Читать книгу The Great Dictionary English - Italian - Benjamin Maximilian Eisenhauer - Страница 15
Оглавлениеchiliarch {noun} (chiliarchs) chiliarca chiliasm [/ˈkɪ.lɪæ.z(ə)m/] {noun} (chiliasms) chiliasmo | millenarismo chill [/tʃɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chill, most chill, chills, chilling, chilled) rilassarsi | freddo | brivido | brivido di freddo | calmarsi | freddezza chill out {noun, verb} (chill outs, chills out, chilling out, chilled out) calmarsi | rilassarsi chilliness {noun} (chillinesses) gelo chilling [/ˈtʃɪlɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chilling, most chilling, chillings) spaventoso chills [/tʃɪlz/] {noun, verb} brivido chilly [/ˈtʃɪli/] {adjective, noun} (chiller, chillest, chillies) freddo chime [/ˈtʃaɪm/] {noun, verb} (chimes, chimed, chiming) carillon chime in {verb} interloquire Chimera {properNoun} chimera chimera [/kaɪˈmɪəɹə/ | /kʌɪˈmɪəɹə/] {noun} (chimeras) chimera chimeric [/kɪˈmɛɹɪk/] {adjective} (most chimeric, more chimeric) chimerico chimerical [/kɪˈmɛɹɪkəl/] {adjective} (more chimerical, most chimerical) chimerico chimney [/tʃɪmni/] {noun, verb} (chimneys, chimneyed, chimneying) camino | ciminiera | bulbo | fumaiolo chimney flashing {noun} faldale chimney sweep {noun} (chimney sweeps) spazzacamino chimp [/tʃɪmp/] {noun, verb} (chimps, chimped, chimping) scimpanzé chimpanzee [/tʃɪmˈpæn.zi/] {noun} (chimpanzees) scimpanzé chin [/tʃɪn/] {noun, verb} (chins, chinning, chinned) mento chin up {phraseologicalUnit} coraggio China [/ˈt͡ʃaɪnə/] {noun, properNoun} (Chinas) Cina china [/tʃʌɪnə/] {noun} porcellana China syndrome {noun} sindrome cinese Chinaman [/ˈtʃaɪnəmən/] {noun} (Chinamen) cinese chinchilla [/tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə/] {noun} cincillà chine [/tʃaɪn/] {noun, verb} (chines, chined, chining, chone, chane) dorsale chine of pork arista Chinese [/t͡ʃaɪˈniːz/ | /ˈt͡ʃaɪniːz/ | /ˈt͡ʃaɪˌniz/ | /ˌt͡ʃaɪˈniz/] {adjective, noun} (most Chinese, more Chinese, Chinese) cinese | cinesi | cibo cinese | ideogrammi cinesi Chinese cabbage {noun} (Chinese cabbages) cavolo cinese | cavolo di Pechino Chinese character {noun} (Chinese characters) carattere cinese Chinese checkers {noun} dama cinese Chinese cinnamon {noun} autodemolizione Chinese Crested Dog {noun} (Chinese Crested Dogs) cane nudo cinese Chinese parsley {noun} coriandolo Chinese studies {noun} sinologia Chinese Wall {noun} (Chinese Walls) Grande muraglia cinese Chinese whispers {noun} telefono senza fili | telegrafo senza fili Chinglish {adjective, properNoun} (more Chinglish, most Chinglish) cinglese chink [/tʃɪŋk/] {noun, verb} (chinks, chinking, chinked) crepa chinois {noun} (chinoises) arabo chinoiserie [/ʃiːnwɑːzəˈɹiː/] {noun} cineseria chinotto chinotto chinrest {noun} (chinrests) mentoniera chintz [/tʃɪnts/] {noun} (chintzes) chintz Chios [/ˈki.ɑs/ | /ˈkiː.ɒs/] {properNoun} Chio chip [/tʃɪp/] {noun, verb} (chips, chipping, chipped) chip | patatina | fiche | frammento | gettone | scheggia chip off the old block {noun} (chips off the old block, chips off old blocks) tale padre, tale figlio chipboard {noun} truciolato chipmunk {noun, verb} (chipmunks, chipmunked, chipmunking) tamia | chipmunk chipper [/ˈtʃɪpə/ | /ˈtʃɪpɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chippers, chippered, chippering, more chipper, most chipper) sminuzzatrice chiral [/ˈkaɪɹəl/] {adjective} chirale chirality [/kaɪˈɹælɪti/] {noun} (chiralities) chiralità chirograph {noun} (chirographs) chirografo chirography {noun} (chirographies) chirografia chiromancer [/ˈkaɪɹə(ʊ)mænsə/ | /ˈkaɪɹəˌmænsɚ/] {noun} (chiromancers) chirologo | chiromante chiromancy [/ˈkaɪ.ɹəʊ.mæn.si/] {noun} (chiromancies) chiromanzia Chiron [/ˈkaɪɹən/] {properNoun} Chirone chiropodist [/kɪˈrɒpədɪst/] {noun} (chiropodists) callista chiropractor [/ˈkaɪ.ɹəˌpɹæk.tə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chiropractors) chiropratico chiropter {noun} (chiropters) maglio chirp [/tʃɜː(ɹ)p/] {noun, verb} (chirps, chirped, chirping) frinire | cinguettare | cinguettio | stridio | trillo chirping {noun, verb} (chirpings) cicaleccio chirr [/t͡ʃɜː/ | /t͡ʃɝ/] {noun, verb} (chirrs, chirred, chirring) frinire chirrup {noun, verb} (chirrups, chirruping, chirruped) cinguettare chisel [/ˈtʃɪzəl/] {noun, verb} (chisels, chiselled, chiseling, chiselling, chiseled) scalpello | cesellare | cesello Chisinau {properNoun} Chisinau | Chișinău chit [/t͡ʃɪt/] {interjection, noun, verb} (chits, chitted, chitting) foglietto chit-chat {noun, verb} (chit-chats, chit-chatting, chit-chatted) chiacchiera | ciarla | diceria | maldicenza | pettegolezzo chitin [/ˈkaɪtɪn/] {noun} chitina chiton [/ˈkaɪtn̩/] {noun} (chitons, chitones) chitone chitosan {noun} (chitosans) chitosano Chitral {properNoun} Chitral chitterlings [/ˈtʃɪ.tɚ.lɪŋz/ | [ˈtʃɪtˤ.lɪnz]] {noun} frattaglie chivalrous [/ˈʃɪv.əl.ɹʌs/] {adjective} (more chivalrous, most chivalrous) cavalleresco | galante chivalrously {adverb} (most chivalrously, more chivalrously) cavallerescamente chivalry [/ˈʃɪvəlɹi/] {noun} (chivalries) cavalleria chive [/tʃaɪv/] {noun, verb} (chives, chiving, chived) erba cipollina | cipolletta chlamydia [/kləˈmɪd.i.ə/] {noun} (chlamydias, chlamydiae) chlamydia chlamys [/ˈklamɪs/ | /ˈklæmɪs/] {noun} (chlamyses, chlamydes) clamide Chloe [/ˈkloʊ.i/] {properNoun} Cloe chloracne {noun} (chloracnes) cloracne chloral {noun} (chlorals) cloralio chloralkali {noun} (chloralkalis) clorosoda chloralkaline {adjective} cloroalcalino chloramine {noun} (chloramines) clorammina chlorargyrite {noun} clorargirite chlorate {noun} (chlorates) clorato chloremia {noun} cloremia chloric {adjective} clorico chloric acid {noun} acido clorico chloride [/ˈklɔːɹaɪd/] {noun} (chlorides) cloruro chloridrin cloridrina chlorinate [/ˈklɒ.ɹɪ.neɪt/] {verb} (chlorinates, chlorinating, chlorinated) clorurare chlorination [/ˌklɒ.ɹɪ.ˈneɪ.ʃən/] {noun} clorazione chlorine [/ˈklɔɹin/ | /ˈklɔːɹiːn/] {noun} (chlorines) cloro chlorine bleach varechina chlorite [/ˈklɔːɹʌɪt/] {noun} clorite | clorito chloroauric {adjective} cloroaurico chlorobenzene {noun} (chlorobenzenes) clorobenzene chloroborate {noun} (chloroborates) cloroborato chlorochromate {noun} (chlorochromates) clorocromato chlorocruorin {noun} clorocruorina chlorofibre {noun} clorofibra chlorofluorocarbon {noun} (chlorofluorocarbons) clorofluorocarburo chloroform [/ˈklɔːɹə(ʊ)̩fɔː(ɹ)m/] {noun, verb} (chloroforms, chloroforming, chloroformed) cloroformio | cloroformizzare chlorogenic {adjective} clorogenico chlorophyll [/ˈklɔɹ.ə.fɪl/ | /ˈklɔː.ɹə.fɪl/] {noun} (chlorophylls) clorofilla chlorophyllic {adjective} (most chlorophyllic, more chlorophyllic) clorofilliano chloroplast [/ˈklɔːrəʊˌplæst/] {noun} (chloroplasts) cloroplasto chloroplatinate {noun} (chloroplatinates) cloroplatinato chloroprene {noun} (chloroprenes) cloroprene chlorosis {noun} (chloroses) clorosi chlorous {adjective} cloroso chock [/tʃɑk/ | /tʃɒk/] {adverb, noun, verb} (chocks, chocking, chocked) tacco chock full {adjective} (most chock full, more chock full) pieno zeppo | satollo chocolate [/ˈt͡ʃɑk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɒk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔk(ə)lət/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔːk(ə)lət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chocolate, most chocolate, chocolates, chocolating, chocolated) cioccolato | cioccolata | pralina | cioccolatino | color cioccolato chocolate bar {noun} (chocolate bars) tavoletta di cioccolata chocolate brown marrone cioccolata chocolate cake {noun} torta al cioccolato chocolate factory cioccolateria chocolate milk {noun} (chocolate milks) latte al cioccolato chocolate truffle {noun} (chocolate truffles) tartufo | tartufo al cioccolato chocolatier {adjective, noun} (chocolatiers) cioccolatiere choice [/tʃɔɪs/] {adjective, noun} (more choice, choicer, most choice, choicest) scelta | di prima scelta | ottima | ottimo choir [/kwaɪə(ɹ)/ | /kwaɪɚ/] {noun, verb} (choirs, quires, choiring, choired, quired, quiring) coro choke [/t͡ʃoʊk/ | /t͡ʃəʊk/] {noun, verb} (chokes, choked, choking) strangolare | soffocare | asfissiare | starter | strozzare choker [/ˈtʃoʊkɚ/ | /ˈtʃəʊkə/] {noun} (chokers) girocollo | collana | strangolatore | strangolatrice choking [/ˈtʃoʊkɪŋ/ | /ˈtʃəʊkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (chokings) soffocamento cholangitis {noun} (cholangitides) angiocolite cholecystectomy {noun} (cholecystectomies) colecistectomia cholecystitis {noun} (cholecystites, cholecystitides) colecistite