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Vocabulary A


A-bomb {noun, verb} (A-bombs, A-bombed, A-bombing) bomba A A-flat {noun} (A-flats) asso A-flat major {noun} la bemolle maggiore A-flat minor {noun} minore A-minor {noun} (A-minors) la minore A-sharp major {noun} la diesis maggiore A-sharp minor {noun} minore A-shirt {noun} (A-shirts) canottiera a.m. {adjective, adverb} mattina AA {adjective, noun, properNoun, verb} (AAs, AAing, AAed) AA Aachen [/ˈɑkən/ | /ˈɑːkən/] {properNoun} Aquisgrana aah {interjection, noun, verb} (aahs, aahing, aahed) ah Aalborg [/ˈɔlbɔɹ/ | /ˈɔːlbɔː(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Aalborg Aalenian {adjective, properNoun} aaleniano Aar [/ɑɹ/ | /ɑːɹ/] {properNoun} Aar aardvark [/ˈɑɹd.vɑɹk/ | /ˈɑːd.vɑːk/] {noun} (aardvarks) oritteropo aardwolf [/ˈɑɹd.ˌwʊlf/ | /ˈɑːdˌwʊlf/] {noun} (aardwolves) protele Aargau {properNoun} Argovia Aarhus [/ˈɔɹˌhus/ | /ˈɔːˌhuːs/] {properNoun} Århus Aaron [/ˈæɹ.ən/ | /ˈɛɹ.ən/] {noun, properNoun} (Aarons) Aronne Aaron's rod [/ˈæɹ.ənz ɹɑd/ | /ˈɜːɹ.ənz ɹɒd/] {noun} verbasco ab(o)ulia abulia abaca [/ˌæb.əˈkɑ/] {noun} abaca abacist [/əˈbɑ.kəst/ | /ˈæb.ə.sɪst/] {noun} (abacists) abacista aback [/əˈbæk/] {adverb, noun} (abacks) a collo | di dietro | dietro | indietro abaction {noun} abigeato abacus [/ˈæbəkaɪ/ | /ˈæbəkəs/ | /ˈæbəˌkaɪ/] {noun} (abacuses, abaci) abaco | pallottoliere | credenza abaft [/əˈbæft/ | /əˈbɑft/ | /əˈbɑːft/] {adverb, preposition} (more abaft, most abaft) a poppa abaissed abbassato abaisé abbassato abalone [/æb.əˈloʊ.ni/ | /æb.əˈləʊ.ni/] {noun} (abalones) abalone abandon [/əˈbæn.dn̩/ | /əˈbæn.dən/] {noun, verb} (abandons, abandoning, abandoned) abbandonare | abbandono | bandire abandoned [/əˈbæn.dn̩d/] {adjective, verb} (most abandoned, more abandoned) abbandonato abandonee [/əˈbæn.dəˌni/] {noun} (abandonees) cessionario abandoning {noun, verb} (abandonings) abbandono abandonment [/əˈbæn.dn̩.mn̩t/] {noun} abbandono | abnegazione | rinuncia abase [/əˈbeɪs/] {verb} (abases, abasing, abased) umiliare abased [/əˈbeɪst/] {adjective, verb} (more abased, most abased) abbassato abasement [/əˈbeɪs.mənt/] {noun} abbattimento abash [/əˈbæʃ/] {verb} (abashes, abashing, abashed) svergognare abashed [/əˈbæʃt/] {adjective, verb} (more abashed, most abashed) imbarazzato abashment [/əˈbæʃ.mənt/] {noun} vergogna abasia [/ə.ˈbeɪ.ʒə/] {noun} (abasias) abasia abastard {verb} (abastards, abastarding, abastarded) imbastardire abat-vent [/ɑ.ˌbɑ.ˈvɑ̃/] {noun} (abat-vents) tettoia abate [/əˈbeɪt/] {noun, verb} (abates, abated, abating) ridurre abatement [/əˈbeɪt.mənt/] {noun} riduzione abatis [/ˈæb.əˌti/ | /ˈæb.əˌtiː/] {noun} (abatises, abatis) abbattuta abaton {noun} (abatons) abato | abaton abattoir [/ˈæb.əˌtwɑɹ/ | /ˈæb.əˌtwɑː(ɹ)/] {noun} (abattoirs) macello | mattatoio abaxial [/æbˈæk.si.əl/ | /ˌæˈbæk.si.əl/] {adjective} abassiale abbacy [/ˈæb.ə.si/] {noun} (abbacies) abbazia abbatial [/əˈbeɪ.ʃl̩/] {adjective} (more abbatial, most abbatial) abbaziale abbe [/æ.ˈbeɪ/] {noun} (abbes) abate Abbe refractometer [/ˈɑ.bə ˌɹi.fɹækˈtɑm.ɪ.tɚ/] {noun} (Abbe refractometers) rifrattometro di Abbe abbess [/ˈæb.ɪs/] {noun} (abbesses) badessa Abbeville [/ˈæb.iˌvɪl/] {properNoun} Abbeville abbey [/ˈæb.i/] {noun} (abbeys) abbazia | badia abbeystead {noun} (abbeysteads) abbazia abbhorent disgustoso abbot [/ˈæb.ət/] {noun} (abbots) abate abbreviate [/ə.ˈbɹiː.vi.eɪt/ | /əˈbɹi.vi.eɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most abbreviate, more abbreviate, abbreviates, abbreviating, abbreviated) abbreviare abbreviated [/əˈbɹi.viˌeɪ.tɪd/ | /əˈbɹiːvieɪtɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most abbreviated, more abbreviated) abbreviato abbreviation [/əˌbɹi.viˈeɪ.ʃn̩/ | /əˌbɹiː.viˈeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} abbreviazione | abbreviatura | acronimo | riassunto abbreviative {adjective} (more abbreviative, most abbreviative) abbreviativo abbreviature [/əˈbɹi.vi.əˌt͡ʃʊɹ/] {noun} abbreviazione abbé [/æˈbeɪ/] {noun} (abbés) abate ABC {adjective, noun, phraseologicalUnit, properNoun} (ABCs, ABC's) abbiccì abc abbiccì abciximab {noun} abciximab abdicate [/ˈæb.dɪˌkeɪt/] {verb} (abdicates, abdicating, abdicated) abdicare abdication [/ˌæb.dəˈkeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} abdicazione abdomen [/ˈæb.də.mən/] {noun} (abdomina, abdomens) addome abdominal [/æbˈdɑm.ə.nl̩/ | /æbˈdɒm.ə.nl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more abdominal, most abdominal, abdominals) addominale abdominoplasty [/æbˈdɑm.ɪ.noʊˌplæs.ti/] {noun} (abdominoplasties) addominoplastica abducens nerve [/æbˈduˌsɛnz nɚv/] {noun} (abducens nerves) nervo abducente abduct [/æbˈdʌkt/] {verb} (abducts, abducted, abducting) rapire | sequestrare | abdurre | sottrarre abduction [/æbˈdʌk.ʃn̩/ | /əbˈdʌk.ʃn̩/ | /ˈeɪ.ˈbiː.dʌk.ʃn̩/] {noun} abduzione | rapimento | sequestro abductive [/æbˈdʌk.tɪv/] {adjective} abduttivo | abduttore abductor [/æbˈdʌk.tɚ/] {noun} (abductores, abductors) rapitore Abdullah [/æbˈdʌlə/] {properNoun} Abdullah Abecedarian [/ˌeɪ.biˌsiˈdæɹ.i.ən/] {noun} (Abecedarians) abecedariano abecedary [/ˌeɪ.bi.ˈsi.dɚ.i/ | /ˌeɪ.biː.ˈsiː.də.ɹi/] {adjective, noun} (abecedaries) abbecedario abed [/əˈbɛd/] {adverb} a letto Abel [/ˈeɪ.bl̩/] {properNoun} Abele Abelard [/ˈæb.ə.ˌlɑɹd/] {properNoun} Abelardo Abelian {adjective, noun} (Abelians) abeliano abelian [/əˈbi.li.ən/] {adjective} abeliano abelian group [/əˈbi.li.ən ɡɹup/] {noun} (abelian groups) gruppo abeliano abelmosk [/ˈeɪbəlmɒsk/ | /ˈeɪbəlˌmɑsk/] {noun} abelmosco abend [/ˈæbɛnd/] {noun, verb} (abends, abended, abending) interruzione aberdevine [/ˈæb.ə.dəˌvaɪn/] {noun} (aberdevines) lucherino aberrance [/ˈæ.bɛɹ.n̩s/] {noun} aberrazione aberrant [/əbˈɛɹ.n̩t/ | /əˈbɛɹ.n̩t/] {adjective, noun} (most aberrant, more aberrant, aberrants) aberrante aberration [/ˌæb.əˈɹeɪ.ʃn̩/] {noun} aberrazione | deviazione | alienazione aberrometry {noun} aberrometria abessive [/æˈbɛ.sɪv/] {adjective, noun} (abessives) abessivo abessive case {noun} (abessive cases) caso abessivo abet [/əˈbɛt/] {noun, verb} (abets, abetting, abetted) favoreggiare | incoraggiare | istigare | sostenere abetter [/əˈbɛt.ɚ/] {noun} (abetters) aiutante abettor [/əˈbɛtə/ | /əˈbɛtɚ/] {noun} (abettors) agitatore | agitatrice | aizzatore | aizzatrice | complice | favoreggiatore abeyance [/əˈbeɪ.əns/] {noun} sospensione abeyant [/əˈbeɪ(ə)nt/] {adjective} (more abeyant, most abeyant) in sospeso abhor [/æbˈhɔɹ/ | /əbˈhɔː(ɹ)/] {verb} (abhors, abhorred, abhorring) aborrire | abominare abhorrence [/əbˈhɒɹ.n̩s/ | /əbˈhɔɹ.n̩s/] {noun} ribrezzo abhorrent [/æbˈ(h)ɒɹ.ənt/ | /æbˈhɔɹ.ənt/] {adjective} (most abhorrent, more abhorrent) contrario | contro | disgustoso | incompatibile | odioso | ripugnante abide [/əˈbaɪd/] {verb} (abides, abidden, abiding, abided, abode) dimorare | sopportare | tollerare | abitare | aspettare | attendere abide by {verb} (abides by, abode by, abided by, abiding by) adeguarsi | attenersi | conformarsi a | mantenere | rimanere fedele | sottostare abiding [/əˈbaɪ.dɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most abiding, more abiding, abidings) duraturo | persistente Abidjan [/ˌæb.ɪˈdʒɑn/] {adjective, properNoun} Abidjan Abidji {properNoun} abidji abietic [/ˌæb.iˈɛt.ɪk/] {adjective} abietico Abigail [/ˈæb.ə.ɡeɪl/] {properNoun} (Abigails) Abigail | Abigaille abigeat {noun} abigeato ability [/əˈbɪl.ə.ti/] {noun} (abilities) abilità | capacità abiogenesis [/ˌeɪbaɪəʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs/ | /ˌeɪˌbaioʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs/] {noun} (abiogeneses) abiogenesi | archeobiosi | autogonia abiosphere {noun} abiosfera abiotic [/ˌeɪ.baɪˈɑt.ɪk/] {adjective} abiotico abject [/æbˈd͡ʒɛkt/ | /ˈæb.d͡ʒɛkt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most abject, abjecter, more abject, abjectest, abjects, abjecting, abjected) abbietto abjectly [/abˈd͡ʒɛkt.li/ | /æbˈd͡ʒɛkt.li/] {adverb} (most abjectly, more abjectly) abiettamente abjuration [/ˌæb.d͡ʒʊˈɹeɪ.ʃn̩/] {noun} abiura abjure [/æbˈdʒʊɹ/] {verb} (abjures, abjuring, abjured) abiurare Abkhaz [/ɑbˈkɑz/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Abkhaz) abcaso | abcazico | abcasa | abcazica Abkhazia [/æbˈkeɪ.ʒi.ə/] {properNoun} Abkhazia | Abcasia ablation [/əˈbleɪ.