamings) proiezione bean [/biːn/] {noun, verb} (beans, beaning, beaned) fagiolo beanbag [/ˈbiːnbæɡ/] {noun} (beanbags) puf beanie [/ˈbiː.ni/] {noun} (beanies) berretto beanpole {noun} (beanpoles) palo | spilungone bear [/bɑɹ/ | /bɛə(ɹ)/ | /bɛəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bears, beared, bearing, born, borne, bore, bare) orso | portare | sopportare bear cub {noun} (bear cubs) orsetto | cucciolo di orso bear in mind {verb} considerare | tenere conto | tenere presente bear out {verb} (bears out, bearing out, borne out, bore out) confermare bear the brunt {verb} avere la peggio | essere maggiormente colpito | sostenere il peso maggiore bearable [/ˈbɛəɹəbəɫ/] {adjective} sopportabile bearableness {noun} sostenibilità bearberry [/ˈbɛəb(ə)ɹi/] {noun} (bearberries) uva ursina beard [/bɪəd/ | /bɪɹd/] {noun, verb} (beards, bearded, bearding) barba | appuntamento di copertura bearded [/ˈbɪədɪd/ | /ˈbɪɹdəd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bearded, more bearded, beardeds) barbuto bearded clam {noun} (bearded clams) cozza bearded seal [/ˈbɪədɪd siːl/ | /ˈbɪɹdəd siːl/] {noun} (bearded seals) foca barbata bearded tit {noun} (bearded tits) basettino beardless {adjective} (more beardless, most beardless) imberbe | sbarbato bearer [/ˈbɛəɹə/ | /ˈbɛɹɚ/] {noun} (bearers) portatore | titolare bearing [/ˈbɛə̯ɹɪŋ/ | /ˈbɛɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bearings) cuscinetto | portamento | posizione | postura bearish {adjective} (more bearish, most bearish) ribasso bearskin [/ˈbɛə.skɪn/ | /ˈbɛəɹ.skɪn/] {noun} (bearskins) colbacco | pelle d'orso | pelliccia d'orso Beast {properNoun} animale beast [/biːst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most beast, more beast, beasts, beasted, beasting) bestia | belva beast of burden {noun} (beasts of burden) giumento | animale addestrato | animale da soma beast of prey {noun} (beasts of prey) animale beast punk punkabbestia beastie [/ˈbiːsti/] {noun} (beasties) bestiola beastliness {noun} (beastlinesses) bestialità beastly [/ˈbiːstli/] {adjective, adverb} (most beastly, beastlest, more beastly, beastler) bestiale beastmaster {noun} (beastmasters) gladiatore beat [/biːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most beat, more beat, beats, beaten, beat, beating) battere | colpire | battito | pausa | percuotere | pulsazione beat around the bush {verb} (beats around the bush, beating around the bush, beaten around the bush) menare il can per l'aia | andare per le spicce | fare giri di parole | girarci intorno | tergiversare beat down {noun, verb} (beat downs, beats down, beaten down, beating down, beat down) bacchiare beat it [/ˈbiˌdɪt/] {verb} (beats it, beat it, beating it) vai via | vattene beat one's head against a stone wall {verb} sbattere la testa contro un muro beat to the punch {verb} superare beat up {adjective, noun, verb} (more beat up, most beat up, beat ups, beats up, beaten up, beating up, beat up) picchiare beaten [/ˈbit(ə)n/] {adjective, verb} (most beaten, more beaten) sconfitto beater [/ˈbitɚ/ | /ˈbiːtə/] {noun} (beaters) battitore | frullatore beatification [/biˌætɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} beatificazione beatiful incantevole