cholecystokinin {noun} (cholecystokinins) colecistochinina choledochitis {noun} coledocite cholera [/ˈkɑləɹə/ | /ˈkɒləɹə/] {noun} colera cholerine {noun} colerina cholesteric {adjective, noun} (most cholesteric, more cholesteric, cholesterics) colesterico cholesterol {noun} colesterolo cholesterolemia {noun} colesterolemia choline [/ˈkoʊliːn/] {noun} (cholines) colina cholinergic {adjective, noun} (most cholinergic, more cholinergic, cholinergics) colinergico chomp [/tʃɒmp/ | /t͡ʃɔmp/] {noun, verb} (chomps, chomped, chomping) masticare in modo rumoroso chondro condro- chondroblast {noun} (chondroblasts) condroblasto chondrodysplasia {noun} condrodisplasia chondroma {noun} (chondromata, chondromas) condroma chondronectin {noun} condronectina chondrosarcoma {noun} (chondrosarcomas, chondrosarcomata) condrosarcoma Chongqing [/ˈtʃɔŋˈtʃɪŋ/] {properNoun} Chongqing chook [/tʃʊk/] {interjection, noun} (chooks) chioccia choose [/t͡ʃuːz/] {conjunction, noun, verb} (chooses, chosen, choosing, chose) scegliere | decidere | eleggere | selezionare choosy {adjective} (choosest, chooser) fare gli schizzinosi chop [/tʃɒp/] {noun, verb} (chops, chopping, chopped) braciola | costoletta | costata | taglio | tagliare | alla pari chop suey {noun} chop suey | piatto cantonese con carne e verdure chop-chop {adverb, interjection, noun} affrettatevi | affrettati chopper [/ˈtʃɑ.pɚ/ | /ˈtʃɒp.ə/ | /ˈtʃɔp.ə/] {noun, verb} (choppers, choppered, choppering) elicottero chopping {adjective, noun, verb} (more chopping, most chopping, choppings) taglio chopping board {noun} (chopping boards) tagliere choppy [/ˈtʃɒ.pi/] {adjective} (chopper, choppest) increspato chopstick {noun, verb} (chopsticks, chopsticked, chopsticking) bacchetta chor {verb} (chors, chorrin, chorred) cantoria choral [/ˈkɒɹɑːl/ | /ˈkɔɹəl/ | /ˈkɔːɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (chorals) corale chorale [/kɔːˈɹɑːl/] {noun} (chorales) corale chord [/kɔɹd/ | /kɔː(ɹ)d/] {noun, verb} (chords, chorded, chording) accordo | corda chordal {adjective} cordale chordate [/ˈkɔːdeɪt/ | /ˈkɔːɹdeɪt/] {adjective, noun} (chordates) cordato chordophone {noun} (chordophones) cordofono chore [/tʃo(ː)ɹ/ | /tʃoə/ | /tʃɔɹ/ | /tʃɔː/] {noun, verb} (chores, chored, choring) corvè chorea {noun} (choreae, choreæ, choreas) corea choreographer {noun} (choreographers) coreografo choreographic {adjective} coreografico choreographically {adverb} (more choreographically, most choreographically) coreograficamente choreography [/ˌkɔɹ.iˈɒɡ.ɹə.fi/] {noun} (choreographies) coreografia choreutic coreutica chorion {noun} (chorions, choria) corion chorionic {adjective} corionico chorionic villus sampling {noun} villocentesi chorioretinitis {noun} corioretinite chorister {noun} (choristers) cantore | corista chorizo [/tʃɒˈɹiː.zəʊ/ | /tʃɒˈɹiːsəʊ/ | /tʃɒˈɹiːθəʊ/ | /tʃɔˈɹisɔ/ | /tʃɔˈɹiθɔ/ | /tʃəˈɹi.zoʊ/] {noun} chorizo chorography {noun} (chorographies) corografia choroid [/ˈkɔɹˌɔɪd/ | /ˈkɔː.ɹɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (choroids) coroide choronym {noun} (choronyms) coronimo chortle [/ˈt͡ʃɔɹtəl/] {noun, verb} (chortles, chortling, chortled) chortle chorus [/ˈkɔːɹəs/] {noun, verb} (choruses, chorused, chorusing, chorussing, chorussed) coro chorus line {noun} (chorus lines) corps de ballet chosen [/ˈtʃoʊ.zən/ | /ˈtʃəʊ.zən/] {adjective, verb} (more chosen, most chosen) scelto chotki [/ˈt͡ʃoʊtki/ | /ˈt͡ʃɒtki/] {noun} (chotki, chotkis) corda di preghiera chough [/tʃʌf/] {noun} (choughs) gracchio choux pastry [/ʃuː ˈpeɪstɹi/] {noun} (choux pastries) pasta choux chow [/tʃaʊ/] {noun, verb} (chows, chowed, chowing) foraggio chowder [/ˈtʃaʊdɚ/] {noun, verb} (chowders, chowdering, chowdered) pentola chrematistics {noun} crematistica chrestomathy [/kɹɛˈstɒməθi/] {noun} (chrestomathies) crestomazia chrism [/ˈkɹɪz(ə)m/] {noun} crisma Christ [/kɹaɪst/] {interjection, noun, properNoun} (Christs) Cristo | porco Dio | porcodio Christ child {properNoun} Gesù Bambino Christ's thorn {noun} (Christ's thorns) marruca Christa {properNoun} Cristina Christadelphian {adjective, noun} (Christadelphians) Cristadelfiano | cristadelfiano christen [/ˈkɹɪsən/] {verb} (christens, christening, christened) battezzare | inaugurare Christendom [/ˈkɹɪsn̩dəm/] {noun} cristianità christening {noun, verb} (christenings) battesimo Christian [/ˈkɹɪʃtʃən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Christian, more Christian, Christians) cristiano | cristiana | Cristiano christian cristiano Christian Democracy {noun} Democrazia Cristiana Christian democracy {noun} cristianesimo democratico Christian name {noun} (Christian names) nome di battesimo Christiana {properNoun} Cristiana Christianism {noun} cristianità Christianity [/ˌkɹɪstiˈænɪti/ | /ˌkɹɪstʃiˈænɪti/] {properNoun} (Christianities) cristianesimo | cristianità Christianization {noun} (Christianizations) cristianizzazione Christianize {verb} (Christianizes, Christianized, Christianizing) cristianizzare Christianlike {adjective} (more Christianlike, most Christianlike) cristiano Christianly {adjective, adverb} (more Christianly, most Christianly) cristiano Christianophobe {noun} (Christianophobes) cristianofoba | cristianofobo Christianophobia {noun} cristianofobia christianophobia cristianofobia christie {noun} (christies) kristiania Christina [/kɹɪsˈtiːnə/] {properNoun} Cristina Christine [/kɹɪsˈtiːn/] {properNoun} Cristina Christkind {properNoun} Gesù bambino Christmas [/ˈkɹɪsməs/] {adjective, properNoun} (Christmases) Natale Christmas carol {noun} (Christmas carols) canto natalizio | canzone natalizia Christmas Day {noun} (Christmas Days) Natale Christmas Eve {properNoun} Vigilia | Vigilia di Natale Christmas ham {noun} prosciutto di Natale Christmas Island {properNoun} Isola del Natale Christmas market {noun} (Christmas markets) mercatino di Natale Christmas star {properNoun} poinsettia Christmas time {noun} periodo natalizio Christmas tree [/ˈkɹɪsməs tɹiː/] {noun} (Christmas trees) albero di Natale Christmassy {adjective} (Christmasser, Christmassest) natalizio Christological {adjective} (most Christological, more Christological) cristologico Christology [/kɹɪˈstɑlədʒi/] {noun} (Christologies) cristologia Christopher [/ˈkɹɪs.tə.fə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Cristoforo chromate {noun} (chromates) cromato chromatic {adjective} cromatico chromatic number {noun} (chromatic numbers) numero cromatico chromaticity {noun} (chromaticities) cromaticità chromatin [/ˈkɹəʊmətɪn/] {noun} (chromatins) cromatina chromatinic {adjective} cromatinico chromatogram {noun} (chromatograms) cromatogramma chromatograph {noun, verb} (chromatographs, chromatographed, chromatographing) cromatografo chromatography [/ˌkɹəʊ.məˈtɒɡɹə.fi/] {noun} (chromatographies) cromatografia chromatophore {noun} (chromatophores) cromatoforo chrome [/kɹoʊm/ | /kɹəʊm/] {noun, verb} (chromes, chromed, chroming) cromare chrome green verde cromo chrominance {noun} crominanza chromite {noun} cromite chromium [/ˈkɹoʊmi.əm/] {noun} cromo chromium plating {noun, verb} cromatura chromodynamics {noun} cromodinamica chromone {noun} cromone chromonema {noun} (chromonemata) cromonema chromophore {noun} (chromophores) cromoforo chromophoric {adjective} cromoforo chromoprotein {noun} (chromoproteins) cromoproteina chromosomal {adjective} cromosomico chromosome [/ˈkɹoʊməˌsoʊm/ | /ˈkɹəʊ.məˌsəʊm/] {noun} (chromosomes) cromosoma chromosphere {noun} (chromospheres) cromosfera chromospheric {adjective} cromosferico chromotherapy {noun} (chromotherapies) cromoterapia chronic [/ˈkɹɒnɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more chronic, most chronic) cronico chronic obstructive pulmonary disease {noun} (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases) broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva chronically {adverb} (most chronically, more chronically) cronicamente chronicity [/kɹɑˈnɪsɪti/ | /kɹɒˈnɪsɪti/] {noun} (chronicities) cronicità chronicle [/ˈkɹɒnɪkəl/] {noun, verb} (chronicles, chronicled, chronicling) cronaca | notizia chronicled {verb} documentato chronicler {noun} (chroniclers) cronista Chronicles {properNoun} Croniche chronicling {noun, verb} (chroniclings) annalistica chrono crono- chrono- {prefix} crono- chronobiology {noun} (chronobiologies) cronobiologia chronogram {noun} (chronograms) cronogramma chronological [/ˌkɹɒnəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/] {adjective} (most chronological, more chronological) cronologico chronologically {adverb} (more chronologically, most chronologically) cronologicamente chronologist [/kɹəˈnɒlədʒɪst/] {noun} (chronologists) cronologista | cronologo chronology [/kɹəˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/] {noun} (chronologies) cronologia chronometer [/kɹəˈnɒm.