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think about a post box

In the UK they are typically RED in colour and they

are often an eye‑catching shape. They usually

stand alone, often towards the kerbside of the

pavement where they are easy to spot.

They have a white rectangular sticker with the

collection times in black, bold enlarged text,

and the sticker is usually displayed in the same

place; centrally placed below the letter slot. All of

these decisions, used consistently, help us visually

identify a letter box when we pass it. The Royal

Mail is visually communicating with us, to help

and encourage us to post letters. I’m sure this also

applies if you don’t live in the UK — post boxes

the world over tend to be distinctive and uniform

within a country.

Once you’ve started to pay attention to

the visual clues around you, take it one step

further. I want you to start to identify visuals that

are trying to get us to behave in a certain way or are

trying to help us understand how something works.

Think about a fire exit sign. In the UK they are often

green and use the words FIRE-EXIT alongside

a simple picture of a person exiting a door, or a

directional arrow. All of the elements:

colour + words + image

combine to give us a clear and easy‑to‑understand


Draw a Better Business

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