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Left, Surya Namaskara A, vinyasa seven (see next page)

Downward Dog is held for five breaths and, although the gaze would ideally be toward the navel, for most beginners this would lead to a collapsing of the shoulders and sacrificing the much-needed elongation of the spine. Gazing toward the feet or the knees is therefore recommended for beginners. It may take years to develop the flexibility and support strength to establish the final drishti, which is toward the navel. If a beginner starts with this gaze, it usually leads to compromising the inner integrity of this magnificent posture.

Similarly, the attempt to thrust the head down to the floor leads to a closing and hardening behind the heart, to a splaying open of the lower ribs as the abdominal muscles are released, and to a collapsing around the junction of C7 / T1. Downward Dog is like a handstand with the support of the legs and therefore needs a balance of trunk extension and trunk flexion. To go into either extreme misses the still point of balance.

Ashtanga Yoga

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