ə.tə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chronometers) cronometro chronometry {noun} (chronometries) cronometria chronophotography {noun} cronofotografia Chronos {properNoun} Crono chronostratigraphy {noun} cronostratigrafia chronotaxis {noun} (chronotaxes) cronotassi chrysalis [/ˈkɹɪsəlɪs/] {noun} (chrysalises, chrysalides) crisalide chrysanthemum {noun} (chrysanthemums) crisantemo Chrysanthemum Throne {properNoun} trono del crisantemo chryselephantine [/kɹɪsɛlɪˈfæntɪn/] {adjective} criselefantino chrysene {noun} crisene chryso- {prefix} criso- chrysoberyl [/ˈkɹɪsə(ʊ)bɛɹɪl/] {noun} crisoberillo chrysocolla {noun} crisocolla chrysography {noun} crisografia chrysopoeia [/kɹɪsəˈpiːə/] {noun} crisopea | pietra filosofale chrysoprase {noun} (chrysoprases) crisoprasio chrysotherapy {noun} (chrysotherapies) crisoterapia chthonic [/ˈkθɒnɪk/ | /ˈθɑnɪk/] {adjective} (most chthonic, more chthonic) ctonico chub [/tʃʌb/] {noun} (chubs, chub) cavedano chubby [/ˈtʃʌbi/] {adjective, noun} (chubbest, chubber, chubbies) paffuto | paffutello | cicciuto | grassoccio | pienotto chuck [/tʃʌk/] {noun, verb} (chucks, chucking, chucked) mandrino | buffetto | buttare via | gettare | lanciare | mollare chucker-out {noun} (chucker-outs) buttafuori chuckle [/ˈt͡ʃʌkəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chuckles, chuckled, chuckling, most chuckle, more chuckle) chiocciare chuffed [/ˈtʃʌft/] {adjective, verb} (most chuffed, more chuffed) soddisfatto chug [/tʃʌɡ/] {noun, verb} (chugs, chugging, chugged) crepitare | ingollare | ingurgitare | sbuffo | scoppiettare | scoppiettio Chukchi [/ˈtʃuktʃiː/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chukchis, Chukchi) ciukcio Chukotka {properNoun} Čukči chum [/tʃʌm/] {noun, verb} (chums, chumming, chummed) amico | compagno di stanza | vicino di stanza chummily {adverb} (most chummily, more chummily) amichevolmente chump [/tʃʌmp/] {noun, verb} (chumps, chumping, chumped) allocco | balordo | credulone | fesso | grullo | ottuso chunder [/ˈtʃandə/ | /ˈtʃɐndə/] {noun, verb} (chunders, chundered, chundering) rigettare chunk [/t͡ʃʌŋk/] {noun, verb} (chunks, chunked, chunking) pezzo | tocco chunky [/ˈtʃʌŋki/] {adjective, noun} (chunkest, chunker, more chunky, most chunky) grassottello chunter [/ˈtʃʌn.tə/ | /ˈtʃʌn.tɚ/] {verb} (chunters, chuntering, chuntered) bisbigliare | borbottare | brontolare | sussurrare Chur [/kuːɹ/] {properNoun} Coira Church {properNoun} chiesa church [/t͡ʃɜːt͡ʃ/ | /t͡ʃɝt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (churches, churched, churching) chiesa | Chiesa | funzione | messa church bell {noun} (church bells) campana Church Father [/ˈt͡ʃɜːt͡ʃ fɑːðə(ɹ)/ | /ˈt͡ʃɝt͡ʃ fɑ.ðɚ/] {noun} (Church Fathers) padre della Chiesa Church of England {properNoun} Chiesa Anglicana | Chiesa d'Inghilterra Church of Scotland {properNoun} Chiesa di Scozia church service {noun} (church services) funzione churchgoer {noun} (churchgoers) praticante churchwarden's pew {noun} (churchwarden's pews) stallo churchyard [/ˈt͡ʃɜːt͡ʃ.jɑːd/ | /ˈt͡ʃɝt͡ʃ.jɑɹd/] {noun} (churchyards) camposanto churl [/tʃəːl/ | /tʃɜɹl/] {noun} (churls) zoticone churlish [/ˈtʃɜːlɪʃ/ | /ˈtʃɝːlɪʃ/] {adjective} (more churlish, most churlish) villano churn [/tʃɜː(ɹ)n/ | /tʃɝn/] {noun, verb} (churns, churned, churning) zangola | frullare | ribollire | sbattere | spumeggiare churn out {verb} (churns out, churned out, churning out) sfornare churro [/ˈtʃʊɹ.oʊ/ | /ˈtʃʊɹ.əʊ/] {noun} (churros) churro chute [/ʃ(j)uːt/] {noun, verb} (chutes, chuted, chuting) canna chutney [/ˈtʃʌtni/] {noun} (chutneys) chutney chutzpah [/ˈhʊts.pɑ/ | /ˈhʊts.pə/ | /ˈxʊts.pɑ/ | /ˈxʊts.pə/] {noun} (chutzpahs) sfacciataggine chyle [/kaɪl/] {noun} chilo chylify {verb} (chylifies, chylifying, chylified) chilificare chylotorax chilotorace chyme [/kaɪm/] {noun} (chymes) chimo chymify {verb} (chymifies, chymifying, chymified) chimificare chymotrypsin {noun} chimotripsina chymotrypsinogen {noun} (chymotrypsinogens) chimotripsinogeno chypre {noun} (chypres) chypre chytridiomycosis {noun} chitidriomicosi château [/ʃæːˈtoʊ/ | /ˈʃætəʊ/] {noun} (châteaux, châteaus) castello chèvre [/ˈʃɛvɹə/] {noun} capra ciabatta [/tʃəˈbɑː.ta/] {noun} (ciabatte, ciabattas) ciabatta ciborium [/sɪˈbɔəɹɪəm/] {noun} (ciboriums, ciboria) ciborio cicada [/sɪˈkeɪ.də/] {noun} (cicadae, cicadas) cicala cicatrise [/ˈsɪk.ə.tɹaɪz/] {verb} (cicatrises, cicatrising, cicatrised) cicatrizzare Cicero [/ˈsɪsəɹoʊ/ | /ˈsɪsəɹəʊ/] {properNoun} Cicerone cicero [/ˈsɪsəɹoʊ/ | /ˈsɪsəɹəʊ/] {noun} (ciceros) lettura cicerone [/t͡ʃɪt͡ʃəˈɹəʊni/] {noun, verb} (ciceroni, cicerones, ciceroned, ciceroning) cicerone Ciceronian [/sɪsəˈɹəʊnɪən/] {adjective, noun} (most Ciceronian, more Ciceronian, Ciceronians) ciceroniano cicisbeo [/ˌtʃitʃəzˈbeɪoʊ/ | /ˌtʃɪtʃɪzˈbeɪəʊ/] {noun} (cicisbei, cicisbeos) cavalier servente | cicisbeo cicumstance condizione cider [/ˈsaɪ̯.də/ | /ˈsaɪ̯.dɚ/ | [ˈsʌɪ̯.də(ɹ)]] {noun} sidro Cieszyn {properNoun} Cieszyn cigar [/sɪˈɡɑɹ/ | /sɪˈɡɑː(ɹ)/] {noun} (cigars) sigaro cigar lighter {noun} (cigar lighters) accendisigaro cigarette [/ˈsɪ.ɡə.ɹɛt/] {noun, verb} (cigarettes, cigaretting, cigaretted) sigaretta cigarette case {noun} (cigarette cases) portasigarette cigarette lighter {noun} (cigarette lighters) accendino cigarillo [/ˌsɪɡəˈɹɪloʊ/] {noun} (cigarillos, cigarilloes) cigarillo cilantro [/siˈlæntɹəʊ/ | /siˈlɑntɹoʊ/] {noun} (cilantros) coriandolo ciliary muscle {noun} (ciliary muscles) muscolo ciliare Cilicia [/sɪˈlɪsɪə/] {properNoun} Cilicia Cimbrian [/ˈsɪmbɹiən/] {noun, properNoun} (Cimbrians) cimbro cimier {noun} (cimiers) cimiero Cimmerian [/sɪˈmɪəɹ.ɪ.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Cimmerian, most Cimmerian, Cimmerians) Cimmera | Cimmero cinchona [/sɪŋˈkoʊnə/ | /sɪŋˈkəʊnə/] {noun} china cinchona-tree china cinder [/ˈsɪndɚ/] {noun, verb} (cinders, cindered, cindering) cenere Cinderella [/ˌsɪndəˈɹɛlə/] {noun, properNoun} (Cinderellas) Cenerentola cineast {noun} (cineasts) cineasta cinema [/ˈsɪn.ə.mə/ | /ˈsɪn.ɪ.mə/] {noun} cinema | cinematografia | cinematografo cinematic [/sɪnəˈmætɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more cinematic, most cinematic, cinematics) cinematografico cinematograph {noun, verb} (cinematographs, cinematographing, cinematographed) cinematografo cinematographic {adjective} (most cinematographic, more cinematographic) cinematografico cinematography [/ˈsɪn.ə.məˌtɒɡ.ɹə.fiː/] {noun} (cinematographies) cinematografia | filmologia cinephile [/ˈsɪnəˌfaɪl/ | /ˈsɪnɪfɑɪl/] {noun} (cinephiles) cinefilo cinephilia {noun} cinefilia cineraceus bigio cinerary {adjective} cinerario cinereous {adjective} (more cinereous, most cinereous) cinereo cinnabar [/ˈsɪnəbɑɹ/ | [ˈsɪ.nə.baː(ɹ)] | [ˈsɪ.nə.bɑɹ] | [ˈsɪ.nə.bɑː(ɹ)]] {adjective, noun} (most cinnabar, more cinnabar) cinabro cinnamic acid {noun} acido cinnamico cinnamon [/ˈsɪ.mɪn/ | /ˈsɪn.ə.mən/] {adjective, noun} cannella | di cannella Cinquecentist [/tʃiŋkwəˈtʃɛntɪst/ | /tʃiŋkwɛˈtʃɛntɪst/] {adjective, noun} (Cinquecentists) cinquecentista cinquedea [/ˌtʃɪŋkwɨˈdi.