beatify [/biːˈætɪfaɪ/] {verb} (beatifies, beatifying, beatified) beatificare beating [/ˈbiːtɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (beatings) bastonata | bastonatura | battito | sconfitta | smacco | sonora sconfitta beating down {verb} bacchiatura beatitude [/biˈætɪtud/ | /biːˈætɪtjuːd/] {noun} (beatitudes) beatitudine Beatrice [/ˈbiː(ə)tɹɪs/] {properNoun} Beatrice beau [/boʊ/ | /bəʊ/] {noun} (beaux, beaus) bello Beauceron [/ˈboʊsəˌɹɑn/ | /ˈbəʊsəˌɹɒn/] {noun} (Beaucerons) pastore di Beauce Beaufort scale {properNoun} scala di Beaufort beautician [/bjuːˈtɪʃən/] {noun} (beauticians) estetista beautiful [/ˈbjuːtɪfəl/] {adjective, noun} (more beautiful, most beautiful, beautifuls) bello | bella | bel beautiful woman venere beautifully [/ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)li/] {adverb} (more beautifully, most beautifully) bello beautifulness {noun} (beautifulnesses) bella beautify [/ˈbjuː.tɪ.faɪ/] {verb} (beautifies, beautifying, beautified) abbellire beauty [/ˈbjuɾi/ | /ˈbjuːti/ | /ˈbuːti/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (beauties, beautying, beautied, most beauty, more beauty) bellezza | bella beauty is in the eye of the beholder [/ˈbjuːti ɪz ɪn ðiː aɪ əv ðiː bɪˈhəʊldə/] {proverb} la bellezza sta negli occhi di chi guarda beauty mark {noun} (beauty marks) neo beauty pageant {noun} (beauty pageants) concorso di bellezza beauty parlor {noun} (beauty parlors) istituto di bellezza beauty queen {noun} (beauty queens) reginetta di bellezza beauty sleep {noun} (beauty sleeps) dormitina beaver [/ˈbivɚ/ | /ˈbiːvə/] {noun} (beavers, beaver) castoro | figa beaver away {verb} (beavers away, beavering away, beavered away) applicarsi beaver-fur castoro becalmed {adjective, verb} (more becalmed, most becalmed) bonaccia because [/biˈkɔz/ | /bɪkəz/ | /bɪˈkɒz/ | /bɪˈkɔːz/] {adverb, conjunction, preposition} perché | imperciocchè | poiché | siccome because of {preposition} a causa di | per via di Bechuanaland [/ˌbɛtʃuˈɑːnəlænd/] {properNoun} Protettorato del Bechuanaland becket [/ˈbɛkɪt/] {noun} (beckets) anello beckon [/ˈbɛkən/] {noun, verb} (beckons, beckoning, beckoned) accennare becloud {verb} (beclouds, beclouded, beclouding) annebbiare | annuvolare become [/bəˈkʌm/ | /bɪˈkʊm/ | /bɪˈkʌm/] {verb} (becomes, becoming, becomen, become, became, becomed) diventare become black annerire become impressed stamparsi become imprinted stamparsi become integrated integrarsi become involved impegnarsi become lean asciugarsi become loose rilassarsi become magnetized magnetizzarsi become sleepy assonnare become tasty insaporirsi become tired affaticarsi become weak indebolirsi becoming [/bəˈkʌmɪŋ/ | /bɪˈkʌmɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more becoming, most becoming, becomings) divenire becquerel [[bɛkəˈɹɛɫ]] {noun} (becquerels) becquerel bed [/bed/ | /bɛd/ | [beː]] {noun, verb} (beds, bedding, bedded) letto | giaciglio | andare a dormire bed and breakfast {noun} (bed and breakfasts) bed and breakfast bed bottle pappagallo bed sheet {noun} (bed sheets) lenzuolo bedbug {noun} (bedbugs) cimice bedclothes {noun} biancheria da letto bedding [/ˈbɛdɪŋ/] {noun, verb} biancheria da letto | lenzuola beddy-bye {noun} nanna bedeck [/bɪˈdɛk/] {verb} (bedecks, bedecking, bedecked) abbellire bedevil [[bɪˈdɛvəɫ]] {verb} (bedevils, bedevilling, bedeviling, bedeviled, bedevilled) assillare | tormentare bedewed {adjective, verb} (most bedewed, more bedewed) rorido bedhead [/ˈbɛdhɛd/] {noun} testiera bedjacket {noun} (bedjackets) giacchetta | giacchettino | liseuse | mantellina bedlam [/ˈbɛdləm/] {noun} (bedlams) babilonia bedlinen {noun} biancheria da letto bedouin [/ˈbɛd.wɪn/] {noun} (bedouins) beduina | beduino bedpan {noun} (bedpans) padella bedraggle [/bɪˈdɹæɡl̩/] {verb} (bedraggles, bedraggled, bedraggling) inzuppare bedridden [/ˈbɛdɹɪdən/] {adjective} degente | allettato bedrock {noun} materia prima bedroll {noun} (bedrolls) sacco a pelo bedroom [/ˈbɛdˌɹum/] {noun} (bedrooms) camera da letto | camera bedsheet [/ˈbɛdʃiːt/] {noun} (bedsheets) lenzuolo bedside rug scendiletto bedsit [/ˈbɛdˌsɪt/] {noun} (bedsits) studio bedsore {noun} (bedsores) decubito bedspread {noun} (bedspreads) copriletto bedstead {noun} (bedsteads) sponda | telaio bedstraw {noun} caglio bedtime [/ˈbɛdtaɪm/] {noun} ora di dormire bee [/ˈbiː/] {noun, verb} (bees, been) ape | pecchia bee escape {noun} (bee escapes) apiscampo bee fly {noun} (bee flies) bombilio bee hummingbird {noun} (bee hummingbirds) colibrì di Elena bee in one's bonnet {noun} (bees in one's bonnet) fissazione | idea fissa bee sting {noun} (bee stings) puntura d'ape bee-eater [/ˈbiː iːtəɹ/] {noun} (bee-eaters) gruccione | vespiere beech [/biːt͡ʃ/] {noun} (beeches) faggio beech marten {noun} (beech martens) faina beech-marten faina beechnut [/ˈbiːtʃˌnʌt/] {noun} (beechnuts) faggina | faggiola beechwood {noun} faggeto beef [/bif/ | /biːf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (beefs, beeves, beef, beefed, beefing) manzo | carne bovina beef bourguignon {noun} (beef bourguignons) manzo alla borgognona beefcake [/ˈbiːfˌkeɪk/] {noun} bellimbusto beefsteak [/ˈbiːfsteɪk/] {noun} bistecca beefy [/ˈbiːfi/] {adjective} (beefest, beefer) carnoso beehive [/ˈbiːhaɪv/] {noun, verb} (beehives, beehived, beehiving) alveare | arnia | cofana | formicaio beekeeper [/ˈbiˌkipɚ/] {noun} (beekeepers) apicoltore | apicultore | apicoltrice | apicultrice beekeeping {noun} apicoltura beeline [/ˈbiːlaɪn/] {noun, verb} (beelines, beelining, beelined) retta Beelzebub [/biːˈɛlzɪbʌb/] {properNoun} Belzebù beemer {noun} (beemers) Brennero beer [/bɛə/ | /bɪə(ɹ)/ | /bɪə/ | /bɪɹ/] {noun, verb} (beers, beering, beered) birra beer belly {noun} (beer bellies) pancione (da birra) beer bottle {noun} (beer bottles) bottiglia di birra beer mat {noun} (beer mats) sottobicchiere beer parlour {noun} (beer parlours) birreria beer tent {noun} (beer tents) tenda della birra beeswax [/ˈbizwæks/] {noun, verb} (beeswaxes, beeswaxing, beeswaxed) cera d'api beet [/biːt/] {noun, verb} (beets) barbabietola | bieta | bietola Beethoven [/ˈbeɪˌt(h)əʊvən/ | /ˈbeɪˌtoʊvən/] {properNoun} Beethoven Beethovenian [/ˌbeɪt(h)əʊˈviːnɪən/ | /ˌbeɪtoʊˈvini.