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Оглавлениеbureaucratese {noun} burocratese bureaucratically {adverb} (more bureaucratically, most bureaucratically) burocraticamente bureaucratism {noun} burocratismo bureaucratization {noun} burocratizzazione bureaucratize [/bjʊəˈɹɒkɹətʌɪz/] {verb} (bureaucratizes, bureaucratized, bureaucratizing) burocratizzare burely burellato burely per pale counterchanged controfasciato burette {noun} (burettes) buretta burg {noun} (burgs) borgo Burgas {properNoun} Burgas burgee {noun} (burgees) guidone Burgenland [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)ɡənlænd/] {properNoun} Burgenland burgeon [/ˈbɜː.d͡ʒən/ | /ˈbɝː.d͡ʒən/] {noun, verb} (burgeons, burgeoned, burgeoning) crescere burgeoning {adjective, noun, verb} (most burgeoning, more burgeoning, burgeonings) in crescita | in espansione burgess [/ˈbɜːdʒɪs/] {noun} (burgesses) cittadino burgher [/ˈbɝɡɚ/] {noun} (burghers) borghese | cittadino burglar [/ˈbɜːɡlə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɝɡlɚ/] {noun, verb} (burglars, burglaring, burglared) scassinatore | scassinatrice burglar alarm {noun} (burglar alarms) allarme | allarme antifurto | antifurto burglary [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)ɡləɹi/] {noun} (burglaries) crollo burgle [/ˈbɜːɡəl/] {verb} (burgles, burgling, burgled) rapinare burgomaster [/ˈbɜɹɡəmæstəɹ/] {noun} (burgomasters) borgomastro burgrave [/ˈbɜɹɡɹeɪv/ | /ˈbɜːɡɹeɪv/] {noun} (burgraves) burgravio Burgundy [/ˈbɜːɡəndi/ | /ˈbɝːɡəndi/] {noun, properNoun} (Burgundies) Borgogna burgundy [/ˈbəː.ɡən.dɪ/ | /ˈbɝ.ɡən.di/] {adjective, noun} (most burgundy, more burgundy, burgundies) borgogna buriable {adjective} (most buriable, more buriable) sotterrabile burial [/ˈbɛɹiəl/ | /ˈbɛɹɪəl/ | /ˈbɝiəl/] {noun} sepoltura | inumazione buried [/ˈbɛ.ɹid/] {adjective, verb} (most buried, more buried) sepolto burin {noun} (burins) bulino burka {noun} (burkas) burqa Burkina Faso [/bəː(ɹ)ˈkiːnə ˈfɑsoʊ/] {properNoun} Burkina Faso Burkinabe {adjective, noun} (Burkinabes) burkinabè burl [/bɜːl/ | /bɝl/] {noun, verb} (burls, burling, burled) lente d’ingrandimento burlesque [/bə(ɹ)ˈlɛsk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more burlesque, most burlesque, burlesques, burlesqued, burlesquing) burlesco | caricatura burly [/ˈbɜːli/] {adjective} (more burly, most burly, burlest, burler) robusto | massiccio Burma [/ˈbɜːmə/ | /ˈbɝmə/] {properNoun} Birmania Burmese [/bɜːˈmiːz/ | /bɝˈmiz/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Burmese) birmano burn [/bɜːn/ | /bɝn/] {noun, verb} (burns, burnt, burning, burned) bruciare | ustione | ardere | bruciatura | fuoco | incendiare burn down {verb} (burns down, burning down, burnt down, burned down) bruciare burn one's bridges {verb} bruciarsi i ponti alle spalle | il dado è tratto | passare il Rubicone burn one's fingers {verb} darsi la zappa sui piedi burn the candle at both ends {verb} (burns the candle at both ends, burnt the candle at both ends, burned the candle at both ends, burning the candle at both ends) bruciare la candela ad entrambe le estremità burn the midnight oil {verb} (burns the midnight oil, burnt the midnight oil, burned the midnight oil, burning the midnight oil) fare le ore piccole | passare la notte