ə/] {noun} (cinquedeas) cinquadea | cinquedea | lingua di bue cinquefoil [/ˈsɪŋk.fɔɪl/] {noun} (cinquefoils) cinquefoglie cipher [/ˈsaɪfə/ | /ˈsaɪfɚ/] {noun, verb} (ciphers, ciphered, ciphering) cifra ciphertext {noun} testo cifrato Cipriano {properNoun} (Ciprianos) Cipriano circa [/ˈsɜːkə/ | /ˈsɝkə/] {preposition} circa circadian {adjective} circadiano Circe [/ˈsɜɹsi/] {properNoun} Circe Circinus {properNoun} Compasso circle [/ˈsɜɹkəl/ | [ˈsɜː.kəɫ] | [ˈsɝ.kəɫ]] {noun, verb} (circles, circled, circling) cerchio | circolo | gruppo | curva | disco | associazione circle of friends {noun} (circles of friends) cerchia di amici circled [/ˈsɜː(ɹ)kəld/] {adjective, verb} cerchiato circlet [/ˈsɜː(ɹ)klət/] {noun} (circlets) cerchiello circuit [[ˈsɜː.kɪt] | [ˈsɝ.kət]] {noun, verb} (circuits, circuited, circuiting) circuito circuit board {noun} (circuit boards) cartello circuit breaker {noun} (circuit breakers) interruttore magnetotermico circuit diagram schema elettrico circuital {adjective} (more circuital, most circuital) circuitale circuitation circuitazione circuitous [/sɚˈkjuːətəs/ | /sɜːˈkjuːɪtəs/] {adjective} (more circuitous, most circuitous) tortuoso circuitry [/ˈsɜːkɪtɹi/ | /ˈsɝkətɹi/] {noun} (circuitries) circuiteria circular [/ˈsɜːk.jə.lə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɝk.jə.lɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most circular, more circular, circulars, circulared, circularing) circolare circular arc {noun} (circular arcs) arco circular argument {noun} (circular arguments) petitio principii circular breathing {noun} respirazione circolare circular definition {noun} (circular definitions) petitio principii circular economy {noun} (circular economies) economia circolare circular letter {noun} (circular letters) circolare circular saw {noun} (circular saws) sega circolare circularly {adverb} (more circularly, most circularly) circolarmente circulate [/ˈsɚˌkju.leɪt/] {verb} (circulates, circulating, circulated) circolare circulating {adjective, verb} circolante circulation [/ˌsɜː(ɹ).kjʊˈleɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌsɝkjʊˈleɪʃən/] {noun} ciclo circulatory {adjective, noun} (circulatories) circolatorio circulatory system {noun} (circulatory systems) apparato circolatorio | sistema circolatorio circum- {prefix} circon- | circum- circumambulate [/ˌsɝ.kəmˈæm.bju.leɪt/] {verb} (circumambulates, circumambulated, circumambulating) aggirare circumbendibus [/sɝkm̩ˈbɛndɨbəs/] {adjective, noun} (most circumbendibus, more circumbendibus, circumbendibuses) circonlocuzione circumcircle {noun} (circumcircles) circumcerchio circumcise {verb} (circumcises, circumcising, circumcised) circoncidere circumcised {adjective, noun, verb} (circumciseds) circonciso circumciser {noun} (circumcisers) circoncisore circumcision {noun} circoncisione circumduction {noun} circonduzione circumference [/sɜːˈkʌm.fɹəns/ | /sɝːˈkʌm.fɹəns/] {noun, verb} (circumferences, circumferenced, circumferencing) circonferenza circumfix [/səːkəmˈfɪks/ | /sɚkəmˈfɪks/ | /ˈsəːkəmfɪks/ | /ˈsɚkəmfɪks/] {noun, verb} (circumfixes, circumfixing, circumfixed) circonfisso circumflex [/ˈsɜːkəmˌflɛks/ | /ˈsɝkəmˌflɛks/] {adjective, noun, verb} (circumflexes, circumflexed, circumflexing) circonflesso | accento circonflesso | arcuato | circonflettere | incurvato circumlocution [/ˌsɜːkəmləˈkjuːʃən/ | /ˌsɝkəmləˈkjuʃən/] {noun} perifrasi | circonlocuzione | giro di parole circumlunar {adjective} circumlunare circumnavigate [/ˌsə.kəmˈnæv.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ | /ˌsɝ.kəmˈnæv.ɪ.ɡeɪt/] {verb} (circumnavigates, circumnavigating, circumnavigated) circumnavigare circumnavigation {noun} circumnavigazione circumnavigator {noun} (circumnavigators) circumnavigatore circumplanetary {adjective} circumplanetario circumscribe [/ˈsɜː.kəm.skɹaɪb/ | /ˈsɝ.kəm.skɹaɪb/] {verb} (circumscribes, circumscribed, circumscribing) cerchiare circumscribed {verb} circoscritto circumscription {noun} circoscrizione circumsolar {adjective} circumsolare circumspect [/ˈsɜː.kəm.spɛkt/ | /ˈsɝ.kəm.spɛkt/] {adjective} (more circumspect, most circumspect) cauto | prudente circumspection {noun} circospezione circumstance [/ˈsɜːkəmst(ə)ns/ | /ˈsɝ.kəm.ˌstæns/] {noun, verb} (circumstances, circumstanced, circumstancing) circostanza | circonlocuzione | dettaglio circumstantial [/səːkəmˈstanʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (more circumstantial, most circumstantial, circumstantials) circostanza circumstantiate {verb} (circumstantiates, circumstantiating, circumstantiated) circostanziare circumterrestrial {adjective} circumterrestre circumvent {verb} (circumvents, circumventing, circumvented) circonvenire | eludere circumzenithal {adjective} circumzenitale circus [/ˈsɜːkəs/ | /ˈsɝkəs/] {noun, verb} (circuses, circusses, circussing, circused, circussed, circusing) circo circus ring {noun} (circus rings) pista da circo circusless {adjective} circo cirque [/sɜːk/ | /sɝk/] {noun} (cirques) circo glaciale cirrhosis [/sɪˈɹoʊsɪs/] {noun} (cirrhoses) cirrosi cirrhotic [/səˈɹɒtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most cirrhotic, more cirrhotic, cirrhotics) cirrotico cirrocumulus {noun} (cirrocumuli) cirrocumulo cirrostratus [/ˌsɪɹəˈstɹeɪtəs/] {noun} (cirrostrati) cirrostrato cirrus [/ˈsɪɹəs/] {noun} (cirri) cirro CIS {noun, properNoun} (CISes) CSI cisalpine {adjective} (most cisalpine, more cisalpine) cisalpino Cisleithania {properNoun} Cisleitania cissoid {noun} (cissoids) cissoide Cistercian {adjective, noun} (Cistercians, most Cistercian, more Cistercian) cistercense cistern [/ˈsɪs.tən/ | /ˈsɪs.tɚn/] {noun} (cisterns) cisterna cistus {noun} (cistuses, cisti) cisto citadel [/ˈsɪtədəl/] {noun} (citadels) cittadella citation [/ˌsaɪˈteɪ.ʃən/] {noun} citazione citation needed {phraseologicalUnit} citazione necessaria citationism citazionismo cite [/saɪt/] {noun, verb} (cites, citing, cited) citare citerior [/səˈtɪ.ɹi.ɚ/ | /sɪˈtɪə.ɹɪ.ə/] {adjective} citeriore citizen [/ˈsɪtɪzən/] {noun} (citizens) cittadino | civile | residente citizen extraordinaire {noun} (citizens extraordinaire) cittadinanza onoraria citizen journalism {noun} giornalismo partecipativo citizenhood {noun} cittadinanza citizenry {noun} (citizenries) cittadinanza citizenship {noun} cittadinanza citole {noun} (citoles) citola citrate {noun, verb} (citrates, citrated, citrating) citrato citric [/ˈsɪtɹɪk/] {adjective} citrico citric acid [/ˌsɪtɹɪk ˈæsɪd/] {noun} acido citrico citric acid cycle [/ˈsɪtɹɪk ˌæsɪd ˈsaɪkəl/] {noun} ciclo dell'acido citrico citrine [/ˈsɪtɹin/ | /ˈsɪtɹiːn/] {adjective, noun} citrino citron [/ˈsɪtɹən/] {adjective, noun} (most citron, more citron) cedro | lumia citron drink cedrata citron oil acqua di cedro citron-water acqua di cedro citronella {noun} (citronellas) citronella citrulline {noun} (citrullines) citrullina citrus [/ˈsɪ.tɹəs/] {adjective, noun} (citruses) agrume citrus fruit {noun} (citrus fruits) agrume cittern {noun} (citterns) cetera city [/sɪtɪ/ | /ˈsɪti/ | /ˈsɪt̬i/] {noun} (cities) città city block {noun} (city blocks) isolato city council {noun} (city councils) consiglio municipale city hall [/ˈsɪti ˌhɑl/ | /ˈsɪti ˌhɔl/ | /ˈsɪti ˌhɔːl/] {noun} (city halls) municipio City of Light {properNoun} città delle luci city slicker {noun} (city slickers) borghese city state {noun} (city states) città-stato City That Never Sleeps {properNoun} città che non dorme mai civet [/ˈsɪ.vɪt/] {noun} zibetto civic [/ˈsɪvɪk/] {adjective} (most civic, more civic) civico civically {adverb} (more civically, most civically) civilmente civil [/ˈsɪv.əl/] {adjective} (more civil, most civil) civile civil defense {noun} difesa civile civil disobedience {noun} disobbedienza civile civil engineering {noun} genio civile | ingegneria civile civil law {noun} diritto civile | diritto continentale | diritto romano-germanico civil marriage {noun} (civil marriages) matrimonio civile | rito civile civil registry {noun} (civil registries) stato civile civil rights {noun} (civil right) diritti civili civil servant {noun} (civil servants) funzionario civil society {noun} società civile civil union {noun} (civil unions) unione civile civil war {noun} (civil wars) guerra civile civilian [/sɪˈvɪljən/] {adjective, noun} (civilians) civile civilise [/ˈsɪvɪlaɪz/] {verb} (civilises, civilised, civilising) civilizzare | incivilire | ingentilire | umanizzare civility [/sɪ.ˈvɪ.lɪ.ti/] {noun} (civilities) civiltà civilization [/ˌsɪv.ə.ləˈzeɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌsɪv.ɪ.laɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ | [ˌsɪv.ə.lɑeˈzæɪ.ʃən]] {noun, properNoun} civiltà | civilizzazione civilize {verb} (civilizes, civilizing, civilized) civilizzare civilized [/ˈsɪv.ɪ.laɪzd/] {adjective, verb} (more civilized, most civilized) civilizzato civilly {adverb} (more civilly, most civilly) civilmente clack {noun, verb} (clacks, clacked, clacking) ruota da molino clad [/klæd/] {adjective, verb} (clads, cladding, cladded, clad) coprire clade [/kleɪd/] {noun, verb} (clades, clading, claded) clade clades {noun} disastro cladogram {noun} (cladograms) cladogrammo claim [/kleɪm/] {noun, verb} (claims, claimed, claiming) affermare | reclamare | rivendicare | affermazione | dichiarare | dichiarazione claimant {noun} (claimants) pretendente | istante | richiedente | richieditore | rivendicatore Claire [/klɛə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Chiara clairvoyance [/klɛəˈvɔɪəns/ | /klɛɹˈvɔɪəns/] {noun} (clairvoyances) chiaroveggenza clairvoyant [/ˌklɛəˈvɔɪ.ənt/ | /ˌklɛɹˈvɔɪ.