ʃn̩/] {noun} ablazione ablative [/əˈbleɪ.tɪv/ | /ˈæb.lə.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (ablatives) ablativo ablative absolute [/ˈæb.lə.tɪv æb.soʊˈlut/] {noun} (ablatives absolute, ablative absolutes) ablativo assoluto ablative case {noun} (ablative cases) ablativo ablaut [/ˈɑbˌlaʊt/] {noun, verb} (ablauts, ablauting, ablauted) apofonia ablaze [/əˈbleɪz/] {adjective, adverb} (most ablaze, more ablaze) fiammeggiante | in fiamme able [/ˈeɪ.bl̩/] {adjective, noun, verb} (ables, abled, abling, abler, ablest) abile | capace able-bodied [/ˈei.bl̩ˌbɑ.did/] {adjective} (most able-bodied, more able-bodied) aitante ablegation {noun} (ablegations) ablegazione ableism [/ˈeɪ.bəl.ɪz.m̩/] {noun} abilismo ablet {noun} (ablets) alborella | alburno ablution [/əˈblu.ʃn̩/ | /əˈbluː.ʃn̩/] {noun} abluzione | abluzioni ably [/ˈeɪ.bli/] {adverb} (most ably, more ably) abilmente abnegate [/ˈæb.nɪ.ɡeɪt/] {verb} (abnegates, abnegating, abnegated) proibire abnegation [/ˈæb.nɪˈɡɘɪ.ʃn̩/] {noun} abnegazione Abner [/ˈæb.nɚ/] {properNoun} (Abners) Abner abnormal [/ˈæbˌnɔɹ.ml̩/] {adjective, noun} (most abnormal, more abnormal, abnormals) anormale | anomalo abnormality [/ˌæbˌnɔɹˈmæl.ət.i/] {noun} (abnormalities) anomalia | anormalità abnormally [/æbˈnɔɹ.mə.li/] {adverb} (most abnormally, more abnormally) anormalmente aboard [/əˈbɔɹd/ | /əˈbɔːd/] {adverb, preposition} a bordo abode [/əˈboʊd/ | /əˈbəʊd/] {noun, verb} (abodes, aboded, aboding) dimora | residenza | domicilio | soggiorno aboil [/əˈbɔɪl/] {adjective, adverb} (more aboil, most aboil) bollire abolish [/əˈbɑl.ɪʃ/ | /əˈbɒlɪʃ/] {verb} (abolishes, abolished, abolishing, abolisht) abolire abolished [/əˈbɑlɪʃt/ | /əˈbɒlɪʃt/] {verb} soppresso abolishment [/əˈbɑl.ɪʃ.mənt/] {noun} abolizione abolition [/ˌæb.əˈlɪʃ.n̩/] {noun} (abolitions) abolizione abolitionism [/ˌæb.əˈlɪʃ.əˌnɪz.m̩/] {noun} abolizionismo abolitionist [/ˌæ.bə.ˈlɪʃ.n̩.ɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more abolitionist, most abolitionist, abolitionists) abolizionista abomasum [/ˌæb.oʊˈmeɪ.səm/] {noun} (abomasa, abomasums) abomaso abominable [/ɘˈbɔm.ɘ.nɘ.bɯ/ | /əˈbɑm.ə.nə.bl̩/] {adjective} (most abominable, more abominable) odioso | abominabile | detestabile | efferato abominable snowman [/əˈbɑm.ə.nə.bl̩ ˈsnoʊ.mæn/] {noun} (abominable snowmen) abominevole uomo delle nevi abominably [/əˈbɑm.ə.nə.bli/] {adverb} (most abominably, more abominably) abominevolmente abominate [/ə.ˈbɒm.ə.ˌnəɪt/ | /əˈbɒm.əˌnəɪt/] {adjective, verb} (more abominate, most abominate, abominates, abominating, abominated) abominare abomination [/əˌbɑm.əˈneɪ.ʃn̩/] {noun} ribrezzo abonnement [/æˈbɔn.mɑ̃/] {noun} (abonnements) abbonamento Aboriginal [/ˌæb.əˈɹɪd͡ʒ.n̩.l̩/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Aboriginal, more Aboriginal, Aboriginals) aborigeno aboriginal [/ˌæb.əˈɹɪd͡ʒ.n̩.l̩/] {adjective, noun} (more aboriginal, most aboriginal, aboriginals) aborigeno aborigine [/ˌæb.əˈɹɪdʒ.ɪ.ni/] {noun} aborigeno abort [/əˈbɔɹt/ | /əˈbɔːt/] {noun, verb} (aborts, aborted, aborting) abortire | interrompere | fallire | fermare aborted {adjective, verb} terminato abortifacient [/əˌbɔɹ.təˈfeɪ.ʃn̩t/] {adjective, noun} (more abortifacient, most abortifacient, abortifacients) abortivo abortion [/əˈbɔɹ.ʃn̩/] {noun} aborto | abortivo abortional [/əˈbɔɹ.ʃn̩.l̩/] {adjective} (most abortional, more abortional) abortivo abortive [/əˈbɔɹ.tɪv/ | /əˈbɔː.tɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most abortive, more abortive, abortives, abortiving, abortived) abortito | abortivo abortus [/əˈbɔɹ.təs/] {noun} (abortuses, aborti) aborto abound [/əˈbaʊnd/] {verb} (abounds, abounding, abounded) abbondare | essere abbondante abounding {adjective, noun, verb} (more abounding, most abounding, aboundings) abbondante about [/əˈbaʊt/ | /əˈbɛʊt/ | /əˈbʌʊt/] {adjective, adverb, preposition} riguardo | circa | intorno | riguardando | stare per | su about time {adverb} era ora about to {phraseologicalUnit} in procinto di | stare per | sul punto di about turn [/əˈbaʊt tɚn/] {noun, verb} (about turns, about turned, about turning) dietro front | dietrofront | voltagabbana about-face [/əˈbaʊtˌfeɪs/] {noun, verb} (about-faces, about-faced, about-facing) voltafaccia | banderuola | cambiare casacca | dietro front | dietrofront | fare dietrofront above [/əˈbʌv/] {adjective, adverb, noun, preposition} sopra | sopra par above all soprattutto above average sopra la media above board apertamente above-board [/əˈbʌvˌbɔɹd/] {adjective, adverb} impeccabile above-mentioned [/əˈbʌvˌmɛnʃn̩d/] {adjective} suddetto | succitato abovedeck {adjective} (most abovedeck, more abovedeck) sopraccoperta abra [/ˈæbɹə/] {noun} (abras) burrone abracadabra [/ˌabɹəkəˈdabɹə/ | /ˌæ.bɹə.kəˈdæ.bɹə/] {interjection, noun} (abracadabras) abracadabra abrade [/əˈbɹeɪd/] {verb} (abrades, abrading, abraded) abradere Abraham [/ˈeɪ.bɹə.hæm/ | /ˈeɪ.bɹəˌhæm/] {noun, properNoun} (Abrahams) Abramo Abrahamic [/eɪ.bɹəˈhæm.ɪk/] {adjective} (most Abrahamic, more Abrahamic) abramitico Abram [/ˈeɪ.bɹəm/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Abrams) Abramo abrasion [/əˈbɹeɪ.ʒn̩/] {noun} abrasione abrasive [/əˈbɹeɪ.sɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most abrasive, more abrasive, abrasives) abrasivo abrasively [/ə.ˈbɹeɪ.sɪv.li/] {adverb} (most abrasively, more abrasively) bruscamente abrasiveness {noun} (abrasivenesses) abrasività abreact [/ˌæb.ɹiˈækt/] {verb} (abreacts, abreacting, abreacted) sfogare abreast [/əˈbɹɛst/] {adjective, adverb, preposition} affiancato | aggiornata | aggiornato | al corrente | al passo | al traverso abridge [/əˈbɹɪd͡ʒ/] {verb} (abridges, abridging, abridged) abbreviare | accorciare | limitare | privare | ridurre abridged [/əˈbɹɪdʒd/] {adjective, verb} (most abridged, more abridged) abbreviata | abbreviato | ridotta | ridotto abridgement [/əˈbɹɪd͡ʒ.mn̩t/] {noun} compendio abridgment [/əˈbɹɪd͡ʒ.mn̩t/] {noun} ompendio abroad [/əˈbɹɔd/ | /əˈbɹɔːd/] {adverb, noun, preposition} all'estero abrogate [/ˈæ.bɹə.ɡət/ | /ˈæb.ɹoʊˌɡeɪt/ | /ˈæb.ɹəʊ.ɡeɪt/ | /ˈæb.ɹəˌɡət/] {adjective, verb} (abrogates, abrogated, abrogating) abrogare abrogated {verb} abrogato abrogation [/ˌæb.ɹəˈɡeɪ.ʃn̩/] {noun} abrogazione abrupt [/ə.bɹʌpt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more abrupt, abrupter, most abrupt, abruptest, abrupts, abrupted, abrupting) brusco | brusca | discontinua | discontinuo | sconnessa | sconnesso abruptly [/əˈbɹʌp.li/] {adverb} (most abruptly, more abruptly) improvvisamente Abruzzi Apennines {properNoun} Appennino abruzzese Abruzzian {adjective, noun} (more Abruzzian, most Abruzzian, Abruzzians) abruzzese Abruzzo {properNoun} Abruzzo Absalom [/ˈæb.sə.ləm/] {properNoun} Absalone | Assalonne abscess [/ˈæbsɛs/] {noun, verb} (abscesses, abscessing, abscessed) ascesso abscind [/əbˈsɪnd/] {verb} (abscinds, abscinded, abscinding) tagliare abscise [/æbˈsaɪz/ | /əbˈsaɪz/] {verb} (abscises, abscising, abscised) apostatare abscissa [/æbˈsɪs.ə/] {noun} (abscissas, abscissæ, abscissae) ascissa abscission [/æbˈsɪ.ʃn̩/] {noun} demolire abscond [/əbˈskɑnd/ | /əbˈskɒnd/] {verb} (absconds, absconding, absconded) fuggire absence [/ˈæb.sn̩s/ | /ˈæbsɒns/] {noun} (absences) assenza absence makes the heart grow fonder {proverb} la lontananza avvicina i cuori absence of mind {noun} assenza absent [/ˈæb.sn̩t/] {adjective, noun, preposition, verb} (absentest, absenter, absents, absented, absenting) assente absent-minded [/ˌæb.sn̩tˈmaɪn.dɪd/] {adjective} (most absent-minded, more absent-minded) svanito absent-mindedly [/ˌæb.sn̩tˈmaɪn.dɪd.li/] {adverb} (more absent-mindedly, most absent-mindedly) distrattamente absent-mindedness [/ˌæb.sn̩tˈmaɪn.dɪd.nəs/] {noun} (absent-mindednesses) distrazione absentee [/ˌæb.sn̩ˈti/] {adjective, noun} (absentees) assente absenteeism [/æb.sənˈtiːˌɪz.m̩/ | /ˌæb.sənˈtiˌɪz.m̩/] {noun} assenteismo absinthe [/ˈæb.sænθ/ | /ˈæb.sɪnθ/] {noun} assenzio absinthium [/æbˈsɪn.θi.m̩/] {noun} assenzio absolute [/ˈæb.səˌlut/ | /ˈæb.səˌluːt/] {adjective, noun} (absolutest, most absolute, more absolute, absoluter, absolutes) assoluto absolute alcohol [/ˈæb.səˌlut ˈæl.kə.hɑl/] {noun} alcol assoluto absolute majority [/ˈæb.səˌlut məˈd͡ʒɑɹ.