ən/] {adjective} (most Beethovenian, more Beethovenian) beethoveniano Beetle {noun} (Beetles) maggiolino beetle [/ˈbiːtəl/ | [ˈbiɾəɫ]] {adjective, noun, verb} (beetles, beetling, beetled, more beetle, most beetle) scarabeo | coleottero beetroot [/ˈbitɹut/ | /ˈbiːtɹuːt/] {noun, verb} (beetroots, beetrooted, beetrooting) barbabietola beettle maggiolino befit {verb} (befits, befitting, befitted) adattarsi | essere appropriato before [/bəˈfɔɹ/ | /bɪˈfo(ː)ɹ/ | /bɪˈfoə/ | /bɪˈfɔː/] {adverb, conjunction, preposition} prima | innanzi | davanti before dark prima del tramonto beforehand [/bɪˈfo(ː)ɹhænd/ | /bɪˈfoəhænd/ | /bɪˈfɔɹhænd/ | /bɪˈfɔːhænd/] {adjective, adverb} (most beforehand, more beforehand) anticipatamente befuddle [/bɪˈfʌdl/] {verb} (befuddles, befuddled, befuddling) annebbiare | confondere | ingarbugliare | istupidire | sconcertare befuddled {adjective, verb} (most befuddled, more befuddled) avvinazzato beg [/bɛɡ/] {noun, verb} (begs, begged, begging) mendicare | elemosinare | implorare | pregare beg to differ [/ˈbɛɡ tə ˈdɪfə/ | /ˈbɛɡ tə ˈdɪfɚ/] {verb} (begs to differ, begging to differ, begged to differ) non essere d'accordo beget [/biˈɡɛt/] {verb} (begets, begotten, begetting, begat, begot) generare begetter {noun} (begetters) genitore beggar [/ˈbɛɡə/ | /ˈbɛɡɚ/] {noun, verb} (beggars, beggared, beggaring) mendicante beggars can't be choosers {proverb} a caval donato non si guarda in bocca | chi accetta elemosine non può scegliere beggary [/ˈbɛɡəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more beggary, most beggary, beggaries) accattonaggio begging [/ˈbɛɡɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (beggings) accatto | accattoneria | pitoccheria Beghard [/bəˈɡɑːɹd/] {noun} (Beghards) begardo begin [/bɪˈɡɪn/] {noun, verb} (begins, begun, beginning, began) cominciare | iniziare begin again ricominciare beginner [/bəˈɡɪnɚ/ | /bɪˈɡɪnə/] {noun} (beginners) principiante beginning [/bɪˈɡɪn.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} inizio begone {interjection, verb} vattene begonia [/ˈbəɡoʊni.ə/ | /ˈbəɡəʊniː.ə/] {noun} (begonias) begonia begrudging {adjective, verb} riluttante beguile [/bɪˈɡaɪl/] {verb} (beguiles, beguiling, beguiled) adulare | distogliere | incantare | ingannare | lusingare | sedurre beguiling {adjective, noun, verb} (most beguiling, more beguiling, beguilings) affascinante Beguine [/beɪˈɡiːn/] {noun} (Beguines) beghina | beghino beguine [/beɪˈɡiːn/ | /bə.ˈɡiːn/] {noun} (beguines) beguine behalf [/bɪˈhæf/ | /bɪˈhɑːf/] {noun} (behalves, behalfs) a vantaggio di behave [/bɪˈheɪv/] {verb} (behaves, behaved, behaving) comportarsi | agire | comportarsi bene behavior [[bɪˈheɪvjə] | [bɪˈheɪvjɚ]] {noun} (behaviors) comportamento | condotta behavioral {adjective} comportamentale behaviorism {noun} comportamentismo behaviour [/bɪˈheɪvjə/ | /bɪˈheɪvjɚ/] {noun} (behaviours) atteggiamento behavioural {adjective} comportamentale behavioural finance finanza comportamentale behead {verb} (beheads, beheaded, beheading) decapitare beheaded {adjective, verb} decollo beheading {noun, verb} decapitazione behemoth [/bəˈhi(ː)məθ/] {noun} (behemoths) colosso behest [/biˈhɛst/] {noun, verb} (behests, behested, behesting) comando | ordine behind [/bɪˈhaɪnd/ | /ˈbiːˌhaɪnd/] {adverb, noun, preposition} (more behind, most behind, behindest, behinder, behinds) dietro | dopo behind bars dietro le sbarre behind closed doors a porte chiuse behind someone's back alle spalle behind the scenes [/bɪˈhaɪnd ðə siːnz/] {adjective} dietro