ənt/] {adjective, noun} (most clairvoyant, more clairvoyant, clairvoyants) chiaroveggente | chiaroveggenza | oracolo | prognostico | pronostico | sensitivo clam [/klæm/ | [kleəm]] {adjective, noun, verb} (clammer, clammest, clams, clamming, clammed) vongola | arsella | tellina clam up {verb} (clams up, clammed up, clamming up) tacere clamber [/ˈklæmbə/ | /ˈklæmbɚ/] {noun, verb} (clambers, clambered, clambering) arrampicarsi clammy [/ˈklæmi/] {adjective} (clammer, clammest) madido clamor [/ˈklæm.ə/ | /ˈklæm.ɚ/] {noun, verb} (clamors, clamored, clamoring) clamore | clamori clamorous [/ˈklæməɹəs/] {adjective} (more clamorous, most clamorous) clamoroso clamour [/ˈklæm.ə/ | /ˈklæm.ɚ/] {noun, verb} (clamours, clamoured, clamouring) clamore clamp [/klæmp/] {noun, verb} (clamps, clamping, clamped) morsetto clamp, grip pinza clan [/klæn/] {noun} (clans) clan clandestine [/klænˈdɛstɪn/] {adjective} (more clandestine, most clandestine) clandestino clandestinely [/klænˈdɛs.tɪn.li/] {adverb} (most clandestinely, more clandestinely) clandestinamente clandestineness {noun} clandestinità clandestinity {noun} (clandestinities) clandestinità clangour [/ˈklæŋəɹ/] {noun, verb} (clangours, clangoured, clangouring) baccano clank [/klæŋk/] {noun, verb} (clanks, clanking, clanked) sferragliare clap [/klæp/] {noun, verb} (claps, clapt, clapping, clapped) applaudire | battere | pacca clap skate {noun} (clap skates) clap skate clapometer {noun} (clapometers) applausometro clapper [/ˈklæpɚ/] {noun, verb} (clappers, clappering, clappered) batacchio | battaglio clapperboard {noun} (clapperboards) ciac clapping [/ˈklæpɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (clappings) applauso claptrap [/ˈklæpˌtɹæp/] {noun} sproloquio claque [/ˈklæk/] {noun} (claques) claque Clara [/klɑːɹə/ | /klɛəɹə/] {properNoun} Chiara | Clara Clare {noun, properNoun} (Clares) Chiara claret violet viola bordeaux clarification [/ˌklæɹɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} chiarificazione | chiarimento clarified butter {noun} (clarified butters) burro chiarificato clarify [/ˈklæɹɪfaɪ/] {verb} (clarifies, clarified, clarifying) chiarificare clarinet [/ˌklæɹɪˈnɛt/] {noun} (clarinets) clarinetto clarinetist [/ˌklæɹɪˈnɛtɪst/] {noun} (clarinetists) clarinettista clarinettist {noun} (clarinettists) clarinettista clarion [/ˈklæɹiən/] {noun, verb} (clarions, clarioned, clarioning) chiarina clarion call {noun} (clarion calls) appello clarity [/ˈklæɹɪti/] {noun} (clarities) chiarezza clash [/klaʃ/ | /klæʃ/] {noun, verb} (clashes, clashed, clashing) baruffa | cozzare | schermaglia | scontrarsi | scontro | zuffa clashing {adjective, noun, verb} (most clashing, more clashing, clashings) discordante clasp [/klæsp/ | /klɑːsp/] {noun, verb} (clasps, clasping, clasped) fermaglio | agguantare | fibbia | gancio | serrare | stringere class [/klæs/ | /klɑːs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (classes, classing, classed) classe | corso | ceto | condizione sociale | lezione | rango class struggle {noun} (class struggles) lotta di classe class warfare {noun} lotta di classe classic [/ˈklæ.sɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most classic, more classic, classics) classico classical [/ˈklæsɪkl̩/] {adjective, noun} (most classical, more classical, classicals) classico classical algebra algebra classica classical antiquity {properNoun} antichità classica Classical Chinese {properNoun} cinese classico | lingua cinese classica classical guitar {noun} (classical guitars) chitarra classica Classical Latin {properNoun} latino classico classical liberal liberale classico classical mechanics {noun} meccanica classica classical music {noun} (classical musics) musica classica Classical Nahuatl {properNoun} Lingua nahuatl classica classical physics {noun} fisica classica classical studies {noun} lettere antiche | lettere classiche Classical Syriac {properNoun} lingua siriaca | siriaco classicise {verb} (classicises, classicising, classicised) classicizzare classicism {noun} classicismo classicist {noun} (classicists) classicista classicistic {adjective} (most classicistic, more classicistic) classicistico classicize {verb} (classicizes, classicized, classicizing) classicizzare classifiable {adjective} classificabile classification [/ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} classificazione classified {adjective, noun, verb} (classifieds, more classified, most classified) confidenziale | riservato | segreto classified advertisement {noun} (classified advertisements) annuncio economico classifieds {noun} annuncio classifier [/ˈklæsɪfaɪə/ | /ˈklæsɪfaɪɚ/] {noun} (classifiers) classificatore classify [/ˈklæsɪfaɪ/] {verb} (classifies, classifying, classified) classificare classing {verb} classificazione classism [/ˈklæsɪzm̩/] {noun} (classisms) classismo classmate [/ˈklɑːs.meɪt/] {noun} (classmates) compagno di classe | compagna di classe classroom [/ˈklɑːsɹʊm/] {noun} (classrooms) aula | classe classy [/ˈklæs.i/] {adjective} (classer, classest) elegante clastic {adjective, noun} (clastics) clastico clathrate [/ˈklæθɹeɪt/] {adjective, noun} (clathrates) clatrato clathrate compound {noun} (clathrate compounds) clatrato clatter [/ˈklætɚ/] {noun, verb} (clatters, clattered, clattering) scalpitare Claud {properNoun} Claudio Claude [/klɔːd/] {properNoun} Claudio Claudia [/ˈklɔː.di.ə/] {properNoun} Claudia clause [/klɔːz/] {noun, verb} (clauses, clausing, claused) clausola claustral {adjective} (most claustral, more claustral) claustrale claustrophobe [/ˈklɒs.tɹəˌfəʊb/ | /ˈklɔstɹəˌfoʊb/] {noun} (claustrophobes) claustrofóbica | claustrofóbico | claustrófoba | claustrófobo claustrophobia {noun} (claustrophobias) claustrofobia claustrophobic {adjective, noun} (most claustrophobic, more claustrophobic, claustrophobics) claustrofobico | claustrofoba | claustrofobica | claustrofobo claustrum [/ˈklɔːstɹəm/] {noun} (claustra) claustro claves {noun} (clave) legnetti clavichord [/ˈklæv.ɪˌkɔɹd/ | /ˈklæv.ɪˌkɔːd/] {noun} (clavichords) clavicordo clavicle {noun} (clavicles) clavicola clavicular {adjective} clavicolare clavicytherium [/ˌklæv.ə.saɪˈθɪə.ɹi.əm/ | /ˌklæv.ə.saɪˈθɪə.ɹɪ.əm/] {noun} (clavicytheria, clavicytheriums) cembalo verticale | clavicytherium claw [/klɑ/ | /klɔ/ | /klɔː/] {noun, verb} (claws, clawing, clawed) artiglio | chela | piede di porco | aggrapparsi | artigliare | branca claw hammer {noun} martello da falegname clay [/kleɪ/] {noun, verb} (clays, clayed, claying) argilla | creta clay brown marrone fango clay pigeon {noun} (clay pigeons) piattello clayey [/ˈkleɪ(j)i/] {adjective} (clayest, clayer) argilloso claymore [/ˈkleɪmɔːɹ/] {noun} (claymores) spada a cesto claystone {noun} argilite clean [/kleːn/ | /klin/ | /kliːn/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (cleaner, cleanest, cleans, cleaned, cleaning) pulito | pulire clean as a whistle {adjective} bianco come la neve clean hands {noun} mani pulite clean up {noun, verb} (cleans up, cleaning up, cleaned up) asciugare clean-cut {adjective} (most clean-cut, more clean-cut) ordinato clean-handed {adjective} (most clean-handed, more clean-handed) onesto cleaned [/kliːnd/] {adjective, verb} lavato cleaner [/ˈkli.nɚ/ | /ˈkliː.nə/] {adjective, noun} (cleaners) filtro cleaness pulizia cleaning [/ˈkliːnɪŋ/] {noun, verb} pulizia cleanliness [/ˈklɛnlinəs/] {noun} (cleanlinesses) pulizia cleanly [/ˈkliːnli/ | /ˈklɛnli/] {adjective, adverb} (most cleanly, more cleanly, cleanlest, cleanler) pulito cleanness [/ˈkliːnnəs/] {noun} (cleannesses) pulizia cleanroom {noun} (cleanrooms) camera bianca cleanse [/klɛnz/] {noun, verb} (cleanses, cleansing, cleansed) pulire | purificare | ripulire cleansing [/ˈklɛn.zɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most cleansing, more cleansing) detergente | pulitore | pulizia cleanup [[ˈkliːˌnʌp]] {noun} pulitezza clear [/klɪə(ɹ)/ | /klɪɹ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (clearest, clearer, clears, cleared, clearing) chiaro | chiarire | libero | pulito | sereno | trasparente clear cut {adjective, verb} (more clear cut, most clear cut) chiaro | evidente | lampante | palese clear one's throat {verb} (clears one's throat, cleared one's throat, clearing one's throat) raschiare clear up {verb} (clears up, cleared up, clearing up) dipanare clear-cut {adjective} (most clear-cut, more clear-cut) preciso clear-headed {adjective} sobrio clearance {noun} liquidazione | accesso | autorizzazione | clearance | compensazione | divario clearcutting {noun} taglio raso clearing [/ˈklɪəɹɪŋ/ | /ˈklɪɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} radura | azzeramento | compensazione | resettaggio | ripristino | schiarimento clearing house {noun} (clearing houses) stanza di