ɪ.ti/] {noun} (absolute majorities) maggioranza assoluta absolute monarchy {noun} (absolute monarchies) monarchia assoluta absolute superlative {noun} (absolute superlatives) superlativo assoluto absolute value [/ˈæb.səˌlut ˈvæl.ju/] {noun} (absolute values) valore assoluto | modulo absolute zero [/ˈæb.səˌlut ˈzi.ɹoʊ/] {noun} (absolute zeros) zero assoluto absolutely [/æb.səˈl(j)uːt.lɪ/ | /ˌæb.səˈlut.li/] {adverb, interjection} assolutamente absoluteness [/ˈab.sə.luːt.nəs/ | /ˈæb.səˌlut.nəs/] {noun} (absolutenesses) assolutezza absolution [/æb.səˈljuː.ʃn̩/ | /ˌæb.səˈl(j)u.ʃn̩/] {noun} assoluzione absolutism [/ˈæb.sə.luː.tɪz.m̩/ | /ˈæb.səˌluˌtɪz.m̩/] {noun} assolutismo absolutist [/ˈæb.səˌlu.tɪst/ | /ˈæb.səˌluː.tɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more absolutist, most absolutist, absolutists) assolutista absolutistic [/ˈæb.səˌluˌtɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (more absolutistic, most absolutistic) assolutismo absolutive [/ˌæbsəˈluːtɪv/] {adjective, noun} (absolutives) assolutivo absolutive case {noun} (absolutive cases) caso assolutivo absolutize [/ˈæb.səˌlu.taɪz/ | /ˈæb.səˌluː.taɪz/] {verb} (absolutizes, absolutizing, absolutized) assolutizzare absolve [/æbˈzɑlv/ | /əbˈzɒlv/] {verb} (absolves, absolved, absolving) assolvere absorb [/æbˈsɔɹb/ | /əbˈzɔːb/] {verb} (absorbs, absorbed, absorpt, absorbing) assorbire | assorto | includere | incorporare absorbable [/əbˈsɔɹb.ə.bl̩/] {adjective} (more absorbable, most absorbable) assorbibile absorbance [/əbˈsɔɹ.bn̩s/] {noun} assorbanza absorbed [/æbˈsɔɹbd/] {adjective, verb} (most absorbed, more absorbed) assorto absorbency [/æb.sɔɹ.bn̩.si/] {noun} (absorbencies) capacità di assorbimento absorbent [/æbˈsɔɹ.bn̩t/ | /əbˈsɔː.bn̩t/] {adjective, noun} (most absorbent, more absorbent, absorbents) assorbente absorber [/əbˈsɔɹ.bɚ/] {noun} (absorbers) assorbente absorbing [/æbˈzɔɹ.bɪŋ/ | /əbˈzɔː.bɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (most absorbing, more absorbing) appassionante absorption [/æbˈsɔɹp.ʃn̩/ | /əbˈzɔːp.ʃn̩/] {noun} assorbimento absquatulate [/æb.ˈskwɑtʃ.ʊ.leɪt/] {verb} (absquatulates, absquatulating, absquatulated) battersela abstain [/əbˈsteɪn/] {verb} (abstains, abstaining, abstained) astenersi abstaining {verb} astenuto abstemious [/æbˈsti.mi.əs/ | /æbˈstiː.mɪ.əs/] {adjective} (most abstemious, more abstemious) astemio abstension astenuto abstention [/æbˈstɛn.ʃn̩/ | /əbˈstɛn.ʃn̩/] {noun} astensione abstersive [/æbˈstɝ.sɪv/ | /əbˈstɝː(ɹ).sɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most abstersive, more abstersive, abstersives) astersivo abstinence [/ˈæb.stɪ.nəns/] {noun} astinenza abstinent [/ˈæb.stə.nn̩t/ | /ˈæb.stɪ.nn̩t/] {adjective, noun} (most abstinent, more abstinent, abstinents) astemio abstract [/ˈæbˌstɹækt/ | /ˌæbˈstɹækt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more abstract, most abstract, abstractest, abstracter, abstracts, abstracted, abstracting) astratto | riassunto | sunto | astrazione | astrarre | astruso abstract algebra [/ˈæbˌstɹækt ˈæl.d͡ʒə.bɹə/ | /ˈæbˌstɹækt ˈæl.d͡ʒɪ.bɹə/] {noun} algebra astratta abstract class {noun} (abstract classes) classe astratta abstract harmonic analysis {noun} analisi armonica astratta abstract noun [/ˈæbˌstɹækt naʊn/] {noun} (abstract nouns) nome astratto abstract science scienza astratta abstracted [/əb.ˈstɹæk.tɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most abstracted, more abstracted) assente abstraction [/æbˈstɹæk.ʃn̩/ | /əbˈstɹæk.ʃn̩/] {noun} astrazione abstractionism [/æbˈstɹæk.ʃn̩ˌɪz.m̩/] {noun} astrattismo abstractionist [/æbˈstɹæk.ʃən.əst/] {adjective, noun} (more abstractionist, most abstractionist, abstractionists) idealista abstractive [/æbˈstɹæk.tɪv/ | /əbˈstɹæk.tɪv/] {adjective} (more abstractive, most abstractive) astrattivo abstractly [/æbˈstɹækt.li/] {adverb} (most abstractly, more abstractly) astrattamente abstruse [/æbˈstɹus/ | /əbˈstɹuːs/] {adjective} (abstruser, most abstruse, more abstruse, abstrusest) astruso abstrusely [/æbˈstɹus.li/ | /əbˈstɹuːs.li/] {adverb} (more abstrusely, most abstrusely) astrusamente abstruseness [/æbˈstɹus.nəs/ | /əbˈstɹuːs.nəs/] {noun} (abstrusenesses) astruseria absurd [/æbˈsɝd/ | /æbˈzɝd/ | /əbˈsɜːd/] {adjective, noun} (absurdest, more absurd, most absurd, absurder, absurds) assurdo absurdism [/æbˈsɝdˌɪz.m̩/ | /əbˈsɜːdˌɪz.m̩/] {noun} (absurdisms) absurdism absurdity [/æbˈsɝd.ɪ.ti/ | /əbˈsɜːd.ɪ.ti/] {noun} (absurdities) assurdità absurdly [/æbˈsɝd.li/ | /əbˈsɜːd.li/] {adverb} (most absurdly, more absurdly) esageratamente absurdum [/æbˈsɝd.m̩/ | /əbˈsɝːd.m̩/] {noun} (absurda) assurdo Abu Dhabi [/ˈɑ.bu ˈdɑ.bi/] {properNoun} Abu Dhabi abugida [/ɑːbuˈɡiːdə/] {noun} (abugidas) abugida | alfasillabario abulia [/əˈb(j)uː.lɪə/ | /əˈbu.li.ə/] {noun} abulia abundance [/əˈbɑn.dənts/ | /əˈbʌn.dn̩s/] {noun} abbondanza | cuccagna abundant [/əˈbʌn.dn̩t/] {adjective} (more abundant, most abundant) abbondante abundant number [/əˈbʌn.dn̩t ˈnʌm.bə/ | /əˈbʌn.dn̩t ˈnʌm.bɚ/] {noun} (abundant numbers) numero abbondante abundantly [/əˈbʌn.dn̩t.li/] {adverb} (most abundantly, more abundantly) ampiamente Abundius {properNoun} Abbondio abuse [/əˈbjus/ | /əˈbjuz/ | /əˈbjuːs/ | /əˈbjuːz/] {noun, verb} (abuses, abused, abusing) abuso | abusare | abuso sessuale | violentare | violenza | violenza carnale abused [/əˈbjuːzd/] {adjective, verb} (most abused, more abused) abusato abusive [/əˈbju.sɪv/ | /əˈbjuː.sɪv/] {adjective} (most abusive, more abusive) abusivo abusively [/əˈbju.sɪv.li/ | /əˈbjuː.sɪv.li/] {adverb} (more abusively, most abusively) abusivamente abut [/əˈbʌt/] {verb} (abuts, abutting, abutted) confinare abut on {verb} (abuts on, abutted on, abutting on) addossato abutment [/əˈbʌt.mn̩t/] {noun} ponte | rinfianco abutting [/əˈbʌt.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (abuttings) adiacente abuzz [/əˈbʌz/] {adjective} (most abuzz, more abuzz) ronzante | rumoreggiante Abydos [/əˈbaɪ.dɑs/] {properNoun} Abido abysmal [/əˈbɪz.məl/] {adjective} (more abysmal, most abysmal) abissale | disastroso | pessimo abyss [/əˈbɪs/] {noun} (abysses) abisso abyssal [/əˈbɪs.l̩/] {adjective} abissale abyssal fish {noun} (abyssal fishes) pesce abissale abyssal zone [/əˈbɪs.l̩ zoʊn/ | /əˈbɪs.l̩ zəʊn/] {noun} abisso Abyssinia [/ˌæb.ɪˈsɪn.i.ə/] {adjective, interjection, properNoun} Abissinia Abyssinian [/ˌæb.ɪˈsɪn.i.ən/ | /ˌæb.ɪˈsɪn.ɪ.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Abyssinians) abissino abzyme {noun} (abzymes) abzima AC {adjective, adverb, noun, phraseologicalUnit, properNoun} (ACs) corrente alternata acacia [/əˈkeɪ.ʃə/] {noun} (acacias, acaciae) acacia academia [/ˌæ.kəˈdiː.mɪ.ə/ | /ˌæk.əˈdi.mi.ə/] {noun} accademia academian [/ˌæk.əˈdi.mi.n̩/ | /ˌæk.əˈdiː.mi.n̩/] {noun} (academians) accademico academic [/ˌækəˈdɛmɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most academic, more academic, academics) accademico academic certificate titolo di studio academic institution {noun} (academic institutions) università academical [/ˌæk.əˈdɛm.ɪ.kl̩/] {adjective, noun} (academicals) accademico academically [/ˌæk.əˈdɛm.ɪk.ə.li/] {adverb} (most academically, more academically) accademicamente academician [/əˌka.dəˈmɪʃ.n̩/ | /ˌæ.kə.dəˈmɪʃ.n̩/] {noun} (academicians) accademico academicism [/ˌæk.əˈdɛm.əˌsɪz.m̩/] {noun} accademismo academy [/əˈkæd.ə.mi/] {noun} (academies) accademia | seminario academy awards oscar Academy of Sciences {noun} (Academies of Sciences) accademia delle scienze Acadia [/əˈkeɪ.di.ə/] {properNoun} Acadia acai {noun} (acais) açai | palma acai berry [/a.saˈiː.ˈbɛɹi/] {noun} (acai berries) frutta acanthite [/əˈkæn.θaɪt/] {noun} acantite acanthosis [/æˌkænˈθoʊ.sɪs/] {noun} (acanthoses) acantosi acanthus [/əˈkæn.θəs/] {noun} (acanthuses, acanthi) acanto acarbose [/ˈæ.kɑɹ.boʊs/] {noun} acarbosio acarid [/ˈæk.ə.ɹɪd/] {adjective, noun} (most acarid, more acarid, acarids) acaro acarology [/ækəˈɹɒləd͡ʒi/] {noun} acarologia acarophobia [/ˌækəɹəˈfəʊbi.ə/] {noun} acarofobia acarus [/ˈæk.ə.ɹəs/] {noun} (acari, acarina) acaro acatalectic [/ˌeɪ.ˌkæt.ə.ˈlɛk.tɪk/] {adjective, noun} (acatalectics) acataletto acatholic {adjective} acattolica accede [/æk.ˈsid/ | /əkˈsiːd/] {verb} (accedes, acceded, acceding) acconsentire accelerant [/əkˈsɛləɹənt/] {noun} (accelerants) accelerante accelerare affrettare accelerate [/ək.ˈsɛl.ə.