in bianco burned [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)nd/] {verb} arsi burner [/ˈbɜːnə/ | /ˈbɝnɚ/] {noun} (burners) masterizzatore | becco di Bunsen | bruciatore | fornello burnet {noun} (burnets) meloncello | pimpinella | salvastrella burning [/bɜːnɪŋ/ | /bɝnɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most burning, more burning, burnings) infiammato burning bush {noun} (burning bushes) roveto ardente burnish {noun, verb} (burnishes, burnisht, burnished, burnishing) brunire burnoose [/bɜːˈnuːs/ | /bɝˈnus/] {noun} (burnooses) burnus burnout {noun} (burnouts) burnout burnt [/ˈbɜɹnt/ | /ˈbɜːnt/] {adjective, verb} (more burnt, most burnt) arso buro {noun} (buros) cassettone | comò | scrittoio | scrivania | ufficio burocrat [/ˈbjʊəɹəkɹæt/ | /ˈbjʊɹəkɹæt/] {noun} (burocrats) burocrate burotic burotico burotics burotica burp [/bɝp/] {noun, verb} (burps, burped, burping) ruttare | rutto | flato burqini {noun} (burqinis) burkini burr [/bɝ/] {noun, verb} (burrs, burred, burring) bava | sbavatura | erre moscia | parlare con la erre moscia | riccio | scheggia burrata [/bəˈɹɑtə/ | /bʊˈɹɑːtə/] {noun} burrata burrito [/bəˈɹi.toʊ/ | /bəˈɹiː.təʊ/] {noun} (burritos) burrito burrow [/ˈbɜɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹəʊ/] {noun, verb} (burrows, burrowed, burrowing) tana | buca | covo | cunicolo | scavare una tana bursary {noun} (bursaries) accantonamento | borsa di studio | riserva bursitis {noun} (bursitises, bursitides) borsite burst [/bɜːst/ | /bɝst/] {noun, verb} (bursts, bursted, bursting, bursten, burst, brast) scoppiare | esplodere | esplosione | scoppio | separare | strappare burst in(to) irrompere bursting [/ˈbɜːstɪŋ/ | /ˈbɝstɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bursting, most bursting, burstings) bisogno impellente | impellenza | urgenza Buruli ulcer {noun} (Buruli ulcers) ulcera del Bairnsdale | ulcera del Buruli | ulcera del Daintree | ulcera del Searle Burundi [/bʊˈɹʊndi/] {properNoun} Burundi Burundian {adjective, noun} (most Burundian, more Burundian, Burundians) burundese bury [/ˈbɛ.ɹi/ | /ˈbʊ.ɹi/ | /ˈbʌ.ɹi/] {noun, verb} (buries, buried, burying) seppellire | sotterrare | inumare | dimenticare | mettere una pietra sopra | nascondere bury one's head in the sand {verb} fare come lo struzzo | fare finta di niente | nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia bury the hatchet {verb} (buries the hatchet, burying the hatchet, buried the hatchet) seppellire l'ascia di guerra | sotterrare l'ascia di guerra Buryatia {properNoun} Buriazia bus [/bɐs/ | /bɔs/ | /bʊs/ | /bʌs/] {noun, verb} (buses, busses, bused, bussing, busing, bussed) autobus | bus | pullman | corriera bus driver {noun} (bus drivers) pulmanista bus route {noun} (bus routes) linea d'autobus bus station {noun} (bus stations) stazione degli autobus bus stop {noun} (bus stops) fermata d'autobus | fermata Busan {properNoun} Busan buscemese buscemese Buscemi {properNoun} Buscemi bush [/bʊʃ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bushes, more bush, most bush, bushed, bushing) arbusto | cespuglio | pelo pubico bush hammer {noun} (bush hammers) bocciarda bush pig {noun} (bush pigs) potamochero bushbuck {noun} (bushbuck, bushbucks) imbabala | tragelafo del Capo | tragelafo striato