compensazione clearly [/ˈkliːɹli/ | /ˈklɪəli/ | /ˈklɪɹli/] {adverb} (clearler, more clearly, most clearly, clearlest) chiaramente clearness {noun} (clearnesses) chiarezza cleat [/kliːt/] {noun, verb} (cleats, cleated, cleating) galloccia cleavage [/ˈklivɪdʒ/ | /ˈkliːvɪdʒ/] {noun} sfaldatura | scollatura | clivaggio | décolleté | incavo | scissione cleave [/kliv/ | /kliːv/] {noun, verb} (cleaves, cleaving, cleaved, cloven, cleft, clove, clave) fendere | ritagliarsi | scindere | spaccare | tagliare cleaver [/ˈklivɚ/] {noun} (cleavers) mannarino cleché {adjective} a chiave clef {noun} (clefs) chiave cleft [/klɛft/] {adjective, noun, verb} (clefts, clefting, clefted) fessura cleft chin {noun} (cleft chins) mento leporino cleft palate {noun} (cleft palates) labbro leporino Clelia {properNoun} Clelia clematis [/ˈklɛmətɪs/] {noun} (clematis, clematises) clematide clemency [/ˈklɛ.mən.si/] {noun} (clemencies) clemenza clement {adjective} (more clement, most clement) clemente clementine [/ˈklɛməntaɪn/] {noun} (clementines) clementina | mandarancio | clementino clench [/klɛntʃ/] {noun, verb} (clenches, clenching, clenched) caricare Cleopatra [/klioʊˈpætɹə/] {properNoun} Cleopatra clepsydra [/ˈklɛpsɪdɹə/] {noun} (clepsydras, clepsydrae) clessidra clerestory {noun} (clerestories) cleristorio clergy [/ˈklɜːdʒi/ | /ˈklɝdʒi/] {noun} (clergies) clero clergyman [/ˈklɜːdʒimən/ | /ˈklɝdʒimən/] {noun} (clergymen) prete | sacerdote | chierico | ecclesiastico clergyperson {noun} (clergypersons, clergypeople) curato clergywoman {noun} (clergywomen) pastora cleric [/klɛɹɪk/] {noun} (clerics) chierico clerical [/ˈklɛɹɪkəl/] {adjective, noun} (clericals) impiegatizio clericalism {noun} (clericalisms) clericalismo clerk [/klɐːk/ | /klɑːk/ | /klɝk/] {noun, verb} (clerks, clerking, clerked) impiegato clerk of the court cancelliere cleromancy {noun} sortilegio cleruchy {noun} (cleruchies) cleruchia clever [/ˈklɛvɚ/] {adjective} (most clever, cleverer, more clever, cleverest) furbo | intelligente cleverly [/ˈklɛvəli/] {adverb} (more cleverly, most cleverly) ingegnosamente cleverness {noun} (clevernesses) abilità clevis {noun} (clevises) cappa clew [/kljuː/ | /kluː/] {noun, verb} (clews, clewed, clewing) bugna clibanus riscaldamento cliché [/kliːˈʃeɪ/ | /ˈkliːʃeɪ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cliché, most cliché, clichés, clichéing, clichéed, clichéd) cliché click [/klɪk/] {interjection, noun, verb} (clicks, clicked, clicking) cliccare | clicca click wheel {noun} (click wheels) tasto clicking [/ˈklɪkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (clickings) ticchettio clicking knife {noun} (clicking knives) trincetto client [/ˈklaɪ.ənt/ | /ˈklʌɪənt/] {noun} (clients) cliente clientage {noun} clientela clientele [/klaɪ.n̩ˈtɛl/] {noun} (clienteles) clientela clientelism {noun} clientelismo clientelist {adjective, noun} (clientelists) clientelistico clients {noun} clientela clientship {noun} (clientships) clientela cliff [/klɪf/] {noun} (cliffs) costone | dirupo | rupe | scogliera | crinale climacterium {noun} (climacteria) climaterio climate [/ˈklaɪmɪt/] {noun, verb} (climates, climated, climating) clima climate change {noun} (climate changes) cambiamento climatico | mutamento climatico climate sceptic {noun} (climate sceptics) climatoscettica climate-changing {adjective} (most climate-changing, more climate-changing) climalterante climatic {adjective} climatico climatically [/klaɪˈmætɪkli/] {adverb} climaticamente climatological {adjective} (more climatological, most climatological) climatologico climatologist {noun} (climatologists) climatologa | climatologo climatology {noun} (climatologies) climatologia climax [/ˈklaɪmæks/] {noun, verb} (climaxes, climaxed, climaxing) orgasmo | eccitamento climb [/klaɪm/] {noun, verb} (climbs, climbed, climbing, clumb, clomb) scalare | arrampicata | scalata | arrampicare | arrampicarsi | ascesa climb up {verb} scalare climber [/ˈklai.mɚ/ | /ˈklaɪm.ə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (climbers, climbering, climbered) scalatore | alpinista | arrampicatore | escursionista | rampicante climbing [/ˈklaɪ̯mɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (climbings) rampicante clinch [/klɪntʃ/] {noun, verb} (clinches, clinching, clinched) ribadire clindamycin {noun} clindamicina cling [/ˈklɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (clings, clung, clinging, clinged) abbarbicarsi | aderire | appiccicarsi | attaccarsi | avvilupparsi | fissarsi cling film [/ˈklɪŋˌfɪlm/] {noun} carta trasparente clingfilm [/ˈklɪŋfɪlm/] {noun} pellicola a contatto | pellicola trasparente clingstone {noun} (clingstones) duracina | durona | frutto con nocciolo clingy [/ˈklɪŋi/] {adjective} (clinger, clingest) affezionato clinic [/ˈklɪnɪk/] {noun} (clinics) clinica clinical [/ˈklɪnɪkəl/] {adjective, noun} (more clinical, most clinical, clinicals) clinico clinical anthropology antropologia clinica clinical pharmacology farmacologia clinica clinical pharmacy farmacia clinica clinical psychology {noun} psicologia clinica clinically {adverb} (more clinically, most clinically) clinicamente clinician [/klɪˈnɪʃən/] {noun} (clinicians) clinico clinker [/klɪŋkə/] {noun, verb} (clinkers, clinkered, clinkering) vocale clinometer {noun} (clinometers) clinometro clinopyroxene [/ˌklaɪnoʊpaɪˈɹɑksin/ | /ˌklaɪnə(ʊ)paɪˈɹɒksiːn/] {noun} clinopirosseno clinoscopic {adjective} clinoscopico clip [/klɪp/] {noun, verb} (clips, clipped, clipping, clipt) molletta clip-clop [/ˈklɪp.klɑːp/ | /ˈklɪp.klɒp/] {noun, verb} (clip-clops, clip-clopping, clip-clopped) zoccolata | zoccolare clipboard {noun} (clipboards) appunti | portablocco clipeus {noun} (clipei) clipeo clipped [/klɪpt/] {adjective, verb} tagliato clipping [/ˈklɪpɪŋ/] {noun, verb} ritaglio clique [/kliːk/ | /ˈklɪk/] {noun, verb} (cliques, cliqued, cliquing) cricca | associazione | banda | camarilla | congrega | consorteria clitic [/ˈklɪ.tɪk/] {noun} (clitics) clitico clitoral [/ˈklɪtəɹəl/] {adjective} clitorico clitoral hood {noun} (clitoral hoods) prepuzio clitorideo clitoridectomy {noun} (clitoridectomies) clitoridectomia clitoris [/ˈklɪtəɹɪs/] {noun} (clitorises, clitorides) clitoride clitter {noun, verb} (clitters, clittering, clittered) stridere cloaca [/kloʊˈeɪkə/ | /kləʊˈeɪkə/] {noun} (cloacas, cloacae) cloaca | fogna cloak [/ˈkloʊk/] {noun, verb} (cloaks, cloaking, cloaked) ammantare | tabarro cloakroom [/ˈkləʊkɹʊm/] {noun} (cloakrooms) deposito | deposito bagagli | guardaroba cloakroom attendant guardarobiere clobber [/klɒb.ə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (clobbers, clobbered, clobbering) bastonare cloche [/klɒʃ/] {noun} (cloches) cloche clock [/klɑk/ | /klɒk/] {noun, verb} (clocks, clocked, clocking) orologio | baghetta | contachilometri | cronometrare | odometro | tachimetro clock face {noun} (clock faces) quadrante clock in {verb} assumere clock tower {noun} (clock towers) torre dell'orologio clocklike {adjective} (most clocklike, more clocklike) campana clockmaker {noun} (clockmakers) orologiaia | orologiaio clockwise [/ˈklɒkwaɪz/] {adjective, adverb} senso orario clockwork [/ˈklɑkwɝk/ | /ˈklɒkwɜːk/] {noun} (clockworks) orologeria | meccanismo a molla clod [/klɑd/ | /klɒd/] {noun, verb} (clods, clodded, clodding) tonta | tonto cloddy {adjective} (cloddier, cloddiest) gleboso | zolloso Cloelia {properNoun} Clelia clog [/klɑɡ/ | /klɒɡ/] {noun, verb} (clogs, clogging, clogged) zoccolo | intasare | bloccare | intasamento | ostruire | ostruzione clogged {adjective, verb} bloccato | intasato | ostruito clogging {noun, verb} (cloggings) ostruzione clogs to clogs in three generations {proverb} la prima generazione fa i soldi, la seconda se li gode e la terza li finisce cloisonne {noun} (cloisonnes) cloisonné cloister [/ˈklɔɪstə/ | /ˈklɔɪstɚ/] {noun, verb} (cloisters, cloistering, cloistered) chiostro cloister vault {noun} (cloister vaults) volta a padiglione cloistral {adjective} (more cloistral, most cloistral) claustrale clonal {adjective} clonale clone [/kloʊn/ | /kləʊn/] {noun, verb} (clones, cloning, cloned) clone | clonare cloned {verb} clonato cloning {noun, verb} clonaggio | clonazione close [/kloʊz/ | /kləʊz/] {adjective, noun, verb} (closest, closer, closes, closed, closing) chiudere | vicino | conclusione | terminare | accorciare | concludere close down [/kləʊzˈdaʊn/] {verb} (closes down, closed down, closing down) chiudere close in {verb} (closes in, closed in, closing in) rinserrare close one's eyes {verb} chiudere gli occhi close ranks {verb} (closes ranks, closed ranks, closing ranks) fare quadrato | serrare i ranghi | serrare le fila close to {adverb, preposition} (closest to, closer to) presso close up [/kləʊzˈʌp/] {verb} chiudere close up shop {verb} finire close, but no cigar {phraseologicalUnit} ci sei andato vicino ma non abbastanza close-fitting {adjective} (more close-fitting, most close-fitting) corretto close-up [/kləʊsˈʌp/] {adjective, noun} (close-ups) primo piano closed [/kloʊzd/ | /kləʊzd/] {adjective, verb} chiuso closed syllable {noun} (closed syllables) sillaba caudata | sillaba chiusa closed-book {adjective} letteratura closefisted {adjective} (more closefisted, most closefisted) tirchio closely [/ˈkləʊsliː/] {adverb} (closelest, closeler, most closely, more closely) strettamente | a stretto contatto | da vicino closemouthed {adjective} (most closemouthed, more closemouthed) discreto closet [/ˈklɑzɪt/ | /ˈklɒzɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (closets, closeting, closeted) armadio | ripostiglio closeted {adjective, verb} (more closeted, most closeted) velato closeup [/kləʊsˈʌp/] {noun} (closeups) primo piano closing [/ˈkloʊzɪŋ/ | /ˈkləʊzɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (closings) ultimo | chiusura | conclusivo | finale closure [/ˈkloʊ.