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Okay, Who Am I, and Why Should You Listen to Me?


As you probably surmised from the cover of this book, my name is Dan Furman. I am a professional business writer, business and marketing consultant, and business author (my last book is entitled Start & Run a Real Home-Based Business, also published by Self-Counsel Press, and is available anywhere you buy books). I generally work out of my home, writing sales and marketing copy for all kinds of companies (“copy” is another word for “writing,” in case you didn’t know). I’m also an expert on the Internet and websites, and what makes them work.

I do not make that claim lightly — I am good at this, and looking back, I have a lot of experience.

To begin, right now, I make my living online. I sell my service (writing) to businesses all over the world. I have clients on several continents, and I rely on my website for almost 100% of my business. And this isn’t some “systems” business, or affiliate marketing or anything like that. I simply use my website to tell the world about my writing service. People go to it, read what I have to say, and contact me to write for them — it’s really that simple (come see me at www.clear-writing.com to see exactly what I do, although you’ll see plenty of my website in this book). In other words, because I know how to make a website work, a good percentage of the people who land there are compelled to contact me.

I’ve also been around a long time. I’ve been online since the early ’90s, and I had my first website in 1995. In 1997, I had the number one tech support humor website on the Internet, getting close to 20,000 visits a week. I’ve sold products online, I currently sell my service online, and I help others do the same. I’ve seen the Internet explode into the mainstream, and I’ve watched thousands of websites both succeed and fail.

Trust me, I know the Internet well.

And, because of that, the biggest chunk of my revenue comes from companies of all sizes that need their website copy written, and need their websites tuned up in a marketing sense. My style of writing just works very well for the web, and I am extremely knowledgeable about how to simply make a website work. Essentially, you can say that I answer the three questions — I help companies figure out what to say, where to say it, and then how to say it.

In my time online (and like I said, I was on the Internet even before Al Gore claimed he invented it), I’ve studied what works, and what doesn’t work in regards to websites. So trust me when I tell you that what you say to a customer on your site matters, where your information is presented matters, and how you write matters.

The principles I will be discussing in this book are rather simple; nothing too complex here. They are also easy to follow and implement, but the most important thing is, THEY WORK. For just about any website, too: small, large, or in-between. They work whether you are selling a product or a service; and they work whether your goal is to get someone to buy something, contact you, request more information, or all three. They also work whether you’re a giant corporation, or a small mom-and-pop organization (or in the case of the Night Crawlers, probably just Pop).

I’ve spent years writing and consulting for website owners, and all of the websites I am involved with have one thing in common: they work, and they make money. In other words, I know what I am doing.

Do the Web Write

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