le quinte behind the times vecchiotta behind the wheel al volante behind time in ritardo behold [/bɪˈhoʊld/ | /bɪˈhəʊld/] {interjection, verb} (beholds, beheld, beholding, beholden) ecco | guardare beholder [/bɪˈhoʊldɚ/ | /bɪˈhəʊldə/] {noun} (beholders) riguardatore behoof [/bɪˈhuːf/] {noun} vantaggio behove [/biˈhoʊv/ | /bɪˈhəʊv/] {verb} (behoves, behoved, behoving) convenire Behçet's disease [/ˈbeɪt͡ʃɛts dɪˈziːz/] {noun} sindrome di Behçet beige [/ˈbeɪʒ/] {adjective, noun} (beigest, most beige, more beige, beiger) beige | bigio beige brown marrone beige beige grey grigio beige beige red rosso beige beignet [/bɛnˈjeɪ/ | /ˈbɛn.jeɪ/] {noun} (beignets) bignè Beijing [/beɪˈdʒɪŋ/ | /beɪˈʒɪŋ/] {properNoun} Pechino being [/ˈbiɪŋ/ | /ˈbiːɪŋ/] {conjunction, noun, verb} essere | creatura | esistenza Beirut [/beɪˈɹuːt/] {properNoun} Beirut bejel {noun} Scherlievo bejewel {verb} (bejewels, bejeweled, bejewelled, bejeweling, bejewelling) ingioiellare bel [/bɛl/] {noun} (bels) bel Bel Paese [/ˌbɛl pɑˈeɪzi/ | /ˌbɛl pɑːˈeɪzeɪ/] {noun} Bel Paese belabour [/bɪˈleɪ.bə/] {verb} (belabours, belaboured, belabouring) abbaiare Belarus [/ˌbɛləˈɹus/ | /ˌbɛləˈɹuːs/] {properNoun} Bielorussia Belarusian [/ˌbɛləˈɹuːsi.ən/] {adjective, noun} bielorusso belated {adjective, verb} (most belated, more belated) tardivo belatedly {adverb} (more belatedly, most belatedly) tardivamente belay [/bɪˈleɪ/ | /ˈbiːleɪ/] {noun, verb} (belays, belayed, belaid, belaying) assicurare | dar volta belch [/ˈbɛltʃ/] {noun, verb} (belches, belched, belching) rutto | ruttare beleaguer [/bɪˈli.ɡɚ/ | /bɪˈliː.ɡə/] {verb} (beleaguers, beleaguered, beleaguering) assediare beleaguered [/bɪˈliːɡəd/] {adjective, verb} (most beleaguered, more beleaguered) in difficoltà Belfast [/ˈbɛl.fæst/] {properNoun} Belfast belfry [/ˈbɛlfɹi/] {noun} (belfries) campanile Belgian [/ˈbɛl.dʒən/ | [ˈbɛɬ.ɡi.ən]] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Belgian, more Belgian, Belgians) belga Belgian Congo {properNoun} Congo Belga Belgian Sheepdog {noun} (Belgian Sheepdogs) pastore belga Belgium [/ˈbɛldʒəm/] {properNoun} Belgio Belgorod {properNoun} Belgorod Belgrade [/ˈbɛlɡɹeɪd/] {properNoun} Belgrado belie [/bɪˈlaɪ/ | /bɪˈlʌɪ/] {verb} (belies, belain, belying, belay, belied) contraddire | smentire belief [/bɪˈliːf/] {noun} credenza | fede | fiducia | convinzione | convinzioni | credito believability {noun} credibilità believable {adjective} (more believable, most believable) credibile believe [/bɪˈliv/ | /bɪˈliːv/] {verb} (believes, believing, believed) credere believe in {verb} (believes in, believing in, believed in) credere believer {noun} (believers) credente Belisarius {properNoun} Belisario belittle [/bɨˈlɪt.əl/] {verb} (belittles, belittled, belittling) sminuire Belize [/bəˈliːz/] {properNoun} Belize Belizean {adjective, noun} (Belizeans) beliziano bell [/bɛl/] {noun, verb} (bells, belled, belling) campana | campanella | chiamata | telefonata bell bean fava bell pepper {noun} peperone bell ringer {noun} (bell ringers) campanaro bell tower {noun} (bell towers) campanile bell-collar {noun} (bell-collars) sonagliera bell-gable {noun} (bell-gables) campanile a vela bell-ringer {noun} (bell-ringers) campanaro Bellatrix {properNoun} Bellatrix