bushed [/bʊʃt/] {adjective} affaticato bushel [/ˈbʊʃəl/] {noun, verb} (bushels, bushelled, bushelling, busheling, busheled) moggio | staio bushing [/ˈbʊʃɪŋ/] {noun} (bushings) bronzina Bushire {properNoun} Abuscer Bushism {noun, properNoun} (Bushisms) bushismo Bushman {noun} (Bushmen) boscimano busily {adverb} (more busily, most busily) intentamente business [/ˈbɪd.nəs/ | /ˈbɪz.nəs/ | /ˈbɪz.nɪs/] {adjective, noun} (businesses) azienda | affari business administration {noun} amministrazione aziendale business card {noun} (business cards) biglietto da visita business economics {noun} economia aziendale business jargon aziendalese business machine macchina per ufficio business partner {noun} (business partners) socio business plan {noun} (business plans) business plan business statistics statistica aziendale business trip {noun} (business trips) viaggio d'affari businesslike {adjective} (more businesslike, most businesslike) pratico businessman [/ˈbɪznəsmæn/ | /ˈbɪznəsmən/] {noun} (businessmen) uomo d'affari businessperson {noun} (businesspeople, businesspersons) affarista businesswoman {noun} (businesswomen) donna d'affari busk [/bʌsk/] {noun, verb} (busks, busking, busked) suonare per strada busker {noun} (buskers) artista di strada bust [/ˈbʌst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (busts, busting, busted, bust) busto | acciuffare | arresto | attaccare | far scoppiare | fare irruzione bust one's ass {verb} farsi il culo bust one's butt {verb} rompersi il culo bustard [/ˈbʌs.təd/] {noun} (bustards) otarda busted [/ˈbʌstəd/] {adjective, verb} (more busted, most busted) fregato buster {noun} (busters) marmocchio bustle [/ˈbʌsəl/] {noun, verb} (bustles, bustled, bustling) affaccendarsi | andirivieni | viavai bustling {adjective, noun, verb} (more bustling, most bustling, bustlings) vivace busty [/ˈbʌsti/] {adjective} (buster, bustest) polposo busy [/ˈbɪzi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (busest, buser, busies, busying, busied) indaffarato | occupato busybody {noun} (busybodies) ficcanaso | intrigante | armeggione | faccendiere | factotum | intrallazzone but [/bət/ | /bʊt/ | /bʌt/] {adverb, conjunction, noun, preposition, verb} (buts, butting, butted) ma | però | tuttavia | tranne | a parte | eccetto but rather bensi butadiene {noun} butadiene butane [/ˈbjuːteɪn/] {noun} butano butanol {noun} butanolo butch [/bʊtʃ/] {adjective, noun} (butchest, more butch, butcher, most butch, butches) maschiaccio butcher [/ˈbʊtʃ.ə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʊt͡ʃ.ɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (butchers, butchering, butchered) macellaio | carnefice | danneggiare | macellare | massacrare | rovinare butcher block {noun} (butcher blocks) ceppo butcher's [/ˈbʊtʃə(ɹ)z/] {noun} macelleria | beccheria | carnezzeria butchershop {noun} (butchershops) macelleria | beccheria | carnezzeria butchery {noun} (butcheries) carneficina | massacro butene {noun} (butenes) butene buthyl butile butler [/ˈbʌt.lə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌt.lɚ/] {noun, verb} (butlers, butlered, butlering) maggiordomo | costituente butt [/bʌt/] {noun, verb} (butts, butted, butting) mozzicone | culo | sedere | cornata | cozzare butt in {verb} (butts in, butting in, butted