ˌɹeɪt/] {adjective, verb} (accelerates, accelerating, accelerated) accelerare | affrettare accelerated {adjective, verb} (more accelerated, most accelerated) accelerato acceleration [/ək.ˌsɛl.ə.ˈɹeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} accelerazione accelerator [/æk.ˈsɛl.ə.ˌɹeɪ.tɚ/] {noun} (accelerators) acceleratore accelerometer [/æk.ˌsɛl.ə.ˈɹɑm.ə.tɚ/] {noun} (accelerometers) accelerometro accent [/ækˈsɛnt/ | /ˈak.sənt/ | /ˈæk.sɛnt/] {noun, verb} (accents, accenting, accented) accento | accentuare | cadenza | calata | enfasi | inflessione accentuate [/əkˈsen.tʃu.eɪt/] {verb} (accentuates, accentuating, accentuated) accentuare | accentare accentuated {verb} accentuato accentuation [/ˌæk.ˌsɛn.tʃə.ˈweɪ.ʃən/] {noun} accentuazione accept [/əkˈsɛpt/] {adjective, verb} (more accept, most accept, accepts, accepted, accepting) accettare | ammettere acceptability [/ˌæk.ˌsɛp.tə.ˈbɪl.ət.i/] {noun} (acceptabilities) accettabilità acceptable [/æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bəl/] {adjective} (more acceptable, most acceptable) accettabile acceptably [/æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bli/] {adverb} (more acceptably, most acceptably) accettabilmente acceptance [/ək.ˈsɛp.təns/] {noun} accettazione accepted [/æk.ˈsɛp.tɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more accepted, most accepted) accetto access [/ˈæksɛs/ | /ˈækˌsɛs/] {noun, verb} (accesses, accessed, accessing) accesso accessable {adjective} abbordabile accessibility [/ækˌsɛs.əˈbɪl.ət.i/] {noun} (accessibilities) accessibilità accessible [/əkˈsɛs.ə.bəl/] {adjective} (more accessible, most accessible) accessibile accessibly [/æk.ˈsɛs.ə.bli/] {adverb} (most accessibly, more accessibly) abbordabile accession [/æk.ˈsɛ.ʃən/] {noun, verb} (accessions, accessioning, accessioned) accessione accessorily {adverb} (most accessorily, more accessorily) accessoriamente accessorize [/əkˈsɛsəɹaɪz/] {verb} (accessorizes, accessorized, accessorizing) accessoriare accessory [/əkˈsɛs(ə)ɹi/ | /əkˈsɛsəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (most accessory, more accessory, accessories) accessorio accessory agreement accordo a latere accident [/ˈæk.sə.dənt/] {noun} incidente | accidente accidental [/ˌæk.sɪ.ˈdɛn.tl̩/] {adjective, noun} (most accidental, more accidental, accidentals) accidentale accidentally [/ˌæksəˈdɛnt(ə)li/] {adverb} (most accidentally, more accidentally) casualmente | accidentalmente accidie [/ˈæk.sə.di/ | /ˈæk.sɪ.di/] {noun} accidia acclaim [/ə.ˈkleɪm/] {noun, verb} (acclaims, acclaimed, acclaiming) acclamare | applaudire | reclamare acclaimed [/əˈkleɪmd/] {adjective, verb} (more acclaimed, most acclaimed) acclamato acclamation [/æk.lə.ˈmeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} acclamazione acclimate [/ə.ˈklaɪ.mət/ | /ˈæk.lɪ.meɪt/] {verb} (acclimates, acclimating, acclimated) acclimare acclimatization [/ə.ˌklaɪ.mə.tə.ˈzeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} acclimatazione acclimatize [/ə.ˈklaɪ.mə.ˌtaɪz/] {verb} (acclimatizes, acclimatized, acclimatizing) acclimatare acclimatized {adjective, verb} acclimatato accolade [/ˈæk.ə.ˌleɪd/] {noun, verb} (accolades, accolading, accoladed) elogio | ordinazione | riconoscimento accommodate [/əˈkɑməˌdeɪt/ | /əˈkɒməˌdeɪt/] {adjective, verb} (most accommodate, more accommodate, accommodates, accommodating, accommodated) accogliere accommodating [/ə.ˈkɒm.ə.ˌdeɪ.tɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (most accommodating, more accommodating) accomodante accommodation [/ə.ˌkɑm.ə.ˈdeɪ.ʃən/ | /ə.ˌkɒm.ə.ˈdeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} alloggio | sistemazione accommodation ladder {noun} (accommodation ladders) barcarizzo accommodative [/ə.ˈkɒm.ə.ˌdeɪt.ɪv/] {adjective} (most accommodative, more accommodative) accomodevole accomodation {noun} conciliazione accompagnied accompagnato accompanied [/əˈkʌmpənid/] {adjective, verb} accompagnato accompaniment [/ə.ˈkʌm.pə.ni.mənt/] {noun} accompagnamento accompanist [/əˈ.kʌm.pə.nɪst/] {noun} (accompanists) accompagnatore accompany [/ə.ˈkʌm.pə.ni/] {verb} (accompanies, accompanying, accompanied) accompagnare accomplice [/ə.ˈkɑm.pləs/ | /ə.ˈkʌm.plɪs/] {noun} (accomplices) complice | correo | basista | coadiuvante | collaboratore | correa accomplish [/əˈkɐm.plɪʃ/ | /əˈkɑm.plɪʃ/ | /əˈkɒm.plɪʃ/ | /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ/] {verb} (accomplishes, accomplished, accomplishing) realizzare | compiere | compire accomplished [/ə.ˈkɑm.plɪʃt/ | /ə.ˈkɒm.plɪʃt/] {adjective, verb} (most accomplished, more accomplished) compiuto accomplishment [/ə.ˈkɒm.plɪʃ.mənt/ | /ə.ˈkʌm.plɪʃ.mənt/] {noun} realizzazione | talento accord [/ə.ˈkɔɹd/ | /əˈkɔːd/] {noun, verb} (accords, according, accorded) accordo accordance [/ə.ˈkɔɹd.əns/] {noun} accordo according as {adverb} secondo according to {preposition} secondo | a seconda | in base accordingly [/ə.ˈkɔɹ.dɪŋ.li/ | /əˈkɔː(ɹ).dɪŋ.li/] {adverb} (more accordingly, most accordingly) conformemente | di conseguenza | in conformità a accordion [/ə.ˈkɔɹ.di.ən/ | /əˈkɔ(ɹ).di.ˌən/] {noun, verb} (accordions, accordioning, accordioned) fisarmonica accordionist [/ə.ˈkɔɹd.i.ə.nəst/] {noun} (accordionists) fisarmonicista accost [/ə.ˈkɑst/ | /ə.ˈkɒst/ | /ə.ˈkɔst/] {noun, verb} (accosts, accosted, accosting) accostare | affrontare | aggredire | indirizzarsi a | inveire | molestare accosted {adjective, verb} accostato accoucheur [/ˌæ.ku.ˈʃɜː/ | /ˌæ.ku.ˈʃɝ/] {noun} (accoucheurs) ostetrico accoucheuse {noun} (accoucheuses) ostetrica account [/ə.ˈkaʊnt/] {noun, verb} (accounts, accounting, accounted) abbonamento | caso | causa | considerare | contabilità | conto account book {noun} (account books) libro contabile account for {verb} costituire | giustificare | rappresentare | rendere conto | spiegare account to {verb} (accounts to, accounted to, accounting to) rendere conto accountability [/ə.ˌkaʊn.tə.ˈbɪl.ət.i/] {noun} (accountabilities) responsabilità | rendicontabilità accountable [/ə.ˈkaʊn.tə.bəl/ | /ʌˈkaʊntəbl̩/] {adjective} (more accountable, most accountable) responsabile accountancy [/ə.ˈkaʊnt.ən.si/] {noun} (accountancies) contabilità accountant [/ə.ˈkæʊn.(t)ən̩(t)/] {adjective, noun} (more accountant, most accountant, accountants) contabile | ragioniere | capocarico accounting [/ə.ˈkaʊn.tɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (accountings) contabilità accounts receivable {noun} esigenza accouplement [/əˈkʌpəlmənt/] {noun} accoppiamento Accra [/ə.ˈkɹɑ/] {properNoun} Accra accredit [/ə.ˈkɹɛd.ɪt/] {verb} (accredits, accrediting, accredited) accreditare accreditation [/əˌkɹɛd.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ | [əˌkɹɛd.ɨˈteɪ.ʃən] | [əˌkɹɛd.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən]] {noun} accreditamento accrete [/əˈkɹiːt/] {adjective, verb} (accretes, accreted, accreting) accreto accretion [/ə.ˈkɹi.ʃən/] {noun} accrescimento accretion disk {noun} (accretion disks) disco di accrescimento accrezione accrezione accrual [/əˈkɹuːəl/] {noun} (accruals) accumulo | rateo accrue [/ə.ˈkɹu/ | /əˈkɹuː/] {noun, verb} (accrues, accruing, accrued) accrescersi acculturate [/ə.ˈkʌl.tʃə.ˌɹeɪt/] {verb} (acculturates, acculturating, acculturated) acculturare accumulate [/ə.ˈkjum.jə.ˌleɪt/ | /əˈkjuːmjʊˌleɪt/] {adjective, verb} (accumulates, accumulating, accumulated) accumularsi | accumulare accumulation [/ə.ˌkjuːm.jə.ˈleɪ.ʃən/] {noun} accumulazione accumulator [/ə.ˈkjum.jə.ˌleɪ.tɚ/] {noun} (accumulators) accumulatore accuracy [/ˈæk.jɚ.ə.si/ | [ˈækjʊrəsɪ]] {noun} (accuracies) accuratezza | precisione | acribia | esattezza accurate [/ˈæk.jə.ɹɪt/ | /ˈæk.jʊ.ɹət/] {adjective} (most accurate, more accurate) accurato accurately [/ˈæk.jə.ɹɪt.li/] {adverb} (more accurately, most accurately) accuratamente | minuziosamente accursed [/əˈkɜː.sɪd/ | /əˈkɝ.sɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most accursed, more accursed) maledetto accursedly [/ə.ˈkɚ.səd.li/] {adverb} (most accursedly, more accursedly) maledettamente accusable [/əˈkjuːzəbl/] {adjective} (most accusable, more accusable) accusabile accusant [/əˈkjuːzənt/] {noun} (accusants) accusatore accusation [/ˌæk.jʊ.ˈzeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} accusa accusative [/əˈkjuzətɪv/ | /əˈkjuːzətɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most accusative, more accusative, accusatives) accusativo accusatory [/ə.ˈkju.zə.ˌtɔɹ.i/] {adjective} (most accusatory, more accusatory) accusatorio accuse [/əˈkjuz/ | /əˈkjuːz/] {noun, verb} (accuses, accused, accusing) accusare accused [/ə.ˈkjuzd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most accused, more accused, accused) accusato accuser [/əˑˈkju.zɚ/ | /əˑˈkjuː.zə/] {noun} (accusers) accusatore accustom [/ə.ˈkʌs.təm/] {noun, verb} (accustoms, accustomed, accustoming) abituarsi | adattarsi | assuefarsi | familiarizzare accustomed [/ə.ˈkʌs.təmd/] {adjective, verb} (more accustomed, most accustomed) abituato | avvezzo ace [/eɪs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more ace, most ace, aces, acing, aced) asso ace of aces {noun} (aces of aces) asso di assi ace of clubs {noun} (aces of clubs) asso di fiori ace of diamonds {noun} (aces of diamonds) asso di quadri ace of hearts {noun} (aces of hearts) asso di cuori ace of spades [/eɪs.əv.speɪdz/] {noun} (aces of spades) asso di picche ace up one's sleeve {noun} (aces up one's sleeve) asso nella manica acedia [/əˈsiːdɪə/] {noun} accidia | apatia acellular {adjective} acellulare acenaphthene {noun} (acenaphthenes) acenaftene acenaphthylene {noun} acenaftilene acentric {adjective} (more acentric, most acentric) acentrico acentromeric {adjective} acentrico acephale society società acefala acephalous [/əˈsɛfələs/] {adjective} (more acephalous, most acephalous) acefalo acerb [/əˈsɜɹb/ | /əˈsɜːb/] {adjective} (most acerb, more acerb, acerbest, acerber) acerbo acerbic [/əˈsɜ(ɹ)bɪk/ | /əˈsɜː(ɹ)bɪk/] {adjective} (more acerbic, most acerbic) acerbo acerbity [/əˈsɜːbɪti/ | /əˈsɝbɪdi/] {noun} (acerbities) amarezza acerola [/æ.səˈɹəʊ.lə/] {noun} (acerolas) acerola acervation [/æ.sɚˈveɪʃən/] {noun} (acervations) acevazione acescence [/əˈsɛsəns/] {noun} (acescences) acescenza acetal [/ˈæsɪˌtæl/] {noun} (acetals) acetale acetaldehyde [/ˌæs.ɪˈtæl.dəˌhaɪd/] {noun} acetaldeide acetalic {adjective} acetalico acetamide {noun} (acetamides) acetammide acetaminophen [/əˌsitəˈmɪnəfən/] {noun} (acetaminophens) paracetamolo acetate {noun} (acetates) acetato acetic {adjective} acetico acetic acid {noun} acido acetico acetify {verb} (acetifies, acetified, acetifying) acetificare acetimeter {noun} (acetimeters) acetimetro acetimetry {noun} acetimetria acetoacetic acid {noun} acido acetoacetico acetone [/ˈæ.sə.toʊn/] {noun} acetone acetonitrile {noun} (acetonitriles) acetonitrile acetophenone {noun} acetofenone acetyl [/əˈsiːtaɪl/ | /ˈæsətɪl/] {noun} (acetyls) acetile acetyl chloride {noun} acetilcloruro acetylate {verb} (acetylates, acetylated, acetylating) acetilare acetylation {noun} (acetylations) acetilazione acetylcellulose acetilcellulosa acetylcholine {noun} acetilcolina acetylcholinesterase {noun} acetilcolinesterasi acetylene [/ə ˈsɛt əl ˌin/] {noun} acetilene acetylglucosamine {noun} (acetylglucosamines) acetilglucosammina acetylic {adjective} acetilico acetylide {noun} (acetylides) acetiluro acetylneuraminic {adjective} acetilneuraminico acetylsalicylic {adjective} acetilsalicilico | acetossibenzoico acetylsalicylic acid {noun} acido acetilsalicilico acetylspermidine {noun} acetilspermidina acetylspermine {noun} acetilspermina Achaea {properNoun} Acaia Achaean [/əˈkiːən/] {adjective, noun} (Achaeans) Acheo achalasia {noun} acalasia ache [/eɪk/ | /eɪt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (aches, aching, aken, ached, oke) dolore | malanno | malessere | patire | penare | soffrire ache for {verb} (aches for, ached for, aching for) bramare acheful {adjective} (more acheful, most acheful) doloroso acheiropoieton [/eɪˈkaɪɹəʊpɔɪˌiːtən/] {noun} (acheiropoieta) acheropita acheirous {adjective} achiro achene [/əˈkiːn/] {noun} (achenes) achenio Acheron [/ˈæ.kəɹ.ən/] {properNoun} Acheronte Acheulean [/əˈ(t)ʃuːlɪən/] {adjective, properNoun} acheuleano achievable [/əˈtʃivəbəl/] {adjective} (more achievable, most achievable) fattibile | realizzabile | conseguibile | raggiungibile achieve [/əˈtʃiːv/] {verb} (achieves, achieving, achieved) realizzare | ottenere achievement [/əˈtʃiːvmənt/] {noun} realizzazione | successo | prestazione | blasone | conquista | conseguimento Achilles [/əˈkɪliːz/] {properNoun} Achille Achilles heel [/əˌkɪl.iːz ˈhiːl/] {noun} (Achilles heels) tallone d'Achille | tallone di Achille Achilles tendon {noun} (Achilles tendons) tendine di Achille Achilles' tendon {noun} (Achilles' tendons) tendine di Achille aching [/ˈeɪ.kɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most aching, more aching, achings) rotto achlamydeous {adjective} aclamidato achlorhydria {noun} acloridria achondroplasia [/eɪˌkɒndɹə(ʊ)ˈpleɪziə/] {noun} acondroplasia achoo [/əˈt͡ʃuː/ | /əˈt͡ʃʰuː/] {interjection, noun, verb} (achoos, achooed, achooing) eccì | ecciù achromatic lens {noun} (achromatic lenses) lente acromatica achromatise {verb} (achromatises, achromatising, achromatised) acromatizzare achromatize {verb} (achromatizes, achromatizing, achromatized) acromatizzare achromia {noun} (achromias) acromasia achylia {noun} achilia acid [/ˈæs.ɪd/] {adjective, noun} (more acid, most acid) acido | acido lisergico acid formation acidificazione acid rain {noun} (acid rains) pioggia acida acid-resistant {adjective} antiacido acidic [/əˈsɪdɪk/] {adjective} (most acidic, more acidic) acido acidic oxide anidride acidification {noun} acidificazione acidify {verb} (acidifies, acidified, acidifying) acidificare acidimeter {noun} (acidimeters) acidimetro acidity [/əˈsɪdɪti/] {noun} (acidities) acidità acidophile {noun} (acidophiles) acidofilo acidophilic [/ˌæsɪdəʊˈfɪlɪk/ | /ˌæsɪɾoʊˈfɪlɪk/] {adjective} (most acidophilic, more acidophilic) acidofilo acidosis {noun} (acidoses) acidosi acidulate [/əˈsɪdʒʊ.leɪt/] {verb} (acidulates, acidulated, acidulating) acidulare acidulated wine acidulo acidulous [/əˈsɪdjʊləs/] {adjective} acidulo acinaciform {adjective} coltelliforme acinos acino acknowledge [/ækˈnɑː.lɪdʒ/ | /əkˈnɒ.lɪdʒ/] {verb} (acknowledges, acknowledged, acknowledging) ammettere | riconoscere acknowledgement {noun} riconoscimento acknowledgment [/əkˈnɑl.ɪd͡ʒ.mənt/ | /əkˈnɒl.ɪd͡ʒ.mənt/] {noun} riconoscimento acme [/ˈæk.mi/] {noun} (acmes) acme | apice | apogeo | climax | colmo | culmine acne [/ˈæk.ni/] {noun} (acnes) acne acoelomate {adjective, noun} (acoelomates) acelomati Acoetes [/əˈsiːtiːz/] {properNoun} Acete acolyte [/ˈæ.kə.laɪt/] {noun} (acolytes) accolito acolyteship {noun} accolitato aconite [/ˈæ.kə.naɪt/] {noun} aconito acorn [/ˈeɪ.kɔɹn/ | /ˈeɪ.kɔːn/] {noun} (acorns) ghianda acorned {adjective} ghiandifero acorné cornato acosmic {adjective} acosmico acoustic [/əˈkuːstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (acoustics) acustico acoustic guitar {noun} (acoustic guitars) chitarra acustica acoustical {adjective} acustico acoustically {adverb} acusticamente acoustics [/əˈkuːstɪks/] {noun} acustica acoustoelastic {adjective} acustoelastico acqua alta [/ˌækwə ˈæltə/] {noun} acqua alta acquaint [/əˈkweɪnt/] {adjective, verb} (acquaints, acquainted, acquainting) partecipare acquaintance [/əˈkweɪntəns/ | /ʌˈkweɪn.təns/] {noun} conoscenza acquainted [/əˈkweɪntɪd/ | /əˈkwæɪntəd/] {adjective, verb} (more acquainted, most acquainted) consapevole acquiesce [/ˌækwiˈɛs/] {verb} (acquiesces, acquiesced, acquiescing) acconsentire acquiescence [/ˈæk.wiːˌɛs.əns/] {noun} acquiescenza | perenzione acquiescent [/æˈkwi.ɛsn̩t/] {adjective} (more acquiescent, most acquiescent) docile acquirable {adjective} (most acquirable, more acquirable) acquisibile acquire [/əˈkwaɪə/ | /əˈkwaɪɹ/] {verb} (acquires, acquiring, acquired) acquisire | acquistare acquired immune deficiency syndrome {noun} sindrome da immunodeficienza acquisita acquisition [/æ.kwɪ.ˈzɪ.ʃən/] {noun} acquisizione acquisitional {adjective} acquisitivo acquisitive {adjective} (more acquisitive, most acquisitive) avido | ingordo acquit [/əˈkwɪt/] {verb} (acquits, acquit, acquitting, acquitted) saldare acquittal [/əˈkwɪ.d(ə)l/ | /əˈkwɪ.t(ə)l/] {noun} assoluzione Acre [/ˈeɪ.kə/ | /ˈɑː.kɹə/] {properNoun} Acri acre [/ˈeɪ.kə/ | /ˈeɪ.kɚ/] {noun} (acres) acre acrid [/ˈæk.ɹɪd/] {adjective} (most acrid, acrider, more acrid, acridest) acre acrimonious [/ˌæk.