bellboy [/ˈbɛlˌbɔɪ/] {noun} (bellboys) boy | facchino | fattorino belle [/bɛl/] {noun} (belles) bella belled [/bɛld/] {adjective, verb} sonagliato belletrist {noun} (belletrists) bellospirito bellflower {noun} (bellflowers) campanula bellgirl {noun} (bellgirls) cacciatrice bellicism [/ˈbɛlɪsɪzm̩/] {noun} bellicismo bellicist {adjective, noun} (more bellicist, most bellicist, bellicists) bellicista bellicose [/ˈbɛlɪkoʊs/] {adjective} (most bellicose, more bellicose) bellicoso | battagliero | combattivo belligerence {noun} belligeranza belligerent [/bəˈlɪdʒ.(ə).ɹənt/ | /bəˈlɪdʒ.ə.ɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (most belligerent, more belligerent, belligerents) belligerante | bellico | bellicoso bellow [/ˈbɛloʊ/ | /ˈbɛləʊ/] {noun, verb} (bellows, bellowed, bellowing) muggire | ruggire | ruggito bellows [/ˈbɛl.oʊz/ | /ˈbɛl.əs/ | /ˈbɛl.əʊz/] {noun, verb} (bellows, bellowses, bellowsing, bellowsed) mantice | soffietto bells and whistles {noun} facezia riempitiva belluine [/ˈbɛljuˌaɪn/] {adjective} (more belluine, most belluine) belluina | belluino Belluno {properNoun} Belluno belly [/bɛli/] {noun, verb} (bellies, bellied, bellying) pancia | ventre belly dance {noun, verb} (belly dances, belly dancing, belly danced) danza del ventre belly flop {noun, verb} (belly flops, belly flopping, belly flopped) spanciata bellyache [/ˈbɛliˌeɪk/] {noun, verb} (bellyaches, bellyaching, bellyached) mal di pancia Belmopan {properNoun} Belmopan belong [/bɪˈlɑŋ/ | /bɪˈlɒŋ/ | /bɪˈlɔŋ/] {preposition, verb} (belongs, belonged, belonging) a belonging [/bɪˈlɒŋɪŋ/ | /bɪˈlɔŋɪŋ/] {noun, verb} appartenenza belongings {noun} effetto beloved [/bɪˈlʌvd/ | /bɪˈlʌvɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more beloved, most beloved, beloveds) amato below [/bəˈloʊ/ | /bɪˈləʊ/] {adverb, preposition} sotto zero below decks sottocoperta below the belt scorretto belt [/bɛlt/] {noun, verb} (belts, belting, belted) cintura | cinghia | zona | allacciare | cingere | cinghiata beluga [/bəˈluː.ɡə/] {noun} (belugas) beluga | balena beluga | storione beluga | storione ladano belvedere [/ˈbɛl.vəˌdɪɹ/ | /ˈbɛl.vɪ.dɪə/] {noun} (belvederes) belvedere | terrazza panoramica bemoan [/bɪˈmoʊn/ | /bɪˈməʊn/] {verb} (bemoans, bemoaning, bemoaned) lamentare bemol {noun} (bemols) bemolle bemuse [/bɪˈmjuːz/] {verb} (bemuses, bemusing, bemused) confondere bemused {adjective, verb} (most bemused, more bemused) confuso bemusement {noun} (bemusements) preoccupazione bename {verb} (benames, benempt, benamed, benaming) chiamare bench [/bɛntʃ/] {noun, verb} (benches, benched, benching) banco | panca | pachina bench press [/ˈbɛntʃ.pɹɛs/] {noun, verb} (bench presses, bench pressed, bench pressing) supino benchmark {noun, verb} (benchmarks, benchmarking, benchmarked) modello | paradigma | paragone | punto di riferimento | riferimento | termine di paragone bend [/bɛnd/ | /bɪnd/] {noun, verb} (bends, bending, bended, bent) banda | curvare | piegare | curva | ammanigliare | curvarsi bend down {verb} (bends down, bent down, bending down) chinarsi bend over {verb} (bends over, bent over, bending over) abbassarsi bend over backwards {verb} farsi in quattro bend sinister {noun} (bends sinister) sbarra bend