in) intromettersi butte [/ˈbjuːt/] {noun} (buttes) butte | tacco butter [/ˈbʊtə/ | /ˈbʌtə/ | /ˈbʌtəɹ/ | /ˈbʌtɚ/] {noun, verb} (butters, buttered, buttering) burro | imburrare butter curler {noun} (butter curlers) arricciaburro butter dish {noun} (butter dishes) burriera | portaburro butter fingers {noun} (butter fingers) goffo butter knife {noun} (butter knives) coltello da burro butter up {verb} (butters up, buttering up, buttered up) lusingare butterbrot [/ˈbʊtə(ɹ)ˌbɹoʊt/] {noun} (butterbrots) pane imburrato butterbur {noun} (butterburs) farfaraccio | petasite buttercup [/ˈbʌt.ə.kʌp/ | /ˈbʌt.ɚ.kʌp/] {noun} (buttercups) ranuncolo butterfingers [/ˈbʌtəˌfɪŋɡəz/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌfɪŋɡɚz/] {noun} (butterfingers) mano di pastafrolla butterfly [/ˈbʌtə(ɹ)flaɪ/ | [ˈbʌtəflaɪ] | [ˈbʌɾɚflaɪ]] {noun, verb} (butterflies, butterflying, butterflied) farfalla butterfly door {noun} (butterfly doors) portiera ad ala di gabbiano butterfly effect {noun} (butterfly effects) effetto farfalla butterfly net {noun} (butterfly nets) acchiappafarfalle butterfly stroke {noun} (butterfly strokes) farfalla butterfly valve {noun} (butterfly valves) valvola a farfalla butterflyfish {noun} (butterflyfishes, butterflyfish) pesce farfalla buttermilk [/ˈbʌtəˌmɪlk/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌmɪlk/] {noun} latticello butternut squash {noun} (butternut squashes) zucca pepona | zucca torta butterscotch [/ˈbʌtəˌskɒtʃ/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌskɑtʃ/] {adjective, noun} (butterscotches) caramello buttery [/ˈbʌtəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (butterest, butterer, butteries) burroso buttock [/ˈbʌtək/] {noun} (buttocks) natica | chiappa | culo | gluteo | chiappe | deretano button [/ˈbʌtn̩/] {noun, verb} (buttons, buttoning, buttoned) bottone | pulsante | tasto button mushroom {noun} (button mushrooms) champignon buttoned {adjective, verb} (more buttoned, most buttoned) abbottonato buttoned up {adjective, verb} (more buttoned up, most buttoned up) abbottonato buttonhole {noun, verb} (buttonholes, buttonholing, buttonholed) occhiello | asola buttons [/ˈbʌtn̩z/] {noun, verb} abbottonatura buttonwood {noun} (buttonwoods) platano occidentale buttress [/ˈbʌtɹəs/ | /ˈbʌtɹɪs/] {noun, verb} (buttresses, buttressing, buttressed) contrafforte | appoggiare | contrafforti | corroborare | corroborazione | rafforzare butyl {noun} (butyls) butile butylic {noun} (butylics) butilico butyric {adjective} (most butyric, more butyric) butirrico butyric acid {noun} (butyric acids) acido butirrico buxine {noun} bussina buxom [/ˈbʌksəm/] {adjective} (most buxom, buxomer, buxomest, more buxom) formosa | prosperosa | tettona buxomness {noun} opulenza buy [/baɪ/] {noun, verb} (buys, boughten, buying, bought) comprare | acquistare buy back {noun, verb} (buy backs) ricomprare buy into {verb} (buys into, buying into, bought into) bersela buy the farm {verb} (buys the farm, bought the farm, buying the farm) crepare buy-in {noun} sostegno buyable [/ˈbaɪəbəl/] {adjective} acquistabile buyback {noun} (buybacks) retrocessione buyer [/ˈbaɪ.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (buyers) compratore | acquirente | cliente | compratrice buying [/ˈbaɪ.