ʒɝ/ | /ˈkləʊ.ʒə(ɹ)/] {noun} chiusura | termine clot [/klɒt/] {noun, verb} (clots, clotted, clotting) trombo | idiota | coagulare | coagularsi | coagulo | grumo cloth [/kloʊθ/ | /klɑθ/ | /klɒθ/ | /klɔːθ/ | /klɔθ/] {noun} panno | tessuto | stoffa | tela | abbigliamento | abito clothe [/ˈkloʊð/ | /ˈkləʊð/] {verb} (clothes, clad, clothing, clothed) vestire clothes [/kloʊ(ð)z/ | /kloʊðz/ | /kləʊ(ð)z/ | /kləʊðz/] {noun, verb} vestiti clothes don't make the man {proverb} l'abito non fa il monaco clothes dryer {noun} (clothes dryers) asciugatrice clothes moth {noun} (clothes moths) tarma clothes peg {noun} (clothes pegs) molletta | molletta da bucato clothes shop {noun} (clothes shops) negozio di abbigliamento clotheshorse {noun} (clotheshorses) stendibiancheria clothesline [/ˈkloʊðzlaɪn/ | /ˈkləʊðzlaɪn/] {noun, verb} (clotheslines, clotheslined, clotheslining) linea di vestiti clothespin {noun, verb} (clothespins, clothespinning, clothespinned) molletta clothing [/ˈkloʊðɪŋ/ | /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/] {noun, verb} abbigliamento | vestiti Clotilda {properNoun} Clotilde clotted {verb} rappreso clotting {noun, verb} (clottings) coagulazione cloud [/klaʊd/] {noun, verb} (clouds, clouding, clouded) nuvola | nube | nembo | annebbiare | annuvolarsi | nebbia cloud chamber {noun} (cloud chambers) camera a nebbia cloud computing {noun} nuvola digitale cloud nine [/ˈklaʊd ˈnaɪn/] {noun} settimo cielo cloud over {verb} (clouds over, clouded over, clouding over) rannuvolarsi cloud-cuckoo-land [/klaʊdˈkʊkuːlænd/] {noun} paese dei sogni cloudberry [/ˈklaʊdˌbɛɹi/] {noun} (cloudberries) camemoro cloudburst [/ˈklaʊdˌbɜːst/ | /ˈklaʊdˌbɝst/] {noun} (cloudbursts) nubifragio | acquazzone | rovescio | scroscio clouded [/ˈklaʊdɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more clouded, most clouded) nuvoloso clouded leopard {noun} (clouded leopards) leopardo nebuloso cloudiness {noun} (cloudinesses) copertura | nuvolosità | torbidezza clouding [/ˈklaʊdɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (cloudings) obnubilamento cloudlet {noun} (cloudlets) nuvoletta cloudy [/ˈklaʊdi/ | /ˈklaʊːdɪ/ | /ˈkɫaʊdi/] {adjective} (clouder, cloudest) nuvoloso | coperto | nebuloso | nuvolo | torbido clout [/klaʊt/ | /klʌʊt/] {noun, verb} (clouts, clouting, clouted) ceffone clove [/kloʊv/ | /kləʊv/] {noun, verb} (cloves) chiodo di garofano | spicchio clove hitch {noun} (clove hitches) piede di porco cloven hoof {noun} (cloven hooves) artiglio clover [/ˈkloʊ.vɚ/ | /ˈkləʊ.və(ɹ)/] {noun} (clovers) trifoglio cloverleaf [/ˈkloʊvɚliːf/ | /ˈkləʊvəliːf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cloverleafs, cloverleaves, cloverleafed, cloverleafing) trifoglio cloverleaf interchange {noun} (cloverleaf interchanges) trifoglio clown [/klaʊn/] {noun, verb} (clowns, clowning, clowned) pagliaccio | buffone | buffona | pagliaccia clown care clownterapia clown therapy risoterapia clownfish {noun} (clownfishes, clownfish) pesce pagliaccio clownish [/ˈklaʊnɪʃ/] {adjective} (most clownish, more clownish) buffonesco | claunesco | clownesco | giullaresco | pagliaccesco clownlike {adjective} (more clownlike, most clownlike) buffonesco | clownesco | pagliaccesco cloy [/klɔɪ/] {verb} (cloys, cloyed, cloying) satollare cloying [/ˈklɔɪ.ɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (most cloying, more cloying) sdolcinato | stucchevole club [/klʌb/] {noun, verb} (clubs, clubbing, clubbed) club | circolo | clava | fiori | mazza | bastone clubfoot {noun} (clubfeet) piede varo clubs [/klʌbz/] {noun, verb} fiori cluck [/klʌk/] {noun, verb} (clucks, clucked, clucking) chioccio clue [/kljuː/ | /kluː/] {noun, verb} (clues, cluing, clueing, clued) pista | indizio | prova clueless [/ˈkluː.ləs/] {adjective} (more clueless, most clueless) ignorante cluelessness {noun} stupidità clump [/klʌmp/] {noun, verb} (clumps, clumped, clumping) ammasso clumsily {adverb} (more clumsily, most clumsily) a casaccio | a tentoni | al buio | alla cieca | alla meno peggio | disordinatamente clumsiness [/ˈklʌm.zi.nəs/] {noun} (clumsinesses) goffaggine | inettitudine | sgraziataggine clumsy [/ˈklʌmzi/] {adjective, noun} (clumser, clumsest, clumsies) goffo | maldestro | grossolano | impacciato | malfatto | rozzo clunker [/ˈklʌŋkɚ/] {noun} (clunkers) cianfrusaglia clunky {adjective} (clunker, clunkest) pesante cluster [/ˈklʌstə/ | /ˈklʌstɚ/] {noun, verb} (clusters, clustered, clustering) grappolo | gruppo cluster bomb {noun} (cluster bombs) bomba a grappolo clusterfuck [/ˈklʌs.təˌfʌk/ | /ˈklʌs.tɚˌfʌk/] {noun, verb} (clusterfucks, clusterfucking, clusterfucked) bordello clustering {adjective, noun, verb} (clusterings) raggruppamento clutch [/klʌt͡ʃ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (clutches, clutching, clutched, most clutch, more clutch) frizione | avvinghiare clutch bag {noun} (clutch bags) fazzoletto da taschino clutter [/ˈklʌtə(ɹ)/ | /ˈklʌtɚ/] {noun, verb} (clutters, cluttered, cluttering) confusione | disordine | scompiglio cluttered {adjective, verb} (more cluttered, most cluttered) ingombro clypeate {adjective} (more clypeate, most clypeate) clipeato clyster [/ˈklɪstə/ | /ˈklɪstɚ/] {noun} (clysters) enteroclisma CNG {noun} GNC cnidarian [/nɪˈdɛːɹɪən/ | /nʌɪˈdɛːɹɪən/] {noun} (cnidarians) cnidario cnoidal {adjective} cnoidale co cathedral concattedrale co- [/kɒ/ | /ˈkoʊ-/] {prefix} co- co-brother-in-law {noun} (co-brothers-in-law) concognato co-decision {noun} codecisione co-ed [/ˈkoʊˌɛd/] {adjective, noun} (most co-ed, more co-ed, co-eds) misto co-edition {noun} (co-editions) coedizione co-father-in-law {noun} (co-fathers-in-law) consuocero co-locate {verb} (co-locates, co-locating, co-located) collocare co-mother-in-law {noun} (co-mothers-in-law) consuocera co-operation {noun} collaborazione co-opt {verb} (co-opts, co-opting, co-opted) cooptare co-option {noun} (co-options) cooptazione co-owner {noun} (co-owners) comproprietaria | comproprietario | contitolare co-ownership condominio co-parent-in-law {noun} (co-parents-in-law) consuoceri co-religionist [/kəʊɹɪˈlɪdʒənɪst/] {noun} (co-religionists) correligionario co-responsibility {noun} (co-responsibilitys) corresponsabilità co-responsible {adjective} (more co-responsible, most co-responsible) corresponsabile co-sister-in-law {noun} (co-sisters-in-law) concognata coacervate [/kəʊəˈsɜːvət/] {adjective, noun} (more coacervate, most coacervate, coacervates) coacervare coach [/koʊtʃ/ | /kəʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (coaches, coaching, coached) allenatore | allenatrice | allenare | carrozza | carrozza ferroviaria | vettura coach driver {noun} (coach drivers) cocchiere coaching {noun, verb} allenamento coachman [/ˈkoʊt͡ʃmən/ | /ˈkəʊt͡ʃmən/] {noun} (coachmen) cocchiere coachwork {noun} (coachworks) carrozzeria coactive {adjective} (most coactive, more coactive) coattivo coagulable {adjective} (more coagulable, most coagulable) coagulabile coagulate [/koʊˈæɡ.jə.leɪt/ | /koʊˈæɡ.jə.lət/ | /kəʊˈæɡ.jʊ.leɪt/ | /kəʊˈæɡ.jʊ.lət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (coagulates, coagulating, coagulated) coagulare | cagliare | coagularsi | coagulo | grumo coagulated {adjective, verb} (most coagulated, more coagulated) rappreso coagulation {noun} coagulazione coagulum {noun} (coagula, coagulums) coagulo coal [/koʊl/ | /kəʊl/] {noun, verb} (coals, coaling, coaled) carbone | carbonella | tizzone coal tar {noun} catrame coal tit {noun} (coal tits) cincia mora coalesce [/koʊ.