ɹɪ.ˈmoʊ̯.ni.əs/ | /ˌæk.ɹɪ.ˈməʊ̯.nɪ.əs/] {adjective} (more acrimonious, most acrimonious) acrimonioso acrimony {noun} (acrimonies) acredine acritical {adjective} (more acritical, most acritical) acritico acrobat [/ˈæk.ɹə.bæt/] {noun} (acrobats) acrobata acrobatic {adjective} (more acrobatic, most acrobatic) acrobatico acrobatics {noun} acrobatica acrocentric {adjective, noun} (more acrocentric, most acrocentric, acrocentrics) acrocentrico acrodynia {noun} acrodinia acrolect [/ˈæk.ɹə.lɛkt/] {noun} (acrolects) acroletto acromegaly {noun} (acromegalies) acromegalia acromicria {noun} acromicria acromion {noun} (acromia, acromions) acromio acronym [/ˈæk.ɹə.nɪm/] {noun, verb} (acronyms, acronyming, acronymed) acronimo | sigla acrophobia {noun} acrofobia Acropolis [/əˈkɹɒpəlɪs/] {properNoun} Acropoli acropolis [/əˈkɹɒpəlɪs/] {noun} (acropolises, acropoleis) acropoli across [/əˈkɹɑs/ | /əˈkɹɒs/ | /əˈkɹɔs/] {adverb, noun, preposition} (acrosses) attraverso | dall'altra parte | orizzontale across the board generalizzato acrostic [/əˈkɹɑstɪk/ | /əˈkɹɒstɪk/ | /əˈkɹɔstɪk/] {noun} (acrostics) acrostico acrostical {adjective} (more acrostical, most acrostical) acrostico acryl {noun} (acryls) acrile acrylamide [/əˈkɹɪləmaɪd/] {noun} (acrylamides) acrilammide acrylate {noun} (acrylates) acrilato acrylic [/ə.ˈkɹɪ.lɪk/] {adjective, noun} (acrylics) acrilico acrylic acid {noun} acido acrilico acrylic fiber {noun} (acrylic fibers) Selva Ercinia acrylic resin {noun} (acrylic resins) acrilico acrylonitrile {noun} acrilonitrile acrylonitrilic {adjective} acrilonitrilico act [/æk/ | /ækt/] {noun, verb} (acts, acted, acting) atto | agire | legge | comportarsi | fare | messinscena act of God {noun} (acts of God) forza maggiore act of parliament {noun} (acts of parliament) legge act out [/ˌækt ˈaʊ̯t/] {verb} (acts out, acting out, acted out) sviluppare act up {verb} importunare actant {noun} (actants) attante actin {noun} actina Actina Actina acting [/ˈæk.tɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} interino actinide [/ˈæktɪnaɪd/] {noun} (actinides) attinoide actinism {noun} (actinisms) attinicità actinium [/ækˈtɪniəm/] {noun} attinio actinobiology {noun} actinobiologia actinograph {noun} (actinographs) attinografo actinoid [/ˈæktɪnɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (actinoids) attinoide actinolite {noun} actinolite actinometer {noun} (actinometers) attinometro actinometric {adjective} (more actinometric, most actinometric) attinometrico actinomorphic {adjective} (more actinomorphic, most actinomorphic) actinomorfo actinomycosis {noun} (actinomycoses) actinomicosi action [/ˈæk.ʃən/] {interjection, noun, verb} (actions, actioned, actioning) azione | azione legale | meccanismo action figure {noun} (action figures) figura di azione action potential {noun} (action potentials) potenziale di azione actionism {noun} (actionisms) attivismo actions [/ˈæk.ʃənz/] {noun, verb} comportamento Actium [/ˈæk.ti.əm/] {properNoun} Azio activate [/ˈæktɪˌveɪt/] {verb} (activates, activated, activating) attivare activated carbon {noun} carbone attivo activation [/æktɪˈveɪʃən/] {noun} attivazione activator {noun} (activators) attivatore active [/ˈæk.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most active, more active, actives) attivo active voice {noun} attivo | forma attiva active volcano {noun} (active volcanoes, active volcanos) vulcano attivo actively {adverb} (most actively, more actively) attivamente activeness {noun} (activenesses) attività activism [/ˈæk.tɪ.vɪz.m̩/] {noun} attivismo activist [/ˈæk.tɪ.vɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more activist, most activist, activists) attivista activity [/ækˈtɪ.vɪ.ti/] {noun} (activities) attività | svago actomyosin {noun} actomiosina actor [/ˈæk.tə/ | /ˈæk.tɚ/] {noun} attore | attrice actress [/ˈak.tɹəs/ | /ˈæk.tɹəs/] {noun} attrice Acts of the Apostles {properNoun} Atti degli Apostoli actual [/ˈak(t)ʃj(ʊ)əl/ | /ˈaktj(ʊ)əl/ | /ˈæk(t)ʃ(əw)əl/] {adjective, noun} (actuals) reale | effettivo | esistente actualism {noun} (actualisms) attualismo actualist {noun} (actualists) attualista actuality [/ˌæktjuˈælɪti/] {noun} (actualities) fatto actualize {verb} (actualizes, actualizing, actualized) attuare actually [/ˈak.(t)ʃ(ʊ).ə.li/ | /ˈak.(t)ʃʊ.ə.lɪ/ | /ˈæk.(t)ʃu.ə.li/] {adverb} davvero | in verità | realmente actuarial [/æk.tjuˈɛəɹ.i.əl/] {adjective} attuariale actuarial mathematics matematica attuariale actuary {noun} (actuaries) attuario actuate [/ˈæktʃu.eɪt/] {verb} (actuates, actuating, actuated) entusiasmare actuator [/ˈæk.tjuː.eɪt.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (actuators) attuatore | ripetitore acuity [/əˈkjuːɪti/] {noun} (acuities) acutezza acumen [/æˈkjumən/ | /əˈkjumən/ | /ˈækjʊmən/] {noun} (acumens) perspicacia | acume acuminate [/əˈkjuːmɪneɪt/ | /əˈkjuːmɪnət/] {adjective, verb} (most acuminate, more acuminate, acuminates, acuminated, acuminating) acuminato acupressure {noun} acupressione acupuncture [/ˈæ.kju.ˌpʌŋk.t͡ʃɝ/] {noun, verb} (acupunctures, acupunctured, acupuncturing) agopuntura | acupuntura acusector elettrobisturi acute [/əˈkjut/ | /əˈkjuːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more acute, acutest, most acute, acuter, acutes, acuted, acuting) acuto acute accent {noun} (acute accents) accento acuto acute angle {noun} (acute angles) angolo acuto acute triangle {noun} (acute triangles) triangolo acute-angled {adjective} acutangolo acuteness {noun} (acutenesses) acutezza acyclic {adjective} (most acyclic, more acyclic) aciclico acyclovir [/eɪ ˈsaɪ kloʊ viɹ/ | /eɪˈsʌɪkləvɪə/] {noun} (acyclovirs) aciclovir acyl [/ˈæ.sɪl/] {noun} (acyls) acile acylation {noun} (acylations) acilazione acylcarnitine {noun} (acylcarnitines) acilcarnitina acyrology [/ˌæsɪˈɹɒlədʒi/] {noun} acirologia AD {adverb, noun, properNoun} (ADs) d.C. ad [/æd/] {noun, preposition} (ads) inserzione ad hoc [/ˌæd ˈhɑk/ | /ˌæd ˈhɒk/] {adjective, adverb} (most ad hoc, more ad hoc) ad hoc ad infinitum [/ˌæd ɪnfɪˈnaɪtəm/] {adverb} infinitamente ad lib [/æd ˈlɪb/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (more ad lib, most ad lib, ad libs, ad libbing, ad libbed) a volontà ad nauseam [/ˌæd ˈnɑziəm/ | /ˌæd ˈnɒziəm/ | /ˌæd ˈnɔziəm/ | /ˌæd ˈnɔːziəm/] {adverb} ad oltranza | fino allo sfinimento ad- {prefix} ad- ad-lib {verb} (ad-libs, ad-libbed, ad-libbing) improvvisare ad-libbed {adjective, verb} (more ad-libbed, most ad-libbed) improvvisato adactyly {noun} adattilia adage [/ˈæ.dɪdʒ/] {noun} (adages) modo di dire adagietto [/əˌdæ(d)ʒiːˈɛtəʊ/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (adagiettos) adagetto | adagietto adagio {adjective, adverb, noun} (adagios) adagio Adam [/ˈæ.dəm/ | [ˈæɾm̩]] {properNoun} (Adams) Adamo Adam and Eve {properNoun, verb} Adamo ed Eva Adam's apple {noun} (Adam's apples) pomo d'Adamo adamant [/ˈæ.də.mənt/] {adjective, noun} (more adamant, most adamant, adamants) adamantino | irremovibile | ostinato adamantine {adjective} (most adamantine, more adamantine) adamantino adapt [/əˈdæpt/] {adjective, verb} (most adapt, more adapt, adapts, adapting, adapted) adattare | adattarsi | adattato adaptability [/ədæptəˈbɪlɪti/] {noun} (adaptabilities) adattabilità adaptable [/əˈdæptəbəl/] {adjective} (most adaptable, more adaptable) adattabile adaptation [/ˌædæpˈteɪʃən/] {noun} adattamento adapted [/əˈdæptɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more adapted, most adapted) adatto adapter [/əˈdaptə/] {noun} (adapters) adattatore adaptive [/əˈdæp.tɪv/] {adjective} (most adaptive, more adaptive) adattivo add [/æd/] {noun, verb} (adds, added, adding) aggiungere | sommare add fuel to the fire {verb} aggiungere esca al fuoco | mettere benzina sul fuoco add insult to injury {verb} (adds insult to injury, added insult to injury, adding insult to injury) oltre il danno la beffa add oil {verb} (adds oil, added oil, adding oil) insistere add together conglobare add up {verb} (adds up, adding up, added up) sommare add-on {noun} (add-ons) espansione addax [/ˈa.daks/] {noun} (addaxes, addax) addax | antilope dalle corna a vite addedly {adverb} addizionalmente addend [/ˈæd.