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} acquisto buying and selling compravendita buyout {noun} (buyouts) rilevamento buzz [/bʌz/] {noun, verb} (buzzes, buzzing, buzzed) brusio | bisbiglio | ebbrezza | euforia | mormorio | pettegolezzo buzzard [/ˈbʌzəɹd/] {noun} (buzzards) poiana buzzcut {noun} (buzzcuts) taglio a spazzola buzzer [/ˈbʌzə/ | /ˈbʌzəɹ/] {noun} (buzzers) cicalino | segnalatore acustico buzzing [/ˈbʌzɪŋ/] {noun, verb} ronzio buzzword {noun} (buzzwords) luogo by [/baɪ/] {adjective, adverb, interjection, noun, preposition} (bys) da | di | per | accanto | con | dal by a landslide {adverb} largamente by a long shot da lontano, lontanamente by all accounts evidentemente by all means decisione by and large {adverb} in generale | in linea di massima by any chance per caso by any means in ogni modo by chance per caso | casualmente by definition per definizione by degrees a poco a poco by dint of {preposition} grazie a by far di gran lunga by God {adjective, adverb, interjection} Dio mio by hand manualmente | a mano by heart [/baɪ ˈhɑɹt/ | /baɪ ˈhɑːt/] a memoria by Jove {interjection} per Giove by means of {preposition} per mezzo di by no means a nessun patto by now ormai by oneself da solo | da soli by rights legittimamente by the book alla lettera by the Grace of God per la Grazia di Dio by the same token analogamente by the skin of one's teeth per un pelo by the way {adverb} a proposito | incidentalmente | per caso by trade di professione by virtue of [/baɪ ˈvɜːtʃuː ɒv/ | /baɪ ˈvɝtʃu ʌv/] {preposition} in virtù di by way of {phraseologicalUnit} mediante | mercè | per mezzo di | per via di | tramite by-election {noun} (by-elections) elezioni supplementari | elezioni suppletive by-form {noun} (by-forms) variante by-product {noun} (by-products) sottoprodotto Byblos {properNoun} Biblo bycatch {noun, verb} (bycatches, bycaught, bycatching) bycatch Bydgoszcz {properNoun} Bydgoszcz bye [/baɪ/] {interjection, noun, preposition} (byes) ciao bye-bye [/baɪˈbaɪ/] {interjection, noun} (bye-byes) addio byform {noun} (byforms) forma secondaria bygone [/ˈbaɪɡɒn/ | /ˈbaɪɡɔn/] {adjective, noun} (bygones) andato | passato bylaw [/ˈbaɪ.lɑ/ | /ˈbaɪ.lɔ/ | /ˈbaɪ.lɔː/] {noun} (bylaws) leggina bylina [/bəˈliːnə/] {noun} (bylinas, byliny, bylini) bylina byname {noun, verb} (bynames, bynamed, bynaming) cognome bypass [/ˈbaɪpæs/ | /ˈbaɪpɑːs/] {noun, verb} (bypasses, bypassing, bypassed) bypass byplay {noun} controscena byproduct {noun} (byproducts) sottoprodotto byre {noun} (byres) stalla bystander {noun} (bystanders) astante | convenuto byte [/baɪt/] {noun} (bytes) byte byword [/ˈbaɪ.wə(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbaɪ.wɚd/] {noun} (bywords) proverbio Byzantine [/bɪˈzæntaɪn/ | /ˈbɪzəntiːn/] {adjective, noun} (more Byzantine, most Byzantine, Byzantines) bizantino Byzantine Empire [/ˈbɪzəntiːn ˈɛmpaɪə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Impero bizantino Byzantine Greek {noun} greco bizantino | greco medioevale Byzantinism {noun} bizantinismo Byzantism {noun} (Byzantisms) bizantinismo Byzantium [/bɪˈzænti.əm/] {noun, properNoun} Bisanzio béchamel sauce {noun} besciamella bête noire [/beɪtˈnwɑː/ | /bɛt ˈnwɑɹ/] {noun} (bêtes noires) bestia nera bʼakʼtun [/ˈbɑkˌtun/ | /ˈɓakʼtun/] {noun} (bʼakʼtuns) baktun