əˈlɛs/ | /kəʊ.əˈlɛs/] {verb} (coalesces, coalescing, coalesced) concrescere coalescence {noun} coalescenza coalescer {noun} (coalescers) miscelatore coalfish {noun} (coalfishes, coalfish) merluzzo nero coalition [/koʊəˈlɪʃən/] {noun} coalizione | blocco coaming [/ˈkəʊ.mɪŋ/] {noun} (coamings) mastra coarse [/ko(ː)ɹs/ | /koəs/ | /kɔːs/ | /kɔːɹs/] {adjective} (coarser, coarsest) grossolano | rozzo | greggio | grezzo | grosso | grossolana coarsely {adverb} (most coarsely, more coarsely) grevemente | grossolanamente | grossomodo | rozzamente | ruvidamente | sboccatamente coarseness {noun} (coarsenesses) grossolanità coast [/koʊst/ | /kəʊst/] {noun, verb} (coasts, coasting, coasted) costa | costiera | litorale | veleggiare sotto costa coast guard {noun} (coast guards) guardia costiera coastal [/ˈkoʊstəl/ | /ˈkəʊstəl/] {adjective} (most coastal, more coastal) costiero | litoraneo | rivierasco coaster [/kəʊ.stə(ɹ)/] {noun} (coasters) sottobicchiere | nave costiera coasting {noun, verb} (coastings) costiero coastline {noun} litorale coat [/koʊt/ | /kəʊt/] {noun, verb} (coats, coated, coating) cappotto | casacca | giacca | giubba | incappottare | mantello coat card {noun} (coat cards) figura coat check {noun} (coat checks) guardaroba coat hanger {noun} (coat hangers) gruccia | stampella | appendiabiti coat of arms {noun} (coats of arms) stemma | blasone coat of mail {noun} (coats of mail) cotta di maglia coat rack {noun} (coat racks) appendiabiti coat stand {noun} (coat stands) attaccapanni coatdress {noun} (coatdresses) abito camicia coati [/koʊˈɑti/ | /kəʊˈɑːti/] {noun} (coatis) coati coating [/ˈkoʊtɪŋ/ | /ˈkəʊtɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (coatings) mano coauthor {noun, verb} (coauthors, coauthored, coauthoring) coautore | coautrice coax [/koʊks/ | /kəʊks/] {adjective, noun, verb} (coaxes, coaxed, coaxing) adulare | coassiale | coccolare | convincere | costringere | incanalare coaxial [/koʊ.ˈæk.sɪi.əl/ | /kəʊ.ˈæk.sɪi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (coaxials) coassiale coaxial cable {noun} (coaxial cables) cavo coassiale cob [/kɑb/ | /kɒb/] {noun, verb} (cobs, cobbed, cobbing) torchis cobalt [/ˈkoʊ.bɑlt/ | /ˈkəʊ.bɒlt/] {noun} (cobalts) cobalto cobalt blue {adjective, noun} blu cobalto cobalt therapy {noun} (cobalt therapies) cobaltoterapia cobber [/ˈkɒb.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (cobbers) anziano cobble [/ˈkɑb.l̩/ | /ˈkɒb.əl/] {noun, verb} (cobbles, cobbled, cobbling) acciottolare cobbler {noun} (cobblers) calzolaio | ciabattino | calzolaia | ciabattina cobbler's {noun} (cobblers') calzolaio cobblestone [/ˈkɑbl̩ˌstoʊn/ | /ˈkɒbl̩ˌstəʊn/] {noun} (cobblestones) ciottolo | pavé | ciottolato cobia {noun} (cobia, cobias) baccalà cobra [/ˈkoʊbɹə/ | /ˈkəʊbɹə/] {noun} (cobras) cobra cobweb {noun} (cobwebs) ragnatela coca [/ˈkoʊkə/ | /ˈkəʊkə/] {noun} (cocas) coca Coca-Cola {noun, properNoun} (Coca-Colas) Coca-Cola cocaine [/koʊˈkeɪn/] {noun} cocaina cocchiume asettico cocchiume asettico coccus [/ˈkɑ.kəs/] {noun} (cocci) cocco coccygeal {adjective} coccigeo coccygeal vertebra {noun} (coccygeal vertebrae) vertebra coccigea coccyx [/ˈkɑksɪks/ | /ˈkɒksɪks/] {noun} (coccyges) coccige Cocha antshrike {noun} (Cocha antshrikes) averla formichiera di Cocha cochineal [/ˈkɑtʃəˈni.əl/] {adjective, noun} cocciniglia cochlea [/ˈkɒk.lɪə/] {noun} (cochleae, cochleas) coclea cochlear {adjective} cocleare cock [/kɑk/ | /kɒk/] {interjection, noun, properNoun, verb} (cocks, cocking, cocked) alzare | armare | cane | cazzone | compagno | drizzare cock pigeon {noun} (cock pigeons) allocco cock-a-doodle-do {interjection, noun} (cock-a-doodle-dos) chicchirichì cock-a-doodle-doo [/ˌkɑkəˌdudəlˈdu/ | /ˌkɒkəˌduːdəlˈduː/] {interjection, noun} (cock-a-doodle-doos) chicchirichì | cuccurucù cockade [/kɑˈkeɪd/ | /kɒkˈeɪd/] {noun} (cockades) coccarda Cockaigne [/kɒˈkeɪn/] {properNoun} paese della cuccagna | cuccagna cockamamy {adjective} (most cockamamy, more cockamamy) assurdo cockatiel [/ˌkɒk.əˈtil/] {noun} (cockatiels) calopsitta cockatoo {noun} (cockatoos) cacatua cockatrice {noun} (cockatrices) coccatrice cockchafer {noun} (cockchafers) maggiolino | melolonta cocked {adjective, verb} sbronzo cocker spaniel {noun} (cocker spaniels) cocker cockerel [/ˈkɑkəɹəl/ | /ˈkɒkəɹəl/] {noun} (cockerels) galletto | pollastra | pollastro cockfight {noun, verb} (cockfights, cockfighting) combattimento fra galli | combattimento tra galli cockfighting {noun, verb} combattimento fra galli | combattimento tra galli cockiness {noun} arroganza cockle [/ˈkɒkl̩/] {noun, verb} (cockles, cockled, cockling) loglio cockpit {noun} (cockpits) cabina di pilotaggio | abitacolo | arena | cabina di comando | campo combattimento galli | gallodromo cockpit voice recorder {noun} (cockpit voice recorders) registratore di volo cockroach {noun} (cockroaches) scarafaggio | blatta cockscomb {noun} (cockscombs) cresta cocksucker {noun} (cocksuckers) ciucciacazzo | pompinaro | succhiacazzi cocksure {adjective} (most cocksure, more cocksure) sicuro di sé cocktail [/ˈkɒkteɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most cocktail, more cocktail, cocktails, cocktailing, cocktailed) cocktail cocktease {noun, verb} (cockteases, cockteasing, cockteased) rizzacazzi cocky [/ˈkɑki/ | /ˈkɒki/ | /ˈkɔki/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cocker, cockest, cockies, cockying, cockied) arrogante | impertinente coco-de-mer [/ˌkəʊkəʊdəˈmɛː/] {noun} (cocos-de-mer) cocco di mare cocoa [/ˈkoʊ.koʊ/ | /ˈkəʊ.kəʊ/] {adjective, noun} cacao | fave di cacao cocoa bean {noun} (cocoa beans) seme di cacao cocoa butter {noun} (cocoa butters) burro di cacao cocoa powder {noun} cacao cocoa-nut noce di cocco coconut [/ˈkoʊ.kə.nʌt/ | /ˈkəʊ.kə.nʌt/] {noun} noce di cocco coconut crab {noun} (coconut crabs) granchio del cocco coconut milk {noun} (coconut milks) latte di cocco coconut oil {noun} olio di cocco coconut palm {noun} (coconut palms) palma da cocco | cocco cocoon [/kəˈkuːn/] {noun, verb} (cocoons, cocooned, cocooning) bozzolo cocoyam {noun} (cocoyams) colocasia Cocytus {properNoun} Cocito cod [/kɑd/ | /kɒd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cod, most cod, cods, codded, codding, cod) merluzzo | baccalà cod liver oil {noun} (cod liver oils) olio di fegato di merluzzo coda [/ˈkoʊ.də/ | /ˈkəʊ.də/] {noun} (codas) coda coddle [/ˈkɒdəl/] {noun, verb} (coddles, coddled, coddling) coccolare code [/koʊd/ | /kəʊd/] {noun, verb} (codes, coding, coded) codice | programmare code name {noun} (code names) nome in codice code of conduct {noun} (codes of conduct) codice di condotta codefendant {noun} (codefendants) coimputato | litisconsorte Codegua {properNoun} Codegua codeine [/ˈkoʊdin/] {noun} (codeines) codeina coder {noun} (coders) programmatore codex [/ˈkoʊ.dɛks/ | /ˈkəʊdɛks/] {noun} (codexes, codices) codice codger [/ˈkɑdʒɚ/ | /ˈkɒdʒə/] {noun} (codgers) brusco codicil [/ˈkɒdɪsɪl/ | /ˈkəʊdɪsɪl/] {noun} (codicils) codicillo codification [/ˌkoʊdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} codificazione codify [/ˈkɑ.dɨˌfaɪ/ | /ˈkəʊ.dɨˌfaɪ/] {verb} (codifies, codifying, codified) codificare coding {noun, verb} codifica | programmazione codling moth {noun} (codling moths) carpocapsa codomain [/ˌkoʊ.doʊˈmeɪn/] {noun} (codomains) codominio codominance {noun} codominanza codon [/ˈkəʊdɒn/] {noun} (codons) codone codpiece [/ˈkɒdˌpiːs/] {noun} (codpieces) brachetta codriver {noun} (codrivers) co-pilota codswallop [/ˌkɒdzˈwɒl.əp/] {interjection, noun} fesserie | idiozie | sciocchezze CoE {noun, properNoun} (CoEs) CdE coedit {verb} (coedits, coediting, coedited) coeditare coeducation {noun} coeducazione coefficient [/ˌkəʊ.ɪˈfɪʃn̩t/] {adjective, noun} (more coefficient, most coefficient, coefficients) coefficiente coefficient of friction {noun} (coefficients of friction) coefficiente di attrito coelacanth [/ˈsiː.lə.kænθ/] {noun} (coelacanths) celacanto coelenterate [/sɪˈlɛntəɹət/] {noun} (coelenterates) celenterato coeliac disease {noun} celiachia coelom [/ˈsiːləm/] {noun} (coeloms) celoma coelophysoid {noun} (coelophysoids) celofisoide coenobite [/ˈsiːnəbaɪt/] {noun} (coenobites) cenobita coenzyme {noun} (coenzymes) coenzima coerce [/koʊˈɝs/ | /kəʊˈɜːs/] {verb} (coerces, coercing, coerced) costringere coercible {adjective} (most coercible, more coercible) coercibile