ɛnd/] {noun, verb} (addends, addended, addending) elemento addendum {noun} (addendums, addenda) aggiunta adder [/ˈædɚ/] {noun} (adders) vipera addict [/əˈ.dɪkt/ | /ˈæ.dɪkt/] {noun, verb} (addicts, addicted, addicting) dipendente addicted [/əˈdɪktɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more addicted, most addicted) dipendente addiction [/əˈdɪkʃən/] {noun} dipendenza addictive [/əˈdɪktɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more addictive, most addictive, addictives) che causa dipendenza | che dà dipendenza adding machine {noun} (adding machines) addizionatrice | calcolo meccanico Addis Ababa [/ˌædɪs ˈæbəbə/] {properNoun} Addis Abeba addition [/əˈdɪʃən/] {noun} addizione | aggiunta addition of sugar zuccheraggio additional [/əˈdɪʃənəl/] {adjective, noun} (additionals) addizionale additionally {adverb} addizionalmente additive [/ˈæ.də.tɪv/ | /ˈæ.dɪ.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most additive, more additive, additives) additivo additive manufacturing {noun} produzione additiva addorsed {adjective} addossato address [/əˈdɹɛs/ | /ˈædɹɛs/] {noun, verb} (addresses, addressing, addressed, addrest) indirizzo | discorso | maniera | rivolgersi address book {noun} (address books) rubrica addressee {noun} (addressees) destinatario addressing [/əˈdɹɛsɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (addressings) riferimento adduce [/əˈd(j)uːs/ | /əˈdjuːs/] {verb} (adduces, adducing, adduced) addurre adductor [/əˈdʌktə(ɹ)/] {noun} (adductors, adductores) adduttore adecticous {adjective} adectico Adela [/ˈæ.də.lə/] {properNoun} Adele Adelaide [/ˈæ.də.leɪd/ | [ˈæ.dɜ.læɪ̯d]] {properNoun} Adelaide Adelard Adelardo adelphic {adjective} (most adelphic, more adelphic) adelfico adelphogamy {noun} incesto Aden {properNoun} Aden adenectomy {noun} (adenectomies) adenectomia adenine [/ˈæ.dəˌniːn/] {noun} adenina adenitis [/ædəˈnaɪtɪs/] {noun} (adenitises, adenitides) adenite adeno- {prefix} adeno- adenocarcinoma {noun} (adenocarcinomata, adenocarcinomas) adenocarcinoma adenohypophysis {noun} (adenohypophyses) adenoipofisi adenoid {adjective, noun} (adenoids) adenoide adenoidal {adjective} (more adenoidal, most adenoidal) adenoide | adenoideo adenoma [/æd ˈənoʊ mʌ/] {noun} (adenomata, adenomas) adenoma adenomatoid {adjective} (most adenomatoid, more adenomatoid) adenomatoso adenomatous {adjective} adenomatoso adenomegaly {noun} (adenomegalies) adenomegalia adenosine [/əˈdɛnə(ʊ)siːn/ | /əˈdɛnəˌsin/] {noun} (adenosines) adenosina adenosine monophosphate {noun} (adenosine monophosphates) adenosina monofosfato adenosine triphosphate {noun} adenosintrifosfato adenovirus {noun} (adenoviruses) adenovirus adenylyl cyclase adenilciclasi adept [/əˈdɛpt/ | /ˈæd.ɛpt/] {adjective, noun} (most adept, adepter, adeptest, more adept, adepts) maestra adequate [/ˈæ.də.kwɪt/ | /ˈæ.dəˌkweɪt/] {adjective, verb} (more adequate, most adequate, adequates, adequating, adequated) adeguato adequately {adverb} (most adequately, more adequately) adeguatamente adequateness {noun} (adequatenesses) adeguatezza adequation {noun} (adequations) adeguamento adermatoglyphia [/eɪˌdɜː.mə.təʊˈɡlɪ.fɪ.ə/ | /eɪˌdɝ.mə.təˈɡlɪ.fi.ə/] {noun} adermatoglifia adessive {adjective, noun} (adessives) adessivo adessive case {noun} (adessive cases) caso adessivo adhere [/ædˈhiɹ/] {verb} (adheres, adhering, adhered) aderire adherence {noun} aderenza adherent [/ædˈ(h)ɪəɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (more adherent, most adherent, adherents) aderente adhesin {noun} (adhesins) adesina adhesion {noun} (adhesions) adesione adhesive [/ædˈhi.sɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more adhesive, most adhesive, adhesives) adesivo adhesive tape {noun} nastro adesivo | scotch adhesiveness {noun} (adhesivenesses) adesività adiabatic [/ˌeɪdaɪəˈbætɪk/] {adjective} adiabatico adiabaticity {noun} (adiabaticities) adiabaticità adicity {noun} (adicities) arietà adieu [/əˈdjuː/ | /əˈdu/] {interjection, noun} (adieus, adieux) addio Adige [/ˈadɪdʒeɪ/] {properNoun} Adige adimensional {adjective} adimensionale adipic {adjective} adipico adipic acid {noun} acido adipico adipo- {prefix} adipo- adipoblast {noun} (adipoblasts) adipoblasto adipocyte {noun} (adipocytes) adipocita adipogenesis {noun} (adipogeneses) adipogenesi adipogenic {adjective} (more adipogenic, most adipogenic) adipogeno adipolysis {noun} adipolisi adipolytic {adjective} (more adipolytic, most adipolytic) adipolitico adiponectin {noun} adiponectina adipose [/ˈæd.ɪ.poʊs/ | /ˈæd.ɪ.pəʊs/] {adjective, noun} (most adipose, more adipose) adiposo adipose tissue {noun} tessuto adiposo adiposis {noun} (adiposes) adiposità adiposity {noun} (adiposities) obesità adiposogenital {adjective} adiposogenitale adipous {adjective} adiposo adjacency {noun} (adjacencies) adiacenza adjacency matrix {noun} (adjacency matrixes, adjacency matrices) matrice di adiacenza adjacent [/əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/] {adjective, noun, preposition} (adjacents) adiacente adjectival [/ˌæ.dʒəkˈtaɪ.vəl/ | /ˌæ.dʒɛkˈtaɪ.vəl/] {adjective, noun} (more adjectival, most adjectival, adjectivals) aggettivale adjective [/ˈæ.d͡ʒɪk.tɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (adjectives, adjectiving, adjectived) aggettivo | aggettivare adjectivization {noun} aggettivazione adjectivize {verb} (adjectivizes, adjectivized, adjectivizing) aggettivare adjoin [/əˈdʒɔɪn/] {verb} (adjoins, adjoining, adjoined) aggiungere adjoining [/ʌˈd͡ʒɔɪn.ɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more adjoining, most adjoining) adiacente | attiguo adjourn [/əˈdʒɜːn/ | /əˈdʒɝn/] {verb} (adjourns, adjourning, adjourned) esporsi adjourned {adjective, verb} (most adjourned, more adjourned) sospeso adjournment {noun} aggiornamento adjudicate [/əˈdʒudɪˌkeɪt/] {verb} (adjudicates, adjudicated, adjudicating) pronunciarsi adjudication [/ə(d)ˌd͡ʒu.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} aggiudicazione adjudicator [/æ.dʒu.dɪˈkeɪ.tɔɹ/] {noun} (adjudicators) arbitro adjunct [/ˈædʒ.ʌŋkt/] {adjective, noun} (more adjunct, most adjunct, adjuncts) attributo adjure [/ædˈdʒʊɹ/ | /ədˈdʒʊə/] {verb} (adjures, adjured, adjuring) guidare adjust [/əˈdʒʌst/] {verb} (adjusts, adjusted, adjusting) adattare | adeguare | regolare adjustable {adjective, noun} (most adjustable, more adjustable, adjustables) regolabile | modificabile adjustable spanner {noun} (adjustable spanners) chiave regolabile adjusted [/əˈdʒʌstɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most adjusted, more adjusted) aggiustato adjustment [/əˈdʒʌst.mənt/] {noun} adattamento | inserimento adjutant [/ˈæ.dʒə.tənt/] {adjective, noun} (adjutants) aiutante adjuvant [/ˈædʒ.ə.vənt/] {adjective, noun} (adjuvants) adiuvante | coadiuvante adminiculare sostenere administer [/ədˈmɪnɪstɚ/] {verb} (administers, administering, administered) amministrare administration [/ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən/] {noun} (administrations) amministrazione | somministrazione administrative [/ədˈmɪ.nəsˌtɹeɪ.ɾɪv/] {adjective} (more administrative, most administrative) amministrativo administrative department direzione administrative geography geografia amministrativa administrative law {noun} diritto amministrativo administrative police polizia amministrativa administratively {adverb} amministrativamente administrator [/ədˈmɪnɪstɹeɪtə/ | /ədˈmɪnɪstɹeɪtɚ/] {noun} (administrators) amministratore admirable [/ˈæd.məɹ.ə.bəl/] {adjective} (more admirable, most admirable) ammirabile admirably [/ˈæd.mɪɹ.əˌbli/] {adverb} (more admirably, most admirably) ammirevolmente admiral [/ˈæd.mə.ɹəl/] {noun} (admirals) ammiraglio admiral of the fleet {noun} (admirals of the fleet) grande ammiraglio admiral ship ammiraglia admiralship {noun} (admiralships) ammiragliato admiralty [/ˈæd.mɪ.ɹəl.ti/] {noun} (admiralties) ammiragliato Admiralty Islands {properNoun} Isole dell'Ammiragliato admiration [/ˌæd.mɚˈeɪʃ.ən/] {noun} ammirazione admire [/ədˈmaɪə/ | /ədˈmaɪɹ/] {verb} (admires, admiring, admired) ammirare admirer [/ædˈmaɪɚ.ɹɚ/ | /ədˈmaɪ.ɹɚ/] {noun} (admirers) ammiratore | ammiratrice admiring [/æd.ˈmaɪ.ɚ.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most admiring, more admiring, admirings) ammirativo admiringly {adverb} (most admiringly, more admiringly) ammirazione admissible {adjective} (most admissible, more admissible) ammissibile admissibly {adverb} (more admissibly, most admissibly) accettabilmente admission [/ædˈmɪʃ.