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4.4 Process Focus


While the notion of process or processes was inherent in early MS approaches, it wasn't explicitly included in an MS until ISO 9001:2000 (38). It was first explicitly included in an OHSMS with ANSI Z10:2012 (39). Early approaches (quality, environment, OHSMS, etc.) were heavy in requirements to have procedures that defined and described processes. In practical terms, procedures remain valuable for numerous reasons, they just are not required, for instance as in ISO 45001:2018. The focus in newer MSs is on identifying processes, as opposed to having procedures for them. ISO 45001:2018 defines process (3.25) as a “set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs” (40).

Two examples follow from ISO 45001:2018 with requirements related to process(es). Prior to the shift to a process(es) focus, the word “procedure” would have been used. Assessment of OHS risks and other risks to the OHSMS

“…establish, implement, and maintain a process(es) to assess OHS risks from the identified hazards, while taking into account the effectiveness of existing controls; and, determine and assess the other risks related to the establishment, implementation, operation, and maintenance of the OHSMS” (41). Assessment of OHS opportunities and other opportunities for the OHSMS.

“…establish, implement, and maintain a process(es) to OHS opportunities to assess OH&S opportunities to enhance OHS performance, while taking into account planned changes to the organization, its policies, its processes or its activities and: opportunities to adapt work, work organization and work environment to workers; and opportunities to eliminate hazards and reduce OHS risk” (41).

Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Program Management and Specialty Areas of Practice

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