the knee {verb} (bends the knee, bent the knee, bending the knee) inginocchiarsi bend the truth {verb} (bends the truth, bent the truth, bending the truth) dire una mezza verità bender [/ˈbɛndə/ | /ˈbɛndɚ/] {interjection, noun} (benders) frocio | sbronza bendere sbornia bending [/ˈbɛndɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bendings) piegatura bendlet {noun} (bendlets) banda in divisa bendlet sinister traversa bendy [/ˈbɛndi/ | /ˈbɪndi/] {adjective, noun} (bendest, bender, bendies) bandato bendy per bend sinister counterchanged controbandato bendy sinister sbarrato beneath [/bɪˈniːθ/] {adverb, preposition} sotto Benedict [/ˈbɛnədɪkt/] {properNoun} (Benedicts) Benedetto | Benito Benedicta {properNoun} Benedetta Benedictine {adjective, noun} (Benedictines) benedettina | benedettino benediction {noun} benedizione benedictional {noun} (benedictionals) benedizionale benefactor [/ˈbɛnəˌfæktɚ/] {noun} benefattore beneficence [/bəˈnɛfɪsəns/] {noun} beneficenza beneficent [/bəˈnɛf.ə.sənt/] {adjective} (most beneficent, more beneficent) di fretta beneficial [/ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (most beneficial, more beneficial, beneficials) benefico beneficiary [/ˌbɛn.ɨˈfɪʃ.ɚ.i/ | /ˌbɛn.ɪˈfɪʃ.əɹ.i/] {adjective, noun} (beneficiaries) beneficiario benefit [/ˈbɛn.ə.fɪt/] {noun, verb} (benefits, benefited, benefitting, benefiting, benefitted) beneficio benefit of the doubt {noun} beneficio del dubbio Benelux {properNoun} Benelux Benevento {properNoun} Benevento benevolence [/bəˈnɛvələns/] {noun} benevolenza benevolent [/bəˈnɛvələnt/] {adjective} (most benevolent, more benevolent) benevolente benevolently {adverb} (more benevolently, most benevolently) benevolmente Bengal [/bɛŋˈɡɑl/ | /bɛŋˈɡɔːl/] {noun, properNoun} (Bengals) Bengala Bengal fox {noun} (Bengal foxes) volpe indiana Bengalese {adjective, noun} (more Bengalese, most Bengalese, Bengalese) bengalese Bengali {adjective, noun} bengali | Bengalese bengali bengalese Benghazi {properNoun} Bengasi benign [/bɪˈnaɪn/] {adjective} (most benign, more benign, benignest, benigner) benigno benignly {adverb} (most benignly, more benignly) benignamente Benin [/bəˈnin/ | /bɛˈnɪn/] {properNoun} Benin Beninese {adjective, noun} (more Beninese, most Beninese, Beninese) beninese benison {noun} (benisons) benedizione Benjamin [/ˈbɛndʒəmɪn/] {noun, properNoun} (Benjamins) Beniamino Bennu {properNoun} Bennu | Benu bensì bensì bent [/bɛnt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (benter, most bent, bentest, more bent, bents) estro | fissato | ispirazione | piegato | ripiegato | talento benthic [/ˈbɛnθɪk/] {adjective, noun} (benthics) bentonico benthopelagic {adjective, noun} (benthopelagics) bentopelagico benthos [/ˈbɛnθɒs/] {noun} bentos bentonite {noun} bentonite benzaldehyde {noun} benzaldeide benzene [/ˈbɛnziːn/] {noun} (benzenes) benzolo | benzene benzenediol {noun} (benzenediols) benzendiolo benzenol {noun} (benzenols) benzenolo benzidinic {adjective} benzidinico benzo- {prefix} benzo- benzoate {noun} (benzoates) benzoato benzodiazepine [/ˌbɛnzoʊdaɪˈæzɨpiːn/] {noun} (benzodiazepines) benzodiazepina benzoic {adjective} benzoico benzoic acid {noun} acido benzoico benzoin [/ˈbɛnzəʊɪn/] {noun} benzoino