ən/] {noun} ammissione admit [/ədˈmɪt/] {verb} (admits, admitting, admitted) ammettere | riconoscere | far entrare | ricoverare admittance [/ədˈmɪt.n̩s/] {noun} ammettenza admitted [/ədˈmɪtɪd/] {verb} ammesso admittedly {adverb} (more admittedly, most admittedly) certamente admixture {noun} mescolanza admonish [/ædˈmɑn.ɪʃ/ | /ədˈmɒn.ɪʃ/] {verb} (admonishes, admonished, admonishing) esortare admonishment {noun} ammonizione admonition {noun} (admonitions) ammonimento adnuens acquiescente ado [/əˈduː/] {noun} baccano adogmatic {adjective} adogmatico adolescence [/ˌædəˈlɛsəns/] {noun} adolescenza adolescent [/ˌædəˈlɛsənt/] {adjective, noun} (more adolescent, most adolescent, adolescents) adolescente Adolph [/ˈeɪ.dɔlf/ | /ˈæ.dɒlf/] {properNoun} (Adolphs) Adolfo Adonai [/əˈdəʊ.nʌɪ/ | /ˌæ.dəˈnaɪ/] {properNoun} Adonai Adonis [/əˈdoʊnɪs/] {noun, properNoun} (Adonises, Adonides) Adone adopt [/əˈdɑpt/ | /əˈdɒpt/] {verb} (adopts, adopting, adopted) adottare adoptable {adjective, noun} (more adoptable, most adoptable, adoptables) adottabile adoptee {noun} (adoptees) adottata | adottate | adottati | adottato adopter {noun} (adopters) adottatore adoption [/əˈdɑp.ʃən/ | /əˈdɒp.ʃən/] {noun} adozione | conversione | migrazione adoptionism {noun} adozionismo adoptive {adjective} adottivo adoptive father {noun} (adoptive fathers) padre adottivo adoptive mother {noun} (adoptive mothers) madre adottiva adorable [/əˈdɔːɹəbəl/] {adjective} (most adorable, more adorable) adorabile adorably [/əˈdɔɹəbli/] {adverb} (most adorably, more adorably) adorabilmente adoral {adjective} adorale adorare venerare adoration [/ˌæ.dəˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌæ.dɚˈɹeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} adorazione adorcism {noun} adorcismo adore [/əˈdo(ː)ɹ/ | /əˈdoə̯/ | /əˈdɔɹ/ | /əˈdɔː/] {verb} (adores, adoring, adored) adorare adorer {noun} (adorers) adoratore adorn [/əˈdɔɹn/ | /əˈdɔː(ɹ)n/] {adjective, noun, verb} (adorns, adorning, adorned) adornare | abbellire | decorare | ornare | contornare | fregiare adorn oneself with borrowed plumes {verb} (adorns oneself with borrowed plumes, adorned oneself with borrowed plumes, adorning oneself with borrowed plumes) coprirsi con le penne del pavone adorned [/əˈdɔɹnd/ | /əˈdɔːnd/] {adjective, verb} (more adorned, most adorned) adornato adornment {noun} decorazione adposition [/ˈæd.pəˌzɪ.ʃən/] {noun} (adpositions) preposizione adrenal [/æˈdɹiːnəl/] {adjective, noun} (most adrenal, more adrenal, adrenals) adrenale adrenal gland {noun} (adrenal glands) surrene adrenalectomy {noun} (adrenalectomies) surrenectomia adrenaline [/əˈdɹɛnəlɪn/] {noun} (adrenalines) adrenalina adrenergic {adjective, noun} (more adrenergic, most adrenergic, adrenergics) adrenergico adreno- {prefix} adreno- adrenocorticotropic {adjective} (more adrenocorticotropic, most adrenocorticotropic) adrenocorticotropo adrenokinetic adrenocinetico adrenoleukodystrophy {noun} (adrenoleukodystrophies) adrenoleucodistrofia adrenolytic {adjective} adrenolitico adrenomedullary {adjective} adrenomedullare adrenosterone {noun} adrenosterone adrenotropic {adjective} adrenocinetico adret [/əˈdɹeɪ/ | /ˈædɹeɪ/] {noun} (adrets) adret Adria {properNoun} Adria Adrian [/ˈeɪ.dɹiː.ən/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Adrian, most Adrian) Adriano Adriatic [/ˌeɪ.dɹiˈæt.ɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} adriatico Adriatic Sea [/eɪ.dɹiˈæt.ɪk/] {properNoun} mare Adriatico adrift [/əˈdɹɪft/] {adjective, adverb} (more adrift, most adrift) alla deriva adroit [/əˈdɹɔɪt/] {adjective} (adroitest, most adroit, adroiter, more adroit) abile adroitness {noun} (adroitnesses) abilità | destrezza | maestria | perizia adscript {adjective, noun} (adscripts) servo adsorb [/ədˈzɔːb/] {verb} (adsorbs, adsorbed, adsorbing) adsorbire adsorption {noun} adsorbimento adstratum {noun} (adstrata) adstrato adularia {noun} (adularias) adularia adulate {verb} (adulates, adulating, adulated) adulare adulation [/ˌædʒəˈleɪʃən/ | /ˌædʒʊˈleɪʃən/] {noun} adulazione adulator {noun} (adulators) adulatrice | adulatore adulatory {adjective} (most adulatory, more adulatory) adulatorio adult [/əˈdʌlt/ | /ˈæd.ʌlt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more adult, most adult, adults, adulting, adulted) adulto | adulta | per adulti adulterate {adjective, verb} (most adulterate, more adulterate, adulterates, adulterating, adulterated) adulterare adulterated {adjective, verb} sofisticato adulterer [/əˈdʌltəɹə/ | /əˈdʌltəɹɚ/] {noun} adultera | adultero adulteress {noun} adultera adulterine [/əˈdʌltəɹaɪn/ | /əˈdʌltəɹiːn/] {adjective, noun} (most adulterine, more adulterine, adulterines) adulterino adulterous {adjective} (most adulterous, more adulterous) adultero adultery [/əˈdʌltəɹi/] {noun} (adulteries) adulterio adulthood {noun} (adulthoods) maturità adultization {noun} adultizzazione adumbrate [/ˈædʌmˌbɹeɪt/] {verb} (adumbrates, adumbrated, adumbrating) abbattere adumbration [/ˌædəmˈbɹeɪʃ(ə)n/ | /ˌædʌmˈbɹeɪʃ(ə)n/] {noun} abbozzo | adombramento | adombrazione | schizzo adunc [/ˈæ.dʌnk/] {adjective} (more adunc, most adunc) gancio advance [/ədˈvaːns/ | /ədˈvæns/ | /ədˈvɑːns/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most advance, more advance, advances, advancing, advanced) avanzare | avanzata | avanzo | progresso advance directive {noun} (advance directives) dichiarazione anticipata di trattamento | disposizione anticipata di trattamento advance guard {noun} (advance guards) avanguardia advanced [/ədˈvænst/ | /ədˈvɑːnst/] {adjective, verb} (furthest advanced, further advanced, most advanced, more advanced) avanzato advancement [/ædˈvæns.mɛnt/ | /ɛdˈvæns.mɛnt/] {noun} anticipo sull'eredità advantage [/ədˈvæn.tɪdʒ/ | /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (advantages, advantaged, advantaging) vantaggio advantaged {adjective, verb} (most advantaged, more advantaged) privilegiato advantageous [/ˌædvənˈteɪd͡ʒəs/] {adjective} (more advantageous, most advantageous) vantaggioso advantageously {adverb} (most advantageously, more advantageously) vantaggiosamente | proficuamente | profittevolmente advection [/ædˈvɛkʃən/] {noun} avvezione advection fog {noun} nebbia advezione Advent {properNoun} Avvento | avvento advent [/ˈæd.vɛnt/] {noun} (advents) avvento Advent calendar {noun} (Advent calendars) calendario dell'avvento Advent cross croce di Sant'Antonio Adventist {adjective, noun} (more Adventist, most Adventist, Adventists) avventista adventitious [/ˌæd.vənˈtɪʃ.əs/] {adjective} (more adventitious, most adventitious) acquisito | aleatorio | ausiliario | avventizio | ectopico | esogeno adventure [/ədˈvɛnt͡ʃə/ | /ədˈvɛnt͡ʃɚ/] {noun, verb} (adventures, adventured, adventuring) avventura | peripezia | rischio | speculazione adventure playground {noun} (adventure playgrounds) parco Robinson adventurer [/ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ɚ/] {noun} (adventurers) avventuriero adventuresome {adjective} (most adventuresome, more adventuresome) avventuroso adventuress [/ədˈvɛntʃəɹɪs/] {noun} (adventuresses) avventuriera adventurism [/ədˈvɛn(t)ʃəɹɪz(ə)m/] {noun} avventurismo adventurous [/ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ʌs/] {adjective} (most adventurous, more adventurous) avventuroso adverb [/ˈæd.vɜːb/ | /ˈæd.vɝb/] {noun, verb} (adverbs, adverbed, adverbing) avverbio adverbial [/ædˈvɝbi.əl/ | /ədˈvɜːbi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most adverbial, more adverbial, adverbials) avverbiale adverbial participle {noun} (adverbial participles) gerundio adverbial phrase {noun} (adverbial phrases) locuzione avverbiale adverbially {adverb} avverbialmente adversary [/ædˈvɜː.sə.ɹi/ | /ˈæd.və.s(ə)ɹi/ | /ˈæd.və.sɛɹi/ | /ˈæd.vəɹ.sɛɹi/] {noun} (adversaries) avversario | avversaria adversative {adjective, noun} (adversatives) avversativo adverse [/ˈæd.və(ɹ)s/] {adjective} (adverser, adversest) contrario | avverso | ostile adverse effect {noun} (adverse effects) effetto collaterale adversity [/ædˈvɜː.sɪ.ti/ | /ædˈvɝ.sɪ.ti/] {noun} (adversities) avversità

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